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Python in 30 minutes!*
Fariz Darari
* Recommended slide reading time unless otherwise specified
Not this python, unfortunately
But this Python!
But this Python!
Programming Language
But this Python!
Programming Language
Created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum
But this Python!
Cross Platform
Programming Language
Created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum
But this Python!
Programming Language
Freely Usable Even for Commercial UseCreated in 1991 by Guido van Rossum
Cross Platform
"Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice
for beginners and experts alike." –
print("Python" + " is " + "cool!")
print("Python" + " is " + "cool!")
"Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice
for beginners and experts alike." –
print("Python" + " is " + "cool!")
"Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice
for beginners and experts alike." –
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello world!");
print("Python" + " is " + "cool!")
"Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice
for beginners and experts alike." –
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello world!");
print("Hello world!")
"Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice
for beginners and experts alike." –
print("Python" + " is " + "cool!")
print("Python" + " is " + "cool!")
"Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice
for beginners and experts alike." –
Big names using Python
"Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice
for beginners and experts alike." –
print("Python" + " is " + "cool!")
Image Processing using Python
"Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice
for beginners and experts alike." –
print("Python" + " is " + "cool!")
Game Development using Python
"Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice
for beginners and experts alike." –
print("Python" + " is " + "cool!")
Data Science using Python
"Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice
for beginners and experts alike." –
print("Python" + " is " + "cool!")
Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Text Mining using Python
Let's now explore the Python universe!
How to install Python the Anaconda way
1. Download Anaconda (which includes Python):
2. Run the installer and follow the installation instructions
3. Run the Spyder editor and create your first Python program ""
Python Setup
• Variables store and give names to data values
• Data values can be of various types:
• int : -5, 0, 1000000
• float : -2.0, 3.14159
• bool : True, False
• str : "Hello world!", "K3WL"
• list : [1, 2, 3, 4], ["Hello", "world!"], [1, 2, "Hello"], [ ]
• And many more!
• In Python, variables do not have types!
• Data values are assigned to variables using "="
Variables and Data Types
x = 1 # this is a Python comment
x = x + 5
y = "Python" + " is " + "cool!"
Variables and Data Types in Real Life
Conditionals and Loops
• Cores of programming!
• Rely on boolean expressions which return either True or False
• 1 < 2 : True
• 1.5 >= 2.5 : False
• answer == "Computer Science" :
can be True or False depending on the value of variable answer
• Boolean expressions can be combined with: and, or, not
• 1 < 2 and 3 < 4 : True
• 1.5 >= 2.5 or 2 == 2 : True
• not 1.5 >= 2.5 : True
Conditionals and Loops
Conditionals: Generic Form
if boolean-expression-1:
elif boolean-expression-2:
(as many elif's as you want)
Conditionals: Usia SIM (Driving license age)
age = 20
if age < 17:
print("Belum bisa punya SIM!")
print("OK, sudah bisa punya SIM.")
Conditionals: Usia SIM dengan Input
age = int(raw_input("Usia: ")) # use input() for Python 3
if age < 17:
print("Belum bisa punya SIM!")
print("OK, sudah bisa punya SIM.")
Conditionals: Grading
grade = int(raw_input("Numeric grade: "))
if grade >= 80:
elif grade >= 65:
elif grade >= 55:
• Useful for repeating code!
• Two variants:
while boolean-expression:
for element in collection:
While Loops
while raw_input("Which is the best subject? ") != "Computer Science":
print("Try again!")
print("Of course it is!")
while boolean-expression:
So far, we have seen (briefly) two kinds of collections:
string and list
For loops can be used to visit each collection's element:
For Loops
for element in collection:
for chr in "string":
for elem in [1,3,5]:
Conditionals and Loops in Real Life
• Functions encapsulate (= membungkus) code blocks
• Why functions? Modularization and reuse!
• You actually have seen examples of functions:
• print()
• raw_input()
• Generic form:
def function-name(parameters):
return value
Functions: Celcius to Fahrenheit
def celsius_to_fahrenheit(celsius):
fahrenheit = celsius * 1.8 + 32.0
return fahrenheit
def function-name(parameters):
return value
Functions: Default and Named Parameters
def hello(name_man="Bro", name_woman="Sis"):
print("Hello, " + name_man + " & " + name_woman + "!")
>>> hello()
Hello, Bro & Sis!
>>> hello(name_woman="Lady")
Hello, Bro & Lady!
