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Spinal Anaesthesia
• CSF Discovered – Domenico Catugno 1764
• CSF Circulation – F Magendie 1825
• First spinal analgesia - J Leonard Corning 1885
• First planned spinal analgesia – August Bier (16th
August 1898)
August Bier 1885
Surgeries of lower limbs, perineum,
pelvis, abdomen
It is ideal in
• Renal failure – onset is rapid, spread is
greater by two or three segments,
duration is shorter
• Cardiac disease
• Liver disease
• Obstetric anaesthesia
• Immunosuppressed patients – does not
impair cell mediated immunity
• Elderly patients
• Diabetes mellitus
• Patient refusal
• Infection at the site of injection
• Increased intracranial pressure
• Hypovolemia
• Shock – haemorrhagic, septic
• Septicemia
• Severe aortic and mitral stenosis
• Coagulopathies
• Spinal cord and peripheral nerve diseases-
poliomyelitis, multiple sclerosis,
demyelinating diseases
• Brain tumors, CNS syphilis, meningitis
• Severe anemia
• Uncontrolled hypertension
• Valvular heart diseases
• Anticoagulant therapy
• Spinal congenital anomalies
• Acquired spinal anomalies
• Post-traumatic vertebral injuries
• Prior back surgery at the site of injection
• Metastatic lesions in the vertebral column
• Intestinal obstruction
• Obstructed hernia
• Mentally disturbed patients
• Uncooperative and apprehensive patients
Subcutaneous fat
Supraspinous ligament.
Interspinous ligament.
Ligamentum flavum.
Epidural space.
Subarachnoid space.
The spinal cord usually ends at the level of L1
in adults and L3 in children.
Dural puncture above these levels is
associated with a slight risk of damaging the
spinal cord and is best avoided.
An important landmark to remember is that a
line joining the top of the iliac crests is at
L4 to L4/5
Where Spinal Cord Ends
Cauda Equina
Surface anatomy
• Spinous processes
are palpable over the
spine and help define
the midline
• In cervical area
First palpable
spinous process is C2
Most prominent
spinous process is C7
Surface anatomy
• Spinous process of
T7 – inferior angle of
• Tuffier’s line –
body of
L4 or
Dermatomal levels
• T10 – umbilicus
• T6 – xiphoid
• T4 – nipples
• T12, L1 – inguinal
ligament , crest of
• S2-S4 – perineum
• Preparation of the patient
• Pre-medication
Sedatives – benzodiazepines , opioids
To decrease acid secretions – H2
blockers, proton pump inhibitors
• Monitors
• Intravenous line – preloading with fluids
• Lateral flexed position
-most commonly used
-back parallel to edge
of table
-hips and knees
flexed, neck and
shoulder flexed
towards knees
-nose to knees
• Sitting position
-for saddle block
-obese patients,
pregnant patients,
patients with
abnormal spinal
• Sitting position
-patient should sit on
the table with knees
resting on the edge,
legs hanging over the
side and feet
supported by a stool
• Prone position
- suitable for
hypobaric techniques
-patient should be in
prone position with
OT table flexed under
his flanks, just above
the iliac crests
• Hands and lower forearms scrubbed for at
least 3 minutes
• Sterile gloves should be applied
• A large area of L-S spine from lower
border of scapula to iliac crests should be
painted using antiseptic solution
• Excess antiseptics removed after waiting
for sufficient time for the antiseptic to act
• Area is draped – view of T12 to S1 and
laterally of quadratus lumboram muscles
• Selection of space – tuffier’s line
• Raise a skin wheal with 2ml of 2%
lignocaine solution after negative
aspiration for blood
• Insert an introducer in the
Uses -prevents deflection of
spinal needle
-fine gauge needles can
be used
-decreases incidence of
postpuncture headache
-decreases infections
-avoids skin fragments
from entering
• Spinal needle is inserted with the stylet
through the introducer
• Needle should be inserted in the midline
and directed cranially at an angle of less
than 50 degrees to the longitudinal axis of
the vertebral column
Bevel of the spinal needle should be kept
parallel to the longitudinal axis of the spine
Loss of resistances can be felt after
puncturing ligamentum flavum and the
Layers traversed by the spinal
