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GAAP differences
  Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT               IAS                                  US GAAP                              UK GAAP                           INDIAN GAAP
Accounting framework
Contents of Financial Two years’ balance sheets,           Similar to IAS, except three years   Similar to IAS                    Two years’ balance sheets,
statements            income, recognised gains and         required by SEC for all statements                                     profit and loss account,
                      losses and cash flow                 except balance sheet.                                                  accounting policies and notes.
                      statements, changes in equity,                                                                              Only companies listed on
                      accounting policies and notes.                                                                              Indian stock exchanges and
                                                                                                                                  non-listed enterprises whose
                                                                                                                                  turnover exceeds Rs. 500
                                                                                                                                  million are required to furnish
                                                                                                                                  cash flow statements.
Truue and fair view     In rare cases, override            No override of standards             Similar to IAS                    No override of standards
override                standards to give “true and fair   permitted.                                                             permitted.
Accounting convention   Historical cost, but some assets   No revaluations except some          Comparable to IAS                 Historical cost, but fixed
                        may be revalued.                   securities and derivatives at fair                                     assets, other than intangibles,
                                                           value.                                                                 may be revalued.

Changes in accounting   Either restate comparatives and    Generally include effect (net of     Restate comparatives and prior    Include effect in the income
policies                prior year opening retained        taxes) in current year income        year opening retained earnings.   statement of the period in
                        earnings or include effects (net   statement after extraordinary                                          which the change is made.
                        of taxes) in current year income   items. Disclose proforma             Disclosure:
                        statement and provide              comparatives. Retrospective          Effect of the change on current   Disclosure:
                        proforma comparatives in the       adjustments for specific items.      period results.                   • Impact of and adjustments
                        notes.                                                                                                       resulting from the change,
                                                                                                                                     if material, is to be shown
                        Disclosure:                        Disclosure:                                                               in the financial statements
                        Disclosure is required of the      • Cumulative effect of change                                             of the period in which the
                        reasons for and the effect of         on the amount of retained                                              change is made.
                        the change.                           earnings at the beginning of                                        • If the effect of the change
                                                              the period in which the change                                         cannot be estimated that
                                                              is made.                                                               fact is to be disclosed.
                                                           • Effect of change on income                                           • A change that has no
GAAP differences
  Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                 IAS                               US GAAP                              UK GAAP                               INDIAN GAAP
                                                              before extraordinary items and                                            material effect in the
                                                              on net income (and related per                                            current period but is
                                                              share amounts).                                                           reasonably expected to
                                                          • Income before extraordinary                                                 have material effect in
                                                              items and net income                                                      later periods is to be
                                                              computed on pro forma basis                                               appropriately disclosed in
                                                              on the face of the income                                                 the period in which change
                                                              statement for all periods                                                 is adopted.
                                                              presented as if the new policy
                                                              had been applied during all
Correction of           Either restate comparatives or    Restate comparatives.                Similar to US GAAP                    Include effect in current year
fundamental errors      include effect in current year    Adjustments required to be made                                            income statement.
                        income statement with             to previously issued financial
                        proforma comparatives in the      statements.

Reporting currency      Requires measurement of profit    Uses a functional currency. Does     In practice it is rare for entities   In practice it is rare for entities
                        using the measurement             not specify the concept of a         not to use sterling.                  not to use local currency.
                        currency, however entities may    presentation currency.
                        present financial statements in
                        different currency.
Balance sheet format    Does not prescribe a particular   Similar to IAS, items presented on   Company law specifies various         Company law specifies various
                        format, however certain items     the face of the balance sheet are    formats. Items presented are          formats.
                        must be presented on the face     generally presented in decreasing    similar     to   IAS,     except
                        of the balance sheet.             order of liquidity.                  shareholders’      funds     are
                                                                                               required to be analysed into
                                                                                               equity       and      non-equity
Income statement        Does not prescribe a particular   Present as either a single step or   Company law specifies four            Does not prescribe a particular
format                  format, however expenditure       multiple step format. Expenditure    alternative formats.                  format, however prescribes
                        must be presented in one of       must be presented by function.                                             certain disclosure norms for
GAAP differences
   Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                     IAS                                US GAAP                                UK GAAP                        INDIAN GAAP
                            two formats (function or                                                                                 income and expenditures.
                            nature). Certain items must be
                            presented on the face of the
                            income statement.
Cash flow statement -       Standard headings, but             Similar headings to IAS, but more      More standard headings than    Standard headings, using
formats and method          flexibility over their contents.   specific guidance given for items      IAS. Use direct or indirect    direct or indirect method,
                            Use direct or indirect method.     to include in each. Use direct or      method.                        prescribed for all listed
                                                               indirect method.                                                      companies and companies
                                                                                                                                     with turnover in excess of Rs
                                                                                                                                     500 million.
Cash flow statements -      Cash includes overdrafts and       Cash excludes overdrafts but           Cash includes overdrafts but   Cash includes cash in hand
definition of cash and      cash equivalents with short-       includes cash equivalents with         excludes cash equivalents.     and deposits repayable on
cash equivalents            term maturities (less than 3       short-term maturities.                                                demand. Cash equivalents are
                            months).                                                                                                 short term, highly liquid
                                                                                                                                     investments that are readily
                                                                                                                                     convertible to cash (normally 3
                                                                                                                                     months or less). Bank
                                                                                                                                     borrowings are generally
                                                                                                                                     considered to be financing
Changes in accounting       Account for in income              Similar to IAS.                        Similar to IAS                 Comparable to IAS.
estimates                   statement in the current and
                            future periods, as appropriate.

Group Reporting
Definition of subsidiary    Based on voting control or         Controlling interest through           Similar to IAS                 Controlling interest through
                            power to exercise dominant         majority ownership of voting                                          majority of voting shares or
                            influence.                         shares. Recent proposals similar to                                   control of board of directors.
Exclusion of subsidiaries   Only if severe long-term           Comparable to IAS.                     Similar to IAS                 Comparable to IAS.
from consolidation          restrictions or acquired and       • If control is likely to be
                            held for re-sale in the near           temporary or if it does not rest
GAAP differences
   Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                   IAS                                  US GAAP                            UK GAAP                         INDIAN GAAP
                          future; dissimilar activities is         with the majority owner.
                          not a justification.                 • Significant doubts as to the
                                                                   parent’s ability to control.
Definition of associate   Based on significant influence:      Broadly comparable to IAS.         Requires evidence of exercise   An associate is an enterprise in
                          presumed if 20% interest or                                             of significant influence        which     the     investor   has
                          participation in entity’s affairs.                                                                      significant influence and which
                                                                                                                                  is neither a subsidiary nor a
                                                                                                                                  joint venture of the investor.

                                                                                                                                  Significant influence is the
                                                                                                                                  power to participate in the
                                                                                                                                  financial   and/or     operating
                                                                                                                                  policy decisions of the investee
                                                                                                                                  but not control over those
                                                                                                                                  As regards share ownership, if
                                                                                                                                  an investor holds, directly or
                                                                                                                                  indirectly              through
                                                                                                                                  subsidiary(ies), 20% or more
                                                                                                                                  of the voting power of the
                                                                                                                                  investee, it is presumed that
                                                                                                                                  the investor has significant
                                                                                                                                  influence, unless it can be
                                                                                                                                  clearly demonstrated that this
                                                                                                                                  is not the case. Conversely, if
                                                                                                                                  the investor holds, directly or
                                                                                                                                  indirectly              through
                                                                                                                                  subsidiary(ies), less than 20%
                                                                                                                                  of the voting power of the
                                                                                                                                  investee, it is presumed that
                                                                                                                                  the investor does not have
                                                                                                                                  significant influence, unless
                                                                                                                                  such influence can be clearly
GAAP differences
   Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                     IAS                                 US GAAP                            UK GAAP                       INDIAN GAAP

Presentation of associate   Use equity method. Show share       Use equity method. Show share of   Use expanded equity method.   Use equity method. Show
results                     of profits and losses.              post-tax result.                   Share of operating profit,    share of profits and losses.
                                                                                                   exceptional items and tax
                            The equity method is a method                                          shown separately.
                            of accounting whereby the
                            investment is initially recorded
                            at    cost,    identifying    any
                            goodwill/capital reserve arising
                            at the time of acquisition. The
                            carrying     amount      of   the
                            investment       is      adjusted
                            thereafter    for     the    post
                            acquisition change in the
                            investor’s share of net assets of
                            the investee. The consolidated
                            statement of profit and loss
                            reflects the investor’s share of
                            the results of operations of the

