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Weight Watchers: How Does it Work?
My TOP30 Instant Pot recipes with Smart Points values
Timothy Morrison
Table of Contents
Weight Watchers and Principles of Fat Loss
Calculating Food Energy: Calories and Smart Points
How do Fit Points work? Estimation of Energy Expenditure
A Proper Mindset to Get Slim
Drink More Water
How Protein can Help You Lose Weight
Types of Carbohydrates: Simple, Complex, and Dietary
Eat Fat to Burn Fat
Social Support
Home Cooking with Instant Pot
Soup Recipes
Simple Tomato Soup
Mushroom Soup with Barley
Celery Cream Soup
Navy Bean Soup with Bacon
Easy Lentil Soup
Meat-free Recipes
Green Beans & Tofu
Sauteed Red Cabbage
Quick Healthy Brussels Sprouts
Garlic Chickpeas
Pumpkin Porridge
Mashed Butternut Squash and Apples
Spicy Pinto Beans
Black Bean and Quinoa Chili
Chicken Recipes
Healthy Shredded Chicken
Tasty Orange Chicken
Whole Roasted Chicken
Chicken Tacos with Chipotles
Barbecue Chili Chicken
Cheesy Lemon Chicken
Chicken Fajita Pasta
Fish Recipes
Ginger Lemon Cod with Broccoli
Halibut with Tomatoes, Capers, and Olives
Salmon Steaks with Tartar sauce
Beef Recipes
Spicy Braised Beef
Quick Beef Meatballs
Beef and Vegetable Stuffed Peppers
Roast Beef & Carrots
Pork Recipes
Chipotle Pork Carnitas
Cherry Apple Pork Loin
Pork & Green Chile Stew
Also by Timothy Morrison
Weight Watchers diet is well researched and classified as top grade compared
to most others. For instance, British Medical Research Council provided two
studies; results of which tell us that Weight Watchers regimen is an effective
way to lose weight. These studies were not a single attempt to investigate so
much popular weight loss plan. Indeed, if you look through the list of best
weight loss diets, you will find Weight Watchers program amid the top-ranked
One of the serious medical periodicals ‘Annals of Internal Medicine’
published the curious report on this subject. According to it, eleven general
weight loss plans have been studied with a randomized controlled trial. Weight
Watchers program was one of two diets which indicated that participants lost
more weight over one year than people sticking to their own diet. It is evidence
beyond a reasonable doubt, isn’t it? So, how is it possible to outperform other
popular commercial weight loss strategies?
Weight Watchers and Principles of Fat Loss
Four pillars of the Weight Watchers program are behavior, food, exercise, and
support. So we can assume that WW program is based on right principles. And
the central principle for weight loss process is the first law of
thermodynamics: conservation of energy. To lose weight, you need to maintain
higher energy expenditure than the energy intake. In nutrition, we use calories
as the unit of energy that is received from foods. Anybody is going to lose
weight in a regimen with the caloric deficit. It is substantially a case of pure
mathematics, you see it? However, in real life, it’s never that simple, and the
proper implementation is the key to success here.
The Weight Watchers program focuses on modifying diet and encouraging
physical activity to create an energy deficit. Experts say that your diet is 80%
responsible for obtaining a desirable result in weight loss. So, this program
works blending nutrition points-driven plan with a strong group support system
and inspiration to exercise. The program offers you an education on cooking,
nutrition, and lifestyle.
The WW program teaches you portion control. In order to count your Smart
points accurately, you need to learn how to measure your food portions
correctly. This skill is important, and it will be significant for whole your life.
Overweight people tend to eat larger portions and larger meals. As a result,
they often make mistakes counting their energy intake.
Weight Watchers have their own line of foods that you can buy in the
supermarkets. However, you are not required to purchase these products to
join the Weight Watchers program.
Also, Weight Watchers program provides a broad range of services including
digital systems and apps to monitor weight change, energy intake and outlet, as
well recipes and healthy meal ideas. For instance, if you are preparing a meal
that is not listed in the Weight Watchers database, you can calculate the Smart-
points value by ingredients with the help of appropriate mobile app or through
the Weight Watchers website.
Calculating Food Energy: Calories and Smart Points
I have to recognize I am not a huge fan of calories counting. In fact, it’s
annoying and stressful task; a kind of heavy duty as for me. Also, it’s not very
easy to count calories accurately. We all are looking for perfect accuracy,
aren’t we? So, finding only close match leads to some frustration. As a result,
we tend to give up on calorie counting and on attempts to lose weight
Besides, you should think long term about the weight loss process. Are you
ready to count calories every day of your life? If you are not, then do not even
bother starting. Anyone can restrict his calorie intake thanks to a temporary
diet, but when you stop, you will gain it again. Actually, your success here is
measured by not only the amount of weight you have lost but rather on how
long you keep it off.
It is well known that Weight Watchers program uses the own point-based
system. Every food is given a certain point value based on nutritional value.
That means it is no longer necessary to count calories like most of other diets
require you to do. Instead of this, you have to keep track of points.
The information about the Smart-points value of different food products is
available through Weight Watchers apps and online. Naturally, the exact
formula for Smart-points calculating is not available. However, you can find a
few variants of a rough formula made by mathematic enthusiasts. I have found
that this one looks most close to the original Smart-point formula:
SP = (Calories +Sugar*4 + Saturated Fat*9 – Protein*3.2)/33
Supposedly this formula could be applied to any food or recipe with nutrition
facts information. But fruit and vegetable exception makes it impossible in
many cases to calculate Smart-points scrupulously. For instance, restaurant
disclosure data includes veggies in the numbers.
Depending on your weight, your goal, age, gender, and your level of activity
you are allowed a particular number of points per day. Knowing your Smart
Point daily budget is very important.
Also, it is interesting to know how Points system evolves over time. Initially,
Weight Watchers point system stimulated to cut fats and consume fiber. Point
Plus system added protein in the equation. In December 2015, Smart Points
replaced Point Plus. The new scheme still guides users toward an eating
pattern that is higher in protein. The distinctive feature of Smart Point system is
stringent penalizing for high-sugar and high-saturated fat consumption.
Obviously, now calories content is not the one and only criteria to base your
food choices on. For instance, fiber in your meal will keep you feeling full
longer, which can prevent you from ingesting more calories. But fiber is absent
in the Smart Point formula. That’s why most fresh fruits and vegetables are
zero points in the Smart Points system.
On the other hand, point restrictions for eating pastries and cookies are pretty
high on the new program. Of cause, there were some people who had worries
that Smart Points system lacks flexibility in a food-point assignment. However,
can you disagree with the fact that an apple and banana are much healthier and
more nutrient-packed choices than cake and candy bar?
How do Fit Points work? Estimation of Energy
Exercising is the next vital factor to success in loses weight process. Every
type of physical activity is also given a Fit Points value; in this way, you are
rewarded for exercising. If you don’t know where to start, Weight Watchers
program will help you to uncover many different ways to earn activity points.
Things like walking the dog, dancing, housecleaning, playing golf, bowling,
gardening and yard work will get you some extra points. And certainly, you
shouldn’t forget to count your aerobics and weight lifting training.
Also, you can swap Fit Points for food if needed. Regular physical activity
helps prevent many health issues, improves sleep quality, and makes you feel
better. After your training session, you may find yourself more optimistic and
less stressed. That’s because good workout stimulates the release of
endorphins and others feel-good brain chemicals. Besides that, regular
exercising can increase your confidence. So, if swapping works well for you,
you can do it since these points are what you earn for being active. However, if
you cannot reach the result you want, you should refuse from swapping.
Fit points calculation formula takes into account your weight, the duration, and
intensity of your physical activity. Actually, the formula is pretty simple for
Fit Points = weight in lbs*duration in minutes*intensity factor
The intensity factor of a particular form of physical activity varies between
individuals. It depends on a people exercise experience and their current level
of fitness.
In order to define the intensity factor of your workout just keep an eye on your
breathing patterns and sweating. So, a low-intensity workout does not change
your breathing pattern, and you are not sweating doing it. If you are not used to
physical exercising, low-intensity training sessions are a right place to start.
Yoga practice or simply stretching routine, as well as light walk, could be
good examples of low-intensity exercise. Of course, each of these exercises
might provide either low or moderate intensity training, depending on the pace
that you use.
A moderate intensity workout makes your breathing deep and often, but you are
not out of breath. It feels somewhat hard and results in a light sweating after
about ten mins of training.
A high-intensity workout seems challenging; you develop a sweat after 3 to 5
minutes. The ‘talk test’ shows that you can’t say more than a few words at a
time without pausing for breath. Examples of high-intensity exercise include
fast swimming, strength workout with free weights and weight machines, or
activities that use a weight of you own body – such as calisthenics, rock
climbing, or heavy gardening.
You need to choose the type of training that suits your level of fitness. If you
are not sure what your intensity factor should be, talk to your physician. If you
are new to workout, start at a light intensity and gradually build up to a
moderate intensity session.
The more intense and longer your physical activity, the more fat you burn.
However, balance is still necessary. Overdoing of physical training will
increase the risk of injury and overtraining. So, don’t push yourself too fast,
too hard; just be realistic. Fitness is a lifetime marathon, not a sprint to a finish
line. The basic rule here is “don’t give up.” You can change exercise, workout
plan and intensity factor depending on the goal and mood, but physical activity
must always be present in your life.
The benefits of ‘going beyond the comfort zone’ could be interesting for
advanced fitness practitioners in order to increase their performance level.
The point is not only to go somewhere but also to stay there, making discomfort
zone your new comfort level. Human is a highly adaptive beast; we could
adapt to some level of the discomfort too!
A Proper Mindset to Get Slim
However, in the long run, calories-in-calories-out approach alone does not
work. Being in the right frame of mind is a key factor here. Weight Watchers
positions their self as providing a lifestyle program, not just another variety of
diet. It is a much trickier thing; it is a business of behavior change. You should
realize that your target is not hitting the certain weight, but rather building new
eating and fitness habits. This kind of approach will allow you to benefit for a
When you reach your weight loss goal, you should figure out your new Smart-
points budget. Apparently, you need more points to stop losing weight. Also,
you enter a so-called maintenance period which lasts six weeks. Now your
goal is maintaining weight instead of losing, and you have to be focused on this
aim. During this time there will be regular weight-ins. If you stay within two
pounds of your goal weight in that six week period, you will be promoted to a
Lifetime Member. Lifetime members can participate in any meeting free.
However, they must stay within two pounds of their weight, so they have to
weigh-in at least once a month.
In reality, available statistic shows us that average weight losses achieved
through Weight Watchers program are modest relative to common anticipations.
According to one of the studies mentioned above, in one year's time, on Weight
Watchers, participants lost an average of twelve pounds only. But that's just
average numbers.
The bottom line is that program works well for people who are health
conscious. And unfortunately, the program is not going to work fine in a long-
term perspective for partakers who are less health conscious. Health conscious
individuals are concerned with nutrition, stress, physical activity, and their
environment. Also, they accept responsibility for their health and living with
healthy habits. In order to become more health conscious, you should learn
what healthy and unhealthy practices are.
Drink More Water
You need water to live; over 50% of your body mass is made up of water. That
means that water is the most important substance in our bodies. Among others,
vital functions water facilitates digestion, removes waste and toxins, and
regulates body temperature. Also, drinking enough water allows the liver to
break down fat more efficiently.
37%of Americans often mistake thirst for hunger. This data means that they
are eating instead of drinking when they are thirsty. Too much high-in-fat and
high-in-sugar foods in menu provoke weakness of thirst sensitivity.
75% of Americans are dehydrated chronically; so it is a good idea to drink
water regularly throughout the day. Start a new day with drinking water as soon
as you wake, and end just before sleep. In the morning water increases your
metabolism and in the evening drinking water decreases your hunger pangs.
There is no substitute for water, so you should drink water all the time. As a
fitness enthusiast, you will need to drink even more water to replace fluids lost
through transudation. Also, you need additional water to compensate for heat,
alcohol, and caffeinated beverages.
