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Cars And Truck Account For 20 % Of All U.s. Global Warming...
Cars and truck account for 20% of all U.S. global warming emissions, where more than 24 pounds
per gallon of carbon dioxide and other global warming gases come right out of the car's tailpipe
("Union of Concerned scientists"). This frightening statistic is part of the reason why the federal
government has put in place many policies and incentives such as the Clean Air Act, The National
Program for greenhouse gas emissions, Catalytic Converter Federal Laws, and incentives of $12,000
in California to get people to upgrade to more fuel–efficient cars. With such programs and
incentives put in places, it is also important that car companies such as Toyota and Ford also take
action to further cut pollution rates. They have done so by ... Show more content on
The pollutants that were controlled were carbon monoxide(CO), volatile organic compounds(VOC),
and oxides of nitrogen(NOx), where the NOx standard was 3.1 grams per mile (EPA). These three
pollutants can cause a wide variety of health issues, some of which include your brain not getting
enough oxygen, damage to the respiratory system, damage of lung function, cardiovascular
problems, and cancer ("Types of Air Pollution Caused by Cars"). Over the next couple decades' car
emission control became stricter and standards tightened and evolved to .07 grams per mile of NOx
in 2009 which is a 77% decrease from its previous standard of .3 in 1999. Alongside federal actions,
California has been leading the global fight against climate change.
California Governor Jerry Brown has a plan to put 1.5 million zero–emission cars on the state roads
in the next decade and has signed 11 bills related to global warming. Some of these efforts include
15,000 permits for clean–air cars to use car–pool lanes, requirements for counties to speed up
permits for residential solar–power installations, and rebates to lower income resident to buy more
fuel–efficient cars. He enacted a law that requires California power companies to get at least a third
of their electricity from renewable resources by 2020. One of the largest incentives that Jerry Brown
has put into place has been rebates for upgrading to more fuel–efficient cars, where the state of
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Market Failure In The Australian Economy
Discuss costs and benefits of government intervention to correct market failure in the Australian
economy. Market failure is a situation where pure market forces such as the operation of the price
mechanism fail to produce goods at a socially optimum level. In Australia's mixed market economy,
government intervenes to correct market failures. This can lead to environmental efficiency,
productivity, additional revenue and employment however it can also reduce consumer welfare and
cause government failure. Government intervention corrects market failure resulting in
environmental sustainability and improved accessibility to services. Goods or services with negative
externalities are market failures because the operation of the price mechanism ... Show more content
on ...
In the case of Australian healthcare, subsidization results in less competition in the market since
'artificially' low prices act as a barrier to entry of new more efficient firms. Lack of competition
leads to firms not improving their systems and practices, making them inefficient. Consequently,
subsidized Medicare also fails to achieve social interests–explain what medicare is more properly.
Recently, there have been complaints regarding the poor quality of care in hospitals. Further, the
waiting periods for patients waiting to undergo Knee Replacement Surgery is a median of 216 days
thus decreasing their living standards. Similarly, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme is failing to
provide cost–effective medications. For example, Atorvastatin, highly prescribed drug, costs $2.01
in New Zealand compared to $38.69 in Australia causing a loss of 1.3 billion dollars every year.
Therefore, government intervention has led to inefficiency in the workings and resource allocation.
Government intervention to correct market failure can lead to increased revenue and reduction in
unemployment. The revenue generated from carbon tax in two years was $15 billion. Governments
can reallocate this revenue to other economic transactions such as the provision of necessary public
goods like roads. The Medicare scheme, since 1985,
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A Brief Note On The And Its Effects On The Environment
IC engines generate undesirable emissions during the combustion process. The emissions exhausted
into the surroundings pollute the atmosphere and causes following problems.
Global warming
Acid rain
Respiratory and other health hazards.
The major causes of these emissions are non–stoichiometric combustion, dissociation of nitrogen,
and impurities in the fuel and air. The emissions of concern are unburnt hydro carbons (HC), oxides
of carbon (COX), oxides of nitrogen (NOX), oxides of sulphur (SOX) and solid carbon particulates.
It is the dream of engineers and scientists to develop engines and fuels such that very few quantity
of harmful emissions are generated, and these could be let into the surroundings without a major
impact on the environment. However with the present technology this is not possible, and after
treatment of the exhaust gases as well as in cylinder reduction of emissions is important.
Until the middle of the 20th century the number of IC engines in the world was so small that the
pollution they caused was tolerable. During that period the environment, with the help of sunlight,
stayed relatively clean. As world population grew, power plants, factories, and an ever–increasing
number of automobiles began to pollute the air to the extent that it is no longer acceptable. During
the late 1940s, air pollution as a problem was first recognized in the Los – Angeles basin
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Determinants of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the...
Introduction The National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Institute for Space
Studies (2014) states that "global surface temperature in 2013 was +0.6°C (~1.1°F) warmer than the
1951–1980 base period average, thus the seventh warmest year in the GISS analysis." Global
warming has always been correlated by the increasing amount of greenhouse gases, which carbon
dioxide is notoriously known for, in the Earth's atmosphere. Many environmental activists are
putting pressures to every facet of society and making them aware about the harm of the
continuously increasing carbon dioxide emission that the world is experiencing. The Philippines is
already starting to experience sudden extreme changes in its climate and natural disasters ... Show
more content on ...
With this objective, the author thinks that there is a need to empirically determine the impact of
macroeconomic determinants on carbon dioxide emissions.
Significance Oftentimes, human nature dictates us to spur the most from what we have, thus, it is
natural for greed and tunnel vision for growth to be in the minds of many businessmen,
policymakers, or any citizen in the population. However, in many cases, these men fail to recognise
that more than monetary costs, many of human actions entail environmental repercussions. The
significance of this study can be derived from the essence of the variables that are going to be used
in this study. Gross domestic product, foreign direct investment, exports, imports, energy use, and
urban population relates with economic development. On the other hand, carbon dioxide emissions
in this study, relates to environmental sustainability. Given these two, the study will give the reader
insights, more or less, on how the Philippine population treats economic development along side
environmental sustainability. Through the individual effects of the independent variables, we can
infer not only about what those variables contribute to carbon dioxide emissions, but also see the
level of environmental awareness that the population injects while inspiring development in the
With the completion of the paper, we are bringing in practicality and the picture of reality that the
Philippine economy and its society is
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Electric Cars : What Is The Future Of The Electric Car?
For the past 200 years, the electric car has steadily gained popularity as an alternative to gas–
powered cars. Electric cars are vehicles that use electricity to be powered and create zero tailpipe
emissions. Electric cars have recently become a controversial topic ever since the Energy Policy and
Conservation Act of 1975 was enacted. In the US, the first successful electric car was built in 1891
by William Morrison. This created a spark of interest in electric cars all over the US that encouraged
automakers nationwide to manufacture their own electric cars. During the 20th century, over a third
of all vehicles being driven were electric cars. Concurrently, steam and gas powered cars were being
used as well. Many of the modes of transportation during this time were inventions that had only
recently been developed. Nonetheless, the invention and continued developments of the electric car
won the favor of the majority of the population due to the lack of noise and smell of pollutants it
emitted. When Henry Ford released the Model T, a gas powered car, in 1908 the popularity of the
electric car dwindled. The Model T's newly developed four cylinder engine allowed people to drive
for a longer distance and a faster speed than an electric car would ever allow. Due to its affordability
and availability, the gas powered car continued to increase in sales as electric cars almost entirely
disappeared. Gas demand, in turn, began to rise as well. In 1973, the Organization of Arab
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The New Zealand Dairy And Beef Industry Essay
Due to the increase in technology advances and the growing rate of globalisation, the New Zealand
dairy and beef industry is facing numerous problems, significantly: "how to boost productivity, lift
returns, increase competitiveness and reduce environmental impact" (Turley, 2013). Undesirably for
farmers working within the New Zealand dairy and beef industry, it is extremely difficult to develop
a system that results in positive outcomes for all of these issues. As evidenced, the increase in
productivity and resource use in order to increase strategic competitive advantage in the
international marketplace, has resulted in the agricultural industry being the largest contributor to
greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand. According to Oram (2007), New Zeeland farmers
effectively have two choices if they aim to continue to be competitive within their industry:
"remaining commodity producers by driving productivity far harder by, for example, increasing
stock and fertiliser intensity per hectare; or becoming producers of higher value, more customised
dairy, meat and other products" (p. 5).
3.2 Current Approach to Environmental Management
3.2.1 Research
In 2012 a study was funded through the New Zealand Government in support of the intentions of the
Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases and its Livestock Research Group
(Morton, 2014). The aim of the programme was to breed sheep for farms in New Zealand that emit
low–methane, all the while maintaining their
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The Effects Of Climate Change On The Earth
There have been various scientific studies into the effects climate change is having on the planet and
how there is a decline in the amount of available non–renewable resources. In a report made by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007), it was noted that, "Global atmospheric
concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have increased markedly as a result of
hum activities since 1750 and now far exceed pre–industrial values".
From the statement made by the IPCC, it is clear that the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are a
large contributor to climate change and WD Re–Thinking Ltd. (2010) made a briefing note for
Willmott Dixon Group which explained that one of the least sustainable ... Show more content on ...
The Department of Energy and Climate Change (2014) produced a study of the amount of CO2
emissions produced from each sector. They found that there was a '3% increase in emissions ' from
the UK residential sector in 2012 to 2013 in which the residential sector was contributing to 'around
17% of all CO2 emissions from this sector '. With this being mentioned, there must be something
done to improve these statistics.
The UK is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and the government have set an
ambitious target to reduce these emissions 'by at least 80% by 2050m relative to 1990 levels '
(GOV.UK, 2013). Keeping this target in mind, it is crucial that the government use various
construction methods; one of those being the development of zero–carbon homes. The purpose of
this interim report is provide a critical evaluation of any publications and other literature material
that exists concerning the research topic in order to gain a greater understanding of the subject.
Material from each author will be discussed, defining similarities and differences between the
various literatures.
Literature Review:
Literature review has been presented chronologically. Specific headings of aims and objectives are
used for reviewing and analyzing each relevant literature, research and survey.
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Car Pollution Essay
The words pollution and automobile are synonymous, and as long as vehicles still use fossil fuels to
run, that won't change. Consumers, communities, and the environment are key stakeholders the auto
industry has to consider when it comes to pollution. More energy–efficient, hybrid or electric
vehicles can increase customer satisfaction and add to the company's business performance. For
instance, fuel consumption is an assumption of performance and is very important for consumers.
Thus, automotive companies have to come up with great designs with minimal consumption of
resources and raw materials; engines that give more mileage and less fuel consumption. Given that
consumers are the most important stakeholders, communities of these consumers also want vehicles
with the lowest emissions possible with hopes of keeping the air around them clean and healthy.
Once again, these informal bands and communities of consumers have large amounts of power
based on buying power alone, and can significantly impact an automobile company's business.
A vehicle's environmental impact can be easily measured through miles per gallon and measures of
emissions. In 2011, President Barrack Obama and automobile companies agreed to raise fuel
efficiency standards to meet an average of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025. This will lead to more
fuel–efficient vehicles that will consume less gas, thus burning less fuel and emitting fewer
emissions into the air. Also, according to the Obama administration, this
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Carbon Emissions And Its Effects On The Environment
Greenhouse gasses (GHGs) pose a serious threat to the environment through acting as a catalyst for
substantial climate change. Carbon Dioxide (CO2), a specific greenhouse gas, is the one that is the
most prominent in our atmosphere; this being the case it is also causing the most damage. Carbon
dioxide is emitted primarily through the burning of fossil fuels, such as oil and coal. These fossil
fuels are burned in power plants and create large amounts of emissions that are not ideal for the
environment. When faced with a problem similar to this one, it is only rational to think that a
particular solution should be implemented. In this case, the solution is a "carbon tax". These carbon
taxes would be directed towards the sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Recently, British
Columbia, Canada enacted a carbon tax, it has some strengths and weaknesses, the due has an effect
on the economy, it also needs to be at a certain rate, it has been successful and unsuccessful, the tax
is also has aspects of being revenue neutral and revenue recycling. A carbon tax as an idea for the
reduction of hurtful greenhouse gasses is a brilliant one. Taxes like this provide a disincentive for
certain behaviors, so what better way to reduce pollution? There are other policies out there, for
example cap–and–trade programs and command–and–control regulations, but these are not as strong
for reducing greenhouse gas emission. According to David Brodwin, a writer for U.S. New, "a
carbon tax would be
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Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards
Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards
Lionell C. Henderson
Northwood University
MBA 644: External Environment
Richard DeVos Graduate School of Management
Fall 2015 Evening – Cedar Hill, Texas
Professor James Latham
Acknowledge a Problem Exist
In 1973, the United States plummeted into a huge energy emergency, as a result of the Arab oil
embargo. From October 1973 to March 1974, the United States oil supply from members of the
Arab's Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries became cut off in revenge for the U.S.
military aid to Israel during the Arab–Israeli war. The ban led to an unprecedented fuel scarcity
nationwide, noticeable by extremely high fuel cost and lengthy rows of vehicles sitting at gas
stations. In 1975, Congress passed the Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards. Its motivation is
to lower energy use by improving the fuel savings of cars and light trucks, raise the opportunity to
create different fuel automobiles, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by assisting to reduce
climate change and raise air standards.