>>> hello(name_woman="Mbakyu",name_man="Mas")
Hello, Mas & Mbakyu!
• Code made by other people shall be reused!
• Two ways of importing modules (= Python files):
• Generic form: import module_name
import math
• Generic form: from module_name import function_name
from math import sqrt
Functions in Real Life
• String is a sequence of characters, like "Python is cool"
• Each character has an index
• Accessing a character: string[index]
x = "Python is cool"
• Accessing a substring via slicing: string[start:finish]
P y t h o n i s c o o l
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
>>> x = "Python is cool"
>>> "cool" in x # membership
>>> len(x) # length of string x
>>> x + "?" # concatenation
>>> x.upper() # to upper case
>>> x.replace("c", "k") # replace characters in a string
String Operations
P y t h o n i s c o o l
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
>>> x = "Python is cool"
>>> x.split(" ") 39
String Operations: Split
P y t h o n i s c o o l
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
P y t h o n
0 1 2 3 4 5
i s
0 1
c o o l
0 1 2 3
x.split(" ")
>>> x = "Python is cool"
>>> y = x.split(" ")
>>> ",".join(y) 40
String Operations: Join
P y t h o n , i s , c o o l
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
P y t h o n
0 1 2 3 4 5
i s
0 1
c o o l
0 1 2 3
Strings in Real Life
• Working with data heavily involves reading and writing!
• Data come in two types:
• Text: Human readable, encoded in ASCII/UTF-8, example: .txt, .csv
• Binary: Machine readable, application-specific encoding,
example: .mp3, .mp4, .jpg
x = open("cool.txt", "r") # read mode
y = # read the whole
x = open("cool.txt", "r")
# read line by line
for line in x:
line = line.replace("n","")
x = open("C:UsersFarizcool.txt", "r") # absolute location
for line in x:
line = line.replace("n","")
# write mode
x = open("carpe-diem.txt", "w")
# append mode
x = open("carpe-diem.txt", "a")
Write mode overwrites files,
while append mode does not overwrite files but instead appends at the end of the files' content
Input in Real Life
Output in Real Life
• If a string is a sequence of characters, then
a list is a sequence of items!
• List is usually enclosed by square brackets [ ]
• As opposed to strings where the object is fixed (= immutable),
we are free to modify lists (that is, lists are mutable).
x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
x[0] = 4
print(x) # [4, 2, 3, 4, 5]
List Operations
>>> x = [ "Python", "is", "cool" ]
>>> x.sort() # sort elements in x
>>> x[0:2] # slicing
>>> len(x) # length of string x
>>> x + ["!"] # concatenation
>>> x[2] = "hot" # replace element at index 0 with "hot"
>>> x.remove("Python") # remove the first occurrence of "Python"
>>> x.pop(0) # remove the element at index 0
It is basically a cool way of generating a list
List Comprehension
[expression for-clause condition]
[i*2 for i in [0,1,2,3,4] if i%2 == 0]
[i.replace("o", "i") for i in ["Python", "is", "cool"] if len(i) >= 3]
• Like a list, but you cannot modify it (= immutable)
• Tuple is usually (but not necessarily) enclosed by parentheses ()
• Everything that works with lists, works with tuples,
except functions modifying the tuples' content
• Example:
x = (0,1,2)
y = 0,1,2 # same as x
x[0] = 2 # this gives an error
List in Real Life
• As opposed to lists, in sets duplicates are removed and
there is no order of elements!
• Set is of the form { e1, e2, e3, ... }
• Operations include: intersection, union, difference.
• Example:
x = [0,1,2,0,0,1,2,2]
y = {0,1,2,0,0,1,2,2}
print(y & {1,2,3}) # intersection
print(y | {1,2,3}) # union
print(y - {1,2,3}) # difference
• Dictionaries map from keys to values!
• Content in dictionaries is not ordered.
• Dictionary is of the form { k1:v1, k2:v2, k3:v3, ... }
• Example:
x = {"indonesia":"jakarta", "germany":"berlin","italy":"rome"}
print(x["indonesia"]) # get value from key
x["japan"] = "tokyo" # add a new key-value pair to dictionary
print(x) # {'italy': 'rome', 'indonesia': 'jakarta', 'germany': 'berlin', 'japan': 'tokyo'}
Dictionary in Real Life
• While in functions we encapsulate a set of instructions,
in classes we encapsulate objects!