Disclosures about           Following disclosures to be         Give detailed information on       Similar to US GAAP.           Following disclosures to be
significant associates      made:                               significant associates’ assets,                                  made in Consolidated Financial
                            • List and description of           liabilities and results.                                         statements:
                                 Associates including                                                                            • Reasons for not applying
                                 proportion of ownership                                                                              the equity method of
                                 and proportion of voting                                                                             accounting for investments
                                 power (if different from                                                                             in associates.
                                 proportion of ownership)                                                                        • Goodwill/Capital reserve
                            • Method used to account for                                                                              arising on acquisition of an
                                 such investments.                                                                                    associate. (included in
                            • Investments in associates                                                                               carrying amount but
GAAP differences
  Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                 IAS                                 US GAAP   UK GAAP   INDIAN GAAP
                              accounted for using the                              disclosed separately)
                              equity method classified as                       • List and description of
                              long-term investments                                Associates including
                        •     The investor’s share of the                          proportion of ownership
                              profits or losses of such                            and proportion of voting
                              investments.                                         power (if different from
                        •     The investor’s share of any                          proportion of ownership)
                              extraordinary or prior                            • Investments in associates
                              period items.                                        accounted for using the
                                                                                   equity method classified as
                                                                                   long-term investments
                                                                                • The investor’s share of the
                                                                                   profits or losses of such
                                                                                • The investor’s share of any
                                                                                   extraordinary or prior
                                                                                   period items.
                                                                                • Names of associates
                                                                                   whose reporting dates are
                                                                                   different from those of the
                                                                                   investor’s financial
                                                                                   statements together with
                                                                                   the difference in the
                                                                                   reporting dates.
                                                                                • The fact that it is
                                                                                   impracticable to make
                                                                                   adjustments to the
                                                                                   associate’s financial
                                                                                   statements for differences
                                                                                   between accounting
                                                                                   policies of the associate
                                                                                   and those used for
                                                                                   consolidated financial
GAAP differences
  Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                     IAS                                US GAAP                              UK GAAP                          INDIAN GAAP
                                                                                                                                        statements together with a
                                                                                                                                        brief description of the

Equity     method     or    Both proportional consolidation    Generally use equity method. Use     Generally use gross equity       Three forms of Joint Ventures
proportional                and equity method permitted.       proportional    consolidation   in   method.                          identified:
consolidation for   joint   Consolidate own assets /           limited circumstances, such as oil   Consolidate own assets /         1. Jointly            controlled
ventures                    liabilities    in        limited   and gas ventures.                    liabilities    in      limited       operation: Venturer to
                            circumstances such as oil and                                           circumstances such as oil and        recognize in its separate
                            gas ventures.                                                           gas ventures.                        financial statements
                                                                                                                                     • assets it controls
                                                                                                                                     • liabilities it incurs
                                                                                                                                     • its share of income
                                                                                                                                     • expenses it incurs

                                                                                                                                     2. Jointly           controlled
                                                                                                                                        assets:        Venturer     to
                                                                                                                                        recognize in its separate
                                                                                                                                        financial statements
                                                                                                                                     • Share of jointly controlled
                                                                                                                                     • Liabilities it has incurred
                                                                                                                                     • Share of jointly incurred
                                                                                                                                     • Share of income and
                                                                                                                                        expenses from the joint
                                                                                                                                     • Expense incurred by it in
                                                                                                                                        relation     to   the    joint

                                                                                                                                     3. Jointly        controlled
                                                                                                                                        entities: In its separate
GAAP differences
  Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                  IAS                              US GAAP           UK GAAP                         INDIAN GAAP
                                                                                                               financial       statements
                                                                                                               venturer to recognize as
                                                                                                               an investment, its interest
                                                                                                               in the Joint Venture. In
                                                                                                               consolidated       financial
                                                                                                               statements venturer to
                                                                                                               report its interest in the
                                                                                                               jointly controlled entity
                                                                                                               using         proportionate
                                                                                                               consolidation method.

Foreign Currency Translation
Individual company      Translate at rate on date of      Similar to IAS.   Similar to IAS.                 Similar to IAS.
                        transaction; monetary
                        assets/liabilities at balance
                        sheet rate; non-monetary items
                        at historical rate.
Foreign entities within Use closing rate for balance      Similar to IAS.   Similar to IAS, but can use     Even though consolidation of
consolidated financial  sheets; average rate for income                     closing rate for income         Foreign subsidiaries is required
statements              statements. Take exchange                           statements. Recognise           the accounting treatment has
                        differences to equity and                           exchange differences in the     not been specifically
                        include in gain on disposal of                      Statement of Recognized Gains   addressed.
                        subsidiary.                                         and Losses.                     However, taking into account
                                                                                                            the accounting treatment
                                                                                                            suggested by other Standards
                                                                                                            the closing rate may be used
                                                                                                            for balance sheets and
                                                                                                            average rates may be used for
                                                                                                            income statements with the
                                                                                                            difference being accounted for
                                                                                                            in the income statement of the
                                                                                                            parent company.
GAAP differences
  Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                  IAS                                   US GAAP                                  UK GAAP                           INDIAN GAAP
Purchase method - fair   Fair value assets and liabilities     Similar to IAS, but specific rules for   Similar to IAS.                   Assets and liabilities may be
values on acquisition    of acquired entity.                   acquired in-process research and                                           incorporated at their existing
                                                               development (generally expensed).                                          carrying amounts, or
                         Some liabilities relating to the                                                                                 alternatively the consideration
                         acquired entity may be                Similar to IAS, but less stringent       Very few acquisition provisions   is allocated to individual assets
                         recognised in restricted              recognition criteria as regards          allowed.                          and liabilities on the basis of
                         circumstances.                        timing of implementation of the                                            their fair values.
                         • Liabilities are not recorded        plans.                                                                     No separate acquisition
                              at the date of acquisition if                                                                               provisions allowed.
                              they result from the
                              acquirer’s intentions or
                         • Acquirer recognises a
                              provision that was not a
                              liability if the acquirer has
                              developed the main
                              features of a plan that
                              activities and that relates to
                              compensating employees of
                              the acquiree.
GAAP differences
   Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                    IAS                                 US GAAP                                UK GAAP                           INDIAN GAAP
Purchase method –          Fair values can be corrected        Similar to IAS, in that there is an    Similar to IAS.                   Subsequent adjustments
subsequent adjustments     against goodwill up to the end      allocated period of up to one year                                       normally not allowed.
to fair values             of the year after acquisition if    following the date of the
                           additional evidence of values       acquisition. Adjustments made
                           becomes available.                  during the allocation period
                                                               relating to data for which
                           Record subsequent adjustments       management was waiting to
                           in income statement. Reversals      complete the allocation are
                           of acquisition provisions always    recorded against goodwill.             Very few acquisition provisions
                           adjust goodwill.                                                           allowed.
                                                               Similar to IAS.

Purchase method –          Estimated at acquisition then       Not recognised until the               Similar to IAS                    Included in consideration if the
contingent consideration   subsequently corrected against      contingency is resolved or the                                           payment is probable and a
                           goodwill.                           amount is determinable.                                                  reasonable estimate of the
                                                                                                                                        amount can be made.
                                                                                                                                        Adjustment is made to
                                                                                                                                        goodwill or capital reserve, as
Purchase method –          State at share of fair value of     Usually state at share of pre-         State at share of fair value of   State at share of pre-
minority interests at      net assets or at share of pre-      acquisition carrying value of net      net assets                        acquisition carrying value of
acquisition                acquisition carrying value of net   assets.                                                                  net assets .
Purchase method –          Disclosures include names and       Similar to IAS, plus additional        Similar to IAS, but must also     Comparable to IAS. Additional
disclosure                 descriptions of combining           disclosures regarding the reasons      present table showing book        disclosures include particulars
                           entities, method of accounting      for the acquisition, and details of    values, fair value adjustments    of the scheme sanctioned
                           for acquisition and date of         allocations. Public companies must     and fair values of acquired       under a statute, consideration
                           acquisition, summary of fair        also present proforma income           assets and liabilities.           and description of the
                           values of assets and liabilities    statement information as if                                              consideration paid or
                           acquired and impact on results      acquisition occurred at the start of                                     contingently payable, amount
                           and financial position of           the comparative period.                                                  of goodwill/ capital reserve,
                           acquirer.                                                                                                    and the treatment thereof.
GAAP differences
   Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                  IAS                                  US GAAP                                UK GAAP                              INDIAN GAAP
Purchase method –        Capitalise and amortise over         Capitalise but do amortise Goodwill    Similar to IAS, although             Capitalise and amortise to
goodwill                 useful life, normally not longer     should be tested for impairment at     indefinite life may be used in       income over useful life,
                         than 20 years.                       least annually at the reporting unit   certain circumstances.               normally not exceeding 5
                                                              level.                                                                      years.
Purchase method –        If relates to expected future        Reduce proportionately the fair        Recognise as negative asset          Treat as capital reserve, which
negative goodwill        losses/costs recognise in            values assigned to non-current         and recognise in the income          is not amortised.
                         income when these occur.             assets (with certain exceptions).      statement to match
                         Otherwise record as negative         Any excess is recognised in the        depreciation of non-monetary
                         asset and recognise over useful      income statement immediately as        assets; any excess over the fair
                         lives of identifiable, non-          an extraordinary gain                  value of such assets is
                         monetary assets. Any excess                                                 recognised in the income
                         over the fair values of such                                                statement over period likely to
                         assets is recognised in income                                              benefit.

