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Technoayurveda International
     Association with

Application of Vajikarana
 and Rasayana in clinical

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad
Professor & Head
Amrita School of Ayurveda
Kollam, Kerala     2
Rasayana & Vajikarana

   Maharastra University of Health Sciences
            Faculty of Ayurveda
           Pune Regional Centre

                 Update on Ayurveda
                On 15th November 2009

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, Professor & Head, Kayachikitsa, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Kerala   3
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda    About Rasayana          Vajikarana   Conclusion
Ayurveda in definition is Union

   The Sanskrit is refined language & the unrefined is
   Latin. In Latin - ai is male – ei is female and ur
   explains the union. Thou union gives rise new life
   – there by the Ayur is generating LIFE. Veda is
   gnosis which means the Jnaana - Knowledge.
   The Ayurveda is the knowledge of Union that
   develops the LIFE. Maintenance and fortification
   through Rasayana and support to spread the LIFE
   through Vajikarana is the JOB of Ayurveda.
         Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   4
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda    About Rasayana          Vajikarana   Conclusion
Ayurveda in 8 Branches

  Ayurveda described in 8 branches.
  •Baala Chikitsa = Child Development (Baala Rasayana)
  •Kaya Chikitsa = Body Maintenance & Treatment
                (Chikitsa, Kayakalpa, Vyadhi Rasayana)
  •Urdhwanga = Upper Body Maintenance
                (Chikitsa, Medhya, Chakshushya Rasayana)
  •Shalya = Surgical Methods (Skills)
  •Graha = Exogenous Exorcists (Indomitable Management)
  •Damstra = Exogenous Toxic Elements (Poisonous Management)
  •Jara = Anti-decline Medicine (Preventive Geriatrics)
  •Vrusha = Procreative Medicine (Eugenics)
         Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   5
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda    About Rasayana      Vajikarana   Conclusion
In the Life - Every thing is in Rhythm

      Rhythm is the secret of Life. The cyclic cell
      development, sustenance and procreation – goes
      on generations genetically
      Dietetics along with self deeds disturb the
      Any cycle get starts from a point and the point
      here is semen – ovum combination and its
      conjugation and zygote formation under suitable
      circumstances; repeats ever lasting.
        Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   6
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda    Rasayana       Vajikarana   Conclusion

                    About Rasa-1

     • xÉuÉïSåWû cÉUxrÉÉÌmÉ UxÉxrÉ WØûSrÉÇ xjÉsÉqÉç           (pÉÉ mÉë mÉÔ 2/163)   –
          Seated in Hridaya Rasa moves all over body

     • lÉuÉÉÇeÉsÉrÉ: mÉÔuÉïxrÉÉWûÉU mÉËUhÉÉqÉ kÉÉiÉÉå: (cÉ zÉÉ 7/15) –
          9 Anjali (9x30 ml) of quantity forms from the previously
          ingested food

     • iÉ§É UxÉaÉiÉÉæ kÉÉiÉÑ: AWûUWûaÉïcNûiÉÏirÉiÉÉå UxÉ:         (xÉÑ xÉÔ 14/13)   –
          moves always all the time

     • xÉ SìuÉqÉç xÉMüsÉSåWÇû UxÉiÉÏÌiÉ UxÉ: (pÉÉ mÉë mÉÔ 2/161) –
          it is liquid & moves all over the body

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at           7
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda      Rasayana             Vajikarana         Conclusion

                     About Rasa-2

  • xÉ iÉÑ urÉÉlÉålÉ ÌuÉͤÉmÉ: xÉuÉÉïlÉç kÉÉiÉÔlÉç mÉëiÉmÉïrÉåiÉç (xÉÑ xÉÔ 46/526)
  • spreads in to all tissues for boosted satisfaction
  • mÉëÏhÉÌrÉiÉÉ (xÉÑxÉÔ14/11)
  • U£ümÉÑÌ¹Ç (xÉÑxÉÔ15/5)
  • xlÉåWûlÉ eÉÏuÉlÉ iÉmÉïhÉ kÉÉUhÉ (xÉÑxÉÔ14/3)
  •    zÉUÏU . . uÉkÉïrÉÌiÉ kÉÉUrÉÌiÉ rÉÉmÉrÉÌiÉ cÉ ASعWåûiÉÑMåülÉ   (xÉÑxÉÔ14/3)

  •    – satisfies – nourishes Rakta – unction, life, fulfills & segregates tissue

  • uÉëÑ®ÉlÉÉÇ mÉËUmÉYuÉ zÉUÏUiuÉÉSmÉëÏhÉlÉÉå pÉuÉÌiÉ (xÉÑxÉÔ14/19)
  • At the advanced age (Body ripening) the Rasa is not capable of

  •    No Suddha Rasa Lakshana is told any where in Ayurveda

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at        8
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda    Rasayana       Vajikarana      Conclusion

                    Rasayana in nutshell-1

  • UxÉ + ArÉlÉqÉç = UxÉÉrÉlÉqÉç = UxÉ aÉqÉlÉqÉç = Rasa transportation /
  • UxÉÉrÉlÉ = UxÉU£üÉSrÉ DrÉliÉå mÉëÉmrÉliÉå AlÉålÉåÌiÉ UxÉÉrÉlÉqÉç - zÉoSMümsÉSØqÉ =
    that which achieves tissues to ultimate
  • rÉ‹UÉurÉÍkÉ ÌuÉkuÉÇÍxÉ uÉrÉxjÉÇpÉMüUÇ iÉjÉÉ = destroys the senescence
    & disease; results as growth stagnation
    cÉɤÉÑwrÉ oÉëÑÇ WûhÉ uÉëÑwrÉ pÉåwÉeÉÇ iÉSìxÉÉrÉlÉÇ – pÉÉuÉmÉëMüÉzÉ = medicines that
    increases the body bulk – semen and good for eyes
  • sÉÉpÉÉåmÉÉrÉÉå ÌWû zÉxiÉÉlÉÉÇ UxÉÉSÏlÉÉÇ UxÉÉrÉlÉqÉç – cÉ.ÍcÉ.1/1/8 = a good
    technique of best tissue transformation
  • UxÉmÉÉMü ÌuÉzÉåwÉãhÉ iÉSè oÉsrÉÇ iÉSè UxÉÉrÉlÉqÉç – MüÉ ÎZÉ qÉÉÇxÉaÉÑhÉÌuÉzÉåwÉÏrÉÉkrÉÉrÉ
  •    Specific transformation of Rasa itself is Rasayana

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda    Rasayana      Vajikarana   Conclusion

                    Rasayana in nutshell-2

    • xuÉxjÉxrÉ FeÉïxMüUÇ rÉiÉç iÉiÉç uÉëÑwrÉÇ iÉSè UxÉÉrÉlÉqÉç – cÉ.ÍcÉ. = the
      tissue firm maker of healthy persons which is even
      semen potential
    • UxÉÉÌS xÉmiÉkÉÉiÉÔlÉÉÇ ArÉlÉÇ UxÉÉrÉlÉqÉç = tissue sequential
      transformation capability enhancer
    • UxÉÉrÉlÉ तंऽंÇ lÉÉqÉ uÉrÉxjÉÉmÉlÉqÉÉrÉÑqÉåïkÉÉoÉsÉMüUÇ UÉåaÉÉmÉWûUhÉÉjÉïÇ cÉ –
      xÉÑ.xÉÔ.1/15 = Rasayana Tantra classifies to Age stagnate, Life
      Promoter, Intellectual Promoter, Strength Provider and
      disease elimination
    • UxÉÉrÉlÉgcÉ iÉe¥ÉårÉÇ rÉ‹UÉurÉÉÍkÉ lÉÉzÉlÉqÉç – zÉÉ…¡ïûkÉU = Rasayana is
      ultimately that which deracinate gerontological problems

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at     10
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda    Rasayana      Vajikarana   Conclusion


           Rejuvenescence = A renewal of youth; return of a
         cell or tissue to a state in which it was in an earlier
         stage of existence.
           The act of restoring to a more youthful condition
           The phenomenon of vitality and freshness being
           rejuvenate v. (-ting) make (as if) young again.
           to make young again;
           to make someone feel, look, etc young again.
           goal to restore to an earlier condition of active

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   11
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda    Rasayana      Vajikarana         Conclusion

