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That Goes Without Alpha-Num
        (or Does It ?)

            竹迫 良範
How many characters?
when if you write the
   (Perl) program.

Brainf*ck : 8 characters only

     < > + .
     [ ] - ,
Too Small.

US-ASCII 7bit(100文字以上)
Too Big.
Too emoji.
 絵文字 大杉
✎ U+270E (Lower Right Pencil)

type(’pen✎’)  <type ’str’>

Unicode Eomoji : Postfix type declarations
ASCII without AlphaNum(no alphabet number)
0x20       0x30   0   0x40   @   0x50   P   0x60   `   0x70   p
0x21   !   0x31   1   0x41   A   0x51   Q   0x61   a   0x71   q
0x22   '   0x32   2   0x42   B   0x52   R   0x62   b   0x72   r
0x23   #   0x33   3   0x43   C   0x53   S   0x63   c   0x73   s
0x24   $   0x34   4   0x44   D   0x54   T   0x64   d   0x74   t
0x25   %   0x35   5   0x45   E   0x55   U   0x65   e   0x75   u
0x26   &   0x36   6   0x46   F   0x56   V   0x66   f   0x76   v
0x27   '   0x37   7   0x47   G   0x57   W   0x67   g   0x77   w
0x28   (   0x38   8   0x48   H   0x58   X   0x68   h   0x78   x
0x29   )   0x39   9   0x49   I   0x59   Y   0x69   i   0x79   y
0x2A   *   0x3A   :   0x4A   J   0x5A   Z   0x6A   j   0x7A   z
0x2B   +   0x3B   ;   0x4B   K   0x5B   [   0x6B   k   0x7B   {
0x2C   ,   0x3C   <   0x4C   L   0x5C   ¥   0x6C   l   0x7C   |
0x2D   -   0x3D   =   0x4D   M   0x5D   ]   0x6D   m   0x7D   }
0x2E   .   0x3E   >   0x4E   N   0x5E   ^   0x6E   n   0x7E   ~
0x2F   /   0x3F   ?   0x4F   O   0x5F   _   0x6F   o
No al-num Polyglot programming