Pooling of interests     Severely restricted to “true         Prohibited.                            Restrictions similar, but not        Restricted to amalgamation in
method                   mergers of equals”. Rules focus                                             quite as though as IAS. Criteria     the nature of “merger” only.
                         on lack of identification of an                                             include size of entities and low     Allowed only when certain
                         acquirer.                                                                   level limits on non share            conditions are met, mainly
                                                                                                     consideration.                       when all assets and liabilities,
                                                                                                                                          and 90% shareholders of
                                                                                                                                          transferor company become
                                                                                                                                          part of the transferee

Intangible assets        Capitalise if recognition criteria   Capitalise purchased intangible        Broadly similar to IAS, although     Capitalise intangible assets if
                         met; intangible assets must be       assets.                                may use indefinite life in certain   specific criteria are met and
                         amortised over useful life,          Goodwill and other intangibles are     rare circumstances.                  amortise over useful life.
                         normally no longer than 20           not presumed to be wasting
                         years. Revaluations are              assets.                                                                     The recoverable amount of an
                         permitted in rare                    All intangibles that have indefinite                                        intangible asset that is not
                         circumstances.                       useful life are required to be                                              available for use or is being
                                                              tested, at least annually, for                                              amortised over a period
GAAP differences
  Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                  IAS                              US GAAP                              UK GAAP                              INDIAN GAAP
                                                          impairment.                                                               exceeding 10 years should be
                                                          Intangible assets that have finite                                        reviewed at each year-end.
                                                          useful life are required to be
                                                          amortised over their useful lives.                                        Amortisation should be based
                                                                                                                                    on the consumption pattern of
                                                                                                                                    the asset or on straight line
                                                                                                                                    basis if a pattern is not

                                                                                                                                    The amortisation period should
                                                                                                                                    be reviewed at each year-end
                                                                                                                                    and changed if significantly
                                                                                                                                    different from previous

                                                                                                                                    Subsequent expenditure on an
                                                                                                                                    intangible asset is recognised
                                                                                                                                    as an expense unless it is
                                                                                                                                    probable that the expenditure
                                                                                                                                    will generate future benefits in
                                                                                                                                    excess of originally assessed
                                                                                                                                    standards of performance.
Internally generated     Expense research costs as        Expense both research and            An entity may choose to              Intangible assets arising from
intangible assets        incurred. Capitalise and         development costs as incurred.       capitalise internally generated      development are recognised if
                         amortise development costs       Some software and website            assets, other than research and      specific criteria are met.
                         only if stringent criteria are   development costs must be            development expenditure when
                         met.                             capitalised.                         a market exists.                     Expense research costs as
                                                                                               Recognition criteria not as strict
                                                                                               as IAS.                              Internally generated goodwill
                                                                                                                                    is not recognised.
Main Accounting Principles
Property, plant and    Use historical cost or revalued    Revaluations not permitted.          Similar to IAS.                      Use historical costs or revalued
GAAP differences
   Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                  IAS                                US GAAP                              UK GAAP                          INDIAN GAAP
equipment                amounts. Frequent valuations                                                                             amounts. On revaluation, an
                         of entire classes of assets                                                                              entire class of assets is
                         necessary when revalued                                                                                  revalued, or selection of assets
                         amounts used.                                                                                            for revaluation is made on a
                                                                                                                                  systematic basis. No current
                                                                                                                                  restriction on frequency of
Depreciation             Allocated on a systematic basis    Calculated to match the use of the                                    Rates prescribed in the
                         to each accounting period          asset over its useful life.                                           Companies Act for the
                         during the useful life of the                                                                            minimum depreciation
                         asset.                                                                                                   provision. Where applicable,
                                                                                                                                  higher depreciation based on
                                                                                                                                  useful life of the asset should
                                                                                                                                  be provided. Asset lives are
                                                                                                                                  not prescribed by the Cos. Act
                                                                                                                                  but can be derived from the
                                                                                                                                  depreciation rates.
Investment properties    Measure at depreciated cost or     Treat as for other properties (use   Carry at open market value       Carry at cost. Reduce carrying
                         fair value and recognise           historical cost).                    without depreciation. Changes    amount to recognise a decline
                         changes in fair value in the                                            in fair value recognise in the   in value other than a
                         income statement.                                                       STATEMENT OF RECOGNISED          temporary decline.
                                                                                                 GAINS AND LOSSES.
Impairment of assets     If impairment indicated, write     Impairment review based on           Similar to IAS.                  The institute of chartered
                         down assets to higher of net       undiscounted cash flows. If less                                      Accountants of India is
                         selling price and value in use     than carrying amount, measure                                         reviewing an exposure draft on
                         based on discounted cash           impairment loss using discounted                                      impairment of assets.
                         flows.                             cash flows.
Capitalisation of        Permitted for qualifying assets.   Compulsory when relates to           Similar to IAS.                  Borrowing costs that are
borrowing costs                                             construction of certain qualifying                                    directly attributable to the
                                                            assets.                                                               acquisition, construction or
                                                                                                                                  production of a qualifying
                                                                                                                                  asset is capitalised as part of
GAAP differences
  Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                    IAS                                  US GAAP                               UK GAAP                             INDIAN GAAP
                                                                                                                                          the cost of the asset.

Finance leases –           Finance lease if substantially all   Similar to IAS, but considerably      Comparable to IAS.                  Similar to IAS.
classification             risks and rewards of ownership       more     extensive   form-driven
                           transferred. Substance over          requirements.
                           form is important.
Leases – lessee            Record finance leases as asset       Comparable to IAS.                    Comparable to IAS.                  Similar to IAS
accounting                 and     obligation    for   future
                           rentals. Normally depreciate
                           over useful life of asset.
                           Apportion rental payments to
                           give constant interest rate on
                           outstanding obligation.
                           Generally     charge     operating
                           lease rentals on straight-line
Leases-lessor accounting   Record amounts due under             Comparable to IAS but specific        Presentation comparable to IAS      Similar to IAS.
                           finance leases as a receivable.      rules for leveraged leases.           but measurement basis differs:
                           Allocate gross earnings to give                                            use (post tax ) non cash
                           constant rate of return based                                              investment method for
                           on net investment method.                                                  allocating gross earnings.
Leases – sale and          Defer and amortise profit            Defer and amortise profits up to      Similar to IAS except defer and     Similar to IAS.
leaseback transactions     arising on sale and finance          certain limits. Immediately           amortise profit over the shorter
                           leaseback. If an operating lease     recognise losses. Consider specific   of the lease term or useful life.
                           arises then profit recognition       strict criteria if a real estate
                           depends on sale proceeds             transaction.
                           compared to fair value of the
Investments                Carry long-term investments at       Depends on classification of          Carry long term investment at       Carry long-term investments at
                           cost or revalued amounts.            investment-if held to maturity then   cost, market value or other         cost (with provision for
                           Record revaluations consistently     carry at amortised cost, otherwise    appropriate basis, such as net      permanent diminution in
GAAP differences
   Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                  IAS                                US GAAP                                UK GAAP                            INDIAN GAAP
                         in income statement or equity.     at fair value. Take unrealised gains   asset value. Carry current asset   value). Current investments
                         Carry current asset investments    / losses to other comprehensive        investments at lower of cost       carried at lower of cost or fair
                         at lower of cost and market        income or (if trading securities) to   and net realisable value or at     value determined on individual
                         value or at market value.          income statement.                      current cost.                      basis or by category of
                         Record market value changes in                                                                               investment but not on overall
                         income statement. Recent                                                                                     (or global) basis.
                         proposals to carry some
                         financial assets at fair value.
Inventories and long     Carry at lower of cost and net     Broadly comparable to IAS – more       Comparable to IAS except that      Carry at lower of cost and net
term contracts           realisable value; use FIFO, LIFO   common use of LIFO.                    LIFO method not permitted.         realisable value. Cost is
                         or weighted average method to                                                                                normally determined by FIFO
                         determine cost.                                                                                              or weighted average cost
                                                                                                                                      method. Specific identification
                         Recognise long-term contract       Use completed contract method                                             method may be used in certain
                         revenues and profits using         for long-term contact accounting in                                       cases.
                         percentage of completion           limited circumstances.                                                    For long-term contracts, either
                         method.                                                                                                      percentage completion method
                                                                                                                                      or completed contract method
                                                                                                                                      may be used.
Revenue recognition      Recognise revenue if meets         Broadly comparable to IAS.             No detailed standard on            Comparable to IAS.
                         specific criteria.                 Numerous accounting guidance for       revenue recognition but
                                                            specific industries and situations.    practices similar to IAS.
Transfers of financial   Currently no standard. Recent      Recognise and de-recognise assets      Recognise and derecognise          Recognise/de-recognise based
assets                   proposals to recognise and de-     based on control. Strict criteria      assets based on risks and          on transfer of significant risks
                         recognise assets based on          evidencing surrender of control for    rewards, focussing in part on      and rewards of ownership.
                         control.                           de-recognition.                        substance rather than just legal
Provisions - general     Record provisions relating to      Separate rules for specific            Comparable to IAS.                 Comparable to IAS.
                         present obligations from past      situations (employee termination
                         events if probable outflow of      costs, environmental liabilities,
                         resources can be reliably          etc.)
GAAP differences
   Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                      IAS                                US GAAP                               UK GAAP                             INDIAN GAAP
Provisions - restructuring   Make restructuring provisions if   Similar to IAS, however only need     Similar to IAS.                     Comparable to IAS.
                             detailed formal plan exists and    management approval and
                             announced or implementation        communication for involuntary
                             begun.                             employee termination.
Contingencies                Disclose possible losses and       Similar to IAS                        Similar to IAS.                     Contingent loss is provided in
                             probable gains.                                                                                              the profit and loss statement if
                                                                                                                                          it is probable that future
                                                                                                                                          events will confirm that, after
                                                                                                                                          taking into account any related
                                                                                                                                          probable recovery, an asset
                                                                                                                                          has been impaired or a liability
                                                                                                                                          has been incurred as at the
                                                                                                                                          balance sheet date and a
                                                                                                                                          reasonable estimate of the
                                                                                                                                          amount of the resulting loss
                                                                                                                                          can be made. In other cases,
                                                                                                                                          contingent losses are to be
                                                                                                                                          disclosed unless the possibility
                                                                                                                                          of occurrence is remote.
                                                                                                                                          Contingent gains are not
Employee benefits -          Must use projected unit credit     Broadly comparable to IAS,            New standard is similar to IAS      If employer chooses to make
pension costs – defined      method to determine benefit        although several minor differences.   with some differences. The          payment for retirement
benefit plans                obligation                                                               surplus or deficit of the defined   benefits out of his own funds
                                                                                                      benefit obligation over plan        provision in the accounts is
                                                                                                      assets are recognised               normally made based on
                                                                                                      immediately in the STATEMENT        actuarial valuation.
                                                                                                      OF RECOGNISED GAINS AND             In case liability is funded
                                                                                                      LOSSES.                             through creation of a trust,
                                                                                                                                          cost incurred for the year is
                                                                                                                                          determined actuarially. Annual
                                                                                                                                          contributions are normally
                                                                                                                                          based on actuarial valuation.
GAAP differences
  Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                 IAS                                US GAAP                              UK GAAP                           INDIAN GAAP
                                                                                                                                  In case liability is funded
                                                                                                                                  through a scheme
                                                                                                                                  administered by an insurer, an
                                                                                                                                  actuarial certificate or
                                                                                                                                  confirmation from the insurer
                                                                                                                                  regarding contributions
                                                                                                                                  payable is obtained.

