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Real World Cats
- , (~ 2015)
- ? (2016)
Category theory
- ... ! (2017)
Pure functional
- (2018 ~)
, y = f(x)
1. ?
, y = f(x)
1. ?
: 3, 4
." 29
, y = f(x)
2. ?
def factorial(n: Int): Either[String, BigInt] =
if (n < 0) Left("n 0 ")
else if (n == 0) Right(1)
else factorial(n - 1).map(_ * n)
cats .
Either Monadic cats ;-)
— They’re easier to reason about
— They’re easier to combine
— They’re easier to test
— They’re easier to debug
— They’re easier to parallelize
— They are idempotent
— They offer referential transparency
— They are memoizable
— They can be lazy
Book, Functional Programming Simplified - Alvin
— .
(compose), (parallel)
(memoize), (lazy) .
— DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself)
1 - ?
— Scala with Cats15
— , "scala cats" 458,000
2 - ?
— 209
— 3452
— Pull Request 1524 (42 Open, 1482 Closed)
— 1.0.0 .
3 - ecosystem ?
— circe: pure functional JSON library
— doobie: a pure functional JDBC layer for Scala
— finch: Scala combinator library for building Finagle HTTP services
— FS2: compositional, streaming I/O library
— h!p4s: A minimal, idiomatic Scala interface for HTTP
— Monix: high-performance library for composing asynchronous and event-
based programs
31 .
Cats - .
— Typeclass .17
— Datatype ' A' typeclass instance ' A' typeclass .
— ex) Option(datatype) Monad(typeclass) (instance) (pure, flatMap)
— Type classes 30
— Data types
— Instance
— Type classes
— Data types
— Instance
Core .
— Type classes
— Data types
— Instance
— Type classes
— Data types
— Instance
cats .
OptionT EitherT
— Type classes
— Data types
— Instance
Instance Datatype typeclass .
Data type type class .
core datatype core typeclass instance .18
Cats - Monad ?
Monad .
Monad ?
Monad 8
C .
C -> C ,
End(C) . End(C)
, End(C)
. End(C)
C .
Cats - Monad ?
Monad .
flatMap(Monad) .
Cats -
Ordered compare
4 (<, <=, >, >=) .
case class Version(major: Int, minor: Int, patch: Int) extends Ordered[Version] {
def compare(that: Version): Int =
if(major > that.major) 1
else if (major == that.major && minor > that.minor) 1 ...
else -1
Version(1, 11, 1) < Version(1, 1, 1) // false
Version(1, 10, 1) > Version(0, 0, 1) // true
Version(10, 9, 3) <= Version(0, 0, 1) // false
pure flatMap
.( 110 )
— map = pure + flatMap
— ap = flatMap + map
— product = map + ap
— map2 = map + product
def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B] =
flatMap(fa)(f andThen pure)
def ap[A, B](fa: F[A])(ff: F[A => B]): F[B] =
flatMap(fa)(a => map(ff)(f => f(a)))
def product[A, B](fa: F[A], fb: F[B]): F[(A, B)] =
ap(fb)(map(fa)(a => (b: B) => (a, b)))
def map2[A, B, Z](fa: F[A], fb: F[B])(f: (A, B) => Z): F[Z] =
map(product(fa, fb))(f.tupled)
cats ...
" backup slide "
3. cache
4. nullable
100 .
100 API ...
GET /v1/api/items/:id
API 100 .
val itemIds: List[Int]
// API
def findItemById(itemId: Int): Future[Option[Item]]
API 100ms ?
10 ?! .
2 .
100 .
100 10 10
1 .
Reactive Microservices Architecture By Jonas Bonér,
Co-Founder & CTO Lightbend, Inc.
(map) (reduce) .
flatMap traverse .
def flatMap[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B]
def traverse[G[_]: Applicative, A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[F[B]]
Future, Lazy, Parallel traverse
— Traverse
Traverse typeclass .
travese .
— Parallel (parTraverse, parMapN)
cats typeclass .
Scala Future Parallel instance .28
— Scala Future (Eager)
Eager evalution traverse .
— Monix Task (Lazy)
Lazy evaluation traverse .
monix Task parTraverse .
Monix Task .
def findItemById(itemId: Int): Task[Item] // Monix Task
itemIds.traverse(findItemById) // 10
itemIds.parTraverse(findItemById) // 1
10 , 10
- grouped : 10
- foldLeft : List
- flatMap : 10 10
- traverse : 10 .( parTraverse)
val items = itemIds
.grouped(10).toList //
.foldLeft(List.empty[Item].pure[Future]) ((acc, group) =>
acc.flatMap(xs => //
group.traverse(findItemById).map(xs ::: _))) //
val itemIds: List[Int]
// API
def isActiveItem[F[_]](itemId: Int)(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[Boolean]
filter + async
( ) .
