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New Business Opportunities and Customer’s Discovery
May 2013
•  Understand the origin of new business
opportunities: the problems and needs they
•  Understand the importance of exploring the
needs and context of the customer. Acquire
methodologies that allow you to do
exploratory work.
Subjects to be Covered
•  Social contract.
•  Foundations of the Lean
Startup method.
•  What is a relevant problem?
•  Intensity of the Problem.
•  Customer’s pain and the limits
of market research.
•  Ethnography.
•  Types of customers.
•  Who experiences the problem.
•  Customer’s Context.
•  Empathy Map.
•  Importance of the context.
•  Storytelling.
•  What to do with fieldwork
•  Next steps.
Social Contract
•  Listen, be opened to criticism and feedback from clients, facilitators
and consultants.
•  Cooperate with your peers (ask for advice and provide it, support the
access to social networks, etc.). Give without expecting anything in
return in the short run.
•  Do the required work.
•  Dont hide information, be open, transparent and trustworthy.
•  Mistakes are possible, be willing to change your route if there is
enough evidence to support that move. Participar en las
comunidades de aprendizaje.
•  Dare to ask for help (use the learning community).
•  Dare to fail.
There are no
facts inside the
building, so get
Use customer
paired with Lean
3 Failure is a
necessary part
of the journey.
4 Do iterations
and pivot
No business plan
survives the first
contact with the
experiments and
tests to validate
your hipothesis.
Define the
market type: it
Startup metrics
differ from
those of existing
making should
be quick, speed
10 First of all, it
comes passion.
The roles in a
startup differ
from a big
Save all the
capital until you
really need it.
Only then you
can spend.
13 Communicate
and share the
The success of
starts with
build-in support.
Startup Definition
“A startup is an organization formed to search
for a repeatable and scalable business model.”
(Steve Blank)
“A human institution designed to create
something new products and services under
conditions of extreme uncertainty”.
(Eric Ries)
Validated Learning
Is the proccess in which you learn by testing an initial idea and
measure if it achieves the expected results (sales, customer
satisfaction, positive evaluation of the concept, etc.).
Innovation Accountability
Fuente: “Lean Analytics” (Croll
& Yoskovitz)
Minimum Viable Product
“Is that version of a new product which allows a
team to collect the maximum amount of
validated learning about the customers with the
least effort”.
(Eric Ries)
Be aware of the traps in which the
entrepreneur could fell…
The double trap of the interaction with the
customer: not interacting with the customers early
enough, and not approaching their needs. On the
other side, is not in the role of the customer to
innovate for you.
Be aware of the traps in which the
entrepreneur could fell…
Confirmation bias: see what you believe to be true,
and just looking for evidence that supports your
initial beliefs, disregarding opposite evidence.
Be aware of the traps in which the
entrepreneur could fell…
The trap of motivation (falling in love of your
product): not being impartial, just supporting the
Be aware of the traps in which the
entrepreneur could fell…
The trap of overconfidence: Chernobyl case.
Be aware of the traps in which the
entrepreneur could fell…
The trap of familiarity: doing things the same
way over and over again.
How startups are born
“The Lean Startup”, Eric Ries
Business Opportunities have
Multiple Origins: Problem
Business Opportunities have Multiple
Origins: Customer Segment
Business Opportunities have
Multiple Origins: Product
Business Opportunities have
Multiple Origins: Technology
"People don't want to buy a
quarter-inch drill. They want a
quarter-inch hole!”(Theodore
Its not about the product, its
about the jobs they are trying
to get done…
Outstanding companies build upon
great problems
•  The biggest problems are those the humanity
should face and that affect millions of people:
food provision, access to water, infectious
diseases, climate change, clean energy, scarcity
of natural resources, education, etc.
Ramez Naam “The Infiine Resourse: The
power of ideas on a finite planet”
Optimist approach on
how to expand the
limits and solve the
problems that affect
the world: food, water
and energy.
John Doerr: The problem with
A venture capital with a broad
trajectory, who looks to address
the problem of sustainability.
Shark Bite vs. Mosquito Bite
Its better to solve a life or death problem to just
one person, than to solve a very small problem
that affects millions.
Vinod Khosla and thinking big
The venture capitalist
Vinod Khosla, founder of
Khosla Ventures, states
that “any big problem is a
big opportunity. No
p r o b l e m i s n o
Examples of companies that solve
important problems
•  Tesla Motors: oil dependancy.
•  Zip Car: Savings and transport.
•  Kickstarter: funding of creative projects. Kiva:
access to microfinance.
•  Angel List: Access to angel investment.
•  Khan Academy: Learning from distant
•  Airbnb: Lodging.
•  Activity 1 (15 min)
1.  Individually, identify
and describe the
problem you address
or that you are trying
to solve with your
company or business
2.  Then, comment in
groups of 4 people.
Provide feedback and
listen to the advice
given to you.
•  Activity Nº2 (15 min)
1.  Individually, answer the
following questions: In
which other ways are
people solving this
p r o b l e m ? W h a t
alternative solutions are
available? Are this
a l te r n a t i v e s g o o d
enough? What is the
i n t e n s i t y o f t h i s
problem? (Shark or
mosquito bite)
2.  Then, each group should
Not every need can make for a
•  A need can be like a
tourniquet, a matter
of life or death. Or it
can be something
•  It can affect many or
few people.
Not all customers are the same – Cycle of the
Adoption of New Technologies
Activity 3 (15 min)
Individually, list who your
main customers are and
identify which ones are
“early adopters”, those
who experience their
need or problem with a
h i g h e r d e g r e e o f
intensity. Comment.
Empathy Map
How to build it
1.  Define your customer
–  Name
–  Age
–  Personality
–  Other
2.  Build the Map
Drinks for skin health and
beauty based on molecules
extracted from berries and
1. Profile definition
•  Name:
Margarita M.
•  Age:
•  Additional information:
Mother of one child.
Works during the day.
Worried about the well
being of her family.
Definición de
30 a 60 años
Nivel socio-económico medio / medio
Con familia
Jornada laboral demandante
2. Construction of the map
A polluted