                                                                                                                                  The financial statements have
                                                                                                                                  to disclose the method by
                                                                                                                                  which retirement benefit costs
                                                                                                                                  for the period have been
                                                                                                                                  determined. In case the costs
                                                                                                                                  are based on actuarial
                                                                                                                                  valuation, the financial
                                                                                                                                  statements to disclose the
                                                                                                                                  date of actuarial valuation and
                                                                                                                                  the method by which the
                                                                                                                                  accrual for the period has
                                                                                                                                  been determined.
Employee benefits -     Account for post-retirement        Comparable to IAS for post-          New standard similar to IAS for   Post retirement schemes,
other                   benefits as pensions. Rules also   retirement benefits. More detailed   post-retirement benefits. Other   which are defined benefit
                        given for termination benefits     guidance for termination benefits.   benefits not covered by           schemes, are accounted as
                        and other post-employment and      Termination indemnity similar to     standards, but practice           pensions.
                        long term employee benefits.       IAS.                                 generally similar to IAS.         For other benefits,
                        Account for termination                                                                                   contributions are reflected in
                        indemnity plans as pensions.                                                                              the profit and loss statement.
Deferred income taxes   Use full provision method,         Comparable to IAS, but recognise     Use full provision method (more   Deferred Tax assets and
                        driven by balance sheet            all deferred tax assets and then     extensive exceptions) based on    liabilities should be recognised
                        temporary differences.             provide valuation allowance if       timing differences between        for all timing differences
                        Recognise deferred tax assets if   recovery is less than 50% likely.    accounting and taxable profit.    subject to consideration of
                        recovery is probable.                                                                                     prudence in respect of
                                                                                                                                  deferred tax assets.
GAAP differences
  Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                   IAS                               US GAAP                               UK GAAP                            INDIAN GAAP
                                                            A number of specific differences in   A number of specific differences   Unrecognised deferred tax
                                                            application.                          in application.                    assets are reassessed at each
                                                                                                                                     balance sheet date and are
                                                                                                                                     recognised to the extent that it
                                                                                                                                     is certain that such previously
                                                                                                                                     unrecognised deferred tax
                                                                                                                                     assets will be realised.

                                                                                                                                     Deferred tax assets and
                                                                                                                                     liabilities are measured using
                                                                                                                                     tax rates that have been
                                                                                                                                     enacted or substantively
                                                                                                                                     enacted by the Balance Sheet
Derivatives and other     Gains / losses on hedges of       Similar to IAS, except all hedge      Similar to US GAAP.                No guidance currently.
financial instruments –   foreign entity investments        ineffectiveness recognised in the
measurement of hedges     recognised in equity, including   income statement.
of foreign entity         hedge ineffectiveness on non-
investments               derivatives. For derivatives,
                          recognise hedge ineffectiveness
                          in the Income statement.

                          Gains/losses held in equity
                          must be transferred to the
                          income statement on disposal
                          of investment.

Derivatives and other     Measure derivatives and hedge     Similar to IAS, except no basis       No comprehensive guidance          No guidance currently.
financial instruments –   instrument at fair value;         adjustment on cash flow hedges of     currently. Financial liabilities
measurement of            recognise changes in fair value   future.                               measured at amortised net
derivative instruments    in income statement except for                                          proceeds, with gains and losses
and hedging activities    effective cash flow hedges                                              from premature settlement
                          defer in equity until effect of                                         recognised in the income
GAAP differences
   Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                     IAS                                 US GAAP                        UK GAAP                      INDIAN GAAP
                            the underlying transaction is                                      statement.
                            recognised in the income

                            Gains/losses on hedge
                            instrument used to hedge
                            forecast transaction, included in
                            cost of asset/liability.
Related party               Determine by level of direct or     Similar to IAS.                Similar to IAS.              Determine by ability to control
transactions - definition   indirect control and significant                                                                or to exercise significant
                            influence of one party over                                                                     influence over the other party.
                            another, or common control of
                            both parties.
Related party               Disclose name of related party      Similar to IAS.                Similar to IAS.              Similar to IAS except the
transactions -              and nature of relationship and                                                                  following additional
disclosures                 types of transactions. For                                                                      disclosures:
                            control relationships, give                                                                     • Volume of transactions
                            disclosures regardless of                                                                       • Amounts due from related
                            whether transactions occur.                                                                          parties outstanding at the
                                                                                                                                 balance sheet date
                            Some exemptions available for       Exemptions are narrower than   Exemptions are more widely        together with provision for
                            separate financial statements of    under IAS.                     available than under IAS.         doubtful debts due from
                            subsidiaries.                                                                                        related parties.
                                                                                                                            • Amounts written off or
                                                                                                                                 written back during the
                                                                                                                                 period in respect of debts
                                                                                                                                 due from related parties.
Earnings per share –        Use weighted average potential      Similar to IAS.                Similar to IAS.              Comparable to IAS.
diluted                     dilutive shares as denominator
                            for diluted EPS. Use “treasure
                            stock” method for share options
                            / warrants.
GAAP differences
  Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                 IAS                                 US GAAP                                 UK GAAP                               INDIAN GAAP
Extraordinary and       Extraordinary items limited to a    Similar to IAS. Gains or loss from      Extraordinary     items   are   non   Similar to IAS.
exceptional items       few events outside control of       extinguishing     debt    must   be     existent.
                        company. Does not use the           classified as extraordinary.
                        term, but requires separate                                                 Exceptional items are disclosed
                        disclosure of items that are of     Exceptional items treatment is          by way of note, or where
                        such size and nature that           similar to IAS but it is disclosed on   necessary to give true and fair
                        requires separate disclosure to     the face of the income statement.       view, on the face of the income
                        explain the performance of the                                              statement. Classify with related
                        entity. Exceptional items usually                                           line item.
                        shown on the face of the
                        income statement or in the
Post balance sheet      Adjust financial statements for     Similar to IAS.                         Similar to IAS.                       Similar to IAS.
events                  subsequent events providing
                        evidence of conditions at
                        balance sheet date and
                        materially affecting amounts in
                        financial statements. Disclose
                        non-adjusting events.
Segment reporting -     Public entities. Report primary     Public entities. Report based on        Public and very large private         Similar to IAS.
scope and basis of      and secondary segment formats       internal operating segments.            entities. Report based on
formats                 based on risks and returns and                                              classes of business and
                        internal reporting structure.                                               geographical areas.
Segment reporting -     Use group accounting policies.      Use internal financial reporting        Similar to IAS.                       Segment information should
accounting policies                                         policies (even if accounting policies                                         confirm to accounting policies
                                                            may differ from consolidated                                                  used for preparing financial
                                                            GAAP).                                                                        statements of the enterprise
                                                                                                                                          as a whole.
                                                                                                                                          A detailed calculation for
                                                                                                                                          applying an enterprise wide
                                                                                                                                          accounting policy may be
                                                                                                                                          allocated to segments.
                                                                                                                                          Disclosure of additional
GAAP differences
  Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                  IAS                                US GAAP                              UK GAAP                            INDIAN GAAP
                                                                                                                                    segment information prepared
                                                                                                                                    on a basis other than
                                                                                                                                    enterprise wide accounting
                                                                                                                                    policy is permitted.

