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Cutaneous pseudolymphoma is defined by the
WHO      as   a   reactive   polyclonal  benign
lymphoproliferative    disease,   predominantly
composed of either B-cells or T-cells, localised
or disseminated.

 Clinical manifestations are frequently     not
 diagnostic and overlap with lymphoma.

Two main problems exist:
1. Lesional regression is common in cutaneous
   lymphoma and accordingly, regression does not
   necessarily indicate that the lesion is
2. Occasional    cases    of  initial  cutaneous
   pseudolymphoma can evolve into lymphoma (so-
   called ‘pseudo-pseudolymphoma’)
 In general, pseudolymphoma is rare on the
 scalp and never displays clinical poikiloderma.

 In  addition, lesions showing variability in
 size, shape and colour and occuring in non-
 exposed skin (such as buttocks) should be
 regarded as cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL)
 until proved otherwise.

Tumours such as neuroendocrine carcinoma
(Merkel cell tumour), neuroblastoma and
primitive neuro-ectodermal tumour can mimic
cutaneous lymphoma.

Epidermal involvement in Merkel cell tumour
can result in intra-epithelial collections of
cells that mimic Pautrier micro-abscesses in

Classically   these    include  eccrine
spiradenoma and lympho-epithelioma-like
carcinoma of the skin.

A more recent entity is cutaneous lymph-
adenoma, although increasingly this is
regarded as a trichoblastoma with
adamantinoid features
There is outer palisading of cells, focally with clear-cell
change, within a loose fibrous stroma. There is also focal pigment
and a possible papillary mesenchymal body (lower left edge).
Numerous intraepithelial lymphocytes are present, characteristic of
this lesion.

Cutaneous neoplasms such as basal cell
carcinoma, malignant melanoma and
dermatofibroma can elicit extremely
strong lymphocytic stromal responses, in
which the underlying neoplasm can be
difficult to identify.

Lymphomatoid        variants    of    actinic
keratosis and benign lichenoid keratosis
(lichen planus-like keratosis) exist.
   Include
       Extramedullary haemopoiesis,
       Malakoplakia,
       Whipple’s disease
       Ectopic thymus
       Rosai-Dorfman disease
       Inflammatory pseudotumour,
       Castleman’s disease and
       Kikuchi’s disease.
     Can herald, co-exist with or follow nodal or
      systemic disease
     Its    histologic  appearance     is   usefully
      remembered by the alternative term of
      histiocytic lymphophagocytic panniculitis.
     S100 positive
     Moderate number of plasma cells present and
      stroma appears sclerotic or storiform.
   displaying large atypical histiocytes
     A spectrum of disease that incorporates
      plasma cell granuloma and inflammatory
      myofibroblastic tumour.
     Former can display germinal centres, plasma
      cells and fibrosis.
     The      latter     displays  myofibroblastic
      proliferation and 2p23 re-arrangement
  especially the plasma cell variant, can
   present in the skin and in particular the
  The identification of human herpes
   virus type 8 can be helpful.
  Display the characteristic features of
   necrosis, karyorrhexis, apoptosis, immu
   noblasts and plasma cells.
  Exclude      possibility   of      lupus
     Many classic dermatoses mimic lymphoma and
     this is particularly frequent with autoimmune and
     connective tissue disorders.
1.     Lupus erythematosus
2.     Lichen sclerosus
3.     Pigmented purpuric dermatosis and lichen
4.     Lymphomatoid dermatitis/eczema
5.     Lymphotoid folliculitis
6.     Acne rosacea
7.    Angiolymphoid hyperplasia and Kimura’s
8.    Chronic photodermatoses
9.    Perniosis (chilblains)
10.   Annular erythemas
11.   Traumatic ulcerative granuloma
      (eosinophilic ulcer/granuloma of the
12.   Jessner and Kanof’s lymphocytic
      infiltration of the skin
      (lupus erythematosus panniculitis)

 Characteristic features include epidermal
 involvement,          germinal           centre
 formation, plasma cells and hyaline necrosis.

 Cases   may be extremely difficult to
 distinguish from subcutaneous panniculitis-like
 T-cell lymphoma.
 This has resulted in some acceptance of an
 intermediary      entity      described      as
 indeterminate lymphocytic lobular panniculitis
 or atypical lymphocytic lobular panniculitis

 Lupus erythematosus display localisation on
 hair follicles mimicking the folliculotropic
 variant of mycosis fungoides.

 The interface dermatosis present in lichen
 sclerosus can closely mimic cutaneous CTCL in
 early stages.

 Can display florid, small-to-medium blood
 vessel lymphocytic vasculitis which closely
 resembles angiocentric variants of cutaneous

 Suspicionraised in cases which are persistent
 or contain atypical cells.

 Inthese cases, consideration should be given
 a possible drug-related aetiology.

