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The ear

    The ear is divided into
      three large parts:
     The external ear
     The middle ear
     The inner ear
The outer ear
          The outer ear comprises the pinna and the
              external auditory rneatus. The outer part of
              this is cartilaginous. The deep part is bony.
          The cartilaginous meatus contains hair follicles
              and glands which secrete wax. The hair
              follicles extend only for a short distance
              into the ear and are not found in the deeper
              parts of the external meatus. The external
              meatus varies in size and form with

          The topography of meatus:
          The middle cranial fossa is above.
          The mastoid bone is behind.
          The joint of the lower jaw is in front
          The parotid gland is below
The Middle Ear
                  The
                  The
                  The mastoid
                   antrum and
The tympanic membrane
            The tympanic membrane consists of
                  three layers — an outer epithelial
                  layer, a middle layer of yellow
                  elastic fibrous tissue and an inner
                  layer of mucous.

            The drum membrane is divided into two
                 parts, the pars tensa (1) and the
                 pars flaccida (2). In the pars
                 flaccida the fibrous layer is
                 absent. This area constitutes only
                 the small uppermost part of the
                 eardrum and is sometimes difficult
                 to see. It is frequently referred to
                 as the attic part of the eardrum;
                 chronic perforations in this area
                 are potentially dangerous, as will
                 be seen later.
The Landmarks of the Eardrum
              The most prominent landmark is the handle
                     of the malleus, seen as a white streak
                     running down to the ap­proximate
                     centre of the drum. At its upper end is
                     a small projection known as the short
              In the drum membrane are two folds
                     stretching anteriorly and posteriorly
                     from the short process. They are
                     known as the anterior and posterior
                     mallear folds and the part of the drum
                     above this level constitutes the pars
              1.     The umbilicus of eardrum
              2.     The Handle of the malleus
              3.     The posterior fold
              4.     The short process of the malleus
              5.     The anterior fold
              6.     The light reflex.
The Tympanum
                  The middle ear can be divided
                   into three portions. The
                   uppermost portion is the attic,
                   the middle portion the
                   mesotympanum, and the
                   lowest portion the
                   hypotympanum. The attic is
                   that part
                   of the middle ear above the
                   level of the mallear folds. It is
                   divided into a number of small
                   pockets by the contained
                   ossicles, their ligaments and
                   mucosal folds. Chronic infection
                   may localize in these spaces. It
                   should be noted that the middle
                   ear extends beyond the limits of
                   the drum.
The Ossicles of the Middle Ear
                  The middle ear is an air­
                       containing space and
                       contains three ossicles:
                       the malleus, incus and
                  The handle of the malleus is
                       firmly embedded in the
                       middle layer of the drum.
                       The stapes footplate
                       occupies the oval window
                       of inner ear
                      The malleus
                      The incus
                      The stapes
                      The eardrum
The Topography of
              The middle cranial fossa – is
              The mastoid bone (the biggest
                cell is known as antrum or
                cave) – is behind
              The inner carotid - is in front of
              The jugular vein – is below
              The eardrum – is the lateral wall
              The medial wall is the wall of the
                inner ear with two windows:
                oval window (connects with
                the stapes) and round
                window (closed by the
                membrane of scala tympany)
The Eustachian tube
             The Eustachian tube connects the
                 tympanum            and        the
                 nasopharynx. It is closed in
                 adults     and      opened      by
                Barometric (to maintain the
                 pressure of air inside the middle
                 ear    and     mastoid     system
                 approximately equal to the
                 external atmospheric pressure)
                To drain the secret from the
                 middle ear to the nasopharynx
                To protect the middle ear from
                 nasopharyngeal infection (due
                 to respiratory epithelium)
The characteristic of the Eustachian
tube in children
                    1. The Eustachian tube
                     is short, straight and
                     wide. It opens in
                     nasopharynx         much
                     below in compare with
                    2. The Eustachian tube is
                     open all time.
                    3. The         respiratory
                     epithelium covered the
                     tube is underdeveloped in
The characteristic of the middle ear
   in newborn
                    1.    There are remainders of
                     the embryonic mixoid tissue in
                     tympanum until 3 years old.
                    2. There is no full ossification
                     of the tympanum walls. So that
                     there are places of contact
                     between mucous membrane of
                     middle ear and dura mater of
                     the brain.
The characteristic of the middle ear
   in newborn
                       The eardrum is more
                        thick than the eardrum
                        in adult. And the angle
                        between the eardrum
                        and the meatus is more
                        sharp so it is much
                        more difficult to look
                        carefully the babies
                       1 – eardrum in adult
                       2 – eardrum in newborn
The characteristic of the mastoid
   bone in newborn
                    There is only one air
                     cell of the mastoid
                     bone in newborn –
                     antrum or the cave.
                     So a newborn can’t
                     suffer from
                     mastoiditis but
                     antritis is a frequent
                     pathology of this
The external nose
               The external nose is supported
                 by bone and cartilage.
               The bony part is formed mainly
                 by the nasal bones on each
                 side, and the frontal process
                 of the maxillary bone.
               The cartilaginous portion is
                 formed by several cartilages
                 which support and give
                 shape to the lower part of
                 the nose and nasal tip.
The nasal cavity
               The nasal cavity is divided
                 by the nasal septum
                 into two parts which
                 have similar anatomical
                 structure but may be
The septum of nasal cavity
              The septum is a structure
                composed partly of
                cartilage and partly of a
              The septum is covered by
                perichondrium where
                there is a cartilage, with
                periosteum where there
                is a bone, and outside
                this with mucous
Septum of nasal cavity
              Nasal septum
               deviation is the
               frequent reason of
               nasal obstruction.
Septum of nasal cavity

