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Dr. Minhajuddin Khurram
Moderator: Dr Sajid A. Mudhol (Prof . And HOD Dept.
Of Surgery)
Al-Ameen Medical College, Bijapur, India.
Comprise a morphologically and clinically
diverse group of tumors
+1-2% of all malignancies
95% are Germ Cell Tumours (GCTs)
Predominantly affects young males
1 -2 % of all cancers in USA
5 per 1 lac cases
90% GCT are in testes
2-5% in extra gonadal (eg retropreitoneum)
Cure rate increased with introduction of
platinum based chemotherapy from 10 to
Predisposing FactorsPredisposing Factors
1. Cryptochordism
2. Positive family history
3. Positive personal history
4. Intratubular germ cell neoplasia
5. Trauma
6. Hormonal factors
7. Exposure to environmental oestrogen and
Predisposing FactorsPredisposing Factors
1. Cryptochordism
 Most important risk factor
 6 times higher risk1
 Risk reduces to 2-3 times if orchidopexy done
before puberty
 One in five will have tumors in the normally
descended testis
 Probable pathogenesis: Increased
gonadotrophins/ abnormal reaction to
Predisposing FactorsPredisposing Factors
2. Positive family history
Men with first degree relative with testicular
Median age being less by 2-3 yrs
Affected brother: 8-10 times more
Affected father: 2-4 times
Predisposing FactorsPredisposing Factors
3. Positive personal history
12 folds increased risk of developing GCT in
the contralateral testis
Higher risk for contralateral tumor if
 Younger age
 Seminoma
Predisposing FactorsPredisposing Factors
4. Intratubular Germ Cell Neoplasia
 A precursor lesion
 ITGCN consists of undifferentiated germ cells
having appearance of seminoma located basally
within seminiferous tubules.
 No spermatogenesis
 Present in adjascent testicular parenchyma in 80%
 50% risk of GCT in 5 yrs, 70% in 7yrs
 5-9% in unaffected contralateral testis; increases to
36% in atrophy or cryptochordism
Predisposing FactorsPredisposing Factors
5. Trauma
 No link proved yet between trauma and
testicular tumor
 May simply draw the patient’s attention to
the site
 Or may possibly hasten the growth of the
Predisposing FactorsPredisposing Factors
6. Hormonal Factors
 Thought to be a contributing factor
 Peak incidence after puberty
 Tumors are more common in dizygous twin
pregnancies than monozygous : More
maternal oestrogen in dizygous pregnancy!!
Predisposing FactorsPredisposing Factors
7. Exposure to environmental oestrogen
and contaminations
Testicular tumors on a rise in the past 30yrs
Synthetic oestrogen in plastics and
Exposure to DDT
It is a potent androgen receptor antagonist
Half life 60-100 yrs: trapped in food chain
Classified according to predominant
cell type:
1. Germ Cell tumors (95%)
a) Seminoma
b) Embyonal cell carcinoma
c) Choriocarcinoma
d) Yolk sac tumor
e) Teratoma
Classified according to predominant cell
2. Non Germ Cell tomors
a) Interstitial Cell Tumors / Sex Cord / Stromal Tumors
 Leydig cell tumors
 Sertoli Cell Tumors
 Gonadoblastoma
 Granulosa Cell tumors
a) Miscellaneous Testicular Neoplasms
 Epidermoid cyst
 Adenocarcinoma of rete testis
a) Secondary Tumors
 Lymphoma
 Leukemic Infiltration
 Metastases
Classified according to predominant
cell type:
3. Tumors of the testicular adnexa
a) Adenamatoid Tumor
b) Cystadenoma
c) Mesothelioma
The commonest variety of testicular tumour
Adults are the usual target (4th
and 5th
decade); never seen in infancy
Right > Left Testis
Starts in the mediastinum: compresses the
surrounding structure.
Patients present with painless testicular
30 % have metastases at presentation, but
only 3% have symptoms related to
Serum alpha fetoprotein is normal
Beta HCG is elevated in 30% of patients
with Seminoma
Classification (of no clinical significance)
a) Typical
b) Anaplastic
c) Spermatocytic
Characterized by a
lobular gray white
fleshy tumor that
have areas of
necrosis &
Cut surface in
homogenous and
greyish white or
pinkish in colour
Typical seminoma Cells have round to oval
nuclei with one to several nucleoli & clear
to eosinophillic cytoplasm.
Cell borders are well defined arranged in
solid nests separated by fibrous septa.
Active lymphocytic infiltration in 80% cases.