                    NASA Techniques

       • NASA is trying to achieve long life in cosmic
         travel. By which human can reach stars . . .
                                      • Hindrances are –
                                                – Cytosolic calcium in cell injury
                                                  – Oxygen toxicity in cell injury
                                                    – Free Radicles in cell injury
                                                        – Ischemia in cell injury
                                                    – Mitochondrial dysfunction
                                                                       – Gravity
                                           • Techniques to adopt are –
                                                                   – Hibernation . . .
                                                                   – Re incarnation

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at            12
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana       Vajikarana   Conclusion


                                                  •    Adaptogenic
          •CELL PROLIFERATIVE                     •    Anti stress
                                                  •    Antimutagenic
          •CELL REGENERATIVE                      •    Anti-oxidants
                                                  •    Bone marrow proliferative
          •GENOPROTECTIVE                         •    Cidal constituents
          •MICRONUTRIENTS                         •    Cytoprotective
                                                  •    Immuno competent
          •TISSUE REMODELING                      •    Immuno modulators
          •ANABOLIC ACTIVITY                      •    Immuno potentiating
                                                  •    Immuno regulatory
          •NOOTROPICS                             •    Immuno stimulant
                                                  •    Mental agility
          •FREE RADICAL
                                                  •    Nephro protective
          SCAVENGERS                              •    Reductants
                                                  •    Tissue protective

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at      13
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda    Rasayana              Vajikarana   Conclusion

                    EXPECTED CHANGES OF AGING

                                                           Loss of Heart

                            Loss of bone

                                                                 Loss of position sense
                                                                  (Impaired balance)

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at             14
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda    Rasayana       Vajikarana   Conclusion

                    Anti-decline Medicine (Preventive Geriatrics) to act on -

   •    Dhatu (sapta dhatu) decline
   •    Tissue (epithelia, nervous, etc) decline
   •    Organ decline (Liver, Heart, Lungs, etc)
   •    Senses decline (vision, hearing, etc)
   •    Functional decline (psychomotor, sexual, etc)
   •    Expressional decline (Growth, Luster, etc)

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   15
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda            Rasayana                   Vajikarana              Conclusion

                           Sequential decline of Biological Qualities

  Decades              Years            Losses (Vagbhata)                                             Losses (Sharangdhara)

  First                0-10             Baalya (childishness)                                         Baalya
  Second               11-20            Vrddhi (Growth)                                               Vriddhi
  Third                21-30            Prabha (Luster)                                               Chhabi (Beauty)
  Fourth               31-40            Medha (Intellect)                                             Medha
  Fifth                41-50            Twaca (Skin)                                                  Twaca
  Sixth                51-60            Sukra (Sexual Ability)                                        Drsti (Vision)
  Seven                61-70            Drsti (Vision)                                                Sukra (Sexual Ability)
  Eighth               71-80            Srotrendriya (Audition)                                       Vikram (Strength)
  Ninth                81-90            Mana (Psyche)                                                 Buddhi (Wisdom)
  Tenth                91-100           Sparshanendriya (Psychomotor                                  Karmendriya (Locomotor
                                        function)                                                     Activity)
          oÉÉsrÉÇ uÉëÑήuÉïmÉÑqÉåïkÉÉ iuÉaSìÖ̹ zÉÑ¢üÌuÉ¢üqÉÉæ oÉÑή: MüqÉåïÎlSìrÉÇ cÉåÌiÉ eÉÏÌuÉiÉÇ SzÉiÉÉå ¾ûxÉåiÉç - zÉÉ.xÉÇ.mÉÔ.6/20

             Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda    Rasayana      Vajikarana      Conclusion
                    Reclassification of Rasayana
•    Drug / Food                                                Self-Esteem Built
      – Sheeta Veerya (Cold rejuvenation)
      – Ushna Veerya (Hot rejuvenation)
•    Disease                                        Intellectual
      – Doshanuroopa vyadhi (Swasa, etc)
      – Kaalaanuroopa (Jara, etc)                 Medhya
•    Patient
      – Adhya (Wealthy)                         Rasayana
      – Kuchela (Poor)
•    Result                                       Dardhya
      – Vayasthaapana = Ajara (Youthfulness)
      – Amarana (Longevity / Eternity)              Physical
•    Procedure                                                         Aswagandha
      – Kuti (Concealed total rejuvenation)
      – Vatatapika (Reveled rejuvenation)
      – Achara (Behavioral rejuvenation)                        Tissue Built
      – Kamya (Desirable rejuvenation)
      – Naimittika (Target oriented rejuvenation)
•    Tissue / Organ
      – Preservatives (Necrobiosis, Cytokinesis, Bio availability)
      – Transfusions (Blood), Transplantations (Bone marrow, etc)

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda      Rasayana      Vajikarana   Conclusion

                    Forces acting on cell injury & decline

            Pressure (Vata)
   Intra capsule temperature (Pitta)
        Mass resistance (Kapha)

                              Surface tension

          External forces –                                Cytosolic calcium (Vata)
          pressure (Gravity),                               Oxygen toxicity (Pitta)
          Temperature &                                     Free Radicles (Kapha)
          Mass resistance                                     Ischemia (Rakta)

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at         18
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda    Rasayana       Vajikarana         Conclusion

                    Anti-decline Medicine (Preventive Geriatrics) to act on -

                                                   •  Personality
                                                   •  Endocrinal
                                                  • Immune system
                                                 • Neurotransmitters                      •    Genetic
                                                                                      •       Emotions
                                                                                  •           Motivation
                                          Biological Sphere                            •      Learning
                                                                                              Sphere factors
                                                                    •Social support
                                                                     •Stressful life
                                                                     •social norms
                                                         Social Sphere factors

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at                              19
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda     Rasayana      Vajikarana     Conclusion
                     Rasayana Dravya Application in accordance with seasons
     cÉæऽ                    uÉxÉliÉ      sÉzÉÑlÉ mÉërÉÉåaÉqÉç (MüTüÉÍkÉYrÉqÉç) (uÉÉ)
     uÉæzÉÉZÉ                             ÌWûqÉuÉcNûMüSåzÉå sÉzÉÑlÉ xÉÇaÉëWûhÉqÉç
     erÉå¹                   aÉëÏwqÉ      pÉssÉÉiÉÌMü xÉÇaÉëWûhÉqÉç
     AÉwÉÉRû                              AÉqÉsÉMüÉuÉsÉåWû sÉzÉÑlÉ lÉÉåmÉrÉÉåaÉ
     ौाuÉhÉ                   uÉwÉï       mÉͶÉqÉ xÉqÉÑSìiÉÏUå iÉÑuÉUMü xÉÇaÉëWûhÉÇ
     pÉÉSìmÉS                             sÉzÉÑlÉ mÉërÉÉåaÉqÉç (uÉÉiÉÉÍkÉYrÉqÉç)
     AÉ͵ÉrÉÑeÉ              zÉUiÉç       AÉqÉsÉMüÉuÉsÉåWû ÌuÉQûlaÉÉuÉsÉåWû mÉërÉÉåaÉqÉç
     MüÉiÉÏïMü                            AÉqÉsÉMüÐ (1) xÉÇaÉëWûhÉqÉç
                                          mÉÑwrÉlɤɧÉå lÉÉaÉoÉsÉÉ xÉÇaÉëWûhÉqÉç
     qÉÉaÉïÍzÉU              WåûqÉliÉ     pÉssÉÉiÉMü ¤ÉÏU, ¤ÉÉæSì, iÉæsÉ mÉërÉÉåaÉqÉç (cÉ) (uÉÉ)

     mÉÑwrÉ                               sÉzÉÑlÉ mÉërÉÉåaÉqÉç
     qÉÉbÉ                  ÍzÉÍzÉU       lÉÉaÉoÉsÉÉ UxÉÉrÉlÉqÉç mÉërÉÉåaÉqÉç
                                          sÉzÉÑlÉ mÉërÉÉåaÉqÉç
     TüÉsaÉÑhÉ                            AÉqÉsÉMüÐ (2) xÉÇaÉëWûhÉqÉç

              Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at                    20
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda    Rasayana      Vajikarana        Conclusion

                    Natural food materials for Vayasthapana (Stagnated ageing)

                                                       zÉÏiÉÉåSMÇü mÉrÉ: ¤ÉÉæSìÇ xÉÌmÉïËUirÉåMüzÉÉå̲zÉ:
                                                       िऽÉzÉxxÉqÉxiÉqÉjÉuÉÉ mÉëÉYmÉÏiÉÇ xjÉÉmÉrÉå²rÉ:
                                                                                 xÉÑ.ÍcÉ. 27/4
                                                      ¤ÉÏUbÉयुiÉÉprÉÉxÉÉå UxÉÉrÉlÉqÉç – cÉ xÉÔ 25/40
                                                  Vayasthapana according to
                                                  Dosha predominance
                                                  Four major dietetic
                                                  ingredients . . .
                                                1)      Milk
                                                2)      Ghee
                                                3)      Honey
                                                4)      Cold water
                                                AjÉ qÉÉÇxÉUxÉÇ xÉÌmÉï: ÍxÉ®Ç xÉ ¤ÉÏUÍqÉwrÉiÉå