                 The lower and anterior
                    area of nasal septum is
                    known as Epistaxis
                    zone or Kisselbach
                    zone. This area from
                    which bleeding
                    commonly occurs in
                    patients due to
                    situation of arteries.
The Lateral Wall of Nasal Cavity
                  On the lateral wall there is a
                     system of ridges known as
                     turbinates, each of which
                     overhangs a groove known
                     as a meatus:
                  1 – inferior
                  2 – middle
                  3 – superior
                  The inferior turbinates forms a
                     bone by itself, the others are
                     the parts of ethmoid bone.
                  Underlying the mucous
                     membrane there is erectile
                     tissue with many venous
                     blood vessels.
The Meatuses of the Nose

                The meatuses of the nose
                  are of importance, since
                  they are the drainage
                  channels of the air
                  sinuses. The
                  appearance of pus in
                  one of the meatuses is
                  of diagnostic
                  importance in infections
                  of the air sinuses
                  opening into particular
The Meatuses of the Nose

                1 – inferior nasal
                2 – common nasal
                3 – middle nasal
                4 – nasal septum
                5 – middle turbinate
                6 – inferior turbinate
The Nasal Functions
              1. Olfaction.
              2. Filtration.
              3.    Humidification and
               warming of the air passing
               to the lung.
              4. Vocal resonance.
              Aesthetic function.
The Nasal Functions
             The functions depend upon the
                mucous membrane with its
                underlying tissues. In certain
                areas such as the turbinates this
                is a complicated structure of
                ciliary    mucous     membrane,
                glands, blood spaces and
                connective tissues based upon
                bone, and is under the control of
                the autonomic nervous system.
                In this way the turbinates act as
                a valve mechanism, enlarging or
                narrowing the air channels and
                so determining the direction of
                the air stream
Ciliary Action
                 Ciliary action is the means by which
                     the mucous membrane
                     cleanses itself and removes
                     unwanted material. By the
                     movement of the cilia a constant
                     streaming of mucus is produced
                     from the nostrils to the pharynx.
                     Any interference with normal
                     action causes unpleasant
                     symptoms. Post-nasal 'drip', or
                     'catarrh', which is so often a
                     cause of complaint, is an
                     expression of the inability of the
                     ciliary mechanism to deal with
                     thickened mucus, which slowly
                     finds its way into the pharynx,
                     where it accumulates. The
                     conditions necessary for
                     efficient ciliary action are mucus
                     of the correct consistency and
                     adequate aeration.
Filtration and Humidification
                  Filtration is effected by the
                   adhesion to the mucous film of dust,
                   bacteria and other particles. These
                   are removed by ciliary action into
                   the pharynx and swallowed with the
                  Humidification. The moistening
                   and warming of the air passing to
                   the lungs is one of the chief
                   functions. Air reaches the lungs at
                   about 30°C and at 75-95% relative
                   humidity. When, during cold
                   weather, the air in a room is heated,
                   the humidity may fall. To increase
                   this humidity to the level necessary
                   for comfort may cause a severe
                   strain on the nasal mechanism.
Olfaction Discharge
              Olfaction as a function may be
                  influenced in various ways.
                  For example, obstruction from
                  inflammation changes may
                  prevent air reaching the
                  olfactory area.
              Sometimes toxic or infective
                  conditions or head injury
                  damage the nerve endings and
                  destroy or alter the sense of
              So if the patient has smell loss he
                  suffer from:
              -   Respiratory hyposmia or
              -   Essential hyposmia.
Vocal Resonance Discharge
             In case of nasal obstruction
                 the vocal resonance nasal
                 function is disturbed. And
                 the voice of patient
                 obtains the nasal
                 intonations or twang.
             There are two kinds of twang:
             1. Closed Twang (due to
                 nasal obstruction)