Define the Problem
CAFÉ standards are averages that all automobile manufacturers must attain yearly, for the
production of their vehicles, as of 1978. The elevation of these standards forces auto manufacturers
to react by producing more fuel–efficient vehicles, which enhances the country's energy protection
and reduces refueling cost, thus retaining the consumers cash. This, in turn, lowers the greenhouse
gas discharge
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The Regulations Of The Clean Air Act
In September the world of car industry went upside down when the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) revealed the car manufacturer company Volkswagen had installed a software on their
cars to evade the emission of high pollution during the tests. Volkswagen was proven of violating
the United States code title 42 chapter 85 Subchapter I Part A 7412 that specifies that any
modification in a product that increases the emission of any air pollutant is considered dangerous
and violates the Clean Air Act. Other than Volkswagen more companies are being suspects like
Robert Bosch who is believed of being the developer of the device. On their report, EPA described
the software, as the "defeat device," when the car is going through the ... Show more content on ...
Volkswagen strongly contributed all this years in contaminating the air of large cities, like New York
and Atlanta that have high ranks of Asthma residents in the area and there is not much density in the
air. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America giving Atlanta the ranking 13 with a score of
86.88 in their Asthma Capitals report.
The Clean Air Act requires vehicle manufacturers to certify to EPA that products will meet the
emission standards to control air pollution, and every vehicle sold must be covered by an EPA–
issued certificate. The Clean Air Act also prohibits manufacturers' the making and selling vehicles
equipped with defeat devices that reduce the effectiveness of the emission control system during
normal driving conditions.
With this big lawsuit, there are a huge number of suspects from the big CEOs at Germany to New
York City. Suspects of the implementation of the defeat device are several however Bosch is one of
the principal suspects. Bosch who seems to be the developer of the software device. According to
the lawsuit against, "Volkswagen's fraudulent scheme was facilitated and aided and abetted by
defendant Bosch, which created the software used in Volkswagen's defeat device." Even though
there is not much evidence that links him with the
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The Quality Of Air Pollution
Statistics indicate that more than four people in five who live in urban areas are negatively affected
regarding the standard of the quality of air that the World Health Organization recommends as safe
for breathing by human beings (WHO, 2016). These means that roughly all urban regions of the
world are affected. However, there are those that suffer the most and these include the low income
cities especially found in the developing countries. WHO analytics covers more than 3000 cities in
103 countries spread across the world (WHO, 2016). The figures how that while 56% of cities in
high income cities do not meet the standards set by World Health Organization, the percentage
shoots to 98% when looking at the medium and low income cities that do not meet the standards
(WHO, 2016). From the map produced to indicate the implication of their statistics, it confirms that
92% of the people's population in the world is breathing polluted air.
The damage that results from air pollution can never be overstated. There are health problems like
the risks of cardiac diseases, acute and chronic respiratory diseases like asthma, lung cancer and so
forth (Aryes, Maynard, & Richards, 2006). Corrosion dud to formation of acid rain, global warming
and poor visibility reduces are but some of other issues mentioned randomly. More than two million
deaths are linked to air quality. The worrying observation from analyst has been that there have been
frequent alerts on the state of the atmospheric
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Transportation as a Source of Air Pollution
1. In developed and developing countries, the history of air pollution problem has typically been
high levels of smoke and sulphur dioxide arising from the combustion of sulphur–containing fossil
fuels such as coal for domestic and industrial purpose.[i] Industrial development and the use of
fossil fuels have affected the world climate adversely. In Nigeria epileptic power supply has brought
about the use of diesel and petrol powered generators virtually in all homes
2. The transport ... Show more content on ...
It was also revealed that in 1998, a single car in Nigeria emitted 29,600kg of hydrocarbons,
34,000kg of Nitrogen Oxides and 4,029 kg of different carbonate gasses over its average lifespan.
5. Motor vehicle use is now generally recognised as the source of more air pollution than any other
single activity in cities around the world. The internal combustion engine of a vehicle produces
power by burning fuel and changing the chemical energy of fuel into heat energy. The heat energy is
then converted into mechanical power. Cars and trucks do not burn all of the fuel that goes into the
combustion chamber. In fact, most vehicles only burn about 85% of the fuel and as the vehicle gets
older less and less fuel is burned. It is this unburned fuel that produces some harmful products which
are discharged from the engine and become air pollutants.[iv] Therefore, an engine's fuel system,
and its emission controls are closely interrelated. That is why attention is given to the requirements
of emission control in the design and operation of all parts of the fuel system in a vehicle.
6. Adverse effects to human health include; a. Reduction in the amount of oxygen that can be
delivered to our body's organs and tissues, which can be life threatening caused by particles of
carbon monoxide. A mild
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Cap-And-Trade Vs Carbon Taxes
Cap & Trade vs. Carbon Taxes – Which system can impact CO2 emissions the most?
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a necessity to combat climate change. The main greenhouse
gas produced by human actions is carbon dioxide or CO2 (Overview of Greenhouse Gases). In
2014, Canada's largest emitter of greenhouse gases was the oil and gas sector, composing of 26% of
total emissions or 192 megatonnes (Mt) of carbon dioxide equivalent (Greenhouse Gas Emissions
by Economic Sector, 2016). Considering the impact of climate change on ecosystems, economies,
and communities, it is essential for Canada to identify which system has the most impact on
reducing carbon dioxide emissions (Impacts of Climate Change).
There are two systems that we will be analysing ... Show more content on ...
But based on the previous analysis, for Canada, the method that can impact carbon dioxide
emissions the most is the carbon tax system. A proper carbon tax will deter fossil fuels and
encourage clean energy (Carbon Tax or Cap–and–Trade?, 2014). The carbon tax will provide a
predictable price for carbon dioxide emissions for Canadians. As well, with the carbon tax system,
there is more motivation to adhere to regulations because it will become a standard. The revenue
generated from the taxation will also assist Canadians by ultimately facilitating greener practices by
subsidization and funding environmentally conscious research. Finally, the practicality of reducing
emissions under a carbon taxation system is much more functional than the cap–and–trade program.
The carbon tax system has been cited to both grow the economy while reducing emissions. That is
why a carbon tax system is a superior approach to the experimental cap–and–trade program for
reducing emissions and growing the economy (Brander,
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The Irreversible Rate Of Biodiversity Loss Facing...
The irreversible rate of biodiversity loss facing societies and companies is a key environmental
challenge. Conservation of bio–diversity is crucial to ensure the continuous supply of ecosystem
services such as seed dispersal, nutrients product, waste decomposition and water and nutrients
production, which support life and human activities. Other sectors such as farming, forestry,
fisheries and tourism may be affected by habitat loss and local ecosystems (Pickering and Hill,
2007). Biodiversity conservation thus ensures the long–term sustainability of the sectors.
Activities by some organization can be detrimental to biodiversity. For example, a mining operation
that are situated in areas with crucial species' habitats contributes to diversity loss. The studies by
Fisher et al. (2011) have documented the impact of logging and timber operations on biodiversity.
The government should impose increased taxes and levies on companies that pollute the
Government taking action against pollution
The UK government has continually taken action against environmental challenges through policies
and enforcement of laws. For example, on July 16th, 2015, the European Parliament 's Environment
Committee voted in support of a broad measure to fight air pollution and strengthen laws to reduce
emissions for member states. A report that came out the same period showed that the death rate
caused by air pollution was at 10, 000 per year – twice the rate that was previously known
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A Federal Law: The Clean Air Act
A federal law known as "The Clean Air Act" is intended to protect the environment from air
pollution and its effect on human health (UCSUSA). This act is enforced by creating direct
commands to firms know as standards, these standards are able to reduce emissions, by requiring
people to do things that result in less pollution. For example, one way pollution can be reduced is
through public transportation, which saves money and energy. Four standards that can be used are
ambient standards, emission standards, input standards, and a technology standards. These control
standards can be evaluated to see which is more effective, this is done by comparing three things,
which are technological improvement incentives, technological feasibility and
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Fuel for Thought Essay
Fuel for Thought
Should our government regulate the fuel economies of our automobiles or should this be left up to
the market? The Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency (CAFE) standards that were implemented in the
1970s contributed to great improvements in vehicle fuel economies. While we have environmental
and political reasons to want cars with better fuel efficiency, there are also costs involved. The
declining fuel economies of the last fifteen years seem to reveal that many Americans are not willing
to bear these costs. Still, the vehicles that we drive today may be a misrepresentation of our true
values. We may value environmental quality and/or independence from foreign oil, but sometimes
our individual ... Show more content on ...
The huge number of SUV drivers probably influenced Congress's decisionto reject a proposal for
new CAFE standards, in 2003. The plan "wouldhave required the auto industry to produce a fleet of
cars, trucks and sportutility vehicles that averaged 36 miles per gallon by2015"(Mateja, F8).
There are three main reasons for the desire to increase vehicle fuel efficiency. First, the United
States does not want to be dependent on foreign oil in case of wars or other conflicts. Furthermore,
oil is a limited resource. As Steven Plotkin points out, "Light–duty vehicles...account for about 40
percent of U.S. oil consumption" (25). While estimates vary on how long oil will last, no on argues
that it can last forever. Whatever cuts we make in energy use today can help ensure a better future.
Finally, a car that consumes more fuel per mile will produce morepollution than another, assuming
they both travel the same distance and arein similar mechanical conditions. U.S. citizens have
become increasinglyconcerned about smog and the possibility of global warming. As majorusers
ofenergy and producers of pollution, our vehicles are good candidatesfor reform.
The CAFÉ standards helped to promote technological change, specifically improved engines and
computerized controls ("Another Cup...", 1), but there are also other ideas for reducing gasoline
consumption. One idea is to increase fuel taxes. Increasing fuel prices would decrease driving and
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Volkswagen Cause And Effects
Although many individuals are unaware of the TDI diesel emissions court settlement between
Volkswagen and their customers; there are two causes and several effects. John German discovered
the Volkswagen emissions scandal. It turns out that, the lawsuit came about due to cheating software
that Volkswagen installed in their 2.0 and 3.0–liter diesel vehicles. In turn, a few effects of the
cheating software resulted in a 14.7 billion dollar lawsuit between Volkswagen and their buyers,
disappointed customers, and huge inconveniences (Bartlett,2017). Due to the software installed in
TDI diesel vehicles, there are up to 11 million vehicles affected.
In May of 2014, John German discovered, and went public about the Volkswagen emissions scandal
(Kretchmer, 2015). John German is a senior co–lead for the International Council on Clean
Transportation. Mr. German has worked for the Washington–based Environmental Protection
Agency for 13 years, which indicates that he knows what the requirements and enforcement are.
German partnered with West Virginia University and conducted the ICCT study. During the ICCT
study, German noticed detrimental nitrogen oxide emission levels; which leads him to think
Volkswagen diesel cars were malfunctioning. German felt vehicles were malfunctioning because
they were passing emissions testing, yet the vehicles had up to 35 times permitted levels of nitrogen
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Emission Standards of the Diesel Engine
Diesel engines began to be used in automobiles in the 1930s. They are used in many trucks, ships,
buses and small passenger cars in Europe right now.[1] Many believe that diesel engine are heavier,
noisier and generate black smock when running. However, diesel engine's unique advantages can
make them the engine of the future for vehicles. And with much more stringent standard to take
effect in the future, diesel engine's emissions and control technologies are still very much in the
forefront. This paper will cover the developments in diesel vehicles emission regulation and control
technology for NOx, particulate matter (PM) for diesel vehicles.
Right now there are two kinds of emission standard in US. One of them is federal standards
established by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and another is California standards.
Since the State of California are facing more severe air pollutant problem than most of other state,
they choose to adopt its own emission regulations. The California Air Resources Board (ARB)
establish engine and vehicle emission regulations that are often more stringent than the federal rules.
Other states can make their own decision to either implement the federal emission standards or to
use California requirements.
After the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) on 1990, two sets of standards have been defined for
light–duty vehicles. Tier I standard was published in 1991 and was phased–in between 1994 and
1997. Tier II standard was
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Environmental Policy in the European Union
In last decade we can notice a trend of constant growth of environmental pollution in Europe and
also elsewhere in the world. Every year European Union produces around 2 billion tone of waste
materials and the number is getting 10% bigger every year. There is also a constant increase of
carbon dioxide emissions that are a result of increasing consumption of energy and cars. Majority of
European Union members is fighting with utmost and more and more frequent weather conditions,
heat waves and floods, that have disastrous outcomes – economic and also for people. Climate
changes have influence on the environment and our everyday lives. Nineties were the most warm
decade of century across the globe.
Because of all ... Show more content on ...
The reason for that was, that at that time the environmental awareness was still on a really low level
all around the world. In 1960 none of the European members had a clearly defined environmental
policy of their own. Until 1987 the environment was not a priority for European Community.
Certain environment protection laws were adopted which were supposed to release trading barriers.
This laws were intended only for individual domains – radiation, vehicle gases, packaging and
labeling chemicals and so on.
Care about protecting an environment somewhat increased in seventies. In year 1972 the accelerated
activities of European Community began with four action programmes. These were based on
vertical and sectoral approach concerning ecological problems. In July 1972 the first Environmental
Action Programme (EAP) covering the period 1973–1976 was adopted at the Paris Summit of the
Head of States and Government. Basics of European Union environmental policy were that special
attention would be devoted to protection of environment in frame of economic development and
improvement of life.
In 1973 the Environment & Consumer Protection Committee DGIII and the Committee on the
Environment in the European Parliament were instituted. Second Environmental action programme
followed in 1977 and
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American Recovery And Reinvestment Act ( Arra ) Essay
III. Case of Other Countries
(1) The U.S.
