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Dr. Nutan Panda

                 -Asle Montegue
1) Ayurveda , deals with physical, psychological as well as spiritual well
   being of an individual.

2) The desire to live is common to all living creatures evolved on this
   graceful planet, the Earth.

3) Man, is a step ahead in the sense, desires not only to live but to live
   a long, happy and disease free life as far as possible.
      200 YEARS AGO                                        TODAY

  COMMUNICABLE DISEASES                              CHRONIC DISEASE (like
                                                     HT, DM, Cancer etc.)
 1)World shifting from young to old world.
2)Incorrect life style &dietary habits.
3)Increase stress in day to day life.
4)Elderly population in India by 2016 will be 113 million i.e.10-12 % of whole
                  The present study undertaken is designed with the hypothesis that
   Stress, incorrect Life style & Dietary Habits have found to be major impacts on
   Ageing.                                 5

                                                  RUSSIAN FEDERATION





                              ANGOLA &
                              ZAMBIA                                           AUSTRALIA


JARA:- An Ayurvedic Review
Etymology of Jara

Jara (old age) is from root “t`”k o;ksgkukS”
by applying the sutra ^^f”kfnkfnH;ksMM~-
** the term indicates to the loss in the period of
life span. The deduction from the remaining half
of the expected duration and every spent year
would be considered as a loss in the age.
Synonyms of Jara & Vriddha
OF JARA (Sources: Vachaspatyam and Gurubala prabodhika)
 LFkfoje~ & LFkfoja rq o`)Roe~            -The aspect of being old
 foL=lk   & folzalrs v/k%irfrA            -The degeneration of       the
 o`)%       & o/kZrs o`)% -One who has already attained Vriddhi.
 izo;%      & izxra ;kSouk[;a o;ks·L;sfr izo;%-One who has crossed his
 LFkfoj%    & cgq dkya fr”Brhfr LFkfoj%- One who has stayed for a
              long time.
 thu%       & thufr o;lks gh;rs thu%-One who is attaining deterioration.
 th.kZ@tju~ & th;rs th.kZ% tjp -Same meaning.
 T;k;u~%    & o”khZ;ku~ n’kfe T;k;u~ -One who is at the stage of 90
 tfjr%      & t’k tkr vL; rkjdkA
Types of Jara

                                     Kalaja Jara:

                      Jara coming at the proper age is Kalaja Jara(after 60 yrs.). It is
‘Parirakshana Krita’ means it occurs at the proper age even after following the daily
and seasonal regimen mentioned in Swasthavritta. This is nothing but chronological
Ageing. Dhatu kshaya janya jara.

             Akalaja Jara – The Concept of Premature Ageing:

‘                              Akalotpanna lakshana Akalaja’, ‘ Akale jata iti Akalaja’
means that thing which occurs Akalaja i.e. before its prescribed time. occurs before
the proper age due to not taking the proper care of personal hygiene
(Swasthavritta). This Akalaja Jara is of greater intensity, rapidly progressing one if
neglected. This is Biological Ageing. Marga avarodha janya jara.

    iUFkk% ‘khra dnUukfu o;kso`)k’p ;ksf”kr%A
eul% izkfrdwY;a p tjk;k% ip gsro%A ¼j-j-l-26@2½

      In Ras Ratna Samucchaya. The etiological
factors of Akalaja Jara described are :-
Continuous walking after tiredness
Intake of unwholesome food
Intake of cold substances
Staying in cold house
Sexual indulgence with an old woman
Pressure of mind because of unbearable affairs.
Etiological Factors of Ageing Related to Dietary Habits
                     “we are what we eat”

1. Lavana (salt), Amla (sour), Katu (spicy) rasa pradhana
2. Kshara (alkali)
3. Suska shaka & Mamsa (dry vegetable & Meat)
4. Tila Samyoga
5. Pista Anna
6. Viruddha Anna (Incompatible Diet)
7. Asatmya Anna (Unfavorable Diet)
8. Ruksha Anna (Dry Cereal)
9. Abhisyandi Anna
10. Klinna & Guru Anna (Heavy Diet)
11. Puti & Paryushita Anna (Polluted & Out dated Diet)
12. Vishamashana (Improper Eating Habits)
13. Adhyashana (Over Eating)         12
Etiological Factors Related to
                      Life style:

1.   Atimarga Gamana (Excessive Walk)
2.   Diwa Swapna (Day Sleeping)
3.   Nitya Stri Sevana (Excessive Intercourse)
4.   Nitya Madya Sevana (Excessive Intake of Alcohol)
5.   Vishama Vyayama Sevan (Improper Exercise)

The etiological factor of Ageing related to disturbed
                     Mental Health

1. Bhaya (Fear)
2. Krodha (Anger)
3. Shok (Sorrow)
4. Lobha (Greed)
5. Moha (Affection)
6. Ruksha Vani (Harsh words)
7. Kalah Priya Bharya (Quarrelsome Wife)
8. Kuputra/ Kuputri (Maladroit child)

        Vata                         atwa
       vriddhi                     (srotovah

 Ojo                How Vata                absorption
                  vriddhi occurs            assimilation
kshaya                                        of ahara
                  during ageing?                rasa

       Uttarota                    Disequilibr
                                     ium in
       ra dhatu                    upchaya &
        kshaya                      apchaya
Etiopathogenesis of Ageing
                          Disturbances in Manasika Bhava

 Rajas Dushti, Tamas, satva
(Bhaya ,krodha, Shok ,Lobha, Moha )
                                                                Vikrit Agni
Mana Dushti



                                      Free radicals

                                      Injury to cells

                            Gradually damage to all over cell

    Vagbhatta was the first one to record such an observation, which was followed later
by Sharangadhara.
     ckY;a o`f)% NfoZes?kk RoXn`f”V% ‘kqdzfodzekSA
     c`f)% desZfUnz;a psrks thfora n’krks g`lsr AA ¼’kk-la-iw-6@20½
     ckY;s o`f)a izHkkes/kkRod ‘kqdzkf{k=qrhfUnz;e~A
     n’kds”kq dzek?kkfUr eu% losZfUnz;kf.k pAA ¼v-la-‘kk-8@25½
          It is clear that ageing does not occur simultaneously in all the tissues. Different
body tissues are affected ageing at different time period. Gradual declination of a
particular faculty takes place in each decade of life and by the end of decade, that
particular faculty is lost.
Decade                                     Loss of tissues
                           Vagbhata                               Sharngadhara
    I                      Childhood                              Childhood
   ΙΙ                      Growth                                 Growth
  ΙΙΙ                      Complexion                             Complexion
   IV                      Intellect                              Intellect
   V                       Skin                                   Skin
  VI                       Reproductive Capacity                  Vision
  VII                      Vision                                 Reproductive Capacity

  VIII                     Hearing                                Valour
  IX                       Mind                                   Knowledge
   X                       Sensory & Motor organs                 Motor organs
  XI                            -                                   Mind
  XII                           -                                   Life
1.Twak Parushata (Dryness of skin)           14. Medha hani (Decreased functions of
2. Slatha sara (Flabbiness                   Intellect)
    of the body)                                a. Grahana (Grasping Power)
3. Slatha Mamsa (Decreased muscle               b. Dharana (Retention Power)
     tone)                                      c. Smarana (Memory Power)
4. Slatha Asthi (Bone                           d. Vachana (Speech)
   weakness)                                    e. Vijnana (Knowledge)
5. Slatha Sandhi (Flaccid
   joint)                                    15. Utsaha hani (Decreased Enthusiasm)
6. Dhatu Kshaya (Loss of                     16. Parakrama hani (Decreased Physical
                                             17. Paurusha hani (Decreased Virility)
7. Kayasya Avanamanam (Bending of the
     body)                                   18. Prabha hani / Chhavi Hras (Changes
                                                in Complexion)
8. Vepathu (Tremors)
                                             19. Shukra Kshaya
9. Khalitya (Falling of hairs)
                                             20. Dristi Hras (Diminished Vision)
10. Vali (Wrinkling)
                                             21. Karmendriya hani (Decreased Loco
11. Palitya (Graying of hairs)                  motor Activities)
12. Kasa (Coughing)                          22. Buddhi hani (Deterioration in
13. Shwasa (Short breath)                       Wisdom)
Ageing Process :- A Modern Review
History of Geriatrics

               Greek word “geros” mean the old age + Iatric mean the
medical treatment. This is the branch of medicine concerned with the
problems of Ageing, including physiological, pathological, and
psychological problems.
               Nascher was the first to coin the term Geriatrics. He
published a paper in New York medical journal in1909 and a textbook
on it in 1914.

                 Thus Geriatric came to be recognized as a special
branch in first decade of 20th century.
Definition of Ageing
        “The processes that occur during life which culminate in changes that
decrease an individual's ability to cope with biological changes”.
GERIATRICS: - A branch of medicine dealing exclusively with the problems of
ageing and the diseases of the elderly. It is derived from the Greek root “ger-
gero- geronto” meaning “old age” or “the aged”.
                            SYNONYMS OF AGEING:
Senescence: is the process by which the capacity for cell division, growth and
function is lost over time, ultimately leading to an incompatibility with life i.e., the
process of senescence terminates in death.

Senility: This term is from the Latin origin ‘senilitus’, which means the period of
physical and mental deterioration, associated with old age.

Senium: Identical to the term senility, one more term senium is also used in the
medical field; it is marked by the deterioration and weakness that may
accompany the age advancement.

Geria: This also indicates the old age.


  Chronological age   Biological age –     Psychological age
  - number of years     age by body           – age how
       lived              function        individuals feels it


•Young-Old - (ages 65 - 74) Set Old Age

•Middle-Old - (ages 75 - 84) Old Old Age

•Old-Old - (age 85 and older) Ripe Old Age

        Acidic foods
        Food additives: Food additives are added to improve the shelf life
        and stability of processed and smoked foods, but these are not "body
        Food preparation: oily food preparation
   oIrregular sleeping pattern
   oPhysical inactivity or improper exercise
   •Environmental pollution: - People living in any metropolitan area are
   exposed to pollution, and if regularly commute in traffic jams or live near any
   industrial areas, body is exposed to more harmful air particles, and increased
   production of free radicals.
   •Pesticides: - pesticides causes more oxidative stress in the body.
   •Sun exposure
Some Theories of Ageing are given below:
������ Waste Accumulation Theory
������ Limited Number of Cell Divisions Theory
������ Hay flick Limit Theory
������ Death Hormone Theory (DECO)
������ Thymic -Stimulating Theory
������ Mitochondrial Theory
������ Errors and Repairs Theory
������ Redundant DNA Theory
������ Cross-Linkage Theory
������ Autoimmune Theory
������ Caloric Restriction Theory
������ Gene Mutation Theory
������ The Rate of Living Theory
������ Order to Disorder Theory
������ The Telomerase Theory of Ageing
������ Neuro Endocrine theory or Weak Link Theory
������ Free Radical Theory of Ageing

"Free radical" is a term used to describe any molecule that differs from
conventional molecules in that it possesses a free electron, a property that makes
it react with other molecules in highly volatile and destructive ways. The changes
induced by free radicals are believed to be a major cause of Ageing, disease
development or/and death
Free Radical                                              Ama
Stress                                                    Disturbed Manasika
Exogenous Causes- Pollutants, dangerous                   Paryavaran pradushan/
Chemicals , certain products                              Mithya Ahara Vihara
Endogenous Causes- Due to deficiency of certain           Mandagni
Atom/Molecule containing one or more unpaired             Apachyamana
Inassimilable to body components & exist in free state.   Visha Rupam
Cause damage to cell membrane & destroy cells,            Durgandhatvam
leads to putrefaction & foul smell generation.            Suktatvam
Quickly interact with healthy molecules of the body       Reaction of aam vish with
thus setting chain reaction.                              normal cells/ Aashukari
Impaired action of Free Radicals Scavengers               Dhatvagni Daurbalya
Increased production at the site                          Ama Sanchaya
Circulation in the body                                   Prasara
Starts reacting to the weak cell membrane                 Sthana sanshraya at the
                                                          site of Khavaigunya
Production of Sign & Symptoms of Ageing                   Production of Sign &
                                                          Symptoms of Jara