So, how much water should you drink daily? Well, it depends; there is a valid
test though. Keep an eye on the color of your urine and continue consuming
water until your urine is clear or light yellow.
How Protein can Help You Lose Weight
Protein is involved in building and repairing your cells and tissues. Also,
adequate protein intake is essential for optimizing hormones and burning body
fat. Protein typically consists of many amino acids; one of those amino acids –
Phenylalanine triggers hormones that reduce hunger and stimulates weight loss.
Even a single dose of Phenylalanine could decrease regular food intake,
increase a level of appetite suppression hormone GLP-1, and diminish the
level of the appetite-stimulating Ghrelin.
That's why Atkins diet, Paleolithic diet, and others protein-rich diet plans
could be useful in providing weight loss effect by making you feel full for
longer period. Just adding more proteins to your menu can help you to reduce
weight even without a complete nutritional revision. Our bodies cannot store
protein, so you need some of it every day.
Proteins can be found in animals or plants. Yep, plants like soy, nuts, and seeds
are rich in protein. Optimal protein intake is based on two factors: natural state
and balanced intake.
Natural state means hormone-free, free-range, and organic products which
have a better nutritional ratio and fewer detrimental factors. These sources are
preferred forms of protein over powder and snack bar.
Balanced protein diet means a mix of lean meat, eggs, seafood, nuts, and seeds.
By industry definition, meat can be considered lean if it has less than ten gram
of total fat, less than four and a half gram of saturated fat, and less than ninety-
five milligrams of cholesterol per 3.5-ounce serving. You can prepare lean
meat or simply cut off all white visible fat before cooking. It’s hard and not
very efficient to trim excess fat from processed meats.
Most seafood is considered lean too. Actually, some fatty fish are not lean, but
they are rich in heart-healthy Omega 3 fatty acids.
Both white and red meat has fat. The way you prepare the meat makes it lean.
Even chicken can be high in fat, so remember to take the skin off because the
skin adds a lot of fat. Also, broiling, grilling, roasting and baking are perfect
cooking techniques which help cut down the fat content of meat.
Lean meat tends to be dry so marinate it with a small amount of oil, lemon
juice and natural seasonings like herbs and spices. This trick makes lean meat
more tender and juicy.
Types of Carbohydrates: Simple, Complex, and Dietary
Carbohydrates provide human’s body with its most favored form of energy but
ingesting too many carbs will gain up body fat.
Vegetables, fruits, grain, cereal, pasta, anything with sugar, sugar itself are all
carbohydrates. Naturally, we should moderate carbohydrates intake and focus
on eating complex carbs and avoiding simple carbs. Both things realized in
Weight Watchers program with the help of Smart-points conception. The main
difference between complex and simple carbohydrates is how they impact on
blood sugar level.
Simple carbohydrates break down too quickly and flood your blood with
excessive sugar. In order to regulate the blood sugar, your body releases high
amounts of hormone insulin into the blood. Insulin stops burning body’s fat and
instead, activates accumulating the unused sugar as fat. Growth hormone and
insulin are competitors; that’s why your evening meal shouldn’t include simple
carbs. Most of the growth hormone secretion occurs during sleep, and if insulin
levels are high, GH can’t access your cells.
One more hormone, adrenaline, which is released during intense physical
activity, suppresses insulin. In this way, adrenaline creates a one-hour window
when simple carbs can be consumed without increasing insulin. So if you
consume simple carbohydrates at all, best do it after exercise.
The more simple carbs you eat, the more you crave them. Foods which contain
simple carbohydrates are usually sweets, processed foods, starchy vegetables,
and tropical fruits. Well, we know that wide varieties of fruits are ‘free’ in
Weight Watchers program. Fruits are zero point foods because they are high in
fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals.
Complex carbohydrates provide a more constant flow of glucose into the
bloodstream; that keeps you energized for longer. Also, eating complex carbs
reduces hunger, helps you to eat less, declines risk of diabetes, and improves a
level of blood cholesterol.
Fiber also is a type of carbohydrates; it’s a substance in plants. However, we
can’t digest the fiber, so it passes through the entire intestine, mechanically
cleaning it.
High-fiber food is good for human health, but most Americans don’t eat enough
fiber. Many studies show that fiber is a highly effective nutrient for losing
weight. It slows down the movement and absorption of food. In this way, fiber
keeps you satiated longer, maintains your blood sugar, and speeds up the
process of eliminating toxins from your system. As we already know, the
reason why many different fruits and vegetables have zero Smart-point is their
high in fiber and relatively low-calorie count, which is perfect for weight loss.
Next to the veggies best sources of fiber include nuts, seeds, whole grains,
cereals, and legumes. You may also read on a food label about soluble and
insoluble fiber; both types are essential for health.
Soluble fiber lowers cholesterol levels, slows down the absorption of glucose,
stabilizes insulin levels, and as a result causes you to eat less.
Insoluble fiber absorbs water, swells in the colon and removes toxic waste
from there. One more function is to balance acidity in the intestines.
So, fiber helps eat less by acting as filler; it is also known to reduce the risk of
diabetes, obesity, and heart attack. However, you should add fiber to your
menu slowly over a period of a few weeks. This way allows bacterial flora in
your digestive tract to adjust to the change. Increasing fiber consumption too
quickly can lead to intestinal gas, abdominal bloating, and cramps.
And again, drink a plenty of water because fiber works better when it absorbs
As you see we shouldn’t stop consuming carbohydrates; just choose the correct
option. Get more of your carbohydrates from fruits and veggies; eat them raw
with the skins for extra fiber. Eat whole fruit instead of drinking fruit juice. Eat
more grains, nuts, and seeds.
Eat Fat to Burn Fat
The Smart-point program reduces the penalty for fat consumption relatively to
the previous Points-plus system. Healthy fats are found in natural products like
olives, avocados, seeds, nuts, fish, and animal proteins. Unhealthy fats are
usually found in processed foods. Healthy fats provide energy, contribute to
building cells and hormone optimization, and facilitate vitamin absorption.
Probably, you have already consumed enough fats with your proteins.
However, in order to lose weight, you should make differentiate between
healthy and unhealthy fats.
Saturated fats are found in animal fat, like a full-fat dairy and fat on meat
products. This type of fat is natural but you should limit your consumption. The
reason for doing this is the fact that saturated fats increase the amount of
harmful cholesterol in the blood and that leads to restricted blood flow.
Another negative consequence is decreasing the body’s efficiency in removing
toxins from your blood.
Hydrogenated fats or trans-fats are the worst types of fats; you should avoid
them as much as you can. Trans-fats consumption is strongly correlated with
many health issues in general and heart problems in particular. This type of fat
is used in processed foods to make them last longer. Also, it is found in
packaged foods; store bought baked foods and fried foods.
Mono-unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are best types of fats you can find.
So, monounsaturated fat helps lower your LDL(“bad”) cholesterol but still can
lead to weight gain if consumed too much. Usually found in olive oil, peanut
oil, and avocado oil.
Poly-unsaturated fats include two classes of fatty acids:
Omega-3 fatty acids are very healthy because they enhance the immune system
and protect your cells and tissues against degenerative changes. We need
omega-3 in our diet throughout the whole life for normal growth and
development. In particular, Omega-3 affects the nervous system, brain
development, IQ, and cognitive function. Great sources of Omega-3 fatty acids
are pumpkin seeds, walnuts, flaxseed, fish and fish oil.
Omega-6 fatty acids are necessary for normal growth and development but still
could be unhealthy in excessive quantities. It is also often over-consumed in
the typical American diet, so you should keep a balance of your consumption.
Usually found in sunflower, corn, sesame, and soy oils.
Mediterranean diet has a healthy balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats which
protects you from developing internal inflammation like obesity, cancer,
Parkinson’s, heart disease.
Also, you should know that many fat-free foods are high in sugar, so consuming
them doesn’t guarantee you are eating healthy. Avoiding fat could make
provoke your overeating because fats help you feel full longer. The key is a
proper balance between good fats and unhealthy fats. Also, you can limit
saturated fats by trimming any fat you see around the meat before cooking.
Social Support
Your environment defines your success. Does it sound familiar? That means
that in order to be successful you need to spend some of your time in a
company of people who support and encourage your efforts toward your goal.
Indeed, support is a significant component of Weight Watchers program.
Humans are social animals, and weekly group meeting made us feel more
accountable for our weight loss efforts. Clearly, people in a group-based
program are much more engaged and have a better success rate. Supposedly,
group support is also effective for long-term behavioral changes and steady
weight loss results.
Usually, schedule of the meeting includes weigh-ins, group discussion about
both scale and non-scale problem solving, and sharing best practices. Group
membership may vary from week to week, but the leader of the group is a
permanent person who has successfully completed Weight Watchers program
and received training from the company. Only your group leader and you see
what the scales say, so please don’t worry about the public humiliating weigh-
Also, all Weight Watchers members have access to an online 24/7 Expert Chat.
Another innovation in the area of community and support is a phone-based
coaching program. You have great opportunity to choose your own personal
coach, work through your worksheet and create your own personalized action
Home Cooking with Instant Pot
The Weight Watchers program encourages home cooking. There are many
foods that are sponsored by Weight Watchers in most supermarkets.
Nevertheless, if you cook at home, you will eat much healthier.
Time-saving is probably the biggest benefit you notice with the Instant Pot. You
can cook a roast in about forty minutes with this remarkable kitchen-device.
Actually, you can prepare a slow-cooker recipe that usually takes six hours in
just in an hour. Perfect, right? And it’s enormously helpful for busy people like
you are.
Another significant benefit is that Instant Pot retains more vitamins and
minerals in foods and cooks flavorful meals. Besides IP softens the food, so
meat and bones can be prepared really tender. Beans and whole grains get soft
texture too.
Also, Instant Pot keeps your kitchen organized and clean. On the practical side,
it minimizes your cleaning efforts and reduces the number of kitchen devices.
On the financial side, it saves your money.
Soup Recipes
How can you have a satisfying meal that leaves you feeling full, but without a
high Smart-points value? Start your meal with soup. The water in soups
increases a size of the portion without increasing energy content.
It has been proven that eating soup more often reduces the risk of obese.
People who start their meal with soup eat up to 20% fewer Smart points.
Simple Tomato Soup
Time: 30 mins
Number of servings: 6
Point value per serving: 3
Two 15-oz cans diced tomatoes with all juice
Four whole sun-dried tomatoes but choose not oil-packed
Two and a half cups vegetable stock
Two and a half tbsp butter
One chopped onion
One chopped carrot
One rib celery, chopped too
Two tbsp all-purpose unbleached flour
One tsp dried basil
One tsp salt
Half tsp dried marjoram
Pinch of baking soda
Half tsp freshly ground pepper
• Start with sautéing onion in your Instant Pot for two minutes.
• Then add carrot, marjoram, celery, and basil. Sauté for four minutes.
• Now add the flour and cook for a one minute.
• Add the rest of the ingredients and close the lid. Select the “Manual”
function to cook on high pressure for eight minutes.
• Make a natural release of pressure. Then blend your soup until smooth in
your blender or food processor.
• Serve and enjoy!
Mushroom Soup with Barley
Time: 40 mins
Number of servings: 8
Point value per serving: 3
Four cups beef stock
Half pound diced baby bella mushrooms
Half cup pearl barley
One small onion, diced
One diced celery stalk
One diced carrot
Two chopped garlic cloves
Two thyme sprigs
One sage sprig
Half tsp of salt
Pinch of fresh ground pepper
Pinch of garlic powder
• Place all mentioned above ingredients in your Instant Pot.
• Select the “Manual” function to cook at high pressure for twenty minutes.
• Make a natural release of pressure for ten minutes, after that make a quick
• Stir well.
• Serve and enjoy!
Celery Cream Soup
Time: 40 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 6
Six cups chopped celery
Two cups vegetable broth
One cup coconut milk
One chopped onion
Half tsp dill
Salt to taste
• Place all mentioned above ingredients in your Instant Pot and mix until well
• Seal the pot with lid, select “Soup” function, and cook for thirty minutes.