             2. Opened Twang (due to
                 pathological associated
                 between nasal and oral
                 cavities (cleft palate,
                 palate paralyses)
Deformities of the Nose

Nose is the center of face. The form of the
 external nose influence on the appreciation
 of the appearance
Paranasal sinuses

There are eight air sinuses situated around and near the nasal cavity
    (4 pairs):
1.  Maxillary sinuses
2.  Frontal sinuses
3.  Ethmoidal sinuses (is divided into anterior and posterior)
4.  Sphenoidal sinuses.
Paranasal Sinuses Functions
                Vocal-resonance.
                They are like thermos bottle
                 defend our brain against over
                 high and low temperature.
                They are protect the brain and
                 the eyes at the time of head
                 injury (like air pillow of the
                They are the strong barrier that
                 prevent vitally important
                 structures (cranial cavity and
                 orbita) from the spreading of
                 the infection
Paranasal Sinuses
              The anterior group
             (maxillary, frontal and anterior
               ethmoidal cells) drains into
                 middle meatus
              The posterior group
                (posterior ethmoidal cells
                and sphenoidal sinus) drains
                into the
             superior meatus
              Into the inferior meatus
                drains the naso-lacrimal
Paranasal Sinuses
             It should be noted that,
                while the inferior and
                middle meatuses are
                open at both ends, the
                superior meatus is
                clothed at the anterior
                end. This means that
                pus from the posterior
                group of sinuses will
                not be seen on
                anterior rhinoscopy.
Paranasal Sinuses in Children
                  There is only well
                   developed ethmoidal
                   sinus in newborn. The
                   other sinuses are
                  The development of
                   maxillary sinus comes
                   to the end to 4-5 years
                   of life.
                  The frontal sinus has
                   the longest period of
                   development – until to
                   11-13 years of life
The Pharynx
              The pharynx
                comprises three
                parts — the
                nasopharynx, the
                oropharynx and the
The Pharynx
              The nasopharynx is situated
                 above to a line at the level of the
                 soft palate .
              The oropharynx is situated below
                 this line and extends to the level
                 of the tip of the epiglottis.
              the hypopharynx commences at
                 the level of the tip of the
                 epiglottis and extends to the
                 level of the cricoids' cartilage
The Pharynx
              It has 7 holes to connect with
                  neighboring organs:
               1. Two choanae (with
                  nasal cavity).
               2. Two holes of auditory
                  tube      (with  tympanic
               3.      Throat (with oral
               4. Aperture of larynx.
               5. Aperture of esophagus.
The Nasopharynx
             At the junction of the roof and
                the posterior wall is situated
                the aggregation of lymphoid
                tissue called adenoids or
                pharyngeal tonsil. Anteriorly
                the nasopharynx is in
                continuation with the
                posterior choanae of the
                nose, with the posterior ends
                of the three turbinates on
                each side and the posterior
                edge of the nasal septum in
                the midline On the lateral
                wall there are the openings
                of the Eustachian tubes
                Behind these are the
                aggregation of lymphoid
                tissue called tonsil of torus
The Nasopharynx
                 The pharyngeal
             tonsil often becomes
             overlarge in children
             of 5-6 years old. It
             may block choanae
             and cause nasal
The Oropharynx
                   Nasopharynx and
             oropharynx are separated by
             the strong mobile,
             membranous-muscular soft
             palate. The uvula hangs
             from the soft palate in the
             midline. From the palate
             stretch down on each side
             two folds of mucous
             membrane and muscle to
             meet the side of the tongue.
             These are the pillars of the
             fauces; they are known as
             an anterior and posterior
             palatine arches.
The Oropharynx
            Between the palatine
              arches there are the
              faucial tonsils,
              while below the
              tonsils, into the base
              of the tongue, are
              masses of lymphoid
              tissue which are
              called the lingual
The Oropharynx