Have little
time for

I have little
time for me	

My family
comes first	

I feel

My husband
support me	

tions from my

nts that get
my attention	

You are
getting older	

No time for

ón de
mico medio / medio
Have time for

My family
well beign	

Feeling young	

Looking for
products at

Growing old	

Not finding

Not having
enough time
for herself. 	

Not any
EMPATHY MAP •  Activity 4 (20 min)
1.  Individually, complete the
empathy map of your main
customer segment.
2.  Visualize him or her as an
individual person: what would
her name be, how old she is,
what is her activity and main
3.  If your customer is a
company, think about the
decision maker, the buyer or
the user of the solution
inside the company.
4.  Then present the canvas to
the rest of the group.
Comment and receive
Empathy Map
There are no customers without a
pain to address
The main cause for failure in new
companies is the lack of a real problem
faced by customers willing to pay.
Customer’s pains are the business
•  Each problem or need is a business hypothesis.
The value proposition, to be consistent, should
address this problems or needs.
•  The only way to know if our assumptions are
real, is to get out to the street and meet them.
How to explore and understand
the customer’s needs?
"It's really hard to design
products by focus groups. A
lot of times, people don't
know what they want until
you show it to them.”.
(Steve Jobs)
Traditional Market Research
A big number of products and services that are launched
every yeart fail, even if they invest heavily in market
research, because they dont consider the customer`s
The evidence indicates that entrepreneurs that
understand customers needs have higher chances of
success than those that start just with a technology or
People are not going to ask for something
they don’t know it is tecnically feasible.
Flaws in traditional market
...However, there might be problems without
a current solution
Henry Ford
People usually fail at explaining
their own behaviour.
Flaws in traditional market
At the supermarket
3.  People tend to give answers that they think are expected or that
would please the interviewer.
4.  People when interviewed dont remember emotions or feelings they
experience while using products or services.
5.  The imagination and desires of people respond to their experience, so
they accept the imperfections of the world as normal.
6.  Questions are usually skewed and reflect the assumptions of the
Other flaws...
*Fuente: "Taking and Expanded View of Costumers Needs" (María Flores, Charles Spinosa y Bobby Calder; Marketing Research, Winter 2000)
Some key issues…
•  Avoid doing focus groups or surveys:
–  The surveys assume you already know the questions to
ask: one interview allows to explore subjects that go
beyond your initial understanding.
–  Even worse, the surveys assume that you already know
the right answers.
–  You cannot see a customer during an interview (non
verbal language is important).
–  The focus groups lead to wrong answers: group
“Carefully watch how people live, get an intuitive
sense as to what they might want and then go
with it. Don’t do market research.”
Akio Morita
Movie: “What Women Want”
Importance of the Context
Video BBC
African Mongoose and the rats in Hawaii:
•  Importance of the context.
•  In Hawaii there was a problem with a plague of
•  A predator was brought to the island, the
African Mongoose.
•  As a result: there were two plagues in Hawaii.
Why this happened?
They never met!
Seaweed skin cream
Fast dry floor cleaning wax
Detergent with higher
cleaning power
Activity 5 (25 min)
Individually, explain the
problem that the customer
faces: what happens before,
during and after the problem
arises. Present the problem as
the script of a movie.
U s e t h e fo r m a t o f a
storyboard (look at the next
Then, choose two cases in
each group and present the
story in no more than 5
minutes to the rest of the
Provide and receive feedback.
Example of a Storyboard
Guide for Observation Field Work
•  Field work consists of looking for graphic evidence of
the existence of situations of the need or problem to be
addressed by the solution.
•  Register the situation with videos or pictures.
•  Answer the following questions:
–  What are people doing? Who participates? Where this
situation happens?
–  How they do what they do?
–  Why? What are their motivations? What objectives they try
to achieve?
Why interviewing?
•  To understand the motivations, thoughts and
emotions of the costumer or user. When we
understand their decisions, atittudes and the
reasones they give for what they do, we can