• A class is a blueprint for objects, specifying:
• Attributes for objects
• Methods for objects
• A class can use other classes as a base
• Generic:
class class-name(base):
class Person:
def __init__(self, first, last):
self.firstname = first
self.lastname = last
def describe(self):
return self.firstname + " " + self.lastname
guido = Person("Guido","Van Rossum")
Classes: Person
class class-name(base):
Classes: Person & Employee
class class-name(base):
# first add code for class Person here
class Employee(Person):
def __init__(self, first, last, staffnum):
Person.__init__(self, first, last)
self.staffnum = staffnum
def describe(self):
return self.lastname + ", " + str(self.staffnum)
guido = Employee("Guido", "Van Rossum", 123456)
Class in Real Life
Lessons learned
What's next?
What's next? Keep learning! Official Documentation
Python on stackoverflow (QA website on programming)
Free Python e-book
Food pack is ready,
enjoy your journey!

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Python in 30 minutes!

  • 1. Python in 30 minutes!* Fariz Darari * Recommended slide reading time unless otherwise specified
  • 2. 2 Not this python, unfortunately
  • 5. 5 But this Python! Programming Language Created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum
  • 6. 6 But this Python! Cross Platform Programming Language Created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum
  • 7. 7 But this Python! Programming Language Freely Usable Even for Commercial UseCreated in 1991 by Guido van Rossum Cross Platform
  • 8. "Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice for beginners and experts alike." – 8 print("Python" + " is " + "cool!")
  • 9. print("Python" + " is " + "cool!") "Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice for beginners and experts alike." – 9
  • 10. print("Python" + " is " + "cool!") "Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice for beginners and experts alike." – 10 public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello world!"); } }
  • 11. print("Python" + " is " + "cool!") "Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice for beginners and experts alike." – 11 public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello world!"); } } print("Hello world!")
  • 12. "Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice for beginners and experts alike." – 12 print("Python" + " is " + "cool!")
  • 13. 13 print("Python" + " is " + "cool!") "Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice for beginners and experts alike." – Big names using Python
  • 14. "Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice for beginners and experts alike." – 14 print("Python" + " is " + "cool!") Image Processing using Python
  • 15. "Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice for beginners and experts alike." – 15 print("Python" + " is " + "cool!") Game Development using Python
  • 16. "Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice for beginners and experts alike." – 16 print("Python" + " is " + "cool!") Data Science using Python
  • 17. "Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice for beginners and experts alike." – 17 print("Python" + " is " + "cool!") Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Text Mining using Python
  • 18. 18 Let's now explore the Python universe!
  • 19. How to install Python the Anaconda way 1. Download Anaconda (which includes Python): 2. Run the installer and follow the installation instructions 3. Run the Spyder editor and create your first Python program "" 19 Python Setup
  • 20. • Variables store and give names to data values • Data values can be of various types: • int : -5, 0, 1000000 • float : -2.0, 3.14159 • bool : True, False • str : "Hello world!", "K3WL" • list : [1, 2, 3, 4], ["Hello", "world!"], [1, 2, "Hello"], [ ] • And many more! • In Python, variables do not have types! • Data values are assigned to variables using "=" 20 Variables and Data Types x = 1 # this is a Python comment x = x + 5 y = "Python" + " is " + "cool!"
  • 21. 21 Variables and Data Types in Real Life
  • 23. • Cores of programming! • Rely on boolean expressions which return either True or False • 1 < 2 : True • 1.5 >= 2.5 : False • answer == "Computer Science" : can be True or False depending on the value of variable answer • Boolean expressions can be combined with: and, or, not • 1 < 2 and 3 < 4 : True • 1.5 >= 2.5 or 2 == 2 : True • not 1.5 >= 2.5 : True 23 Conditionals and Loops
  • 24. 24 Conditionals: Generic Form if boolean-expression-1: code-block-1 elif boolean-expression-2: code-block-2 (as many elif's as you want) else: code-block-last
  • 25. 25 Conditionals: Usia SIM (Driving license age) age = 20 if age < 17: print("Belum bisa punya SIM!") else: print("OK, sudah bisa punya SIM.")
  • 26. 26 Conditionals: Usia SIM dengan Input age = int(raw_input("Usia: ")) # use input() for Python 3 if age < 17: print("Belum bisa punya SIM!") else: print("OK, sudah bisa punya SIM.")