            On the posterior wall
             of the oropharynx
             are many little
             aggregations of
             lymphoid tissue
             which are liable, in
             certain conditions, to
             enlarge and become
The Lymphoid Circus Of

It consist of 6 tonsils (3 – in nasopharynx,
    3 – in oropharynx)
 The two faucial (or palatine) tonsils
 The two tonsils of torus tubaris
 The one pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids)
 The one lingual tonsil
The Hypopharynx
            This is the part of the pharynx which lies
                level with the larynx. Between the
                base of tongue and front of the
                epiglottis are found two spaces
                which are known as the valleculae.
                They are divided in the midline by
                the glosso-epiglottic ligament and
                bounded posteriorly by the
                pharyngo-epiglottic ligaments.
                These are folds of mucous
                membrane which are attached to
                the posterior part of the base of the
                epiglottis. Behind these ligaments
                commence the pyrifarm fossae —
                one on each side.
The Hypopharynx
            These are folds of mucous
              membrane which are
              attached to the
              posterior part of the
              base of the epiglottis.
              Behind these ligaments
              commence the pyrifarm
              fossae — one on each
The Larynx
             The larynx consists of a
               cartilaginous framework
               which is bound together
               by ligaments and
               covered with muscle
               and mucous
               membrane. The
               cartilages of the larynx
               are usually spoken of as
               'paired' and 'unpaired'
The Larynx
             The paired cartilages:
             1. the arytenoid cartilages;
             2. the wedge-shaped
             3. the corniculate

             The unpaired cartilages
             4. The thyroid cartilage
             5. the cricoid cartilage
             6. The epiglottis
The Larynx
             In the interior of the larynx
                 two folds of mucous
                 membrane are stretched
                 from front to back. They
                 are rounded and pink in
                 colour, and are called
                 the false cords. Inferior
                 to them is an opening
                 into the space known as
                 the ventricle. The lower
                 lip of the ventricle is
                 formed by a muscular
                 bundle which is the true
                 vocal cord
The Larynx
             Seen from
               above, the
               cord looks
               narrow and
The spaces of larynx

 The vestibulum of laryngis (above the false cords).
 The middle space (between false and vocal cords).
 The subglottic space (below the vocal cords) - which is the
  narrowest part of the larynx
The view in laryngoscopy
                1 – the arytenoid cartilage
                2 – the arytenoid-epiglottis
                3 – the pyrifarm fossae
                4 – the ventricle of larynx
                5 – the epiglottis
                6 – the vocal cords

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Anatomy 110223050305-phpapp01