// 1. map .
val step1: List[IO[(Int, Boolean)]] = =>
// 2. IO List
val step2: IO[List[(Int, Boolean)]] = step1.sequence
// 3. filter .
val step3: IO[List[(Int, Boolean)]] = => xs.filter(_._2))
// 4. Boolean
val step4: IO[List[Int]] =
filterA .
. . filterA .
import cats.mtl.implicits._
// filterA .
val activeItem: IO[List[Int]] = itemIds.filterA(isActiveItem[IO])
4 step filterA .
FP !!!
def filterA[G[_], A]
(fa: F[A])(f: A => G[Boolean])
(implicit G: Applicative[G]): G[F[A]]
— filterA predicate
A => G[Boolean] .
— G Applicative
Applicative instance List, Future, Option .
— filterA
f: A => Option[Boolean] .
cats 1.x filterA
cats 0.x filterA import
import cats.implicits._ // 0.x
cats 1.x filterA cats-mtl23
import .
libraryDependencies += "org.typelevel" %% "cats-mtl" % "0.2.1"
import cats.mtl.implicits._ // import
3. cache
3. cache
cache .
Cache miss backup .
Problem - .
. .
cache layer .
def fetch[F[_]](id: Int)(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[Option[User]] =
fetchLocalCache(id).flatMap { //local cache
case cached @ Some(_) => F.pure(cached) //
case None => //
fetchRemoteCache(id).flatMap { //remote cache
case cached @ Some(_) => F.pure(cached)// .
case None => fetchDB(id) // DB .
Problem - .
def fetch[F[_]](id: Int)(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[Option[User]] =
fetchLocalCache(id).flatMap { // local cache
case cached @ Some(_) => F.pure(cached) //
case None => //
fetchRemoteCache(id).flatMap { // remote cache
case cached @ Some(_) => F.pure(cached) // .
case None => fetchDB(id) // DB .
Cache miss
cache layer
(pattern) ?
Cache miss
cache layer
(pattern) ?
“pick the first winner” 10
Book, Functional Programming for Mortals with Scalaz - Sam Halliday
- . F[A]
@typeclass trait SemigroupK[F[_]] {
@op("<+>") def combineK[A](x: F[A], y: F[A]): F[A]
- Plus (or as cats have renamed it, SemigroupK) has
"pick the first winner, ignore errors" semantics. Although
it is not expressed in its laws.11
SemigroupK - IO
IO .
// "First" . IO.apply lazy .
val res1 = IO { "First" } <+> IO { "Second" }
res1.unsafeRunSync() // res1: "First"
// "First Error"
"Second" .
val res2 = IO.raiseError(new Exception("First Error")) <+> IO { "Second" }
res2.unsafeRunSync() // res2: "Second"
SemigroupK - Option
Option || .
Some .
1.some <+> none // Some(1)
1.some <+> 2.some // Some(1)
none <+> 2.some // Some(2)
SemigroupK Cache miss
def fetch[F[_]](id: Int)(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[Option[User]] =
fetchLocalCache(id).flatMap { //local cache
case cached @ Some(_) => F.pure(cached) //
case None => //
fetchRemoteCache(id).flatMap { //remote cache
case cached @ Some(_) => F.pure(cached)// .
case None => fetchDB(id) // DB .
SemigroupK Cache miss
FP !!!
def fetch[F[_]: Effect](id: Int): F[Option[User]] = (
OptionT(fetchLocalCache(id)) <+>
OptionT(fetchRemoteCache(id)) <+>
cache layer
cache layer .
3. cache
4. nullable
4. nullable
API null
Future[Option[A]] .
— DB select one
— Cache get
— Http request
Future Option ...
monadic .. ?
4. Future[Option[A]]
order -> user -> address .
Future[Option[A]] for .
for {
orderOption <- findOrder(orderId)
userOption <- orderOption match {
case Some(order) => findUser(order.userId)
case None => Future.successful(None)
address <- userOption match {
case Some(user) => findAddress(
case None => Future.successful(None)
} yield address
4. Monad Transformer Save Us
Monad Transformer .
Monad Transformer datatype .
github ...
Monad transformer ... 19
Monad Transformer ...
Monad Transformer .
Monad Transformer ?
Monad .
flatMap .