Selected Age-related Changes and their consequences

1. Deprenyl
2. Human Growth Hormone
4. Melatonin
5. Acetyl-L-Car nitine
6. Coenzyme Q10
7. Alpha Lipoic Acid
8. Cysteine and Procysteine
10. Lycopene
11. Vitamin E
12. Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
13. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
14. Synthetic Antioxidants
15. Levodopa (L- Dopa)
16. Calorie Restriction (can be correlate with “astha aahar
  vidhi visheshytan”)


      “Rasasya Ayanam Rasayanam”
   jlL; v;ua izki.ka jlk;ue~ ¼jk-fu-½

      The Therapy, which gives the benefit of
good Rasa, is Rasayana. Hence, it is the
therapy by which one gets the Rasa, Raktadi
Dhatus of optimum quality.

jlk;urU=a uke o;% LFkkiuek;q esZ/kkcydja leFkZapA ¼lq-lw-1@7@2½
             Rasayana Tantra is one which deals
with delaying of ageing process, increasing of
intellect and strength, prolongation of life and curing
of disorders.
S. No   Classification                            Types Of Rasayana
1.      Main division         Dravyabhuta               Adravyabhutas
                              Rasayana                  Rasayana
2       As per method         Kuti Praveshika           Vatatapika                  Droni- praveshik
        of use (Charak)
3       As per Scope of use   Kamya Rasayana            NaimittikaRasayana          Ajasrika Rasayana
                                   Prana Kamya
                                   Medha Kamya
                                   Shri Kamya
4       As per content of     Ahara Rasayana            Aushadha Rasayana            Achara Rasayana
        Rasayana              (Dietary Rasayana)        (Medicinal Rasayana)         (Conduct of Rasayana)
5       Specific Rasayana     Medhya Rasayana           Achara Rasayana
        drugs & measures                                    Buddhi Medha
                                                            Ayu Vardhaka
6       According to          Samshodhana               Samshamana
        Prabhava              Rasayana                  Rasayana
7       According to          Ritu Satmya                Desh Satmya
        Satmya                     Aadana Kala              Sadharana Desha
                                   Visarga Kala             Jangala Desha
                                                            Anupa Desha
8       According to          (1)Rasa (2) Rakta      (3) Mamsa (4) Meda      (5) Asthi (6) Majja
        Sapta Dhatus          (7) Shukra
9       According to Modern   To Promote                To improve                  To improve endocrine and
        Medical Science       Immunity                  metabolism                  exocrine secretions

Four Modes of Action of Rasayana
Rasayana basically promotes the nutrition through four modes.
They are:
1. By directly enriching the nutritional intake of the body through
   increasing the consumption of Amalki, Satavarai, Milk, Ghee,

2. ON AGNI: By improving Agni i.e. digestion and metabolism
   through Bhallataka, Pippali etc, thereby promoting nutrition.
3. SROTOVISHODHANA : By promoting the capability of Srotas
   or microcirculatory channels in the body, through herbs like
   Haritaki, Guggulu, Tulsi, and so on
4. By its VISHAGHNA property
Procedure & effect of Rasayana intake
Srotonirmalta                                                      Peyadikarma

                                                                Kayagni deepti
  Dhatu suddhi
                                                                Dhatwagni deepti

                               RASAYAN PRAYOGA

                          Improved quality of dhatus


Longevity and health                Immunity           Mental competence

          “Yajj jara vyadhi vidhvasi bheshajam tad rasayanam”
The word Rasayana =Rasa +Ayana.
Rasa: means the Rasa dhatu and the remaining dhatu
Rakta , Mamsa , Meda, Asthi, Majja and Sukra.

Ayana: Ayana means the road, a path, a way and a movement.
              “Rasasya Ayanam Rasayanam “
     “Labho payo sashtanam rasadinam rasayanam”(ch.chi.1.)

The Therapy, which gives the benefit of good Rasa, is Rasayana. Hence, it is the
therapy by which one gets the Rasa, Raktadi Dhatus of optimum quality.

In short Rasayana -
������ Gives Long life
������ Delays Ageing and death
������ Increase intelligence, memory and luster
������ Excellence in the body tissues
������ Increases the immunity
������ Removes diseases
������ Gaining “Moksha” (Final Entity) and “Divya Lakshana”
The Rasayana yoga for research work comprises of six medicines viz.
                                1) Ashwagandha

                                  2) Aamalki

                                    3) Bala

                                  4) Guduchi

                                5) Yashtimadhu

                                6) Vanshalochan

        References for above 1. to 5. medicine are taken from “MEDICINAL PLANTS
   IN GERIATRIC HEALTH CARE” an evidence based approach of Central Council for
   Research in Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS)..

1) Aamalki:-(Embelica officinale)
CNSdepressant, Hypolipidemic, Antiatherosclerotic, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant,
   Immunomodulator, Hypoglycemic, Anti-inflammatory, Antitumor.
2)Ashwagandha :-(Withania somnifera)

GUNA         -     LAGHU,SNIGDHA
VEERYA      -     USHNA
VIPAKA      -     MADHUR

Hypotensive, Immunomodulator, Adaptogenic, Antistress, CNSdepressant,
  Antioxidant, Analgesic, Antiarthritic, Cardioprotective, Antiageing, Psychotropic.
3)Guduchi:-(Tinosporia cordifolia)


Hypoglycemia, Antihyperglycemic
, CNSdepressant, antistress, Hepatoprotective, antiarthritic, Antiallergic
Immunostimulant, Antidiabetic, Adaptogenic, Antioxidant, Diuretic.
4)Bala:-(Sida cordifolia)
RASA          - MADHURA

Antioxidant, Thyroregulatory ,Hepatoprotective,     Immunomodulatory,
Antihypertensive, Hypoglycemic, Adaptogenic.
5)Yashtimadhu:-(Glycirrihza glabra)
Hypolipidaemic, Antiatherosclerotic ,Hypotensive, Hepato- protective,
Antiexudative, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory

6)Vanshalochana:-(Bambusa arundinacea)

Antidiarrhoel, Antiparalytic, Carminative, Expectorant, It is cooling, nutritive,
stimulant, digestive, aphrodisiac and febrifuge agent. It is known to help in chronic
and general debility, cough and indigestion.
DRUGS       PRABHAVA     KARMA                                               DOSHAGHNATA

Amalki      Rasayana,    Rasayana,Hridya,Vrishya, Nadibalya,Deepaniya,       Tridhosh shamak ,
            Vrishya      Medhya, Anulomana, Shramahara, Balya,               Esp. Pitta-shamaka
                         Vayasthāpana, Jivaniya, Sarvadoshahara, Nadi-
                         Balaprada, Rochana,
Ashwa       Rasayana,    Balya, Brihana, Rasayana, Vajikarana, Nidrajanan    Vata Kapha
gandha      Vrishya                                                          Shamak

Bala        Vrishya,     Balya, Vatahara, Hridya, Shukral, Prajasthapan,
            Rasayana                                                          Vata- pitta shamak

Guduchi     Vrishya,     Rasayana ,Deepana, Pachana, Balya, Medhya            Tridhosh shamak
            Rasayana     Raktashodhana, Vayasthapana, Vrishya,Pathya,
                         Shukra dourbalya, Dhatukrita, Shramahara,
Yashti madhu Rasayana,   Rasayana, Balya, Nadibalya, Medhya,
             Vrishya,    Keshya,Swarya,Vedanasthapana                        Vata -pitta Shamak

Vansha      Balya,       Vrishya, Shamak, Trishnanigrahana, Grahi, Hridya,
lochana     Brihana      Shwasahara, Mootrala, Jwarghna, Balya,              Vata- pitta Shamak
                       PERCENTAGE OF RASA PANCHAKA
S. No.   RASA                   PROPERTIES           PERCENTAGE

1.       RASA                 Madhura                38.46 %
                              Amla                   07.69 %
                              Katu                   15.38 %
                              Tikta                  23.07 %
                              Kashaya                15.38 %

2.       GUNA                 Guru                   20.00%
                              Laghu                  20.00%
                              Sheeta                 06.67%
                              Snigdha                26.67%
                              Ruksha                 13.33%
                              Picchila               06.67%
                              Tikshna                06.67%
3.       VEERYA               Sheeta                 66.67%
                              Ushna                  33.33%
4.       VIPAKA               Madhura                100.00%

5.       DOSHAGHNATA          Tridosha Shamaka       25.00%
                              Vata-Pitta Shamaka     50.00%
                              Kapha-Vata Shamaka     25.00%
Action of Rasayana Yoga Ghana Vati

           Vaya Sthapana,
           Brihana,
           Balya,
           Rasayana,
           Deepan Pachana,
           Vata Shamaka
           Vrishya
           Hridya

 RASAYANA YOGA GHANA VATI                                     MILK

Milk pacifies vitiated Vata and Pitta Dosas. As the milk is having identical properties
of    Ojas,       it    promotes      Ojas.   The      Cow’s      milk     acts      as
Rasayana, Tarpaka, Jivaniya, Hridya, Ahladakara and Buddhi prabodhaka.
Importance of Anupan ( cow’s milk)
In Ayurveda, Cow’s milk is much appreciated for the therapeutic purposes and also
 in preparation of the formulation as a media. The Go- dugdha possesses
 properties like
 Madhuram, Jivaniyam, Prinanam, Rasayanam, Brihanam, Vrishyam, Medhya, Baly
 a, Dipaniya ,Shonita pittaharam, Shreshtham etc.

 Chemical Composition of milk:
 87.3% water
 3.9% milk fat
 8.8% solids- not fat
 Protein – 3.25%
 Lactose – 4.6%
 Minerals – 0.65% - Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, Zn, CO, Fe, Cu, sulphates,   bicarbonates

Acid     – 0.18% - citrates, formats, acetate, lactate, oxalate.
Enzymes – peroxidase, catalase, phosphatase, lipase.
Gases – oxygen, nitrogen.
Vitamins – A, C, D, thiamine, riboflavin, others.
             GHANA VATI
(1)According to Rasa: - Main content is Madhura rasa (38.46%) which helps to increase
dhatus, especially saumya dhatus which form the major portion of the body.
          After Madhura ,Tikta rasa is the predominant one (23.07%)in present compound
formulation.Tikta rasa is having properties of Agnideepana, Pachana ,Srotoshodhana & Rasayana
prabhava in dhatu nourishment process.
          Katu rasa (15.38%) by svabhava is agnideepaka, Pachaka, Srotoshodhaka &

(2)According to Guna:-it has got the predominance of Snigdha(26.67%).So it is Bala , Varna
vardhaka and Vajikar. After Snigdha guna ,Guru guna(20.00%) is predominant. It causes brimhana
and it is Balya & provide poshana. These guna are mainly used in pacifying the Vata prakopa &

(3)According to Vipaka : - It is mainly Madhura (100%) causes the expulsion of mala & mutra
from the body & releases the toxins & it is Shukral in nature.

(5)According to Veerya : - Most of the contents have Sheeta veerya (66.67%) which acts as
prahladana, Kledana & Stambhana, Balya, Prasadana & Jeevaniya .It is Kapha & Vata Shamaka.