 (1) MS-DOS 8086                                          (2) Javascript

 (3) Perl                                                 (4) Ruby
Perl 的特徵

JavaScript 的特徵

       /* … */
Ruby 的特徵

   Ruby %#string#
   Perl q#string#
.com - 16bit MS-DOS 8086

        x86 binary
32bit Linux
Linux system call programming (int 80H)
     ; NASM HelloWorld (Linux x86 ELF) using gcc
     ; $ nasm hello.asm –f elf –o hello.o
     ; $ gcc hello.o –o hello
     section .data
     msg db 'Hello, world!', 0x0A
     len equ $ - msg ;
       mov   eax,   4     ;   system call number (sys_write)
       mov   ebx,   1     ;   file descriptor (stdout)
       mov   ecx,   msg   ;   message to write
       mov   edx,   len   ;   message length
       int   0x80         ;   call kernel
       mov eax, 1         ; system call number (sys_exit)
       int 0x80           ; call kernel
       ; sys_write(stdout, msg, len);
       ; sys_exit;
     section .text
* linux-2.6.14/arch/i386/kernel/syscall_table.S (0-99/293)
 0   sys_restart_syscall   25   sys_stime           50   sys_getegid16     75   sys_setrlimit
 1   sys_exit              26   sys_ptrace          51   sys_acct          76   sys_old_getrlimit
 2   sys_fork              27   sys_alarm           52   sys_umount        77   sys_getrusage
 3   sys_read              28   sys_fstat           53   sys_ni_syscall    78   sys_gettimeofday
 4   sys_write             29   sys_pause           54   sys_ioctl         79   sys_settimeofday
 5   sys_open              30   sys_utime           55   sys_fcntl         80   sys_getgroups16
 6   sys_close             31   sys_ni_syscall      56   sys_ni_syscall    81   sys_setgroups16
 7   sys_waitpid           32   sys_ni_syscall      57   sys_setpgid       82   old_select
 8   sys_creat             33   sys_access          58   sys_ni_syscall    83   sys_symlink
 9   sys_link              34   sys_nice            59   sys_olduname      84   sys_lstat
10   sys_unlink            35   sys_ni_syscall      60   sys_umask         85   sys_readlink
11   sys_execve            36   sys_sync            61   sys_chroot        86   sys_uselib
12   sys_chdir             37   sys_kill            62   sys_ustat         87   sys_swapon
13   sys_time              38   sys_rename          63   sys_dup2          88   sys_reboot
14   sys_mknod             39   sys_mkdir           64   sys_getppid       89   old_readdir
15   sys_chmod             40   sys_rmdir           65   sys_getpgrp       90   old_mmap
16   sys_lchown16          41   sys_dup             66   sys_setsid        91   sys_munmap
17   sys_ni_syscall        42   sys_pipe            67   sys_sigaction     92   sys_truncate
18   sys_stat              43   sys_times           68   sys_sgetmask      93   sys_ftruncate
19   sys_lseek             44   sys_ni_syscall      69   sys_ssetmask      94   sys_fchmod
20   sys_getpid            45   sys_brk             70   sys_setreuid16    95   sys_fchown16
21   sys_mount             46   sys_setgid16        71   sys_setregid16    96   sys_getpriority
22   sys_oldumount         47   sys_getgid16        72   sys_sigsuspend    97   sys_setpriority
23   sys_setuid16          48   sys_signal          73   sys_sigpending    98   sys_ni_syscall
24   sys_getuid16          49   sys_geteuid16       74   sys_sethostname   99   sys_statfs
2008/08/14                                  Webプログラミングクラス講座                                         29
Too Binary… (is not Printable)
08048060 <.text>:
 8048060:       b8   04 00 00 00   mov     $0x4,%eax
 8048065:       bb   01 00 00 00   mov     $0x1,%ebx
 804806a:       e8   0e 00 00 00   call    0x804807d
 804806f:       48                 dec     %eax
 8048070:       65                 gs
 8048071:       6c                 insb    (%dx),%es:(%edi)
 8048072:       6c                 insb    (%dx),%es:(%edi)
 8048073:       6f                 outsl   %ds:(%esi),(%dx)
 8048074:       2c   20            sub     $0x20,%al
 8048076:       77   6f            ja      0x80480e7
 8048078:       72   6c            jb      0x80480e6
 804807a:       64   21 0a         and     %ecx,%fs:(%edx)
 804807d:       59                 pop     %ecx
 804807e:       ba   0e 00 00 00   mov     $0xe,%edx
 8048083:       cd   80            int     $0x80
 8048085:       b8   01 00 00 00   mov     $0x1,%eax
 804808a:       cd   80            int     $0x80

  00000000   2540404040   and eax,0x40404040
  00000005   2521212121   and eax,0x21212121
  0000000A   2D2D213D3D   sub eax,0x3d3d212d
  0000000F   2D2A7D3B3B   sub eax,0x3b3b7d2a
  00000014   2D233E7B7B   sub eax,0x7b7b3e23
  00000019   2D25607B7B   sub eax,0x7b7b6025
  0000001E   60           pushad
  0000001F   5B           pop ebx
  00000020   5E           pop esi
  00000021   5F           pop edi
  00000022   5E           pop esi
  00000023   5B           pop ebx
  00000024   5E           pop esi
  00000025   5F           pop edi
  00000026   2540404040   and eax,0x40404040
  0000002B   2521212121   and eax,0x21212121
  00000030   2D2D2D2D2D   sub eax,0x2d2d2d2d
  00000035   2D287E2A2A   sub eax,0x2a2a7e28

char main[]="`%[_-]%-```%`-_-`[_][_]_[-_,`~-~#-[-~]#_-)]%_-`]%``_____"
名付けて Brain-f*ck-f*ck(仮)

# % - ) ,
[ ] _ ` ~
demo : Hello, world ! (32bit Linux x86)
10 characters only !
0x20       0x30   0   0x40   @   0x50   P   0x60   `   0x70   p
0x21   !   0x31   1   0x41   A   0x51   Q   0x61   a   0x71   q
0x22   '   0x32   2   0x42   B   0x52   R   0x62   b   0x72   r
0x23   #   0x33   3   0x43   C   0x53   S   0x63   c   0x73   s
0x24   $   0x34   4   0x44   D   0x54   T   0x64   d   0x74   t
0x25   %   0x35   5   0x45   E   0x55   U   0x65   e   0x75   u
0x26   &   0x36   6   0x46   F   0x56   V   0x66   f   0x76   v
0x27   '   0x37   7   0x47   G   0x57   W   0x67   g   0x77   w
0x28   (   0x38   8   0x48   H   0x58   X   0x68   h   0x78   x
0x29   )   0x39   9   0x49   I   0x59   Y   0x69   i   0x79   y
0x2A   *   0x3A   :   0x4A   J   0x5A   Z   0x6A   j   0x7A   z
0x2B   +   0x3B   ;   0x4B   K   0x5B   [   0x6B   k   0x7B   {
0x2C   ,   0x3C   <   0x4C   L   0x5C   ¥   0x6C   l   0x7C   |
0x2D   -   0x3D   =   0x4D   M   0x5D   ]   0x6D   m   0x7D   }
0x2E   .   0x3E   >   0x4E   N   0x5E   ^   0x6E   n   0x7E   ~
0x2F   /   0x3F   ?   0x4F   O   0x5F   _   0x6F   o