Monad Tranformer
Scala with Cats15
5 .
Monad Transformer
WriterT, StateT Monad Transformer OptionT EitherT
.(flatMap )
OptionT = monad tranformer for Option 5
OptionT[F[_], A] is a light wrapper on an F[Option[A]]
EitherT = monad tranformer for Either 6
EitherT[F[_], A, B] is a light wrapper for F[Either[A, B]]
- OptionT
flatMap A => F[Option[A]] Option[A] => F[Option[B]] .
case class OptionT[F[_], A](value: F[Option[A]]) {
def flatMapF[B](f: A => F[Option[B]])(implicit F: Monad[F]): OptionT[F, B] = {
/* : F.flatMap Option[A] => F[Option[B]] .
f A => F[Option[B] .
: Option fn
f Option[A] => F[Option[B]] . */
def fn(fa: Option[A]): F[Option[B]] = fa match {
case Some(v) => f(v)
case None => F.pure[Option[B]](None)
def flatMap[B](f: A => OptionT[F, B])(implicit F: Monad[F]): OptionT[F, B] =
flatMapF(a => f(a).value)
- F[Option[A]] OptionT
for {
orderOption <- findOrder(orderId)
userOption <- orderOption match {
case Some(order) => findUser(order.userId)
case None => Future.successful(None)
addr <- userOption match {
case Some(user) => findAddress(
case None => Future.successful(None)
} yield addr
- F[Option[A]] OptionT
FP !!!
val address = for {
order <- OptionT(findOrder(orderId))
user <- OptionT(findUser(order.userId))
addr <- OptionT(findAddress(
} yield addr
- Future[Option[A]]
A, Option[A], Future[A], Future[Option[A]]
real world .
lift OptionT .
def getUserDevice(userId: String): Future[Option[Device]] = {
val userId = parseUserId(userId) // Option[Long]
val user = findUser(userId) // Future[Option[User]]
val phoneNumber = getPhoneNumber(user) // String
val device = findDevice(phoneNumber) // Future[Device]
- OptionT
- A => Future[Option[B]] ? OptionT !
- A => Option[C] ? OptionT.fromOption[Future] .
- A => D ? OptionT.pure[Future, A] !
- A => Future[E] ? OptionT.liftF .
- Future[Option[A]] !!!!
def findDeviceByUserId(userId: String): Future[Option[Device]] = (for {
userId <- OptionT.fromOption[Future](parseUserId(userId)) // Option[Long]
user <- OptionT(findUser(userId)) // Future[Option[User]]
phone <- OptionT.pure[Future](getPhoneNumber(user)) // String
device <- OptionT.liftF(findDevice(phone)) // Future[Device]
} yield device).value
Learning resources
— ( ) #
Typeclass API
Monoid 7
( : monoid)
map, flatMap
Monad instance monadic
Option, List, Future datatype
map flatMap .
pure, handleError
- monad (pure)
- (handleError)
data type
scala future successful failed recover
twitter future value exception handle
monix task pure onErrorRecover raiseError
! ! !
cats typeclass
— scala.cocurent.Future
— com.twitter.util.Future
— monix.eval.Task
— cats.effect.IO
, scala Future API .
def getItem(id: Long): ScalaFuture[Either[Throwable, ItemDto]] =
if(id < 0) ScalaFuture.successful(
Left(new IllegalArgumentException(s" ID . $id")))
.flatMap(item =>
.map(option =>
Right(ItemDto(,, option))
.recover { case ex: Throwable => Left(ex)}
cats API
def getItem[F[_]](id: Long)
(implicit F: MonadError[F, Throwable]): F[Either[Throwable, ItemDto]] =
if(id < 0) F.pure(
Left(new IllegalArgumentException(s" ID . $id")))
.flatMap(item =>
.map(option =>
Either.right[Throwable, ItemDto](ItemDto(,, option))))
.handleError(ex => Left(ex))
pure, flatMap, map, handleError
cats api .
MonadError instance
monadic data type .
// before - only scala future
def getItem(id: Long): ScalaFuture[Either[Throwable, ItemDto]]
// after
def getItem[F[_]]
(id: Long)(implicit F: MonadError[F, Throwable])
: F[Either[Throwable, ItemDto]]
// getItem .
// ScalaFuture, TwitterFuture MonixTask cats api .
val scalaFuture = getItem[ScalaFuture](10)
val twiiterFuture = getItem[TwitterFuture](10)
val monixTask = getItem[MonixTask](10)
// java completable future
val a = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(10)
// map
val b: CompletableFuture[Int] = a.thenApply(x => x + 10)
// flatMap
val c = b.thenCompose(x => CompletableFuture.completedFuture(x * 10))
thenApply, thenCompose .