(6) According to Doshakarma: - It works as Vata-Pitta Shamaka (50.00%) also tridosha shamaka
(25.00%).Thus it helps maintain doshic imbalance in the body & make person healthy.
1)To study the conceptual basis of ageing (jara) according to
Ayurveda and different theories of ageing according to modern
medical science.

2) To evaluate the efficacy of Rasayana yoga clinically in the
management of ageing.

3)To evaluate the role of main causes of ageing– Physical &
Mental Stress, Improper Life Style & Dietary Habits and
medication of the proper Rasayana Drugs at proper time in a
proper way.

4) To access the effect of Rasayana Dravya on different age
group clinically
                                                    Simple Random

           SELECTED FROM O.P.D. and
           I.P.D. of Kayachikitsa
           Department of Govt.                      Sampling
           Ayurvedic college & hospital             methods
•The patients having sign and              (1)Patients of age group below 40
symptoms mentioned as per Ayurvedic        and above 70 years.
and Modern literatures. Multiple and
simple random sampling method has
                                           (2)Patients with severe cardiac
been adopted for the selection of 60       disease, Pulmonary Tuberculosis,
uncomplicated cases.                       Severe hypertension and DM,
•Age incidence-The Patients between        HIV, Hepatitis B etc
40 to 70 years of age.                     (3)Patients     with    malignant
•Sex- Patients of either sex were
•Duration of illness – Not more than 3     (4)Pregnant & lactating mothers
•Habitat-Both urban and rural areas
were selected.
•Religion, Occupation, Caste, Socio-
economic status-No bar.
•Patient willing to follow up regularly.
Having the Signs and Symptoms of Jara as described in Ayurvedic

Detailed history was taken and physical examination was done on the
basis of a special Proforma incorporating all the signs and Symptoms
of the disease.

The routine hematological and urine examination was carried out in
selected patients to exclude any other pathology as well as to assess
the present condition of the patient.

1. Indigestion
2. Altered Bowel pattern
3. Altered Sleep pattern
4. Palpitation
5. Anger
6. Irritability
7. Early Menopause
8. Altered Urinary Symptoms
9. Recurrent Infections
10. Fatigue
11. Weakness
12. Loss of Hearing
13. Weakening of Teeth

               (DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA)
(a) Walking Time
(b) Handgrip Power
(c) Foot Pressure
(d) Short Term Memory
(e) Long Term Memory
(f) Breath Holding Time
(g) Pulse, B.P., Temperature & Weight
 All these vital data are recorded before & after
 As per above sign & symptoms patient examination
 proforma will be prepared & patients will be selected
 for trial.


     It will be undertaken on following parameters:-

A) Number of patients:- 60(sixty) patients will be selected for randomized clinical

B) Place of selection of patients:- Patients will be selected from the OPD & IPD of
   Govt. Auto. Ayurvedic College Hospital, Raipur, Chhattisgarh

C)Criteria for selection of the patient:-
  i) Patient between 40 -70 yrs age group will taken for present study.
 ii) Patients will be selected on the basis of sign & symptoms available in Ayurveda
     texts viz. Charak Samhita, Sushrut Samhita & Ashtang Samgraha.

  “In all the three groups, Haritaki Churna – 5 gms is used during samanya
   samsodhan with luke warm water for Koshtha & Srotas Shuddhi before starting the
1) Group A: 20(twenty) patients will be taken between 40 -50 yrs age group and
   will be given Rasayan yoga orally.
             Drug dose: 1 gm BD
             Anupana: Milk
             Duration: 02(Two) Months

2) Group B: 20(twenty) patients will be taken between 51 -60yrs age group and will
   be given Rasayan yoga orally.
           Drug dose: 1 gm BD
           Anupana: Milk
           Duration: 02(Two) Months

3) Group C: 20 (twenty) patients will be taken between 61-70yrs age group and will
   be given Rasayan yoga orally.
           Drug dose: 1 gm BD
           Anupana: Milk
           Duration: 02(Two) Months

The           Routine   Routine               &   Serum       of    the
haematological          microscopic      urine    patients were tested
examination of blood    analysis          were    for    HDL,      LDL,
                        carried out to detect
like Hb% , TLC , DLC                              Triglyceride,
                        the involvement of
MCH, MCHC, MPV,                                   Creatinine , Albumin,
                        kidneys      and     to
MCV,ESR were done.      exclude the urinary       Globulin, A/G Ratio,
                        tract       infectious    blood urea, Blood
                        conditions         like   Sugar (Fasting &PP)
                        veneral       disease,    ,Total protein, Total
                        syphilis etc.             cholesterol.
                       Status wise distribution                                 Age & sex wise distribution
                         20 19
                  20             17                                        20
No. of patients

                  15                                                               8

                                                         No. of patients
                                                                           15                11               Group C F
                  10                                                                                          Group C M
                                                     3                                                        Group B F
                  5                              1                                12                   13
                                             0                                               9                Group B M
                  0                                                                                           Group A F
                        Completed            LAMA
                                                                                                              Group A M
                                    Status                                      40-50     51-60     61-70
                                                                                        Age Group
                       Group A Group B Group C
Sex wise distribution                                                                                   Religion wise distribution
                                                                12                                                   20        17
                        14              11                                                                                                  15
                                                                         9                                                                   14

                                                                                       No. of pateints
      No. of patients

                                   8                                                                                 15
                        10                        7
                         8                                                                                           10
                         4                                                                                                 5
                                                                                                                                                               33                              2
                                                                                                                                                         2                                11           0 1 1
                         2                                                                                                                                                                                          0 00
                         0                                                                                                 0
                                   Female                           Male                                                       Hindu                    Muslim              Christian                  Sikh        Other
                                              Sex group                                                                                                                  Religion group

                                   Group A        Group B    Group C                                                                          Group A                     Group B                   Group C

                              Marital status wise distribution                                                                               Education wise distribution
                                             18                                                                                                           7 7
                        20                                                                                                 7                                                    6
                                                                                                                           6                                    5          5                                  Group A

                                                                                                         No. of patients
No. of patients

                        15                            11                                                                   5   4 4                                                        4 4
                                                                                                                           4 3 3 3                                                                            Group B
                        10                                           7                                                     3                                                                    22
                                                                4                                                          2 1
                        5     2                                                                                                                                                                               Group C
                                  11                        0                0 0 1                                         1




                             Umarried    Married            Widow            Divorce
                                              Marital status
                                   Group A Group B Group C
Residence wise distribution                                                                                      Occupation wise distribution
                                                                           15                                                                                                               7
                                                                  13            14                                                7 6       66

                                                                                                                No. of patients
                                                                                                                                  6 5 5                                                                      5   Group A
                                                                                                                                  5     4      44
No. of patients

                  10     7                                                                                                        4       3       3                                                              Group B
                                 5      6                                                                                         3
                                                                                                                                  2                                                             11
                  5                                                                                                               1        0 0      00                                                           Group C



                             Rural                                  Urban
                                     Residence group
                         Group A        Group B                   Group C

                                                              Socio-economic wise distribution

                                                      10                                              9
                                            No. of patients

                                                              6        4        4                              4                                                      4
                                                                            3         3       3                               3                             3
                                                                                          2                                        2
                                                                     Poor            Lower   Middle   Upper                                          Rich
                                                                                     middle          middle
                                                                                    Socio-economic status
                                                                            Group A           Group B         Group C
Type of diet wise distribution

                         14        15
              15              12
No. of patients

              10                                  6

                       Vegetarian                 Mixed
                                   Type of diet
                         Group A    Group B   Group C
Supplementary diet wise distribution                                                                                Addiction wise distribution
                     19                                                                                                         88
                  20    17                                                                                           8
No. of patients                                                                                                      7   6                6 6                66                          Group A

                                                                                                   No. of patients
                  15                                   12                                                            6
                                                     10 10                                                           5 4                           4
                  10                        88                     88                                                4                                                   3               Group B
                                                 3             5                                                     3 2                                 2
                  5                                                                                                  2                                                        1
                                                                        000                                          1                                                       0 0         Group C
                  0                                                                                                  0



                       Tea Coffe Cold Milk Other

                                   Supplementary diet group
                       Group A                       Group B            Group C

                                            Dominant Rasa of Ahara wise distribution
                                            20       18 18                                18
                                                               17       16   16
                                                                          15                   14
                          No. of patients

                                            15                                                   12 12

                                                                                                                            3                                    3
                                            5                                                                                                                2 3

                                                     Madhra             Amla        Lavana     Katu                         Tikta                        Kashaya

                                                                                  Type of Aha ra Rasa
                                                               Group A                   Group B                                    Group C
Dominant Guna of Ahara wise distribution
                  14                        13                         13                      1313
                       12 12                  12    12            12                      12
No. of patients
                  12        10        11
                                               10         9
                  10             88                           8
                       Guru      Laghu     Sheeta Ushna Snigdha Ruksha
                                      Type of Ahara Guna
                           Group A            Group B             Group C

                                                                                                      Ayogya Ahara Vidhi wise distribution
                                                                                          20                                      Anushna
                                                                                          16                                      Asnigdha
                                                                        No. of patients

                                                                                          10                                      Ajirne
                                                                                           6                                      Viryaviruddha
                                                                                           2                                      Anishtadesha
                                                                                                 Group A    Group B   Group C     Anishta
                                                                                                 Types of Ayogya ahara vidhi      Anmanaska

Diet habit wise distribution                                                                                      Kostha wise distribution
                12                                                                                                                  16
                       9                  8 8                            8                                                          14

                                                                                                                  No. of patients
No.f patients

                                                                     7           6                                                  12
                8          6                                                                                                                                             9
                6                                                                                                                    8
                                                                                                                                         5                   4
                4                                                                                                                    6
                                                                                                                                              3 2                 2
                2                                                                                                                    2
                0                                                                                                                    0
                     Samashana     Vishmashana                  Adhyashana                                                               Mridu          Madhyam          Krura
                                   Diet habit                                                                                                      Type of Kostha
                       Group A      Group B                     Group C
                                                                                                                                         Group A        Group B       Group C

                                                                  Exercise wise distribution

                                                                14                            13
                                                                12                                                                                      Group
                                              No. of patients

                                                                10                                                                                      A
                                                                 8                   6                                                                  Group
                                                                 6                   5
                                                                             4           4                                                              B
                                                                 4       3       2
                                                                 2                                 1 11 11       1 0
                                                                                                             0                      0                   C
                                                  Ir lar

                                                   E er
                                                   R se

                                                  ex lar


                                                    P s


                                                 o u




                                                N eg



                                                                                              Exercise group
Nidra wise distribution                                                                      Dincharya Palana wise distribution
                                 18 18                                                                                                                                   16
                  18                 17                                                                                                                                       15
                                                                       15                                                                                           14
                  16                                                                                                                16
                                            13                                 13 13                                                14
                  14                                                                            Group
No. of patients

                                                                                                                  No. of patients
                  12                  11                                     10                 A                                   12
                  10                                               9        10        9         Group                               10
                                                                                                                                     8       6
                   8                                                                                                                             4       5
                   6   5 5
                                                                                                Group                                6
                   4         2                       22
                   0                                                                                                                       Samyaka                 Asamyaka
                  As aka


                                                         a s ta




                                                              ra                                                                                 Dincharya group









                                                                                                                                          Group A        Group B    Group C
                                          Nidra group

                                                                            Ratricharya wise distribution
                                                                   14                          12                                    11
                                                 No. of pateints

                                                                                           9                                                8
                                                                                          Sa mya ka          Asa mya ka
                                                                                              Ra tricha rya group