• Release pressure by quick release method, then carefully open a lid.
• Puree your soup until creamy with an immersion blender.
• Serve warm and enjoy!
Navy Bean Soup with Bacon
Time: 45 mins.
Number of servings: 6
Point value per serving: 6
Three 15-oz cans drained navy beans
Four slices chopped centre cut bacon
Four cups chicken broth
Two tablespoon tomato paste
Three cups baby spinach
One chopped carrot
One chopped onion
One chopped celery stalk
Two bay leaves
One fresh rosemary sprig
• Blend one can beans together with one can water in a blender.
• Sauté the bacon in your Instant Pot until crisp. Then transfer it on a plate.
• Add the onion, carrot, and celery and sauté for five minutes.
• Now add pureed beans, remaining beans, broth, tomato paste, bay leaves,
and rosemary. Select the “Manual” function to cook at high pressure for fifteen
• Allow the pressure to release naturally and remove rosemary and bay
• Blend two cups of your soup in a blender then put them back to the pot. Add
• Serve topped with bacon and enjoy!
Easy Lentil Soup
Time: 20 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 7
One cup brown lentils
One cup red lentils
One cup frozen corn
Six cups vegetable stock
Two chopped carrots
One cubed potato
One chopped medium onion
Two tbsp olive oil
One bay leaf
One tsp salt
Pinch of thyme
Pepper to taste
• Place onion and olive oil in your Instant Pot and select “Sauté” for one
• Add carrot and sauté again, now for two minutes.
• Now add potato, brown lentils, red lentils, vegetable stock, thyme and bay
leaf. Stir well.
• Seal pot with lid and select “Soup” function, set a timer for six minutes.
• Allow to release pressure naturally and then open a lid.
• Remove bay leaf from your soup, add corn, salt, and pepper.
• Stir well, serve, and enjoy!
Meat-free Recipes
I don’t follow a vegetarian diet permanently, but sometimes I’m just looking to
go meatless. It's kind of rest for my digestive system because I believe that
incorporating more plant-based foods is the right way to boost my general
health. Naturally, vegetarian diet includes more fiber, healthy micronutrients,
and antioxidants. Also, meat-free meals include less saturated fat and Smart
Green Beans & Tofu
Time: 25 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 3
One pound green beans
Half cup pureed tofu
One chopped onion
Two tbsp olive oil
One and a half cup sliced mushrooms
One cup vegetable broth
• Pour olive oil in your Instant Pot. When oil heats up, add onion and
mushroom and sauté for three minutes.
• Add green beans, pureed tofu, and vegetable broth. Stir well, seal pot and
sauté for fifteen minutes.
• Use rapid pressure release method and open lid carefully.
• Mix well, serve, and enjoy!
Sauteed Red Cabbage
Time: 20 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 3
Six cups chopped red cabbage
Half cup apple sauce
Three minced garlic cloves
One cup water
One chopped onion
One tbsp olive oil
One tbsp apple cider vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste
• Pour olive oil in your Instant Pot and select “Sauté” function.
• When oil heats up, add garlic and onion and sauté for two minutes.
• Now add all other ingredients and mix well.
• Seal pot with lid and cook on high pressure for ten minutes.
• Release pressure using rapid release method.
• Stir well, serve, and enjoy!
Quick Healthy Brussels Sprouts
Time: 10 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 4
One pound Brussels sprouts
Four tbsp pine nuts
One tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
• Pour one cup of water into your Instant Pot. Set the trivet and the steamer
• Put Brussels sprouts in a steamer basket.
• Seal pot with the lid and select “Manual” for three minutes.
• Use rapid pressure release method.
• Transfer Brussels sprouts at the plate and add olive oil, pine nuts, salt, and
• Serve and enjoy!
Garlic Chickpeas
Time: 45 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 6
One cup chickpeas
Two bay leaves
Four garlic cloves
Four cups water
Salt to taste
• Rinse chickpeas and put it in your Instant Pot. Then add salt, garlic, bay
leaves, and water in a pot.
• Seal pot with lid and select “Bean/Chili” function for thirty-five minutes.
• Allow releasing pressure naturally.
• Serve chickpeas with steamed rice and enjoy!
Pumpkin Porridge
Time: 20 mins
Number of servings: 2
Point value per serving: 7
Half middle-size pumpkin, pureed
Half cup almond milk
One cup quick oats
One and a half cup water
One tbsp brown sugar
One tsp pumpkin pie spice
• Put all ingredients in your Instant Pot and mix well.
• Seal pot with lid and select “Manual” to cook on high pressure for three
• Allow release pressure naturally.
• Open lid carefully, stir well, and serve warm.
Mashed Butternut Squash and Apples
Time: 20 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 7
One pound cut into 2-inch pieces butternut squash
Two peeled and sliced apples
One sliced onion
One cup water
Two tbsp coconut oil
Pinch of cinnamon
Pinch of ginger
• Pour water into your Instant Pot and place steamer basket inside the pot.
• Put in the steamer basket butternut squash, onion, and apples. Seal the pot
with the lid and select “Manual” for eight minutes.
• Use rapid pressure release method.
• Open the pot and transfer mixture into the bowl, then use masher.
• Now add coconut oil, cinnamon, and ginger and mix well.
• Serve warm and enjoy!
Spicy Pinto Beans
Time: 25 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 8
One pound soaked overnight and rinsed pinto beans
One chopped onion
One can chopped tomatoes
Four cups water
Two tbsp olive oil
Half tsp dried sage
Half tsp oregano
Half tsp garlic powder
Salt and pepper to taste
• Pour one tbsp olive oil in your Instant Pot and select “Sauté” function.
When oil heats up, add onion and sauté for five minutes.
• Now add water, pinto beans, and another one tbsp olive oil. Seal the pot
with lid and select ‘Bean/Chili” function and cook on high pressure for
standard thirty minutes.
• Use rapid pressure release method. Then add tomatoes, garlic powder,
oregano, sage, salt, and pepper. Mix well all ingredients.
• Select “Sauté” on low and cook for fifteen minutes.
• Serve warm and enjoy!
Black Bean and Quinoa Chili
Time: 25 mins
Number of servings: 6
Point value per serving: 8
One can black beans
Half cup quinoa
Three peeled and chopped sweet potatoes
One can chopped tomatoes
One chopped bell pepper
One chopped onion
Two chopped celery stalks
Two chopped garlic cloves
Four cups vegetable broth
Two tbsp tomato paste
Two tsp paprika
Two tsp ground cumin
One tsp ground coriander
One tsp chili powder
Salt to taste
Put all ingredients in your Instant Pot and mix well. Seal the pot with the
lid, select “Manual” and cook on high pressure for twelve minutes.
Use rapid pressure release method then open the lid carefully.
Stir well, serve, and enjoy!
Chicken Recipes
Chicken is recommended to consume as a regular part of your menu. For many
athletes, chicken is a favorite source of protein. If you cook chicken right and
eat without the skin, it’s healthy and tastes great.
Personally, I love chicken and healthy chicken-based recipes. Chicken breasts,
in particular, are easy to incorporate into a wide variety of tasty dishes; you get
affordable and quick cooking lean protein.
Healthy Shredded Chicken
Time: 25 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 4
One pound skinless and boneless chicken breast
One cup chunky salsa
One tsp cumin
Half tsp salt
Pinch of oregano
Black pepper for taste
• Season poultry on both sides with pepper, salt, cumin, and oregano.
• Put seasoned chicken in your Instant Pot. Pour chunky salsa on the chicken.
• Seal pot with lid and select “Poultry” function. Set timer for twenty-five
• Use rapid pressure release method.
• Transfer chicken to a platter and shred it with a couple of forks.
• Serve and enjoy!
Tasty Orange Chicken
Time: 20 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 6
One pound skinless and boneless chicken breast, cut into cubes
Two tbsp flour
Two tbsp brown sugar
One tbsp ketchup
One tbsp coconut oil
Half of cup chicken stock
Three drops orange essential oil
• Put chicken and flour in one zip-lock bag and shake to coat meat well.
• Add coconut oil in your Instant Pot and select “Sauté.” Then add chicken in
a pot and cook for two minutes. Then turn off a pot.
• Now add chicken stock, ketchup, brown sugar, and orange essential oil in a
pot and stir well.
• Seal pot with lid, select “Manual” function to cook on high pressure for
fifteen minutes. Then use rapid pressure release.
• Serve with steamed rice and enjoy!
Whole Roasted Chicken
Time: 50 mins
Number of servings: 12
Point value per serving: 7
Four-pound whole chicken
One and a half cup chicken stock
One tbsp coconut oil
One tsp paprika
Half tsp salt
Quarter tsp poultry seasoning
Pinch of dried thyme
Pepper for taste
• Add coconut oil in your Instant Pot and select “Sauté” function. When oil
heats up, put a chicken in the pot.
• Mix paprika, salt, poultry seasoning, thyme, and pepper in a small bowl.
• When the chicken becomes nice and brown on all sides, add that mix of
seasoning and chicken stock.
• Seal the pot with lid and select “Manual” function to cook on high pressure
for twenty-five minutes.
• Turn off the pot and allow pressure release naturally.
• Serve and enjoy!
Chicken Tacos with Chipotles
Time: 25 mins
Number of servings: 6
Point value per serving: 7
Two skinless and boneless chicken breasts
One and a half cup tomato puree
Six corn tortillas
Half cup onion diced
Two minced garlic cloves
Half tbsp dried and soaked ancho Chile
Half tbsp cumin
Half tsp salt
Pinch of chipotle powder
• Put garlic, ancho Chile, cumin, salt, chipotle powder, and a half cup of
water in the blender and puree them until smooth.
• Put this pureed mixture into your Instant Pot. Add chicken, tomato puree,
and onion into the pot and seal the pot with the lid.
• Select “Manual” for fifteen minutes. In fifteen minutes release pressure
quickly and open the lid carefully.
• Spoon taco and fill in the corn tortillas.
• Serve and enjoy!
Barbecue Chili Chicken
Time: 25 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 9
One pound skinless and boneless chicken thighs
One chopped onion
Two tbsp olive oil
Two tbsp Barbecue sauce
Quarter cup water
Quarter cup chili sauce
One tbsp vinegar
Half tsp ground paprika
Salt and ground black pepper to taste
• Pour olive oil in your Instant Pot and select “Sauté” function. When the oil
heats up, add chicken and cook it for three minutes per side until it’s browned.
• Add paprika, salt, and ground in the pot. Then mix in a bowl onion,
barbecue sauce, chili sauce, vinegar, and water. Pour that mixture over
• Seal pot with lid and select “Manual” for fifteen minutes.
• Release pressure with natural release method.
• Serve hot and enjoy!
Cheesy Lemon Chicken
Time: 20 mins
Number of servings: 3
Point value per serving: 9
Three boneless and skinless chicken breasts
One cup spicy salsa
Half cup crumbled feta cheese
Quarter cup fresh lime juice
One tbsp olive oil
Half tsp ground cumin
Half tsp red chili powder
• Pour olive oil in your Instant Pot and select “Sauté” function.
• Add chicken and cook it until becoming brown on both sides.
• Remove meat from the pot. Then put salsa, lime juice, chili powder, and
cumin in the pot and stir well.
• Return chicken to the pot and select “Manual” function to cook on high
pressure for eight minutes.
• Use quick pressure release method and transfer chicken with sauce to a
serving platter.
• Sprinkle with crumbled cheese, serve, and enjoy!
Chicken Fajita Pasta
Time: 15 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 12
One pound skinless and boneless cut into bite-sized pieces chicken breast
Eight oz dry penne pasta
One can of tomatoes with juice
One cup chicken broth
Three tbsp fajita seasoning
Four minced garlic cloves
One chopped onion
Two seeded and diced bell peppers
Two tbsp olive oil
• Pour olive oil in your Instant Pot and select “Sauté” function. Put the
chicken and a half of fajita seasoning when oil heats up.
• Stir well and continue to sauté until chicken becomes white.
• Add onion, bell pepper, garlic, and remaining fajitas seasoning. Mix well
and sauté for two minutes.