 Described   in association with external
 sensitization, it is now recognised to occur
 in occasional cases of atopic dermatitis and
 in particular, those with high IgE levels

 Predominantly  in patients under 50 years of age
 Immunohistochemistry reveals mixed populations
  of B- and T-cells.
 Most characteristic diagnostic feature is the
  presence of moderate numbers of perifollicular
  antigen-presenting cells which are CD1a and S100
 Another    feature is the tendency towards
  spontaneous regression.

 Characterised   by follicular interface
 changes which, together with a paucity of
 granulomas, can mimic early stages of
 follicular CTCL.

 Characterised  by    large    numbers    of
 lymphocytes and / or eosinophilis.

 Prominent  hob-nail endothelial cells with
 vacuoles    in    small-to   medium     sized
 vessels, and germinal centres are the main
 diagnostic clues to angiolymphoid hyerplasia

 Kimura’sdisease can mimic human T-cell
 lymphotropic lymphoma.

 Chronic  actinic dermatitis (including
 actinic reticuloid) and polymorphous light
 eruption are classical mimics of cutaneous

 Histological clues in chronic actinic
 dermatitis include dermal fibrosis and
 multinucleate stromal giant cells

 Polymorphous  light eruption is often
 associated with edema of papillary dermis
 Actinicprurigo recently added to this group
 and cause diagnostic problems by a high
 density of B-cells

 Photodermatoses   can display increases in CD8
 T-cells but this phenotype can also be present
 in some variants of CTCL.
 An abnormal inflammatory response to
 cold, seen most frequently in acral
 locations, but it can occur on the thighs
 of horse-riders.

 Mimicked   by   variants     of    lupus
 erythematosus termed chilblain lupus.

 Both perniosis and chilblain lupus can
 resemble lymphoma because of dense
 perivascular collections of lymphocytes.

 Especiallyerythema annulare centrifugum
 can    mimic    lymphoma      with   dense
 perivascular collection of lymphocytes.

 Located on the tongue, this entity can
 contain eosinophils and blast cells
 mimicking lymphoma.

 Lesions  are usually on the face and
 discoid in nature. Papules expand
 peripherally but clear in centre and give
 rise to a circinate appearance.

 Spontaneous   remission can occur but
 remission in weeks, months, or longer.
 Histologically, mild perivascular and peri-
 adnexal lymphocytic infiltrate. There should
 be no involvement of the epidermis and
 oedema of papillary dermis appears frequent.

 Immunohistologysuggested increased dermal
 CD8 lymphocytes but no HLA-DR expression.

 This contrasts with lupus erythematosus
 which has fewer CD8 lymphocytes and greater
 HLA-DR expression.
 Some  studies highlighted the presence of so-
 called plasmatoid monocytes. The entity may
 overlap with polymorphous light eruption or
 lupus erythematosus.

 The entity has been described in HIV positive
 patients and occasionally, as a drug reaction.

 First  described in children on the
 extremities of arms and legs and often
 multiple and unilateral.

 Histologically,
                it is characterised by
 prominent postcapillary venules and a
 moderately dense lymphocytic infiltrate.
 The cellular infiltrate may show interface
 changes      with     the     epidermis   and
 immunohistochemistry         reveals    mixed
 populations of B- and T-cells

 There appears to be overlap with the entity of
 papular angiolymphoid proliferation with
 epithelioid features (PALEFACE).

 Characterised by mixed populations of B-
 and T- cells, an increase in CD8 T-cells
 and the presence of histiocytes.

 Thereappears to be some overlap wit
 lymphomatoid benign lichenoid keratosis.

Syn:   insect-bite   like reaction    or
 eosinophilic eruption of haematological

 Initially
          recognized that mosquito bites in
 patients    with   chronic    lymphocytic
 leukemia could be associated with florid
 cutaneous responses. This was followed
 by reports of insect bite like reaction in
 patients with CLL but no apparent history
 of insect bite.
 More   recently, this pseudolymphotamous
 reaction has been reported in patients with
 mantle zone lymphoma and in association with
 HIV infection. The entity is generally
 considered to have an association with altered
 List
     of drugs causing pseudolymphomatous
 reactions is extensive and can be usefully
 remembered by the prefix (anti-).
   Anti
    depressants, anticonvulsants, antihypertensives, anti
    biotics, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines.
   To this can be added calcium-channel blockers, lipid
    lowering         drugs,      colony        stimulating
    factors,    interleukins   and   inhibitors    against
    tyrosinase and tumour necrosis factors.

 In     association     with      molluscum
 contagiosum,      herpes     simplex    and
 virus, parapox, cowpox, Epstein-Barr
 virus, human T-cell lymphotropic virus and
   Molluscum contagiosum and herpes viruses
    appear to show a specific tendency for
    follicular reactions.

   HIV       can     manifest   with     a
    pseudolymphomatous interface dermatosis
    which is CD8 prominent

 Associated    with     infections    by
 spirochaetes      including      Borrelia
 burgdorferi and Treponema pallidum

 The cutaneous reaction to borrelia is
 specifically        termed     borrelia
 lymphocytoma and occurs in young
 patients with frequent involvement of
 earlobes, nipple or genitals.
 Histological reaction has a pronounched B-
  cell component, which can mimic marginal
  zone or follicular centre lymphoma.
 Germinal        centres      can      appear
  enlarged, irregular and have no mantle zone.
 Blast–cell    numbers can be increased
 Histiocytes and granulomas can be present
  and infiltrate can be of so-called ‘bottom-
  heavy’ distribution.