Segment reporting –      Disclosures for primary            Similar disclosures to IAS, except   Disclose revenue results and       Additional disclosures with
disclosures              segment format include sales,      liabilities and geographical capex   net assets. Equal prominence to    respect to depreciation and
                         profits, capex, assets and         not required. Depreciation,          disclosures by class of business   other non cash expenses.
                         liabilities. For secondary         amortisation, tax, interest and      and geographically.                For secondary format sales,
                         segment format, report sales,      exceptional / extraordinary items                                       assets and capex to be
                         assets and capex.                  required if reported internally.                                        disclosed.
                                                                                                                                    Other required disclosures
                                                                                                                                    include basis of pricing inter
                                                                                                                                    segment transfers, types of
                                                                                                                                    products and services and
                                                                                                                                    composition of each
                                                                                                                                    geographical segment.
Cash flow statement -    Standard headings, but             Similar headings to IAS, but more    More standard headings than        Standard headings, using
formats and method       flexibility over their contents.   specific guidance given for items    IAS. Use direct or indirect        direct or indirect method,
                         Use direct or indirect method.     to include in each. Use direct or    method.                            prescribed for all listed
                                                            indirect method.                                                        companies and companies
                                                                                                                                    with turnover in excess of Rs
                                                                                                                                    500 million.
Cash flow statements –   Cash includes overdrafts and       Cash excludes overdrafts but         Cash includes overdrafts but       Cash includes cash in hand
definition of cash and   cash equivalents with short-       includes cash equivalents with       excludes cash equivalents.         and deposits repayable on
cash equivalents         term maturities (less than 3       short-term maturities.                                                  demand. Cash equivalents are
                         months).                                                                                                   short term, highly liquid
                                                                                                                                    investments that are readily
                                                                                                                                    convertible to cash (normally 3
                                                                                                                                    months or less). Bank
                                                                                                                                    borrowings are generally
GAAP differences
   Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                    IAS                                US GAAP                                UK GAAP                           INDIAN GAAP
                                                                                                                                       considered to be financing
Statement of recognised    Give statement of recognised       Disclose total comprehensive           Give primary statement of total   Not required.
gains and losses           gains and losses either as         income, either combined with           recognised gains and losses
                           separate primary statement or      income statement or choose one         (STATEMENT OF RECOGNISED
                           separately highlighted in          of the two alternatives as for IAS.    GAINS AND LOSSES).
                           primary statement of
                           movements in equity.                                                      Current proposal for a single
                                                                                                     performance statement.
Interim financial          Not mandatory to prepare           If issued, the contents of interim     Mandatory for listed entities     Only an enterprise desirous of
reporting                  interim statements but must        statements are prescribed and          (half yearly); minimum contents   preparing interim financial
                           use standard if do prepare.        basis should be consistent with full   specified by the London Stock     statements is required to
                           Basis should be consistent with    year statements. Quarterly             Exchange.                         comply with the statement on
                           full year statements and include   reporting also necessary for SEC       UK ASB non mandatory              interim financial reporting.
                           comparatives.                      registrants (domestic US               statement is similar to IAS.      Minimum requirements include
                                                              enterprises only).                                                       balance sheet, P&L a/c and
                                                                                                                                       cash flow statement (if
                                                                                                                                       applicable) in condensed form.
                                                                                                                                       Form and content should
                                                                                                                                       confirm to requirements of
                                                                                                                                       Annual financial statements.

                                                                                                                                       Quarterly interim financial
                                                                                                                                       reporting mandatory for listed
                                                                                                                                       entities; minimum contents
                                                                                                                                       specified by SEBI.
Discontinuing/discontinu   Make provision for some cost if    Accrue at measurement date for         Similar to IAS.                   Assets are stated at lower of
ed operations –            considered a restructuring and     estimated operating loss in wind-                                        net book value and net
measurement                criteria for recognising a         down period and on disposal.                                             realisable value.
                           provision are met.                                                                                          Provide for all foreseeable
                                                              Carry assets at lower of carrying                                        losses that are probable and
                           Write down assets to higher of     amount and net realisable value.                                         measurable.
                           net selling price and value in
GAAP differences
  Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India

SUBJECT                    IAS                               US GAAP                               UK GAAP                             INDIAN GAAP
                           use based on discounted cash
Discontinuing/discontinu   Give details of discontinuing     Report discontinued operations as     Disclose on the face of the         Disclose on the face of the
ed operations -            operation. Disclose (on face of   a separate line item on the face of   income statement components         income statement the pre tax
presentation and           income statement) pre tax gain    the income statement (net of tax      of operating profit relating to     gain or loss from operations
disclosure                 or loss from discontinuance.      and below net income from             discontinued operations.            and from disposal of assets.
                                                             continuing operations).
                                                                                                   Current proposal is for a greater   Other disclosures include
                                                                                                   level of disclosure of              details about the discontinued
                                                                                                   discontinuing operations.           operations, the business or
                                                                                                                                       geographical segment in which
                                                                                                                                       it is reported, the date or
                                                                                                                                       period in which discontinuance
                                                                                                                                       is expected to be completed
                                                                                                                                       and the assets, liabilities,
                                                                                                                                       revenues, expenses and cash
                                                                                                                                       flows attributable to the
                                                                                                                                       discontinued operation.

                                                                                                                                       Disclosures begin with the
                                                                                                                                       period in which the initial
                                                                                                                                       disclosure event occurs.