• Now add chicken stock, pasta, and tomatoes with juice in a pot and stir
• Seal pot with lid and select “Manual” for six minutes. Then use rapid
release method
• Serve and enjoy!
Fish Recipes
Fish provides you with complete protein and healthy Omega-3 fats. Also fish
contains amino acid Arginine which helps regulate insulin level and maintain
Make sure you don’t consume fish with too high concentrations of mercury; it’s
known to cause some serious health problems.
Ginger Lemon Cod with Broccoli
Time: 10 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 3
One pound frozen cod fillets
Two cups chopped broccoli
One cup water
One tsp lemon pepper
One tsp cumin
One tsp ginger
Salt to taste
• Cut fish into four pieces. Season each piece with salt, cumin, ginger, and
lemon pepper.
• Pour a cup of water into your Instant Pot. Put seasoned fish and broccoli
into the steamer basket.
• Lower steam basket into the cooker, seal the lid and select “Chicken/meat”
function for two minutes.
• Make rapid release pressure.
• Serve and enjoy!
Halibut with Tomatoes, Capers, and Olives
Time: 15 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 11
Two-pound skinless halibut fillets
Two 15-oz cans of diced tomatoes with juice
Sixteen chopped green olives (choose pitted)
Two tbsp drained and chopped capers
Two tbsp olive oil
One chopped onion
Two tbsp minced pickled jalapeno rings with two tbsp brine
Two tbsp lime juice
One tbsp minced garlic
Two oregano sprigs
Two rosemary sprigs
• Pour olive oil into your Instant Pot and heat on using “Chicken/meat”
• Add onion and stir until it becomes clear. Then add garlic and cook for just
thirty seconds.
• Now add olives, capers, lime juice, fresh herbs, jalapenos, and jalapeno
brine. Seal the lid and cook for six minutes, then use rapid pressure release
• Open the lid and put fish right in the sauce. Seal the lid and cook for two
minutes. Then use rapid pressure release again.
• Serve with sauce and enjoy!
Salmon Steaks with Tartar sauce
Time: 10 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 12
Four salmon steaks with skin
One cup dry white wine
One cup water
One sliced lemon
One sliced onion
One tsp dried dill
Salt and pepper to taste
Ingredients for tartar sauce:
One cup mayonnaise
One cup plain Greek yogurt
Half cup of dill pickle relish
One-quarter cup chopped green onion
Three tbsp chopped parsley
Three tbsp lemon juice
Three tbsp chopped capers
One tsp Dijon mustard
Pinch of black pepper
Pinch of turmeric
• Mix all ingredients for tartar sauce and store the mixture in the refrigerator
for an hour or longer.
• Place trivet and steamer basket in your Instant Pot. Put slices of onion at the
bottom of steamer basket.
• Place steaks on onions and pour over the dry white wine. Then add salt,
pepper, and dill. On the top of all that place lemon slices.
• Pour water on the side; don’t drain off the seasoning. Select
“Chicken/meat” function, and cook for one minute. Then seal the lid and cook
for five minutes.
• Use rapid pressure release method.
• Serve with the tartar sauce and enjoy!
Beef Recipes
Depending on what cut of beef you choose, this meat can be a healthy option in
your menu. Lean beef is just as lean as chicken, and it provides you with
vitamin B 12 and minerals like zinc and iron. Still, you should avoid heavily
marbled beef, and I don’t recommend you to eat beef every day.
Spicy Braised Beef
Time: 90 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 5
Two pounds chopped into 3-inch pieces eye of round beef, without fat
Four cloves garlic
Half of medium onion
Juice of one lime
Two tbsp chipotles in adobo sauce
One tbsp ground oregano
One tbsp ground cumin
One cup water
Two tsp kosher salt
Three bay leaves
One tsp olive oil
Pinch of ground cloves
Black pepper to taste
• Season the beef with salt and pepper. Pour oil into your Instant Pot, place
meat and select “Sauté” function. Cook meat until it’s browned.
• Blend lime juice, onion, garlic, water, chipotle, oregano, and cloves in your
• Pour that blended mixture into the pot and mix bay leaves. Select “Manual”
function to cook on high pressure for one hour.
• Use natural pressure release method.
• Remove the meat from the pot then shred it. And mix this shredded beef
with cooking liquid.
• Serve and enjoy!
Quick Beef Meatballs
Time: 20 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 6
One pound ground beef
Two crumbled bread slices
Two chopped carrots
Two cups pasta sauce
Two cups water
One chopped onion
One beaten egg
Half tsp garlic salt
Salt and pepper to taste
• Take a mixing bowl and mix ground beef, egg, crumbled bread, onion,
carrots, garlic salt, salt, and pepper.
• Make meatballs from that mixture and set them aside.
• Pour water and pasta sauce into your Instant Pot and stir well.
• One by one add meatballs in the pasta sauce mixture.
• Seal pot with the lid, select “Manual” and cook on high pressure for five
• Allow release pressure naturally.
• Serve meatballs with pasta, rice, and enjoy!
Beef and Vegetable Stuffed Peppers
Time: 30 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 8
One pound ground beef
One cup brown rice
Four bell peppers
One diced tomato
One can tomato sauce
One egg
One chopped onion
One cup shredded mozzarella cheese
Half tsp dried parsley
Half tsp garlic powder
Half tsp oregano
Salt and pepper to taste
• Take a mixing bowl and mix ground beef, rice, egg, tomato, onion, parsley,
oregano, salt, and pepper.
• Slice off the bell peppers tops. Then stuff meat mixture into the bell
• Pour water and half of tomato sauce in your Instant Pot. Then place a trivet
in the pot and place stuffed peppers on top.
• Now pour all remaining tomato sauce over the top of peppers.
• Seal the pot with the lid and select “Manual” function for fifteen minutes.
• Use natural pressure release. Open the lid carefully and add mozzarella
cheese on the top of peppers.
• Close the lid again just for a few seconds, until cheese melted.
• Serve immediately and enjoy!
Roast Beef & Carrots
Time: 50 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 11
Two pounds boneless beef
Five cups chopped carrots
Six cups peeled and chopped potatoes
Three cups chopped onion
Two tbsp dried "onion soup" mix
Two cups hot water
• Put meat in your Instant Pot.
• Take a mixing bowl and mix hot water and "onion soup" mix. Pour that
mixture over the beef.
• Now add onion, carrot, and potato in the pot and mix well.
• Seal the pot with the lid and select “Meat/Stew” button and set the time to
forty minutes.
• Release the pressure using quick release method.
• Serve and enjoy!
Pork Recipes
Moderate consumption of lean pork can be an excellent addition to your
healthy diet. Lean pork is high in protein and packed full of B-vitamins,
selenium, zinc and phosphorous minerals. Also, you can find in pork a number
of healthy bioactive compounds, such as taurine and creatine. On the other
hand, overconsumption of pork is certainly a problem.
Chipotle Pork Carnitas
Time: 70 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 4
One pound trimmed and boneless pork shoulder blade
Three cut into slivers garlic cloves
Half cup chicken stock
Two bay leaves
One chipotle pepper
One tsp kosher salt
Half tsp cumin
Pinch of garlic powder
Pinch of dry adobo seasoning
Pinch of dry oregano
Pinch of sazon
Black pepper to taste
• Season pork with salt and pepper. Then brown meat in a large pan on all
sides for five minutes using high heat. After that remove meat from pan and set
aside to simmer down.
• With a sharp knife, insert the blade into meat about 1-inch deep, and insert
garlic slivers. You should do this all over. Then season meat with garlic
powder, cumin, adobo, oregano, and sazon.
• Pour chicken stock in your Instant Pot, then add chipotle peppers and stir
• Add bay leaves and place pork in your Instant Pot. Seal the pot with the lid,
select “Manual” and set a timer for fifty minutes.
• Allow pressure to release naturally. Open lid carefully and shred pork with
a couple of forks. Then mix meat with juices. Remove bay leaves and mix
• Serve hot and enjoy!
Cherry Apple Pork Loin
Time: 50 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 6
One and a half pound boneless pork loin
Two cups chopped apple
Half cup apple juice
Half cup pitted cherry
Half cup chopped onion
Half cup chopped celery
One tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
• Mix all ingredients in your Instant Pot and close the lid.
• Select “Meat/Stew” function, and cook for forty minutes.
• Use quick pressure release method.
• Serve and enjoy!
Pork & Green Chile Stew
Time: 30 mins
Number of servings: 4
Point value per serving: 7
One pound chopped into bite-sized pork sirloin tip roast
One pound chopped sweet potato
Half 7-oz can of diced chilies
One cup chopped fresh tomatoes
One cup chicken broth
One can of drained black beans
One cup chopped onion
Half cup chopped cilantro
One tbsp Italian seasoning
Half tbsp chili powder
One tbsp yogurt
One tsp avocado oil
Salt and pepper to taste
• Season meat with salt and pepper. Pour avocado oil in your Instant Pot.
Then add meat and select “Sauté” function.
• Now add chilies, chili powder, onion, Italian seasoning and cook for two
• Now add the rest of ingredients except yogurt and cilantro. Seal the pot
with the lid and select “Manual” function for fifteen minutes.
• Use quick pressure release.
• Serve topped with yogurt and cilantro!
So, should you sign up for Weight Watchers program?
Actually, I don’t know. I mean, I don’t know anything about you. But I hope
that you know a little bit more about Weight Watchers program now. So, it is
totally up to your decision. Though, we could consider a few more ideas and
opinions here.
The Weight Watchers program is for women; it just doesn’t appeal to
males. It seems like about 90% of participants at Weight Watchers meetings
are female. Weight loss is a regular topic for women to discuss; it’s their
shared purpose. I suppose meeting and talking about weight loss are just
natural things for any women.
Any man with overweight could face health issues like impotence, heart
disease, diabetes, and cancer. Apparently, men also could benefit from Weight
Watchers program. Even more, the company provides weight loss plan,
customized for guys. And online consulting is an available substitution for live
The Weight Watchers program is not free. So many people like almost
everything about WW except the cost. Indeed, after not losing weight for a
couple of weeks, paying for the program can feel completely stupid.
One the other hand, you have no contract with Weight Watchers; it’s just a
“pay-as-you-go” membership. Yeah, you have to pay, but this is for your health.
So, spending money on WW program is not a waste; it’s a smart investment.
Sometimes you choose foods that are not very healthy and nutritious. Well,
this is the other side of “no food is off limits” WW principle. For instance, it
could seem like a waste to use your Smart points for healthy olive oil, when
you could spend them on not-so-healthy cheese or bread.
That’s why a big part of this book is about proper eating habits. And of course,
I want to thank you for purchasing and reading this book. However, learning is
simply not enough. You must apply what you learn if you want to see results!
Also by Timothy Morrison
Yoga Poses: Benefits of Yoga Practice According to
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Click here to view this book on Amazon
Yoga is similar to the healthy nutrition. If you use it correctly in the optimal
quantity, it will lead to unmatched physiological as well as psychological
health. And this eventually reflects into your life, improving its overall quality.
It is very special and positive ritual when you have woken up early in the
morning then take your place on the mat and start practice. At some point in
time, you start to feel your body entirely. You become a whole with your body,
which bends and flows itself. All it happens without opposing, but with some
primal pleasure. The ordinal thinking process is substituted by the inner
silence, the rest, and the clarity. You get a positive impulse, and you keep it
through the whole day long.
Calisthenics for Beginners: 10 Steps to Build Your Own Bodyweight
Training Program. Combine the Best Bodyweight Exercises in Ways that
Allow You to get an Incredibly Effective Street Workout
You are the person who defines the goals and builds your own system of
training. Changing with time your aims and priorities is a quite natural way of
your physical development. You also could choose a set of skills which is a
key factor in your favorite sport and work on it.
The more you train in new ways and angles, the easier it becomes to gain new
skills. On the other hand, you need some time and efforts to progress in one
particular direction. The balance between your goals and your time plus efforts
is a key factor here.
Click here to view this book on Amazon
Copyright © 2017 Timothy Morrison
All Rights Reserved.