Strongly positive for placental Alkaline
phosphatase (PLAP)
Spermatocytic SeminomaSpermatocytic Seminoma
A rare GCT and accounts for less than 1%
It represents a distinct clinicopathological
entity from other GCT
Does not arise from ITGCN
Not associated with crytochordism
Benign tumour; complete cure by
Not positive to PLAP
Spermatocytic SeminomaSpermatocytic Seminoma
Three types of cells:
a) Small cells with narrow rim of cytoplasm
resembling secondary spermatocytes
b) Medium sized cells with eosonophilic cytoplasm
c) Scattered Giant cells
No lymphocytic infiltration
Embryonal CarcinomaEmbryonal Carcinoma
most common germ cell tumor
Present in majority of mixed germ cell
Most men present in their 20s to 30s with
a testicular mass
Highly malignant tumours; may invade the
cord stuctures
High degree of metastasis
Serum AFP is normal , & beta HCG is
elevated in 60 % of cases
Embryonal CarcinomaEmbryonal Carcinoma
Tan to yellow neoplasms (fleshy tumor) that
exhibit large areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.
Undifferentiated malignant cells with crowded
pleomorphic nuclei
Solid sheets,
Tubular arrangement of cells
• Most undifferentiated; capacity to differentiate
to other NSGCT within primary or mets
Embryonal CarcinomaEmbryonal Carcinoma
Embryonal CarcinomaEmbryonal Carcinoma
A rare and aggressive tumour (5yrs survival is
Typically elevated hCG
Presents with disseminated disease
Metastasis to lungs and brain
Primary is very small and often exhibit NO
Small palpable nodule may be present.
Prone to hemorrhage, sometimes spontaneous
(lungs and brain)
Catastrophic hemorrhage immediately after
Primary lesion may be a hemorrhagic or a
clotted mass in which bits of grey tumor can
be seen
Presents as nodules
• Microscopically:
Consists of both syncitiotrophoblast and
Prominent areas of hemorrhage and
Yolk Sac TumourYolk Sac Tumour
Most common germ cell tumor ( & most
common testicular tumor ) in children,
where it occurs in its pure form.
In adults, it is unusual in pure form, but is
found approx. 50 % of mixed germ cell
Testicular mass the most usual
Always produce AFP, never hCG
Easily detectable, lower relapse
Yolk Sac TumourYolk Sac Tumour
White to tan masses, with myxoid & cystic
• Microscopically:
Reticular network of medium sized
cuboidal cellswith cytoplasmic and
extracytoplasmic eosinophil, hyaline like
goblets (84%)
Glandular, papillary or microcystic pattern
Schiller-Duval bodies are characteristic
Teratoma in greek means “monster
Occurs in its pure form with a mean age of
diagnosis at 20 months
In adults, occur as a component of mixed
germ cell tumor & is identified in > 47 % of
mixed tumors.
Pure teratomas are uncommon.
Normal serum markers.
◦ Mildly elevated AFP levels
Histologically benign, but found at
metastatic sites in NSGCT
Perhaps metastatised as Embryonal cell
They are resistant to chemotherapy1
Surgical resection required post
chemotherapy in 40-50% cases
Growing Teratoma Syndrome:
May grow uncontrollably, invade the
surrunding tissueand become unresectable
Teratoma with malignant
Rarely teratoma may transform into a
somatic malignancy such as
rhabdomyosarcoma, adenocarnoma or
primitive neuroectodermal tumour
Largely depends on elements within it with solid &
cystic areas
Contain more than one germ cell layers(ectoderm,
endodermand mesoderm).
Range from “mature” with well differentiated tissue to
“immature” with undifferentiated primitive tisuue.
Composed of somatic type of tissues that include
enteric type glands, respiratory epithelium, cartilage,
muscles, hair etc.
Immature Teratomas contain immature
neuroepithelium, blastema or cellular stroma.
Can give rise to carcinoma, such as adenocarcinoma , or
sarcoma, such as rhabdomyosarcoma.
1. Direct Spread:
 This spread occurs by invasion.
 Whole of testis in involved and restricted
 Tunica albuginea is rarely penetrated
 May be crossed by “blunder biopsy”
 Scrotal skin involvement
 Fungation on the anterior aspect
 Spread to spermatic cord and epidedymis
may occur : points towards bad prognosis
1. Direct Spread:
2. Lyphatic spread:
Seminoma metastasize exclusively through
They drain primarily to para-aortic lymph nodes
in the region of origin of tetsticular arteries