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at                      21
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda    Rasayana      Vajikarana   Conclusion

                    Result of Rasayana

                      SÏbÉïqÉÉrÉÑ xqÉ×ÌiÉÇ qÉåïkÉÉqÉÉUÉåarÉÇ iÉÂhÉÇ uÉrÉ:
                        mÉëpÉÉuÉhÉï xuÉUÉæSÉrÉïÇ SåWåûÎlSìrÉoÉsÉÇ mÉUqÉç
                  uÉÉÎYxÉ먂 mÉëhÉÌiÉÇ MüÉÎliÉÇ sÉpÉiÉå lÉÉ UxÉÉrÉlÉÉiÉç
       sÉÉpÉÉåmÉÉrÉÉå ÌWû zÉxiÉÉlÉÉÇ UxÉÉSÏlÉÉÇ UxÉÉrÉlÉqÉç – cÉ ÍcÉ 1-1-8
  Long life, better recollection, increased intellect, healthy
       body and mind, youthfulness, good colour &
  complexion, good voice, abundance of body and sense
   organ strength, acceptance to speech and increased
            luster are achived through Rasayana.

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   22
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda    Rasayana      Vajikarana   Conclusion
                    Assessment of Rasayana
                                                             •   Rasayana lakshana
                                                                 –   Deerghayu
                                                                 –   Smruti
                                                                 –   Medha
                                                                 –   Arogya
                                                                 –   Tarunya
                                                                 –   Vaksiddhi
                                                                 –   Shareera Kanti
                                                             •   Dhatu karma
                                                                 –   Preenana
                                                                 –   Jeevana
                                                                 –   Lepa
                                                                 –   Snehana
                                                                 –   Dharana
                                                                 –   Poorana
                                                                 –   Garbhotpatti

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at         23
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda    Rasayana      Vajikarana   Conclusion

                    Researches in Rasayana

  •  No standard Ayurveda Researches are available to standardize the effect
     of Rasayana.
  • A methodical researches are invited in accordance to the classification of
  Hindrances are –
  1. No special department of Rasayana – Anti decline medicine is
     established in Ayurveda
  2. Time bound schedule researches are not fit for the Rasayana program
  3. Planning and Funding for the Research programs for extending the
     longevity, Senses performance, Tissue, Organ rebuilds, etc., is poor in
  4. We have handful of Herbs (Amrita, Amalaki), Minerals & Metals (Swarna,
     Rajata) and compounds (Poornachandrodaya, Vasantakusumakara) that
     are acting on Anti-Decline systems
  5. It is the time to develop the parameters and protocols for Rasayana

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   24
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana     Vajikarana     Conclusion

                                S E X ..?

                                                       Every body does it . . .
                                                       A few know about it . . .
                                                       Very few understand it . .

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   25
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana     Vajikarana     Conclusion

                                Vajikarana (SEX) is for Procreation
  • Humans are bi-sexual organisms with Unitarian phenomenon
  • Temperature variances influences the Gender at developmental phase
  • Sex is necessary for the Evaluation

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   26
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana     Vajikarana     Conclusion

                                Vajikarana leads to Sex which is a Flame

       It melts the Male and
     Female to get in to the
     action of generating the
     best of the best natures
     miraculous act of
     generating the new
     generations – offspring
       The sex act friction
     generates the flame of
     Orgasm & the ego burns in

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   27
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana     Vajikarana     Conclusion

                                Vajikarana in Mythology

   • Ancient texts represents the saga in
     three ways –
          – The fire (Lord shiva burned the Kama)
          – The water (River reaching Ocean is the
            symbolic union)
          – The luster (Celibacy makes to express
   • The control of the Snake –
          – tempted to eat the apple in Bible;
          – Krishna danced on it;
          – Shiva made it as ornament is –
   • a control on the sex inhibitions and
     control on the procreative methods.

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   28
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana     Vajikarana     Conclusion

                                Androgynous to Unitarian Identity

   • Initially use of the
     rationally is invited
   • As the time passed
     – the procreation
     became common
     and the sex began
     to show its
   • To day          SEX is
            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   29
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana     Vajikarana     Conclusion

                                Definition of Vajikarana

 • The definitions of the Ayurveda Vajikarana also
   expresses the SEX importance and only the total
   outcome of it is the “Procreation”.
 • rÉålÉ lÉÉUÏwÉÑ xÉÉqÉjrÉïÇ uÉÉeÉÏuÉssÉpÉiÉå lÉU:
   uÉëeÉåŠÉprÉÍkÉMÇü rÉålÉ uÉÉeÉÏMüUhÉqÉåuÉ iÉiÉç – cÉ ÍcÉ 2-4/51
      That which makes a man successful in (women) conjugation
      like a Horse
 • AuÉÉeÉÏ (AuÉåaÉ) uÉÉeÉÏuÉÅirÉjÉïqÉç qÉækÉÑlÉå zÉ£ü: Ì¢ürÉiÉå rÉålÉ
   iɲÉeÉÏMüUhÉqÉç – cÉ ÍcÉ 2-1/3 cÉ¢ümÉÉÍhÉ
      That which makes a non ejaculatory & non-functional (semen)
      organ man successful in (women) conjugation like a Horse –

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   30
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana     Vajikarana     Conclusion

                                Definition of Vajikarana-2

 • xÉåuÉqÉÉlÉÉå rÉSÉæÍcÉirÉɲÉeÉÏuÉÉirÉjÉï uÉåaÉuÉÉlÉç
   lÉÉUÏxiÉmÉïrÉiÉå iÉålÉ uÉÉeÉÏMüUhÉqÉÑcrÉiÉå – xÉÑ ÍcÉ 26/6
      That which makes a man to act gentle in sex as a Horse run and
      makes a woman wet (produces orgasm)
 • rÉxqÉÉSèSìurÉÉ°uÉå ixÉëÏwÉÑ WûwÉÉåï uÉÉeÉÏMüUÇ iÉiÉç – zÉÉ xÉÇ mÉÔ 4/14
      That which makes any (man) to produce gratification to a
      female and makes hilarious (repeated orgasm) to a woman
 • uÉÉeÉÏuÉÉÌiÉoÉsÉÉå rÉålÉ rÉÉirÉmÉëÌiÉWûiÉÉåÅÇaÉlÉÉ:
   pÉuÉirÉÌiÉ ÌmÉërÉ: ीhÉÉÇ rÉålÉ rÉålÉÉåmÉcÉÏrÉiÉå
   iɲÉeÉÏMüUhÉÇ iÉि SåWûxrÉÉåeÉïxMüUÇ mÉUqÉç – A WØû E 40/2-3
      That which makes (man) to uninterrupted enjoyment to many
      females and becomes lovable to them
            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   31
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana     Vajikarana     Conclusion

                                The saga of sex …LAPS

          It starts from the womb by fondling the genitalia
          Knowing the sexual anatomy at the
         adolescence, interest generates to explore
          generating the gender-maps (developmental
         representation - gender identity) and Love-maps
         (idealized Love & Lover - Affair - Program -
         Sexoerotic activity projected either imaginary or
          Leads to either harmonious matrimonial life or
         to get in to a courtesan (sex worker)

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   32
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana     Vajikarana     Conclusion

                                LAPS in Kamasutra as Eight Sex - Acts

            1. Smarana - remembering Lover
            2. Keertana - singing for / with lover
            3. Kreeda - conjugal play with lover
            4. Prekshanam - dancing with lover
            5. Guhyabhashanam - secret seductive talk
            6. Sankalpa - psycho sex act initiation
            7. Adhyavasaya - developing enthusiasm in
            8. Kriya nivrutti - submissive withdrawal

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   33
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana       Vajikarana    Conclusion

                               Quantification of Sex

 Sex is assessed by –
                                          my sexual persona - MSP
             Golombok-Rust Inventory of sexual satisfaction - GRISS
                  Golombok-Rust Inventory of Marital state - GRIMS
                 Hospital A&D score & Stress score - HARDS (HAR)
                                                  Libido score - LS
                                                 Frequency of NPT
                                        Penile Erection score - PES
                                        Penile Rigidity score - PRS
                                   Semen Ejaculation score - SES
                                                Orgasm score - OS
                         Androgen deficiency score = Testosterone