  • 2. The ear The ear is divided into three large parts:  The external ear  The middle ear  The inner ear
  • 3. The outer ear The outer ear comprises the pinna and the external auditory rneatus. The outer part of this is cartilaginous. The deep part is bony. The cartilaginous meatus contains hair follicles and glands which secrete wax. The hair follicles extend only for a short distance into the ear and are not found in the deeper parts of the external meatus. The external meatus varies in size and form with growth. The topography of meatus: The middle cranial fossa is above. The mastoid bone is behind. The joint of the lower jaw is in front The parotid gland is below
  • 4. The Middle Ear  The tympanum  The Eustachian tube  The mastoid antrum and cells
  • 5. The tympanic membrane The tympanic membrane consists of three layers — an outer epithelial layer, a middle layer of yellow elastic fibrous tissue and an inner layer of mucous. The drum membrane is divided into two parts, the pars tensa (1) and the pars flaccida (2). In the pars flaccida the fibrous layer is absent. This area constitutes only the small uppermost part of the eardrum and is sometimes difficult to see. It is frequently referred to as the attic part of the eardrum; chronic perforations in this area are potentially dangerous, as will be seen later.
  • 6. The Landmarks of the Eardrum The most prominent landmark is the handle of the malleus, seen as a white streak running down to the ap­proximate centre of the drum. At its upper end is a small projection known as the short process. In the drum membrane are two folds stretching anteriorly and posteriorly from the short process. They are known as the anterior and posterior mallear folds and the part of the drum above this level constitutes the pars flaccida. 1. The umbilicus of eardrum 2. The Handle of the malleus 3. The posterior fold 4. The short process of the malleus 5. The anterior fold 6. The light reflex.
  • 7. The Tympanum  The middle ear can be divided into three portions. The uppermost portion is the attic, the middle portion the mesotympanum, and the lowest portion the hypotympanum. The attic is that part of the middle ear above the level of the mallear folds. It is divided into a number of small pockets by the contained ossicles, their ligaments and mucosal folds. Chronic infection may localize in these spaces. It should be noted that the middle ear extends beyond the limits of the drum.
  • 8. The Ossicles of the Middle Ear The middle ear is an air­ containing space and contains three ossicles: the malleus, incus and stapes. The handle of the malleus is firmly embedded in the middle layer of the drum. The stapes footplate occupies the oval window of inner ear  The malleus  The incus  The stapes  The eardrum
  • 9. The Topography of Tympanum The middle cranial fossa – is above The mastoid bone (the biggest cell is known as antrum or cave) – is behind The inner carotid - is in front of The jugular vein – is below The eardrum – is the lateral wall The medial wall is the wall of the inner ear with two windows: oval window (connects with the stapes) and round window (closed by the membrane of scala tympany)
  • 10. The Eustachian tube The Eustachian tube connects the tympanum and the nasopharynx. It is closed in adults and opened by swallowing. Functions:  Barometric (to maintain the pressure of air inside the middle ear and mastoid system approximately equal to the external atmospheric pressure)  To drain the secret from the middle ear to the nasopharynx  To protect the middle ear from nasopharyngeal infection (due to respiratory epithelium)
  • 11. The characteristic of the Eustachian tube in children  1. The Eustachian tube is short, straight and wide. It opens in nasopharynx much below in compare with adults.  2. The Eustachian tube is open all time.  3. The respiratory epithelium covered the tube is underdeveloped in newborn.
  • 12. The characteristic of the middle ear in newborn  1. There are remainders of the embryonic mixoid tissue in tympanum until 3 years old.  2. There is no full ossification of the tympanum walls. So that there are places of contact between mucous membrane of middle ear and dura mater of the brain.
  • 13. The characteristic of the middle ear in newborn  The eardrum is more thick than the eardrum in adult. And the angle between the eardrum and the meatus is more sharp so it is much more difficult to look carefully the babies eardrum.  1 – eardrum in adult  2 – eardrum in newborn
  • 14. The characteristic of the mastoid bone in newborn  There is only one air cell of the mastoid bone in newborn – antrum or the cave. So a newborn can’t suffer from mastoiditis but antritis is a frequent pathology of this age.
  • 16. The external nose The external nose is supported by bone and cartilage. The bony part is formed mainly by the nasal bones on each side, and the frontal process of the maxillary bone. The cartilaginous portion is formed by several cartilages which support and give shape to the lower part of the nose and nasal tip.