The U.S. submitted its INDC to achieve an economy–wide target of reducing its greenhouse gas
emissions by 26%–28% below its 2005 level by 2025. With this plan, the U.S. has several laws
related to its environmental policies. Among them, these are main four Acts (Korea Institute of
Energy Research [KIER], 2016a): The Energy Policy Act established in 1992 was to secure energy
security and revised in 2005 to decrease the reliance on oil and coal energy; The Energy
Independence and Security Act (EISA) legislated in 2007 due to the necessity for energy
independence caused by the unstable Middle East and high oil prices, so President Bush announced
the 'Twenty in Ten Initiative ' that aimed to reduce 20% of the gasoline consumption by 2017; The
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) was enacted in 2009 as one of the reflationary
measures, and this included $8.5 billion investment for energy–related policies; The Clean Air Act
(CAA), made in 1970, regulated the atmospheric pollution sources and the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) used CAA to restrict the greenhouse gas.
In 2013, the Obama Administration issued the Climate Action Plan to focus on reducing greenhouse
gas emissions by 17 % reduction below 2005 levels by 2020. This plan's three objectives were
carbon reduction, strengthening capacity for climate change response, and leading international
cooperation for climate change crisis (White House, 2013). To reduce the
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Essay Canada´s New Democratic Party
Did you know that the current leader of the New Democratic Party used to be a Liberal? Thomas
Mulcair became the leader of the New Democratic Party after the death of Jack Layton. The New
Democratic Party (NDP) is one of the major federal political parties in Canada. The NDP was
formed in 1961 as the result of the merger of two different parties. There are numerous reasons why
the people of Canada should vote for the NDP. Citizens of Canada should vote for the New
Democratic Party because if elected, they promise to improve the environmental situation, provide
better health care for Canadians, and improve the economy in Canada.
The New Democratic Party promises to improve the environmental situation that we are currently
living in. Our ... Show more content on ...
Bulk fresh water exports from Canada will be eliminated to keep the fresh water plentiful in Canada,
and keep it from depleting rapidly. If the New Democratic Party gains power, they are going to
make the health care in Canada better for citizens. Health care is definitely a very important factor in
keeping everyone in Canada happy and healthy. Without healthcare, we will get sick more
frequently, and not going to regular checkups will make diseases more likely to affect us negatively.
The NDP is proposing to end the fees for ambulance services. This will make people more likely to
call an ambulance instead of taking a chance of driving themselves. This could save lives because
ambulances are much faster than driving yourself in a car because people are required by law to
move out of the way of an incoming ambulance on the road. The NDP is saying to give seniors the
support they need to live in their own homes instead of being forced to move to an old age home
when they get to old to care for themselves or when loved ones and family can no longer care for
them. If they get support in their homes, they will not need to go through the stress of moving to a
different environment in their late age. If they reduce their stress to as little as possible, they will be
more prone to a longer life span. The NDP is promising a fifty percent increase in the number of
doctors and nurses being trained each year, so that there is more available in hospitals and
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The Aviation Industry Impact The Environment
One of the first things to know about the way the aviation industry impacts the environment is it is
different from other sources of emissions. According to a FAA report, aircraft's btu/passenger mile
(energy intensity) is 2,654 in 2012. This is an 24.3% improvement from the 3,505 btu/passenger
miles in 2004. It is also improving faster compared to automobiles btu/passenger mile of 8.8%
improvement (FAA, 2015). In aviation, most of its pollutants are distributed at high altitudes.
However, this can still be hazardous to the environment because aircraft emissions above 3,000 feet
can cause up to five times more health impacts than emissions below 3,000 (Steven Barrett, Ian A.
Waitz, 2009–2010). A widely studied area in the impacts aviation has is researching air quality.
There are two areas which have been getting a lot of attention and becoming more important relating
to air quality. The first area is known as fine particulate matter (PM). PM is known as an air
pollutant containing tiny particles floating in the air, sometimes creating a foggy, hazy look in the
air. Compared to NOx, another compound found in emissions, PM is known to be a greater impact
(Waitz, Townsend, Cutcher–Gershenfeld, Greitzer, Kerrebrock, 2004). One challenge the aviation
industry is trying to overcome is measuring the PM caused by aircraft and PM caused by outside
factors non–aviation related. There are currently no uniformly accepted methods for measuring both
the PM and PM precursors from
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Global Competitiveness Of The Auto Industry
Automotive Industry Most people drive a car every day, some have driven one their whole life, but
what do we know of the automotive industry? It will be the goal of this paper to discuss four
different environment challenges of the automotive industry. What is the global competitiveness of
the auto industry? What new technologies are coming out to push the industry into a newer and
newer high–tech world? Do vehicles cause environmental concerns, and what does the government
have to say about it? What are the opinions of the consumers about the vehicles they buy? What is
the global competitiveness of the auto industry? There are six main manufactures of vehicles today.
The six main manufactures are Toyota, Volkswagen, Daimler, Ford, Honda, GM. The fight is real, in
one article the writer says this, "Japanese automakers Toyota (TM) and Honda (HMC) have among
the highest margins in the business at 13.8% and 13.1%, respectively. In contrast, General Motors
(GM) has a relatively lower margin of 8.5%. Ford (F) has an EBITDA margin of 8.2%." (Kallstrom)
These margins of profit are where there at because of competition. Kallstrom later writes
competition makes it difficult to pass the raw material prices onto the customer. Also, with every
changing standards on safety and emissions auto industries need to stay up to date to say in the
game. What new technologies are in the automotive industry? In Forbes magazine an article was
written about the next big advancements in car
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Fuel Efficiency Regulations And The American Automotive...
Fuel Efficiency Regulations and the American Automotive Industry
In conversations globally the environment is a hot topic. Issues with the ozone layer, depleting
natural resources, and health risks associated with emissions and changes in climate coupled with its
resulting natural disasters; have pushed conservation issues into the spotlight. The environmental
issues presented today are not the result of one country, one type, or one–industry actions but a
communal failure of a mixture of several. With that said many countries and industries are going
through policy changes to combat environmental issues that will hopefully benefit the environment,
the consumer, and industries.
One industry that is currently undergoing environmental challenges that call for changes is the
American Automotive Industry. Vehicle emissions are a major contributor to the issue of global
warming. When speaking of emissions we are referring to the amount of carbon dioxide and other
gaseous chemicals that are released into the atmosphere. The release of these gasses creates
respiratory issues in the populace, as well as creates thinning (and eventually holes) in our ozone
layer. These gases are expelled from vehicles when fuel is burned; the greater the fuel usage of a
vehicle the more it burns off into the atmosphere.
The American Auto Industry, in the form of vehicles it produces, account for almost one–fifth of
emissions in the United States. Subtracting emissions created from production,
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Passive And Eco Friendly Housing
Passive and eco–friendly housing is becoming increasingly popular, and as more and more
structures arise, learning provides scope for innovation, further cost saving and optimization. The
rise of passive housing could have a possible impact on Global warming, an increasingly important
topic, as housing contributes vastly to the cause: in 2009 buildings accounted for 43% of all the
UK's carbon emissions ( Therefore, the UK Government aimed to reduce the UK's
greenhouse gas emission by at least 80% by 2050. To meet this target this could be achieved by
moving to a more energy efficient, low–carbon economy. It would also help the UK become less
reliant on imported fossil fuels and less exposed to higher energy prices in the future. Undoubtedly,
some may have chosen to pursue a passive house as a way to protect the environment. Yet, at an
individual level, the marginal benefit to society of extra investment is often considered as small
compared to (in some cases) markedly increased costs. The important question, which will
ultimately determine if passive housing will become a valid option for masses, is whether the
additional spending is justified economically. The long term benefits of cost saving are visible
(Passpedia (2015) Are Passive Houses cost–effective?), yet the marginal returns are decreasing.
Therefore, Is the Passivhaus standard a cost effective way of achieving the UK CO2 emissions
reduction target for new housing in practice?". This research
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The California High Speed Rail Authority
Greenhouse Gas Reduction The California High Speed Rail Authority Claims about the systems
environmental benefits are greatly overstated. As per Due Diligence Report, California HSR will
cause very little reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions (CO2). The California Air Resources
Board forecasts that the HSR would reduce CO2 emissions equal to only 1.5% of the current state
objective. On the other hand the California High Speed Rail Authority has made an exaggerated
claim of achieving "almost 50%" of the state objective. McKinsey report indicated that the CO2
emission reductions in the United States can be achieved for about $50 per ton. On comparison, the
cost per ton of CO2 emission removal by HSR is very high ranging between 39 and 201 times the
IPCC ceiling of $50. So it can be understood that the impact of High Speed Rail on CO2 would be
inconsequential and exorbitantly costly. Hence, the CO2 emission reduction due to high speed rail
cannot be legitimately included as an element of a rational strategy for reducing GHG emissions.
Considering the untenable traffic impact projections, California High Speed Rail Authority's claims
are considered specious. To attain more liability to the claims of the authority, an independent
assessment of HSR's CO2 impacts should be made, including both operations and construction. The
critics state that the California High Speed Rail Authority should stop making any statements about
CO2 or other air quality impacts until such an
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Epa 's Clean Power Plan
From Harshit Jayaswal
Date October 07, 2015
Subject Briefings on EPA's Clean Power Plan: How state emission budgets were established, and
legal (reasonableness and fairness) issues.
This memo is my interpretation on the readings of EPA's clean power plan specific to how state
budgets where established and legal issues emphasizing the fairness and reasonableness towards the
1.0 Overview
The clean power plan was adopted by the EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) on August
03, 2015 to regulate carbon emissions from existing power plants. Under the Supreme Court
decision in Massachusetts v. EPA , greenhouse gases meet the definition of air pollutants under the
Clean Air Act, implying they need to be controlled, if ... Show more content on ...
It is determined to reduce carbon emissions from the power sector 32 % of 2005 levels by 2030. The
primary objective of the clean power plan is to establish unique emission rate goals and mass
equivalents for each individual state to reach this target.
2.0 How state emission budgets where established
The clean Air Act under the section 111(d) creates a partnership between EPA, states, tribes and U.S.
territories with EPA setting a goal and states and tribes choosing how they will meet it. EPA is
defining interim and final CO2 emission performance rates for two subcategories of fossil fuel–fired
electric generating units (EGU's):
1. 1,305 lbs/MWh for existing fossil fuel–fired electric steam generating units (generally, coal fired
power plants)
2. 771 lbs/MWh for existing natural gas combined cycle units
EPA has also established statewide interim and final goals in 2 forms to give a wide range of choices
for states in implementing these standards like:
1. A rate–based state goal measured in pounds per megawatt hour (lb/MWh);
2. A mass–based state goal measured in total short tons of CO2
States then have to develop and implement plans for power plants in their state either individually,
in group or by applying other measures to meet with the interim reduction goals in between 2022–
2029 and final goal by 2030.
2.1 BSER: Best system of emissions reduction
The basis for the emissions reductions in the EPA's proposed rule is a review of the
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Accg399 Case Assignment, Session One, 2013, Quality...
ACCG399 Case Assignment, Session one, 2013, Quality Equipment Hire Ltd. (QEH) ACTIVITY 1
– Briefly discuss the 4 different methods of determining Scope 1 Emissions and why the first
method is most appropriate for QEH.
An organisation should calculate the direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the
emissions sources associated with its boundary. Greenhouse gas emissions from scope 1 and scope 2
emissions sources should be calculated in accordance with the methods and guidance provided in
the NGER (Measurement) Determination. Scope 1 emissions a reporting company's direct
emissions. Direct GHG emissions occurring from sources that are owned or controlled by the
company (ie, sources within the organisational ... Show more content on ...
Why the first method is most appropriate for QEH
Method one is appropriate for QEH because the source of the emission is fuel combustion which is
homogenous across the organisation. QEH is using liquid and solid fuel in their transport, which
have homogenous source. Emission by this method is easily estimated by referring to reportable
data on fossil fuel consumption. The volume of consumed fuel in tones can be easily determined
which are used in this method to calculate emitted carbon dioxide. Chemical properties of fossil
fuels used in vehicles is uniform and can be easily determined using the tools provided in the
method. If there are many types of emission sources available then methods 2,3 and 4 will give the
perfect results in calculating the emissions. The range of emission sources covered in the
determination includes the combustion of fuels for energy, fugitive emissions from the extraction of
coal, oil and gas, industrial processes (such as producing cement and steel) and waste management
ACTIVITIES 2 – Briefly explain Scope 2 emissions and how Scope 2 emissions from electricity
purchased from the main electricity grid in NSW, Victoria and Queensland are calculated.
In the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, Scope 2 covers "emissions from the generation of
purchased electricity consumed by the company." Purchased electricity is defined as electricity that
is purchased or otherwise brought into the
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How To Prevent Global Warming In Canada
Global warming is a concern to everybody in Canada. Unless Canadians act now, the problems will
increase and become a massive controversy for future generations. Shocking to say,but, Canada has
about 0.5 percent of the world's population, but yet contributes to about 2 percent of the total
greenhouse gas emissions. Along with that, in 2005, Canadians emitted about 747 megatonnes of
carbon dioxide equivalent of greenhouse gas emissions.
As a result of Canadians' actions, Canada is facing shifting rainfall patterns, rising temperatures,
increases in certain types of hazardous weather like heat waves, and the polar ice caps are melting,
resulting in habitat loss for animals such as polar bears.
Although, there are simple ways Canadians can prevent ... Show more content on ...
This would be a considerable way to lessen the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the
atmosphere. When fuel is burned, sulphur combines with oxygen which construct emissions that
contribute to decreased air quality and have negative environmental effects. The government of
Canada says they would reduce the average sulphur content in gasoline by nearly 70 percent. This
means there would be reductions in air pollutant emissions from vehicles. By obtaining a car that is
well suited for the person and is eco–friendly, is one thing that makes a great difference in reducing
the effects of global warming. Generally speaking, Canadians need to take major action now in
order to lessen the effects of global warming. In the first place, Canadians are capable of saving
energy from their own home. In addition to that, Canadians are capable of researching about where
their food comes from. Furthermore, the Canadian government is adept of making strict greenhouse
gas emission regulations on cars. It is important to act now and help save the planet before it is too
late and suffer through the harsh
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Ethical Behavior Of The Volkswagen Group
Singapore Institute of Technology
Career & Professional Development SIE2901
Individual Assignment
Submitted By: Hasif bin Zailani (14SSI018B)
Summary of Discussion
The paper exemplifies the unethical behavior of the Volkswagen Group. The poor decision–making
from the top executives caused the engineers to suffer as they questioned their own moral principles.
