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Building Reactive Distributed Systems
For Streaming Big Data, Analytics & ML
Helena Edelson @helenaedelson Reactive Summit 2016
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Distributed Systems & Big Data Platform
Engineer, Event-Driven systems, Streaming
Analytics, Machine Learning, Scala
Committer: FiloDB, Spark Cassandra Connector,
Kafka Connect Cassandra
Contributor: Akka (Akka Cluster), prev: Spring
Speaker: Reactive Summit, Kafka Summit, Spark
Summit, Strata, QCon, Scala Days, Philly ETE
I play with big data
and think about FT
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
If you’re here you’ve taken the red pill
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
It’s Not Easy Being…
Globally Distributed
Eventually Consistent
Highly Available
While handling TBs of data
Self Healing
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Massive event spikes & bursty traffic
Fast producers / slow consumers
Network partitioning & out of sync systems
DC down
Failure before commit
DDOS'ing yourself - no backpressure
Lack of graceful lifecycle handling, i.e. data loss
when auto-scaling down
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Beware the C word
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 7
Complexity, or…
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 8
The Real Topic
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
“Everything fails, all the time”
Start with this premise
Build failure, chaos routing
and intelligence into your
platform infrastructure
Be fault proactive vs just
- Werner Vogels
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 10
The matrix is everywhere…
It is a world where humans
vs machines need to be
directly involved in health of
systems, respond to alerts…
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 11
Log analysis tools like
Splunk perpetuate this
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 12
Self Healing, Intelligent Platforms
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 13
Self Healing, Intelligent Platforms
Imagine a world
where engineers designed software
while the machines did triage, failure analysis and
took action to correct failures
and learned from it…
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 14
Alerting and Failure Response
The New Boilerplate
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Building Systems That Learn
You have systems receiving, processing & collecting data. They can provide insight into
trends, patterns, and when they start failing, your monitoring triggers alerts to humans.
1. Automatically route data only to nodes that can process it.
2. Automatically route failure contexts to event streams with ML algorithms to learn:
What is normal?
What is an anomaly?
When these anomalies occur, what are they indicative of?
3. Automate proactive actions when those anomalies bubble up to a fault-aware layer.
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Define Failures vs Error Fault
Tolerance Pathways & Routing
Failures - more network related, connectivity, …
Errors - application errors, user input from REST
requests, config load-time errors…
Escape Loops and Feedback system
Built-in failure detection
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 17
I want to keep all my apps
healthy, handle errors with a
similar strategies, and failures with
a similar strategy…
…and share that data across
datacenters with my multi-dc
aware kernel to build smarter,
automated systems.
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 18
In A Nutshell
Petabytes Multi-DC
Aware Mgmt
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 19
In A Nutshell
Aware Mgmt
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Aware Mgmt
X-DC-Aware Kernel
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 21
I want to
route failure context
(when a node is alive
enough to talk)
to my.failures.fu Kafka topic for
my X-DC kernel to process through
my ML streams
to learn about usage,
traffic, memory patterns and
anomalies, to anticipate failures,
intercept and correct
Without Human Intervention
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 22
Akka Cluster it. The cluster knows
the node is down. Many options/
mechanisms to send/publish failure
metadata to learning streams.
If it’s a network failure and my node can’t
report to the kernel?
Bring it
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 23
I think I’ll start with a
base cluster-aware Akka Extension for
my platform.
Any non-JVM apps can share data
with these via Kafka, ZeroMQ,
Sew easy.
Might sneak it in without a
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 24
Then I can bake my fault tolerance
strategy & route awareness in every
app & node.
And make it know when to use
Kafka and when to use Akka for
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 25
And all logic and flows for graceful handling of
node lifecycle are baked in to the framework too.
Dude, that’s tight.
Graceful Lifecycle
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Akka Cluster
Node-aware cluster membership
Gossip protocol
Status of all member nodes in the ring
Tunable, automatic failure detection
No single point of failure or bottleneck
A level of composability above Actors & Actor
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 27
Akka Cluster has tunable Gossip.I
can partition segments of my node ring
by role, and route data by role or
Tunable Gossip
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 28
Akka Cluster has
AdaptiveLoadBalancing logic.
I can route events away from nodes in trouble and
directed to healthier nodes. Many options, highly
configurable, good granularity.
Cluster Metrics API
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 29
Dynamically Route by Node Health
Cluster Metrics API & AdaptiveLBR
Let’s pummel my cluster
with critical data !
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 30
Dynamically Route by Node Health
Cluster Metrics API & AdaptiveLBR
Oh look,
slow consumers or something in GC
Uses EWMA algo to weight decay of health data
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 31
Dynamically Route by Node Health
Cluster Metrics API & AdaptiveLBR
Cluster leader ‘knew’ the red
node was nearing capacity & routed my
traffic to healthy nodes.
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Reactive - Proactive
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Proactive - Parallelized
Akka Cluster on nodes
Cluster LB routers
Node router Actors
Kafka replication & routing
across datacenters
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 34
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 35
I drank the cool aid,
put on the costume,
now what…
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 36
Embrace Uncertainty
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
So many opportunities for
failure in this statement
Eventually Consistent Across DCs
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 38
there is no now…
Embrace Asynchrony & Location Transparency
…or where
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
There Is No Now
FiloDB Cassandra
Compute Clusters
Analytics/Timeseries/ML Storage Storage Clusters
Raw Event Stream
Event Stream
Akka Cluster-ed
apps, partitioned
by Role=service Raw Event Replay
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 40
FiloDB Cassandra
Compute Clusters
Analytics/Timeseries/ML Storage Storage Clusters
Raw Event Stream
Raw Event Replay
Event Stream
But I Can Replay Future[Then]
Akka Cluster-ed
apps, partitioned
by Role=service
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Replaying Data from Time (T)
General time - We updated some compute
algorithms which run on raw and aggregated
data. I need to replay some datasets against the
updated algos
Specific time - A node crashed or there was a
network partitioning event and we lost data
from T1 to T2. I need to replay from T1 to T2
without having to de-dupe data
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Cassandra Bakes Clustered
Ordering Into Data Model
CREATE TABLE timeseries_t (
id text,
year int,
month int,
day int,
hour int,
PRIMARY KEY ((wsid), year, month, day, hour)
hour DESC);
Now the read path queries automatically return sorted by most
recent. No sorts to do or ordering in your code.
Can also easily bucket in cold storage for faster reads.
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 43
Compute Clusters
Event Stream
Build Apps Not Clusters?
App clusters
Infra clusters
Actors &
Kafka Streams
Actors &
Kafka Streams
Actors &
Kafka Streams
Event Stream
Event Stream
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Kafka Streams Key Features
Secure stream processing using Kafka security
Elastic and highly scalable
Stateful and stateless computations
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Kafka Streams Key Features
Interactive queries
Time Model & Windowing
Supports late-arriving and out-of-order data
Millisecond processing latency
At-least-once processing guarantees
exactly-once is in progress :)
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
val builder = new KStreamBuilder()