- Monad instance
// CompletableFuture instance .
implicit val futureInstance = new Monad[CompletableFuture]
with StackSafeMonad[CompletableFuture] {
def pure[A](x: A): CompletableFuture[A] =
def flatMap[A, B]
(fa: CompletableFuture[A])
(f: A => CompletableFuture[B]): CompletableFuture[B] =
Native API vs Cats API
// Java completable future
val a = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(10)
val b = a.thenApply(x => x + 10)
val c = b.thenCompose(x => CompletableFuture.completedFuture(x * 10))
// Cats monad api
val a2 = 10.pure[CompletableFuture]
val b2 = => x + 10)
val c2 = b2.flatMap(x => (x * 10).pure[CompletableFuture])
Real World Cats
Future, HashMap, HttpServer .
Cats API .
(2015) ...12
Cats - Typeclass
Functor Monad .
trait Functor[F[_]] {
def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]
trait Monad[F[_]] {
def pure[A](a: A): F[A]
def flatMap[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B]
Cats - Data types
OptionT EitherT .
— OptionT = monad tranformer for Option 5
OptionT[F[_], A] is a light wrapper on an F[Option[A]]
— EitherT = monad tranformer for Either 6
EitherT[F[_], A, B] is a lightweight wrapper for F[Either[A, B]]
Cats - Instance
scala stdlib data type cats typeclass instance
// .../cats/instances/all.scala
trait AllInstances
xtends AnyValInstances
with ...
with ListInstances
with MapInstances
with OptionInstances
with OrderInstances
with OrderingInstances
with TupleInstances
with UUIDInstances
with VectorInstances
with ...
cats data type instance
Do It Yourself !
2016 9 25
monad transformer
Monad Transformer
— .
— lift .
— Future[Option[A]] OptionT
3. - Monad Tranformer ?
Monad compose Monad .
Applicative .22
trait Applicative[F[_]] {
def compose[G[_]: Applicative]: Applicative[λ[α => F[G[α]]]] =
new ComposedApplicative[F, G] {
val F = self
val G = Applicative[G]
Monad[Future].compose[Option] // Applicative[Future[Option[α]]]
3. - Monad Tranformer ?
Monad Transformer
Cats Monad
50 XXX2~22 60 110 .
// scala reflection
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
widen, whileM_, whileM, whenA, void, untilM_,
untilM, unlessA, unit, tupleRight, tupleLeft,
replicateA, product, productREval, productR,
productLEval, productL, point, mproduct, map, lift,
iterateWhileM, iterateWhile, iterateUntilM,
iterateUntil, imap, ifM, fproduct, forEffect,
forEffectEval,followedBy, followedByEval, fmap,
flatten, flatTap, compose, composeFunctor,
composeContravariant, composeContravariantMonoidal,
composeApply, as, ap, <*, <*>, *>,
tuple2~22, map2Eval, map2~22, ap2~22
cache miss
import cats.effect.Effect
// local cache
def fetchLocalCache[F[_]] (key: Int)(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[Option[User]]
// remote cache
def fetchRemoteCache[F[_]](key: Int)(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[Option[User]]
// persistence db
def fetchDB[F[_]] (key: Int)(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[Option[User]]

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Real world cats

  • 2. ! - , (~ 2015) ! - ? (2016) Category theory ! - ... ! (2017) Pure functional ! - (2018 ~) ... 2
  • 3. , y = f(x) 1. ? 3
  • 4. , y = f(x) 1. ? : 3, 4 " ." 29 29 %ED%95%A8%EC%88%98#%EB%B6%80%EB%B6%84_%EC%A0%95%EC%9D% 98_%ED%95%A8%EC%88%98_%C2%B7_%EB%8B%A4%EA%B0%80_%ED%95 %A8%EC%88%98 4
  • 5. , y = f(x) ? 2. ? 5
  • 7. def factorial(n: Int): Either[String, BigInt] = if (n < 0) Left("n 0 ") else if (n == 0) Right(1) else factorial(n - 1).map(_ * n) cats . Either Monadic cats ;-) 7
  • 8. + 8
  • 9. 2 — They’re easier to reason about — They’re easier to combine — They’re easier to test — They’re easier to debug — They’re easier to parallelize — They are idempotent — They offer referential transparency — They are memoizable — They can be lazy 2 Book, Functional Programming Simplified - Alvin Alexander 9