 Includes   scabies and bites from many
  organisms, including scorpions, spiders
  and leeches.
 Initiate a reaction which is eosinophil rich
  with both B and T-cell.
 Occurs   frequently with vaccinations
 containing aluminium hydroxide

 Histiocytes   display a characteristic
  purple-grey cytoplasm and particulate
  aluminium can be identified in some cells
  at high power magnification.
 Histochemical stains for aluminium are
  positive and aluminium can be identified
  on X-ray micro-analysis
 Histological
             appearance can be variable and
 display patterns mimicking marginal zone
 lymphoma,    granuloma     annulare,  lupus
 erythematosus or fat necrosis.

 Pseudolymophomatous    reactions have been
 reported following desensitising procedures
 for pollen, dust and house mites.

 Reported  most commonly against metal-
 based pigment in tattoos and the metals
 in earrings and acupuncture.

 Cutaneous  pseudolymphomatus reactions
 can follow this procedure.

 Associated with entry of silicone into
 soft tissue and skin

 Describedfollowing silicone injection for
 both breast and genital enlargement.

 Prominent   in    certain infective and
  autoimmune         /connective     tissue
  disorders, to mimic cutaneous lymphoma.
 Applied particularly to spirochaete and
  Leishmania spp.infections and connective
  tissue     disorders    such   as   lupus
  erythematosus, morphoea and necrobiosis
 Prominent  in cutaneous manifestations of
 Castleman’s disease and represent a significant
 cellular component in stromal response to
 epidermal dysplasia and malignancy.

 Cutaneous    plasmacytosis       and   cutaneous
 angioplasmocellular hyperplasia are 2 examples of
 reactive plasma cell proliferation.

 Distinction
            from neoplastic proliferation depends
 largely on the absence of a monoclone on
 immunohistochemistry and also genotypic analysis.
   Interstitial     granulomatous   disease      is
    characterized by the presence of palisaded
    neutrophilic and granulomatous infiltrates with
    focal collagen degeneration.

   Can present as either a drug eruption or in
    association with autoimmune /connective tissue
    diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus

 Reactive  Langerhans’    cells    can  show
 prominence in numerous classical dermatoses.

 For example, they can become prominent
 within the epidermis in eczema/dermatitis and
 mimic Pautrier abscesses as in CTCL.

 Inaddition, intra-epidermal Langerhans’ cells
 can become so prominent in CTCL that they
 can mimic Langerhans cell histiocytosis
   Patterns can be divided into:

     Morphological,
     Cellular and cytological type
     Based on immunohistochemistry

   The main types described are those involving the
    epidermis      (epidermotrophic),     dermis      (non-
    epidermotropic), follicular (with or without follicular
    mucinosis), subcutaneous and vascular.

   In general, an epidermotrophic infiltrate will have a
    significant T-cell component, whereas other patterns
    can be of T-cell, B-cell or mixed type.

   The pattern focused on blood vessels is specifically
    termed a lymphomatoid vascular reaction and is
    particularly associated with drug reactions, lupus
    erythematosus and varicella-zoster virus reaction.

  when cellular density and or nuclear atypia is
   pronounched or when features of mycosis
   fungoides are present.
  Entities include lymphomatoid dermatitis
   and lymphomatoid actinic and benign
   lichenoid keratosis.
  represent situations where the number of
   antigen-presenting cells is substantially in excess
   of lymphocytes present.
  Also known as Langerhans’ cell microgranulomas.
  Seen in common dermatoses.

    The rimming of adipocytes by lymphocytes in
     subcutaneous fat is observed in subcutaneous
     panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma, lymphocytic
     lobular    panniculitis  and  especially lupus
     erythematosus panniculitis.
 Panor subset T-cell antigen loss can be a
 feature of CTCL but can be seen in reactive
 T-cell disorders.

 CD56   is used to identify CD56-positive
 natural killer/T-cell lymphomas.

 The CD15 antigen was initially associated
 with the descriptions of Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
 However treatment with agents like colony
 stimulating factors can be associated with a
 cutaneous pseudolymphomatus reaction with
 CD15 positivity.

   CD30 was associated with early immunophenotypic
    developments in Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

   This was quickly extended into      the area of
    cutaneous CD30-positive T-cell lymphoproliferative
    disorders including lymphomatoid papulosis and
    anaplastic large cell lymphoma.

   CD30 positivity can be associated with activation of
    other cell types like those of B-cell, natural killer cell
    and myeloid lineage and additional natural tissue such
    as decidua and some non-lymphoid mesenchymal and
    epithelial tumour
 Reactive CD30-positive T-cells can occur in
 drug eruptions, viral infections, tuberculosis
 and scabies.