needle (posterior to anterior)
• Skin
• Subcutaneous tissue
• Supraspinous
• Interspinous ligament
• Ligamentum flavum
• Duramater
• Sub dural space
• Arachnoidmater
• Subarachnoid space
• Remove stylet to observe free flow of CSF
• Attach 5 ml Luer Lok syringe containing
anaesthetic mixture to the spinal needle
• Stabilize the spinal needle and attach the
syringe by grasping the hub of spinal
needle with thumb and index finger while
propping the remaining fingers against the
patient’s back to provide support
(bromage grip)
• Inject at the rate of 0.2ml/sec
• Aspirate small amount of spinal fluid to
determine if the needle is still placed
• Remove spinal needle and introducer
quickly and simultaneously
Paramedian approach
• 1.5 cm lateral to
• Spinal needle is
inserted at an angle
of 25 degrees with the
midline and without
deviation cephalad or
Paramedian approach
• Needle lies lateral to supraspinous and
interspinous ligaments and penetrates
ligamentum flavum and duramater in the
• Useful in arthritis , deformed spine
Taylor technique
• A 12 cm spinal needle
is inserted 1 cm
medially and 1 cm
above the lowest
prominence of
posterior superior iliac
• Needle is directed
upwards medially and
forwards at an angle of
50 degrees
Taylor technique
Uses :
• Spinal fusion
• Arthritic spine
• Opisthotonus
• Skin infection in lumbar region
Spinal needles
Three parts
• Point of the canula is beveled and has a
sharp edge
• Lumenal sizes : 18 gauge to 30 gauge
• Length : 3.5 to 4 inches
Spinal needles
• Quincke Babcock needle
Spinal needles
• Whitacre needle
Spinal needles
• Sprotte needle
Spinal needles
• Pitkin needle
Spinal needles
• Touhy needle
Spinal needles
• Greene needle
Drugs used in spinal
• Rapid onset of action , intermediate
duration and low toxicity
• Disadvantages – Transient neurological
Drugs used in spinal
• Amide local anaesthetic
• Exhibits sensory/motor split
• Dose of 7.5mg – ambulatory surgery
• Low concentrations(0.1-0.125%) –
postoperative analgesia
Drugs used in spinal
Compared to bupivacaine
• Longer onset of block to T10 (5 min vs 2
• Lower median maximal block height ( T7 vs
• Shorter regression of sensory block to T10
(55 min vs 110 min)
• Quicker mobilization (253 min vs 331 min )
• Less CNS and cardiac toxicity
Drugs used in spinal
• Isolated (S) entantiomer of bupivacaine
• Similar to bupivacaine
Spinal anaesthetic agents
Drug preparation Perineum,
lower limbs
(mg) dose
procaine 10% solution 75 125 200 45
tetracaine 1% solution
in 10%
4-8 10-12 10-16 90-120
lidocaine 5% in 7.5%
25-50 50-75 75-100 60-75
bupivacaine 0.75% in
4-10 12-14 12-18 90-120
0.5% in 8%
7.5 to 12.5 12.5-17.5 17.5-25 90-120
ropivacaine 0.2-1%
8-12 12-16 16-18 90-120
• Local anaesthetic solution injected into the
subarachnoid space blocks conduction of impulses
along all nerves with which it comes in contact,
although some nerves are more easily blocked than
• There are three classes of nerve: motor, sensory and
• Stimulation of the motor nerves causes muscles to
contract and when they are blocked, muscle paralysis
Mechanism of action
Mechanism of action
• Sensory nerves transmit sensations such
as touch and pain to the spinal cord and
from there to the brain, whilst autonomic
nerves control the calibre of blood vessels,
heart rate, gut contraction.
• Generally, autonomic and sensory fibres
are blocked before motor fibres. This has
several important consequences.
Mechanism of action
• For example, vasodilation and a drop in blood
pressure may occur when the autonomic fibres
are blocked.
• Practical implications of physiological
changes. The patient should be well hydrated
before the local anaesthetic is injected and
should have an intravenous infusion in place so
that further fluids or vasoconstrictors can be
given if hypotension occurs.
Mechanism of action of local
anaesthetics on nerve conduction
• Interacts with the receptor situated within
the voltage sensitive sodium channel and
raises the threshold of channel opening
• Decreases the entry of sodium ions during
upstroke of action potential
Mechanism ……..