  • 10. — . (compose), (parallel) (memoize), (lazy) . — DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself) 10
  • 11. ? 1 - ? — — Scala with Cats15 — , "scala cats" 458,000 15 11
  • 12. ? 2 - ? — 209 — 3452 — Pull Request 1524 (42 Open, 1482 Closed) — 1.0.0 . 12
  • 13. ? 3 - ecosystem ? — circe: pure functional JSON library — doobie: a pure functional JDBC layer for Scala — finch: Scala combinator library for building Finagle HTTP services — FS2: compositional, streaming I/O library — h!p4s: A minimal, idiomatic Scala interface for HTTP — Monix: high-performance library for composing asynchronous and event- based programs 31 . 13
  • 15. Cats — Typeclass .17 — Datatype ' A' typeclass instance ' A' typeclass . — ex) Option(datatype) Monad(typeclass) (instance) (pure, flatMap) . 17 15
  • 16. Cats — Type classes 30 — Data types — Instance 30 16
  • 17. Cats — Type classes — Data types — Instance . ! Core . . 17
  • 18. Cats — Type classes — Data types — Instance 18
  • 19. Cats — Type classes — Data types — Instance cats . OptionT EitherT !! . 19
  • 20. Cats — Type classes — Data types — Instance Instance Datatype typeclass . Data type type class . . core datatype core typeclass instance .18 18 20
  • 21. Cats - Monad ? Monad . Monad ? 21
  • 22. Monad 8 C . C -> C , End(C) . End(C) , End(C) . End(C) C . 8 %EB%AA%A8%EB%82%98%EB%93%9C_(%EB%B2%94% EC%A3%BC%EB%A1%A0) 22
  • 23. Cats - Monad ? Monad . ? flatMap(Monad) . 23
  • 24. Cats - Ordered compare 4 (<, <=, >, >=) . case class Version(major: Int, minor: Int, patch: Int) extends Ordered[Version] { def compare(that: Version): Int = if(major > that.major) 1 else if (major == that.major && minor > that.minor) 1 ... else -1 } Version(1, 11, 1) < Version(1, 1, 1) // false Version(1, 10, 1) > Version(0, 0, 1) // true Version(10, 9, 3) <= Version(0, 0, 1) // false 24
  • 25. Monad . pure flatMap ! .( 110 ) — map = pure + flatMap — ap = flatMap + map — product = map + ap — map2 = map + product 25
  • 26. Monad . def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B] = flatMap(fa)(f andThen pure) def ap[A, B](fa: F[A])(ff: F[A => B]): F[B] = flatMap(fa)(a => map(ff)(f => f(a))) def product[A, B](fa: F[A], fb: F[B]): F[(A, B)] = ap(fb)(map(fa)(a => (b: B) => (a, b))) def map2[A, B, Z](fa: F[A], fb: F[B])(f: (A, B) => Z): F[Z] = map(product(fa, fb))(f.tupled) 26
  • 27. cats ... ... ! " backup slide " Cats 27
  • 29. 1. ! 100 . REST API API 100 API ... GET /v1/api/items/:id API 100 . val itemIds: List[Int] // API def findItemById(itemId: Int): Future[Option[Item]] 29
  • 30. API Problem API 100ms ? 100 10 ?! . ! API ... 2 . ! ! 30
  • 31. Solution 25 100 . 100 DDOS . . 100 10 10 . 1 . ! 25 Reactive Microservices Architecture By Jonas Bonér, Co-Founder & CTO Lightbend, Inc. 31
  • 32. flatMap . traverse (map) (reduce) . flatMap traverse . def flatMap[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B] def traverse[G[_]: Applicative, A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[F[B]] 32
  • 33. Future, Lazy, Parallel traverse — Traverse Traverse typeclass . travese . — Parallel (parTraverse, parMapN) cats typeclass . Scala Future Parallel instance .28 — Scala Future (Eager) Eager evalution traverse . — Monix Task (Lazy) Lazy evaluation traverse . monix Task parTraverse . Monix Task . def findItemById(itemId: Int): Task[Item] // Monix Task itemIds.traverse(findItemById) // 10 itemIds.parTraverse(findItemById) // 1 28 33
  • 34. 10 , 10 API - grouped : 10 - foldLeft : List - flatMap : 10 10 - traverse : 10 .( parTraverse) ! val items = itemIds .grouped(10).toList // .foldLeft(List.empty[Item].pure[Future]) ((acc, group) => acc.flatMap(xs => // group.traverse(findItemById).map(xs ::: _))) // 34
  • 36. 2. Problem ID ID . . val itemIds: List[Int] // API def isActiveItem[F[_]](itemId: Int)(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[Boolean] filter + async 36