                                                                                   Group A              Group B                      Group C
Ritucharya Palana wise distribution                                                                             Sadvritta Palana wise distribution
                                                                                                                                                17 16 16
                  16                                           13                                                 20
                  14                                                11

                                                                                                No. of patients
No. of patients
                  12                                                                                              15
                  10          7
                   8                                                                                              10
                          4                                                                                                       4
                   6                                                                                                         4
                   0                                                                                               0
                        Samyaka                       Asamyaka                                                          Samyaka             Asamyaka
                              Ritucharya group                                                                               Sadvritta group
                       Group A    Group B                 Group C                                                       Group A       Group B     Group C

                                                           Sha ririka pra kriti w ise distribution

                                                     14        12                                                                 Group A
                                   No. of patients

                                                      8                            7                                              Group B
                                                      6                  4 4           4 4
                                                                               1                                                  Group C
                                                      2                                      0 0 0 00 0
                                       ap haj















                                                                     Sha ririka pra kriti
Manasika Prakriti wise distribution
                                                                                       12                                        Sara wise distribution
                              12                                             10                               14
                                                                                  9                                                                        11
            No. of patients   10                               8 7                                            12

                                                                                            No. of patients
                               8                                      6                                       10                         8
                               6                4                                                                    8                       5
                               4        2               2                                                            6       4 3                 4
                               2                                                                                     4
                               0                                                                                     2
                                   Rajasika                  Tamsika       Rajasika-                                 0
                                                                           Tamsika                                        Pravara     Madhyama       Avara
                                        Manasika prakriti
                                                                                                                                 Type of Sara
                                   Group A                  Group B       Group C

                                                                                                                          Group A     Group B    Group C

                                    Satva wise distribution                            14                                 Samhanana wise distribution
                                                                                  13                                 12                                    11
                  14                                                                                                                                            10
                  12                                                         10                                      10

                                                                                                   No. of patients
No. of patients

                  10                                                                                                                     7       7
                                                                                                                     8                       6
                   8                                          6
                                                                  5                                                         5
                                    4                                 4
                   6                                                                                                            3 3
                                            2       2                                                                4
                   2                                                                                                 2
                   0                                                                                                 0
                                   Pravara              Madhyama             Avara                                        Pravara   Madhyama     Avara
                                                    Type of satva                                                              Type of samhanana
                                   Group A                  Group B       Group C                                         Group A   Group B  Group C
Pramana wise distribution                                                            Satmya wise distribution
                  14                   12                                                                              12
No. of patients   12                                                                                   12                 10 10
                  10                                                                                   10

                                                                                     No. of patients
                        5                                                                              8                           6 7 7
                   6                                        4 4 5
                   4        3 3                                                                        6
                                                                                                                 3 3
                   2                                                                                         2
                   0                                                                                   2
                       Pravara  Madhyama                    Avara                                      0
                             Type of pramana                                                                Pravara    Madhyama   Avara
                       Group A            Group B        Group C                                            Group A Type of satmya
                                                                                                                     Group B Group C

                                                           Vyayamshakti wise distribution
                                  No. of patients

                                                    12    10
                                                     8                       5                                   5
                                                     6         4                     4
                                                     4               1
                                                         Pra va ra        Ma dhya ma                          Ava ra
                                                                         Vya ya msha kti
                                                           Group A           Group B                          Group C
Agni wise distribution
                   14           13
                   12         10                                                                        Abhyavarana shakti wise distribution
No. of patients

                         8                                 6
                         6                                     5
                                                                                                                           10                       10
                         4                    2                            2                           10                       9
                                                  11                           1 1

                                                                                     No. of patients
                             Mandagni     Tikshnagni Vishmagni          Samagni                        8                            6           6
                                              Type of agni
                                         Group A       Group B          Group C                        6         5

                         Jarana shakti wise distribution                                               2
                  10                                   8                                               0
                                7                  7       7               7                                Pravara      Madhyam           Avara
       No. of patients

                         8                                             6
                                                                                                                     Abhyavarana shakti

                         2                                                                                  Group A      Group B        Group C
                              Pravara             Madhyam              Avara
                                      Jarana Shakti
                               Group A    Group B                      Group C

         95.00%     53.33%          90.00%
98.33%                                                80.00%

70.00%                                                   43.33%
   90.00%                                            81.66%
              80.00%           51.66%

    Indigetion                          Constipation
    Disturbed sleep                     Palpitation
    Anger                               Irritability
    Loss of hearing                     W eakning of teeth
    Early menopause                     Recurrent infection
    Fatigue                             W eakness
    Altered urinary symptoms
Dhatu Kshaya wise distribution

                       20 20 20         20
                                              19                         19        19
                                   18                18
                  18             17        16             17
                                         16                         16           16
                  16                                       14 14                                       Group A
No. of patients

                  10                                                                                   Group B
                   8                                                                           6
                   6                                                                       4
                                                                                                       Group C
                                                                                                                                          Ojodushti wise distribution

















                                                                                                                 No. of patients
                                                                                                                                   15                       11
                                                                                                                                              9                                9
                                                                                                                                   10     7             7                  7

                                                                                                                                         Vyapada Visramsa             Kshaya
                                                                                                                                              Type of ojodushti
                                                                                                                                        Group A        Group B         Group C

S. No.   Sign & Symptoms       Before Treatment                  After Treatment
                           G0 G1 G2 G3 Total G 0 G 1 G 2 G 3 Total % OF
  1.     Twak Parushata    6 5 6 3            26      15 3   2      0     7        73.08%
  2.       Slatha sara     0 4 8 8            44      14 3   2      1     10       77.27%
  3.      Slatha mamsa     2 3 8 7            40      14 2   2      2     13       67.50%
  4.       Slatha Asthi    2 8 5 5            33      14 2   1      3     13       60.60%
  5.      Slatha Sandhi    4 7 6 3            28      14 4   1      1     9        67.86%
  6.      Dhatu Kshaya     0 12 4 4           32      14 4   2      0     8        75.00%
  7.        Kayasya
                           19 1 0 0               1   20 0   0      0     0        100.00%
  8.         Vepthu        15 3 1 1               8   18 2   0      0     2        75.00%
  9.        Khalitya       0 7 8 5            38      13 2   4      1     13       65.79%
 10.           Vali        2 10 5 3           29      13 3   2      2     13       55.17%
 11.         Palitya       2 9 7 2            29      14 2   3      1     11       62.07%
12.          Kasa        06   7    6    1   22   14   4    2   0   8    63.64%
13.        Shwasa        13   5    2    0    9 18 1 1          0   3    66.67%
14.                                         MEDHA HANI
 i.     Grahana hahi     1    15   3    1   24   14   4    1   1   9    62.50%
ii.     Dharana hani     1    16   2    1   23   15   4    1   0   06   73.91%
iii.    Smarana hani     0    7    10   3   36   13   3    3   1   12   66.67%
iv.      Vijnana hani    13   3    4    0   11   17   2    1   0   4    63.64%
v.       Vachana hani    0    0    0    0    0   0    0    0   0   0    00.00%
15.      Utsaha hani     6    5    5    4   27   15   2    1   2   10   62.96%
16.    Parakrama hani    2    7    6    5   34   13   1    4   2   15   55.88%
17.     Paurusha hani    19   1    0    0    1   20   0    0   0   0    100%
18.      Prabaha hani    3    13   3    1   22   15   2    2   1   9    59.09%
19.     Shukra Kshaya    15   3    2    0    7   16   2    2   0   6    14.28%
20.      Drishti Hrasa   4    12   4    0   20   6    12   2   0   16   20.00%
21.    Karmendriya hani 10    6    4    0   14   17   2    1   0   4    71.42%
22.      Buddhi hani    15    4    1    0    6   18   1    1   0   3    50.00%
S.    Sign & Symptoms    Before Treatment          After Treatment
No.                     G0 G1 G2 G3 Total G 0 G 1 G 2 G 3 Total    % OF
 1.   Twak Parushata    2   7   6   4   31   10   7   2    0   11   64.52%
 2.      Slatha sara    0   5 10 4      37   10   7   1    1   12   67.57%
 3.    Slatha mamsa     2   3   9   5   36   11   5   2    1   12   66.67%
 4.     Slatha Asthi    1   7   8   3   32   11   6   2    0   10   68.75%
 5.    Slatha Sandhi    0   6   8   5   37   12   4   1    2   12   67.56%
 6.    Dhatu Kshaya     0   4 11 4      38   10   4   3    2   16   57.89%
 7.      Kayasya
                        13 3    2   1   10   15   3   1    0   5    50.00%
 8.       Vepthu        11 3    3   2   15   14   3   1    1   8    46.67%
 9.       Khalitya      0   6 11 2      34   1    8   8    2   30   11.76%
10.         Vali        0   3 13 3      38   0    7   10   2   33   13.16%
11.        Palitya      0   6 12 1      33   4    4   10   1   27   18.18%
12.          Kasa         2    4    9   4   34   11   4   4   0   12   64.71%
13.        Shwasa         5    5    6  3 26 13        4   2   0   8    69.23%
14.                                 MEDHA HANI
 i.      Grahana hahi     0    9    5   5   34   10   3   4   2   17   50.00%
ii.      Dharana hani     0    12   4   3   29   11   5   2   1   12   58.62%
iii.    Smarana hani      0    10   7   2   30   10   6   2   1   13   50.00%
iv.      Vijnana hani     13   2    3   1   11   16   1   1   1   6    45.45%
v.       Vachana hani     18   1    0   0   1    18   1   0   0   1    00.00%
15.      Utsaha hani      2    9    6   2   27   11   4   3   1   13   51.85%
16.    Parakrama hani     0    8    7   4   34   10   2   5   2   18   47.06%
17.     Paurusha hani     14   3    1   1   8    16   2   1   0   4    50.00%
18.      Prabaha hani     1    13   3   2   25   7    9   2   1   16   36.00%
19.     Shukra Kshaya     13   3    2   1   10   14   3   1   1   8    20.00%
20.      Drishti Hrasa    2    9    8   0   25   3    8   8   0   24   4.00%
21.    Karmendriya hani   9    5    3   2   17   15   2   1   1   7    58.82%
22.      Buddhi hani      11   5    3   0   11   14   5   0   0   5    54.55%
S.No. Sign & Symptoms     Before Treatment         After Treatment
                         G0 G1 G2 G3 Total G 0 G 1 G 2 G 3 Total % OF
 1.     Twak Parushata   0   3 10 4      35   2    5    7   3    28   20.00%
 2.       Slatha sara    0   0   9   8   42   4    9    2   2    19   54.76%
 3.      Slatha mamsa    0   2 10 5      37   8    2    6   1    17   54.05%
 4.       Slatha Asthi   1   4   7   5   33   6    6    3   2    18   45.45%
 5.      Slatha Sandhi   0   3   8   6   37   5    10   1   1    15   59.46%
 6.      Dhatu Kshaya    0   0 10 7      41   2    5    6   4    29   29.27%
 7.    Kayasya Avanamana 13 1    2   1   8    13   1    2   1    8    00.00%
 8.          Vepthu      11 4    2   0   8    13   3    1   0    5    37.50%
 9.         Khalitya      0 3    6   8   39   0    3    8   6    37   05.13%
10.           Vali       0   2 11 4      36   0    5    8   4    33   08.33%
 11.        Palitya      0   0   7 10    44   0    0    7   10   44   00.00%
12.          Kasa        2   3   7   5   32   8    6    1   2    14   56.25%
13.        Shwasa         5    3    8 1 22 11         2   3    1   11   50.00%
14.                                MEDHA HANI
 i.      Grahana hahi     0    5   10   2   31   6    9   2    0   13   58.06%
ii.      Dharana hani     0    4   12   1   31   7    8   2    0   12   61.29%
iii.    Smarana hani      0    6   8    3   31   1    9   6    1   24   22.58%
iv.      Vijnana hani     3    5   8    1   24   5    8   3    1   17   29.17%
v.       Vachana hani     15   1   1    0   3    15   1   1    0   3    00.00%
15.      Utsaha hani      0    4   12   1   31   11   4   2    0   8    74.19%
16.    Parakrama hani     0    2   13   2   34   10   5   2    0   9    73.53%
17.     Paurusha hani     9    5   2    1   12   13   1   2    1   8    33.33%
18.      Prabaha hani     0    6   9    2   30   2    8   5    2   24   20.00%
19.     Shukra Kshaya     11   3   1    2   11   11   4   1    5   9    18.18%
20.      Drishti Hrasa    0    2   10   5   37   0    2   10   1   37   00.00%
21.    Karmendriya hani   3    3   7    4   29   11   6   0    0   6    79.00%
22.      Buddhi hani
                          6    5   2    1   12   11   4   1    1   9    25.00%
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geriatric ppt.