It resulted in the engineers' failure to meet the standard set out by the Statement of Ethical
Principles. Finally, the paper discusses what engineers could have done despite the constraints the
engineers of Volkswagen might have been under.
Background of Incident
In September 2015, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found "defeat device" installed in
Volkswagen vehicles sold in the United States (US), which resulted in violating the Clean Air Act.
This device was installed in the diesel engines of the cars. It had the capability to not only detect
when the car was being tested for emissions, but to improve emission results in order to pass
emission standards in the US. As a result, EPA issued a Notice of Violation to Volkswagen.
The "defeat device" installed within the engines of the vehicles contained a program that ... Show
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They were tasked to do something despicable or would probably have been laid off. It was a
difficult decision made by the engineers to carry on with the design and implementation of the
"defeat device". The engineers of Volkswagen were just carrying out their duty to the company [4],
doing anything they could to bring back the paycheck at the end of the month so that they could feed
their families. For better or for worse, the engineers however should have voiced out their opinions
about the implementation of such a device. The engineers knew how it would affect the health of the
public and knew that in doing so, they would be breaching the Statement of Ethical
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Global Climate Changes And Its Effect On Our Business
As a fast growing and large, UK based, food retailer, we sell products sourced from the UK, and
internationally such as China and Russia. Therefore, global climate changes give very significant
impact on our business: possibly huge losses without proper future planning. Thus, building
sustainability as a core part of our business practices is crucial to minimise risk of losses and keep
our shareholders feel ecstatic.
The world agree that the carbon taxes will be imposed in response to climate change. According to
world bank (2013), carbon taxes is a form of tax that explicitly and directly link to reduce carbon
dioxide emissions. The main pressures of carbon tax are to ensure every emitter are taking
responsibility of their carbon emissions and force them to shift to green production techniques. The
concept is costs and selling prices of products with high associated carbon emissions will increase
thus, affect profitability of businesses (Berners–Lee 2015). Evidently, this carbon taxes are not in
line with shareholder interests as its costs money. Hence, discussion about strategic planning and
actions of how to reduce carbon emissions practices are required ahead of time to create the most
values for our shareholders and other stakeholders.
Leadership actions in Supply chains
One solution that companies have been trying to response to the climate changes problems while
making stakeholders happy is through mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.
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Vehicular Emissions and Air Quality Standards in Nigeria
European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450–216X Vol.34 No.4 (2009), pp.550–560 ©
EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2009 Vehicular Emissions and
Air Quality Standards in Nigeria F. I. Abam Department of Mechanical Engineering, Cross River
University of Technology P.M.B 1123. Calabar, Nigeria E–mail: Tel:
+2348054383418 G. O. Unachukwu National Centre for Energy Research and Development
University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nigeria E–mail: Tel: +2348050525033
Abstract This paper reports the results of the investigation of vehicular emissions in selected areas in
Calabar Nigeria. Three areas MP1, MP2 , and MP3 were considered with nine sampling points (SP1
– SP9) in ... Show more content on ...
An epidemiological study in US has shown that acute exposure to vehicle emissions over ten years
period reduces lung function among tunnel officers Evans, (1998). A similar study confirms that
there is a prevalence of chronic bronchitis and asthma in street cleaners exposed to vehicle
pollutants in concentrations higher than WHO recommended guidelines, thus leading to significant
increase in respiratory problems Rachou, (1995). Having viewed these consequences, the need to
embark on research of this kind becomes obvious. This research work is intended to investigate the
level of vehicular emission and air quality standard in a growing city Calabar, Nigeria. The
knowledge from this investigation will assist authority in planning adequate pollution control
measures. It is equally hoped that the study will generate interest on further research on the impact
of vehicle emission on air quality and health implications in Calabar in particular and Nigeria in
general for effective air quality control and management. 1.1. Traffic Emission in Developing
Countries In most developing countries of the world vehicular growth has not been checked
properly by environmental regulating authorities leading to increase levels of pollution. Traffic
emissions contribute about 50–80% of NO2 and CO concentration in developing countries Fu
(2001), and Goyal (2006). This situation is alarming and is predicated on the poor economic
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Climate Action Plan For The Uk Greenhouse Gas Emissions
B.C. Climate Action Plan
The B.C. Climate Action Plan is a comprehensive strategy implemented by the Canadian
government with the objective to diminish provincial greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). In 2007, a
Throne Speech was given remarking that climate leadership in B.C was illusory and commitment to
climate leadership was an imperative component in the future of the province. As such, in 2008, the
Climate Action Plan was released with the intent to serve as a guide in helping British Columbia
attain a prosperous, green economy. Within the Action Plan, initiatives and approaches are outlined
to make B.C carbon neutral by 2010 and move the province closer towards reducing GHG emissions
to the target 33 percent in 2020. By 2050, the ... Show more content on ...
2007 – A speech from the Throne is given outlining the need for climate leadership. In response, 180
municipalities in B.C sign the Charter.
2008– The Climate Action Plan is released along with the enactment of the greenhouse gas
2009–Federal standards are created for vehicle emissions.
2010– The first progress report is submitted showing all Climate Action commitments are underway
or complete. Additionally, B.C becomes the first carbon neutral government in North America.
2011 to 2012– The first interim GHG target reaches 6 percent below 2007 levels.
Objectives and Design
The B.C. Climate Action Plan has one main objective: to reduce provincial greenhouse gas
emissions. This objective takes the form of legislative targets that commit B.C to reduce their
emissions and become a carbon neutral province. The Climate Action Plan is comprised of pillars
that characterize key tactics that make reaching these goals plausible and realistic.
Key Pillars
The B.C Climate Action plan has 5 main pillars:
1. Legislated Targets: Entrenched in law, by 2020, B.C is committed to reduce their GHG emissions
by 33 percent compared to 2007 levels. Additionally, by 2050, the province has committed to reduce
emissions by 80 percent compared to 2007 levels.
2. Key Partnerships: The development of partnerships among nations surface opportunities to
capitalize on complementary strengths. As such, B.C has partnered with states
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The Fuel Of Diesel Vehicles
Today, we live in a world that's vastly interconnected. Something that happens across seas can affect
a whole nation, several nations, or even all of them. Recently Volkswagen was put in the hot seat
when they were caught imputing software into their diesel vehicles, that makes it show a different
emissions output than was accepted by the EPA. They called this device the, "defeat device." Thusly
all of their vehicles that were diesel were marketed as low emissions which turned out to be a lie.
The article on states, "The engines emitted nitrogen oxide pollutants up to 40 times above
what is allowed in the US." This is a huge blow to the company as far as public opinion goes. They
lost the trust of millions of people around the world. They have been producing allegedly clean
diesel emissions for a long time now and even included that in their advertisements. Because of this
scandal they were forced to recall millions of diesel vehicles with this device causing them to lose
over $2.5 billion. Their first quarterly loss in the past 15 years. This sounds like a lot of money but
the EPA is still considering fining Volkswagen for each car they produced and lied about. The
amount they are considering charging them is roughly $37,500 for each car which leads to a
maximum fine of $18 billion. That's more than the value of most of the cars, which really shows
how seriously they are taking this. Even for a giant like VW that is a massive blow financially. From
now on every
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Environmental And Resource Efficiency Improvement Plan
Environmental and Resource Efficiency Improvement Plan
The Environmental Resource Efficiency Plan (EREP) program is developed for One Stop
Computers (trading for Asia Pacific region) to encourage carbon reduction of their product portfolio,
improve the protection of human health and the environment and demonstrate responsibility of safe
use of chemicals in the industry.
AHM Consultancy is based in Hobart Tasmania and understands the challenges and complexity of
creating Environmental Management Plans. We help clients achieve their resource efficiency goals
so they can achieve positive environmental outcomes. Our key business areas and specialization:
Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Total Quality Management.
Equipment Recycling, Consumable Waste and Energy Conservation are all initiatives that should be
considered to improve environmental performance and sustainability.
Carbon Footprint
Conserve energy, reduce impact and save money. Reducing the emissions intensity of product
portfolio (1) by 5% percent by 2020 compared to 2015 (2) levels by:
Decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and product transportation (3), improve data centre
efficiencies and developing energy–efficient solutions and improved server architecture which
consumes up to 89% less energy (4), uses 80% less space (4) and costs 70% less than traditional
server environments (5).
Recycling and Reuse
Easy ways to return and recycle computer equipment and printing supplies.
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The Effects Of Climate Change On The Environment
1.0 Introduction
The development of society and economy has caused varieties of environmental problems in the
past decades. Carbon dioxide (CO2), the most common greenhouse gases has caused a great impact
on climate change, and to reduce the emission of CO2 becomes a worldwide agenda. (Christopher
R.I, 2013) While, Buildings, taking up third of the total UK greenhouse gas emissions (CCC,
2014–data/ukemissions–by–sector/buildings/), have a great potential
to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and improve the sustainable development in the future. One
of the non–neglect issue to reduce the energy use and CO2 emission of building is in the
construction phases. The embodied carbon accounting 20–50% of the total ... Show more content on ...
(Construction Products Association, 2012) Also cradle to grave assessment can be seen as the most
comprehensive assessment, but varieties of assumptions need to be made throughout the long
timescales. (Nigel H, 1999) In this essay two data sources are using, one is the inventory of carbon
and energy (ICE) which focus on the embodied carbon assessment edited by the BSRIA. However,
the boundary of ICE is cradle to gate. The other one is the Environment Agency, it is a tool to
calculate the emission of the greenhouse gases in the construction.
3.0 building elements
Assume that there is a need for a 10m×10m external wall in Cardiff CF14 3UA. Based on CIBSE
guide A (1999) to assess the two typical external walls. Dense concrete walls, 19mm render, 200mm
dense concrete block, 25mm polyurethane insulation, 12.5mm plasterboard. And Precast concrete
panel walls, 80mm dense concreate, 25mm EPS insulation, 100mm dense concreate, 50mm airspace
and 12.5mm plasterboard. These two kind of materials has quite similar thermal performance, the
dense concrete has 0.90 u–value, while the precast concrete panel has 0.85 u–value. The embodied
carbon calculation seen in Appendices1–2.
4.0 Material assumption.
After selected the building element in CIBSE guide, choosing the material of different layer in CCC
and ICE. The material in following table
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The Emissions Of The MHE ( Kg / Pallet )
EMHE emissions of the MHE (kg/pallet)
For VNA, the pallets are removed from the vehicle and placed on the warehouse floor for receiving
activities. Then pallets are shipped to the storage station at the end of the rack and stored on the
rack. The goods are lifted up to the mezzanine through the pallet gate and then manually stacked on
the shelf. All the goods are picked up on pallets in the picking area. The pallets are taken from the
picking area to the outbouding area.. However, compared to the WA, VNA is retrieved from the
storage area and not from a rack (Fichtinger et al. 2015). For AS / RS operations, it is similar with
VNA operations, the pallets are picked up from the vehicles and moved to the end of the rack, then
the pallets is ... Show more content on ...
The order picker then starts walking through the aisles in the warehouse and retrieves items picking
them directly onto a pallet placed on the low–level order picking truck. After all items have been
retrieved, he/she returns to the pick station and starts the next order.
For VNA it is assumed that storage and retrieval operations are performed using VNA trucks (so
called turret trucks). After pallets have been transported to the picking area, order picking is
performed manually there
Apart from the assumptions already stated, we assume the following hereafter in terms of energy
parameters for the simulation study, as summarised in Table 3. Building characteristics are
considered in conformance with the literature literature (Rai et al., 2011), assuming a medium
envelope insulation level in all warehouses. Lighting parameters are set per Marchant and Baker
(2010), UKWA (2010) and CIBSE (2002), assuming the use of T128ft fluorescent lamps in all types
of warehouses.
It is assumed for the parameter "operating time" that all types of warehouses work 5 days per week
and 16 h per day (as indicated as common timings in Baker and Perotti, 2008).
Finally, to calculate GHG emissions of warehousing operations based on the integrated inventory
and warehouse model, the emission intensity has to be determined. This is usually done by using
appropriate conversion factors, which convert various types of fuels into kWh as a standard
measure. Based on the kWh value,
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Ethical Challenges Of Volkswagen
3.2.4 Changing company culture
Another internal challenge that Volkswagen faces would be changing its complicated company
culture which is overly opaque and hierarchical. With many complex layers and processes
(McHugh, 2015), this makes it hard for unethical practices to be discovered as seen by Volkswagen
deliberately deceiving their consumers.
There is another issue of 'culture of arrogance' where the pride and self–regard of many managers
regarding the company's engineering ability, leading them to belittle the U.S. government officials'
ability to uncover the truth about the fraudulent emissions test results (Levin, 2015). Clearly,
Volkswagen would have continued to defraud the customers, had they not been found out recently.
This reveals ... Show more content on ...
However, it is currently a concept with no plans for production and only possible in the future if
Volkswagen has the funds required to carry out the R&D and production. Otherwise, consumers are
more likely to prefer the more advanced, efficient and "clean" cars produced by other competitors,
limiting the market share for Volkswagen.