• Local depolarization fails to reach the
threshold potential and conduction block
• Onset time of blockade is related to the
pKa of the LA
• Lower pKa – fast acting
Adjuvants used
• Addition of opioids improves analgesic
quality, prolongs sensory block, reduces
local anaesthetic requirements, reduces
duration of motor blockade and improves
haemodynamic stability
• Fentanyl – 12.5 mcg
• Sufentanyl – 2.5 – 5 mcg
• Diamorphine – 0.3 mg
• Morphine – 0.1 – 0.2 mg
Adjuvants used
• Dose - 0.2 mg
• Decreases blood flow
• Dose – 15 – 45 mcg
• Prolongs duration of sensory analgesia
• Dose – 5-100 mcg
• Inhibits breakdown of acetylcholine
Density of a solution in relation to density
of CSF
• Hypobaric solutions : raise against gravity
• Isobaric solutions : tend to remain in the
same sight where they are injected
• Hyperbaric solutions : tend to follow
Factors affecting block height
• Patient characteristics
–Intra abdominal pressure
–Anatomic configuration of spinal column
Factors affecting block height
• Technique of injection
–Site of injection
–Direction of injection
–Direction of the bevel
–Use of barbotage
–Rate of injection
Factors affecting block height
• Characteristics of anaesthetic solution
Factors affecting block height
• Characteristics of spinal fluid
Factors influencing block height
Controllable factors
• Dose ( volume x concentration)
• Site of injection
• Baricity of local anaesthetic solution
• Posture of patient
Factors influencing block height
Factors not controllable
• Volume of CSF
• Density of CSF
Levels of block
Sympathetic paralysis
Sensory block
Motor nerve blockade
Sequence of nerve modality block
1. Vasomotor block – dilatation of
cutaneous vessels and increased
cutaneous blood flow
2. Block of cold temperature fibres
3. Sensation of warmth felt by the patient
4. Temperature discrimination is lost
5. Los of slow pain
6. Loss of fast pain
7. Tactile sensation is lost
8. Motor paralysis
9. Pressure sense abolished
10. Proprioception and joint sense is lost
Sequence of nerve modality block
Testing for levels of block
Sympathetic block
• Skin temperature sensation
• Changes in the skin temperature
Testing for levels of block
Sensory level
• Pin prick using sterile needle
• Loss of touch is two dermatomes lower
than pin prick
Testing for levels of block
Motor block
• Modified Bromage scale of onset of motor
Indirect effects of SA drugs
Cardiovascular effects
Due to sympathetic blockade there is
vasodilatation of both resistance and
capacitance vessels
Fall in peripheral vascular resistance
Posture dependent fall in cardiac output
Fall in BP
Indirect effects of SA drugs
Cardiovascular effects
• Marey’s law :baroreceptors in the carotid
sinus and the aortic arch normally respond
to a fall in blood pressure by producing a
compensatory tachycardia
Indirect effects of SA drugs
Cardiovascular effects
• Bain bridge reflex predominates during
spinal anaesthesia : venous pooling in the
periphery reduces stimulation of volume
receptors - diminishes the action of
cardiac sympathetic nerves- vagal
preponderance - bradycardia
• Oxygen consumption is reduced due to
hypotension and muscle relaxation
Indirect effects of SA drugs
Respiratory effects
• High spinal may cause paralysis of
intercostal nerves
• Bronchodilatation secondary to
hypotension or to reduced pulmonary
blood volume
Indirect effects of SA drugs
Gastro-intestinal effects
• Contracted bowel and relaxed sphincters
due to sympathetic blockade
• In the absence of vagal block – increase
in peristalsis and intraluminal pressure
Bladder and urogenital dysfunction
Spinal anaesthesia in pregnancy
Decreased dose requirement due to
• Mechanical factor : compression of IVC
causes shunting of blood to the venous
plexus in the vertebral canal- decreased
vertebral canal space and CSF volume
• Hormonal factor – higher progesterone
1. Immediate complications
- Hypotension
- Bradycardia and Cardiac arrest.
- High and Total spinal block leading to
respiratory arrest.
- Urinary retention.
- Epidural hematoma, Bleeding.