You are not allowed to copy, modify, or sell this content. No part of this book
may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written
permission of the copyright holder, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
DISCLAIMER: the author and the publisher do not hold any responsibility for
errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. This
book is presented solely for informational purposes only.

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Weight watchers how does it work _ my top30 instant t recipes with smart points values - timothy morrison

  • 1.
  • 2. Weight Watchers: How Does it Work? My TOP30 Instant Pot recipes with Smart Points values Timothy Morrison
  • 4. Introduction Weight Watchers and Principles of Fat Loss Calculating Food Energy: Calories and Smart Points How do Fit Points work? Estimation of Energy Expenditure A Proper Mindset to Get Slim Drink More Water How Protein can Help You Lose Weight Types of Carbohydrates: Simple, Complex, and Dietary Fiber Eat Fat to Burn Fat Social Support Home Cooking with Instant Pot Soup Recipes Simple Tomato Soup Mushroom Soup with Barley Celery Cream Soup Navy Bean Soup with Bacon Easy Lentil Soup Meat-free Recipes
  • 5. Green Beans & Tofu Sauteed Red Cabbage Quick Healthy Brussels Sprouts Garlic Chickpeas Pumpkin Porridge Mashed Butternut Squash and Apples Spicy Pinto Beans Black Bean and Quinoa Chili Chicken Recipes Healthy Shredded Chicken Tasty Orange Chicken Whole Roasted Chicken Chicken Tacos with Chipotles Barbecue Chili Chicken Cheesy Lemon Chicken Chicken Fajita Pasta Fish Recipes Ginger Lemon Cod with Broccoli Halibut with Tomatoes, Capers, and Olives Salmon Steaks with Tartar sauce
  • 6. Beef Recipes Spicy Braised Beef Quick Beef Meatballs Beef and Vegetable Stuffed Peppers Roast Beef & Carrots Pork Recipes Chipotle Pork Carnitas Cherry Apple Pork Loin Pork & Green Chile Stew Conclusion Also by Timothy Morrison
  • 7. Introduction Weight Watchers diet is well researched and classified as top grade compared to most others. For instance, British Medical Research Council provided two studies; results of which tell us that Weight Watchers regimen is an effective way to lose weight. These studies were not a single attempt to investigate so much popular weight loss plan. Indeed, if you look through the list of best weight loss diets, you will find Weight Watchers program amid the top-ranked ones. One of the serious medical periodicals ‘Annals of Internal Medicine’ published the curious report on this subject. According to it, eleven general weight loss plans have been studied with a randomized controlled trial. Weight Watchers program was one of two diets which indicated that participants lost more weight over one year than people sticking to their own diet. It is evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, isn’t it? So, how is it possible to outperform other popular commercial weight loss strategies?
  • 8. Weight Watchers and Principles of Fat Loss Four pillars of the Weight Watchers program are behavior, food, exercise, and support. So we can assume that WW program is based on right principles. And the central principle for weight loss process is the first law of thermodynamics: conservation of energy. To lose weight, you need to maintain higher energy expenditure than the energy intake. In nutrition, we use calories as the unit of energy that is received from foods. Anybody is going to lose weight in a regimen with the caloric deficit. It is substantially a case of pure mathematics, you see it? However, in real life, it’s never that simple, and the proper implementation is the key to success here. The Weight Watchers program focuses on modifying diet and encouraging physical activity to create an energy deficit. Experts say that your diet is 80% responsible for obtaining a desirable result in weight loss. So, this program works blending nutrition points-driven plan with a strong group support system and inspiration to exercise. The program offers you an education on cooking, nutrition, and lifestyle. The WW program teaches you portion control. In order to count your Smart points accurately, you need to learn how to measure your food portions correctly. This skill is important, and it will be significant for whole your life. Overweight people tend to eat larger portions and larger meals. As a result, they often make mistakes counting their energy intake. Weight Watchers have their own line of foods that you can buy in the supermarkets. However, you are not required to purchase these products to join the Weight Watchers program. Also, Weight Watchers program provides a broad range of services including digital systems and apps to monitor weight change, energy intake and outlet, as well recipes and healthy meal ideas. For instance, if you are preparing a meal that is not listed in the Weight Watchers database, you can calculate the Smart- points value by ingredients with the help of appropriate mobile app or through
  • 10. Calculating Food Energy: Calories and Smart Points I have to recognize I am not a huge fan of calories counting. In fact, it’s annoying and stressful task; a kind of heavy duty as for me. Also, it’s not very easy to count calories accurately. We all are looking for perfect accuracy, aren’t we? So, finding only close match leads to some frustration. As a result, we tend to give up on calorie counting and on attempts to lose weight altogether. Besides, you should think long term about the weight loss process. Are you ready to count calories every day of your life? If you are not, then do not even bother starting. Anyone can restrict his calorie intake thanks to a temporary diet, but when you stop, you will gain it again. Actually, your success here is measured by not only the amount of weight you have lost but rather on how long you keep it off. It is well known that Weight Watchers program uses the own point-based system. Every food is given a certain point value based on nutritional value. That means it is no longer necessary to count calories like most of other diets require you to do. Instead of this, you have to keep track of points. The information about the Smart-points value of different food products is available through Weight Watchers apps and online. Naturally, the exact formula for Smart-points calculating is not available. However, you can find a few variants of a rough formula made by mathematic enthusiasts. I have found that this one looks most close to the original Smart-point formula: SP = (Calories +Sugar*4 + Saturated Fat*9 – Protein*3.2)/33 Supposedly this formula could be applied to any food or recipe with nutrition facts information. But fruit and vegetable exception makes it impossible in many cases to calculate Smart-points scrupulously. For instance, restaurant disclosure data includes veggies in the numbers. Depending on your weight, your goal, age, gender, and your level of activity you are allowed a particular number of points per day. Knowing your Smart
  • 11. Point daily budget is very important. Also, it is interesting to know how Points system evolves over time. Initially, Weight Watchers point system stimulated to cut fats and consume fiber. Point Plus system added protein in the equation. In December 2015, Smart Points replaced Point Plus. The new scheme still guides users toward an eating pattern that is higher in protein. The distinctive feature of Smart Point system is stringent penalizing for high-sugar and high-saturated fat consumption. Obviously, now calories content is not the one and only criteria to base your food choices on. For instance, fiber in your meal will keep you feeling full longer, which can prevent you from ingesting more calories. But fiber is absent in the Smart Point formula. That’s why most fresh fruits and vegetables are
  • 12. zero points in the Smart Points system. On the other hand, point restrictions for eating pastries and cookies are pretty high on the new program. Of cause, there were some people who had worries that Smart Points system lacks flexibility in a food-point assignment. However, can you disagree with the fact that an apple and banana are much healthier and more nutrient-packed choices than cake and candy bar?
  • 13. How do Fit Points work? Estimation of Energy Expenditure Exercising is the next vital factor to success in loses weight process. Every type of physical activity is also given a Fit Points value; in this way, you are rewarded for exercising. If you don’t know where to start, Weight Watchers program will help you to uncover many different ways to earn activity points. Things like walking the dog, dancing, housecleaning, playing golf, bowling, gardening and yard work will get you some extra points. And certainly, you shouldn’t forget to count your aerobics and weight lifting training. Also, you can swap Fit Points for food if needed. Regular physical activity helps prevent many health issues, improves sleep quality, and makes you feel better. After your training session, you may find yourself more optimistic and less stressed. That’s because good workout stimulates the release of endorphins and others feel-good brain chemicals. Besides that, regular exercising can increase your confidence. So, if swapping works well for you, you can do it since these points are what you earn for being active. However, if you cannot reach the result you want, you should refuse from swapping. Fit points calculation formula takes into account your weight, the duration, and intensity of your physical activity. Actually, the formula is pretty simple for understanding: Fit Points = weight in lbs*duration in minutes*intensity factor The intensity factor of a particular form of physical activity varies between individuals. It depends on a people exercise experience and their current level of fitness. In order to define the intensity factor of your workout just keep an eye on your breathing patterns and sweating. So, a low-intensity workout does not change your breathing pattern, and you are not sweating doing it. If you are not used to physical exercising, low-intensity training sessions are a right place to start. Yoga practice or simply stretching routine, as well as light walk, could be
  • 14. good examples of low-intensity exercise. Of course, each of these exercises might provide either low or moderate intensity training, depending on the pace that you use. A moderate intensity workout makes your breathing deep and often, but you are not out of breath. It feels somewhat hard and results in a light sweating after about ten mins of training. A high-intensity workout seems challenging; you develop a sweat after 3 to 5 minutes. The ‘talk test’ shows that you can’t say more than a few words at a time without pausing for breath. Examples of high-intensity exercise include fast swimming, strength workout with free weights and weight machines, or activities that use a weight of you own body – such as calisthenics, rock climbing, or heavy gardening. You need to choose the type of training that suits your level of fitness. If you are not sure what your intensity factor should be, talk to your physician. If you are new to workout, start at a light intensity and gradually build up to a moderate intensity session. The more intense and longer your physical activity, the more fat you burn. However, balance is still necessary. Overdoing of physical training will increase the risk of injury and overtraining. So, don’t push yourself too fast, too hard; just be realistic. Fitness is a lifetime marathon, not a sprint to a finish line. The basic rule here is “don’t give up.” You can change exercise, workout plan and intensity factor depending on the goal and mood, but physical activity must always be present in your life. The benefits of ‘going beyond the comfort zone’ could be interesting for advanced fitness practitioners in order to increase their performance level. The point is not only to go somewhere but also to stay there, making discomfort zone your new comfort level. Human is a highly adaptive beast; we could adapt to some level of the discomfort too!
  • 15. A Proper Mindset to Get Slim However, in the long run, calories-in-calories-out approach alone does not work. Being in the right frame of mind is a key factor here. Weight Watchers positions their self as providing a lifestyle program, not just another variety of diet. It is a much trickier thing; it is a business of behavior change. You should realize that your target is not hitting the certain weight, but rather building new eating and fitness habits. This kind of approach will allow you to benefit for a lifetime. When you reach your weight loss goal, you should figure out your new Smart- points budget. Apparently, you need more points to stop losing weight. Also, you enter a so-called maintenance period which lasts six weeks. Now your goal is maintaining weight instead of losing, and you have to be focused on this aim. During this time there will be regular weight-ins. If you stay within two pounds of your goal weight in that six week period, you will be promoted to a Lifetime Member. Lifetime members can participate in any meeting free. However, they must stay within two pounds of their weight, so they have to weigh-in at least once a month. In reality, available statistic shows us that average weight losses achieved through Weight Watchers program are modest relative to common anticipations. According to one of the studies mentioned above, in one year's time, on Weight Watchers, participants lost an average of twelve pounds only. But that's just average numbers. The bottom line is that program works well for people who are health conscious. And unfortunately, the program is not going to work fine in a long- term perspective for partakers who are less health conscious. Health conscious individuals are concerned with nutrition, stress, physical activity, and their environment. Also, they accept responsibility for their health and living with healthy habits. In order to become more health conscious, you should learn what healthy and unhealthy practices are.
  • 16. Drink More Water You need water to live; over 50% of your body mass is made up of water. That means that water is the most important substance in our bodies. Among others, vital functions water facilitates digestion, removes waste and toxins, and regulates body temperature. Also, drinking enough water allows the liver to break down fat more efficiently. 37%of Americans often mistake thirst for hunger. This data means that they are eating instead of drinking when they are thirsty. Too much high-in-fat and high-in-sugar foods in menu provoke weakness of thirst sensitivity. 75% of Americans are dehydrated chronically; so it is a good idea to drink water regularly throughout the day. Start a new day with drinking water as soon as you wake, and end just before sleep. In the morning water increases your metabolism and in the evening drinking water decreases your hunger pangs. There is no substitute for water, so you should drink water all the time. As a fitness enthusiast, you will need to drink even more water to replace fluids lost through transudation. Also, you need additional water to compensate for heat, alcohol, and caffeinated beverages. So, how much water should you drink daily? Well, it depends; there is a valid test though. Keep an eye on the color of your urine and continue consuming water until your urine is clear or light yellow.