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   34
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana     Vajikarana     Conclusion

                                Typical (Sex) Work week

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   35
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana     Vajikarana     Conclusion

                                Sex (Vajikarana) from Man’s side
     •    Sukra Pravartaka (virechaka) = Abundant Ejaculatory - at his 20’s
     •    Sukra Janaka pravartaka = Productive & Ejaculatory efficiency at his
     •    Sukra Janaka = semen generative (procreative efficient) – at his 40’s
     •    Sukra sthambhaka = Ejaculatory preventive (sex effective) – at 50’s
     •    Vaji Karana = Horse powered sex efficiency even at 50’s and 60’s
     •    Thinking of sex with flaccid organ at 70’s

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   36
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana     Vajikarana     Conclusion

                                Women’s aspect of Sex (Vajikarana)
  • Sex is a fantasy at 20’s
  • Sex & work strains the Life at 30’s
  • Children, Responsibilities & Hormone changes
    makes arousal difficult at 40’s
  • Why these men don’t make intimacy – wish to
    have conjugal happiness always is not
    understood at 50’s
                                     • Dry vaginal conditions
                                        and age related diseases
                                        makes to retire from sex
                                        at 60’s
                                     • No time to think of sex at
            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   37
Ashtanga Ayurveda     Rasayana               Vajikarana                  Conclusion                    Rasayana & Vajikarana

                                                                                                                  45% Foreplay
                          30% Climax                 10% Foreplay                         40% Climax

                                                                                                         15% Penetration
                                                60% Penetration

                    Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, Professor & Head, Kayachikitsa, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Kerala
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana     Vajikarana     Conclusion

                                What is sex ...

• Sex is a harmonious act of two genders with a proper
  understanding and desire
• Sex doesn’t come easy, it depends upon health and it is not
  just intercourse, it is all about pleasure.
• Sex is achieved by keeping fit, eating well, having a good
  relationship, proper communication, fine stimulus, proper
  arousal, perfect erection, good orgasm and timely
• Apart from all other reasons erection plays an important role.
• Sexology is a science which is based on mutual consent,
  gratification, seduction and conjugal satisfaction of either
  gender where birth of child is not essential
• Sex is other wise a materialistic pleasure of either gender,
  some times it is of the same gender initiated by PDE5, cGMP
  & NO

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   39
Ashtanga Ayurveda     Rasayana               Vajikarana                  Conclusion                    Rasayana & Vajikarana

                                     Arousal-sex                          Stimulation-Sex                    Sex – Orgasm &

                                                                                                  Sex – Euphoria
                                                                                      As without pillars and walls the
                                                                                       roof can not built – same way
                                                                                      without Foreplay – Penetration
                                                                                        – Climax the Sex-Euphoria is
                                                                                                          not achieved

                    Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, Professor & Head, Kayachikitsa, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Kerala
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana     Vajikarana     Conclusion

                       Sex (Vajikarana) procure pathways
   • Vajikarana (Aphrodisiacs) is that which potentates a
     man to traffic in to women like a horse and also
     sustenance in the same
   • mainly the animal relationship example are
      – Chataka - (Sparrow) multiple short span
        conjugation with small amount of semen
      – Gaja - (Elephant) once in a while long time
        conjugation with abundant semen discharge
      – Vrusha - (Ox) regular stable seasonal conjugation
        with more quantity sperm (Semen)
      – Ashwa - (Horse) regular forceful dynamic
        conjugation with less qualitative semen

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   41
Ashtanga Ayurveda         Rasayana   Vajikarana           Conclusion          Rasayana & Vajikarana

             Female                                                          Male
     Olfactory stimulation                                          Visual stimulation
     (Pheromones – Gene                                           (Symmetry – Fertility
         assessment)       Feared                         Excited      assessment)

                    Reliability                                               Body Biology

                     Loyalty                                                 Waist Hip Ratio

                    Character                                                   Brest size
                                           Chemical cocktail in Brain
                    Behavior                                                     Cheeks
                                                  for Love & Sex
                Intelligence         More Blood flow to Brain & Consumes          Lips
                                           20% O2 & 25% Calories
               Healthy Genes                                                   Sex mounts
                                         Dopamine release = sex desire
                                       Increased Heart rate (excitement)
        Healthy Immune system
                                      Increased Testosterone = Emotional
                                      Increased Oxytocin = sex, attachment
                                     Increased Basopressin = Memory maps,
                                                  Love maps
                                         PDE5, cGMP, NO, erects penis
Ashtanga Ayurveda     Rasayana               Vajikarana                  Conclusion                     Rasayana & Vajikarana

                                                            35% Climax                                     27.5% Foreplay

                                                                                                          37.5% Penetration
                    Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, Professor & Head, Kayachikitsa, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Kerala
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana     Vajikarana     Conclusion

                                Vajikarana is Pious Pressure (coital) Pleasure

 • Vajikarana is ...
 • much times misinterpreted as Sexology
 • intended to facilitate potent offspring
 • Male dominate and meant for Males
 • either to relieve penile problems or
 • to initiate sex
 • even to get abundant semen for generating the healthy
   successive generation
 • other wise it is “Eugenics” I.e. improvement of the
   qualities of a race by control of inherited characteristics

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   44
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana        Vajikarana         Conclusion

                                  Integrated sexual Program for better SEX & Procreation

   • Long lasting since the descend of Ayurveda
   • it needs initial purification of the body cleansing through
     “Panchakarma Shodhana”
   • iÉxqÉÉimÉÑUÉ zÉÉåkÉlÉqÉåuÉ MüÉrÉïqÉç – - mÉÔuÉïÇ zÉÑ® zÉUÏUÉhÉÉÇ ÌlÉÃWæûxxÉÉlÉÑuÉÉxÉlÉæ: -
   • “Temptations” towards female and there by a chemical
     reaction occurs in the body through the buffered
     “Vajikarana Dravya” x§ÉÏrÉÉÇ (MüÉÍqÉlÉÏ) AaêrÉÇ – xÉqÉjÉïuÉUÉ…¡ûlÉÉxÉÑ (cÉ),
     x§ÉÏhÉÉÇ uÉÉssÉprÉÍqÉच्छiÉÉqÉç (xÉÑ)
    • the probable action is a - psycho-neuro-
      motor activity enhances the blood flow to
      the Male genitalia, so it erects and
      ejaculates well to produce a child

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at                 45
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana     Vajikarana     Conclusion

                                Drugs & Yoga at Vajikarana
 • Drugs used are – Masha, Atmagupta, Vidala (Vamsha),
   Kharjura, Shatavari, Yastimadhu, Vidari, etc
 • Mamsa mentioned are – Chataka, Kukkuta, Hamsa,
   Barhi, Tittiri, Mahisha, Mesha, Nakra, Varaha, Matya, etc
 • Anda of – Chataka, Hamsa, Matya, Kukkuta
 • Gana mentioned are – Jeevaneeya, Brumhaneeya,
   Snehopaga, balya, Ksheerasanjana, Sukrasthambhaka,
   Hrudya, Truna panchaka, etc
 • Yoga includes – prefix Vrushya + Ghruta, Mamsarasa,
   Pinda, Poopalika, Swarasa, Ksheera, Dadhisara,
   Shashtikowdana, Payasa, etc
 • Rasa yoga – Makaradhwaja, etc.

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   46
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana     Vajikarana     Conclusion

                                Common people Vajikarana
  • First & foremost is
    “Vasya Stree”
  • Regular Food for More
    Semen and Stamina at
    sex is attained with =
    Anna + Ghrita + Dugdha
    + Sharkara + Madhu - at
    the end of meals
  • Dadhisara + Sharkara +
    Ahara = Sex Stamina
  • Instant sex drive cocktail
    = Dugdha + Ghee +
    Varuni Alcohol (Beer)

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   47
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   Rasayana     Vajikarana     Conclusion

                                Results of Vajikarana are . . .