2. Late complications
- Post dural puncture headache (PDPH)
- Backache
- Nausea
- Focal neurological deficit
- Bacterial meningitis
- Sixth Cranial nerve palsy
- Urinary retention
Treatment of complications
Hypotension is due to vasodilation and a
functional decrease in the effective
circulating volume.
1. Vasoconstrictor drugs
2. All hypotensive patients should be given
OXYGEN by mask until the blood pressure is
3. Raising their legs thus increasing the return
of venous blood to the heart.
Treatment of complications
4. Increase the speed of the intravenous
infusion to maximum until the blood pressure is
restored to acceptable levels.
5. Treatment of bradycardia- give atropine
Pregnancy & Spinal
• Aortocaval
• Pre loading with IV
• Left lateral Position
• Vasopressors
• Oxygen therapy
How to prevent Delayed
• Use Thin Spinal needles
• Sterile Precaution
It is widely considered that pencil-point needles
(Whiteacre or Sprotte) make a smaller hole in the
dura and are associated with a lower incidence of
headache (1%) than conventional cutting-edged n
eedles (Quincke)
Treatment of spinal headache
Remain lying flat in bed as this relieves the pain.
They should be encouraged to drink freely or, if
necessary, be given intravenous fluids to mainta
in adequate hydration.
Treatment of spinal headache
Simple analgesics such as paracetamol,
aspirin or codeine may be helpful,
Caffeine containing drinks such as tea,
coffee or Coca-Cola are often helpful.
Treatment of spinal headache
Prolonged or severe headaches may be
treated with
• epidural blood patch performed by aseptically
injecting 15-20ml of the patient's own blood int
o the epidural space.
• This then clots and seals the hole and
prevents further leakage of CSF.

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Science (Communication) and Wikipedia - Potentials and Pitfalls
Science (Communication) and Wikipedia - Potentials and PitfallsScience (Communication) and Wikipedia - Potentials and Pitfalls
Science (Communication) and Wikipedia - Potentials and Pitfalls


  • 2. History • CSF Discovered – Domenico Catugno 1764 • CSF Circulation – F Magendie 1825 • First spinal analgesia - J Leonard Corning 1885 • First planned spinal analgesia – August Bier (16th August 1898)
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  • 5. Indications Surgeries of lower limbs, perineum, pelvis, abdomen It is ideal in • Renal failure – onset is rapid, spread is greater by two or three segments, duration is shorter • Cardiac disease • Liver disease • Obstetric anaesthesia
  • 6. Indications • Immunosuppressed patients – does not impair cell mediated immunity • Elderly patients • Diabetes mellitus
  • 7. Contra-indications Absolute • Patient refusal • Infection at the site of injection • Increased intracranial pressure • Hypovolemia • Shock – haemorrhagic, septic • Septicemia • Severe aortic and mitral stenosis • Coagulopathies
  • 8. Contra-indications Relative • Spinal cord and peripheral nerve diseases- poliomyelitis, multiple sclerosis, demyelinating diseases • Brain tumors, CNS syphilis, meningitis • Severe anemia • Uncontrolled hypertension • Valvular heart diseases • Anticoagulant therapy
  • 9. Contraindications Relative • Spinal congenital anomalies • Acquired spinal anomalies • Post-traumatic vertebral injuries • Prior back surgery at the site of injection • Metastatic lesions in the vertebral column • Intestinal obstruction • Obstructed hernia • Mentally disturbed patients • Uncooperative and apprehensive patients
  • 12. Skin. Subcutaneous fat Supraspinous ligament. Interspinous ligament. Ligamentum flavum. Epidural space. Dura. Subarachnoid space. Anatomy
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  • 14. The spinal cord usually ends at the level of L1 in adults and L3 in children. Dural puncture above these levels is associated with a slight risk of damaging the spinal cord and is best avoided. An important landmark to remember is that a line joining the top of the iliac crests is at L4 to L4/5 Anatomy
  • 17. Surface anatomy • Spinous processes are palpable over the spine and help define the midline • In cervical area First palpable spinous process is C2 Most prominent spinous process is C7
  • 18. Surface anatomy • Spinous process of T7 – inferior angle of scapula • Tuffier’s line – body of L4 or L4-L5 interspace