design based on their needs.
How to prepare an interview with
customers – Steps to Follow
1.  Identify customer segments to interview.
2.  Create at least 3 hypothesis of problems that each
segment faces.
3.  Define “how many” and “where”. This is, the number of
the sample and the setting of the interview (we
recommend at last 10 interviews).
4.  Define how you are going to get them.
5.  Make an interview guideline.
6.  Develop the intervies.
7.  Analyze the results.
How to prepare an interview with customers–
Identifying segments and building hypothesis
•  Look for “eary adopters” or “extreme users”,
those customers that confront the problem or
need with bigger intensity.
•  Point out the three main problems that the
customer faces (the hypothesis).
Not all customers are the same–
Hierarchy of customers(S. Blank)
They have a problem.
They are aware of the problem.
They are actively looking for a solution.
They improvised a solution.
They have budget to
adquire a solution.
How to prepare an interview with customers
- How many do we interview?
•  At least 10 interviews.
•  Your not looking for statistical significance,
instead you apply a saturation criteria: you
interview until the results repeat each other.
How to prepare an interview with
customers – Stablish contact
•  Try to find people you don’t know or that are not your
direct relatives or friends.
•  Once you make the first interview, ask the person
interviewed if he can introduce you to other persons
that belong to the customer segment.
•  You can also make calls or write emails to people you
don´t know, introducing yourself, explaining the
purpose of the interview and asking for time.
How to prepare an interview with
customers – The guideline
•  Brainstorm ideas of possible questions.
•  Identify and order the questions in subjects. The
order of the questions should help with the flow of
the interview.
•  Make sure you provide enough space for “Why?”
and follow up questions. Also, have many
questions like “Tell me about the last time that
you _____”, and questions about their feelings
regarding the problem.
How to interview
•  One person at a time.
•  Questions and objectives have to be
prepared beforehand.
•  Separate behavior from feedback on the
product in the discussion (research
actions, not just opinions, and get deep in
the problem.
•  Prepare to listen things that you may not
like (it is not a sale).
•  Ask for total honesty.
•  Make open ended questions (avoid yes/
no questions).
•  Listen, don’t talk too much (follow up on
the subjects that may interest the
customer; short and unskewed questions,
don’t fill up silence).
•  Get deeper (ask “why?” many times).
•  Repeat to confirm (in any important
subject, repeat what the person just
said to confirm or allowing him to
clarify the idea). Agradecer.
•  Ask him to introduce you to more
people for the next interviews.
•  Take notes as soon as possible.
Development of the Interview
For an interview guideline
•  Have an hipothesis about:
–  The problem.
–  How the costumer addresses the problem.
–  The context.
•  Make questions:
–  Do you have this problem?
–  How do you take care of this problem? Have you find
any solution? Are you satisfied with them?
–  When this problem happens? How does it develop?
ROLE PLAYING •  Activity 6 (20 min)
1.  Individually, elaborate the
guideline for an interview,
with questions that follow
the hipothesis to explore
f o r e a c h c u s t o m e r
segment (remember the
previous advice).
2.  Work in groups of 3 people,
where each one is A, B or C.
3.  A should interview B (the
customer). C observes the
interview from outside.
4.  Then, C gives feedback and
they change roles.
Next Steps
•  Do activities of observation of the context were the customer faces
the problem.
•  Expected results: pictures or videos that show the existence of a
problem or need.
•  Do at least 10 interviews with customers.
–  List problem hypothesis for each customer segment.
–  Elaborate a guideline for the interview.
–  Keep record of the interviews and presente results (the hypothesis were
present, not present, or new problems emerge).
•  For the next video pitch you should present:
–  Problem hypothesis for each segment.
–  Results with evidence of the observations and interviews (pictures,
videos and quotes).
What could happen
•  The problem is real and has a huge importance.
•  The problem is not so important to the customer or it
doesnt exist.
•  The problem is seen in other customer segments.
•  Other problems emerge that are bigger to the customer.
You have to verify, not guess, if the customer problem is