  • 17. The nasal cavity The nasal cavity is divided by the nasal septum into two parts which have similar anatomical structure but may be asymmetrical
  • 18. The septum of nasal cavity The septum is a structure composed partly of cartilage and partly of a bone. The septum is covered by perichondrium where there is a cartilage, with periosteum where there is a bone, and outside this with mucous membrane.
  • 19. Septum of nasal cavity Nasal septum deviation is the frequent reason of nasal obstruction.
  • 20. Septum of nasal cavity The lower and anterior area of nasal septum is known as Epistaxis zone or Kisselbach zone. This area from which bleeding commonly occurs in patients due to situation of arteries. area,
  • 21. The Lateral Wall of Nasal Cavity On the lateral wall there is a system of ridges known as turbinates, each of which overhangs a groove known as a meatus: 1 – inferior 2 – middle 3 – superior The inferior turbinates forms a bone by itself, the others are the parts of ethmoid bone. Underlying the mucous membrane there is erectile tissue with many venous blood vessels.
  • 22. The Meatuses of the Nose The meatuses of the nose are of importance, since they are the drainage channels of the air sinuses. The appearance of pus in one of the meatuses is of diagnostic importance in infections of the air sinuses opening into particular meatus.
  • 23. The Meatuses of the Nose 1 – inferior nasal meatus 2 – common nasal meatus 3 – middle nasal meatus 4 – nasal septum 5 – middle turbinate 6 – inferior turbinate
  • 24. The Nasal Functions  1. Olfaction.  2. Filtration.  3. Humidification and warming of the air passing to the lung.  4. Vocal resonance.  Aesthetic function.
  • 25. The Nasal Functions The functions depend upon the mucous membrane with its underlying tissues. In certain areas such as the turbinates this is a complicated structure of ciliary mucous membrane, glands, blood spaces and connective tissues based upon bone, and is under the control of the autonomic nervous system. In this way the turbinates act as a valve mechanism, enlarging or narrowing the air channels and so determining the direction of the air stream
  • 26. Ciliary Action Ciliary action is the means by which the mucous membrane cleanses itself and removes unwanted material. By the movement of the cilia a constant streaming of mucus is produced from the nostrils to the pharynx. Any interference with normal action causes unpleasant symptoms. Post-nasal 'drip', or 'catarrh', which is so often a cause of complaint, is an expression of the inability of the ciliary mechanism to deal with thickened mucus, which slowly finds its way into the pharynx, where it accumulates. The conditions necessary for efficient ciliary action are mucus of the correct consistency and adequate aeration.
  • 27. Filtration and Humidification  Filtration is effected by the adhesion to the mucous film of dust, bacteria and other particles. These are removed by ciliary action into the pharynx and swallowed with the secretions.  Humidification. The moistening and warming of the air passing to the lungs is one of the chief functions. Air reaches the lungs at about 30°C and at 75-95% relative humidity. When, during cold weather, the air in a room is heated, the humidity may fall. To increase this humidity to the level necessary for comfort may cause a severe strain on the nasal mechanism.
  • 28. Olfaction Discharge Olfaction as a function may be influenced in various ways. For example, obstruction from inflammation changes may prevent air reaching the olfactory area. Sometimes toxic or infective conditions or head injury damage the nerve endings and destroy or alter the sense of smell. So if the patient has smell loss he suffer from: - Respiratory hyposmia or - Essential hyposmia.
  • 29. Vocal Resonance Discharge In case of nasal obstruction the vocal resonance nasal function is disturbed. And the voice of patient obtains the nasal intonations or twang. There are two kinds of twang: 1. Closed Twang (due to nasal obstruction) 2. Opened Twang (due to pathological associated between nasal and oral cavities (cleft palate, palate paralyses)
  • 30. Deformities of the Nose Nose is the center of face. The form of the external nose influence on the appreciation of the appearance
  • 31. Paranasal sinuses There are eight air sinuses situated around and near the nasal cavity (4 pairs): 1. Maxillary sinuses 2. Frontal sinuses 3. Ethmoidal sinuses (is divided into anterior and posterior) 4. Sphenoidal sinuses.
  • 32. Paranasal Sinuses Functions  Vocal-resonance.  They are like thermos bottle defend our brain against over high and low temperature.  They are protect the brain and the eyes at the time of head injury (like air pillow of the car).  They are the strong barrier that prevent vitally important structures (cranial cavity and orbita) from the spreading of the infection
  • 33. Paranasal Sinuses  The anterior group (maxillary, frontal and anterior ethmoidal cells) drains into the middle meatus  The posterior group (posterior ethmoidal cells and sphenoidal sinus) drains into the superior meatus  Into the inferior meatus drains the naso-lacrimal duct