  • 17. How Protein can Help You Lose Weight Protein is involved in building and repairing your cells and tissues. Also, adequate protein intake is essential for optimizing hormones and burning body fat. Protein typically consists of many amino acids; one of those amino acids – Phenylalanine triggers hormones that reduce hunger and stimulates weight loss. Even a single dose of Phenylalanine could decrease regular food intake, increase a level of appetite suppression hormone GLP-1, and diminish the level of the appetite-stimulating Ghrelin. That's why Atkins diet, Paleolithic diet, and others protein-rich diet plans could be useful in providing weight loss effect by making you feel full for longer period. Just adding more proteins to your menu can help you to reduce weight even without a complete nutritional revision. Our bodies cannot store protein, so you need some of it every day. Proteins can be found in animals or plants. Yep, plants like soy, nuts, and seeds are rich in protein. Optimal protein intake is based on two factors: natural state and balanced intake. Natural state means hormone-free, free-range, and organic products which have a better nutritional ratio and fewer detrimental factors. These sources are preferred forms of protein over powder and snack bar. Balanced protein diet means a mix of lean meat, eggs, seafood, nuts, and seeds. By industry definition, meat can be considered lean if it has less than ten gram of total fat, less than four and a half gram of saturated fat, and less than ninety- five milligrams of cholesterol per 3.5-ounce serving. You can prepare lean meat or simply cut off all white visible fat before cooking. It’s hard and not very efficient to trim excess fat from processed meats. Most seafood is considered lean too. Actually, some fatty fish are not lean, but they are rich in heart-healthy Omega 3 fatty acids. Both white and red meat has fat. The way you prepare the meat makes it lean.
  • 18. Even chicken can be high in fat, so remember to take the skin off because the skin adds a lot of fat. Also, broiling, grilling, roasting and baking are perfect cooking techniques which help cut down the fat content of meat. Lean meat tends to be dry so marinate it with a small amount of oil, lemon juice and natural seasonings like herbs and spices. This trick makes lean meat more tender and juicy.
  • 19. Types of Carbohydrates: Simple, Complex, and Dietary Fiber Carbohydrates provide human’s body with its most favored form of energy but ingesting too many carbs will gain up body fat. Vegetables, fruits, grain, cereal, pasta, anything with sugar, sugar itself are all carbohydrates. Naturally, we should moderate carbohydrates intake and focus on eating complex carbs and avoiding simple carbs. Both things realized in Weight Watchers program with the help of Smart-points conception. The main difference between complex and simple carbohydrates is how they impact on blood sugar level. Simple carbohydrates break down too quickly and flood your blood with excessive sugar. In order to regulate the blood sugar, your body releases high amounts of hormone insulin into the blood. Insulin stops burning body’s fat and instead, activates accumulating the unused sugar as fat. Growth hormone and insulin are competitors; that’s why your evening meal shouldn’t include simple carbs. Most of the growth hormone secretion occurs during sleep, and if insulin levels are high, GH can’t access your cells. One more hormone, adrenaline, which is released during intense physical activity, suppresses insulin. In this way, adrenaline creates a one-hour window when simple carbs can be consumed without increasing insulin. So if you consume simple carbohydrates at all, best do it after exercise. The more simple carbs you eat, the more you crave them. Foods which contain simple carbohydrates are usually sweets, processed foods, starchy vegetables, and tropical fruits. Well, we know that wide varieties of fruits are ‘free’ in Weight Watchers program. Fruits are zero point foods because they are high in fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals. Complex carbohydrates provide a more constant flow of glucose into the bloodstream; that keeps you energized for longer. Also, eating complex carbs reduces hunger, helps you to eat less, declines risk of diabetes, and improves a level of blood cholesterol.
  • 20. Fiber also is a type of carbohydrates; it’s a substance in plants. However, we can’t digest the fiber, so it passes through the entire intestine, mechanically cleaning it. High-fiber food is good for human health, but most Americans don’t eat enough fiber. Many studies show that fiber is a highly effective nutrient for losing weight. It slows down the movement and absorption of food. In this way, fiber keeps you satiated longer, maintains your blood sugar, and speeds up the process of eliminating toxins from your system. As we already know, the reason why many different fruits and vegetables have zero Smart-point is their high in fiber and relatively low-calorie count, which is perfect for weight loss. Next to the veggies best sources of fiber include nuts, seeds, whole grains, cereals, and legumes. You may also read on a food label about soluble and insoluble fiber; both types are essential for health. Soluble fiber lowers cholesterol levels, slows down the absorption of glucose, stabilizes insulin levels, and as a result causes you to eat less. Insoluble fiber absorbs water, swells in the colon and removes toxic waste from there. One more function is to balance acidity in the intestines. So, fiber helps eat less by acting as filler; it is also known to reduce the risk of diabetes, obesity, and heart attack. However, you should add fiber to your menu slowly over a period of a few weeks. This way allows bacterial flora in your digestive tract to adjust to the change. Increasing fiber consumption too quickly can lead to intestinal gas, abdominal bloating, and cramps. And again, drink a plenty of water because fiber works better when it absorbs water. As you see we shouldn’t stop consuming carbohydrates; just choose the correct option. Get more of your carbohydrates from fruits and veggies; eat them raw with the skins for extra fiber. Eat whole fruit instead of drinking fruit juice. Eat more grains, nuts, and seeds.
  • 21. Eat Fat to Burn Fat The Smart-point program reduces the penalty for fat consumption relatively to the previous Points-plus system. Healthy fats are found in natural products like olives, avocados, seeds, nuts, fish, and animal proteins. Unhealthy fats are usually found in processed foods. Healthy fats provide energy, contribute to building cells and hormone optimization, and facilitate vitamin absorption. Probably, you have already consumed enough fats with your proteins. However, in order to lose weight, you should make differentiate between healthy and unhealthy fats. Saturated fats are found in animal fat, like a full-fat dairy and fat on meat products. This type of fat is natural but you should limit your consumption. The reason for doing this is the fact that saturated fats increase the amount of harmful cholesterol in the blood and that leads to restricted blood flow. Another negative consequence is decreasing the body’s efficiency in removing toxins from your blood. Hydrogenated fats or trans-fats are the worst types of fats; you should avoid them as much as you can. Trans-fats consumption is strongly correlated with many health issues in general and heart problems in particular. This type of fat is used in processed foods to make them last longer. Also, it is found in packaged foods; store bought baked foods and fried foods. Mono-unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are best types of fats you can find. So, monounsaturated fat helps lower your LDL(“bad”) cholesterol but still can lead to weight gain if consumed too much. Usually found in olive oil, peanut oil, and avocado oil. Poly-unsaturated fats include two classes of fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids are very healthy because they enhance the immune system and protect your cells and tissues against degenerative changes. We need omega-3 in our diet throughout the whole life for normal growth and development. In particular, Omega-3 affects the nervous system, brain development, IQ, and cognitive function. Great sources of Omega-3 fatty acids
  • 22. are pumpkin seeds, walnuts, flaxseed, fish and fish oil. Omega-6 fatty acids are necessary for normal growth and development but still could be unhealthy in excessive quantities. It is also often over-consumed in the typical American diet, so you should keep a balance of your consumption. Usually found in sunflower, corn, sesame, and soy oils. Mediterranean diet has a healthy balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats which protects you from developing internal inflammation like obesity, cancer, Parkinson’s, heart disease. Also, you should know that many fat-free foods are high in sugar, so consuming them doesn’t guarantee you are eating healthy. Avoiding fat could make provoke your overeating because fats help you feel full longer. The key is a proper balance between good fats and unhealthy fats. Also, you can limit saturated fats by trimming any fat you see around the meat before cooking.
  • 23. Social Support Your environment defines your success. Does it sound familiar? That means that in order to be successful you need to spend some of your time in a company of people who support and encourage your efforts toward your goal. Indeed, support is a significant component of Weight Watchers program. Humans are social animals, and weekly group meeting made us feel more accountable for our weight loss efforts. Clearly, people in a group-based program are much more engaged and have a better success rate. Supposedly, group support is also effective for long-term behavioral changes and steady weight loss results. Usually, schedule of the meeting includes weigh-ins, group discussion about both scale and non-scale problem solving, and sharing best practices. Group membership may vary from week to week, but the leader of the group is a permanent person who has successfully completed Weight Watchers program and received training from the company. Only your group leader and you see what the scales say, so please don’t worry about the public humiliating weigh- in. Also, all Weight Watchers members have access to an online 24/7 Expert Chat. Another innovation in the area of community and support is a phone-based coaching program. You have great opportunity to choose your own personal coach, work through your worksheet and create your own personalized action plan.
  • 24. Home Cooking with Instant Pot The Weight Watchers program encourages home cooking. There are many foods that are sponsored by Weight Watchers in most supermarkets. Nevertheless, if you cook at home, you will eat much healthier. Time-saving is probably the biggest benefit you notice with the Instant Pot. You can cook a roast in about forty minutes with this remarkable kitchen-device. Actually, you can prepare a slow-cooker recipe that usually takes six hours in just in an hour. Perfect, right? And it’s enormously helpful for busy people like you are. Another significant benefit is that Instant Pot retains more vitamins and minerals in foods and cooks flavorful meals. Besides IP softens the food, so meat and bones can be prepared really tender. Beans and whole grains get soft texture too. Also, Instant Pot keeps your kitchen organized and clean. On the practical side, it minimizes your cleaning efforts and reduces the number of kitchen devices. On the financial side, it saves your money.
  • 25. Soup Recipes How can you have a satisfying meal that leaves you feeling full, but without a high Smart-points value? Start your meal with soup. The water in soups increases a size of the portion without increasing energy content. It has been proven that eating soup more often reduces the risk of obese. People who start their meal with soup eat up to 20% fewer Smart points.
  • 26. Simple Tomato Soup Time: 30 mins Number of servings: 6 Point value per serving: 3 Ingredients: Two 15-oz cans diced tomatoes with all juice Four whole sun-dried tomatoes but choose not oil-packed Two and a half cups vegetable stock Two and a half tbsp butter One chopped onion One chopped carrot One rib celery, chopped too Two tbsp all-purpose unbleached flour One tsp dried basil One tsp salt Half tsp dried marjoram Pinch of baking soda Half tsp freshly ground pepper Directions: • Start with sautéing onion in your Instant Pot for two minutes. • Then add carrot, marjoram, celery, and basil. Sauté for four minutes. • Now add the flour and cook for a one minute. • Add the rest of the ingredients and close the lid. Select the “Manual” function to cook on high pressure for eight minutes. • Make a natural release of pressure. Then blend your soup until smooth in your blender or food processor. • Serve and enjoy!
  • 27. Mushroom Soup with Barley Time: 40 mins Number of servings: 8 Point value per serving: 3 Ingredients: Four cups beef stock Half pound diced baby bella mushrooms Half cup pearl barley One small onion, diced One diced celery stalk One diced carrot Two chopped garlic cloves Two thyme sprigs One sage sprig Half tsp of salt Pinch of fresh ground pepper Pinch of garlic powder Directions: • Place all mentioned above ingredients in your Instant Pot. • Select the “Manual” function to cook at high pressure for twenty minutes. • Make a natural release of pressure for ten minutes, after that make a quick release. • Stir well. • Serve and enjoy!
  • 28. Celery Cream Soup Time: 40 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 6 Ingredients: Six cups chopped celery Two cups vegetable broth One cup coconut milk One chopped onion Half tsp dill Salt to taste Directions: • Place all mentioned above ingredients in your Instant Pot and mix until well blended. • Seal the pot with lid, select “Soup” function, and cook for thirty minutes. • Release pressure by quick release method, then carefully open a lid. • Puree your soup until creamy with an immersion blender. • Serve warm and enjoy!
