raskar mit media lab mit camera culture machine learning lightfield computer vision computational photography imaging media lab camera siggraph emerging worlds lytro thesis media lab light field camera culture social impact light transport safepaths covid19 seeing around corners cornar spotprobing stripes of innovators idea hexagon femtophotography time of flight privacy aware ai distributed computing ehr health data health informatics federated learning split learning privacy surgery waze anatome street address geospatial data satellite imagery shader lamps virtual reality augmented reality vr; ar; signal processing thz optics energy emerging technologies food interaction education material science health entrepreneurship agriculture 2015 eyenetra innovatingforbillions opencv pinhole photography kinect google glass eyemitra problem solving fosbury flop brainstorming ink invention how-to invent cnn tedxbeaconstreet ideation wired compressive display hirsch wetzstein lanmann raska filtered backprojection scattered light ultrafast optics how to present masters thesis research how to invent how to write rank and sparsity looking around corners sicily how to do research compressive sensing of periodic phenomena 3d displays rank and sparsity in imaging problems eye netra mobile phone catra cataract refraction multitouch screen depth sensing mit camera culture 6sight raskar computational photography wishlist cosi fio mohan smithwick woo huira next ideas mit museum 6d display image destabilization bokode capture display motion 2009 nextbillioncameras cameraculture
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