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 4. INTRODUCTION “THE GOAL OF LIFE IS TO DIE YOUNG AS LATE AS POSSIBLE” -Asle Montegue 1) Ayurveda , deals with physical, psychological as well as spiritual well being of an individual. 2) The desire to live is common to all living creatures evolved on this graceful planet, the Earth. 3) Man, is a step ahead in the sense, desires not only to live but to live a long, happy and disease free life as far as possible.
  • 5. CRITERIA OF TOPIC SELECTION 200 YEARS AGO TODAY COMMUNICABLE DISEASES CHRONIC DISEASE (like HT, DM, Cancer etc.) 1)World shifting from young to old world. 2)Incorrect life style &dietary habits. 3)Increase stress in day to day life. 4)Elderly population in India by 2016 will be 113 million i.e.10-12 % of whole population The present study undertaken is designed with the hypothesis that Stress, incorrect Life style & Dietary Habits have found to be major impacts on Ageing. 5
  • 8. Etymology of Jara Jara (old age) is from root “t`”k o;ksgkukS” by applying the sutra ^^f”kfnkfnH;ksMM~- ** the term indicates to the loss in the period of life span. The deduction from the remaining half of the expected duration and every spent year would be considered as a loss in the age.
  • 9. Synonyms of Jara & Vriddha OF JARA (Sources: Vachaspatyam and Gurubala prabodhika) LFkfoje~ & LFkfoja rq o`)Roe~ -The aspect of being old foL=lk & folzalrs v/k%irfrA -The degeneration of the Shareera OF VRIDDHA o`)% & o/kZrs o`)% -One who has already attained Vriddhi. izo;% & izxra ;kSouk[;a o;ks·L;sfr izo;%-One who has crossed his youth. LFkfoj% & cgq dkya fr”Brhfr LFkfoj%- One who has stayed for a long time. thu% & thufr o;lks gh;rs thu%-One who is attaining deterioration. th.kZ@tju~ & th;rs th.kZ% tjp -Same meaning. T;k;u~% & o”khZ;ku~ n’kfe T;k;u~ -One who is at the stage of 90 years. tfjr% & t’k tkr vL; rkjdkA
  • 10. Types of Jara Kalaja Jara: Jara coming at the proper age is Kalaja Jara(after 60 yrs.). It is ‘Parirakshana Krita’ means it occurs at the proper age even after following the daily and seasonal regimen mentioned in Swasthavritta. This is nothing but chronological Ageing. Dhatu kshaya janya jara. Akalaja Jara – The Concept of Premature Ageing: ‘ Akalotpanna lakshana Akalaja’, ‘ Akale jata iti Akalaja’ means that thing which occurs Akalaja i.e. before its prescribed time. occurs before the proper age due to not taking the proper care of personal hygiene (Swasthavritta). This Akalaja Jara is of greater intensity, rapidly progressing one if neglected. This is Biological Ageing. Marga avarodha janya jara.
  • 11. CAUSES OF JARA ACCORDING TO AYURVEDA iUFkk% ‘khra dnUukfu o;kso`)k’p ;ksf”kr%A eul% izkfrdwY;a p tjk;k% ip gsro%A ¼j-j-l-26@2½ In Ras Ratna Samucchaya. The etiological factors of Akalaja Jara described are :- Continuous walking after tiredness Intake of unwholesome food Intake of cold substances Staying in cold house Sexual indulgence with an old woman Pressure of mind because of unbearable affairs.
  • 12. Etiological Factors of Ageing Related to Dietary Habits “we are what we eat” 1. Lavana (salt), Amla (sour), Katu (spicy) rasa pradhana 2. Kshara (alkali) 3. Suska shaka & Mamsa (dry vegetable & Meat) 4. Tila Samyoga 5. Pista Anna 6. Viruddha Anna (Incompatible Diet) 7. Asatmya Anna (Unfavorable Diet) 8. Ruksha Anna (Dry Cereal) 9. Abhisyandi Anna 10. Klinna & Guru Anna (Heavy Diet) 11. Puti & Paryushita Anna (Polluted & Out dated Diet) 12. Vishamashana (Improper Eating Habits) 13. Adhyashana (Over Eating) 12
  • 13. Etiological Factors Related to Life style: 1. Atimarga Gamana (Excessive Walk) 2. Diwa Swapna (Day Sleeping) 3. Nitya Stri Sevana (Excessive Intercourse) 4. Nitya Madya Sevana (Excessive Intake of Alcohol) 5. Vishama Vyayama Sevan (Improper Exercise) 13
  • 14. The etiological factor of Ageing related to disturbed Mental Health 1. Bhaya (Fear) 2. Krodha (Anger) 3. Shok (Sorrow) 4. Lobha (Greed) 5. Moha (Affection) 6. Ruksha Vani (Harsh words) 7. Kalah Priya Bharya (Quarrelsome Wife) 8. Kuputra/ Kuputri (Maladroit child) 14
  • 15. Ageing Srotokhar Vata atwa vriddhi (srotovah ani) Improper Ojo How Vata absorption & vriddhi occurs assimilation kshaya of ahara during ageing? rasa Uttarota Disequilibr ium in ra dhatu upchaya & kshaya apchaya Rasa dhatu kshaya
  • 16. Etiopathogenesis of Ageing Disturbances in Manasika Bhava Dosha Rajas Dushti, Tamas, satva (Bhaya ,krodha, Shok ,Lobha, Moha ) Vikrit Agni Mana Dushti Ajirna/Agnimandya Ama Free radicals Injury to cells Gradually damage to all over cell Ageing
  • 17. DECADE WISE AGEING PROCESS Vagbhatta was the first one to record such an observation, which was followed later by Sharangadhara. ckY;a o`f)% NfoZes?kk RoXn`f”V% ‘kqdzfodzekSA c`f)% desZfUnz;a psrks thfora n’krks g`lsr AA ¼’kk-la-iw-6@20½ ckY;s o`f)a izHkkes/kkRod ‘kqdzkf{k=qrhfUnz;e~A n’kds”kq dzek?kkfUr eu% losZfUnz;kf.k pAA ¼v-la-‘kk-8@25½ It is clear that ageing does not occur simultaneously in all the tissues. Different body tissues are affected ageing at different time period. Gradual declination of a particular faculty takes place in each decade of life and by the end of decade, that particular faculty is lost. Decade Loss of tissues Vagbhata Sharngadhara I Childhood Childhood ΙΙ Growth Growth ΙΙΙ Complexion Complexion IV Intellect Intellect V Skin Skin VI Reproductive Capacity Vision VII Vision Reproductive Capacity VIII Hearing Valour IX Mind Knowledge X Sensory & Motor organs Motor organs XI - Mind XII - Life
  • 18. CHIEF COMPLAINTS 1.Twak Parushata (Dryness of skin) 14. Medha hani (Decreased functions of 2. Slatha sara (Flabbiness Intellect) of the body) a. Grahana (Grasping Power) 3. Slatha Mamsa (Decreased muscle b. Dharana (Retention Power) tone) c. Smarana (Memory Power) 4. Slatha Asthi (Bone d. Vachana (Speech) weakness) e. Vijnana (Knowledge) 5. Slatha Sandhi (Flaccid joint) 15. Utsaha hani (Decreased Enthusiasm) 6. Dhatu Kshaya (Loss of 16. Parakrama hani (Decreased Physical Strength) tissues) 17. Paurusha hani (Decreased Virility) 7. Kayasya Avanamanam (Bending of the body) 18. Prabha hani / Chhavi Hras (Changes in Complexion) 8. Vepathu (Tremors) 19. Shukra Kshaya 9. Khalitya (Falling of hairs) 20. Dristi Hras (Diminished Vision) 10. Vali (Wrinkling) 21. Karmendriya hani (Decreased Loco 11. Palitya (Graying of hairs) motor Activities) 12. Kasa (Coughing) 22. Buddhi hani (Deterioration in 13. Shwasa (Short breath) Wisdom) 18
  • 19. Ageing Process :- A Modern Review
  • 20. History of Geriatrics Greek word “geros” mean the old age + Iatric mean the medical treatment. This is the branch of medicine concerned with the problems of Ageing, including physiological, pathological, and psychological problems. Nascher was the first to coin the term Geriatrics. He published a paper in New York medical journal in1909 and a textbook on it in 1914. Thus Geriatric came to be recognized as a special branch in first decade of 20th century.
  • 21. Definition of Ageing “The processes that occur during life which culminate in changes that decrease an individual's ability to cope with biological changes”. GERIATRICS: - A branch of medicine dealing exclusively with the problems of ageing and the diseases of the elderly. It is derived from the Greek root “ger- gero- geronto” meaning “old age” or “the aged”. SYNONYMS OF AGEING: Senescence: is the process by which the capacity for cell division, growth and function is lost over time, ultimately leading to an incompatibility with life i.e., the process of senescence terminates in death. Senility: This term is from the Latin origin ‘senilitus’, which means the period of physical and mental deterioration, associated with old age. Senium: Identical to the term senility, one more term senium is also used in the medical field; it is marked by the deterioration and weakness that may accompany the age advancement. Geria: This also indicates the old age.
  • 22. CLASSIFICATION OF AGE AGE Chronological age Biological age – Psychological age - number of years age by body – age how lived function individuals feels it CHRONOLOGICAL CATEGORIES •Young-Old - (ages 65 - 74) Set Old Age •Middle-Old - (ages 75 - 84) Old Old Age •Old-Old - (age 85 and older) Ripe Old Age
  • 23. CLASSIFICATION OF CAUSES OF AGEING oIMPROPER DIET Acidic foods Food additives: Food additives are added to improve the shelf life and stability of processed and smoked foods, but these are not "body friendly". Food preparation: oily food preparation oIMPROPER LIFESTYLE oSmoking oAlcohol oIrregular sleeping pattern oPhysical inactivity or improper exercise oSTRESS oEXOGENOUS AGENTS •Environmental pollution: - People living in any metropolitan area are exposed to pollution, and if regularly commute in traffic jams or live near any industrial areas, body is exposed to more harmful air particles, and increased production of free radicals. •Pesticides: - pesticides causes more oxidative stress in the body. •Sun exposure •X-rays DRUG ABUSE