  • 19. Dermatomal levels • T10 – umbilicus • T6 – xiphoid • T4 – nipples • T12, L1 – inguinal ligament , crest of ileum • S2-S4 – perineum
  • 20. Procedure • Preparation of the patient • Pre-medication Sedatives – benzodiazepines , opioids To decrease acid secretions – H2 blockers, proton pump inhibitors • Monitors • Intravenous line – preloading with fluids
  • 21. Positions • Lateral flexed position -most commonly used -back parallel to edge of table -hips and knees flexed, neck and shoulder flexed towards knees -nose to knees
  • 22. Positions • Sitting position -for saddle block anaesthesia -obese patients, pregnant patients, patients with abnormal spinal curvatures
  • 23. Positions • Sitting position -patient should sit on the table with knees resting on the edge, legs hanging over the side and feet supported by a stool below
  • 24. Positions • Prone position - suitable for hypobaric techniques -patient should be in prone position with OT table flexed under his flanks, just above the iliac crests
  • 25. Technique • Hands and lower forearms scrubbed for at least 3 minutes • Sterile gloves should be applied • A large area of L-S spine from lower border of scapula to iliac crests should be painted using antiseptic solution • Excess antiseptics removed after waiting for sufficient time for the antiseptic to act
  • 26. Technique • Area is draped – view of T12 to S1 and laterally of quadratus lumboram muscles • Selection of space – tuffier’s line • Raise a skin wheal with 2ml of 2% lignocaine solution after negative aspiration for blood
  • 27. Technique • Insert an introducer in the midline Uses -prevents deflection of spinal needle -fine gauge needles can be used -decreases incidence of postpuncture headache -decreases infections -avoids skin fragments from entering
  • 28. Technique • Spinal needle is inserted with the stylet through the introducer • Needle should be inserted in the midline and directed cranially at an angle of less than 50 degrees to the longitudinal axis of the vertebral column Bevel of the spinal needle should be kept parallel to the longitudinal axis of the spine Loss of resistances can be felt after puncturing ligamentum flavum and the duramater
  • 29. Layers traversed by the spinal needle (posterior to anterior) • Skin • Subcutaneous tissue • Supraspinous ligament • Interspinous ligament • Ligamentum flavum • Duramater • Sub dural space • Arachnoidmater • Subarachnoid space
  • 30. Technique • Remove stylet to observe free flow of CSF • Attach 5 ml Luer Lok syringe containing anaesthetic mixture to the spinal needle • Stabilize the spinal needle and attach the syringe by grasping the hub of spinal needle with thumb and index finger while propping the remaining fingers against the patient’s back to provide support (bromage grip)
  • 31. Technique • Inject at the rate of 0.2ml/sec • Aspirate small amount of spinal fluid to determine if the needle is still placed properly • Remove spinal needle and introducer quickly and simultaneously
  • 32. Technique Paramedian approach • 1.5 cm lateral to midline • Spinal needle is inserted at an angle of 25 degrees with the midline and without deviation cephalad or caudad
  • 33. Technique Paramedian approach • Needle lies lateral to supraspinous and interspinous ligaments and penetrates ligamentum flavum and duramater in the midline • Useful in arthritis , deformed spine
  • 34. Taylor technique • A 12 cm spinal needle is inserted 1 cm medially and 1 cm above the lowest prominence of posterior superior iliac spine • Needle is directed upwards medially and forwards at an angle of 50 degrees
  • 35. Technique Taylor technique Uses : • Spinal fusion • Arthritic spine • Opisthotonus • Skin infection in lumbar region
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  • 41. Spinal needles Three parts –Hub –Canula –Stylet • Point of the canula is beveled and has a sharp edge • Lumenal sizes : 18 gauge to 30 gauge • Length : 3.5 to 4 inches
  • 42. Spinal needles • Quincke Babcock needle
  • 48. Drugs used in spinal anaesthesia Lidocaine • Rapid onset of action , intermediate duration and low toxicity • Disadvantages – Transient neurological symptoms
  • 49. Drugs used in spinal anaesthesia Bupivacaine • Amide local anaesthetic • Exhibits sensory/motor split • Dose of 7.5mg – ambulatory surgery • Low concentrations(0.1-0.125%) – postoperative analgesia