  • 27. 27 Conditionals: Grading grade = int(raw_input("Numeric grade: ")) if grade >= 80: print("A") elif grade >= 65: print("B") elif grade >= 55: print("C") else: print("E")
  • 28. • Useful for repeating code! • Two variants: 28 Loops while boolean-expression: code-block for element in collection: code-block
  • 29. 29 While Loops while raw_input("Which is the best subject? ") != "Computer Science": print("Try again!") print("Of course it is!") while boolean-expression: code-block
  • 30. So far, we have seen (briefly) two kinds of collections: string and list For loops can be used to visit each collection's element: 30 For Loops for element in collection: code-block for chr in "string": print(chr) for elem in [1,3,5]: print(elem)
  • 31. Conditionals and Loops in Real Life 31
  • 32. • Functions encapsulate (= membungkus) code blocks • Why functions? Modularization and reuse! • You actually have seen examples of functions: • print() • raw_input() • Generic form: 32 Functions def function-name(parameters): code-block return value
  • 33. 33 Functions: Celcius to Fahrenheit def celsius_to_fahrenheit(celsius): fahrenheit = celsius * 1.8 + 32.0 return fahrenheit def function-name(parameters): code-block return value
  • 34. 34 Functions: Default and Named Parameters def hello(name_man="Bro", name_woman="Sis"): print("Hello, " + name_man + " & " + name_woman + "!") >>> hello() Hello, Bro & Sis! >>> hello(name_woman="Lady") Hello, Bro & Lady! >>> hello(name_woman="Mbakyu",name_man="Mas") Hello, Mas & Mbakyu!
  • 35. • Code made by other people shall be reused! • Two ways of importing modules (= Python files): • Generic form: import module_name import math print(math.sqrt(4)) • Generic form: from module_name import function_name from math import sqrt print(sqrt(4)) 35 Imports
  • 36. Functions in Real Life 36
  • 37. • String is a sequence of characters, like "Python is cool" • Each character has an index • Accessing a character: string[index] x = "Python is cool" print(x[10]) • Accessing a substring via slicing: string[start:finish] print(x[2:6]) 37 String P y t h o n i s c o o l 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  • 38. >>> x = "Python is cool" >>> "cool" in x # membership >>> len(x) # length of string x >>> x + "?" # concatenation >>> x.upper() # to upper case >>> x.replace("c", "k") # replace characters in a string 38 String Operations P y t h o n i s c o o l 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  • 39. >>> x = "Python is cool" >>> x.split(" ") 39 String Operations: Split P y t h o n i s c o o l 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 P y t h o n 0 1 2 3 4 5 i s 0 1 c o o l 0 1 2 3 x.split(" ")
  • 40. >>> x = "Python is cool" >>> y = x.split(" ") >>> ",".join(y) 40 String Operations: Join P y t h o n , i s , c o o l 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 P y t h o n 0 1 2 3 4 5 i s 0 1 c o o l 0 1 2 3 ",".join(y)
  • 41. Strings in Real Life 41
  • 42. • Working with data heavily involves reading and writing! • Data come in two types: • Text: Human readable, encoded in ASCII/UTF-8, example: .txt, .csv • Binary: Machine readable, application-specific encoding, example: .mp3, .mp4, .jpg 42 Input/Output
  • 43. python is cool 43 Input cool.txt x = open("cool.txt", "r") # read mode y = # read the whole print(y) x.close()
  • 44. python is cool 44 Input cool.txt x = open("cool.txt", "r") # read line by line for line in x: line = line.replace("n","") print(line) x.close()
  • 45. python is cool 45 Input cool.txt x = open("C:UsersFarizcool.txt", "r") # absolute location for line in x: line = line.replace("n","") print(line) x.close()
  • 46. 46 Output # write mode x = open("carpe-diem.txt", "w") x.write("carpendiemn") x.close() # append mode x = open("carpe-diem.txt", "a") x.write("carpendiemn") x.close() Write mode overwrites files, while append mode does not overwrite files but instead appends at the end of the files' content
  • 47. Input in Real Life 47
  • 48. Output in Real Life 48
  • 49. • If a string is a sequence of characters, then a list is a sequence of items! • List is usually enclosed by square brackets [ ] • As opposed to strings where the object is fixed (= immutable), we are free to modify lists (that is, lists are mutable). 49 Lists x = [1, 2, 3, 4] x[0] = 4 x.append(5) print(x) # [4, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  • 50. 50 List Operations >>> x = [ "Python", "is", "cool" ] >>> x.sort() # sort elements in x >>> x[0:2] # slicing >>> len(x) # length of string x >>> x + ["!"] # concatenation >>> x[2] = "hot" # replace element at index 0 with "hot" >>> x.remove("Python") # remove the first occurrence of "Python" >>> x.pop(0) # remove the element at index 0