  • 25. Some Theories of Ageing are given below: ������ Waste Accumulation Theory ������ Limited Number of Cell Divisions Theory ������ Hay flick Limit Theory ������ Death Hormone Theory (DECO) ������ Thymic -Stimulating Theory ������ Mitochondrial Theory ������ Errors and Repairs Theory ������ Redundant DNA Theory ������ Cross-Linkage Theory ������ Autoimmune Theory ������ Caloric Restriction Theory ������ Gene Mutation Theory ������ The Rate of Living Theory ������ Order to Disorder Theory ������ The Telomerase Theory of Ageing ������ Neuro Endocrine theory or Weak Link Theory ������ Free Radical Theory of Ageing 25
  • 26. FREE RADICAL THEORY "Free radical" is a term used to describe any molecule that differs from conventional molecules in that it possesses a free electron, a property that makes it react with other molecules in highly volatile and destructive ways. The changes induced by free radicals are believed to be a major cause of Ageing, disease development or/and death
  • 28. Free Radical Ama Stress Disturbed Manasika Bhava Exogenous Causes- Pollutants, dangerous Paryavaran pradushan/ Chemicals , certain products Mithya Ahara Vihara Endogenous Causes- Due to deficiency of certain Mandagni enzymes Atom/Molecule containing one or more unpaired Apachyamana electron, Inassimilable to body components & exist in free state. Visha Rupam Cause damage to cell membrane & destroy cells, Durgandhatvam leads to putrefaction & foul smell generation. Suktatvam Quickly interact with healthy molecules of the body Reaction of aam vish with thus setting chain reaction. normal cells/ Aashukari Impaired action of Free Radicals Scavengers Dhatvagni Daurbalya Increased production at the site Ama Sanchaya Circulation in the body Prasara Starts reacting to the weak cell membrane Sthana sanshraya at the site of Khavaigunya Production of Sign & Symptoms of Ageing Production of Sign & Symptoms of Jara
  • 30. 30
  • 31. 31
  • 32. 32
  • 33. 33
  • 34. Selected Age-related Changes and their consequences 34
  • 35. ANTI AGEING THERAPIES 1. Deprenyl 2. Human Growth Hormone 3. DHEA 4. Melatonin 5. Acetyl-L-Car nitine 6. Coenzyme Q10 7. Alpha Lipoic Acid 8. Cysteine and Procysteine 9. NADH 10. Lycopene 11. Vitamin E 12. Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 13. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 14. Synthetic Antioxidants 15. Levodopa (L- Dopa) 16. Calorie Restriction (can be correlate with “astha aahar vidhi visheshytan”) 35
  • 37. RASAYANA “Rasasya Ayanam Rasayanam” jlL; v;ua izki.ka jlk;ue~ ¼jk-fu-½ The Therapy, which gives the benefit of good Rasa, is Rasayana. Hence, it is the therapy by which one gets the Rasa, Raktadi Dhatus of optimum quality.
  • 38. DEFINATION jlk;urU=a uke o;% LFkkiuek;q esZ/kkcydja leFkZapA ¼lq-lw-1@7@2½ Rasayana Tantra is one which deals with delaying of ageing process, increasing of intellect and strength, prolongation of life and curing of disorders.
  • 39. S. No Classification Types Of Rasayana 1. Main division Dravyabhuta Adravyabhutas Rasayana Rasayana 2 As per method Kuti Praveshika Vatatapika Droni- praveshik of use (Charak) 3 As per Scope of use Kamya Rasayana NaimittikaRasayana Ajasrika Rasayana Prana Kamya Medha Kamya Shri Kamya 4 As per content of Ahara Rasayana Aushadha Rasayana Achara Rasayana Rasayana (Dietary Rasayana) (Medicinal Rasayana) (Conduct of Rasayana) 5 Specific Rasayana Medhya Rasayana Achara Rasayana drugs & measures Buddhi Medha Vardhaka Ayu Vardhaka 6 According to Samshodhana Samshamana Prabhava Rasayana Rasayana 7 According to Ritu Satmya Desh Satmya Satmya Aadana Kala Sadharana Desha Visarga Kala Jangala Desha Anupa Desha 8 According to (1)Rasa (2) Rakta (3) Mamsa (4) Meda (5) Asthi (6) Majja Sapta Dhatus (7) Shukra 9 According to Modern To Promote To improve To improve endocrine and Medical Science Immunity metabolism exocrine secretions
  • 40. PROBABLE MODE OF ACTION OF RASAYANA Four Modes of Action of Rasayana Rasayana basically promotes the nutrition through four modes. They are: 1. By directly enriching the nutritional intake of the body through increasing the consumption of Amalki, Satavarai, Milk, Ghee, etc 2. ON AGNI: By improving Agni i.e. digestion and metabolism through Bhallataka, Pippali etc, thereby promoting nutrition. 3. SROTOVISHODHANA : By promoting the capability of Srotas or microcirculatory channels in the body, through herbs like Haritaki, Guggulu, Tulsi, and so on 4. By its VISHAGHNA property
  • 41. Procedure & effect of Rasayana intake Sodhankarma Srotonirmalta Peyadikarma Kayagni deepti Dhatu suddhi Dhatwagni deepti RASAYAN PRAYOGA Improved quality of dhatus OJOVRIDDHI Longevity and health Immunity Mental competence REJUVENATION 41 “Yajj jara vyadhi vidhvasi bheshajam tad rasayanam”
  • 42. EFFECT OF RASAYANA The word Rasayana =Rasa +Ayana. Rasa: means the Rasa dhatu and the remaining dhatu Rakta , Mamsa , Meda, Asthi, Majja and Sukra. Ayana: Ayana means the road, a path, a way and a movement. “Rasasya Ayanam Rasayanam “ “Labho payo sashtanam rasadinam rasayanam”(ch.chi.1.) The Therapy, which gives the benefit of good Rasa, is Rasayana. Hence, it is the therapy by which one gets the Rasa, Raktadi Dhatus of optimum quality. In short Rasayana - ������ Gives Long life ������ Delays Ageing and death ������ Increase intelligence, memory and luster ������ Excellence in the body tissues ������ Increases the immunity ������ Removes diseases ������ Gaining “Moksha” (Final Entity) and “Divya Lakshana”
  • 43.
  • 44. RASAYANA YOGA GHNA VATI The Rasayana yoga for research work comprises of six medicines viz. 1) Ashwagandha 2) Aamalki 3) Bala 4) Guduchi 5) Yashtimadhu 6) Vanshalochan References for above 1. to 5. medicine are taken from “MEDICINAL PLANTS IN GERIATRIC HEALTH CARE” an evidence based approach of Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS).. 44
  • 45. PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF DRUGS 1) Aamalki:-(Embelica officinale) RASA - MADHURA KASAYA TIKTA KATU GUNA - GURU RUKSHA SHEETA VEERYA - SHEETA VIPAKA - MADHURA PRABHAVA - RASAYANA DOSA-PRABHAVA -TRIDOSA SHAMAKA PITTA CNSdepressant, Hypolipidemic, Antiatherosclerotic, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Immunomodulator, Hypoglycemic, Anti-inflammatory, Antitumor. 2)Ashwagandha :-(Withania somnifera) RASA - TIKTA,KATU,MADHUR GUNA - LAGHU,SNIGDHA VEERYA - USHNA VIPAKA - MADHUR PRABHAVA - RASAYANA DOSA-PRABHAVA - KAPHAVATA SHAMAK Hypotensive, Immunomodulator, Adaptogenic, Antistress, CNSdepressant, Antioxidant, Analgesic, Antiarthritic, Cardioprotective, Antiageing, Psychotropic. 45
  • 46. 3)Guduchi:-(Tinosporia cordifolia) RASA - KASAYA TIKTA GUNA - GURU SNEEGDHA VEERYA - USHNA VIPAKA - MADHURA PRABHAVA - RASAYANA DOSA-PRABHAVA- TRIDOSA SHAMAKA Hypoglycemia, Antihyperglycemic , CNSdepressant, antistress, Hepatoprotective, antiarthritic, Antiallergic Immunostimulant, Antidiabetic, Adaptogenic, Antioxidant, Diuretic. 4)Bala:-(Sida cordifolia) RASA - MADHURA GUNA - LAGHU, SNEEGDHA,PICHILA VEERYA - SHITA VIPAKA - MADHURA PRABHAVA - RASAYANA DOSA-PRABHAVA- VATA PITTA SHAMAKA Antioxidant, Thyroregulatory ,Hepatoprotective, Immunomodulatory, Antihypertensive, Hypoglycemic, Adaptogenic. 46
  • 47. 5)Yashtimadhu:-(Glycirrihza glabra) RASA - MADHURA GUNA - GURU SNEEGDHA VEERYA - SHITA VIPAKA - MADHURA PRABHAVA - RASAYANA DOSA-PRABHAVA- VATA PITTA SHAMAKA Hypolipidaemic, Antiatherosclerotic ,Hypotensive, Hepato- protective, Antiexudative, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory 6)Vanshalochana:-(Bambusa arundinacea) RASA - KASAYA MADHURA GUNA - GURU SNEEGDHA VEERYA - SHITA VIPAKA - MADHURA DOSA-PRABHAVA- VATA PITTA SHAMAKA Antidiarrhoel, Antiparalytic, Carminative, Expectorant, It is cooling, nutritive, stimulant, digestive, aphrodisiac and febrifuge agent. It is known to help in chronic and general debility, cough and indigestion. 47
  • 48. DRUG PROPERTIES DRUGS PRABHAVA KARMA DOSHAGHNATA Amalki Rasayana, Rasayana,Hridya,Vrishya, Nadibalya,Deepaniya, Tridhosh shamak , Vrishya Medhya, Anulomana, Shramahara, Balya, Esp. Pitta-shamaka Vayasthāpana, Jivaniya, Sarvadoshahara, Nadi- Indriya Balaprada, Rochana, Ashwa Rasayana, Balya, Brihana, Rasayana, Vajikarana, Nidrajanan Vata Kapha gandha Vrishya Shamak Bala Vrishya, Balya, Vatahara, Hridya, Shukral, Prajasthapan, Rasayana Vata- pitta shamak Guduchi Vrishya, Rasayana ,Deepana, Pachana, Balya, Medhya Tridhosh shamak Rasayana Raktashodhana, Vayasthapana, Vrishya,Pathya, Shukra dourbalya, Dhatukrita, Shramahara, Mutrajanana Yashti madhu Rasayana, Rasayana, Balya, Nadibalya, Medhya, Vrishya, Keshya,Swarya,Vedanasthapana Vata -pitta Shamak Vansha Balya, Vrishya, Shamak, Trishnanigrahana, Grahi, Hridya, lochana Brihana Shwasahara, Mootrala, Jwarghna, Balya, Vata- pitta Shamak Brimhan