  • 29. Navy Bean Soup with Bacon Time: 45 mins. Number of servings: 6 Point value per serving: 6 Ingredients: Three 15-oz cans drained navy beans Four slices chopped centre cut bacon Four cups chicken broth Two tablespoon tomato paste Three cups baby spinach One chopped carrot One chopped onion One chopped celery stalk Two bay leaves One fresh rosemary sprig Directions: • Blend one can beans together with one can water in a blender. • Sauté the bacon in your Instant Pot until crisp. Then transfer it on a plate. • Add the onion, carrot, and celery and sauté for five minutes. • Now add pureed beans, remaining beans, broth, tomato paste, bay leaves, and rosemary. Select the “Manual” function to cook at high pressure for fifteen minutes. • Allow the pressure to release naturally and remove rosemary and bay leaves. • Blend two cups of your soup in a blender then put them back to the pot. Add spinach. • Serve topped with bacon and enjoy!
  • 30. Easy Lentil Soup Time: 20 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 7 Ingredients: One cup brown lentils One cup red lentils One cup frozen corn Six cups vegetable stock Two chopped carrots One cubed potato One chopped medium onion Two tbsp olive oil One bay leaf One tsp salt Pinch of thyme Pepper to taste Directions: • Place onion and olive oil in your Instant Pot and select “Sauté” for one minute. • Add carrot and sauté again, now for two minutes. • Now add potato, brown lentils, red lentils, vegetable stock, thyme and bay leaf. Stir well. • Seal pot with lid and select “Soup” function, set a timer for six minutes. • Allow to release pressure naturally and then open a lid. • Remove bay leaf from your soup, add corn, salt, and pepper. • Stir well, serve, and enjoy!
  • 31. Meat-free Recipes I don’t follow a vegetarian diet permanently, but sometimes I’m just looking to go meatless. It's kind of rest for my digestive system because I believe that incorporating more plant-based foods is the right way to boost my general health. Naturally, vegetarian diet includes more fiber, healthy micronutrients, and antioxidants. Also, meat-free meals include less saturated fat and Smart points.
  • 32. Green Beans & Tofu Time: 25 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 3 Ingredients: One pound green beans Half cup pureed tofu One chopped onion Two tbsp olive oil One and a half cup sliced mushrooms One cup vegetable broth Directions: • Pour olive oil in your Instant Pot. When oil heats up, add onion and mushroom and sauté for three minutes. • Add green beans, pureed tofu, and vegetable broth. Stir well, seal pot and sauté for fifteen minutes. • Use rapid pressure release method and open lid carefully. • Mix well, serve, and enjoy!
  • 33. Sauteed Red Cabbage Time: 20 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 3 Ingredients: Six cups chopped red cabbage Half cup apple sauce Three minced garlic cloves One cup water One chopped onion One tbsp olive oil One tbsp apple cider vinegar Salt and pepper to taste Directions: • Pour olive oil in your Instant Pot and select “Sauté” function. • When oil heats up, add garlic and onion and sauté for two minutes. • Now add all other ingredients and mix well. • Seal pot with lid and cook on high pressure for ten minutes. • Release pressure using rapid release method. • Stir well, serve, and enjoy!
  • 34. Quick Healthy Brussels Sprouts Time: 10 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 4 Ingredients: One pound Brussels sprouts Four tbsp pine nuts One tbsp olive oil Salt and pepper to taste Directions: • Pour one cup of water into your Instant Pot. Set the trivet and the steamer basket. • Put Brussels sprouts in a steamer basket. • Seal pot with the lid and select “Manual” for three minutes. • Use rapid pressure release method. • Transfer Brussels sprouts at the plate and add olive oil, pine nuts, salt, and pepper. • Serve and enjoy!
  • 35. Garlic Chickpeas Time: 45 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 6 Ingredients: One cup chickpeas Two bay leaves Four garlic cloves Four cups water Salt to taste Directions: • Rinse chickpeas and put it in your Instant Pot. Then add salt, garlic, bay leaves, and water in a pot. • Seal pot with lid and select “Bean/Chili” function for thirty-five minutes. • Allow releasing pressure naturally. • Serve chickpeas with steamed rice and enjoy!
  • 36. Pumpkin Porridge Time: 20 mins Number of servings: 2 Point value per serving: 7 Ingredients: Half middle-size pumpkin, pureed Half cup almond milk One cup quick oats One and a half cup water One tbsp brown sugar One tsp pumpkin pie spice Directions: • Put all ingredients in your Instant Pot and mix well. • Seal pot with lid and select “Manual” to cook on high pressure for three minutes. • Allow release pressure naturally. • Open lid carefully, stir well, and serve warm.
  • 37. Mashed Butternut Squash and Apples Time: 20 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 7 Ingredients: One pound cut into 2-inch pieces butternut squash Two peeled and sliced apples One sliced onion One cup water Two tbsp coconut oil Pinch of cinnamon Pinch of ginger Directions: • Pour water into your Instant Pot and place steamer basket inside the pot. • Put in the steamer basket butternut squash, onion, and apples. Seal the pot with the lid and select “Manual” for eight minutes. • Use rapid pressure release method. • Open the pot and transfer mixture into the bowl, then use masher. • Now add coconut oil, cinnamon, and ginger and mix well. • Serve warm and enjoy!
  • 38. Spicy Pinto Beans Time: 25 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 8 Ingredients: One pound soaked overnight and rinsed pinto beans One chopped onion One can chopped tomatoes Four cups water Two tbsp olive oil Half tsp dried sage Half tsp oregano Half tsp garlic powder Salt and pepper to taste Directions: • Pour one tbsp olive oil in your Instant Pot and select “Sauté” function. When oil heats up, add onion and sauté for five minutes. • Now add water, pinto beans, and another one tbsp olive oil. Seal the pot with lid and select ‘Bean/Chili” function and cook on high pressure for standard thirty minutes. • Use rapid pressure release method. Then add tomatoes, garlic powder, oregano, sage, salt, and pepper. Mix well all ingredients. • Select “Sauté” on low and cook for fifteen minutes. • Serve warm and enjoy!
  • 39. Black Bean and Quinoa Chili Time: 25 mins Number of servings: 6 Point value per serving: 8 Ingredients: One can black beans Half cup quinoa Three peeled and chopped sweet potatoes One can chopped tomatoes One chopped bell pepper One chopped onion Two chopped celery stalks Two chopped garlic cloves Four cups vegetable broth Two tbsp tomato paste Two tsp paprika Two tsp ground cumin One tsp ground coriander One tsp chili powder Salt to taste Directions: Put all ingredients in your Instant Pot and mix well. Seal the pot with the lid, select “Manual” and cook on high pressure for twelve minutes. Use rapid pressure release method then open the lid carefully. Stir well, serve, and enjoy!
  • 40. Chicken Recipes Chicken is recommended to consume as a regular part of your menu. For many athletes, chicken is a favorite source of protein. If you cook chicken right and eat without the skin, it’s healthy and tastes great. Personally, I love chicken and healthy chicken-based recipes. Chicken breasts, in particular, are easy to incorporate into a wide variety of tasty dishes; you get affordable and quick cooking lean protein.
  • 41. Healthy Shredded Chicken Time: 25 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 4 Ingredients: One pound skinless and boneless chicken breast One cup chunky salsa One tsp cumin Half tsp salt Pinch of oregano Black pepper for taste Directions: • Season poultry on both sides with pepper, salt, cumin, and oregano. • Put seasoned chicken in your Instant Pot. Pour chunky salsa on the chicken. • Seal pot with lid and select “Poultry” function. Set timer for twenty-five minutes. • Use rapid pressure release method. • Transfer chicken to a platter and shred it with a couple of forks. • Serve and enjoy!
  • 42. Tasty Orange Chicken Time: 20 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 6 Ingredients: One pound skinless and boneless chicken breast, cut into cubes Two tbsp flour Two tbsp brown sugar One tbsp ketchup One tbsp coconut oil Half of cup chicken stock Three drops orange essential oil Directions: • Put chicken and flour in one zip-lock bag and shake to coat meat well. • Add coconut oil in your Instant Pot and select “Sauté.” Then add chicken in a pot and cook for two minutes. Then turn off a pot. • Now add chicken stock, ketchup, brown sugar, and orange essential oil in a pot and stir well. • Seal pot with lid, select “Manual” function to cook on high pressure for fifteen minutes. Then use rapid pressure release. • Serve with steamed rice and enjoy!
  • 43. Whole Roasted Chicken Time: 50 mins Number of servings: 12 Point value per serving: 7 Ingredients: Four-pound whole chicken One and a half cup chicken stock One tbsp coconut oil One tsp paprika Half tsp salt Quarter tsp poultry seasoning Pinch of dried thyme Pepper for taste Directions: • Add coconut oil in your Instant Pot and select “Sauté” function. When oil heats up, put a chicken in the pot. • Mix paprika, salt, poultry seasoning, thyme, and pepper in a small bowl. • When the chicken becomes nice and brown on all sides, add that mix of seasoning and chicken stock. • Seal the pot with lid and select “Manual” function to cook on high pressure for twenty-five minutes. • Turn off the pot and allow pressure release naturally. • Serve and enjoy!
  • 44. Chicken Tacos with Chipotles Time: 25 mins Number of servings: 6 Point value per serving: 7 Ingredients: Two skinless and boneless chicken breasts One and a half cup tomato puree Six corn tortillas Half cup onion diced Two minced garlic cloves Half tbsp dried and soaked ancho Chile Half tbsp cumin Half tsp salt Pinch of chipotle powder Directions: • Put garlic, ancho Chile, cumin, salt, chipotle powder, and a half cup of water in the blender and puree them until smooth. • Put this pureed mixture into your Instant Pot. Add chicken, tomato puree, and onion into the pot and seal the pot with the lid. • Select “Manual” for fifteen minutes. In fifteen minutes release pressure quickly and open the lid carefully. • Spoon taco and fill in the corn tortillas. • Serve and enjoy!
  • 45. Barbecue Chili Chicken Time: 25 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 9 Ingredients: One pound skinless and boneless chicken thighs One chopped onion Two tbsp olive oil Two tbsp Barbecue sauce Quarter cup water Quarter cup chili sauce One tbsp vinegar Half tsp ground paprika Salt and ground black pepper to taste Directions: • Pour olive oil in your Instant Pot and select “Sauté” function. When the oil heats up, add chicken and cook it for three minutes per side until it’s browned. • Add paprika, salt, and ground in the pot. Then mix in a bowl onion, barbecue sauce, chili sauce, vinegar, and water. Pour that mixture over chicken. • Seal pot with lid and select “Manual” for fifteen minutes. • Release pressure with natural release method. • Serve hot and enjoy!
  • 46. Cheesy Lemon Chicken Time: 20 mins Number of servings: 3 Point value per serving: 9 Ingredients: Three boneless and skinless chicken breasts One cup spicy salsa Half cup crumbled feta cheese Quarter cup fresh lime juice One tbsp olive oil Half tsp ground cumin Half tsp red chili powder Directions: • Pour olive oil in your Instant Pot and select “Sauté” function. • Add chicken and cook it until becoming brown on both sides. • Remove meat from the pot. Then put salsa, lime juice, chili powder, and cumin in the pot and stir well. • Return chicken to the pot and select “Manual” function to cook on high pressure for eight minutes. • Use quick pressure release method and transfer chicken with sauce to a serving platter. • Sprinkle with crumbled cheese, serve, and enjoy!
  • 47. Chicken Fajita Pasta Time: 15 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 12 Ingredients: One pound skinless and boneless cut into bite-sized pieces chicken breast Eight oz dry penne pasta One can of tomatoes with juice One cup chicken broth Three tbsp fajita seasoning Four minced garlic cloves One chopped onion Two seeded and diced bell peppers Two tbsp olive oil Directions: • Pour olive oil in your Instant Pot and select “Sauté” function. Put the chicken and a half of fajita seasoning when oil heats up. • Stir well and continue to sauté until chicken becomes white. • Add onion, bell pepper, garlic, and remaining fajitas seasoning. Mix well and sauté for two minutes. • Now add chicken stock, pasta, and tomatoes with juice in a pot and stir again. • Seal pot with lid and select “Manual” for six minutes. Then use rapid release method • Serve and enjoy!