 CD30-positive  cells can be large, atypical &
 clustered and represent over 75% of cell
 population in some viral infections and scabies.

 CD30-positiveT-cells  should be regarded as
 potentially   occuring    in   any  cutaneous
 inflammatory condition and their final
 interpretation based on overall histologic
 appearance & clinical setting.
 CD30-positive  decidua can mimic CD30-
 positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma.

 CD30-positive         cells        amongst
 neutrophils, as in ruptured follicular cysts
 and hidradentitis suppurativa, can mimic
 the neutrophil-rich variant of CD30-
 positive anaplastic large cell lymphomas.
CD30-positive lymphocytes in a cutaneous drug eruption

 Kaposi  and Spiegler published independently
  on cutaneous lymphoid infiltrates
 Their descriptions were those of either
  single or multiple sarcomatous-like skin
  lesions, referred to as sarcoids.
 Some cases regressed and were associated
  with a good prognosis, whereas others spread
  and cause death.
 Credit for these observations was given by
   Although Kaposi and Spiegler described both fatal and
    non-fatal cases, authors over the next 70 years
    focussed on the latter.

   Although meaning the same disease, this resulted in
    copious different terminology, including:
       Lymphocytoma
       Lymphadenosis benigna cutis
       Cutaneous lymphoplasia
       Cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia
       Large-cell lymphocytoma
       Reactive pseudolymphoma

   The term ‘pseudolymphoma of Spielger-fendt’
    advocated by Lever, erroneously applied the rubber
    stamp of benign to this group of disorders..
   Primary cutaneous marginal zone and follicular
    centre lymphoma now recognized in international
    lymphoma classification.

   Advances facilitating the recognition of primary
    cutaneous marginal zone lymphoma included
    immunohistochemistry       which       identified
    lymphocyte subtypes, immunohistochemical and
    genotypic methods to assess clonality and finally
    the recognition of MALT lymphoma in GIT.
 Thiswas followed by recognition that MALT
 lymphoma also existed in skin and some cases
 could be linked to antigen presentation.

 Finally,    developments     in    lymphoma
 classification saw the term MALT lymphoma
 replaced by marginal zone lymphoma.

   Preferred       term       for     reactive/benign
    lymphoproliferative      disorders    where     no
    etiological agent is apparent.

   Based on the presence or absence of epidermal
    involvement and the phenotypic cell content,
    they are referred to as either cutaneous T-cell
    or B-cell predominant lymphoid hyperplasia.
 Cutaneous  B-cell predominant lymphoid
 hyperplasia is difficult to distinguish from
 cutaneous lymphoma because reactive
 germinal centres and tingible body
 macrophages can also be seen in primary
 cutaneous marginal zone lymphoma.

 In   both     reactive     and   neoplastic
 conditions, lymphoid follicles and germinal
 centres show similar morphological changes
 including increased size, asymmetry, loss of
 polarity, confluence, increased blast-cell
 numbers and increased mitotic activity.
 As     morphological     appearances    are
 unhelpful,   detailed   immunohistochemistry
 should be always undertaken.

 Significant
            help and attention should be paid
 to B-cell distribution, nuclear proliferation
 ratee and bcl-2 bcl-6 and CD10 status.
 Studies into CTCL, using TCR gene re-
 arrangement analysis, identified a small
 number of cases of eczema/dermatitis, in
 the control population, with T-cell
 monoclones. This observation formed the
 basis of a new disease entity called clonal

 Similar findings were then made in some
 cases of cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia
 and this led to the equivalent term of
 clonal cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia.
   Clonal dermatitis/clonal cutaneous lymphoid
    hyperplasia has a low but significant risk of
    transformation into lymphoma and requires
    multidisciplinary team discussion, possible
    staging and follow up with re-biopsy if necessary.
   In the future, molecular abnormalities specific
    to the diagnosis of primary cutaneous lymphoma
    may be identified and new methodologies, such
    as gene expression profiling, will be useful in this
    extremely difficult area.

   At the moment, the co-existence of genotypic
    and cytogenetic abnormalities should heighten
    the degree of suspicion for lymphoma, as should
    the presence of monoclones that are
    persistent, reproducible and of significant size.