Thus, the huge cost incurred by Volkswagen is a debilitating factor that prevents it from expanding
its production to produce the necessary advanced technology it needs to compete with its
4.2 Manpower Crunch
Looking at their damaged reputation, Volkswagen may face difficulty in hiring people as people
might not want to work for a company with a tarnished reputation.
Also, the current employees of Volkswagen might start to fear for their prospects and decide to
move to greener pastures, leaving Volkswagen with an even greater manpower shortage. With the
lack of manpower in the near future, the likelihood of Volkswagen making a comeback is reduced as
they would lack both the manpower and talent pool required to expand its operations as well as
research on innovative technology needed to compete with its
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Cars And Truck Account For 20 % Of All U.S. Global Warming...

  • 1. Cars And Truck Account For 20 % Of All U.s. Global Warming... Cars and truck account for 20% of all U.S. global warming emissions, where more than 24 pounds per gallon of carbon dioxide and other global warming gases come right out of the car's tailpipe ("Union of Concerned scientists"). This frightening statistic is part of the reason why the federal government has put in place many policies and incentives such as the Clean Air Act, The National Program for greenhouse gas emissions, Catalytic Converter Federal Laws, and incentives of $12,000 in California to get people to upgrade to more fuel–efficient cars. With such programs and incentives put in places, it is also important that car companies such as Toyota and Ford also take action to further cut pollution rates. They have done so by ... Show more content on ... The pollutants that were controlled were carbon monoxide(CO), volatile organic compounds(VOC), and oxides of nitrogen(NOx), where the NOx standard was 3.1 grams per mile (EPA). These three pollutants can cause a wide variety of health issues, some of which include your brain not getting enough oxygen, damage to the respiratory system, damage of lung function, cardiovascular problems, and cancer ("Types of Air Pollution Caused by Cars"). Over the next couple decades' car emission control became stricter and standards tightened and evolved to .07 grams per mile of NOx in 2009 which is a 77% decrease from its previous standard of .3 in 1999. Alongside federal actions, California has been leading the global fight against climate change. California Governor Jerry Brown has a plan to put 1.5 million zero–emission cars on the state roads in the next decade and has signed 11 bills related to global warming. Some of these efforts include 15,000 permits for clean–air cars to use car–pool lanes, requirements for counties to speed up permits for residential solar–power installations, and rebates to lower income resident to buy more fuel–efficient cars. He enacted a law that requires California power companies to get at least a third of their electricity from renewable resources by 2020. One of the largest incentives that Jerry Brown has put into place has been rebates for upgrading to more fuel–efficient cars, where the state of ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Market Failure In The Australian Economy Discuss costs and benefits of government intervention to correct market failure in the Australian economy. Market failure is a situation where pure market forces such as the operation of the price mechanism fail to produce goods at a socially optimum level. In Australia's mixed market economy, government intervenes to correct market failures. This can lead to environmental efficiency, productivity, additional revenue and employment however it can also reduce consumer welfare and cause government failure. Government intervention corrects market failure resulting in environmental sustainability and improved accessibility to services. Goods or services with negative externalities are market failures because the operation of the price mechanism ... Show more content on ... In the case of Australian healthcare, subsidization results in less competition in the market since 'artificially' low prices act as a barrier to entry of new more efficient firms. Lack of competition leads to firms not improving their systems and practices, making them inefficient. Consequently, subsidized Medicare also fails to achieve social interests–explain what medicare is more properly. Recently, there have been complaints regarding the poor quality of care in hospitals. Further, the waiting periods for patients waiting to undergo Knee Replacement Surgery is a median of 216 days thus decreasing their living standards. Similarly, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme is failing to provide cost–effective medications. For example, Atorvastatin, highly prescribed drug, costs $2.01 in New Zealand compared to $38.69 in Australia causing a loss of 1.3 billion dollars every year. Therefore, government intervention has led to inefficiency in the workings and resource allocation. Government intervention to correct market failure can lead to increased revenue and reduction in unemployment. The revenue generated from carbon tax in two years was $15 billion. Governments can reallocate this revenue to other economic transactions such as the provision of necessary public goods like roads. The Medicare scheme, since 1985, ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. A Brief Note On The And Its Effects On The Environment CHAPTER–4 POLLUTION DUE TO EMISSIONS IC engines generate undesirable emissions during the combustion process. The emissions exhausted into the surroundings pollute the atmosphere and causes following problems. Global warming Acid rain Smog Odors Respiratory and other health hazards. The major causes of these emissions are non–stoichiometric combustion, dissociation of nitrogen, and impurities in the fuel and air. The emissions of concern are unburnt hydro carbons (HC), oxides of carbon (COX), oxides of nitrogen (NOX), oxides of sulphur (SOX) and solid carbon particulates. It is the dream of engineers and scientists to develop engines and fuels such that very few quantity of harmful emissions are generated, and these could be let into the surroundings without a major impact on the environment. However with the present technology this is not possible, and after treatment of the exhaust gases as well as in cylinder reduction of emissions is important. 4.1 AIR POLLUTION DUE TO IC ENGINES Until the middle of the 20th century the number of IC engines in the world was so small that the pollution they caused was tolerable. During that period the environment, with the help of sunlight, stayed relatively clean. As world population grew, power plants, factories, and an ever–increasing number of automobiles began to pollute the air to the extent that it is no longer acceptable. During the late 1940s, air pollution as a problem was first recognized in the Los – Angeles basin ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Determinants of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the... Introduction The National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Institute for Space Studies (2014) states that "global surface temperature in 2013 was +0.6°C (~1.1°F) warmer than the 1951–1980 base period average, thus the seventh warmest year in the GISS analysis." Global warming has always been correlated by the increasing amount of greenhouse gases, which carbon dioxide is notoriously known for, in the Earth's atmosphere. Many environmental activists are putting pressures to every facet of society and making them aware about the harm of the continuously increasing carbon dioxide emission that the world is experiencing. The Philippines is already starting to experience sudden extreme changes in its climate and natural disasters ... Show more content on ... With this objective, the author thinks that there is a need to empirically determine the impact of macroeconomic determinants on carbon dioxide emissions. Significance Oftentimes, human nature dictates us to spur the most from what we have, thus, it is natural for greed and tunnel vision for growth to be in the minds of many businessmen, policymakers, or any citizen in the population. However, in many cases, these men fail to recognise that more than monetary costs, many of human actions entail environmental repercussions. The significance of this study can be derived from the essence of the variables that are going to be used in this study. Gross domestic product, foreign direct investment, exports, imports, energy use, and urban population relates with economic development. On the other hand, carbon dioxide emissions in this study, relates to environmental sustainability. Given these two, the study will give the reader insights, more or less, on how the Philippine population treats economic development along side environmental sustainability. Through the individual effects of the independent variables, we can infer not only about what those variables contribute to carbon dioxide emissions, but also see the level of environmental awareness that the population injects while inspiring development in the country. With the completion of the paper, we are bringing in practicality and the picture of reality that the Philippine economy and its society is ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Electric Cars : What Is The Future Of The Electric Car? For the past 200 years, the electric car has steadily gained popularity as an alternative to gas– powered cars. Electric cars are vehicles that use electricity to be powered and create zero tailpipe emissions. Electric cars have recently become a controversial topic ever since the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 was enacted. In the US, the first successful electric car was built in 1891 by William Morrison. This created a spark of interest in electric cars all over the US that encouraged automakers nationwide to manufacture their own electric cars. During the 20th century, over a third of all vehicles being driven were electric cars. Concurrently, steam and gas powered cars were being used as well. Many of the modes of transportation during this time were inventions that had only recently been developed. Nonetheless, the invention and continued developments of the electric car won the favor of the majority of the population due to the lack of noise and smell of pollutants it emitted. When Henry Ford released the Model T, a gas powered car, in 1908 the popularity of the electric car dwindled. The Model T's newly developed four cylinder engine allowed people to drive for a longer distance and a faster speed than an electric car would ever allow. Due to its affordability and availability, the gas powered car continued to increase in sales as electric cars almost entirely disappeared. Gas demand, in turn, began to rise as well. In 1973, the Organization of Arab ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The New Zealand Dairy And Beef Industry Essay Due to the increase in technology advances and the growing rate of globalisation, the New Zealand dairy and beef industry is facing numerous problems, significantly: "how to boost productivity, lift returns, increase competitiveness and reduce environmental impact" (Turley, 2013). Undesirably for farmers working within the New Zealand dairy and beef industry, it is extremely difficult to develop a system that results in positive outcomes for all of these issues. As evidenced, the increase in productivity and resource use in order to increase strategic competitive advantage in the international marketplace, has resulted in the agricultural industry being the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand. According to Oram (2007), New Zeeland farmers effectively have two choices if they aim to continue to be competitive within their industry: "remaining commodity producers by driving productivity far harder by, for example, increasing stock and fertiliser intensity per hectare; or becoming producers of higher value, more customised dairy, meat and other products" (p. 5). 3.2 Current Approach to Environmental Management 3.2.1 Research In 2012 a study was funded through the New Zealand Government in support of the intentions of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases and its Livestock Research Group (Morton, 2014). The aim of the programme was to breed sheep for farms in New Zealand that emit low–methane, all the while maintaining their ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Effects Of Climate Change On The Earth Introduction There have been various scientific studies into the effects climate change is having on the planet and how there is a decline in the amount of available non–renewable resources. In a report made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007), it was noted that, "Global atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have increased markedly as a result of hum activities since 1750 and now far exceed pre–industrial values". From the statement made by the IPCC, it is clear that the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are a large contributor to climate change and WD Re–Thinking Ltd. (2010) made a briefing note for Willmott Dixon Group which explained that one of the least sustainable ... Show more content on ... The Department of Energy and Climate Change (2014) produced a study of the amount of CO2 emissions produced from each sector. They found that there was a '3% increase in emissions ' from the UK residential sector in 2012 to 2013 in which the residential sector was contributing to 'around 17% of all CO2 emissions from this sector '. With this being mentioned, there must be something done to improve these statistics. The UK is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and the government have set an ambitious target to reduce these emissions 'by at least 80% by 2050m relative to 1990 levels ' (GOV.UK, 2013). Keeping this target in mind, it is crucial that the government use various construction methods; one of those being the development of zero–carbon homes. The purpose of this interim report is provide a critical evaluation of any publications and other literature material that exists concerning the research topic in order to gain a greater understanding of the subject. Material from each author will be discussed, defining similarities and differences between the various literatures. Literature Review: Literature review has been presented chronologically. Specific headings of aims and objectives are used for reviewing and analyzing each relevant literature, research and survey. ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Car Pollution Essay The words pollution and automobile are synonymous, and as long as vehicles still use fossil fuels to run, that won't change. Consumers, communities, and the environment are key stakeholders the auto industry has to consider when it comes to pollution. More energy–efficient, hybrid or electric vehicles can increase customer satisfaction and add to the company's business performance. For instance, fuel consumption is an assumption of performance and is very important for consumers. Thus, automotive companies have to come up with great designs with minimal consumption of resources and raw materials; engines that give more mileage and less fuel consumption. Given that consumers are the most important stakeholders, communities of these consumers also want vehicles with the lowest emissions possible with hopes of keeping the air around them clean and healthy. Once again, these informal bands and communities of consumers have large amounts of power based on buying power alone, and can significantly impact an automobile company's business. A vehicle's environmental impact can be easily measured through miles per gallon and measures of emissions. In 2011, President Barrack Obama and automobile companies agreed to raise fuel efficiency standards to meet an average of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025. This will lead to more fuel–efficient vehicles that will consume less gas, thus burning less fuel and emitting fewer emissions into the air. Also, according to the Obama administration, this ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Carbon Emissions And Its Effects On The Environment Greenhouse gasses (GHGs) pose a serious threat to the environment through acting as a catalyst for substantial climate change. Carbon Dioxide (CO2), a specific greenhouse gas, is the one that is the most prominent in our atmosphere; this being the case it is also causing the most damage. Carbon dioxide is emitted primarily through the burning of fossil fuels, such as oil and coal. These fossil fuels are burned in power plants and create large amounts of emissions that are not ideal for the environment. When faced with a problem similar to this one, it is only rational to think that a particular solution should be implemented. In this case, the solution is a "carbon tax". These carbon taxes would be directed towards the sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Recently, British Columbia, Canada enacted a carbon tax, it has some strengths and weaknesses, the due has an effect on the economy, it also needs to be at a certain rate, it has been successful and unsuccessful, the tax is also has aspects of being revenue neutral and revenue recycling. A carbon tax as an idea for the reduction of hurtful greenhouse gasses is a brilliant one. Taxes like this provide a disincentive for certain behaviors, so what better way to reduce pollution? There are other policies out there, for example cap–and–trade programs and command–and–control regulations, but these are not as strong for reducing greenhouse gas emission. According to David Brodwin, a writer for U.S. New, "a carbon tax would be ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards Lionell C. Henderson Northwood University MBA 644: External Environment Richard DeVos Graduate School of Management Fall 2015 Evening – Cedar Hill, Texas Professor James Latham Acknowledge a Problem Exist In 1973, the United States plummeted into a huge energy emergency, as a result of the Arab oil embargo. From October 1973 to March 1974, the United States oil supply from members of the Arab's Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries became cut off in revenge for the U.S. military aid to Israel during the Arab–Israeli war. The ban led to an unprecedented fuel scarcity nationwide, noticeable by extremely high fuel cost and lengthy rows of vehicles sitting at gas stations. In 1975, Congress passed the Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards. Its motivation is to lower energy use by improving the fuel savings of cars and light trucks, raise the opportunity to create different fuel automobiles, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by assisting to reduce climate change and raise air standards. Define the Problem CAFÉ standards are averages that all automobile manufacturers must attain yearly, for the production of their vehicles, as of 1978. The elevation of these standards forces auto manufacturers to react by producing more fuel–efficient vehicles, which enhances the country's energy protection and reduces refueling cost, thus retaining the consumers cash. This, in turn, lowers the greenhouse gas discharge ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. The Regulations Of The Clean Air Act In September the world of car industry went upside down when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revealed the car manufacturer company Volkswagen had installed a software on their cars to evade the emission of high pollution during the tests. Volkswagen was proven of violating the United States code title 42 chapter 85 Subchapter I Part A 7412 that specifies that any modification in a product that increases the emission of any air pollutant is considered dangerous and violates the Clean Air Act. Other than Volkswagen more companies are being suspects like Robert Bosch who is believed of being the developer of the device. On their report, EPA described the software, as the "defeat device," when the car is going through the ... Show more content on ... Volkswagen strongly contributed all this years in contaminating the air of large cities, like New York and Atlanta that have high ranks of Asthma residents in the area and there is not much density in the air. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America giving Atlanta the ranking 13 with a score of 86.88 in their Asthma Capitals report. The Clean Air Act requires vehicle manufacturers to certify to EPA that products will meet the emission standards to control air pollution, and every vehicle sold must be covered by an EPA– issued certificate. The Clean Air Act also prohibits manufacturers' the making and selling vehicles equipped with defeat devices that reduce the effectiveness of the emission control system during normal driving conditions. With this big lawsuit, there are a huge number of suspects from the big CEOs at Germany to New York City. Suspects of the implementation of the defeat device are several however Bosch is one of the principal suspects. Bosch who seems to be the developer of the software device. According to the lawsuit against, "Volkswagen's fraudulent scheme was facilitated and aided and abetted by defendant Bosch, which created the software used in Volkswagen's defeat device." Even though there is not much evidence that links him with the ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. The Quality Of Air Pollution Statistics indicate that more than four people in five who live in urban areas are negatively affected regarding the standard of the quality of air that the World Health Organization recommends as safe for breathing by human beings (WHO, 2016). These means that roughly all urban regions of the world are affected. However, there are those that suffer the most and these include the low income cities especially found in the developing countries. WHO analytics covers more than 3000 cities in 103 countries spread across the world (WHO, 2016). The figures how that while 56% of cities in high income cities do not meet the standards set by World Health Organization, the percentage shoots to 98% when looking at the medium and low income cities that do not meet the standards (WHO, 2016). From the map produced to indicate the implication of their statistics, it confirms that 92% of the people's population in the world is breathing polluted air. The damage that results from air pollution can never be overstated. There are health problems like the risks of cardiac diseases, acute and chronic respiratory diseases like asthma, lung cancer and so forth (Aryes, Maynard, & Richards, 2006). Corrosion dud to formation of acid rain, global warming and poor visibility reduces are but some of other issues mentioned randomly. More than two million deaths are linked to air quality. The worrying observation from analyst has been that there have been frequent alerts on the state of the atmospheric ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Transportation as a Source of Air Pollution STRATEGIC APPROACH TO REDUCING VEHICLE EMISSIONS IN NIGERIA: ROLE OF FLEET OPERATORS. BEING A LECTURE PRESENTED BY ENGR. BG IBRAHIM fwc ACM (SED) AT SAFETY MANAGERS TRAINING PROGRAMME AT FRSC ACADEMY, JOS ON THE 28TH AUGUST,2009. INTRODUCTION 1. In developed and developing countries, the history of air pollution problem has typically been high levels of smoke and sulphur dioxide arising from the combustion of sulphur–containing fossil fuels such as coal for domestic and industrial purpose.[i] Industrial development and the use of fossil fuels have affected the world climate adversely. In Nigeria epileptic power supply has brought about the use of diesel and petrol powered generators virtually in all homes 2. The transport ... Show more content on ... It was also revealed that in 1998, a single car in Nigeria emitted 29,600kg of hydrocarbons, 34,000kg of Nitrogen Oxides and 4,029 kg of different carbonate gasses over its average lifespan. [iii] CAUSES OF POLLUTANTS IN VEHICLE 5. Motor vehicle use is now generally recognised as the source of more air pollution than any other single activity in cities around the world. The internal combustion engine of a vehicle produces power by burning fuel and changing the chemical energy of fuel into heat energy. The heat energy is then converted into mechanical power. Cars and trucks do not burn all of the fuel that goes into the combustion chamber. In fact, most vehicles only burn about 85% of the fuel and as the vehicle gets older less and less fuel is burned. It is this unburned fuel that produces some harmful products which are discharged from the engine and become air pollutants.[iv] Therefore, an engine's fuel system, and its emission controls are closely interrelated. That is why attention is given to the requirements of emission control in the design and operation of all parts of the fuel system in a vehicle. EFFECTS OF POLLUTANTS IN VEHICLES 6. Adverse effects to human health include; a. Reduction in the amount of oxygen that can be
  • 26. delivered to our body's organs and tissues, which can be life threatening caused by particles of carbon monoxide. A mild ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Cap-And-Trade Vs Carbon Taxes Cap & Trade vs. Carbon Taxes – Which system can impact CO2 emissions the most? Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a necessity to combat climate change. The main greenhouse gas produced by human actions is carbon dioxide or CO2 (Overview of Greenhouse Gases). In 2014, Canada's largest emitter of greenhouse gases was the oil and gas sector, composing of 26% of total emissions or 192 megatonnes (Mt) of carbon dioxide equivalent (Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Economic Sector, 2016). Considering the impact of climate change on ecosystems, economies, and communities, it is essential for Canada to identify which system has the most impact on reducing carbon dioxide emissions (Impacts of Climate Change). There are two systems that we will be analysing ... Show more content on ... But based on the previous analysis, for Canada, the method that can impact carbon dioxide emissions the most is the carbon tax system. A proper carbon tax will deter fossil fuels and encourage clean energy (Carbon Tax or Cap–and–Trade?, 2014). The carbon tax will provide a predictable price for carbon dioxide emissions for Canadians. As well, with the carbon tax system, there is more motivation to adhere to regulations because it will become a standard. The revenue generated from the taxation will also assist Canadians by ultimately facilitating greener practices by subsidization and funding environmentally conscious research. Finally, the practicality of reducing emissions under a carbon taxation system is much more functional than the cap–and–trade program. The carbon tax system has been cited to both grow the economy while reducing emissions. That is why a carbon tax system is a superior approach to the experimental cap–and–trade program for reducing emissions and growing the economy (Brander, ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. The Irreversible Rate Of Biodiversity Loss Facing... The irreversible rate of biodiversity loss facing societies and companies is a key environmental challenge. Conservation of bio–diversity is crucial to ensure the continuous supply of ecosystem services such as seed dispersal, nutrients product, waste decomposition and water and nutrients production, which support life and human activities. Other sectors such as farming, forestry, fisheries and tourism may be affected by habitat loss and local ecosystems (Pickering and Hill, 2007). Biodiversity conservation thus ensures the long–term sustainability of the sectors. Activities by some organization can be detrimental to biodiversity. For example, a mining operation that are situated in areas with crucial species' habitats contributes to diversity loss. The studies by Fisher et al. (2011) have documented the impact of logging and timber operations on biodiversity. The government should impose increased taxes and levies on companies that pollute the environment. Government taking action against pollution The UK government has continually taken action against environmental challenges through policies and enforcement of laws. For example, on July 16th, 2015, the European Parliament 's Environment Committee voted in support of a broad measure to fight air pollution and strengthen laws to reduce emissions for member states. A report that came out the same period showed that the death rate caused by air pollution was at 10, 000 per year – twice the rate that was previously known ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. A Federal Law: The Clean Air Act A federal law known as "The Clean Air Act" is intended to protect the environment from air pollution and its effect on human health (UCSUSA). This act is enforced by creating direct commands to firms know as standards, these standards are able to reduce emissions, by requiring people to do things that result in less pollution. For example, one way pollution can be reduced is through public transportation, which saves money and energy. Four standards that can be used are ambient standards, emission standards, input standards, and a technology standards. These control standards can be evaluated to see which is more effective, this is done by comparing three things, which are technological improvement incentives, technological feasibility and ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Fuel for Thought Essay Fuel for Thought Should our government regulate the fuel economies of our automobiles or should this be left up to the market? The Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency (CAFE) standards that were implemented in the 1970s contributed to great improvements in vehicle fuel economies. While we have environmental and political reasons to want cars with better fuel efficiency, there are also costs involved. The declining fuel economies of the last fifteen years seem to reveal that many Americans are not willing to bear these costs. Still, the vehicles that we drive today may be a misrepresentation of our true values. We may value environmental quality and/or independence from foreign oil, but sometimes our individual ... Show more content on ... The huge number of SUV drivers probably influenced Congress's decisionto reject a proposal for new CAFE standards, in 2003. The plan "wouldhave required the auto industry to produce a fleet of cars, trucks and sportutility vehicles that averaged 36 miles per gallon by2015"(Mateja, F8). There are three main reasons for the desire to increase vehicle fuel efficiency. First, the United States does not want to be dependent on foreign oil in case of wars or other conflicts. Furthermore, oil is a limited resource. As Steven Plotkin points out, "Light–duty vehicles...account for about 40 percent of U.S. oil consumption" (25). While estimates vary on how long oil will last, no on argues that it can last forever. Whatever cuts we make in energy use today can help ensure a better future. Finally, a car that consumes more fuel per mile will produce morepollution than another, assuming they both travel the same distance and arein similar mechanical conditions. U.S. citizens have become increasinglyconcerned about smog and the possibility of global warming. As majorusers ofenergy and producers of pollution, our vehicles are good candidatesfor reform. The CAFÉ standards helped to promote technological change, specifically improved engines and computerized controls ("Another Cup...", 1), but there are also other ideas for reducing gasoline consumption. One idea is to increase fuel taxes. Increasing fuel prices would decrease driving and ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Volkswagen Cause And Effects CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF VOLKSWAGEN COURT SETTLEMENT Although many individuals are unaware of the TDI diesel emissions court settlement between Volkswagen and their customers; there are two causes and several effects. John German discovered the Volkswagen emissions scandal. It turns out that, the lawsuit came about due to cheating software that Volkswagen installed in their 2.0 and 3.0–liter diesel vehicles. In turn, a few effects of the cheating software resulted in a 14.7 billion dollar lawsuit between Volkswagen and their buyers, disappointed customers, and huge inconveniences (Bartlett,2017). Due to the software installed in TDI diesel vehicles, there are up to 11 million vehicles affected. In May of 2014, John German discovered, and went public about the Volkswagen emissions scandal (Kretchmer, 2015). John German is a senior co–lead for the International Council on Clean Transportation. Mr. German has worked for the Washington–based Environmental Protection Agency for 13 years, which indicates that he knows what the requirements and enforcement are. German partnered with West Virginia University and conducted the ICCT study. During the ICCT study, German noticed detrimental nitrogen oxide emission levels; which leads him to think Volkswagen diesel cars were malfunctioning. German felt vehicles were malfunctioning because they were passing emissions testing, yet the vehicles had up to 35 times permitted levels of nitrogen oxide. ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Emission Standards of the Diesel Engine Diesel engines began to be used in automobiles in the 1930s. They are used in many trucks, ships, buses and small passenger cars in Europe right now.