  • 37. 2. ( ) . // 1. map . val step1: List[IO[(Int, Boolean)]] = => isActiveItem[IO](itemId).tupleLeft(itemId)) // 2. IO List val step2: IO[List[(Int, Boolean)]] = step1.sequence // 3. filter . val step3: IO[List[(Int, Boolean)]] = => xs.filter(_._2)) // 4. Boolean val step4: IO[List[Int]] = 37
  • 40. filterA . . filterA . import cats.mtl.implicits._ // filterA . val activeItem: IO[List[Int]] = itemIds.filterA(isActiveItem[IO]) 4 step filterA . . ! FP !!! . 40
  • 41. filterA def filterA[G[_], A] (fa: F[A])(f: A => G[Boolean]) (implicit G: Applicative[G]): G[F[A]] — filterA predicate A => G[Boolean] . — G Applicative Applicative instance List, Future, Option . — filterA . f: A => Option[Boolean] . 41
  • 42. cats 1.x filterA cats 0.x filterA import import cats.implicits._ // 0.x cats 1.x filterA cats-mtl23 . import . libraryDependencies += "org.typelevel" %% "cats-mtl" % "0.2.1" import cats.mtl.implicits._ // import 23 core/src/main/scala/cats/mtl/TraverseEmpty.scala#L48 42
  • 44. 3. cache ! cache . Cache miss backup . Problem - . . . . cache layer . def fetch[F[_]](id: Int)(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[Option[User]] = fetchLocalCache(id).flatMap { //local cache case cached @ Some(_) => F.pure(cached) // case None => // fetchRemoteCache(id).flatMap { //remote cache case cached @ Some(_) => F.pure(cached)// . case None => fetchDB(id) // DB . } } 44
  • 45. Problem - . def fetch[F[_]](id: Int)(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[Option[User]] = fetchLocalCache(id).flatMap { // local cache case cached @ Some(_) => F.pure(cached) // case None => // fetchRemoteCache(id).flatMap { // remote cache case cached @ Some(_) => F.pure(cached) // . case None => fetchDB(id) // DB . } } 45
  • 47. Cache miss cache layer (pattern) ? ! !!! SemigroupK “pick the first winner” 10 . 10 Book, Functional Programming for Mortals with Scalaz - Sam Halliday 47
  • 48. SemigroupK - . F[A] @typeclass trait SemigroupK[F[_]] { @op("<+>") def combineK[A](x: F[A], y: F[A]): F[A] } - Plus (or as cats have renamed it, SemigroupK) has "pick the first winner, ignore errors" semantics. Although it is not expressed in its laws.11 11 48
  • 49. SemigroupK - IO IO . . // "First" . IO.apply lazy . val res1 = IO { "First" } <+> IO { "Second" } res1.unsafeRunSync() // res1: "First" // "First Error" ! "Second" . val res2 = IO.raiseError(new Exception("First Error")) <+> IO { "Second" } res2.unsafeRunSync() // res2: "Second" 49
  • 50. SemigroupK - Option Option || . . Some . 1.some <+> none // Some(1) ! 1.some <+> 2.some // Some(1) ! none <+> 2.some // Some(2) " 50
  • 51. SemigroupK Cache miss def fetch[F[_]](id: Int)(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[Option[User]] = fetchLocalCache(id).flatMap { //local cache case cached @ Some(_) => F.pure(cached) // case None => // fetchRemoteCache(id).flatMap { //remote cache case cached @ Some(_) => F.pure(cached)// . case None => fetchDB(id) // DB . } } 51
  • 52. SemigroupK Cache miss . ! FP !!! def fetch[F[_]: Effect](id: Int): F[Option[User]] = ( OptionT(fetchLocalCache(id)) <+> OptionT(fetchRemoteCache(id)) <+> OptionT(fetchDB(id)) ).value cache layer cache layer . 52
  • 54. 4. nullable Problem API null Future[Option[A]] . — DB select one — Cache get — Http request Future Option ... monadic .. ? 54
  • 55. 4. Future[Option[A]] order -> user -> address . Future[Option[A]] for . for { orderOption <- findOrder(orderId) userOption <- orderOption match { case Some(order) => findUser(order.userId) case None => Future.successful(None) } address <- userOption match { case Some(user) => findAddress( case None => Future.successful(None) } } yield address 55
  • 56. 4. Monad Transformer Save Us Monad Transformer . . ! cats Monad Transformer datatype . 56
  • 57. github ... Monad transformer ... 19 Monad Transformer ... Monad Transformer . 19 MonadTransformerSaveUs.scala 57