// Consume from topic x in the stream, from any or one DC
val kstream: KStream[K,V] =, des, “fu.input.topic")
// Do some analytics computations
// Publish to subscribers in all DCs in the stream“serviceA.questionB.aggregC.topic”, …)
// Start the stream
val streams = new KafkaStreams(builder, props)
// Do some more work then close the stream
Kafka Streams: KStream
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 47
Kafka Streams: KTable
val locations: KTable[UserId, Location] = builder.table(“user-locations-topic”)
val userPrefs: KTable[UserId, Prefs] = builder.table(“user-preferences-topic”)
// Join detailed info from 2 streams as events stream in
val userProfiles: KTable[UserId, UserProfile] =

locations.join(userPrefs, (loc, prefs) -> new UserProfile(loc, prefs))
// Compute statistics
val usersPerRegion: KTable[UserId, Long] = userProfiles
.filter((userId, profile) -> profile.age < 30)
.groupBy((userId, profile) -> profile.location)
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
val streams = new KafkaStreams(builder, props)
// Called when a stream thread abruptly terminates
// due to an uncaught exception.
Kafka Streams DSL Basics
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 49
Integrating Intelligence
For Fast Data and Feedback Loops
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Translation Layer
Compute Clusters
Event Stream
Raw Data
Spark SQL
Spark MLLib
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Translation Layer
Compute Clusters
Event Stream
Raw Data
To Columnar Format
Reads chunks,
translates to spark
Spark MLLib
Spark SQL
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Translation Layer
Compute Clusters
Event Stream
Raw Data
To Columnar Format
Reads chunks,
translates to spark
Spark MLLib
Spark SQL
Ad Hoc
Instead of slowing things
down, it makes it faster.
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 53
Your Akka Cluster got in my
Reactive Distributed Analytics
Walking with a jar of PB as one does…
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
FiloDB: Reactive
Scala & SBT
Spark (also written in scala)
Akka actors & Akka Cluster for Coordinators
Futures for IO
Typesafe Config
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
import filodb.spark._
.foreachRDD { rdd =>
sql.insertIntoFilo(rdd.toDF, “fu_events”, database = Some(“org1Keyspace”))}
Append only, to existing dataset
Write: Kafka, Spark Streaming,
Spark SQL & FiloDB
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Read: FiloDB & Spark SQL
import filodb.spark._
val df1 =“filodb.spark”)
.option(“dataset”, “aggrTable”)
val df2 = sqlContext.filoDataset(“aggrTable”, database = Some(“ks2”))
More typesafe than the
dataframe read (df1)
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 57
Train the
Train on historic data
Based on Objectives
React in real time
Machine Learning
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
What do I want to predict & what can I learn from the data?
Which attributes in datasets are valuable predictors?
Which algorithms will best uncover valuable patterns?
Optimization &
Predictive Models
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 59
I need fast ML feedback loops,
what tools should I pick?
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Read from stored training data
into MLLib
import org.apache.spark.mllib.stat.Statistics
import filodb.spark._
val df = sqlContext.filoDataset(“table”, database = Some(“ks”))
val seriesX =“NumX”).map(_.getInt(0).toDouble)
val seriesY =“NumY”).map(_.getInt(0).toDouble)
val correlation: Double = Statistics.corr(seriesX, seriesY, “pearson”)
Calculate correlation between multiple series of data
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Read from the stream to MLLib
& store for later work in FiloDB
val stream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[..](..)
val trainingData = sqlContext.filoDataset(“trainings_fu")
val model = new StreamingLinearRegressionWithSGD()
.predictOnValues( => (lp.label, lp.features)))
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 62
Parting Thoughts
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Don’t take when someone says X
doesn’t work at face value.
It may not have been the right choice
for their use case
They may not have configured/
deployed/wrote code for it properly for
their load
All technologies are optimized for
a set of things vs every thing
Invest in R&D
Cultivate Skepticism
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
does one thing
knows one thing
Reusable & Extendable
when not final or
private for a reason
Keep Everything Separate
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 65
Did you just duplicate codez?
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit 66
Versus duplicating, with disparate
strategies, all over your teams & orgs
Build A Reactive / Proactive Failure & Chaos
Intelligence System for platform infrastructure
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit
Byzantine Fault Tolerance?
like I'll miss
@helenaedelson #reactivesummit

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