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Cutaneous pseudolymphomas

  • 2. DEFINITION Cutaneous pseudolymphoma is defined by the WHO as a reactive polyclonal benign lymphoproliferative disease, predominantly composed of either B-cells or T-cells, localised or disseminated.
  • 3. CLINICAL ASPECTS Clinical manifestations are frequently not diagnostic and overlap with lymphoma. Two main problems exist: 1. Lesional regression is common in cutaneous lymphoma and accordingly, regression does not necessarily indicate that the lesion is pseudolymphoma. 2. Occasional cases of initial cutaneous pseudolymphoma can evolve into lymphoma (so- called ‘pseudo-pseudolymphoma’)
  • 4.  In general, pseudolymphoma is rare on the scalp and never displays clinical poikiloderma.  In addition, lesions showing variability in size, shape and colour and occuring in non- exposed skin (such as buttocks) should be regarded as cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) until proved otherwise.
  • 6. EPITHELIAL NEOPLASMS: Tumours such as neuroendocrine carcinoma (Merkel cell tumour), neuroblastoma and primitive neuro-ectodermal tumour can mimic cutaneous lymphoma. Epidermal involvement in Merkel cell tumour can result in intra-epithelial collections of cells that mimic Pautrier micro-abscesses in CTCL
  • 7. LYMPHOCYTE-RICH EPITHELIAL NEOPLASMS Classically these include eccrine spiradenoma and lympho-epithelioma-like carcinoma of the skin. A more recent entity is cutaneous lymph- adenoma, although increasingly this is regarded as a trichoblastoma with adamantinoid features
  • 8. CUTANEOUS LYMPHADENOMA There is outer palisading of cells, focally with clear-cell change, within a loose fibrous stroma. There is also focal pigment and a possible papillary mesenchymal body (lower left edge). Numerous intraepithelial lymphocytes are present, characteristic of this lesion.
  • 9. IMMUNE RESPONSE TO EPITHELIAL DYSPLASIA OR MALIGNANCY AND OTHER NEOPLASMS Cutaneous neoplasms such as basal cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma and dermatofibroma can elicit extremely strong lymphocytic stromal responses, in which the underlying neoplasm can be difficult to identify. Lymphomatoid variants of actinic keratosis and benign lichenoid keratosis (lichen planus-like keratosis) exist.
  • 10. DISEASES SEEN UNCOMMONLY IN THE SKIN  Include  Extramedullary haemopoiesis,  Malakoplakia,  Whipple’s disease  Ectopic thymus  Rosai-Dorfman disease  Inflammatory pseudotumour,  Castleman’s disease and  Kikuchi’s disease.
  • 11. ROSAI-DORFMAN DISEASE:  Can herald, co-exist with or follow nodal or systemic disease  Its histologic appearance is usefully remembered by the alternative term of histiocytic lymphophagocytic panniculitis.  S100 positive  Moderate number of plasma cells present and stroma appears sclerotic or storiform.
  • 12. CUTANEOUS ROSAI-DORFMAN DISEASE displaying large atypical histiocytes
  • 13. INFLAMMATORY PSEUDOTUMOURS:  A spectrum of disease that incorporates plasma cell granuloma and inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour.  Former can display germinal centres, plasma cells and fibrosis.  The latter displays myofibroblastic proliferation and 2p23 re-arrangement
  • 14.  CASTLEMAN’S DISEASE:  especially the plasma cell variant, can present in the skin and in particular the vulva.  The identification of human herpes virus type 8 can be helpful.
  • 15.  KIKUCHI’S DISEASE:  Display the characteristic features of necrosis, karyorrhexis, apoptosis, immu noblasts and plasma cells.  Exclude possibility of lupus erythematosus.
  • 16. CLASSICAL DERMATOSES Many classic dermatoses mimic lymphoma and this is particularly frequent with autoimmune and connective tissue disorders. 1. Lupus erythematosus 2. Lichen sclerosus 3. Pigmented purpuric dermatosis and lichen aureus 4. Lymphomatoid dermatitis/eczema 5. Lymphotoid folliculitis 6. Acne rosacea
  • 17. 7. Angiolymphoid hyperplasia and Kimura’s disease 8. Chronic photodermatoses 9. Perniosis (chilblains) 10. Annular erythemas 11. Traumatic ulcerative granuloma (eosinophilic ulcer/granuloma of the tongue) 12. Jessner and Kanof’s lymphocytic infiltration of the skin
  • 18. LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS: (lupus erythematosus panniculitis)  Characteristic features include epidermal involvement, germinal centre formation, plasma cells and hyaline necrosis.  Cases may be extremely difficult to distinguish from subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma.
  • 19.  This has resulted in some acceptance of an intermediary entity described as indeterminate lymphocytic lobular panniculitis or atypical lymphocytic lobular panniculitis  Lupus erythematosus display localisation on hair follicles mimicking the folliculotropic variant of mycosis fungoides.
  • 20. LICHEN SCLEROSUS:  The interface dermatosis present in lichen sclerosus can closely mimic cutaneous CTCL in early stages.  Can display florid, small-to-medium blood vessel lymphocytic vasculitis which closely resembles angiocentric variants of cutaneous lymphoma
  • 21. PIGMENTED PURPURIC DERMATOSIS AND LICHEN AUREUS  Suspicionraised in cases which are persistent or contain atypical cells.  Inthese cases, consideration should be given a possible drug-related aetiology.