  • 51. It is basically a cool way of generating a list 51 List Comprehension [expression for-clause condition] Example: [i*2 for i in [0,1,2,3,4] if i%2 == 0] [i.replace("o", "i") for i in ["Python", "is", "cool"] if len(i) >= 3]
  • 52. • Like a list, but you cannot modify it (= immutable) • Tuple is usually (but not necessarily) enclosed by parentheses () • Everything that works with lists, works with tuples, except functions modifying the tuples' content • Example: 52 Tuples x = (0,1,2) y = 0,1,2 # same as x x[0] = 2 # this gives an error
  • 53. List in Real Life 53
  • 54. • As opposed to lists, in sets duplicates are removed and there is no order of elements! • Set is of the form { e1, e2, e3, ... } • Operations include: intersection, union, difference. • Example: 54 Sets x = [0,1,2,0,0,1,2,2] y = {0,1,2,0,0,1,2,2} print(x) print(y) print(y & {1,2,3}) # intersection print(y | {1,2,3}) # union print(y - {1,2,3}) # difference
  • 55. 55 Dictionaries • Dictionaries map from keys to values! • Content in dictionaries is not ordered. • Dictionary is of the form { k1:v1, k2:v2, k3:v3, ... } • Example: x = {"indonesia":"jakarta", "germany":"berlin","italy":"rome"} print(x["indonesia"]) # get value from key x["japan"] = "tokyo" # add a new key-value pair to dictionary print(x) # {'italy': 'rome', 'indonesia': 'jakarta', 'germany': 'berlin', 'japan': 'tokyo'}
  • 57. • While in functions we encapsulate a set of instructions, in classes we encapsulate objects! • A class is a blueprint for objects, specifying: • Attributes for objects • Methods for objects • A class can use other classes as a base • Generic: 57 Classes class class-name(base): attribute-code-block method-code-block
  • 58. class Person: def __init__(self, first, last): self.firstname = first self.lastname = last def describe(self): return self.firstname + " " + self.lastname guido = Person("Guido","Van Rossum") print(guido.describe()) 58 Classes: Person class class-name(base): attribute-code-block method-code-block
  • 59. 59 Classes: Person & Employee class class-name(base): attribute-code-block method-code-block # first add code for class Person here class Employee(Person): def __init__(self, first, last, staffnum): Person.__init__(self, first, last) self.staffnum = staffnum def describe(self): return self.lastname + ", " + str(self.staffnum) guido = Employee("Guido", "Van Rossum", 123456) print(guido.describe())
  • 60. Class in Real Life 60
  • 63. 63 What's next? Keep learning! Official Documentation Python on stackoverflow (QA website on programming) Free Python e-book
  • 64. 64 Food pack is ready, enjoy your journey!

Notas del editor

  2. African rock pythons are the largest species of snake in Africa.   PHOTOGRAPH BY JOEL SARTORE, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC PHOTO ARK
  8. Why Python? Inspired from:
  9. Powerful wrt influence (big companies are using it) Credits:
  10. Powerful wrt influence (big companies are using it) Credits:
  11. Credits:
  12. Credits:
  13. Credits:
  14. Credits:
  15. python features utk text mining dan nlp: lists, loops, import, functions, list comprehension, strings slicing indexing, set, i/o Credits:
  17. Shapes' meaning: Sumber:
  19. Modularization: So that your code can be better managed, unlike one huge program -> small functions, glued into one
  21. start: where we start taking the substring finish: the index one after we end the substring
  22. This Latin phrase, which literally means "pluck the day," was used by the Roman poet Horace to express the idea that we should enjoy life while we can. His full injunction, "carpe diem quam minimum credula postero,” can be translated as “pluck the day, trusting as little as possible in the next one,” but carpe diem alone has come to be used as shorthand for this entire idea, which is more widely known as "seize the day."
  25. [0, 4, 8] ['Pythin', 'ciil']
  30. 1923 blueprint for shophouse with bakery Ronhaar at the Hammerweg in Ommen, demolished in 2007; the almost flat upper part of the mansard roof is found in the central and eastern Netherlands, but is virtually unknown in the river area and in the southern part of the Netherlands.