Left supraclavicular fossa through the thoracic
Lymph from medial side of testes run along the
artery to the vas to drain to nodes at the
bifurcation of common iliac
No inguinal nodes until scrotal skin involvement
2. Lyphatic spread:
3. Blood Spread
 NSGCT spread through blood route
 Lungs, liver, bones and brain are the usual
sites usually involved
Clinical Features / PresentaionClinical Features / Presentaion
1. Due to primary tumor
a) Painless testicular lump
b) Sensation of heaviness if size > than 2-3
c) Rarely dragging pain is complained of (1/3rd
d) May mimic epidedymo-orchitis
e) Sudden pain and enlargement due to
hemorrhage mimicking torsion
f) History of trauma (co-incidental)
Clinical Features / PresentaionClinical Features / Presentaion
2. Due to metastasis
 Abdominal or lumbar pain (lymphatic spread)
 Mass in epigastrium
 Dyspnoea, hemoptysis and chest pain with lung
 Jaundice with liver mets
 Hydronephrosis by para-aortic lymph nodes
 Pedal oedema by IVC obstruction
 Troiser’s sign
Clinical Features / PresentaionClinical Features / Presentaion
3. Clinical examination:
a) Enlarged testis (except choriocarcinoma)
b) Nodular testis
c) Firm to hard in consistency
d) Loss of testicular sensation (be gentle)
e) Secondary hydrocele
f) Flat and difficult to feel epidedymis
g) Sign of Vas negetive
h) General examination for mets
Clinical Features / PresentaionClinical Features / Presentaion
3. Clinical examination:
a) Enlarged testis (except choriocarcinoma)
b) Nodular testis
c) Firm to hard in consistency
d) Loss of testicular sensation (be gentle)
e) Secondary hydrocele
f) Flat and difficult to feel epidedymis
g) Sign of Vas negetive
h) General examination for mets
1. USG testes: gold standard
2. Tumor markers/ hormones
a) AFP
b) Beta hCG
3. Chest radiography
4. USG abdomen
5. CT abdomen
6. MRI: intra-abdominal and intra-thoracic
7. IVP and RFT : obstruction on ureters
Clinical StagingClinical Staging
Stage I – Tumor confined to the testis
Stage II – Nodal disease present but
confined to below the diaphragm
Stage III – Nodal disease above the
Stage IV – Nonlymphatic metastatic
AJCC Staging (TNM)AJCC Staging (TNM)
Primary Tumor (pT)
pTx: Primary tumor cannot be assessed
pT0: No evidence of primary tumor
pTis: ITGCN
pT1: Tumor confined to testicle; may invade into
the albuginea but not the tunica vaginalis
pT2: Tumor extending thru tunica albuginea
with involvement of tunica vaginalis or the
presence of angiolymphatic invasion.
pT3: Spermatic cord involvement.
pT4: Scortal involvement
AJCC Staging (TNM)AJCC Staging (TNM)
Regional Lymph nodes (by non-invasive
Nx: nodal status unknown.
N0: No regional lymph node metastasis.
N1:single or multiple lymph node involved, <
2 cm
N2: single node, 2-5 cm or multiple nodes <
5 cm
N3:any nodes > 5 cm
AJCC Staging (TNM)AJCC Staging (TNM)
Distant metastasis (M)
Mx: status of metastases unknown
M0: no distant metastasis
M1: Distant metastasis
1. Inguinal orchidectomy as soon as the
diagnosis is confirmed
2. Then the treatment differs as per the
histological type: seminoma or NSGCT
1. Scrotal exploration and orchidectomy for
suspected testicular tumor
 Orchidectomy undertaken by the inguinal incision
 Spermatic cords are displayed
 A soft clamp applied across the cord
 Mobilise testis to the wound
 If neseccary, bisect the testes along the anterior
convexity to examine
 Take biopsy, send for frozen section
 In case of tumor, double transfix and divide at the
level of the deep ring
 Some advice hemi-scrotectomy along with
2. Radio/Chemotherapy
A. Stage I tumor:
 Seminomas:
 Radio-sensitive and chemo sensitive (platinum based
 Current protocol: radiotherapy is the mainstay of
treatment with CT and tumor marker based surveillance
 In men who demonstrate relapse, chemotherapy to be
 Not radio-sensitive
 Subjected to BEP (Bleomycin, etoposide and cis-platinum)
2. Radio/Chemotherapy
A. Stage II- IV
 Combination chemotherapy for seminoma and
 RPLND needed in some cases for post
chemotherapy masses in the retroperitoneum
 Radiotherapy:
 Given to para-aortic and ipsilateral lymph
nodes, field extending from D10-11interspace
to the lower border of the obturator foramen
 Anterior and posterior fields are given