  • 22. LYMPHOMATOID DERMATITIS/ECZEMA  Described in association with external sensitization, it is now recognised to occur in occasional cases of atopic dermatitis and in particular, those with high IgE levels
  • 23. LYMPHOMATOID FOLLICULITIS  Predominantly in patients under 50 years of age  Immunohistochemistry reveals mixed populations of B- and T-cells.  Most characteristic diagnostic feature is the presence of moderate numbers of perifollicular antigen-presenting cells which are CD1a and S100 positive.  Another feature is the tendency towards spontaneous regression.
  • 24. ACNE ROSACEA  Characterised by follicular interface changes which, together with a paucity of granulomas, can mimic early stages of follicular CTCL.
  • 25. ANGIOLYMPHOID HYPERPLASIA AND KIMURA’S DISEASE  Characterised by large numbers of lymphocytes and / or eosinophilis.  Prominent hob-nail endothelial cells with vacuoles in small-to medium sized vessels, and germinal centres are the main diagnostic clues to angiolymphoid hyerplasia  Kimura’sdisease can mimic human T-cell lymphotropic lymphoma.
  • 26. CHRONIC PHOTODERMATOSES  Chronic actinic dermatitis (including actinic reticuloid) and polymorphous light eruption are classical mimics of cutaneous lymphoma.  Histological clues in chronic actinic dermatitis include dermal fibrosis and multinucleate stromal giant cells  Polymorphous light eruption is often associated with edema of papillary dermis
  • 27.  Actinicprurigo recently added to this group and cause diagnostic problems by a high density of B-cells  Photodermatoses can display increases in CD8 T-cells but this phenotype can also be present in some variants of CTCL.
  • 28. PERNIOSIS (CHILBLAINS)  An abnormal inflammatory response to cold, seen most frequently in acral locations, but it can occur on the thighs of horse-riders.  Mimicked by variants of lupus erythematosus termed chilblain lupus.  Both perniosis and chilblain lupus can resemble lymphoma because of dense perivascular collections of lymphocytes.
  • 29. ANNULAR ERYTHEMAS  Especiallyerythema annulare centrifugum can mimic lymphoma with dense perivascular collection of lymphocytes.
  • 30. TRAUMATIC ULCERATIVE GRANULOMA (EOSINOPHILIC ULCER/GRANULOMA OF THE TONGUE)  Located on the tongue, this entity can contain eosinophils and blast cells mimicking lymphoma.
  • 31. JESSNER AND KANOF’S LYMPHOCYTIC INFILTRATION OF THE SKIN  Lesions are usually on the face and discoid in nature. Papules expand peripherally but clear in centre and give rise to a circinate appearance.  Spontaneous remission can occur but remission in weeks, months, or longer.
  • 32.  Histologically, mild perivascular and peri- adnexal lymphocytic infiltrate. There should be no involvement of the epidermis and oedema of papillary dermis appears frequent.  Immunohistologysuggested increased dermal CD8 lymphocytes but no HLA-DR expression.  This contrasts with lupus erythematosus which has fewer CD8 lymphocytes and greater HLA-DR expression.
  • 33.  Some studies highlighted the presence of so- called plasmatoid monocytes. The entity may overlap with polymorphous light eruption or lupus erythematosus.  The entity has been described in HIV positive patients and occasionally, as a drug reaction.
  • 35. ACRAL PSEUDOLYMPHOMATUS ANGIOKERATOMA OF CHILDREN (APACHE)  First described in children on the extremities of arms and legs and often multiple and unilateral.  Histologically, it is characterised by prominent postcapillary venules and a moderately dense lymphocytic infiltrate.
  • 36.  The cellular infiltrate may show interface changes with the epidermis and immunohistochemistry reveals mixed populations of B- and T-cells  There appears to be overlap with the entity of papular angiolymphoid proliferation with epithelioid features (PALEFACE).
  • 37. SOLITARY PSEUDO T-CELL LYMPHOMA  Characterised by mixed populations of B- and T- cells, an increase in CD8 T-cells and the presence of histiocytes.  Thereappears to be some overlap wit lymphomatoid benign lichenoid keratosis.
  • 38. PSEUDOLYMPHOMA OF HAEMOTOLOGICAL DISEASE Syn: insect-bite like reaction or eosinophilic eruption of haematological disease  Initially recognized that mosquito bites in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia could be associated with florid cutaneous responses. This was followed by reports of insect bite like reaction in patients with CLL but no apparent history of insect bite.
  • 39.  More recently, this pseudolymphotamous reaction has been reported in patients with mantle zone lymphoma and in association with HIV infection. The entity is generally considered to have an association with altered immunity.
  • 41. DRUGS  List of drugs causing pseudolymphomatous reactions is extensive and can be usefully remembered by the prefix (anti-).  Anti depressants, anticonvulsants, antihypertensives, anti biotics, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines.  To this can be added calcium-channel blockers, lipid lowering drugs, colony stimulating factors, interleukins and inhibitors against tyrosinase and tumour necrosis factors.
  • 42. VIRAL INFECTIONS  In association with molluscum contagiosum, herpes simplex and varicella-zoster virus, parapox, cowpox, Epstein-Barr virus, human T-cell lymphotropic virus and HIV.