  • 49. RASAYANA YOGA GHANA VATI PERCENTAGE OF RASA PANCHAKA S. No. RASA PROPERTIES PERCENTAGE 1. RASA Madhura 38.46 % Amla 07.69 % Katu 15.38 % Tikta 23.07 % Kashaya 15.38 % 2. GUNA Guru 20.00% Laghu 20.00% Sheeta 06.67% Snigdha 26.67% Ruksha 13.33% Picchila 06.67% Tikshna 06.67% 3. VEERYA Sheeta 66.67% Ushna 33.33% 4. VIPAKA Madhura 100.00% 5. DOSHAGHNATA Tridosha Shamaka 25.00% Vata-Pitta Shamaka 50.00% Kapha-Vata Shamaka 25.00%
  • 50. Action of Rasayana Yoga Ghana Vati  Vaya Sthapana,  Brihana,  Balya,  Rasayana,  Deepan Pachana,  Vata Shamaka properties,  Vrishya  Hridya
  • 51. RASAYANA YOGA GHANA VATI VEHICAL RASAYANA YOGA GHANA VATI MILK Milk pacifies vitiated Vata and Pitta Dosas. As the milk is having identical properties of Ojas, it promotes Ojas. The Cow’s milk acts as Rasayana, Tarpaka, Jivaniya, Hridya, Ahladakara and Buddhi prabodhaka.
  • 52. Importance of Anupan ( cow’s milk) In Ayurveda, Cow’s milk is much appreciated for the therapeutic purposes and also in preparation of the formulation as a media. The Go- dugdha possesses properties like Madhuram, Jivaniyam, Prinanam, Rasayanam, Brihanam, Vrishyam, Medhya, Baly a, Dipaniya ,Shonita pittaharam, Shreshtham etc. Chemical Composition of milk: 87.3% water 3.9% milk fat 8.8% solids- not fat Protein – 3.25% Lactose – 4.6% Minerals – 0.65% - Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, Zn, CO, Fe, Cu, sulphates, bicarbonates Acid – 0.18% - citrates, formats, acetate, lactate, oxalate. Enzymes – peroxidase, catalase, phosphatase, lipase. Gases – oxygen, nitrogen. Vitamins – A, C, D, thiamine, riboflavin, others. 52
  • 53. MODE OF ACTION OF RASAYANA YOGA GHANA VATI (1)According to Rasa: - Main content is Madhura rasa (38.46%) which helps to increase dhatus, especially saumya dhatus which form the major portion of the body. After Madhura ,Tikta rasa is the predominant one (23.07%)in present compound formulation.Tikta rasa is having properties of Agnideepana, Pachana ,Srotoshodhana & Rasayana prabhava in dhatu nourishment process. Katu rasa (15.38%) by svabhava is agnideepaka, Pachaka, Srotoshodhaka & Kaphanashaka. (2)According to Guna:-it has got the predominance of Snigdha(26.67%).So it is Bala , Varna vardhaka and Vajikar. After Snigdha guna ,Guru guna(20.00%) is predominant. It causes brimhana and it is Balya & provide poshana. These guna are mainly used in pacifying the Vata prakopa & Kapahavardhan. (3)According to Vipaka : - It is mainly Madhura (100%) causes the expulsion of mala & mutra from the body & releases the toxins & it is Shukral in nature. (5)According to Veerya : - Most of the contents have Sheeta veerya (66.67%) which acts as prahladana, Kledana & Stambhana, Balya, Prasadana & Jeevaniya .It is Kapha & Vata Shamaka. (6) According to Doshakarma: - It works as Vata-Pitta Shamaka (50.00%) also tridosha shamaka (25.00%).Thus it helps maintain doshic imbalance in the body & make person healthy.
  • 54.
  • 55. AIM AND OBJECTIVES 1)To study the conceptual basis of ageing (jara) according to Ayurveda and different theories of ageing according to modern medical science. 2) To evaluate the efficacy of Rasayana yoga clinically in the management of ageing. 3)To evaluate the role of main causes of ageing– Physical & Mental Stress, Improper Life Style & Dietary Habits and medication of the proper Rasayana Drugs at proper time in a proper way. 4) To access the effect of Rasayana Dravya on different age group clinically
  • 56. THE PATIENTS WERE Simple Random MATERIAL Methods SELECTED FROM O.P.D. and I.P.D. of Kayachikitsa Department of Govt. Sampling Ayurvedic college & hospital methods Raipur(C.G.)
  • 57. •The patients having sign and (1)Patients of age group below 40 symptoms mentioned as per Ayurvedic and above 70 years. and Modern literatures. Multiple and simple random sampling method has (2)Patients with severe cardiac been adopted for the selection of 60 disease, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, uncomplicated cases. Severe hypertension and DM, •Age incidence-The Patients between HIV, Hepatitis B etc 40 to 70 years of age. (3)Patients with malignant •Sex- Patients of either sex were included. carcinoma •Duration of illness – Not more than 3 (4)Pregnant & lactating mothers years. •Habitat-Both urban and rural areas were selected. •Religion, Occupation, Caste, Socio- economic status-No bar. •Patient willing to follow up regularly.
  • 58. Having the Signs and Symptoms of Jara as described in Ayurvedic texts. Detailed history was taken and physical examination was done on the basis of a special Proforma incorporating all the signs and Symptoms of the disease. The routine hematological and urine examination was carried out in selected patients to exclude any other pathology as well as to assess the present condition of the patient.
  • 59. ASSOCIATED SYMPTOMS 1. Indigestion 2. Altered Bowel pattern 3. Altered Sleep pattern 4. Palpitation 5. Anger 6. Irritability 7. Early Menopause 8. Altered Urinary Symptoms 9. Recurrent Infections 10. Fatigue 11. Weakness 12. Loss of Hearing 13. Weakening of Teeth 59
  • 60. HEALTH PARAMETERS (DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA) (a) Walking Time (b) Handgrip Power (c) Foot Pressure (d) Short Term Memory (e) Long Term Memory (f) Breath Holding Time (g) Pulse, B.P., Temperature & Weight All these vital data are recorded before & after treatment. As per above sign & symptoms patient examination proforma will be prepared & patients will be selected for trial. 60
  • 61. CLINICAL STUDY It will be undertaken on following parameters:- A) Number of patients:- 60(sixty) patients will be selected for randomized clinical trial. B) Place of selection of patients:- Patients will be selected from the OPD & IPD of Govt. Auto. Ayurvedic College Hospital, Raipur, Chhattisgarh C)Criteria for selection of the patient:- i) Patient between 40 -70 yrs age group will taken for present study. ii) Patients will be selected on the basis of sign & symptoms available in Ayurveda texts viz. Charak Samhita, Sushrut Samhita & Ashtang Samgraha. 61
  • 62. GROUPINGS “In all the three groups, Haritaki Churna – 5 gms is used during samanya samsodhan with luke warm water for Koshtha & Srotas Shuddhi before starting the medication” 1) Group A: 20(twenty) patients will be taken between 40 -50 yrs age group and will be given Rasayan yoga orally. Drug dose: 1 gm BD Anupana: Milk Duration: 02(Two) Months 2) Group B: 20(twenty) patients will be taken between 51 -60yrs age group and will be given Rasayan yoga orally. Drug dose: 1 gm BD Anupana: Milk Duration: 02(Two) Months 3) Group C: 20 (twenty) patients will be taken between 61-70yrs age group and will be given Rasayan yoga orally. Drug dose: 1 gm BD Anupana: Milk Duration: 02(Two) Months 62
  • 63. Investigations The Routine Routine & Serum of the haematological microscopic urine patients were tested examination of blood analysis were for HDL, LDL, carried out to detect like Hb% , TLC , DLC Triglyceride, the involvement of MCH, MCHC, MPV, Creatinine , Albumin, kidneys and to MCV,ESR were done. exclude the urinary Globulin, A/G Ratio, tract infectious blood urea, Blood conditions like Sugar (Fasting &PP) veneral disease, ,Total protein, Total syphilis etc. cholesterol.
  • 64. OBSERVATIONS Status wise distribution Age & sex wise distribution 20 19 20 17 20 7 No. of patients 15 8 No. of patients 15 11 Group C F 10 Group C M 10 3 Group B F 5 1 12 13 0 9 Group B M 5 0 Group A F Completed LAMA Group A M 0 Status 40-50 51-60 61-70 Age Group Group A Group B Group C
  • 65. Sex wise distribution Religion wise distribution 13 12 20 17 14 11 15 9 14 No. of pateints 12 No. of patients 8 15 10 7 8 10 6 4 5 33 2 2 11 0 1 1 2 0 00 0 0 Female Male Hindu Muslim Christian Sikh Other Sex group Religion group Group A Group B Group C Group A Group B Group C Marital status wise distribution Education wise distribution 18 7 7 20 7 6 15 6 5 5 Group A No. of patients No. of patients 15 11 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 Group B 10 7 3 22 4 2 1 5 2 Group C 11 0 0 0 1 1 0 Illiterate Graduate PG Primary High.Sec. 0 Umarried Married Widow Divorce Marital status Education Group A Group B Group C
  • 66. Residence wise distribution Occupation wise distribution 15 7 13 14 7 6 66 15 No. of patients 6 5 5 5 Group A 5 4 44 No. of patients 10 7 4 3 3 Group B 5 6 3 2 11 5 1 0 0 00 Group C 0 Service Labourer Retired Household Unemployed Buiseness 0 Rural Urban Residence group Group A Group B Group C occupation Socio-economic wise distribution 10 9 8 7 No. of patients 8 6 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 0 Poor Lower Middle Upper Rich middle middle Socio-economic status Group A Group B Group C
  • 67. Type of diet wise distribution 14 15 15 12 No. of patients 8 10 6 5 5 0 Vegetarian Mixed Type of diet Group A Group B Group C