 Laterally to the hila of the kidneys
 Contralateral testis being protected by thick
lead cups
 High enery Xrays- 6-8MeV with linear
 3000 rads delivered in 3-4 wks
 Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy Toxicity
Bleomycin Pulmonary fibrosis
Etoposide (VP-16) Myelosuppression
Renal insufficiency(mild)
Secondary leukemia
Cis-platin Renal insufficiency
Nausea, vomiting
Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection:
Rationale for RPLND:
The retroperitoneum is the most common site of occult
15-25% of retroperitoneal teratoma, resistant to
Low risk of Abdomino-pelvic recurrence no need for
long term surveillance after bilateral RPLND
Offers high cure rates
The long term survival approaches 100% with RPLND +
adjuvant chemotherapy
Experienced surgeon
Major surgical procedure
Lymph node dissection:
Rationale for surveillance:
70-80% patients of stage I are cured by
orchidectomy alone
No need of chemotherapy in majority of the
The disadvantages being:
Higher risk of relapse
Need for long term surveillance (>5yrs)
Potential for secondary malignancies by
surveillance CT
More intensive therapy required in cases of
relapse than primary chemotherapy
No fixed surveillance protocol
Surveillance imaging and testing intense in
first 2 yrs
Less frequent in 3-5 yrs
Surveillance after 5 yrs for late relapse
Different studies had surveillance CT
scans 2-13 times in 5 yrs
Interstitial cell tumorsInterstitial cell tumors
1. Leydig cell tumors
Considered a pre-ubertal tumor
May affect 20-60yrs of age
A masculinising tumor, produces androgens
No association with crytochordism
Presents with painless testicular mass
Precocious puberty
 Prominent external genitalia
 Deep masculinised voice
 Pubic hair
Gynacomastia and decreased libodo due to
oestrogen production by perpheral conversion
Interstitial cell tumorsInterstitial cell tumors
1. Leydig cell tumors
10% are malignant
Orchidectomy is te treatment of choice
Regression of symptoms after orchidectomy
may not be complete
Metastasize by blood to lungs and
Abdominopelvic CT, chest Xray, RPLND
Insensitive to radiotherapy and chemtherapy
Interstitial cell tumorsInterstitial cell tumors
2. Sertoli Cell Tumor
 Considered a post pubertal tumor
 But can occur in any age group including infants
 No association with crytochordism
 Gynacomastia in 1/3rd
of cases
 10 % are malignant
 Inguinal orchidectomy is the treatment
 Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are ineffective
Interstitial cell tumorsInterstitial cell tumors
3. Gonadoblastoma
 Mixed germ cell/sex cord/stromal tumor
 Composed of seminoma like germ cells and
Sertoli differentiation
 Exclusively in patients with dysgenic gonads
and intersex syndromes
 80% are phenotype females with primary
 20% are males with crytochordism and
dysgenic gonads and hypospadias
Interstitial cell tumorsInterstitial cell tumors
3. Gonadoblastoma
 Considered in-situ malignant form of GCT
 Bilateral orchidectomy because of risk of
bilateral tumours
Miscellaneous Testicular NeoplasmsMiscellaneous Testicular Neoplasms
1. Epidermoid Cyst
 A rare benign neoplasm
 Mondermally differentiated teratoam
 Resemmbles Dermoid cyst
 Enucleation or orchidectomy
 HPR is must
Miscellaneous Testicular NeoplasmsMiscellaneous Testicular Neoplasms
2. Adeno-carcinoma of rete testis
 A rare but highly malignant neoplasm
 Arises from collecting system of testis
 Usual presentation: painless swellinng with
 More than 50% present with mets
 Mean survival period is 1 yr
 Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are ineffective
 RPLND in cases of limited retroperitoneal mets
Secondary tumorsSecondary tumors
1. Lymphoma
 Primary testicular Non-Hodgekin’s lymphoma is
 Mostly involvement of testes by dissemination from
other sites
 Bilateral involvement in 35 % cases
 Presents as painless testicular mass
 25% have systemic symptoms (fever, night sweats
and weight loss)
 10% CNS involvement
 Radical inguinal orchidectomy
 Refer to heamto-oncologist for staging and
subsequent therapy
Secondary tumorsSecondary tumors
2. Leukemic Infiltration
 Relapse of ALL in testes
 Diagnosis by biopsy
 No orchidectomy
 Local control with low dose radiotherapy
 Should include the contralateral testis:
Bilateral involvement
Secondary tumorsSecondary tumors
3. Metastases
 Metastases from prostate cancer
 Lung cancer
 Melanoma
 Colon cancer
 Kidney malignancy
 Presents as diffuse metastatic disease
Tumours of the Testicular AdnexaTumours of the Testicular Adnexa
1. Adenomatoid
 Most cmmon paratesticular tumour
 Involving the epidedymis mostly
 May arise from spermatic cord
 Presents as small (0.5 to 5cm) painless
paratesticular mass detected on routine
 3rd
to 4th
decade of life
 Benign
 Excision by inguinal route
Tumours of the Testicular AdnexaTumours of the Testicular Adnexa
2. Cystadenoma
 Cystadenoma is benign epithelial hyperplasia of
 Multicystic
 Glandular or pappillary configuration
3. Mesothelioma
 Arises from tunica vaginalis
 Painless scrotal mass with hydrocele
 Older adults
 Both Benign and malignant varieties have been identified
 Malignant cases ralted to asbestos exposure
 Radical orchidectomy
 RPLND in malignant cases
1. Textbook of Urology 10th
Ed. By
Cambell and Walsh
2. Short practice of surgery, Bailey and
3. A concise textbook of surgery by Dr S.

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Testicular tumours

  • 1. Dr. Minhajuddin Khurram Moderator: Dr Sajid A. Mudhol (Prof . And HOD Dept. Of Surgery) Al-Ameen Medical College, Bijapur, India. TESTICULAR TUMOURS
  • 2. IntroductionIntroduction Comprise a morphologically and clinically diverse group of tumors +1-2% of all malignancies 95% are Germ Cell Tumours (GCTs) Predominantly affects young males
  • 3. EpidemiologyEpidemiology 1 -2 % of all cancers in USA 5 per 1 lac cases 90% GCT are in testes 2-5% in extra gonadal (eg retropreitoneum) Cure rate increased with introduction of platinum based chemotherapy from 10 to 80%
  • 4. Predisposing FactorsPredisposing Factors 1. Cryptochordism 2. Positive family history 3. Positive personal history 4. Intratubular germ cell neoplasia 5. Trauma 6. Hormonal factors 7. Exposure to environmental oestrogen and contaminations
  • 5. Predisposing FactorsPredisposing Factors 1. Cryptochordism  Most important risk factor  6 times higher risk1  Risk reduces to 2-3 times if orchidopexy done before puberty  One in five will have tumors in the normally descended testis  Probable pathogenesis: Increased gonadotrophins/ abnormal reaction to gonatrophins
  • 6. Predisposing FactorsPredisposing Factors 2. Positive family history Men with first degree relative with testicular cancer Median age being less by 2-3 yrs Affected brother: 8-10 times more Affected father: 2-4 times
  • 7. Predisposing FactorsPredisposing Factors 3. Positive personal history 12 folds increased risk of developing GCT in the contralateral testis Higher risk for contralateral tumor if  Younger age  Seminoma
  • 8. Predisposing FactorsPredisposing Factors 4. Intratubular Germ Cell Neoplasia (ITGCN)  A precursor lesion  ITGCN consists of undifferentiated germ cells having appearance of seminoma located basally within seminiferous tubules.  No spermatogenesis  Present in adjascent testicular parenchyma in 80%  50% risk of GCT in 5 yrs, 70% in 7yrs  5-9% in unaffected contralateral testis; increases to 36% in atrophy or cryptochordism
  • 9. Predisposing FactorsPredisposing Factors 5. Trauma  No link proved yet between trauma and testicular tumor  May simply draw the patient’s attention to the site  Or may possibly hasten the growth of the tumor
  • 10. Predisposing FactorsPredisposing Factors 6. Hormonal Factors  Thought to be a contributing factor  Peak incidence after puberty  Tumors are more common in dizygous twin pregnancies than monozygous : More maternal oestrogen in dizygous pregnancy!!
  • 11. Predisposing FactorsPredisposing Factors 7. Exposure to environmental oestrogen and contaminations Testicular tumors on a rise in the past 30yrs Synthetic oestrogen in plastics and detergents Exposure to DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane): It is a potent androgen receptor antagonist Half life 60-100 yrs: trapped in food chain
  • 12. ClassificationClassification Classified according to predominant cell type: 1. Germ Cell tumors (95%) a) Seminoma b) Embyonal cell carcinoma c) Choriocarcinoma d) Yolk sac tumor e) Teratoma
  • 13. ClassificationClassification Classified according to predominant cell type: 2. Non Germ Cell tomors a) Interstitial Cell Tumors / Sex Cord / Stromal Tumors  Leydig cell tumors  Sertoli Cell Tumors  Gonadoblastoma  Granulosa Cell tumors a) Miscellaneous Testicular Neoplasms  Epidermoid cyst  Adenocarcinoma of rete testis a) Secondary Tumors  Lymphoma  Leukemic Infiltration  Metastases
  • 14. ClassificationClassification Classified according to predominant cell type: 3. Tumors of the testicular adnexa a) Adenamatoid Tumor b) Cystadenoma c) Mesothelioma
  • 16. SeminomaSeminoma The commonest variety of testicular tumour Adults are the usual target (4th and 5th decade); never seen in infancy Right > Left Testis Starts in the mediastinum: compresses the surrounding structure. Patients present with painless testicular mass 30 % have metastases at presentation, but only 3% have symptoms related to metastases
  • 17. SeminomaSeminoma Serum alpha fetoprotein is normal Beta HCG is elevated in 30% of patients with Seminoma Classification (of no clinical significance) a) Typical b) Anaplastic c) Spermatocytic
  • 18. SeminomaSeminoma Macroscopically: Characterized by a circumscribed lobular gray white fleshy tumor that have areas of necrosis & hemorrhage Cut surface in homogenous and greyish white or pinkish in colour
  • 19. SeminomaSeminoma Microscopically: Typical seminoma Cells have round to oval nuclei with one to several nucleoli & clear to eosinophillic cytoplasm. Cell borders are well defined arranged in solid nests separated by fibrous septa. Active lymphocytic infiltration in 80% cases. Strongly positive for placental Alkaline phosphatase (PLAP)
  • 21. Spermatocytic SeminomaSpermatocytic Seminoma A rare GCT and accounts for less than 1% It represents a distinct clinicopathological entity from other GCT Does not arise from ITGCN Not associated with crytochordism Benign tumour; complete cure by orchidectomy1 Not positive to PLAP
  • 22. Spermatocytic SeminomaSpermatocytic Seminoma Microscopically: Three types of cells: a) Small cells with narrow rim of cytoplasm resembling secondary spermatocytes b) Medium sized cells with eosonophilic cytoplasm c) Scattered Giant cells No lymphocytic infiltration
  • 23. Embryonal CarcinomaEmbryonal Carcinoma 2nd most common germ cell tumor Present in majority of mixed germ cell tumors Most men present in their 20s to 30s with a testicular mass Highly malignant tumours; may invade the cord stuctures High degree of metastasis Serum AFP is normal , & beta HCG is elevated in 60 % of cases
  • 24. Embryonal CarcinomaEmbryonal Carcinoma Macroscopically: Tan to yellow neoplasms (fleshy tumor) that exhibit large areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. Microscopically: Undifferentiated malignant cells with crowded pleomorphic nuclei Solid sheets, Papillary Glandular Tubular arrangement of cells • Most undifferentiated; capacity to differentiate to other NSGCT within primary or mets
  • 27. ChoriocarcinomaChoriocarcinoma A rare and aggressive tumour (5yrs survival is 5%) Typically elevated hCG Presents with disseminated disease Metastasis to lungs and brain Primary is very small and often exhibit NO TESTICULAR ENLARGEMENT Small palpable nodule may be present. Prone to hemorrhage, sometimes spontaneous (lungs and brain) Catastrophic hemorrhage immediately after chemotherapy;
  • 28. ChoriocarcinomaChoriocarcinoma Macroscopically: Primary lesion may be a hemorrhagic or a clotted mass in which bits of grey tumor can be seen Presents as nodules • Microscopically: Consists of both syncitiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast Prominent areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.