  • 43. Molluscum contagiosum and herpes viruses appear to show a specific tendency for follicular reactions.  HIV can manifest with a pseudolymphomatous interface dermatosis which is CD8 prominent
  • 44. BACTERIAL INFECTIONS  Associated with infections by spirochaetes including Borrelia burgdorferi and Treponema pallidum  The cutaneous reaction to borrelia is specifically termed borrelia lymphocytoma and occurs in young patients with frequent involvement of earlobes, nipple or genitals.
  • 45.  Histological reaction has a pronounched B- cell component, which can mimic marginal zone or follicular centre lymphoma.  Germinal centres can appear enlarged, irregular and have no mantle zone.  Blast–cell numbers can be increased significantly  Histiocytes and granulomas can be present and infiltrate can be of so-called ‘bottom- heavy’ distribution.
  • 46. PARASITES AND OTHER EXTERNAL ORGANISMS  Includes scabies and bites from many organisms, including scorpions, spiders and leeches.  Initiate a reaction which is eosinophil rich with both B and T-cell.
  • 48. ANTIGEN INJECTIONS  Occurs frequently with vaccinations containing aluminium hydroxide  Histiocytes display a characteristic purple-grey cytoplasm and particulate aluminium can be identified in some cells at high power magnification.  Histochemical stains for aluminium are positive and aluminium can be identified on X-ray micro-analysis
  • 49.  Histological appearance can be variable and display patterns mimicking marginal zone lymphoma, granuloma annulare, lupus erythematosus or fat necrosis.  Pseudolymophomatous reactions have been reported following desensitising procedures for pollen, dust and house mites.
  • 50. METALS AND PIGMENT  Reported most commonly against metal- based pigment in tattoos and the metals in earrings and acupuncture.
  • 51. ETHNIC SCARIFICATION/FEMALE GENTIAL MUTILATION  Cutaneous pseudolymphomatus reactions can follow this procedure.
  • 52. SILICONE  Associated with entry of silicone into soft tissue and skin  Describedfollowing silicone injection for both breast and genital enlargement.
  • 54. PLASMA CELLS  Prominent in certain infective and autoimmune /connective tissue disorders, to mimic cutaneous lymphoma.  Applied particularly to spirochaete and Leishmania spp.infections and connective tissue disorders such as lupus erythematosus, morphoea and necrobiosis lipoidica.
  • 55.  Prominent in cutaneous manifestations of Castleman’s disease and represent a significant cellular component in stromal response to epidermal dysplasia and malignancy.  Cutaneous plasmacytosis and cutaneous angioplasmocellular hyperplasia are 2 examples of reactive plasma cell proliferation.  Distinction from neoplastic proliferation depends largely on the absence of a monoclone on immunohistochemistry and also genotypic analysis.
  • 56. HISTIOCYTES  Interstitial granulomatous disease is characterized by the presence of palisaded neutrophilic and granulomatous infiltrates with focal collagen degeneration.  Can present as either a drug eruption or in association with autoimmune /connective tissue diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus erythematosus.
  • 57. ANTIGEN-PRESENTING CELLS  Reactive Langerhans’ cells can show prominence in numerous classical dermatoses.  For example, they can become prominent within the epidermis in eczema/dermatitis and mimic Pautrier abscesses as in CTCL.  Inaddition, intra-epidermal Langerhans’ cells can become so prominent in CTCL that they can mimic Langerhans cell histiocytosis .
  • 59. Patterns can be divided into:  Morphological,  Cellular and cytological type  Based on immunohistochemistry
  • 60. MORPHOLOGICAL PATTERNS  The main types described are those involving the epidermis (epidermotrophic), dermis (non- epidermotropic), follicular (with or without follicular mucinosis), subcutaneous and vascular.  In general, an epidermotrophic infiltrate will have a significant T-cell component, whereas other patterns can be of T-cell, B-cell or mixed type.  The pattern focused on blood vessels is specifically termed a lymphomatoid vascular reaction and is particularly associated with drug reactions, lupus erythematosus and varicella-zoster virus reaction.
  • 61. CELLULAR AND CYTOLOGICAL PATTERNS  LYMPHOMATOID:  when cellular density and or nuclear atypia is pronounched or when features of mycosis fungoides are present.  Entities include lymphomatoid dermatitis and lymphomatoid actinic and benign lichenoid keratosis.
  • 62.  PSEUDO-PAUTRIER ABSCESSES:  represent situations where the number of antigen-presenting cells is substantially in excess of lymphocytes present.  Also known as Langerhans’ cell microgranulomas.  Seen in common dermatoses.  ADIPOCYTE RIMMING:  The rimming of adipocytes by lymphocytes in subcutaneous fat is observed in subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma, lymphocytic lobular panniculitis and especially lupus erythematosus panniculitis.
  • 64. IMMUNOPHENOTYPIC PROFILES  Panor subset T-cell antigen loss can be a feature of CTCL but can be seen in reactive T-cell disorders.  CD56 is used to identify CD56-positive natural killer/T-cell lymphomas.  The CD15 antigen was initially associated with the descriptions of Hodgkin’s lymphoma. However treatment with agents like colony stimulating factors can be associated with a cutaneous pseudolymphomatus reaction with CD15 positivity.