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Workshop 2 new business opportunities and customer's discovery

  • 1. New Business Opportunities and Customer’s Discovery May 2013
  • 2. Objectives •  Understand the origin of new business opportunities: the problems and needs they address. •  Understand the importance of exploring the needs and context of the customer. Acquire methodologies that allow you to do exploratory work.
  • 3. Subjects to be Covered •  Social contract. •  Foundations of the Lean Startup method. •  What is a relevant problem? •  Intensity of the Problem. •  Customer’s pain and the limits of market research. •  Ethnography. •  Types of customers. •  Who experiences the problem. •  Customer’s Context. •  Empathy Map. •  Importance of the context. •  Storytelling. •  What to do with fieldwork results. •  Next steps.
  • 4. Social Contract •  Listen, be opened to criticism and feedback from clients, facilitators and consultants. •  Cooperate with your peers (ask for advice and provide it, support the access to social networks, etc.). Give without expecting anything in return in the short run. •  Do the required work. •  Dont hide information, be open, transparent and trustworthy. •  Mistakes are possible, be willing to change your route if there is enough evidence to support that move. Participar en las comunidades de aprendizaje. •  Dare to ask for help (use the learning community). •  Dare to fail.
  • 6. 1 There are no facts inside the building, so get out..
  • 8. 3 Failure is a necessary part of the journey.
  • 9. 4 Do iterations and pivot repetidely.
  • 10. 5 No business plan survives the first contact with the customer.
  • 11. 6 Design experiments and tests to validate your hipothesis.
  • 12. 7 Define the market type: it changes everything.
  • 13. 8 Startup metrics differ from those of existing companies.
  • 15. 10 First of all, it comes passion.
  • 16. 11 The roles in a startup differ from a big company.
  • 17. 12 Save all the capital until you really need it. Only then you can spend.
  • 18. 13 Communicate and share the learnings.
  • 19. The success of customer development starts with build-in support. 14
  • 20. Startup Definition “A startup is an organization formed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.” (Steve Blank) “A human institution designed to create something new products and services under conditions of extreme uncertainty”. (Eric Ries)
  • 21. Validated Learning Is the proccess in which you learn by testing an initial idea and measure if it achieves the expected results (sales, customer satisfaction, positive evaluation of the concept, etc.).
  • 22. Innovation Accountability Fuente: “Lean Analytics” (Croll & Yoskovitz)
  • 23. Minimum Viable Product “Is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about the customers with the least effort”. (Eric Ries)
  • 24. Be aware of the traps in which the entrepreneur could fell… The double trap of the interaction with the customer: not interacting with the customers early enough, and not approaching their needs. On the other side, is not in the role of the customer to innovate for you.
  • 25. Be aware of the traps in which the entrepreneur could fell… Confirmation bias: see what you believe to be true, and just looking for evidence that supports your initial beliefs, disregarding opposite evidence.
  • 26. Be aware of the traps in which the entrepreneur could fell… The trap of motivation (falling in love of your product): not being impartial, just supporting the fans.
  • 27. Be aware of the traps in which the entrepreneur could fell… The trap of overconfidence: Chernobyl case.
  • 28. Be aware of the traps in which the entrepreneur could fell… The trap of familiarity: doing things the same way over and over again.
  • 29. How startups are born “The Lean Startup”, Eric Ries
  • 31. Business Opportunities have Multiple Origins: Customer Segment
  • 34. "People don't want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole!”(Theodore Levitt). Its not about the product, its about the jobs they are trying to get done…
  • 35. Outstanding companies build upon great problems •  The biggest problems are those the humanity should face and that affect millions of people: food provision, access to water, infectious diseases, climate change, clean energy, scarcity of natural resources, education, etc.