[1] Many believe that diesel engine are heavier, noisier and generate black smock when running. However, diesel engine's unique advantages can make them the engine of the future for vehicles. And with much more stringent standard to take effect in the future, diesel engine's emissions and control technologies are still very much in the forefront. This paper will cover the developments in diesel vehicles emission regulation and control technology for NOx, particulate matter (PM) for diesel vehicles. Regulation Right now there are two kinds of emission standard in US. One of them is federal standards established by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and another is California standards. Since the State of California are facing more severe air pollutant problem than most of other state, they choose to adopt its own emission regulations. The California Air Resources Board (ARB) establish engine and vehicle emission regulations that are often more stringent than the federal rules. Other states can make their own decision to either implement the federal emission standards or to use California requirements. After the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) on 1990, two sets of standards have been defined for light–duty vehicles. Tier I standard was published in 1991 and was phased–in between 1994 and 1997. Tier II standard was ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Environmental Policy in the European Union 1. INTRODUCTION In last decade we can notice a trend of constant growth of environmental pollution in Europe and also elsewhere in the world. Every year European Union produces around 2 billion tone of waste materials and the number is getting 10% bigger every year. There is also a constant increase of carbon dioxide emissions that are a result of increasing consumption of energy and cars. Majority of European Union members is fighting with utmost and more and more frequent weather conditions, heat waves and floods, that have disastrous outcomes – economic and also for people. Climate changes have influence on the environment and our everyday lives. Nineties were the most warm decade of century across the globe. Because of all ... Show more content on ... The reason for that was, that at that time the environmental awareness was still on a really low level all around the world. In 1960 none of the European members had a clearly defined environmental policy of their own. Until 1987 the environment was not a priority for European Community. Certain environment protection laws were adopted which were supposed to release trading barriers. This laws were intended only for individual domains – radiation, vehicle gases, packaging and labeling chemicals and so on. Care about protecting an environment somewhat increased in seventies. In year 1972 the accelerated activities of European Community began with four action programmes. These were based on vertical and sectoral approach concerning ecological problems. In July 1972 the first Environmental Action Programme (EAP) covering the period 1973–1976 was adopted at the Paris Summit of the Head of States and Government. Basics of European Union environmental policy were that special attention would be devoted to protection of environment in frame of economic development and improvement of life. In 1973 the Environment & Consumer Protection Committee DGIII and the Committee on the Environment in the European Parliament were instituted. Second Environmental action programme followed in 1977 and ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. American Recovery And Reinvestment Act ( Arra ) Essay III. Case of Other Countries (1) The U.S. The U.S. submitted its INDC to achieve an economy–wide target of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 26%–28% below its 2005 level by 2025. With this plan, the U.S. has several laws related to its environmental policies. Among them, these are main four Acts (Korea Institute of Energy Research [KIER], 2016a): The Energy Policy Act established in 1992 was to secure energy security and revised in 2005 to decrease the reliance on oil and coal energy; The Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) legislated in 2007 due to the necessity for energy independence caused by the unstable Middle East and high oil prices, so President Bush announced the 'Twenty in Ten Initiative ' that aimed to reduce 20% of the gasoline consumption by 2017; The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) was enacted in 2009 as one of the reflationary measures, and this included $8.5 billion investment for energy–related policies; The Clean Air Act (CAA), made in 1970, regulated the atmospheric pollution sources and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) used CAA to restrict the greenhouse gas. In 2013, the Obama Administration issued the Climate Action Plan to focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 17 % reduction below 2005 levels by 2020. This plan's three objectives were carbon reduction, strengthening capacity for climate change response, and leading international cooperation for climate change crisis (White House, 2013). To reduce the ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Essay Canada´s New Democratic Party Did you know that the current leader of the New Democratic Party used to be a Liberal? Thomas Mulcair became the leader of the New Democratic Party after the death of Jack Layton. The New Democratic Party (NDP) is one of the major federal political parties in Canada. The NDP was formed in 1961 as the result of the merger of two different parties. There are numerous reasons why the people of Canada should vote for the NDP. Citizens of Canada should vote for the New Democratic Party because if elected, they promise to improve the environmental situation, provide better health care for Canadians, and improve the economy in Canada. The New Democratic Party promises to improve the environmental situation that we are currently living in. Our ... Show more content on ... Bulk fresh water exports from Canada will be eliminated to keep the fresh water plentiful in Canada, and keep it from depleting rapidly. If the New Democratic Party gains power, they are going to make the health care in Canada better for citizens. Health care is definitely a very important factor in keeping everyone in Canada happy and healthy. Without healthcare, we will get sick more frequently, and not going to regular checkups will make diseases more likely to affect us negatively. The NDP is proposing to end the fees for ambulance services. This will make people more likely to call an ambulance instead of taking a chance of driving themselves. This could save lives because ambulances are much faster than driving yourself in a car because people are required by law to move out of the way of an incoming ambulance on the road. The NDP is saying to give seniors the support they need to live in their own homes instead of being forced to move to an old age home when they get to old to care for themselves or when loved ones and family can no longer care for them. If they get support in their homes, they will not need to go through the stress of moving to a different environment in their late age. If they reduce their stress to as little as possible, they will be more prone to a longer life span. The NDP is promising a fifty percent increase in the number of doctors and nurses being trained each year, so that there is more available in hospitals and emergency ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. The Aviation Industry Impact The Environment One of the first things to know about the way the aviation industry impacts the environment is it is different from other sources of emissions. According to a FAA report, aircraft's btu/passenger mile (energy intensity) is 2,654 in 2012. This is an 24.3% improvement from the 3,505 btu/passenger miles in 2004. It is also improving faster compared to automobiles btu/passenger mile of 8.8% improvement (FAA, 2015). In aviation, most of its pollutants are distributed at high altitudes. However, this can still be hazardous to the environment because aircraft emissions above 3,000 feet can cause up to five times more health impacts than emissions below 3,000 (Steven Barrett, Ian A. Waitz, 2009–2010). A widely studied area in the impacts aviation has is researching air quality. There are two areas which have been getting a lot of attention and becoming more important relating to air quality. The first area is known as fine particulate matter (PM). PM is known as an air pollutant containing tiny particles floating in the air, sometimes creating a foggy, hazy look in the air. Compared to NOx, another compound found in emissions, PM is known to be a greater impact (Waitz, Townsend, Cutcher–Gershenfeld, Greitzer, Kerrebrock, 2004). One challenge the aviation industry is trying to overcome is measuring the PM caused by aircraft and PM caused by outside factors non–aviation related. There are currently no uniformly accepted methods for measuring both the PM and PM precursors from ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Global Competitiveness Of The Auto Industry Automotive Industry Most people drive a car every day, some have driven one their whole life, but what do we know of the automotive industry? It will be the goal of this paper to discuss four different environment challenges of the automotive industry. What is the global competitiveness of the auto industry? What new technologies are coming out to push the industry into a newer and newer high–tech world? Do vehicles cause environmental concerns, and what does the government have to say about it? What are the opinions of the consumers about the vehicles they buy? What is the global competitiveness of the auto industry? There are six main manufactures of vehicles today. The six main manufactures are Toyota, Volkswagen, Daimler, Ford, Honda, GM. The fight is real, in one article the writer says this, "Japanese automakers Toyota (TM) and Honda (HMC) have among the highest margins in the business at 13.8% and 13.1%, respectively. In contrast, General Motors (GM) has a relatively lower margin of 8.5%. Ford (F) has an EBITDA margin of 8.2%." (Kallstrom) These margins of profit are where there at because of competition. Kallstrom later writes competition makes it difficult to pass the raw material prices onto the customer. Also, with every changing standards on safety and emissions auto industries need to stay up to date to say in the game. What new technologies are in the automotive industry? In Forbes magazine an article was written about the next big advancements in car ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Fuel Efficiency Regulations And The American Automotive... Fuel Efficiency Regulations and the American Automotive Industry In conversations globally the environment is a hot topic. Issues with the ozone layer, depleting natural resources, and health risks associated with emissions and changes in climate coupled with its resulting natural disasters; have pushed conservation issues into the spotlight. The environmental issues presented today are not the result of one country, one type, or one–industry actions but a communal failure of a mixture of several. With that said many countries and industries are going through policy changes to combat environmental issues that will hopefully benefit the environment, the consumer, and industries. One industry that is currently undergoing environmental challenges that call for changes is the American Automotive Industry. Vehicle emissions are a major contributor to the issue of global warming. When speaking of emissions we are referring to the amount of carbon dioxide and other gaseous chemicals that are released into the atmosphere. The release of these gasses creates respiratory issues in the populace, as well as creates thinning (and eventually holes) in our ozone layer. These gases are expelled from vehicles when fuel is burned; the greater the fuel usage of a vehicle the more it burns off into the atmosphere. The American Auto Industry, in the form of vehicles it produces, account for almost one–fifth of emissions in the United States. Subtracting emissions created from production, ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Passive And Eco Friendly Housing Introduction Passive and eco–friendly housing is becoming increasingly popular, and as more and more structures arise, learning provides scope for innovation, further cost saving and optimization. The rise of passive housing could have a possible impact on Global warming, an increasingly important topic, as housing contributes vastly to the cause: in 2009 buildings accounted for 43% of all the UK's carbon emissions ( Therefore, the UK Government aimed to reduce the UK's greenhouse gas emission by at least 80% by 2050. To meet this target this could be achieved by moving to a more energy efficient, low–carbon economy. It would also help the UK become less reliant on imported fossil fuels and less exposed to higher energy prices in the future. Undoubtedly, some may have chosen to pursue a passive house as a way to protect the environment. Yet, at an individual level, the marginal benefit to society of extra investment is often considered as small compared to (in some cases) markedly increased costs. The important question, which will ultimately determine if passive housing will become a valid option for masses, is whether the additional spending is justified economically. The long term benefits of cost saving are visible (Passpedia (2015) Are Passive Houses cost–effective?), yet the marginal returns are decreasing. Therefore, Is the Passivhaus standard a cost effective way of achieving the UK CO2 emissions reduction target for new housing in practice?". This research ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. The California High Speed Rail Authority Greenhouse Gas Reduction The California High Speed Rail Authority Claims about the systems environmental benefits are greatly overstated. As per Due Diligence Report, California HSR will cause very little reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions (CO2). The California Air Resources Board forecasts that the HSR would reduce CO2 emissions equal to only 1.5% of the current state objective. On the other hand the California High Speed Rail Authority has made an exaggerated claim of achieving "almost 50%" of the state objective. McKinsey report indicated that the CO2 emission reductions in the United States can be achieved for about $50 per ton. On comparison, the cost per ton of CO2 emission removal by HSR is very high ranging between 39 and 201 times the IPCC ceiling of $50. So it can be understood that the impact of High Speed Rail on CO2 would be inconsequential and exorbitantly costly. Hence, the CO2 emission reduction due to high speed rail cannot be legitimately included as an element of a rational strategy for reducing GHG emissions. Considering the untenable traffic impact projections, California High Speed Rail Authority's claims are considered specious. To attain more liability to the claims of the authority, an independent assessment of HSR's CO2 impacts should be made, including both operations and construction. The critics state that the California High Speed Rail Authority should stop making any statements about CO2 or other air quality impacts until such an ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Epa 's Clean Power Plan Memorandum From Harshit Jayaswal Date October 07, 2015 Subject Briefings on EPA's Clean Power Plan: How state emission budgets were established, and legal (reasonableness and fairness) issues. This memo is my interpretation on the readings of EPA's clean power plan specific to how state budgets where established and legal issues emphasizing the fairness and reasonableness towards the states. 1.0 Overview The clean power plan was adopted by the EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) on August 03, 2015 to regulate carbon emissions from existing power plants. Under the Supreme Court decision in Massachusetts v. EPA , greenhouse gases meet the definition of air pollutants under the Clean Air Act, implying they need to be controlled, if ... Show more content on ... It is determined to reduce carbon emissions from the power sector 32 % of 2005 levels by 2030. The primary objective of the clean power plan is to establish unique emission rate goals and mass equivalents for each individual state to reach this target. 2.0 How state emission budgets where established The clean Air Act under the section 111(d) creates a partnership between EPA, states, tribes and U.S. territories with EPA setting a goal and states and tribes choosing how they will meet it. EPA is defining interim and final CO2 emission performance rates for two subcategories of fossil fuel–fired electric generating units (EGU's): 1. 1,305 lbs/MWh for existing fossil fuel–fired electric steam generating units (generally, coal fired power plants) 2. 771 lbs/MWh for existing natural gas combined cycle units EPA has also established statewide interim and final goals in 2 forms to give a wide range of choices for states in implementing these standards like: 1. A rate–based state goal measured in pounds per megawatt hour (lb/MWh); 2. A mass–based state goal measured in total short tons of CO2 States then have to develop and implement plans for power plants in their state either individually, in group or by applying other measures to meet with the interim reduction goals in between 2022– 2029 and final goal by 2030.