   • Concern to Children = Apatyam
   • Concern to Penis = Bali Lingam,
     Jagarti Vegavan, Nasthabda
   • Concern to Semen =
     Akshayamm Sukram, Prabala
     Veeryam, Vrushyam, Poorna
     retas, Sukravardhanam,
   • Concern to pleasure = Samartha
     Anagansu, Kamooddeeoana,

            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   48
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda       Rasayana                 Vajikarana            Conclusion

                                          Unpublished data of Combinations
      Medicine       Duration       Arousal       Erection    Orgasm   Ejaculation    Withdrawal       Conception

  Vidari + Churna     90 days      7 -14 days     3-7 mts                                Action           6 /24
                                                                +          +           withdrawn       conceived in
                                                                                                         1-2 yrs
  Vidari + Ghrita     40 days        14 -21        6-8mts                            Action Sustains      2 /20
                                                               ++         ++           for 30 days      conceived

  Vidari + UVasti     40 days       3-7 days       10-12                             Action Sustains       3 /5
                                                              +++        +++           for 60 days      conceived

  Makaradhwaja      As required     6-8 hrs        20-30                             Action Sustains     No data
                                                              +++          +           for 21 days

  Vanari Kalpa       120 days       3-9 days      5-8 mts                                Action           1 /15
                                                                +        +++           withdrawn        conceived

  Aswagandha          90 days        20 -40       6-10 mts                           Action Sustains     No data
  Avaleha                             days
                                                                +          +           for 7 days

  DGVaruni          As required    Spontaneous     15-30                             Action Sustains     No data
                                                              +++         ++           for 7 days

  DGMS Anna            Daily        Regular        10-20                             Action Sustains     No data
                                                              +++        +++           for 21 days

  MKR + Ahiphena    As required    Spontaneous     60-120                            Action Sustains     No data
                                                              +++        +++           for 21 days

             Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at
Rasayana & Vajikarana
Ashtanga Ayurveda   About Rasayana      Vajikarana   Conclusion

    As the growth gets stagnated and declined it
 is right time to start Rasayana at 20’s (Madhya
 Vayasi – stagnated Phase)
    A sequenced Rasayanas are used in each
 decade for the user
    Lustrous 30’s – Intellectual 40’s – Toned
 50’s – Sexy 60’s – Lively 70’s up (both sexes)
    In a nut shell – start Aswagandha at 20’s –
 Vanari at 30’s and Brahmi at 40’s – etc,
 continued till they doesn’t require it
    Vajikarana becomes part of Rasayana
    Vajikarana Chikitsa is recommended for
 both Male – Female at their 40’s for successful
 orgasmic effect and Sex – Euphoria – i.e.      Utopian Sex
            Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   50
Application of Vajikarana and Rasayana in clinical practice

                             THANK YOU.
                             Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad
                  Application of
            Vajikarana and Rasayana
                in clinical practice
Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, Professor & Head, Kayachikitsa, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Kerala 51
                 Technoayurveda International


           Please mail any patients data
            for assessment or Contact
             Dr. K.Shiva Rama Prasad

Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at   52

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Rasayana Vajikarana at Update Ay2009