  • 36. Ramez Naam “The Infiine Resourse: The power of ideas on a finite planet” Optimist approach on how to expand the limits and solve the problems that affect the world: food, water and energy.
  • 37. John Doerr: The problem with sustainability A venture capital with a broad trajectory, who looks to address the problem of sustainability.
  • 38. Shark Bite vs. Mosquito Bite Its better to solve a life or death problem to just one person, than to solve a very small problem that affects millions.
  • 39. Vinod Khosla and thinking big The venture capitalist Vinod Khosla, founder of Khosla Ventures, states that “any big problem is a big opportunity. No p r o b l e m i s n o opportunity.”
  • 40. Examples of companies that solve important problems •  Tesla Motors: oil dependancy. •  Zip Car: Savings and transport. •  Kickstarter: funding of creative projects. Kiva: access to microfinance. •  Angel List: Access to angel investment. •  Khan Academy: Learning from distant places. •  Airbnb: Lodging.
  • 41. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM •  Activity 1 (15 min) 1.  Individually, identify and describe the problem you address or that you are trying to solve with your company or business idea. 2.  Then, comment in groups of 4 people. Provide feedback and listen to the advice given to you.
  • 42. INTENSITY OF THE PROBLEM •  Activity Nº2 (15 min) 1.  Individually, answer the following questions: In which other ways are people solving this p r o b l e m ? W h a t alternative solutions are available? Are this a l te r n a t i v e s g o o d enough? What is the i n t e n s i t y o f t h i s problem? (Shark or mosquito bite) 2.  Then, each group should comment.
  • 43. Not every need can make for a business •  A need can be like a tourniquet, a matter of life or death. Or it can be something irrelevant. •  It can affect many or few people.
  • 44. Not all customers are the same – Cycle of the Adoption of New Technologies
  • 45. WHO IS YOUR CUSTOMER Activity 3 (15 min) Individually, list who your main customers are and identify which ones are “early adopters”, those who experience their need or problem with a h i g h e r d e g r e e o f intensity. Comment.
  • 47.
  • 48. How to build it 1.  Define your customer –  Name –  Age –  Personality –  Other 2.  Build the Map
  • 49. Cosmetofood Drinks for skin health and beauty based on molecules extracted from berries and grapes..
  • 50. 1. Profile definition •  Name: Margarita M. •  Age: 35 •  Additional information: Mother of one child. Married. Works during the day. Worried about the well being of her family. Definición de Perfil Mujer 30 a 60 años Profesional Nivel socio-económico medio / medio alto Con familia Jornada laboral demandante
  • 51. 2. Construction of the map A polluted planet Have little time for myself I have little time for me My family comes first I feel overwhelmed My husband doesnt support me Recommenda tions from my friends Advertiseme nts that get my attention You are getting older No time for exercising ón de mico medio / medio mandante Have time for herself My family well beign Feeling young Looking for bauty products at the supermarket. Growing old Not finding natural beauty products. Not having enough time for herself. Not any natural products available.
  • 52. 5 2
  • 53.
  • 54. EMPATHY MAP •  Activity 4 (20 min) 1.  Individually, complete the empathy map of your main customer segment. 2.  Visualize him or her as an individual person: what would her name be, how old she is, what is her activity and main features. 3.  If your customer is a company, think about the decision maker, the buyer or the user of the solution inside the company. 4.  Then present the canvas to the rest of the group. Comment and receive feedback.
  • 56. There are no customers without a pain to address The main cause for failure in new companies is the lack of a real problem faced by customers willing to pay.
  • 57. Customer’s pains are the business hipothesis •  Each problem or need is a business hypothesis. The value proposition, to be consistent, should address this problems or needs. •  The only way to know if our assumptions are real, is to get out to the street and meet them.