  • 30. Yolk Sac TumourYolk Sac Tumour Most common germ cell tumor ( & most common testicular tumor ) in children, where it occurs in its pure form. In adults, it is unusual in pure form, but is found approx. 50 % of mixed germ cell tumors. Testicular mass the most usual presentation. Always produce AFP, never hCG Easily detectable, lower relapse
  • 31. Yolk Sac TumourYolk Sac Tumour Macroscopically: White to tan masses, with myxoid & cystic changes • Microscopically: Reticular network of medium sized cuboidal cellswith cytoplasmic and extracytoplasmic eosinophil, hyaline like goblets (84%) Glandular, papillary or microcystic pattern Schiller-Duval bodies are characteristic
  • 32. TeratomaTeratoma Teratoma in greek means “monster tumor” Occurs in its pure form with a mean age of diagnosis at 20 months In adults, occur as a component of mixed germ cell tumor & is identified in > 47 % of mixed tumors. Pure teratomas are uncommon. Normal serum markers. ◦ Mildly elevated AFP levels
  • 33. TeratomaTeratoma Histologically benign, but found at metastatic sites in NSGCT Perhaps metastatised as Embryonal cell ca They are resistant to chemotherapy1 Surgical resection required post chemotherapy in 40-50% cases
  • 34. TeratomaTeratoma Growing Teratoma Syndrome: May grow uncontrollably, invade the surrunding tissueand become unresectable Teratoma with malignant transformation Rarely teratoma may transform into a somatic malignancy such as rhabdomyosarcoma, adenocarnoma or primitive neuroectodermal tumour
  • 35. TeratomaTeratoma Macroscopically: Largely depends on elements within it with solid & cystic areas Microscopically: Contain more than one germ cell layers(ectoderm, endodermand mesoderm). Range from “mature” with well differentiated tissue to “immature” with undifferentiated primitive tisuue. Composed of somatic type of tissues that include enteric type glands, respiratory epithelium, cartilage, muscles, hair etc. Immature Teratomas contain immature neuroepithelium, blastema or cellular stroma. Can give rise to carcinoma, such as adenocarcinoma , or sarcoma, such as rhabdomyosarcoma.
  • 37. SpreadSpread 1. Direct Spread:  This spread occurs by invasion.  Whole of testis in involved and restricted  Tunica albuginea is rarely penetrated  May be crossed by “blunder biopsy”  Scrotal skin involvement  Fungation on the anterior aspect  Spread to spermatic cord and epidedymis may occur : points towards bad prognosis
  • 39. SpreadSpread 2. Lyphatic spread: Seminoma metastasize exclusively through lymphatics They drain primarily to para-aortic lymph nodes in the region of origin of tetsticular arteries Left supraclavicular fossa through the thoracic duct Lymph from medial side of testes run along the artery to the vas to drain to nodes at the bifurcation of common iliac No inguinal nodes until scrotal skin involvement
  • 41. SpreadSpread 3. Blood Spread  NSGCT spread through blood route  Lungs, liver, bones and brain are the usual sites usually involved
  • 42. Clinical Features / PresentaionClinical Features / Presentaion 1. Due to primary tumor a) Painless testicular lump b) Sensation of heaviness if size > than 2-3 times c) Rarely dragging pain is complained of (1/3rd cases) d) May mimic epidedymo-orchitis e) Sudden pain and enlargement due to hemorrhage mimicking torsion f) History of trauma (co-incidental)
  • 43. Clinical Features / PresentaionClinical Features / Presentaion 2. Due to metastasis  Abdominal or lumbar pain (lymphatic spread)  Mass in epigastrium  Dyspnoea, hemoptysis and chest pain with lung mets  Jaundice with liver mets  Hydronephrosis by para-aortic lymph nodes enlargement  Pedal oedema by IVC obstruction  Troiser’s sign
  • 44. Clinical Features / PresentaionClinical Features / Presentaion 3. Clinical examination: a) Enlarged testis (except choriocarcinoma) b) Nodular testis c) Firm to hard in consistency d) Loss of testicular sensation (be gentle) e) Secondary hydrocele f) Flat and difficult to feel epidedymis g) Sign of Vas negetive h) General examination for mets
  • 45. Clinical Features / PresentaionClinical Features / Presentaion 3. Clinical examination: a) Enlarged testis (except choriocarcinoma) b) Nodular testis c) Firm to hard in consistency d) Loss of testicular sensation (be gentle) e) Secondary hydrocele f) Flat and difficult to feel epidedymis g) Sign of Vas negetive h) General examination for mets