  • 65. CD30 – POSITIVE PSEUDOLYMPHOMA  CD30 was associated with early immunophenotypic developments in Hodgkin’s lymphoma.  This was quickly extended into the area of cutaneous CD30-positive T-cell lymphoproliferative disorders including lymphomatoid papulosis and anaplastic large cell lymphoma.  CD30 positivity can be associated with activation of other cell types like those of B-cell, natural killer cell and myeloid lineage and additional natural tissue such as decidua and some non-lymphoid mesenchymal and epithelial tumour
  • 66.  Reactive CD30-positive T-cells can occur in drug eruptions, viral infections, tuberculosis and scabies.  CD30-positive cells can be large, atypical & clustered and represent over 75% of cell population in some viral infections and scabies.  CD30-positiveT-cells should be regarded as potentially occuring in any cutaneous inflammatory condition and their final interpretation based on overall histologic appearance & clinical setting.
  • 67.  CD30-positive decidua can mimic CD30- positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma.  CD30-positive cells amongst neutrophils, as in ruptured follicular cysts and hidradentitis suppurativa, can mimic the neutrophil-rich variant of CD30- positive anaplastic large cell lymphomas.
  • 68. CD30-positive lymphocytes in a cutaneous drug eruption
  • 70. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF CUTANEOUS PSEUDOLYMPHOMA  Kaposi and Spiegler published independently on cutaneous lymphoid infiltrates  Their descriptions were those of either single or multiple sarcomatous-like skin lesions, referred to as sarcoids.  Some cases regressed and were associated with a good prognosis, whereas others spread and cause death.  Credit for these observations was given by Darier.
  • 71. Although Kaposi and Spiegler described both fatal and non-fatal cases, authors over the next 70 years focussed on the latter.  Although meaning the same disease, this resulted in copious different terminology, including:  Lymphocytoma  Lymphadenosis benigna cutis  Cutaneous lymphoplasia  Cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia  Large-cell lymphocytoma  Reactive pseudolymphoma  The term ‘pseudolymphoma of Spielger-fendt’ advocated by Lever, erroneously applied the rubber stamp of benign to this group of disorders..
  • 72. THE ADVENT OF CUTANEOUS MARGINAL ZONE LYMPHOMA  Primary cutaneous marginal zone and follicular centre lymphoma now recognized in international lymphoma classification.  Advances facilitating the recognition of primary cutaneous marginal zone lymphoma included immunohistochemistry which identified lymphocyte subtypes, immunohistochemical and genotypic methods to assess clonality and finally the recognition of MALT lymphoma in GIT.
  • 73.  Thiswas followed by recognition that MALT lymphoma also existed in skin and some cases could be linked to antigen presentation.  Finally, developments in lymphoma classification saw the term MALT lymphoma replaced by marginal zone lymphoma.
  • 74. CUTANEOUS LYMPHOID HYPERPLASIA  Preferred term for reactive/benign lymphoproliferative disorders where no etiological agent is apparent.  Based on the presence or absence of epidermal involvement and the phenotypic cell content, they are referred to as either cutaneous T-cell or B-cell predominant lymphoid hyperplasia.
  • 75.  Cutaneous B-cell predominant lymphoid hyperplasia is difficult to distinguish from cutaneous lymphoma because reactive germinal centres and tingible body macrophages can also be seen in primary cutaneous marginal zone lymphoma.  In both reactive and neoplastic conditions, lymphoid follicles and germinal centres show similar morphological changes including increased size, asymmetry, loss of polarity, confluence, increased blast-cell numbers and increased mitotic activity.
  • 76.  As morphological appearances are unhelpful, detailed immunohistochemistry should be always undertaken.  Significant help and attention should be paid to B-cell distribution, nuclear proliferation ratee and bcl-2 bcl-6 and CD10 status.
  • 77. CLONAL DERMATITIS AND CLONAL CUTANEOUS LYMPHOID HYPERPLASIA  Studies into CTCL, using TCR gene re- arrangement analysis, identified a small number of cases of eczema/dermatitis, in the control population, with T-cell monoclones. This observation formed the basis of a new disease entity called clonal dermatitis.  Similar findings were then made in some cases of cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia and this led to the equivalent term of clonal cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia.
  • 78. Clonal dermatitis/clonal cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia has a low but significant risk of transformation into lymphoma and requires multidisciplinary team discussion, possible staging and follow up with re-biopsy if necessary.
  • 79. CONCLUSION  In the future, molecular abnormalities specific to the diagnosis of primary cutaneous lymphoma may be identified and new methodologies, such as gene expression profiling, will be useful in this extremely difficult area.  At the moment, the co-existence of genotypic and cytogenetic abnormalities should heighten the degree of suspicion for lymphoma, as should the presence of monoclones that are persistent, reproducible and of significant size.