  • 58. How to explore and understand the customer’s needs?
  • 59. "It's really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them.”. (Steve Jobs)
  • 60. Traditional Market Research A big number of products and services that are launched every yeart fail, even if they invest heavily in market research, because they dont consider the customer`s perspective. The evidence indicates that entrepreneurs that understand customers needs have higher chances of success than those that start just with a technology or product.
  • 61. People are not going to ask for something they don’t know it is tecnically feasible. Flaws in traditional market resarch 1 ...However, there might be problems without a current solution
  • 62. “If  I  had  asked  people  what  they  wanted,  they  would   have  said  faster  horses.” Henry Ford
  • 63. People usually fail at explaining their own behaviour. Flaws in traditional market research 2
  • 65. 3.  People tend to give answers that they think are expected or that would please the interviewer. 4.  People when interviewed dont remember emotions or feelings they experience while using products or services. 5.  The imagination and desires of people respond to their experience, so they accept the imperfections of the world as normal. 6.  Questions are usually skewed and reflect the assumptions of the researcher. Other flaws... *Fuente: "Taking and Expanded View of Costumers Needs" (María Flores, Charles Spinosa y Bobby Calder; Marketing Research, Winter 2000)
  • 66. Some key issues… •  Avoid doing focus groups or surveys: –  The surveys assume you already know the questions to ask: one interview allows to explore subjects that go beyond your initial understanding. –  Even worse, the surveys assume that you already know the right answers. –  You cannot see a customer during an interview (non verbal language is important). –  The focus groups lead to wrong answers: group thinking.
  • 67. “Carefully watch how people live, get an intuitive sense as to what they might want and then go with it. Don’t do market research.” Akio Morita
  • 69.
  • 70. Movie: “What Women Want” (2145,  3845)    
  • 71. Importance of the Context
  • 73. African Mongoose and the rats in Hawaii: •  Importance of the context. •  In Hawaii there was a problem with a plague of rats. •  A predator was brought to the island, the African Mongoose. •  As a result: there were two plagues in Hawaii. Why this happened?
  • 76. Fast dry floor cleaning wax
  • 78. STORYTELLING Activity 5 (25 min) Individually, explain the problem that the customer faces: what happens before, during and after the problem arises. Present the problem as the script of a movie. U s e t h e fo r m a t o f a storyboard (look at the next slide). Then, choose two cases in each group and present the story in no more than 5 minutes to the rest of the group. Provide and receive feedback.
  • 79. Example of a Storyboard
  • 80. Guide for Observation Field Work •  Field work consists of looking for graphic evidence of the existence of situations of the need or problem to be addressed by the solution. •  Register the situation with videos or pictures. •  Answer the following questions: –  What are people doing? Who participates? Where this situation happens? –  How they do what they do? –  Why? What are their motivations? What objectives they try to achieve?
  • 81.
  • 82. Why interviewing? •  To understand the motivations, thoughts and emotions of the costumer or user. When we understand their decisions, atittudes and the reasones they give for what they do, we can design based on their needs.
  • 83. How to prepare an interview with customers – Steps to Follow 1.  Identify customer segments to interview. 2.  Create at least 3 hypothesis of problems that each segment faces. 3.  Define “how many” and “where”. This is, the number of the sample and the setting of the interview (we recommend at last 10 interviews). 4.  Define how you are going to get them. 5.  Make an interview guideline. 6.  Develop the intervies. 7.  Analyze the results.