  • 50. Drugs used in spinal anaesthesia Ropivacaine Compared to bupivacaine • Longer onset of block to T10 (5 min vs 2 min) • Lower median maximal block height ( T7 vs T5) • Shorter regression of sensory block to T10 (55 min vs 110 min) • Quicker mobilization (253 min vs 331 min ) • Less CNS and cardiac toxicity
  • 51. Drugs used in spinal anaesthesia Levobupivacaine • Isolated (S) entantiomer of bupivacaine • Similar to bupivacaine
  • 52. Spinal anaesthetic agents Drug preparation Perineum, lower limbs (mg) dose Lower abdomen (mg)dose Upper abdomen (mg)dose Duration (min) procaine 10% solution 75 125 200 45 tetracaine 1% solution in 10% glucose 4-8 10-12 10-16 90-120 lidocaine 5% in 7.5% glucose 25-50 50-75 75-100 60-75 bupivacaine 0.75% in 8.25% dextrose 4-10 12-14 12-18 90-120 0.5% in 8% dextrose 7.5 to 12.5 12.5-17.5 17.5-25 90-120 ropivacaine 0.2-1% solution 8-12 12-16 16-18 90-120
  • 53. • Local anaesthetic solution injected into the subarachnoid space blocks conduction of impulses along all nerves with which it comes in contact, although some nerves are more easily blocked than others. • There are three classes of nerve: motor, sensory and autonomic. • Stimulation of the motor nerves causes muscles to contract and when they are blocked, muscle paralysis results. Mechanism of action
  • 54. Mechanism of action • Sensory nerves transmit sensations such as touch and pain to the spinal cord and from there to the brain, whilst autonomic nerves control the calibre of blood vessels, heart rate, gut contraction. • Generally, autonomic and sensory fibres are blocked before motor fibres. This has several important consequences.
  • 55. Mechanism of action • For example, vasodilation and a drop in blood pressure may occur when the autonomic fibres are blocked. • Practical implications of physiological changes. The patient should be well hydrated before the local anaesthetic is injected and should have an intravenous infusion in place so that further fluids or vasoconstrictors can be given if hypotension occurs.
  • 56. Mechanism of action of local anaesthetics on nerve conduction • Interacts with the receptor situated within the voltage sensitive sodium channel and raises the threshold of channel opening • Decreases the entry of sodium ions during upstroke of action potential
  • 57. Mechanism …….. • Local depolarization fails to reach the threshold potential and conduction block ensues • Onset time of blockade is related to the pKa of the LA • Lower pKa – fast acting
  • 58. Adjuvants used Opioids • Addition of opioids improves analgesic quality, prolongs sensory block, reduces local anaesthetic requirements, reduces duration of motor blockade and improves haemodynamic stability • Fentanyl – 12.5 mcg • Sufentanyl – 2.5 – 5 mcg • Diamorphine – 0.3 mg • Morphine – 0.1 – 0.2 mg
  • 59. Adjuvants used Epinephrine • Dose - 0.2 mg • Decreases blood flow Clonidine • Dose – 15 – 45 mcg • Prolongs duration of sensory analgesia Neostigmine • Dose – 5-100 mcg • Inhibits breakdown of acetylcholine
  • 60. Baricity Density of a solution in relation to density of CSF • Hypobaric solutions : raise against gravity • Isobaric solutions : tend to remain in the same sight where they are injected • Hyperbaric solutions : tend to follow gravity
  • 61. Factors affecting block height (postulated) • Patient characteristics –Age –Height –Weight –Gender –Intra abdominal pressure –Anatomic configuration of spinal column –Position
  • 62. Factors affecting block height (postulated) • Technique of injection –Site of injection –Direction of injection –Direction of the bevel –Use of barbotage –Rate of injection
  • 63. Factors affecting block height (postulated) • Characteristics of anaesthetic solution –Density –Amount –Concentration –Temperature –Volume –Vasoconstrictors
  • 64. Factors affecting block height (postulated) • Characteristics of spinal fluid –Volume –Pressure –Density
  • 65. Factors influencing block height Controllable factors • Dose ( volume x concentration) • Site of injection • Baricity of local anaesthetic solution • Posture of patient
  • 66. Factors influencing block height Factors not controllable • Volume of CSF • Density of CSF
  • 67. Levels of block Sympathetic paralysis Sensory block Motor nerve blockade