  • 48. Fish Recipes Fish provides you with complete protein and healthy Omega-3 fats. Also fish contains amino acid Arginine which helps regulate insulin level and maintain weight. Make sure you don’t consume fish with too high concentrations of mercury; it’s known to cause some serious health problems.
  • 49. Ginger Lemon Cod with Broccoli Time: 10 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 3 Ingredients: One pound frozen cod fillets Two cups chopped broccoli One cup water One tsp lemon pepper One tsp cumin One tsp ginger Salt to taste Directions: • Cut fish into four pieces. Season each piece with salt, cumin, ginger, and lemon pepper. • Pour a cup of water into your Instant Pot. Put seasoned fish and broccoli into the steamer basket. • Lower steam basket into the cooker, seal the lid and select “Chicken/meat” function for two minutes. • Make rapid release pressure. • Serve and enjoy!
  • 50. Halibut with Tomatoes, Capers, and Olives Time: 15 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 11 Ingredients: Two-pound skinless halibut fillets Two 15-oz cans of diced tomatoes with juice Sixteen chopped green olives (choose pitted) Two tbsp drained and chopped capers Two tbsp olive oil One chopped onion Two tbsp minced pickled jalapeno rings with two tbsp brine Two tbsp lime juice One tbsp minced garlic Two oregano sprigs Two rosemary sprigs Directions: • Pour olive oil into your Instant Pot and heat on using “Chicken/meat” function. • Add onion and stir until it becomes clear. Then add garlic and cook for just thirty seconds. • Now add olives, capers, lime juice, fresh herbs, jalapenos, and jalapeno brine. Seal the lid and cook for six minutes, then use rapid pressure release method. • Open the lid and put fish right in the sauce. Seal the lid and cook for two minutes. Then use rapid pressure release again. • Serve with sauce and enjoy!
  • 51. Salmon Steaks with Tartar sauce Time: 10 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 12 Ingredients: Four salmon steaks with skin One cup dry white wine One cup water One sliced lemon One sliced onion One tsp dried dill Salt and pepper to taste Ingredients for tartar sauce: One cup mayonnaise One cup plain Greek yogurt Half cup of dill pickle relish One-quarter cup chopped green onion Three tbsp chopped parsley Three tbsp lemon juice Three tbsp chopped capers One tsp Dijon mustard Pinch of black pepper Pinch of turmeric Directions: • Mix all ingredients for tartar sauce and store the mixture in the refrigerator for an hour or longer. • Place trivet and steamer basket in your Instant Pot. Put slices of onion at the bottom of steamer basket. • Place steaks on onions and pour over the dry white wine. Then add salt,
  • 52. pepper, and dill. On the top of all that place lemon slices. • Pour water on the side; don’t drain off the seasoning. Select “Chicken/meat” function, and cook for one minute. Then seal the lid and cook for five minutes. • Use rapid pressure release method. • Serve with the tartar sauce and enjoy!
  • 53. Beef Recipes Depending on what cut of beef you choose, this meat can be a healthy option in your menu. Lean beef is just as lean as chicken, and it provides you with vitamin B 12 and minerals like zinc and iron. Still, you should avoid heavily marbled beef, and I don’t recommend you to eat beef every day.
  • 54. Spicy Braised Beef Time: 90 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 5 Ingredients: Two pounds chopped into 3-inch pieces eye of round beef, without fat Four cloves garlic Half of medium onion Juice of one lime Two tbsp chipotles in adobo sauce One tbsp ground oregano One tbsp ground cumin One cup water Two tsp kosher salt Three bay leaves One tsp olive oil Pinch of ground cloves Black pepper to taste Directions: • Season the beef with salt and pepper. Pour oil into your Instant Pot, place meat and select “Sauté” function. Cook meat until it’s browned. • Blend lime juice, onion, garlic, water, chipotle, oregano, and cloves in your blender. • Pour that blended mixture into the pot and mix bay leaves. Select “Manual” function to cook on high pressure for one hour. • Use natural pressure release method. • Remove the meat from the pot then shred it. And mix this shredded beef with cooking liquid. • Serve and enjoy!
  • 55. Quick Beef Meatballs Time: 20 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 6 Ingredients: One pound ground beef Two crumbled bread slices Two chopped carrots Two cups pasta sauce Two cups water One chopped onion One beaten egg Half tsp garlic salt Salt and pepper to taste Directions: • Take a mixing bowl and mix ground beef, egg, crumbled bread, onion, carrots, garlic salt, salt, and pepper. • Make meatballs from that mixture and set them aside. • Pour water and pasta sauce into your Instant Pot and stir well. • One by one add meatballs in the pasta sauce mixture. • Seal pot with the lid, select “Manual” and cook on high pressure for five minutes. • Allow release pressure naturally. • Serve meatballs with pasta, rice, and enjoy!
  • 56. Beef and Vegetable Stuffed Peppers Time: 30 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 8 Ingredients: One pound ground beef One cup brown rice Four bell peppers One diced tomato One can tomato sauce One egg One chopped onion One cup shredded mozzarella cheese Half tsp dried parsley Half tsp garlic powder Half tsp oregano Salt and pepper to taste Directions: • Take a mixing bowl and mix ground beef, rice, egg, tomato, onion, parsley, oregano, salt, and pepper. • Slice off the bell peppers tops. Then stuff meat mixture into the bell peppers. • Pour water and half of tomato sauce in your Instant Pot. Then place a trivet in the pot and place stuffed peppers on top. • Now pour all remaining tomato sauce over the top of peppers. • Seal the pot with the lid and select “Manual” function for fifteen minutes. • Use natural pressure release. Open the lid carefully and add mozzarella cheese on the top of peppers. • Close the lid again just for a few seconds, until cheese melted. • Serve immediately and enjoy!
  • 57. Roast Beef & Carrots Time: 50 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 11 Ingredients: Two pounds boneless beef Five cups chopped carrots Six cups peeled and chopped potatoes Three cups chopped onion Two tbsp dried "onion soup" mix Two cups hot water Directions: • Put meat in your Instant Pot. • Take a mixing bowl and mix hot water and "onion soup" mix. Pour that mixture over the beef. • Now add onion, carrot, and potato in the pot and mix well. • Seal the pot with the lid and select “Meat/Stew” button and set the time to forty minutes. • Release the pressure using quick release method. • Serve and enjoy!
  • 58. Pork Recipes Moderate consumption of lean pork can be an excellent addition to your healthy diet. Lean pork is high in protein and packed full of B-vitamins, selenium, zinc and phosphorous minerals. Also, you can find in pork a number of healthy bioactive compounds, such as taurine and creatine. On the other hand, overconsumption of pork is certainly a problem.
  • 59. Chipotle Pork Carnitas Time: 70 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 4 Ingredients: One pound trimmed and boneless pork shoulder blade Three cut into slivers garlic cloves Half cup chicken stock Two bay leaves One chipotle pepper One tsp kosher salt Half tsp cumin Pinch of garlic powder Pinch of dry adobo seasoning Pinch of dry oregano Pinch of sazon Black pepper to taste Directions: • Season pork with salt and pepper. Then brown meat in a large pan on all sides for five minutes using high heat. After that remove meat from pan and set aside to simmer down. • With a sharp knife, insert the blade into meat about 1-inch deep, and insert garlic slivers. You should do this all over. Then season meat with garlic powder, cumin, adobo, oregano, and sazon. • Pour chicken stock in your Instant Pot, then add chipotle peppers and stir well. • Add bay leaves and place pork in your Instant Pot. Seal the pot with the lid, select “Manual” and set a timer for fifty minutes. • Allow pressure to release naturally. Open lid carefully and shred pork with a couple of forks. Then mix meat with juices. Remove bay leaves and mix well.
  • 60. • Serve hot and enjoy!
  • 61. Cherry Apple Pork Loin Time: 50 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 6 Ingredients: One and a half pound boneless pork loin Two cups chopped apple Half cup apple juice Half cup pitted cherry Half cup chopped onion Half cup chopped celery One tbsp olive oil Salt and pepper to taste Directions: • Mix all ingredients in your Instant Pot and close the lid. • Select “Meat/Stew” function, and cook for forty minutes. • Use quick pressure release method. • Serve and enjoy!
  • 62. Pork & Green Chile Stew Time: 30 mins Number of servings: 4 Point value per serving: 7 Ingredients: One pound chopped into bite-sized pork sirloin tip roast One pound chopped sweet potato Half 7-oz can of diced chilies One cup chopped fresh tomatoes One cup chicken broth One can of drained black beans One cup chopped onion Half cup chopped cilantro One tbsp Italian seasoning Half tbsp chili powder One tbsp yogurt One tsp avocado oil Salt and pepper to taste Directions: • Season meat with salt and pepper. Pour avocado oil in your Instant Pot. Then add meat and select “Sauté” function. • Now add chilies, chili powder, onion, Italian seasoning and cook for two minutes. • Now add the rest of ingredients except yogurt and cilantro. Seal the pot with the lid and select “Manual” function for fifteen minutes. • Use quick pressure release. • Serve topped with yogurt and cilantro!
  • 63. Conclusion So, should you sign up for Weight Watchers program? Yes. No. Probably. Actually, I don’t know. I mean, I don’t know anything about you. But I hope that you know a little bit more about Weight Watchers program now. So, it is totally up to your decision. Though, we could consider a few more ideas and opinions here. The Weight Watchers program is for women; it just doesn’t appeal to males. It seems like about 90% of participants at Weight Watchers meetings are female. Weight loss is a regular topic for women to discuss; it’s their shared purpose. I suppose meeting and talking about weight loss are just natural things for any women. Any man with overweight could face health issues like impotence, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Apparently, men also could benefit from Weight Watchers program. Even more, the company provides weight loss plan, customized for guys. And online consulting is an available substitution for live meetings. The Weight Watchers program is not free. So many people like almost everything about WW except the cost. Indeed, after not losing weight for a couple of weeks, paying for the program can feel completely stupid. One the other hand, you have no contract with Weight Watchers; it’s just a “pay-as-you-go” membership. Yeah, you have to pay, but this is for your health. So, spending money on WW program is not a waste; it’s a smart investment. Sometimes you choose foods that are not very healthy and nutritious. Well, this is the other side of “no food is off limits” WW principle. For instance, it could seem like a waste to use your Smart points for healthy olive oil, when you could spend them on not-so-healthy cheese or bread.
  • 64. That’s why a big part of this book is about proper eating habits. And of course, I want to thank you for purchasing and reading this book. However, learning is simply not enough. You must apply what you learn if you want to see results!
  • 65. Also by Timothy Morrison Yoga Poses: Benefits of Yoga Practice According to Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Click here to view this book on Amazon Yoga is similar to the healthy nutrition. If you use it correctly in the optimal quantity, it will lead to unmatched physiological as well as psychological health. And this eventually reflects into your life, improving its overall quality. It is very special and positive ritual when you have woken up early in the morning then take your place on the mat and start practice. At some point in time, you start to feel your body entirely. You become a whole with your body, which bends and flows itself. All it happens without opposing, but with some primal pleasure. The ordinal thinking process is substituted by the inner silence, the rest, and the clarity. You get a positive impulse, and you keep it through the whole day long.
  • 66. Calisthenics for Beginners: 10 Steps to Build Your Own Bodyweight Training Program. Combine the Best Bodyweight Exercises in Ways that Allow You to get an Incredibly Effective Street Workout You are the person who defines the goals and builds your own system of training. Changing with time your aims and priorities is a quite natural way of your physical development. You also could choose a set of skills which is a key factor in your favorite sport and work on it. The more you train in new ways and angles, the easier it becomes to gain new skills. On the other hand, you need some time and efforts to progress in one particular direction. The balance between your goals and your time plus efforts is a key factor here. Click here to view this book on Amazon
  • 67. Copyright © 2017 Timothy Morrison All Rights Reserved. You are not allowed to copy, modify, or sell this content. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written permission of the copyright holder, excepting brief quotes used in reviews. DISCLAIMER: the author and the publisher do not hold any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. This book is presented solely for informational purposes only.