  • 1. A Technoayurveda International Presentation In Association with Ayurmitra 1
  • 2. Application of Vajikarana and Rasayana in clinical practice Ayurmitra Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad Professor & Head Kayachikitsa Amrita School of Ayurveda Kollam, Kerala 2
  • 3. Rasayana & Vajikarana Maharastra University of Health Sciences Faculty of Ayurveda Pune Regional Centre Update on Ayurveda On 15th November 2009 ASTANGA RASAYANA & VAJIKARANA Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, Professor & Head, Kayachikitsa, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Kerala 3
  • 4. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda About Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Ayurveda in definition is Union The Sanskrit is refined language & the unrefined is Latin. In Latin - ai is male – ei is female and ur explains the union. Thou union gives rise new life – there by the Ayur is generating LIFE. Veda is gnosis which means the Jnaana - Knowledge. The Ayurveda is the knowledge of Union that develops the LIFE. Maintenance and fortification through Rasayana and support to spread the LIFE through Vajikarana is the JOB of Ayurveda. Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 4
  • 5. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda About Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Ayurveda in 8 Branches Ayurveda described in 8 branches. •Baala Chikitsa = Child Development (Baala Rasayana) •Kaya Chikitsa = Body Maintenance & Treatment (Chikitsa, Kayakalpa, Vyadhi Rasayana) •Urdhwanga = Upper Body Maintenance (Chikitsa, Medhya, Chakshushya Rasayana) •Shalya = Surgical Methods (Skills) •Graha = Exogenous Exorcists (Indomitable Management) •Damstra = Exogenous Toxic Elements (Poisonous Management) •Jara = Anti-decline Medicine (Preventive Geriatrics) •Vrusha = Procreative Medicine (Eugenics) Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 5
  • 6. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda About Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion In the Life - Every thing is in Rhythm Rhythm is the secret of Life. The cyclic cell development, sustenance and procreation – goes on generations genetically Dietetics along with self deeds disturb the rhythm. Any cycle get starts from a point and the point here is semen – ovum combination and its conjugation and zygote formation under suitable circumstances; repeats ever lasting. Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 6
  • 7. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion About Rasa-1 • xÉuÉïSåWû cÉUxrÉÉÌmÉ UxÉxrÉ WØûSrÉÇ xjÉsÉqÉç (pÉÉ mÉë mÉÔ 2/163) – Seated in Hridaya Rasa moves all over body • lÉuÉÉÇeÉsÉrÉ: mÉÔuÉïxrÉÉWûÉU mÉËUhÉÉqÉ kÉÉiÉÉå: (cÉ zÉÉ 7/15) – 9 Anjali (9x30 ml) of quantity forms from the previously ingested food • iÉ§É UxÉaÉiÉÉæ kÉÉiÉÑ: AWûUWûaÉïcNûiÉÏirÉiÉÉå UxÉ: (xÉÑ xÉÔ 14/13) – moves always all the time • xÉ SìuÉqÉç xÉMüsÉSåWÇû UxÉiÉÏÌiÉ UxÉ: (pÉÉ mÉë mÉÔ 2/161) – it is liquid & moves all over the body Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 7
  • 8. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion About Rasa-2 • xÉ iÉÑ urÉÉlÉålÉ ÌuÉͤÉmÉ: xÉuÉÉïlÉç kÉÉiÉÔlÉç mÉëiÉmÉïrÉåiÉç (xÉÑ xÉÔ 46/526) • spreads in to all tissues for boosted satisfaction • mÉëÏhÉÌrÉiÉÉ (xÉÑxÉÔ14/11) • U£ümÉÑÌ¹Ç (xÉÑxÉÔ15/5) • xlÉåWûlÉ eÉÏuÉlÉ iÉmÉïhÉ kÉÉUhÉ (xÉÑxÉÔ14/3) • zÉUÏU . . uÉkÉïrÉÌiÉ kÉÉUrÉÌiÉ rÉÉmÉrÉÌiÉ cÉ ASعWåûiÉÑMåülÉ (xÉÑxÉÔ14/3) • – satisfies – nourishes Rakta – unction, life, fulfills & segregates tissue • uÉëÑ®ÉlÉÉÇ mÉËUmÉYuÉ zÉUÏUiuÉÉSmÉëÏhÉlÉÉå pÉuÉÌiÉ (xÉÑxÉÔ14/19) • At the advanced age (Body ripening) the Rasa is not capable of nourishing • No Suddha Rasa Lakshana is told any where in Ayurveda Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 8
  • 9. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Rasayana in nutshell-1 • UxÉ + ArÉlÉqÉç = UxÉÉrÉlÉqÉç = UxÉ aÉqÉlÉqÉç = Rasa transportation / transformation • UxÉÉrÉlÉ = UxÉU£üÉSrÉ DrÉliÉå mÉëÉmrÉliÉå AlÉålÉåÌiÉ UxÉÉrÉlÉqÉç - zÉoSMümsÉSØqÉ = that which achieves tissues to ultimate • rÉ‹UÉurÉÍkÉ ÌuÉkuÉÇÍxÉ uÉrÉxjÉÇpÉMüUÇ iÉjÉÉ = destroys the senescence & disease; results as growth stagnation cÉɤÉÑwrÉ oÉëÑÇ WûhÉ uÉëÑwrÉ pÉåwÉeÉÇ iÉSìxÉÉrÉlÉÇ – pÉÉuÉmÉëMüÉzÉ = medicines that increases the body bulk – semen and good for eyes • sÉÉpÉÉåmÉÉrÉÉå ÌWû zÉxiÉÉlÉÉÇ UxÉÉSÏlÉÉÇ UxÉÉrÉlÉqÉç – cÉ.ÍcÉ.1/1/8 = a good technique of best tissue transformation • UxÉmÉÉMü ÌuÉzÉåwÉãhÉ iÉSè oÉsrÉÇ iÉSè UxÉÉrÉlÉqÉç – MüÉ ÎZÉ qÉÉÇxÉaÉÑhÉÌuÉzÉåwÉÏrÉÉkrÉÉrÉ • Specific transformation of Rasa itself is Rasayana Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 9
  • 10. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Rasayana in nutshell-2 • xuÉxjÉxrÉ FeÉïxMüUÇ rÉiÉç iÉiÉç uÉëÑwrÉÇ iÉSè UxÉÉrÉlÉqÉç – cÉ.ÍcÉ. = the tissue firm maker of healthy persons which is even semen potential • UxÉÉÌS xÉmiÉkÉÉiÉÔlÉÉÇ ArÉlÉÇ UxÉÉrÉlÉqÉç = tissue sequential transformation capability enhancer • UxÉÉrÉlÉ तंऽंÇ lÉÉqÉ uÉrÉxjÉÉmÉlÉqÉÉrÉÑqÉåïkÉÉoÉsÉMüUÇ UÉåaÉÉmÉWûUhÉÉjÉïÇ cÉ – xÉÑ.xÉÔ.1/15 = Rasayana Tantra classifies to Age stagnate, Life Promoter, Intellectual Promoter, Strength Provider and disease elimination • UxÉÉrÉlÉgcÉ iÉe¥ÉårÉÇ rÉ‹UÉurÉÉÍkÉ lÉÉzÉlÉqÉç – zÉÉ…¡ïûkÉU = Rasayana is ultimately that which deracinate gerontological problems Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 10
  • 11. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Rejuvenescence Rejuvenescence = A renewal of youth; return of a cell or tissue to a state in which it was in an earlier stage of existence. The act of restoring to a more youthful condition The phenomenon of vitality and freshness being restored rejuvenate v. (-ting) make (as if) young again. to make young again; to make someone feel, look, etc young again. goal to restore to an earlier condition of active erosion. Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 11
  • 12. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion NASA Techniques • NASA is trying to achieve long life in cosmic travel. By which human can reach stars . . . • Hindrances are – – Cytosolic calcium in cell injury – Oxygen toxicity in cell injury – Free Radicles in cell injury – Ischemia in cell injury – Mitochondrial dysfunction – Gravity • Techniques to adopt are – – Hibernation . . . – Re incarnation Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 12
  • 13. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion CONTEMPORARY TERMINOLOGIES • Adaptogenic •CELL PROLIFERATIVE • Anti stress • Antimutagenic •CELL REGENERATIVE • Anti-oxidants • Bone marrow proliferative •GENOPROTECTIVE • Cidal constituents •MICRONUTRIENTS • Cytoprotective • Immuno competent •TISSUE REMODELING • Immuno modulators •ANABOLIC ACTIVITY • Immuno potentiating • Immuno regulatory •NOOTROPICS • Immuno stimulant • Mental agility •FREE RADICAL • Nephro protective SCAVENGERS • Reductants • Tissue protective Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 13
  • 14. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion EXPECTED CHANGES OF AGING Loss of Heart compliance Loss of bone Loss of position sense (Impaired balance) Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 14
  • 15. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Anti-decline Medicine (Preventive Geriatrics) to act on - • Dhatu (sapta dhatu) decline • Tissue (epithelia, nervous, etc) decline • Organ decline (Liver, Heart, Lungs, etc) • Senses decline (vision, hearing, etc) • Functional decline (psychomotor, sexual, etc) • Expressional decline (Growth, Luster, etc) Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 15
  • 16. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Sequential decline of Biological Qualities Decades Years Losses (Vagbhata) Losses (Sharangdhara) First 0-10 Baalya (childishness) Baalya Second 11-20 Vrddhi (Growth) Vriddhi Third 21-30 Prabha (Luster) Chhabi (Beauty) Fourth 31-40 Medha (Intellect) Medha Fifth 41-50 Twaca (Skin) Twaca Sixth 51-60 Sukra (Sexual Ability) Drsti (Vision) Seven 61-70 Drsti (Vision) Sukra (Sexual Ability) Eighth 71-80 Srotrendriya (Audition) Vikram (Strength) Ninth 81-90 Mana (Psyche) Buddhi (Wisdom) Tenth 91-100 Sparshanendriya (Psychomotor Karmendriya (Locomotor function) Activity) oÉÉsrÉÇ uÉëÑήuÉïmÉÑqÉåïkÉÉ iuÉaSìÖ̹ zÉÑ¢üÌuÉ¢üqÉÉæ oÉÑή: MüqÉåïÎlSìrÉÇ cÉåÌiÉ eÉÏÌuÉiÉÇ SzÉiÉÉå ¾ûxÉåiÉç - zÉÉ.xÉÇ.mÉÔ.6/20 Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 16
  • 17. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Reclassification of Rasayana • Drug / Food Self-Esteem Built – Sheeta Veerya (Cold rejuvenation) – Ushna Veerya (Hot rejuvenation) Mandukaparni • Disease Intellectual – Doshanuroopa vyadhi (Swasa, etc) – Kaalaanuroopa (Jara, etc) Medhya • Patient – Adhya (Wealthy) Rasayana – Kuchela (Poor) • Result Dardhya – Vayasthaapana = Ajara (Youthfulness) – Amarana (Longevity / Eternity) Physical • Procedure Aswagandha – Kuti (Concealed total rejuvenation) – Vatatapika (Reveled rejuvenation) – Achara (Behavioral rejuvenation) Tissue Built – Kamya (Desirable rejuvenation) – Naimittika (Target oriented rejuvenation) • Tissue / Organ – Preservatives (Necrobiosis, Cytokinesis, Bio availability) – Transfusions (Blood), Transplantations (Bone marrow, etc) Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 17