  • 34. Paranasal Sinuses It should be noted that, while the inferior and middle meatuses are open at both ends, the superior meatus is clothed at the anterior end. This means that pus from the posterior group of sinuses will not be seen on anterior rhinoscopy.
  • 35. Paranasal Sinuses in Children  There is only well developed ethmoidal sinus in newborn. The other sinuses are underdeveloped.  The development of maxillary sinus comes to the end to 4-5 years of life.  The frontal sinus has the longest period of development – until to 11-13 years of life
  • 36. The Pharynx The pharynx comprises three parts — the nasopharynx, the oropharynx and the hypopharynx.
  • 37. The Pharynx The nasopharynx is situated above to a line at the level of the soft palate . The oropharynx is situated below this line and extends to the level of the tip of the epiglottis. the hypopharynx commences at the level of the tip of the epiglottis and extends to the level of the cricoids' cartilage
  • 38. The Pharynx It has 7 holes to connect with neighboring organs:  1. Two choanae (with nasal cavity).  2. Two holes of auditory tube (with tympanic cavities).  3. Throat (with oral cavities).  4. Aperture of larynx.  5. Aperture of esophagus.
  • 39. The Nasopharynx At the junction of the roof and the posterior wall is situated the aggregation of lymphoid tissue called adenoids or pharyngeal tonsil. Anteriorly the nasopharynx is in continuation with the posterior choanae of the nose, with the posterior ends of the three turbinates on each side and the posterior edge of the nasal septum in the midline On the lateral wall there are the openings of the Eustachian tubes Behind these are the aggregation of lymphoid tissue called tonsil of torus tubaris
  • 40. The Nasopharynx The pharyngeal tonsil often becomes overlarge in children of 5-6 years old. It may block choanae and cause nasal obstruction.
  • 41. The Oropharynx Nasopharynx and oropharynx are separated by the strong mobile, membranous-muscular soft palate. The uvula hangs from the soft palate in the midline. From the palate stretch down on each side two folds of mucous membrane and muscle to meet the side of the tongue. These are the pillars of the fauces; they are known as an anterior and posterior palatine arches.
  • 42. The Oropharynx Between the palatine arches there are the faucial tonsils, while below the tonsils, into the base of the tongue, are masses of lymphoid tissue which are called the lingual tonsil
  • 43. The Oropharynx On the posterior wall of the oropharynx are many little aggregations of lymphoid tissue which are liable, in certain conditions, to enlarge and become inflamed.
  • 44. The Lymphoid Circus Of Pharynx It consist of 6 tonsils (3 – in nasopharynx, 3 – in oropharynx)  The two faucial (or palatine) tonsils  The two tonsils of torus tubaris  The one pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids)  The one lingual tonsil
  • 45. The Hypopharynx This is the part of the pharynx which lies level with the larynx. Between the base of tongue and front of the epiglottis are found two spaces which are known as the valleculae. They are divided in the midline by the glosso-epiglottic ligament and bounded posteriorly by the pharyngo-epiglottic ligaments. These are folds of mucous membrane which are attached to the posterior part of the base of the epiglottis. Behind these ligaments commence the pyrifarm fossae — one on each side.
  • 46. The Hypopharynx These are folds of mucous membrane which are attached to the posterior part of the base of the epiglottis. Behind these ligaments commence the pyrifarm fossae — one on each side.
  • 47. The Larynx The larynx consists of a cartilaginous framework which is bound together by ligaments and covered with muscle and mucous membrane. The cartilages of the larynx are usually spoken of as 'paired' and 'unpaired' cartilages
  • 48. The Larynx The paired cartilages: 1. the arytenoid cartilages; 2. the wedge-shaped cartilages; 3. the corniculate cartilages. The unpaired cartilages 4. The thyroid cartilage 5. the cricoid cartilage 6. The epiglottis
  • 49. The Larynx In the interior of the larynx two folds of mucous membrane are stretched from front to back. They are rounded and pink in colour, and are called the false cords. Inferior to them is an opening into the space known as the ventricle. The lower lip of the ventricle is formed by a muscular bundle which is the true vocal cord
  • 50. The Larynx Seen from above, the cord looks narrow and white.
  • 51. The spaces of larynx  The vestibulum of laryngis (above the false cords).  The middle space (between false and vocal cords).  The subglottic space (below the vocal cords) - which is the narrowest part of the larynx
  • 52. The view in laryngoscopy  1 – the arytenoid cartilage  2 – the arytenoid-epiglottis ligament  3 – the pyrifarm fossae  4 – the ventricle of larynx  5 – the epiglottis  6 – the vocal cords