  • 68. Supplementary diet wise distribution Addiction wise distribution 20 19 88 20 17 8 No. of patients 7 6 6 6 66 Group A No. of patients 15 12 6 10 10 5 4 4 10 88 88 4 3 Group B 3 5 3 2 2 5 2 1 000 1 0 0 Group C 0 0 Smoking Alcohol Tobbaco Sedatives Panmasala Tea Coffe Cold Milk Other chew drink Supplementary diet group Group A Group B Group C Addiction Dominant Rasa of Ahara wise distribution 2018 20 18 18 18 17 16 16 15 14 No. of patients 15 12 12 10 6 5 3 3 5 2 3 0 Madhra Amla Lavana Katu Tikta Kashaya Type of Aha ra Rasa Group A Group B Group C
  • 69. Dominant Guna of Ahara wise distribution 14 14 13 13 1313 12 12 12 12 12 12 No. of patients 12 10 11 10 9 10 88 8 8 6 4 2 0 Guru Laghu Sheeta Ushna Snigdha Ruksha Type of Ahara Guna Group A Group B Group C Ayogya Ahara Vidhi wise distribution 20 Anushna 18 16 Asnigdha No. of patients 14 Amatravata 12 10 Ajirne 8 6 Viryaviruddha 4 2 Anishtadesha 0 Group A Group B Group C Anishta upakarana Types of Ayogya ahara vidhi Anmanaska Atmanam
  • 70. Diet habit wise distribution Kostha wise distribution 16 11 12 16 13 10 9 8 8 8 14 No. of patients 7 No.f patients 7 6 12 8 6 9 10 6 8 6 5 4 4 6 3 2 2 4 2 2 0 0 Samashana Vishmashana Adhyashana Mridu Madhyam Krura Diet habit Type of Kostha Group A Group B Group C Group A Group B Group C Exercise wise distribution 14 13 12 Group No. of patients 10 A 88 8 6 Group 6 5 4 4 B 4 3 2 2 1 11 11 1 0 Group 0 0 C 0 Ir lar E er R se ex lar s se P s es s p o u i u ci Le rc ro N eg eg xc er xe r E Exercise group
  • 71. Nidra wise distribution Dincharya Palana wise distribution 18 18 16 18 17 15 15 14 16 16 13 13 13 14 14 Group No. of patients No. of patients 12 12 11 10 A 12 10 10 9 10 9 Group 10 7 B 8 6 8 4 5 6 5 5 Group 6 C 3 4 4 2 22 2 2 0 0 Samyaka Asamyaka na As aka ka a s ta pa na a ut i ap ya nd Al ra Dincharya group bh y ag m am w a a Kh Sa Pr rij iw at D R Group A Group B Group C Nidra group Ratricharya wise distribution 14 14 12 11 12 No. of pateints 9 8 10 6 8 6 4 2 0 Sa mya ka Asa mya ka Ra tricha rya group Group A Group B Group C
  • 72. Ritucharya Palana wise distribution Sadvritta Palana wise distribution 16 17 16 16 16 13 20 14 11 No. of patients No. of patients 12 15 9 10 7 8 10 4 4 6 4 5 3 4 2 0 0 Samyaka Asamyaka Samyaka Asamyaka Ritucharya group Sadvritta group Group A Group B Group C Group A Group B Group C Sha ririka pra kriti w ise distribution 15 16 14 12 Group A No. of patients 12 9 10 8 7 Group B 6 4 4 4 4 4 1 Group C 2 0 0 0 00 0 0 ap haj j aj j j ha ha a itt at p os os P V a K kd aj rid ha a at E T itt V P K Sha ririka pra kriti
  • 73. Manasika Prakriti wise distribution 12 Sara wise distribution 13 12 10 14 9 11 No. of patients 10 8 7 12 9 No. of patients 8 6 10 8 6 4 8 5 4 2 2 6 4 3 4 3 2 4 0 2 Rajasika Tamsika Rajasika- 0 Tamsika Pravara Madhyama Avara Manasika prakriti Type of Sara Group A Group B Group C Group A Group B Group C Satva wise distribution 14 Samhanana wise distribution 13 12 11 14 10 12 10 10 No. of patients 8 No. of patients 10 7 7 8 6 8 6 5 5 4 4 6 6 3 3 2 2 4 4 2 2 0 0 Pravara Madhyama Avara Pravara Madhyama Avara Type of satva Type of samhanana Group A Group B Group C Group A Group B Group C
  • 74. Pramana wise distribution Satmya wise distribution 13 14 12 12 11 No. of patients 12 12 10 10 10 10 No. of patients 8 5 8 6 7 7 6 4 4 5 4 3 3 6 4 3 3 2 2 0 2 Pravara Madhyama Avara 0 Type of pramana Pravara Madhyama Avara Group A Group B Group C Group A Type of satmya Group B Group C Vyayamshakti wise distribution 15 16 14 No. of patients 12 10 9 10 7 8 5 5 6 4 4 4 1 2 0 Pra va ra Ma dhya ma Ava ra Vya ya msha kti Group A Group B Group C
  • 75. Agni wise distribution 14 14 13 12 10 Abhyavarana shakti wise distribution No. of patients 10 8 6 6 5 4 10 10 4 2 2 10 9 11 1 1 2 7 No. of patients 0 Mandagni Tikshnagni Vishmagni Samagni 8 6 6 Type of agni Group A Group B Group C 6 5 4 4 3 Jarana shakti wise distribution 2 10 10 8 0 7 7 7 7 Pravara Madhyam Avara No. of patients 8 6 5 6 3 Abhyavarana shakti 4 2 Group A Group B Group C 0 Pravara Madhyam Avara Jarana Shakti Group A Group B Group C
  • 76.
  • 77. Percentage 95.00% 53.33% 90.00% 88.33% 98.33% 80.00% 70.00% 43.33% 90.00% 81.66% 80.00% 51.66% 86.66% Indigetion Constipation Disturbed sleep Palpitation Anger Irritability Loss of hearing W eakning of teeth Early menopause Recurrent infection Fatigue W eakness Altered urinary symptoms
  • 78. Dhatu Kshaya wise distribution 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 20 18 18 18 17 16 17 16 16 16 16 14 14 Group A 13 14 No. of patients 12 10 Group B 7 8 6 6 4 Group C 4 2 Ojodushti wise distribution 0 i sa a sa a a th ja kt kr ed 17 aj a s am 20 a u R A M M R h M S 14 No. of patients Dhatu 15 11 9 9 10 7 7 7 4 5 0 Vyapada Visramsa Kshaya Type of ojodushti Group A Group B Group C
  • 79. SHOWING PERCENTAGE OF IMPROVEMENT IN VARIOUS SIGN AND SYMPTOMS AFTER TWO MONTH OF TREATMENT IN 20 PATIENT OF JARA ROGA OF “GROUP A” S. No. Sign & Symptoms Before Treatment After Treatment G0 G1 G2 G3 Total G 0 G 1 G 2 G 3 Total % OF RELIEF 1. Twak Parushata 6 5 6 3 26 15 3 2 0 7 73.08% 2. Slatha sara 0 4 8 8 44 14 3 2 1 10 77.27% 3. Slatha mamsa 2 3 8 7 40 14 2 2 2 13 67.50% 4. Slatha Asthi 2 8 5 5 33 14 2 1 3 13 60.60% 5. Slatha Sandhi 4 7 6 3 28 14 4 1 1 9 67.86% 6. Dhatu Kshaya 0 12 4 4 32 14 4 2 0 8 75.00% 7. Kayasya 19 1 0 0 1 20 0 0 0 0 100.00% Avanamana 8. Vepthu 15 3 1 1 8 18 2 0 0 2 75.00% 9. Khalitya 0 7 8 5 38 13 2 4 1 13 65.79% 10. Vali 2 10 5 3 29 13 3 2 2 13 55.17% 11. Palitya 2 9 7 2 29 14 2 3 1 11 62.07%
  • 80. 12. Kasa 06 7 6 1 22 14 4 2 0 8 63.64% 13. Shwasa 13 5 2 0 9 18 1 1 0 3 66.67% 14. MEDHA HANI i. Grahana hahi 1 15 3 1 24 14 4 1 1 9 62.50% ii. Dharana hani 1 16 2 1 23 15 4 1 0 06 73.91% iii. Smarana hani 0 7 10 3 36 13 3 3 1 12 66.67% iv. Vijnana hani 13 3 4 0 11 17 2 1 0 4 63.64% v. Vachana hani 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.00% 15. Utsaha hani 6 5 5 4 27 15 2 1 2 10 62.96% 16. Parakrama hani 2 7 6 5 34 13 1 4 2 15 55.88% 17. Paurusha hani 19 1 0 0 1 20 0 0 0 0 100% 18. Prabaha hani 3 13 3 1 22 15 2 2 1 9 59.09% 19. Shukra Kshaya 15 3 2 0 7 16 2 2 0 6 14.28% 20. Drishti Hrasa 4 12 4 0 20 6 12 2 0 16 20.00% 21. Karmendriya hani 10 6 4 0 14 17 2 1 0 4 71.42% 22. Buddhi hani 15 4 1 0 6 18 1 1 0 3 50.00%
  • 81. SHOWING PERCENTAGE OF IMPROVEMENT IN VARIOUS SIGN AND SYMPTOMS AFTER TWO MONTH OF TREATMENT IN 19 PATIENT OF JARA ROGA OF “GROUP B” S. Sign & Symptoms Before Treatment After Treatment No. G0 G1 G2 G3 Total G 0 G 1 G 2 G 3 Total % OF RELIEF 1. Twak Parushata 2 7 6 4 31 10 7 2 0 11 64.52% 2. Slatha sara 0 5 10 4 37 10 7 1 1 12 67.57% 3. Slatha mamsa 2 3 9 5 36 11 5 2 1 12 66.67% 4. Slatha Asthi 1 7 8 3 32 11 6 2 0 10 68.75% 5. Slatha Sandhi 0 6 8 5 37 12 4 1 2 12 67.56% 6. Dhatu Kshaya 0 4 11 4 38 10 4 3 2 16 57.89% 7. Kayasya 13 3 2 1 10 15 3 1 0 5 50.00% Avanamana 8. Vepthu 11 3 3 2 15 14 3 1 1 8 46.67% 9. Khalitya 0 6 11 2 34 1 8 8 2 30 11.76% 10. Vali 0 3 13 3 38 0 7 10 2 33 13.16% 11. Palitya 0 6 12 1 33 4 4 10 1 27 18.18%
  • 82. 12. Kasa 2 4 9 4 34 11 4 4 0 12 64.71% 13. Shwasa 5 5 6 3 26 13 4 2 0 8 69.23% 14. MEDHA HANI i. Grahana hahi 0 9 5 5 34 10 3 4 2 17 50.00% ii. Dharana hani 0 12 4 3 29 11 5 2 1 12 58.62% iii. Smarana hani 0 10 7 2 30 10 6 2 1 13 50.00% iv. Vijnana hani 13 2 3 1 11 16 1 1 1 6 45.45% v. Vachana hani 18 1 0 0 1 18 1 0 0 1 00.00% 15. Utsaha hani 2 9 6 2 27 11 4 3 1 13 51.85% 16. Parakrama hani 0 8 7 4 34 10 2 5 2 18 47.06% 17. Paurusha hani 14 3 1 1 8 16 2 1 0 4 50.00% 18. Prabaha hani 1 13 3 2 25 7 9 2 1 16 36.00% 19. Shukra Kshaya 13 3 2 1 10 14 3 1 1 8 20.00% 20. Drishti Hrasa 2 9 8 0 25 3 8 8 0 24 4.00% 21. Karmendriya hani 9 5 3 2 17 15 2 1 1 7 58.82% 22. Buddhi hani 11 5 3 0 11 14 5 0 0 5 54.55%
  • 83. SHOWING PERCENTAGE OF IMPROVEMENT IN VARIOUS SIGN AND SYMPTOMS AFTER TWO MONTH OF TREATMENT IN 17 PATIENT OF JARA ROGA OF “GROUP C” S.No. Sign & Symptoms Before Treatment After Treatment G0 G1 G2 G3 Total G 0 G 1 G 2 G 3 Total % OF RELIEF 1. Twak Parushata 0 3 10 4 35 2 5 7 3 28 20.00% 2. Slatha sara 0 0 9 8 42 4 9 2 2 19 54.76% 3. Slatha mamsa 0 2 10 5 37 8 2 6 1 17 54.05% 4. Slatha Asthi 1 4 7 5 33 6 6 3 2 18 45.45% 5. Slatha Sandhi 0 3 8 6 37 5 10 1 1 15 59.46% 6. Dhatu Kshaya 0 0 10 7 41 2 5 6 4 29 29.27% 7. Kayasya Avanamana 13 1 2 1 8 13 1 2 1 8 00.00% 8. Vepthu 11 4 2 0 8 13 3 1 0 5 37.50% 9. Khalitya 0 3 6 8 39 0 3 8 6 37 05.13% 10. Vali 0 2 11 4 36 0 5 8 4 33 08.33% 11. Palitya 0 0 7 10 44 0 0 7 10 44 00.00% 12. Kasa 2 3 7 5 32 8 6 1 2 14 56.25%
  • 84. 13. Shwasa 5 3 8 1 22 11 2 3 1 11 50.00% 14. MEDHA HANI i. Grahana hahi 0 5 10 2 31 6 9 2 0 13 58.06% ii. Dharana hani 0 4 12 1 31 7 8 2 0 12 61.29% iii. Smarana hani 0 6 8 3 31 1 9 6 1 24 22.58% iv. Vijnana hani 3 5 8 1 24 5 8 3 1 17 29.17% v. Vachana hani 15 1 1 0 3 15 1 1 0 3 00.00% 15. Utsaha hani 0 4 12 1 31 11 4 2 0 8 74.19% 16. Parakrama hani 0 2 13 2 34 10 5 2 0 9 73.53% 17. Paurusha hani 9 5 2 1 12 13 1 2 1 8 33.33% 18. Prabaha hani 0 6 9 2 30 2 8 5 2 24 20.00% 19. Shukra Kshaya 11 3 1 2 11 11 4 1 5 9 18.18% 20. Drishti Hrasa 0 2 10 5 37 0 2 10 1 37 00.00% 21. Karmendriya hani 3 3 7 4 29 11 6 0 0 6 79.00% 22. Buddhi hani 6 5 2 1 12 11 4 1 1 9 25.00%