  • 18. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Forces acting on cell injury & decline Cell Bubble Pressure (Vata) Intra capsule temperature (Pitta) Mass resistance (Kapha) Surface tension External forces – Cytosolic calcium (Vata) pressure (Gravity), Oxygen toxicity (Pitta) Temperature & Free Radicles (Kapha) Mass resistance Ischemia (Rakta) Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 18
  • 19. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Anti-decline Medicine (Preventive Geriatrics) to act on - • Personality • Endocrinal • Immune system • Neurotransmitters • Genetic • Emotions • Motivation Biological Sphere • Learning factors Psychological Sphere factors •Social support •Stressful life events •social norms Social Sphere factors Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 19
  • 20. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Rasayana Dravya Application in accordance with seasons cÉæऽ uÉxÉliÉ sÉzÉÑlÉ mÉërÉÉåaÉqÉç (MüTüÉÍkÉYrÉqÉç) (uÉÉ) uÉæzÉÉZÉ ÌWûqÉuÉcNûMüSåzÉå sÉzÉÑlÉ xÉÇaÉëWûhÉqÉç erÉå¹ aÉëÏwqÉ pÉssÉÉiÉÌMü xÉÇaÉëWûhÉqÉç AÉwÉÉRû AÉqÉsÉMüÉuÉsÉåWû sÉzÉÑlÉ lÉÉåmÉrÉÉåaÉ ौाuÉhÉ uÉwÉï mÉͶÉqÉ xÉqÉÑSìiÉÏUå iÉÑuÉUMü xÉÇaÉëWûhÉÇ pÉÉSìmÉS sÉzÉÑlÉ mÉërÉÉåaÉqÉç (uÉÉiÉÉÍkÉYrÉqÉç) AÉ͵ÉrÉÑeÉ zÉUiÉç AÉqÉsÉMüÉuÉsÉåWû ÌuÉQûlaÉÉuÉsÉåWû mÉërÉÉåaÉqÉç MüÉiÉÏïMü AÉqÉsÉMüÐ (1) xÉÇaÉëWûhÉqÉç mÉÑwrÉlɤɧÉå lÉÉaÉoÉsÉÉ xÉÇaÉëWûhÉqÉç qÉÉaÉïÍzÉU WåûqÉliÉ pÉssÉÉiÉMü ¤ÉÏU, ¤ÉÉæSì, iÉæsÉ mÉërÉÉåaÉqÉç (cÉ) (uÉÉ) mÉÑwrÉ sÉzÉÑlÉ mÉërÉÉåaÉqÉç qÉÉbÉ ÍzÉÍzÉU lÉÉaÉoÉsÉÉ UxÉÉrÉlÉqÉç mÉërÉÉåaÉqÉç sÉzÉÑlÉ mÉërÉÉåaÉqÉç TüÉsaÉÑhÉ AÉqÉsÉMüÐ (2) xÉÇaÉëWûhÉqÉç Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 20
  • 21. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Natural food materials for Vayasthapana (Stagnated ageing) zÉÏiÉÉåSMÇü mÉrÉ: ¤ÉÉæSìÇ xÉÌmÉïËUirÉåMüzÉÉå̲zÉ: िऽÉzÉxxÉqÉxiÉqÉjÉuÉÉ mÉëÉYmÉÏiÉÇ xjÉÉmÉrÉå²rÉ: xÉÑ.ÍcÉ. 27/4 ¤ÉÏUbÉयुiÉÉprÉÉxÉÉå UxÉÉrÉlÉqÉç – cÉ xÉÔ 25/40 Vayasthapana according to Dosha predominance Four major dietetic ingredients . . . 1) Milk 2) Ghee 3) Honey 4) Cold water AjÉ qÉÉÇxÉUxÉÇ xÉÌmÉï: ÍxÉ®Ç xÉ ¤ÉÏUÍqÉwrÉiÉå Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 21
  • 22. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Result of Rasayana SÏbÉïqÉÉrÉÑ xqÉ×ÌiÉÇ qÉåïkÉÉqÉÉUÉåarÉÇ iÉÂhÉÇ uÉrÉ: mÉëpÉÉuÉhÉï xuÉUÉæSÉrÉïÇ SåWåûÎlSìrÉoÉsÉÇ mÉUqÉç uÉÉÎYxÉ먂 mÉëhÉÌiÉÇ MüÉÎliÉÇ sÉpÉiÉå lÉÉ UxÉÉrÉlÉÉiÉç sÉÉpÉÉåmÉÉrÉÉå ÌWû zÉxiÉÉlÉÉÇ UxÉÉSÏlÉÉÇ UxÉÉrÉlÉqÉç – cÉ ÍcÉ 1-1-8 Long life, better recollection, increased intellect, healthy body and mind, youthfulness, good colour & complexion, good voice, abundance of body and sense organ strength, acceptance to speech and increased luster are achived through Rasayana. Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 22
  • 23. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Kashyapa Assessment of Rasayana • Rasayana lakshana – Deerghayu – Smruti – Medha – Arogya – Tarunya – Vaksiddhi – Shareera Kanti • Dhatu karma – Preenana – Jeevana – Lepa – Snehana – Dharana – Poorana – Garbhotpatti Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 23
  • 24. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Researches in Rasayana • No standard Ayurveda Researches are available to standardize the effect of Rasayana. • A methodical researches are invited in accordance to the classification of Rasayana. Hindrances are – 1. No special department of Rasayana – Anti decline medicine is established in Ayurveda 2. Time bound schedule researches are not fit for the Rasayana program 3. Planning and Funding for the Research programs for extending the longevity, Senses performance, Tissue, Organ rebuilds, etc., is poor in Ayurveda 4. We have handful of Herbs (Amrita, Amalaki), Minerals & Metals (Swarna, Rajata) and compounds (Poornachandrodaya, Vasantakusumakara) that are acting on Anti-Decline systems 5. It is the time to develop the parameters and protocols for Rasayana Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 24
  • 25. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion S E X ..? Every body does it . . . A few know about it . . . Very few understand it . . Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 25
  • 26. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Vajikarana (SEX) is for Procreation • Humans are bi-sexual organisms with Unitarian phenomenon • Temperature variances influences the Gender at developmental phase • Sex is necessary for the Evaluation Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 26
  • 27. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Vajikarana leads to Sex which is a Flame It melts the Male and Female to get in to the action of generating the best of the best natures miraculous act of generating the new generations – offspring The sex act friction generates the flame of Orgasm & the ego burns in inferno Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 27
  • 28. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Vajikarana in Mythology • Ancient texts represents the saga in three ways – – The fire (Lord shiva burned the Kama) – The water (River reaching Ocean is the symbolic union) – The luster (Celibacy makes to express luster) • The control of the Snake – – tempted to eat the apple in Bible; – Krishna danced on it; – Shiva made it as ornament is – • a control on the sex inhibitions and control on the procreative methods. Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 28
  • 29. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Androgynous to Unitarian Identity • Initially use of the foundation rationally is invited • As the time passed – the procreation became common and the sex began to show its magnanimity • To day SEX is everything Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 29
  • 30. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Definition of Vajikarana • The definitions of the Ayurveda Vajikarana also expresses the SEX importance and only the total outcome of it is the “Procreation”. • rÉålÉ lÉÉUÏwÉÑ xÉÉqÉjrÉïÇ uÉÉeÉÏuÉssÉpÉiÉå lÉU: uÉëeÉåŠÉprÉÍkÉMÇü rÉålÉ uÉÉeÉÏMüUhÉqÉåuÉ iÉiÉç – cÉ ÍcÉ 2-4/51 That which makes a man successful in (women) conjugation like a Horse • AuÉÉeÉÏ (AuÉåaÉ) uÉÉeÉÏuÉÅirÉjÉïqÉç qÉækÉÑlÉå zÉ£ü: Ì¢ürÉiÉå rÉålÉ iɲÉeÉÏMüUhÉqÉç – cÉ ÍcÉ 2-1/3 cÉ¢ümÉÉÍhÉ That which makes a non ejaculatory & non-functional (semen) organ man successful in (women) conjugation like a Horse – Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 30
  • 31. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Definition of Vajikarana-2 • xÉåuÉqÉÉlÉÉå rÉSÉæÍcÉirÉɲÉeÉÏuÉÉirÉjÉï uÉåaÉuÉÉlÉç lÉÉUÏxiÉmÉïrÉiÉå iÉålÉ uÉÉeÉÏMüUhÉqÉÑcrÉiÉå – xÉÑ ÍcÉ 26/6 That which makes a man to act gentle in sex as a Horse run and makes a woman wet (produces orgasm) • rÉxqÉÉSèSìurÉÉ°uÉå ixÉëÏwÉÑ WûwÉÉåï uÉÉeÉÏMüUÇ iÉiÉç – zÉÉ xÉÇ mÉÔ 4/14 That which makes any (man) to produce gratification to a female and makes hilarious (repeated orgasm) to a woman • uÉÉeÉÏuÉÉÌiÉoÉsÉÉå rÉålÉ rÉÉirÉmÉëÌiÉWûiÉÉåÅÇaÉlÉÉ: pÉuÉirÉÌiÉ ÌmÉërÉ: ीhÉÉÇ rÉålÉ rÉålÉÉåmÉcÉÏrÉiÉå iɲÉeÉÏMüUhÉÇ iÉि SåWûxrÉÉåeÉïxMüUÇ mÉUqÉç – A WØû E 40/2-3 That which makes (man) to uninterrupted enjoyment to many females and becomes lovable to them Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 31
  • 32. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion The saga of sex …LAPS It starts from the womb by fondling the genitalia Knowing the sexual anatomy at the adolescence, interest generates to explore generating the gender-maps (developmental representation - gender identity) and Love-maps (idealized Love & Lover - Affair - Program - Sexoerotic activity projected either imaginary or actual) Leads to either harmonious matrimonial life or to get in to a courtesan (sex worker) Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 32
  • 33. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion LAPS in Kamasutra as Eight Sex - Acts 1. Smarana - remembering Lover 2. Keertana - singing for / with lover 3. Kreeda - conjugal play with lover 4. Prekshanam - dancing with lover 5. Guhyabhashanam - secret seductive talk 6. Sankalpa - psycho sex act initiation 7. Adhyavasaya - developing enthusiasm in 8. Kriya nivrutti - submissive withdrawal Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 33
  • 34. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Quantification of Sex Sex is assessed by – my sexual persona - MSP Golombok-Rust Inventory of sexual satisfaction - GRISS Golombok-Rust Inventory of Marital state - GRIMS Hospital A&D score & Stress score - HARDS (HAR) Libido score - LS Frequency of NPT Penile Erection score - PES Penile Rigidity score - PRS Semen Ejaculation score - SES Orgasm score - OS Androgen deficiency score = Testosterone Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 34
  • 35. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Typical (Sex) Work week Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 35