  • 84. How to prepare an interview with customers– Identifying segments and building hypothesis •  Look for “eary adopters” or “extreme users”, those customers that confront the problem or need with bigger intensity. •  Point out the three main problems that the customer faces (the hypothesis).
  • 85. Not all customers are the same– Hierarchy of customers(S. Blank) They have a problem. They are aware of the problem. They are actively looking for a solution. They improvised a solution. They have budget to adquire a solution. “Early Adopters”!
  • 86. How to prepare an interview with customers - How many do we interview? •  At least 10 interviews. •  Your not looking for statistical significance, instead you apply a saturation criteria: you interview until the results repeat each other.
  • 87. How to prepare an interview with customers – Stablish contact •  Try to find people you don’t know or that are not your direct relatives or friends. •  Once you make the first interview, ask the person interviewed if he can introduce you to other persons that belong to the customer segment. •  You can also make calls or write emails to people you don´t know, introducing yourself, explaining the purpose of the interview and asking for time.
  • 88. How to prepare an interview with customers – The guideline •  Brainstorm ideas of possible questions. •  Identify and order the questions in subjects. The order of the questions should help with the flow of the interview. •  Make sure you provide enough space for “Why?” and follow up questions. Also, have many questions like “Tell me about the last time that you _____”, and questions about their feelings regarding the problem.
  • 89. How to interview •  One person at a time. •  Questions and objectives have to be prepared beforehand. •  Separate behavior from feedback on the product in the discussion (research actions, not just opinions, and get deep in the problem. •  Prepare to listen things that you may not like (it is not a sale). •  Ask for total honesty. •  Make open ended questions (avoid yes/ no questions). •  Listen, don’t talk too much (follow up on the subjects that may interest the customer; short and unskewed questions, don’t fill up silence). •  Get deeper (ask “why?” many times). •  Repeat to confirm (in any important subject, repeat what the person just said to confirm or allowing him to clarify the idea). Agradecer. •  Ask him to introduce you to more people for the next interviews. •  Take notes as soon as possible.
  • 90. Development of the Interview Fuente:  Stanford  D.  School  h<p://­‐content/themes/dschool/method-­‐cards/interview-­‐for-­‐ empathy.pdf  
  • 91. For an interview guideline •  Have an hipothesis about: –  The problem. –  How the costumer addresses the problem. –  The context. •  Make questions: –  Do you have this problem? –  How do you take care of this problem? Have you find any solution? Are you satisfied with them? –  When this problem happens? How does it develop?
  • 92. ROLE PLAYING •  Activity 6 (20 min) 1.  Individually, elaborate the guideline for an interview, with questions that follow the hipothesis to explore f o r e a c h c u s t o m e r segment (remember the previous advice). 2.  Work in groups of 3 people, where each one is A, B or C. 3.  A should interview B (the customer). C observes the interview from outside. 4.  Then, C gives feedback and they change roles.
  • 93. Next Steps •  Do activities of observation of the context were the customer faces the problem. •  Expected results: pictures or videos that show the existence of a problem or need. •  Do at least 10 interviews with customers. –  List problem hypothesis for each customer segment. –  Elaborate a guideline for the interview. –  Keep record of the interviews and presente results (the hypothesis were present, not present, or new problems emerge). •  For the next video pitch you should present: –  Problem hypothesis for each segment. –  Results with evidence of the observations and interviews (pictures, videos and quotes).
  • 94. What could happen •  The problem is real and has a huge importance. •  The problem is not so important to the customer or it doesnt exist. •  The problem is seen in other customer segments. •  Other problems emerge that are bigger to the customer. You have to verify, not guess, if the customer problem is real.