%   25   and eax,XXXXXXXX
-   2D   sub eax,XXXXXXXX
#   23   and ebp,[edi+ebx*2]
)   29   sub [edi+ebx*2],ebp
,   2C   sub al,XX
`   60   pushad
[   5B   pop ebx
]   5D   pop ebp
_   5F   pop edi
~   7E   jne(jng) XX
00000000   293D2B283A5B   sub [dword 0x5b3a282b],edi
00000006   2C2A           sub al,0x2a
00000008   2821           sub [ecx],ah
0000000A   3E283B         sub [ds:ebx],bh
0000000D   60             pushad
0000000E   3D3B7C2F7C     cmp eax,0x7c2f7c3b
00000013   5F             pop edi
00000014   60             pushad
00000015   2B3E           sub edi,[esi]
00000017   5F             pop edi
00000018   2B7D21         sub edi,[ebp+0x21]
0000001B   5E             pop esi
0000001C   3C2B           cmp al,0x2b
0000001E   3F             aas
0000001F   5D             pop ebp
00000020   7B25           jpo 0x47
00000022   2D295B7B2E     sub eax,0x2e7b5b29
00000027   3C23           cmp al,0x23
00000029   5C             pop esp
0x60 PUSHAD (`)

60   PUSHA Push AX, CX, DX, BX, original SP, BP, SI, and DI.
60   PUSHAD Push EAX, ECX, EDX, EBX, original ESP, EBP, ESI, and EDI.

     Temporary = ESP;
0x61 POPAD (’a’)  oh! Alphabet…

61 POPA     Pop DI, SI, BP, BX, DX, CX, and AX.
61 POPAD    Pop EDI, ESI, EBP, EBX, EDX, ECX, and EAX.

       //Instruction == POPAD
_      EDI = Pop();
^      ESI = Pop();
]      EBP = Pop();
¥      ESP = ESP + 4; //skip next 4 bytes of stack
[      EBX = Pop();
Z      EDX = Pop();
Y      ECX = Pop();
X      EAX = Pop();

58   pop   eax;   X
59   pop   ecx;   Y
5A   pop   edx;   Z
5B   pop   ebx;   [
5C   pop   esp;   ¥
5D   pop   ebp;   ]
5E   pop   esi;   ^
5F   pop   edi;   _
00000000   2540404040   and eax,0x40404040
00000005   2521212121   and eax,0x21212121

0000000A   2D2D213D3D   sub   eax,0x3d3d212d
0000000F   2D2A7D3B3B   sub   eax,0x3b3b7d2a
00000014   2D233E7B7B   sub   eax,0x7b7b3e23
00000019   2D25607B7B   sub   eax,0x7b7b6025

0000001E   60           pushad
0000001F   5B           pop ebx
00000020   5E           pop esi
00000021   5F           pop edi
00000022   5E           pop esi
00000023   5B           pop ebx
00000024   5E           pop esi
00000025   5F           pop edi

  PUSH dword 0x???????? 相当のx86コード


  FF   D4   call esp
  FF   E4   jmp esp
  FF   D4   call esp
  FF   D0   call eax
  C3        ret
メモリへの書き込みは AND と SUB のみで

23 2C 5F   and ebp,[edi+ebx*2]
 # , _
29 2C 5F   sub [edi+ebx*2],ebp
 ) , _

実際に使えるレジスタも ebp, edi, ebx の3つなど
Perl ゗ンタプリタが起動するデモ(省略)
顔文字 [^_^]

  { [ ] } ; + : * <> , . / ? _ |
   _ __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______
顔文字系 x86 プログラミングのススメ

NASM が存在しない環境でも…
 US-ASCII の範囲なので大丈夫!
 本当のプログラマは /dev/tty で(ry

Fun of the programming
一生涯 顔文字プログラマー 宣言


# % - ) ,
[ ] _ ` ~
all your base10 are belong to us

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