  • 68. Sequence of nerve modality block 1. Vasomotor block – dilatation of cutaneous vessels and increased cutaneous blood flow 2. Block of cold temperature fibres 3. Sensation of warmth felt by the patient 4. Temperature discrimination is lost 5. Los of slow pain 6. Loss of fast pain
  • 69. 7. Tactile sensation is lost 8. Motor paralysis 9. Pressure sense abolished 10. Proprioception and joint sense is lost Sequence of nerve modality block
  • 70. Testing for levels of block Sympathetic block • Skin temperature sensation • Changes in the skin temperature
  • 71. Testing for levels of block Sensory level • Pin prick using sterile needle • Loss of touch is two dermatomes lower than pin prick
  • 72. Testing for levels of block Motor block • Modified Bromage scale of onset of motor block
  • 73. Indirect effects of SA drugs Cardiovascular effects Due to sympathetic blockade there is vasodilatation of both resistance and capacitance vessels Fall in peripheral vascular resistance Posture dependent fall in cardiac output Fall in BP
  • 74. Indirect effects of SA drugs Cardiovascular effects • Marey’s law :baroreceptors in the carotid sinus and the aortic arch normally respond to a fall in blood pressure by producing a compensatory tachycardia
  • 75. Indirect effects of SA drugs Cardiovascular effects • Bain bridge reflex predominates during spinal anaesthesia : venous pooling in the periphery reduces stimulation of volume receptors - diminishes the action of cardiac sympathetic nerves- vagal preponderance - bradycardia • Oxygen consumption is reduced due to hypotension and muscle relaxation
  • 76. Indirect effects of SA drugs Respiratory effects • High spinal may cause paralysis of intercostal nerves • Bronchodilatation secondary to hypotension or to reduced pulmonary blood volume
  • 77. Indirect effects of SA drugs Gastro-intestinal effects • Contracted bowel and relaxed sphincters due to sympathetic blockade • In the absence of vagal block – increase in peristalsis and intraluminal pressure Bladder and urogenital dysfunction
  • 78. Spinal anaesthesia in pregnancy Decreased dose requirement due to • Mechanical factor : compression of IVC causes shunting of blood to the venous plexus in the vertebral canal- decreased vertebral canal space and CSF volume • Hormonal factor – higher progesterone levels
  • 79. Complications 1. Immediate complications - Hypotension - Bradycardia and Cardiac arrest. - High and Total spinal block leading to respiratory arrest. - Urinary retention. - Epidural hematoma, Bleeding.
  • 80. Complications 2. Late complications - Post dural puncture headache (PDPH) - Backache - Nausea - Focal neurological deficit - Bacterial meningitis - Sixth Cranial nerve palsy - Urinary retention
  • 81. Treatment of complications Hypotension is due to vasodilation and a functional decrease in the effective circulating volume. 1. Vasoconstrictor drugs 2. All hypotensive patients should be given OXYGEN by mask until the blood pressure is restored. 3. Raising their legs thus increasing the return of venous blood to the heart.
  • 82. Treatment of complications 4. Increase the speed of the intravenous infusion to maximum until the blood pressure is restored to acceptable levels. 5. Treatment of bradycardia- give atropine intravenously.
  • 83. Pregnancy & Spinal • Aortocaval Occlusion • Pre loading with IV Fluids • Left lateral Position • Vasopressors • Oxygen therapy
  • 84. How to prevent Delayed Complication • Use Thin Spinal needles • Sterile Precaution
  • 85. It is widely considered that pencil-point needles (Whiteacre or Sprotte) make a smaller hole in the dura and are associated with a lower incidence of headache (1%) than conventional cutting-edged n eedles (Quincke)
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  • 87. Treatment of spinal headache Remain lying flat in bed as this relieves the pain. They should be encouraged to drink freely or, if necessary, be given intravenous fluids to mainta in adequate hydration.
  • 88. Treatment of spinal headache Simple analgesics such as paracetamol, aspirin or codeine may be helpful, Caffeine containing drinks such as tea, coffee or Coca-Cola are often helpful.
  • 89. Treatment of spinal headache Prolonged or severe headaches may be treated with • epidural blood patch performed by aseptically injecting 15-20ml of the patient's own blood int o the epidural space. • This then clots and seals the hole and prevents further leakage of CSF.