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  • 1. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP Accounting framework Contents of Financial Two years’ balance sheets, Similar to IAS, except three years Similar to IAS Two years’ balance sheets, statements income, recognised gains and required by SEC for all statements profit and loss account, losses and cash flow except balance sheet. accounting policies and notes. statements, changes in equity, Only companies listed on accounting policies and notes. Indian stock exchanges and non-listed enterprises whose turnover exceeds Rs. 500 million are required to furnish cash flow statements. Truue and fair view In rare cases, override No override of standards Similar to IAS No override of standards override standards to give “true and fair permitted. permitted. view”. Accounting convention Historical cost, but some assets No revaluations except some Comparable to IAS Historical cost, but fixed may be revalued. securities and derivatives at fair assets, other than intangibles, value. may be revalued. Changes in accounting Either restate comparatives and Generally include effect (net of Restate comparatives and prior Include effect in the income policies prior year opening retained taxes) in current year income year opening retained earnings. statement of the period in earnings or include effects (net statement after extraordinary which the change is made. of taxes) in current year income items. Disclose proforma Disclosure: statement and provide comparatives. Retrospective Effect of the change on current Disclosure: proforma comparatives in the adjustments for specific items. period results. • Impact of and adjustments notes. resulting from the change, if material, is to be shown Disclosure: Disclosure: in the financial statements Disclosure is required of the • Cumulative effect of change of the period in which the reasons for and the effect of on the amount of retained change is made. the change. earnings at the beginning of • If the effect of the change the period in which the change cannot be estimated that is made. fact is to be disclosed. • Effect of change on income • A change that has no
  • 2. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP before extraordinary items and material effect in the on net income (and related per current period but is share amounts). reasonably expected to • Income before extraordinary have material effect in items and net income later periods is to be computed on pro forma basis appropriately disclosed in on the face of the income the period in which change statement for all periods is adopted. presented as if the new policy had been applied during all periods. Correction of Either restate comparatives or Restate comparatives. Similar to US GAAP Include effect in current year fundamental errors include effect in current year Adjustments required to be made income statement. income statement with to previously issued financial proforma comparatives in the statements. notes. Reporting currency Requires measurement of profit Uses a functional currency. Does In practice it is rare for entities In practice it is rare for entities using the measurement not specify the concept of a not to use sterling. not to use local currency. currency, however entities may presentation currency. present financial statements in different currency. Balance sheet format Does not prescribe a particular Similar to IAS, items presented on Company law specifies various Company law specifies various format, however certain items the face of the balance sheet are formats. Items presented are formats. must be presented on the face generally presented in decreasing similar to IAS, except of the balance sheet. order of liquidity. shareholders’ funds are required to be analysed into equity and non-equity elements. Income statement Does not prescribe a particular Present as either a single step or Company law specifies four Does not prescribe a particular format format, however expenditure multiple step format. Expenditure alternative formats. format, however prescribes must be presented in one of must be presented by function. certain disclosure norms for
  • 3. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP two formats (function or income and expenditures. nature). Certain items must be presented on the face of the income statement. Cash flow statement - Standard headings, but Similar headings to IAS, but more More standard headings than Standard headings, using formats and method flexibility over their contents. specific guidance given for items IAS. Use direct or indirect direct or indirect method, Use direct or indirect method. to include in each. Use direct or method. prescribed for all listed indirect method. companies and companies with turnover in excess of Rs 500 million. Cash flow statements - Cash includes overdrafts and Cash excludes overdrafts but Cash includes overdrafts but Cash includes cash in hand definition of cash and cash equivalents with short- includes cash equivalents with excludes cash equivalents. and deposits repayable on cash equivalents term maturities (less than 3 short-term maturities. demand. Cash equivalents are months). short term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to cash (normally 3 months or less). Bank borrowings are generally considered to be financing activities. Changes in accounting Account for in income Similar to IAS. Similar to IAS Comparable to IAS. estimates statement in the current and future periods, as appropriate. Group Reporting Definition of subsidiary Based on voting control or Controlling interest through Similar to IAS Controlling interest through power to exercise dominant majority ownership of voting majority of voting shares or influence. shares. Recent proposals similar to control of board of directors. IAS. Exclusion of subsidiaries Only if severe long-term Comparable to IAS. Similar to IAS Comparable to IAS. from consolidation restrictions or acquired and • If control is likely to be held for re-sale in the near temporary or if it does not rest
  • 4. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP future; dissimilar activities is with the majority owner. not a justification. • Significant doubts as to the parent’s ability to control. Definition of associate Based on significant influence: Broadly comparable to IAS. Requires evidence of exercise An associate is an enterprise in presumed if 20% interest or of significant influence which the investor has participation in entity’s affairs. significant influence and which is neither a subsidiary nor a joint venture of the investor. Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and/or operating policy decisions of the investee but not control over those policies. As regards share ownership, if an investor holds, directly or indirectly through subsidiary(ies), 20% or more of the voting power of the investee, it is presumed that the investor has significant influence, unless it can be clearly demonstrated that this is not the case. Conversely, if the investor holds, directly or indirectly through subsidiary(ies), less than 20% of the voting power of the investee, it is presumed that the investor does not have significant influence, unless such influence can be clearly
  • 5. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP demonstrated. Presentation of associate Use equity method. Show share Use equity method. Show share of Use expanded equity method. Use equity method. Show results of profits and losses. post-tax result. Share of operating profit, share of profits and losses. exceptional items and tax The equity method is a method shown separately. of accounting whereby the investment is initially recorded at cost, identifying any goodwill/capital reserve arising at the time of acquisition. The carrying amount of the investment is adjusted thereafter for the post acquisition change in the investor’s share of net assets of the investee. The consolidated statement of profit and loss reflects the investor’s share of the results of operations of the investee. Disclosures about Following disclosures to be Give detailed information on Similar to US GAAP. Following disclosures to be significant associates made: significant associates’ assets, made in Consolidated Financial • List and description of liabilities and results. statements: Associates including • Reasons for not applying proportion of ownership the equity method of and proportion of voting accounting for investments power (if different from in associates. proportion of ownership) • Goodwill/Capital reserve • Method used to account for arising on acquisition of an such investments. associate. (included in • Investments in associates carrying amount but
  • 6. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP accounted for using the disclosed separately) equity method classified as • List and description of long-term investments Associates including • The investor’s share of the proportion of ownership profits or losses of such and proportion of voting investments. power (if different from • The investor’s share of any proportion of ownership) extraordinary or prior • Investments in associates period items. accounted for using the equity method classified as long-term investments • The investor’s share of the profits or losses of such investments. • The investor’s share of any extraordinary or prior period items. • Names of associates whose reporting dates are different from those of the investor’s financial statements together with the difference in the reporting dates. • The fact that it is impracticable to make adjustments to the associate’s financial statements for differences between accounting policies of the associate and those used for consolidated financial
  • 7. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP statements together with a brief description of the differences. Equity method or Both proportional consolidation Generally use equity method. Use Generally use gross equity Three forms of Joint Ventures proportional and equity method permitted. proportional consolidation in method. identified: consolidation for joint Consolidate own assets / limited circumstances, such as oil Consolidate own assets / 1. Jointly controlled ventures liabilities in limited and gas ventures. liabilities in limited operation: Venturer to circumstances such as oil and circumstances such as oil and recognize in its separate gas ventures. gas ventures. financial statements • assets it controls • liabilities it incurs • its share of income • expenses it incurs 2. Jointly controlled assets: Venturer to recognize in its separate financial statements • Share of jointly controlled assets • Liabilities it has incurred • Share of jointly incurred liabilities • Share of income and expenses from the joint venture • Expense incurred by it in relation to the joint venture. 3. Jointly controlled entities: In its separate
  • 8. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP financial statements venturer to recognize as an investment, its interest in the Joint Venture. In consolidated financial statements venturer to report its interest in the jointly controlled entity using proportionate consolidation method. Foreign Currency Translation Individual company Translate at rate on date of Similar to IAS. Similar to IAS. Similar to IAS. transaction; monetary assets/liabilities at balance sheet rate; non-monetary items at historical rate. Foreign entities within Use closing rate for balance Similar to IAS. Similar to IAS, but can use Even though consolidation of consolidated financial sheets; average rate for income closing rate for income Foreign subsidiaries is required statements statements. Take exchange statements. Recognise the accounting treatment has differences to equity and exchange differences in the not been specifically include in gain on disposal of Statement of Recognized Gains addressed. subsidiary. and Losses. However, taking into account the accounting treatment suggested by other Standards the closing rate may be used for balance sheets and average rates may be used for income statements with the difference being accounted for in the income statement of the parent company.
  • 9. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP Combinations Purchase method - fair Fair value assets and liabilities Similar to IAS, but specific rules for Similar to IAS. Assets and liabilities may be values on acquisition of acquired entity. acquired in-process research and incorporated at their existing development (generally expensed). carrying amounts, or Some liabilities relating to the alternatively the consideration acquired entity may be Similar to IAS, but less stringent Very few acquisition provisions is allocated to individual assets recognised in restricted recognition criteria as regards allowed. and liabilities on the basis of circumstances. timing of implementation of the their fair values. • Liabilities are not recorded plans. No separate acquisition at the date of acquisition if provisions allowed. they result from the acquirer’s intentions or actions. • Acquirer recognises a provision that was not a liability if the acquirer has developed the main features of a plan that involves reducing/terminating activities and that relates to compensating employees of the acquiree.