  • 58. Monad Transformer ? Monad . Monad flatMap . ! Monad Tranformer Monad . Monad Scala with Cats15 5 . ! 15 scala/ 58
  • 59. Monad Transformer WriterT, StateT Monad Transformer OptionT EitherT .(flatMap ) OptionT = monad tranformer for Option 5 OptionT[F[_], A] is a light wrapper on an F[Option[A]] EitherT = monad tranformer for Either 6 EitherT[F[_], A, B] is a light wrapper for F[Either[A, B]] 6 5 59
  • 60. - OptionT flatMap A => F[Option[A]] Option[A] => F[Option[B]] . case class OptionT[F[_], A](value: F[Option[A]]) { def flatMapF[B](f: A => F[Option[B]])(implicit F: Monad[F]): OptionT[F, B] = { /* : F.flatMap Option[A] => F[Option[B]] . f A => F[Option[B] . : Option fn f Option[A] => F[Option[B]] . */ def fn(fa: Option[A]): F[Option[B]] = fa match { case Some(v) => f(v) case None => F.pure[Option[B]](None) } OptionT(F.flatMap(value)(fn)) } def flatMap[B](f: A => OptionT[F, B])(implicit F: Monad[F]): OptionT[F, B] = flatMapF(a => f(a).value) } 60
  • 61. - F[Option[A]] OptionT OptinonT for { orderOption <- findOrder(orderId) userOption <- orderOption match { case Some(order) => findUser(order.userId) case None => Future.successful(None) } addr <- userOption match { case Some(user) => findAddress( case None => Future.successful(None) } } yield addr 61
  • 62. - F[Option[A]] OptionT . ! FP !!! val address = for { order <- OptionT(findOrder(orderId)) user <- OptionT(findUser(order.userId)) addr <- OptionT(findAddress( } yield addr 62
  • 63. - Future[Option[A]] A, Option[A], Future[A], Future[Option[A]] real world . . ! . lift OptionT . def getUserDevice(userId: String): Future[Option[Device]] = { val userId = parseUserId(userId) // Option[Long] val user = findUser(userId) // Future[Option[User]] val phoneNumber = getPhoneNumber(user) // String val device = findDevice(phoneNumber) // Future[Device] device } 63
  • 64. - OptionT - A => Future[Option[B]] ? OptionT ! - A => Option[C] ? OptionT.fromOption[Future] . - A => D ? OptionT.pure[Future, A] ! - A => Future[E] ? OptionT.liftF . - Future[Option[A]] !!!! def findDeviceByUserId(userId: String): Future[Option[Device]] = (for { userId <- OptionT.fromOption[Future](parseUserId(userId)) // Option[Long] user <- OptionT(findUser(userId)) // Future[Option[User]] phone <- OptionT.pure[Future](getPhoneNumber(user)) // String device <- OptionT.liftF(findDevice(phone)) // Future[Device] } yield device).value 64
  • 65. . !" Learning resources — , — — — — ( ) # 65
  • 68. Monoid 7 ( : monoid) , . , . 7 %EB%AA%A8%EB%85%B8%EC%9D%B4%EB%93%9C 68
  • 69. API map, flatMap Monad instance monadic Option, List, Future datatype map flatMap . pure, handleError . - monad (pure) - (handleError) API . . 69
  • 70. API data type scala future successful failed recover twitter future value exception handle monix task pure onErrorRecover raiseError . . API . ! ! ! 70
  • 72. 72
  • 74. cats typeclass — scala.cocurent.Future — com.twitter.util.Future — monix.eval.Task — cats.effect.IO API . 74
  • 75. , scala Future API . def getItem(id: Long): ScalaFuture[Either[Throwable, ItemDto]] = if(id < 0) ScalaFuture.successful( Left(new IllegalArgumentException(s" ID . $id"))) else itemRepository.findById(id) .flatMap(item => optionRepository.findByItemId( .map(option => Right(ItemDto(,, option)) .recover { case ex: Throwable => Left(ex)} 75
  • 76. cats API def getItem[F[_]](id: Long) (implicit F: MonadError[F, Throwable]): F[Either[Throwable, ItemDto]] = if(id < 0) F.pure( Left(new IllegalArgumentException(s" ID . $id"))) else itemRepository[F].findById(id) .flatMap(item => optionRepository[F].findByItemId( .map(option => Either.right[Throwable, ItemDto](ItemDto(,, option)))) .handleError(ex => Left(ex)) pure, flatMap, map, handleError cats api . 76