  • 46. InvestigationsInvestigations 1. USG testes: gold standard 2. Tumor markers/ hormones a) AFP b) Beta hCG 3. Chest radiography 4. USG abdomen 5. CT abdomen 6. MRI: intra-abdominal and intra-thoracic secondaries 7. IVP and RFT : obstruction on ureters
  • 47. Clinical StagingClinical Staging Stage I – Tumor confined to the testis Stage II – Nodal disease present but confined to below the diaphragm Stage III – Nodal disease above the diaphragm Stage IV – Nonlymphatic metastatic disease
  • 48. AJCC Staging (TNM)AJCC Staging (TNM) Primary Tumor (pT) pTx: Primary tumor cannot be assessed pT0: No evidence of primary tumor pTis: ITGCN pT1: Tumor confined to testicle; may invade into the albuginea but not the tunica vaginalis pT2: Tumor extending thru tunica albuginea with involvement of tunica vaginalis or the presence of angiolymphatic invasion. pT3: Spermatic cord involvement. pT4: Scortal involvement
  • 49. AJCC Staging (TNM)AJCC Staging (TNM) Regional Lymph nodes (by non-invasive assessment) Nx: nodal status unknown. N0: No regional lymph node metastasis. N1:single or multiple lymph node involved, < 2 cm N2: single node, 2-5 cm or multiple nodes < 5 cm N3:any nodes > 5 cm
  • 50. AJCC Staging (TNM)AJCC Staging (TNM) Distant metastasis (M) Mx: status of metastases unknown M0: no distant metastasis M1: Distant metastasis
  • 51. TreatmentTreatment 1. Inguinal orchidectomy as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed 2. Then the treatment differs as per the histological type: seminoma or NSGCT
  • 52. TreatmentTreatment 1. Scrotal exploration and orchidectomy for suspected testicular tumor  Orchidectomy undertaken by the inguinal incision  Spermatic cords are displayed  A soft clamp applied across the cord  Mobilise testis to the wound  If neseccary, bisect the testes along the anterior convexity to examine  Take biopsy, send for frozen section  In case of tumor, double transfix and divide at the level of the deep ring  Some advice hemi-scrotectomy along with orchidectomy
  • 53. TreatmentTreatment 2. Radio/Chemotherapy A. Stage I tumor:  Seminomas:  Radio-sensitive and chemo sensitive (platinum based regimen)  Current protocol: radiotherapy is the mainstay of treatment with CT and tumor marker based surveillance  In men who demonstrate relapse, chemotherapy to be applied  NSGCT  Not radio-sensitive  Subjected to BEP (Bleomycin, etoposide and cis-platinum)
  • 54. TreatmentTreatment 2. Radio/Chemotherapy A. Stage II- IV  Combination chemotherapy for seminoma and NSGCT  RPLND needed in some cases for post chemotherapy masses in the retroperitoneum
  • 55. TreatmentTreatment  Radiotherapy:  Given to para-aortic and ipsilateral lymph nodes, field extending from D10-11interspace to the lower border of the obturator foramen  Anterior and posterior fields are given alternatively  Laterally to the hila of the kidneys  Contralateral testis being protected by thick lead cups  High enery Xrays- 6-8MeV with linear accilerator  3000 rads delivered in 3-4 wks
  • 56. TreatmentTreatment  Chemotherapy Chemotherapy Toxicity BEP - Bleomycin Pulmonary fibrosis Etoposide (VP-16) Myelosuppression Alopecia Renal insufficiency(mild) Secondary leukemia Cis-platin Renal insufficiency Nausea, vomiting Neuropathy
  • 57. TreatmentTreatment Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection: Rationale for RPLND: The retroperitoneum is the most common site of occult metastasis 15-25% of retroperitoneal teratoma, resistant to cheotherapy Low risk of Abdomino-pelvic recurrence no need for long term surveillance after bilateral RPLND Offers high cure rates The long term survival approaches 100% with RPLND + adjuvant chemotherapy Disadvantage: Experienced surgeon Major surgical procedure
  • 59. SurveillanceSurveillance Rationale for surveillance: 70-80% patients of stage I are cured by orchidectomy alone No need of chemotherapy in majority of the patients The disadvantages being: Higher risk of relapse Need for long term surveillance (>5yrs) Potential for secondary malignancies by surveillance CT More intensive therapy required in cases of relapse than primary chemotherapy
  • 60. SurveillanceSurveillance No fixed surveillance protocol Surveillance imaging and testing intense in first 2 yrs Less frequent in 3-5 yrs Surveillance after 5 yrs for late relapse Different studies had surveillance CT scans 2-13 times in 5 yrs