  • 10. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP Purchase method – Fair values can be corrected Similar to IAS, in that there is an Similar to IAS. Subsequent adjustments subsequent adjustments against goodwill up to the end allocated period of up to one year normally not allowed. to fair values of the year after acquisition if following the date of the additional evidence of values acquisition. Adjustments made becomes available. during the allocation period relating to data for which Record subsequent adjustments management was waiting to in income statement. Reversals complete the allocation are of acquisition provisions always recorded against goodwill. Very few acquisition provisions adjust goodwill. allowed. Similar to IAS. Purchase method – Estimated at acquisition then Not recognised until the Similar to IAS Included in consideration if the contingent consideration subsequently corrected against contingency is resolved or the payment is probable and a goodwill. amount is determinable. reasonable estimate of the amount can be made. Adjustment is made to goodwill or capital reserve, as applicable. Purchase method – State at share of fair value of Usually state at share of pre- State at share of fair value of State at share of pre- minority interests at net assets or at share of pre- acquisition carrying value of net net assets acquisition carrying value of acquisition acquisition carrying value of net assets. net assets . assets. Purchase method – Disclosures include names and Similar to IAS, plus additional Similar to IAS, but must also Comparable to IAS. Additional disclosure descriptions of combining disclosures regarding the reasons present table showing book disclosures include particulars entities, method of accounting for the acquisition, and details of values, fair value adjustments of the scheme sanctioned for acquisition and date of allocations. Public companies must and fair values of acquired under a statute, consideration acquisition, summary of fair also present proforma income assets and liabilities. and description of the values of assets and liabilities statement information as if consideration paid or acquired and impact on results acquisition occurred at the start of contingently payable, amount and financial position of the comparative period. of goodwill/ capital reserve, acquirer. and the treatment thereof.
  • 11. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP Purchase method – Capitalise and amortise over Capitalise but do amortise Goodwill Similar to IAS, although Capitalise and amortise to goodwill useful life, normally not longer should be tested for impairment at indefinite life may be used in income over useful life, than 20 years. least annually at the reporting unit certain circumstances. normally not exceeding 5 level. years. Purchase method – If relates to expected future Reduce proportionately the fair Recognise as negative asset Treat as capital reserve, which negative goodwill losses/costs recognise in values assigned to non-current and recognise in the income is not amortised. income when these occur. assets (with certain exceptions). statement to match Otherwise record as negative Any excess is recognised in the depreciation of non-monetary asset and recognise over useful income statement immediately as assets; any excess over the fair lives of identifiable, non- an extraordinary gain value of such assets is monetary assets. Any excess recognised in the income over the fair values of such statement over period likely to assets is recognised in income benefit. immediately. Pooling of interests Severely restricted to “true Prohibited. Restrictions similar, but not Restricted to amalgamation in method mergers of equals”. Rules focus quite as though as IAS. Criteria the nature of “merger” only. on lack of identification of an include size of entities and low Allowed only when certain acquirer. level limits on non share conditions are met, mainly consideration. when all assets and liabilities, and 90% shareholders of transferor company become part of the transferee company. Intangible assets Capitalise if recognition criteria Capitalise purchased intangible Broadly similar to IAS, although Capitalise intangible assets if met; intangible assets must be assets. may use indefinite life in certain specific criteria are met and amortised over useful life, Goodwill and other intangibles are rare circumstances. amortise over useful life. normally no longer than 20 not presumed to be wasting years. Revaluations are assets. The recoverable amount of an permitted in rare All intangibles that have indefinite intangible asset that is not circumstances. useful life are required to be available for use or is being tested, at least annually, for amortised over a period
  • 12. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP impairment. exceeding 10 years should be Intangible assets that have finite reviewed at each year-end. useful life are required to be amortised over their useful lives. Amortisation should be based on the consumption pattern of the asset or on straight line basis if a pattern is not determinable. The amortisation period should be reviewed at each year-end and changed if significantly different from previous estimates. Subsequent expenditure on an intangible asset is recognised as an expense unless it is probable that the expenditure will generate future benefits in excess of originally assessed standards of performance. Internally generated Expense research costs as Expense both research and An entity may choose to Intangible assets arising from intangible assets incurred. Capitalise and development costs as incurred. capitalise internally generated development are recognised if amortise development costs Some software and website assets, other than research and specific criteria are met. only if stringent criteria are development costs must be development expenditure when met. capitalised. a market exists. Expense research costs as incurred. Recognition criteria not as strict as IAS. Internally generated goodwill is not recognised. Main Accounting Principles Property, plant and Use historical cost or revalued Revaluations not permitted. Similar to IAS. Use historical costs or revalued
  • 13. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP equipment amounts. Frequent valuations amounts. On revaluation, an of entire classes of assets entire class of assets is necessary when revalued revalued, or selection of assets amounts used. for revaluation is made on a systematic basis. No current restriction on frequency of valuation. Depreciation Allocated on a systematic basis Calculated to match the use of the Rates prescribed in the to each accounting period asset over its useful life. Companies Act for the during the useful life of the minimum depreciation asset. provision. Where applicable, higher depreciation based on useful life of the asset should be provided. Asset lives are not prescribed by the Cos. Act but can be derived from the depreciation rates. Investment properties Measure at depreciated cost or Treat as for other properties (use Carry at open market value Carry at cost. Reduce carrying fair value and recognise historical cost). without depreciation. Changes amount to recognise a decline changes in fair value in the in fair value recognise in the in value other than a income statement. STATEMENT OF RECOGNISED temporary decline. GAINS AND LOSSES. Impairment of assets If impairment indicated, write Impairment review based on Similar to IAS. The institute of chartered down assets to higher of net undiscounted cash flows. If less Accountants of India is selling price and value in use than carrying amount, measure reviewing an exposure draft on based on discounted cash impairment loss using discounted impairment of assets. flows. cash flows. Capitalisation of Permitted for qualifying assets. Compulsory when relates to Similar to IAS. Borrowing costs that are borrowing costs construction of certain qualifying directly attributable to the assets. acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset is capitalised as part of
  • 14. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP the cost of the asset. Finance leases – Finance lease if substantially all Similar to IAS, but considerably Comparable to IAS. Similar to IAS. classification risks and rewards of ownership more extensive form-driven transferred. Substance over requirements. form is important. Leases – lessee Record finance leases as asset Comparable to IAS. Comparable to IAS. Similar to IAS accounting and obligation for future rentals. Normally depreciate over useful life of asset. Apportion rental payments to give constant interest rate on outstanding obligation. Generally charge operating lease rentals on straight-line basis. Leases-lessor accounting Record amounts due under Comparable to IAS but specific Presentation comparable to IAS Similar to IAS. finance leases as a receivable. rules for leveraged leases. but measurement basis differs: Allocate gross earnings to give use (post tax ) non cash constant rate of return based investment method for on net investment method. allocating gross earnings. Leases – sale and Defer and amortise profit Defer and amortise profits up to Similar to IAS except defer and Similar to IAS. leaseback transactions arising on sale and finance certain limits. Immediately amortise profit over the shorter leaseback. If an operating lease recognise losses. Consider specific of the lease term or useful life. arises then profit recognition strict criteria if a real estate depends on sale proceeds transaction. compared to fair value of the asset. Investments Carry long-term investments at Depends on classification of Carry long term investment at Carry long-term investments at cost or revalued amounts. investment-if held to maturity then cost, market value or other cost (with provision for Record revaluations consistently carry at amortised cost, otherwise appropriate basis, such as net permanent diminution in
  • 15. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP in income statement or equity. at fair value. Take unrealised gains asset value. Carry current asset value). Current investments Carry current asset investments / losses to other comprehensive investments at lower of cost carried at lower of cost or fair at lower of cost and market income or (if trading securities) to and net realisable value or at value determined on individual value or at market value. income statement. current cost. basis or by category of Record market value changes in investment but not on overall income statement. Recent (or global) basis. proposals to carry some financial assets at fair value. Inventories and long Carry at lower of cost and net Broadly comparable to IAS – more Comparable to IAS except that Carry at lower of cost and net term contracts realisable value; use FIFO, LIFO common use of LIFO. LIFO method not permitted. realisable value. Cost is or weighted average method to normally determined by FIFO determine cost. or weighted average cost method. Specific identification Recognise long-term contract Use completed contract method method may be used in certain revenues and profits using for long-term contact accounting in cases. percentage of completion limited circumstances. For long-term contracts, either method. percentage completion method or completed contract method may be used. Revenue recognition Recognise revenue if meets Broadly comparable to IAS. No detailed standard on Comparable to IAS. specific criteria. Numerous accounting guidance for revenue recognition but specific industries and situations. practices similar to IAS. Transfers of financial Currently no standard. Recent Recognise and de-recognise assets Recognise and derecognise Recognise/de-recognise based assets proposals to recognise and de- based on control. Strict criteria assets based on risks and on transfer of significant risks recognise assets based on evidencing surrender of control for rewards, focussing in part on and rewards of ownership. control. de-recognition. substance rather than just legal form. Provisions - general Record provisions relating to Separate rules for specific Comparable to IAS. Comparable to IAS. present obligations from past situations (employee termination events if probable outflow of costs, environmental liabilities, resources can be reliably etc.) estimated.