  • 77. Effect MonadError instance monadic data type . // before - only scala future def getItem(id: Long): ScalaFuture[Either[Throwable, ItemDto]] // after def getItem[F[_]] (id: Long)(implicit F: MonadError[F, Throwable]) : F[Either[Throwable, ItemDto]] // getItem . // ScalaFuture, TwitterFuture MonixTask cats api . val scalaFuture = getItem[ScalaFuture](10) val twiiterFuture = getItem[TwitterFuture](10) val monixTask = getItem[MonixTask](10) 77
  • 78. API CompletableFuture ... // java completable future val a = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(10) // map val b: CompletableFuture[Int] = a.thenApply(x => x + 10) // flatMap val c = b.thenCompose(x => CompletableFuture.completedFuture(x * 10)) 78
  • 80. - Monad instance // CompletableFuture instance . implicit val futureInstance = new Monad[CompletableFuture] with StackSafeMonad[CompletableFuture] { def pure[A](x: A): CompletableFuture[A] = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(x) def flatMap[A, B] (fa: CompletableFuture[A]) (f: A => CompletableFuture[B]): CompletableFuture[B] = fa.thenCompose(f.asJava) } 80
  • 81. Native API vs Cats API . // Java completable future val a = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(10) val b = a.thenApply(x => x + 10) val c = b.thenCompose(x => CompletableFuture.completedFuture(x * 10)) // Cats monad api val a2 = 10.pure[CompletableFuture] val b2 = => x + 10) val c2 = b2.flatMap(x => (x * 10).pure[CompletableFuture]) 81
  • 82. Real World Cats . Future, HashMap, HttpServer . API . Cats API . 82
  • 84. Cats - Typeclass . ! Functor Monad . trait Functor[F[_]] { def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B] } trait Monad[F[_]] { def pure[A](a: A): F[A] def flatMap[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B] } 84
  • 85. Cats - Data types . ! OptionT EitherT . — OptionT = monad tranformer for Option 5 OptionT[F[_], A] is a light wrapper on an F[Option[A]] — EitherT = monad tranformer for Either 6 EitherT[F[_], A, B] is a lightweight wrapper for F[Either[A, B]] 6 5 85
  • 86. Cats - Instance scala stdlib data type cats typeclass instance // .../cats/instances/all.scala trait AllInstances xtends AnyValInstances with ... with ListInstances with MapInstances with OptionInstances with OrderInstances with OrderingInstances with TupleInstances with UUIDInstances with VectorInstances with ... cats data type instance 86
  • 87. Do It Yourself ! monad transformer cats ! 2016 9 25 monad transformer ...20 20 option-future/ 87
  • 88. Monad Transformer — . — lift . — Future[Option[A]] OptionT . 88
  • 89. 3. - Monad Tranformer ? Monad compose Monad . Applicative .22 trait Applicative[F[_]] { def compose[G[_]: Applicative]: Applicative[λ[α => F[G[α]]]] = new ComposedApplicative[F, G] { val F = self val G = Applicative[G] } } Monad[Future].compose[Option] // Applicative[Future[Option[α]]] 22 src/main/scala/cats/Applicative.scala#L88-L92 89
  • 90. 3. - Monad Tranformer ? Future[Option[A]] Monad Monad Transformer .21 21 90
  • 91. Cats Monad 50 XXX2~22 60 110 . // scala reflection import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ typeOf[Monad[Future]] // widen, whileM_, whileM, whenA, void, untilM_, untilM, unlessA, unit, tupleRight, tupleLeft, replicateA, product, productREval, productR, productLEval, productL, point, mproduct, map, lift, iterateWhileM, iterateWhile, iterateUntilM, iterateUntil, imap, ifM, fproduct, forEffect, forEffectEval,followedBy, followedByEval, fmap, flatten, flatTap, compose, composeFunctor, composeContravariant, composeContravariantMonoidal, composeApply, as, ap, <*, <*>, *>, tuple2~22, map2Eval, map2~22, ap2~22 91
  • 92. cache miss import cats.effect.Effect // local cache def fetchLocalCache[F[_]] (key: Int)(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[Option[User]] // remote cache def fetchRemoteCache[F[_]](key: Int)(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[Option[User]] // persistence db def fetchDB[F[_]] (key: Int)(implicit F: Effect[F]): F[Option[User]] 92
  • 93. 93