  • 36. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Sex (Vajikarana) from Man’s side • Sukra Pravartaka (virechaka) = Abundant Ejaculatory - at his 20’s • Sukra Janaka pravartaka = Productive & Ejaculatory efficiency at his 30’s • Sukra Janaka = semen generative (procreative efficient) – at his 40’s • Sukra sthambhaka = Ejaculatory preventive (sex effective) – at 50’s • Vaji Karana = Horse powered sex efficiency even at 50’s and 60’s • Thinking of sex with flaccid organ at 70’s Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 36
  • 37. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Women’s aspect of Sex (Vajikarana) • Sex is a fantasy at 20’s • Sex & work strains the Life at 30’s • Children, Responsibilities & Hormone changes makes arousal difficult at 40’s • Why these men don’t make intimacy – wish to have conjugal happiness always is not understood at 50’s • Dry vaginal conditions and age related diseases makes to retire from sex at 60’s • No time to think of sex at 70’s Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 37
  • 38. Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Rasayana & Vajikarana 45% Foreplay 30% Climax 10% Foreplay 40% Climax 15% Penetration 60% Penetration 38 Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, Professor & Head, Kayachikitsa, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Kerala
  • 39. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion What is sex ... • Sex is a harmonious act of two genders with a proper understanding and desire • Sex doesn’t come easy, it depends upon health and it is not just intercourse, it is all about pleasure. • Sex is achieved by keeping fit, eating well, having a good relationship, proper communication, fine stimulus, proper arousal, perfect erection, good orgasm and timely ejaculation. • Apart from all other reasons erection plays an important role. • Sexology is a science which is based on mutual consent, gratification, seduction and conjugal satisfaction of either gender where birth of child is not essential • Sex is other wise a materialistic pleasure of either gender, some times it is of the same gender initiated by PDE5, cGMP & NO Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 39
  • 40. Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Rasayana & Vajikarana Arousal-sex Stimulation-Sex Sex – Orgasm & Resolution Sex – Euphoria As without pillars and walls the roof can not built – same way without Foreplay – Penetration – Climax the Sex-Euphoria is not achieved 40 Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, Professor & Head, Kayachikitsa, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Kerala
  • 41. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Sex (Vajikarana) procure pathways • Vajikarana (Aphrodisiacs) is that which potentates a man to traffic in to women like a horse and also sustenance in the same • mainly the animal relationship example are – Chataka - (Sparrow) multiple short span conjugation with small amount of semen – Gaja - (Elephant) once in a while long time conjugation with abundant semen discharge – Vrusha - (Ox) regular stable seasonal conjugation with more quantity sperm (Semen) – Ashwa - (Horse) regular forceful dynamic conjugation with less qualitative semen Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 41
  • 42. Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Rasayana & Vajikarana Female Male Olfactory stimulation Visual stimulation (Pheromones – Gene (Symmetry – Fertility assessment) Feared Excited assessment) Reliability Body Biology Loyalty Waist Hip Ratio Character Brest size Chemical cocktail in Brain Behavior Cheeks for Love & Sex Intelligence More Blood flow to Brain & Consumes Lips 20% O2 & 25% Calories Healthy Genes Sex mounts Dopamine release = sex desire Symmetry Increased Heart rate (excitement) Healthy Immune system Desire Increased Testosterone = Emotional Arousal Increased Oxytocin = sex, attachment Plateau Increased Basopressin = Memory maps, Love maps Orgasm PDE5, cGMP, NO, erects penis Resolution 42
  • 43. Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Rasayana & Vajikarana 35% Climax 27.5% Foreplay 37.5% Penetration 43 Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, Professor & Head, Kayachikitsa, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Kerala
  • 44. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Vajikarana is Pious Pressure (coital) Pleasure • Vajikarana is ... • much times misinterpreted as Sexology • intended to facilitate potent offspring • Male dominate and meant for Males • either to relieve penile problems or • to initiate sex • even to get abundant semen for generating the healthy successive generation • other wise it is “Eugenics” I.e. improvement of the qualities of a race by control of inherited characteristics Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 44
  • 45. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Integrated sexual Program for better SEX & Procreation • Long lasting since the descend of Ayurveda • it needs initial purification of the body cleansing through “Panchakarma Shodhana” • iÉxqÉÉimÉÑUÉ zÉÉåkÉlÉqÉåuÉ MüÉrÉïqÉç – - mÉÔuÉïÇ zÉÑ® zÉUÏUÉhÉÉÇ ÌlÉÃWæûxxÉÉlÉÑuÉÉxÉlÉæ: - • “Temptations” towards female and there by a chemical reaction occurs in the body through the buffered “Vajikarana Dravya” x§ÉÏrÉÉÇ (MüÉÍqÉlÉÏ) AaêrÉÇ – xÉqÉjÉïuÉUÉ…¡ûlÉÉxÉÑ (cÉ), x§ÉÏhÉÉÇ uÉÉssÉprÉÍqÉच्छiÉÉqÉç (xÉÑ) • the probable action is a - psycho-neuro- motor activity enhances the blood flow to the Male genitalia, so it erects and ejaculates well to produce a child Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 45
  • 46. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Drugs & Yoga at Vajikarana • Drugs used are – Masha, Atmagupta, Vidala (Vamsha), Kharjura, Shatavari, Yastimadhu, Vidari, etc • Mamsa mentioned are – Chataka, Kukkuta, Hamsa, Barhi, Tittiri, Mahisha, Mesha, Nakra, Varaha, Matya, etc • Anda of – Chataka, Hamsa, Matya, Kukkuta • Gana mentioned are – Jeevaneeya, Brumhaneeya, Snehopaga, balya, Ksheerasanjana, Sukrasthambhaka, Hrudya, Truna panchaka, etc • Yoga includes – prefix Vrushya + Ghruta, Mamsarasa, Pinda, Poopalika, Swarasa, Ksheera, Dadhisara, Shashtikowdana, Payasa, etc • Rasa yoga – Makaradhwaja, etc. Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 46
  • 47. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Common people Vajikarana • First & foremost is “Vasya Stree” • Regular Food for More Semen and Stamina at sex is attained with = Anna + Ghrita + Dugdha + Sharkara + Madhu - at the end of meals • Dadhisara + Sharkara + Ahara = Sex Stamina • Instant sex drive cocktail = Dugdha + Ghee + Varuni Alcohol (Beer) Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 47
  • 48. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Results of Vajikarana are . . . • Concern to Children = Apatyam • Concern to Penis = Bali Lingam, Jagarti Vegavan, Nasthabda sepha • Concern to Semen = Akshayamm Sukram, Prabala Veeryam, Vrushyam, Poorna retas, Sukravardhanam, Vrusharute • Concern to pleasure = Samartha Anagansu, Kamooddeeoana, Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 48
  • 49. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion Unpublished data of Combinations Medicine Duration Arousal Erection Orgasm Ejaculation Withdrawal Conception Vidari + Churna 90 days 7 -14 days 3-7 mts Action 6 /24 + + withdrawn conceived in 1-2 yrs Vidari + Ghrita 40 days 14 -21 6-8mts Action Sustains 2 /20 days ++ ++ for 30 days conceived Vidari + UVasti 40 days 3-7 days 10-12 Action Sustains 3 /5 mts +++ +++ for 60 days conceived Makaradhwaja As required 6-8 hrs 20-30 Action Sustains No data mts +++ + for 21 days Vanari Kalpa 120 days 3-9 days 5-8 mts Action 1 /15 Granules + +++ withdrawn conceived Aswagandha 90 days 20 -40 6-10 mts Action Sustains No data Avaleha days + + for 7 days DGVaruni As required Spontaneous 15-30 Action Sustains No data mts +++ ++ for 7 days DGMS Anna Daily Regular 10-20 Action Sustains No data mts +++ +++ for 21 days MKR + Ahiphena As required Spontaneous 60-120 Action Sustains No data mts +++ +++ for 21 days Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 49
  • 50. Rasayana & Vajikarana Ashtanga Ayurveda About Rasayana Vajikarana Conclusion As the growth gets stagnated and declined it is right time to start Rasayana at 20’s (Madhya Vayasi – stagnated Phase) A sequenced Rasayanas are used in each decade for the user Lustrous 30’s – Intellectual 40’s – Toned 50’s – Sexy 60’s – Lively 70’s up (both sexes) In a nut shell – start Aswagandha at 20’s – Vanari at 30’s and Brahmi at 40’s – etc, continued till they doesn’t require it Vajikarana becomes part of Rasayana Vajikarana Chikitsa is recommended for both Male – Female at their 40’s for successful orgasmic effect and Sex – Euphoria – i.e. Utopian Sex Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 50
  • 51. Application of Vajikarana and Rasayana in clinical practice THANK YOU. Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad Of on Application of Vajikarana and Rasayana in clinical practice Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, Professor & Head, Kayachikitsa, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Kerala 51
  • 52. It’s Technoayurveda International Presentation Please mail any patients data for assessment or Contact Dr. K.Shiva Rama Prasad Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad, at 52