  • 16. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP Provisions - restructuring Make restructuring provisions if Similar to IAS, however only need Similar to IAS. Comparable to IAS. detailed formal plan exists and management approval and announced or implementation communication for involuntary begun. employee termination. Contingencies Disclose possible losses and Similar to IAS Similar to IAS. Contingent loss is provided in probable gains. the profit and loss statement if it is probable that future events will confirm that, after taking into account any related probable recovery, an asset has been impaired or a liability has been incurred as at the balance sheet date and a reasonable estimate of the amount of the resulting loss can be made. In other cases, contingent losses are to be disclosed unless the possibility of occurrence is remote. Contingent gains are not recognised. Employee benefits - Must use projected unit credit Broadly comparable to IAS, New standard is similar to IAS If employer chooses to make pension costs – defined method to determine benefit although several minor differences. with some differences. The payment for retirement benefit plans obligation surplus or deficit of the defined benefits out of his own funds benefit obligation over plan provision in the accounts is assets are recognised normally made based on immediately in the STATEMENT actuarial valuation. OF RECOGNISED GAINS AND In case liability is funded LOSSES. through creation of a trust, cost incurred for the year is determined actuarially. Annual contributions are normally based on actuarial valuation.
  • 17. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP In case liability is funded through a scheme administered by an insurer, an actuarial certificate or confirmation from the insurer regarding contributions payable is obtained. The financial statements have to disclose the method by which retirement benefit costs for the period have been determined. In case the costs are based on actuarial valuation, the financial statements to disclose the date of actuarial valuation and the method by which the accrual for the period has been determined. Employee benefits - Account for post-retirement Comparable to IAS for post- New standard similar to IAS for Post retirement schemes, other benefits as pensions. Rules also retirement benefits. More detailed post-retirement benefits. Other which are defined benefit given for termination benefits guidance for termination benefits. benefits not covered by schemes, are accounted as and other post-employment and Termination indemnity similar to standards, but practice pensions. long term employee benefits. IAS. generally similar to IAS. For other benefits, Account for termination contributions are reflected in indemnity plans as pensions. the profit and loss statement. Deferred income taxes Use full provision method, Comparable to IAS, but recognise Use full provision method (more Deferred Tax assets and driven by balance sheet all deferred tax assets and then extensive exceptions) based on liabilities should be recognised temporary differences. provide valuation allowance if timing differences between for all timing differences Recognise deferred tax assets if recovery is less than 50% likely. accounting and taxable profit. subject to consideration of recovery is probable. prudence in respect of deferred tax assets.
  • 18. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP A number of specific differences in A number of specific differences Unrecognised deferred tax application. in application. assets are reassessed at each balance sheet date and are recognised to the extent that it is certain that such previously unrecognised deferred tax assets will be realised. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the Balance Sheet date. Derivatives and other Gains / losses on hedges of Similar to IAS, except all hedge Similar to US GAAP. No guidance currently. financial instruments – foreign entity investments ineffectiveness recognised in the measurement of hedges recognised in equity, including income statement. of foreign entity hedge ineffectiveness on non- investments derivatives. For derivatives, recognise hedge ineffectiveness in the Income statement. Gains/losses held in equity must be transferred to the income statement on disposal of investment. Derivatives and other Measure derivatives and hedge Similar to IAS, except no basis No comprehensive guidance No guidance currently. financial instruments – instrument at fair value; adjustment on cash flow hedges of currently. Financial liabilities measurement of recognise changes in fair value future. measured at amortised net derivative instruments in income statement except for proceeds, with gains and losses and hedging activities effective cash flow hedges from premature settlement defer in equity until effect of recognised in the income
  • 19. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP the underlying transaction is statement. recognised in the income statement. Gains/losses on hedge instrument used to hedge forecast transaction, included in cost of asset/liability. Related party Determine by level of direct or Similar to IAS. Similar to IAS. Determine by ability to control transactions - definition indirect control and significant or to exercise significant influence of one party over influence over the other party. another, or common control of both parties. Related party Disclose name of related party Similar to IAS. Similar to IAS. Similar to IAS except the transactions - and nature of relationship and following additional disclosures types of transactions. For disclosures: control relationships, give • Volume of transactions disclosures regardless of • Amounts due from related whether transactions occur. parties outstanding at the balance sheet date Some exemptions available for Exemptions are narrower than Exemptions are more widely together with provision for separate financial statements of under IAS. available than under IAS. doubtful debts due from subsidiaries. related parties. • Amounts written off or written back during the period in respect of debts due from related parties. Earnings per share – Use weighted average potential Similar to IAS. Similar to IAS. Comparable to IAS. diluted dilutive shares as denominator for diluted EPS. Use “treasure stock” method for share options / warrants.
  • 20. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP Extraordinary and Extraordinary items limited to a Similar to IAS. Gains or loss from Extraordinary items are non Similar to IAS. exceptional items few events outside control of extinguishing debt must be existent. company. Does not use the classified as extraordinary. term, but requires separate Exceptional items are disclosed disclosure of items that are of Exceptional items treatment is by way of note, or where such size and nature that similar to IAS but it is disclosed on necessary to give true and fair requires separate disclosure to the face of the income statement. view, on the face of the income explain the performance of the statement. Classify with related entity. Exceptional items usually line item. shown on the face of the income statement or in the notes. Post balance sheet Adjust financial statements for Similar to IAS. Similar to IAS. Similar to IAS. events subsequent events providing evidence of conditions at balance sheet date and materially affecting amounts in financial statements. Disclose non-adjusting events. Segment reporting - Public entities. Report primary Public entities. Report based on Public and very large private Similar to IAS. scope and basis of and secondary segment formats internal operating segments. entities. Report based on formats based on risks and returns and classes of business and internal reporting structure. geographical areas. Segment reporting - Use group accounting policies. Use internal financial reporting Similar to IAS. Segment information should accounting policies policies (even if accounting policies confirm to accounting policies may differ from consolidated used for preparing financial GAAP). statements of the enterprise as a whole. A detailed calculation for applying an enterprise wide accounting policy may be allocated to segments. Disclosure of additional
  • 21. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP segment information prepared on a basis other than enterprise wide accounting policy is permitted. Segment reporting – Disclosures for primary Similar disclosures to IAS, except Disclose revenue results and Additional disclosures with disclosures segment format include sales, liabilities and geographical capex net assets. Equal prominence to respect to depreciation and profits, capex, assets and not required. Depreciation, disclosures by class of business other non cash expenses. liabilities. For secondary amortisation, tax, interest and and geographically. For secondary format sales, segment format, report sales, exceptional / extraordinary items assets and capex to be assets and capex. required if reported internally. disclosed. Other required disclosures include basis of pricing inter segment transfers, types of products and services and composition of each geographical segment. Cash flow statement - Standard headings, but Similar headings to IAS, but more More standard headings than Standard headings, using formats and method flexibility over their contents. specific guidance given for items IAS. Use direct or indirect direct or indirect method, Use direct or indirect method. to include in each. Use direct or method. prescribed for all listed indirect method. companies and companies with turnover in excess of Rs 500 million. Cash flow statements – Cash includes overdrafts and Cash excludes overdrafts but Cash includes overdrafts but Cash includes cash in hand definition of cash and cash equivalents with short- includes cash equivalents with excludes cash equivalents. and deposits repayable on cash equivalents term maturities (less than 3 short-term maturities. demand. Cash equivalents are months). short term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to cash (normally 3 months or less). Bank borrowings are generally
  • 22. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP considered to be financing activities. Statement of recognised Give statement of recognised Disclose total comprehensive Give primary statement of total Not required. gains and losses gains and losses either as income, either combined with recognised gains and losses separate primary statement or income statement or choose one (STATEMENT OF RECOGNISED separately highlighted in of the two alternatives as for IAS. GAINS AND LOSSES). primary statement of movements in equity. Current proposal for a single performance statement. Interim financial Not mandatory to prepare If issued, the contents of interim Mandatory for listed entities Only an enterprise desirous of reporting interim statements but must statements are prescribed and (half yearly); minimum contents preparing interim financial use standard if do prepare. basis should be consistent with full specified by the London Stock statements is required to Basis should be consistent with year statements. Quarterly Exchange. comply with the statement on full year statements and include reporting also necessary for SEC UK ASB non mandatory interim financial reporting. comparatives. registrants (domestic US statement is similar to IAS. Minimum requirements include enterprises only). balance sheet, P&L a/c and cash flow statement (if applicable) in condensed form. Form and content should confirm to requirements of Annual financial statements. Quarterly interim financial reporting mandatory for listed entities; minimum contents specified by SEBI. Discontinuing/discontinu Make provision for some cost if Accrue at measurement date for Similar to IAS. Assets are stated at lower of ed operations – considered a restructuring and estimated operating loss in wind- net book value and net measurement criteria for recognising a down period and on disposal. realisable value. provision are met. Provide for all foreseeable Carry assets at lower of carrying losses that are probable and Write down assets to higher of amount and net realisable value. measurable. net selling price and value in
  • 23. GAAP differences Comparison of GAAP requirements under IAS, US, UK and India SUBJECT IAS US GAAP UK GAAP INDIAN GAAP use based on discounted cash flows. Discontinuing/discontinu Give details of discontinuing Report discontinued operations as Disclose on the face of the Disclose on the face of the ed operations - operation. Disclose (on face of a separate line item on the face of income statement components income statement the pre tax presentation and income statement) pre tax gain the income statement (net of tax of operating profit relating to gain or loss from operations disclosure or loss from discontinuance. and below net income from discontinued operations. and from disposal of assets. continuing operations). Current proposal is for a greater Other disclosures include level of disclosure of details about the discontinued discontinuing operations. operations, the business or geographical segment in which it is reported, the date or period in which discontinuance is expected to be completed and the assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses and cash flows attributable to the discontinued operation. Disclosures begin with the period in which the initial disclosure event occurs.