  • 61. Interstitial cell tumorsInterstitial cell tumors 1. Leydig cell tumors Considered a pre-ubertal tumor May affect 20-60yrs of age A masculinising tumor, produces androgens No association with crytochordism Presents with painless testicular mass Precocious puberty  Prominent external genitalia  Deep masculinised voice  Pubic hair Gynacomastia and decreased libodo due to oestrogen production by perpheral conversion
  • 62. Interstitial cell tumorsInterstitial cell tumors 1. Leydig cell tumors 10% are malignant Orchidectomy is te treatment of choice Regression of symptoms after orchidectomy may not be complete Metastasize by blood to lungs and retroperitoneum Abdominopelvic CT, chest Xray, RPLND Insensitive to radiotherapy and chemtherapy
  • 63. Interstitial cell tumorsInterstitial cell tumors 2. Sertoli Cell Tumor  Considered a post pubertal tumor  But can occur in any age group including infants  No association with crytochordism  Gynacomastia in 1/3rd of cases  10 % are malignant  Inguinal orchidectomy is the treatment  RPLND  Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are ineffective
  • 64. Interstitial cell tumorsInterstitial cell tumors 3. Gonadoblastoma  Mixed germ cell/sex cord/stromal tumor  Composed of seminoma like germ cells and Sertoli differentiation  Exclusively in patients with dysgenic gonads and intersex syndromes  80% are phenotype females with primary amenorrhoea  20% are males with crytochordism and dysgenic gonads and hypospadias
  • 65. Interstitial cell tumorsInterstitial cell tumors 3. Gonadoblastoma  Considered in-situ malignant form of GCT  Bilateral orchidectomy because of risk of bilateral tumours
  • 66. Miscellaneous Testicular NeoplasmsMiscellaneous Testicular Neoplasms 1. Epidermoid Cyst  A rare benign neoplasm  Mondermally differentiated teratoam  Resemmbles Dermoid cyst  Enucleation or orchidectomy  HPR is must
  • 67. Miscellaneous Testicular NeoplasmsMiscellaneous Testicular Neoplasms 2. Adeno-carcinoma of rete testis  A rare but highly malignant neoplasm  Arises from collecting system of testis  Usual presentation: painless swellinng with hydrocoele  More than 50% present with mets  Mean survival period is 1 yr  Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are ineffective  RPLND in cases of limited retroperitoneal mets
  • 68. Secondary tumorsSecondary tumors 1. Lymphoma  Primary testicular Non-Hodgekin’s lymphoma is rare  Mostly involvement of testes by dissemination from other sites  Bilateral involvement in 35 % cases  Presents as painless testicular mass  25% have systemic symptoms (fever, night sweats and weight loss)  10% CNS involvement  Radical inguinal orchidectomy  Refer to heamto-oncologist for staging and subsequent therapy
  • 69. Secondary tumorsSecondary tumors 2. Leukemic Infiltration  Relapse of ALL in testes  Diagnosis by biopsy  No orchidectomy  Local control with low dose radiotherapy (20Gy)  Should include the contralateral testis: Bilateral involvement
  • 70. Secondary tumorsSecondary tumors 3. Metastases  Metastases from prostate cancer  Lung cancer  Melanoma  Colon cancer  Kidney malignancy  Presents as diffuse metastatic disease
  • 71. Tumours of the Testicular AdnexaTumours of the Testicular Adnexa 1. Adenomatoid  Most cmmon paratesticular tumour  Involving the epidedymis mostly  May arise from spermatic cord  Presents as small (0.5 to 5cm) painless paratesticular mass detected on routine examination  3rd to 4th decade of life  Benign  Excision by inguinal route
  • 72. Tumours of the Testicular AdnexaTumours of the Testicular Adnexa 2. Cystadenoma  Cystadenoma is benign epithelial hyperplasia of epidedymis  Multicystic  Glandular or pappillary configuration 3. Mesothelioma  Arises from tunica vaginalis  Painless scrotal mass with hydrocele  Older adults  Both Benign and malignant varieties have been identified  Malignant cases ralted to asbestos exposure  Radical orchidectomy  RPLND in malignant cases
  • 73. ReferencesReferences 1. Textbook of Urology 10th Ed. By Cambell and Walsh 2. Short practice of surgery, Bailey and Love 3. A concise textbook of surgery by Dr S. Das

Notas del editor

  1. 1. Changes start to develop at the age of 2 yrs
  2. 1.
  3. dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
  4. 1. Exception: spermatocytiv seminoma with sarcoma
  5. 1. Post chemothearpy of embryonal cell they are found at metastatic sites.
  6. 1. Post chemothearpy of embryonal cell they are found at metastatic sites.