  • 57. 2.1 BSER: Best system of emissions reduction The basis for the emissions reductions in the EPA's proposed rule is a review of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Accg399 Case Assignment, Session One, 2013, Quality... ACCG399 Case Assignment, Session one, 2013, Quality Equipment Hire Ltd. (QEH) ACTIVITY 1 – Briefly discuss the 4 different methods of determining Scope 1 Emissions and why the first method is most appropriate for QEH. An organisation should calculate the direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the emissions sources associated with its boundary. Greenhouse gas emissions from scope 1 and scope 2 emissions sources should be calculated in accordance with the methods and guidance provided in the NGER (Measurement) Determination. Scope 1 emissions a reporting company's direct emissions. Direct GHG emissions occurring from sources that are owned or controlled by the company (ie, sources within the organisational ... Show more content on ... Why the first method is most appropriate for QEH Method one is appropriate for QEH because the source of the emission is fuel combustion which is homogenous across the organisation. QEH is using liquid and solid fuel in their transport, which have homogenous source. Emission by this method is easily estimated by referring to reportable data on fossil fuel consumption. The volume of consumed fuel in tones can be easily determined which are used in this method to calculate emitted carbon dioxide. Chemical properties of fossil fuels used in vehicles is uniform and can be easily determined using the tools provided in the method. If there are many types of emission sources available then methods 2,3 and 4 will give the perfect results in calculating the emissions. The range of emission sources covered in the determination includes the combustion of fuels for energy, fugitive emissions from the extraction of coal, oil and gas, industrial processes (such as producing cement and steel) and waste management ACTIVITIES 2 – Briefly explain Scope 2 emissions and how Scope 2 emissions from electricity purchased from the main electricity grid in NSW, Victoria and Queensland are calculated. In the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, Scope 2 covers "emissions from the generation of purchased electricity consumed by the company." Purchased electricity is defined as electricity that is purchased or otherwise brought into the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. How To Prevent Global Warming In Canada Global warming is a concern to everybody in Canada. Unless Canadians act now, the problems will increase and become a massive controversy for future generations. Shocking to say,but, Canada has about 0.5 percent of the world's population, but yet contributes to about 2 percent of the total greenhouse gas emissions. Along with that, in 2005, Canadians emitted about 747 megatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent of greenhouse gas emissions. As a result of Canadians' actions, Canada is facing shifting rainfall patterns, rising temperatures, increases in certain types of hazardous weather like heat waves, and the polar ice caps are melting, resulting in habitat loss for animals such as polar bears. Although, there are simple ways Canadians can prevent ... Show more content on ... This would be a considerable way to lessen the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere. When fuel is burned, sulphur combines with oxygen which construct emissions that contribute to decreased air quality and have negative environmental effects. The government of Canada says they would reduce the average sulphur content in gasoline by nearly 70 percent. This means there would be reductions in air pollutant emissions from vehicles. By obtaining a car that is well suited for the person and is eco–friendly, is one thing that makes a great difference in reducing the effects of global warming. Generally speaking, Canadians need to take major action now in order to lessen the effects of global warming. In the first place, Canadians are capable of saving energy from their own home. In addition to that, Canadians are capable of researching about where their food comes from. Furthermore, the Canadian government is adept of making strict greenhouse gas emission regulations on cars. It is important to act now and help save the planet before it is too late and suffer through the harsh ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Ethical Behavior Of The Volkswagen Group Singapore Institute of Technology Career & Professional Development SIE2901 Individual Assignment Submitted By: Hasif bin Zailani (14SSI018B) Summary of Discussion The paper exemplifies the unethical behavior of the Volkswagen Group. The poor decision–making from the top executives caused the engineers to suffer as they questioned their own moral principles. It resulted in the engineers' failure to meet the standard set out by the Statement of Ethical Principles. Finally, the paper discusses what engineers could have done despite the constraints the engineers of Volkswagen might have been under. Background of Incident In September 2015, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found "defeat device" installed in Volkswagen vehicles sold in the United States (US), which resulted in violating the Clean Air Act. This device was installed in the diesel engines of the cars. It had the capability to not only detect when the car was being tested for emissions, but to improve emission results in order to pass emission standards in the US. As a result, EPA issued a Notice of Violation to Volkswagen. The "defeat device" installed within the engines of the vehicles contained a program that ... Show more content on ... They were tasked to do something despicable or would probably have been laid off. It was a difficult decision made by the engineers to carry on with the design and implementation of the "defeat device". The engineers of Volkswagen were just carrying out their duty to the company [4], doing anything they could to bring back the paycheck at the end of the month so that they could feed their families. For better or for worse, the engineers however should have voiced out their opinions about the implementation of such a device. The engineers knew how it would affect the health of the public and knew that in doing so, they would be breaching the Statement of Ethical ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Global Climate Changes And Its Effect On Our Business INTRODUCTION: As a fast growing and large, UK based, food retailer, we sell products sourced from the UK, and internationally such as China and Russia. Therefore, global climate changes give very significant impact on our business: possibly huge losses without proper future planning. Thus, building sustainability as a core part of our business practices is crucial to minimise risk of losses and keep our shareholders feel ecstatic. The world agree that the carbon taxes will be imposed in response to climate change. According to world bank (2013), carbon taxes is a form of tax that explicitly and directly link to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The main pressures of carbon tax are to ensure every emitter are taking responsibility of their carbon emissions and force them to shift to green production techniques. The concept is costs and selling prices of products with high associated carbon emissions will increase thus, affect profitability of businesses (Berners–Lee 2015). Evidently, this carbon taxes are not in line with shareholder interests as its costs money. Hence, discussion about strategic planning and actions of how to reduce carbon emissions practices are required ahead of time to create the most values for our shareholders and other stakeholders. Leadership actions in Supply chains One solution that companies have been trying to response to the climate changes problems while making stakeholders happy is through mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Vehicular Emissions and Air Quality Standards in Nigeria European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450–216X Vol.34 No.4 (2009), pp.550–560 © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2009 Vehicular Emissions and Air Quality Standards in Nigeria F. I. Abam Department of Mechanical Engineering, Cross River University of Technology P.M.B 1123. Calabar, Nigeria E–mail: Tel: +2348054383418 G. O. Unachukwu National Centre for Energy Research and Development University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nigeria E–mail: Tel: +2348050525033 Abstract This paper reports the results of the investigation of vehicular emissions in selected areas in Calabar Nigeria. Three areas MP1, MP2 , and MP3 were considered with nine sampling points (SP1 – SP9) in ... Show more content on ... An epidemiological study in US has shown that acute exposure to vehicle emissions over ten years period reduces lung function among tunnel officers Evans, (1998). A similar study confirms that there is a prevalence of chronic bronchitis and asthma in street cleaners exposed to vehicle pollutants in concentrations higher than WHO recommended guidelines, thus leading to significant increase in respiratory problems Rachou, (1995). Having viewed these consequences, the need to embark on research of this kind becomes obvious. This research work is intended to investigate the level of vehicular emission and air quality standard in a growing city Calabar, Nigeria. The knowledge from this investigation will assist authority in planning adequate pollution control measures. It is equally hoped that the study will generate interest on further research on the impact of vehicle emission on air quality and health implications in Calabar in particular and Nigeria in general for effective air quality control and management. 1.1. Traffic Emission in Developing Countries In most developing countries of the world vehicular growth has not been checked properly by environmental regulating authorities leading to increase levels of pollution. Traffic emissions contribute about 50–80% of NO2 and CO concentration in developing countries Fu (2001), and Goyal (2006). This situation is alarming and is predicated on the poor economic ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Climate Action Plan For The Uk Greenhouse Gas Emissions B.C. Climate Action Plan The B.C. Climate Action Plan is a comprehensive strategy implemented by the Canadian government with the objective to diminish provincial greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). In 2007, a Throne Speech was given remarking that climate leadership in B.C was illusory and commitment to climate leadership was an imperative component in the future of the province. As such, in 2008, the Climate Action Plan was released with the intent to serve as a guide in helping British Columbia attain a prosperous, green economy. Within the Action Plan, initiatives and approaches are outlined to make B.C carbon neutral by 2010 and move the province closer towards reducing GHG emissions to the target 33 percent in 2020. By 2050, the ... Show more content on ... Chronology 2007 – A speech from the Throne is given outlining the need for climate leadership. In response, 180 municipalities in B.C sign the Charter. 2008– The Climate Action Plan is released along with the enactment of the greenhouse gas legislation. 2009–Federal standards are created for vehicle emissions. 2010– The first progress report is submitted showing all Climate Action commitments are underway or complete. Additionally, B.C becomes the first carbon neutral government in North America. 2011 to 2012– The first interim GHG target reaches 6 percent below 2007 levels. Objectives and Design The B.C. Climate Action Plan has one main objective: to reduce provincial greenhouse gas emissions. This objective takes the form of legislative targets that commit B.C to reduce their emissions and become a carbon neutral province. The Climate Action Plan is comprised of pillars that characterize key tactics that make reaching these goals plausible and realistic. Key Pillars The B.C Climate Action plan has 5 main pillars: 1. Legislated Targets: Entrenched in law, by 2020, B.C is committed to reduce their GHG emissions by 33 percent compared to 2007 levels. Additionally, by 2050, the province has committed to reduce emissions by 80 percent compared to 2007 levels. 2. Key Partnerships: The development of partnerships among nations surface opportunities to capitalize on complementary strengths. As such, B.C has partnered with states ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Fuel Of Diesel Vehicles Today, we live in a world that's vastly interconnected. Something that happens across seas can affect a whole nation, several nations, or even all of them. Recently Volkswagen was put in the hot seat when they were caught imputing software into their diesel vehicles, that makes it show a different emissions output than was accepted by the EPA. They called this device the, "defeat device." Thusly all of their vehicles that were diesel were marketed as low emissions which turned out to be a lie. The article on states, "The engines emitted nitrogen oxide pollutants up to 40 times above what is allowed in the US." This is a huge blow to the company as far as public opinion goes. They lost the trust of millions of people around the world. They have been producing allegedly clean diesel emissions for a long time now and even included that in their advertisements. Because of this scandal they were forced to recall millions of diesel vehicles with this device causing them to lose over $2.5 billion. Their first quarterly loss in the past 15 years. This sounds like a lot of money but the EPA is still considering fining Volkswagen for each car they produced and lied about. The amount they are considering charging them is roughly $37,500 for each car which leads to a maximum fine of $18 billion. That's more than the value of most of the cars, which really shows how seriously they are taking this. Even for a giant like VW that is a massive blow financially. From now on every ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Environmental And Resource Efficiency Improvement Plan Environmental and Resource Efficiency Improvement Plan Introduction The Environmental Resource Efficiency Plan (EREP) program is developed for One Stop Computers (trading for Asia Pacific region) to encourage carbon reduction of their product portfolio, improve the protection of human health and the environment and demonstrate responsibility of safe use of chemicals in the industry. AHM Consultancy is based in Hobart Tasmania and understands the challenges and complexity of creating Environmental Management Plans. We help clients achieve their resource efficiency goals so they can achieve positive environmental outcomes. Our key business areas and specialization: Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Total Quality Management. Causes Equipment Recycling, Consumable Waste and Energy Conservation are all initiatives that should be considered to improve environmental performance and sustainability. Strategies Carbon Footprint Conserve energy, reduce impact and save money. Reducing the emissions intensity of product portfolio (1) by 5% percent by 2020 compared to 2015 (2) levels by: Decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and product transportation (3), improve data centre efficiencies and developing energy–efficient solutions and improved server architecture which consumes up to 89% less energy (4), uses 80% less space (4) and costs 70% less than traditional server environments (5). Recycling and Reuse Easy ways to return and recycle computer equipment and printing supplies. ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The Effects Of Climate Change On The Environment 1.0 Introduction The development of society and economy has caused varieties of environmental problems in the past decades. Carbon dioxide (CO2), the most common greenhouse gases has caused a great impact on climate change, and to reduce the emission of CO2 becomes a worldwide agenda. (Christopher R.I, 2013) While, Buildings, taking up third of the total UK greenhouse gas emissions (CCC, 2014–data/ukemissions–by–sector/buildings/), have a great potential to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and improve the sustainable development in the future. One of the non–neglect issue to reduce the energy use and CO2 emission of building is in the construction phases. The embodied carbon accounting 20–50% of the total ... Show more content on ... (Construction Products Association, 2012) Also cradle to grave assessment can be seen as the most comprehensive assessment, but varieties of assumptions need to be made throughout the long timescales. (Nigel H, 1999) In this essay two data sources are using, one is the inventory of carbon and energy (ICE) which focus on the embodied carbon assessment edited by the BSRIA. However, the boundary of ICE is cradle to gate. The other one is the Environment Agency, it is a tool to calculate the emission of the greenhouse gases in the construction. 3.0 building elements Assume that there is a need for a 10m×10m external wall in Cardiff CF14 3UA. Based on CIBSE guide A (1999) to assess the two typical external walls. Dense concrete walls, 19mm render, 200mm dense concrete block, 25mm polyurethane insulation, 12.5mm plasterboard. And Precast concrete panel walls, 80mm dense concreate, 25mm EPS insulation, 100mm dense concreate, 50mm airspace and 12.5mm plasterboard. These two kind of materials has quite similar thermal performance, the dense concrete has 0.90 u–value, while the precast concrete panel has 0.85 u–value. The embodied carbon calculation seen in Appendices1–2. 4.0 Material assumption. After selected the building element in CIBSE guide, choosing the material of different layer in CCC and ICE. The material in following table ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Emissions Of The MHE ( Kg / Pallet ) EMHE emissions of the MHE (kg/pallet) For VNA, the pallets are removed from the vehicle and placed on the warehouse floor for receiving activities. Then pallets are shipped to the storage station at the end of the rack and stored on the rack. The goods are lifted up to the mezzanine through the pallet gate and then manually stacked on the shelf. All the goods are picked up on pallets in the picking area. The pallets are taken from the picking area to the outbouding area.. However, compared to the WA, VNA is retrieved from the storage area and not from a rack (Fichtinger et al. 2015). For AS / RS operations, it is similar with VNA operations, the pallets are picked up from the vehicles and moved to the end of the rack, then the pallets is ... Show more content on ... The order picker then starts walking through the aisles in the warehouse and retrieves items picking them directly onto a pallet placed on the low–level order picking truck. After all items have been retrieved, he/she returns to the pick station and starts the next order. For VNA it is assumed that storage and retrieval operations are performed using VNA trucks (so called turret trucks). After pallets have been transported to the picking area, order picking is performed manually there Apart from the assumptions already stated, we assume the following hereafter in terms of energy parameters for the simulation study, as summarised in Table 3. Building characteristics are considered in conformance with the literature literature (Rai et al., 2011), assuming a medium envelope insulation level in all warehouses. Lighting parameters are set per Marchant and Baker (2010), UKWA (2010) and CIBSE (2002), assuming the use of T128ft fluorescent lamps in all types of warehouses. It is assumed for the parameter "operating time" that all types of warehouses work 5 days per week and 16 h per day (as indicated as common timings in Baker and Perotti, 2008). Finally, to calculate GHG emissions of warehousing operations based on the integrated inventory and warehouse model, the emission intensity has to be determined. This is usually done by using appropriate conversion factors, which convert various types of fuels into kWh as a standard measure. Based on the kWh value, ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Ethical Challenges Of Volkswagen 3.2.4 Changing company culture Another internal challenge that Volkswagen faces would be changing its complicated company culture which is overly opaque and hierarchical. With many complex layers and processes (McHugh, 2015), this makes it hard for unethical practices to be discovered as seen by Volkswagen deliberately deceiving their consumers. There is another issue of 'culture of arrogance' where the pride and self–regard of many managers regarding the company's engineering ability, leading them to belittle the U.S. government officials' ability to uncover the truth about the fraudulent emissions test results (Levin, 2015). Clearly, Volkswagen would have continued to defraud the customers, had they not been found out recently. This reveals ... Show more content on ... However, it is currently a concept with no plans for production and only possible in the future if Volkswagen has the funds required to carry out the R&D and production. Otherwise, consumers are more likely to prefer the more advanced, efficient and "clean" cars produced by other competitors, limiting the market share for Volkswagen. Thus, the huge cost incurred by Volkswagen is a debilitating factor that prevents it from expanding its production to produce the necessary advanced technology it needs to compete with its competitors. 4.2 Manpower Crunch Looking at their damaged reputation, Volkswagen may face difficulty in hiring people as people might not want to work for a company with a tarnished reputation. Also, the current employees of Volkswagen might start to fear for their prospects and decide to move to greener pastures, leaving Volkswagen with an even greater manpower shortage. With the lack of manpower in the near future, the likelihood of Volkswagen making a comeback is reduced as they would lack both the manpower and talent pool required to expand its operations as well as research on innovative technology needed to compete with its ... Get more on ...