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Grain Group
Make half your
grains whole
• Eat at least 3 oz.
of whole grains
every day
–Cereal -Breads
–Crackers -Rice
Vegetable Group
Vary your veggies
• Eat more dark green
veggies like broccoli,
spinach and other
dark, leafy greens
• Eat more orange
vegetables like
carrots and sweet
Fruit Group
Focus on fruits
• Eat a variety of
• Choose fresh,
frozen, canned, or
dried fruit
• Go easy on fruit
Milk Group
Get your calcium-rich
• Go low-fat or fat-free
when you choose milk,
yogurt, and other milk
• If you don’t or can’t
consume milk, choose
lactose free products
or other calcium sources such as
fortified foods and beverages
Meat & Bean Group
Go lean with protein
• Choose low-fat or
lean meats and
• Bake it, broil it, or
grill it
• Vary your protein
routine choose more
fish, beans, peas, nuts, and seeds
• Make most of your fat sources from
fish, nuts, and vegetable oils.
• Limit solid fats like butter, stick
margarine, shortening, and lard, as well
as foods that contain these.
• Check the Nutrition Facts label to keep
saturated fats, trans fats, and sodium
• Choose food and beverages low in added
sugars. Added sugars contribute
Oil/Fat Group
MyPyramid Anatomy
– Activity is represented by the steps
and the person climbing them, as a
reminder of the importance of daily
physical activity
– Personalization is shown by the person
on the steps, the slogan, and the URL.
Find the kinds and amounts of food to
eat each day at
– represented by the narrowing of each
food group from bottom to top. The
wider the base stands for foods with
little or no solid fats or added sugars.
These should be selected more
often. The narrower top area stands
for foods containing more added
sugars and solid fats. The more
active you are, the more of these
foods can fit into your diet.
–Proportionality is shown by
the different widths of the
food group bands. The widths
suggest how much food a
person should choose from
each group. The widths are
just a general guide, not exact
proportions. Check the
website for how much is right
for you.
–Variety is symbolized by the 6
color bands representing the 5
food groups of the Pyramid
and oils. This illustrates that
foods from all groups are
needed each day for good
–Gradual improvement is
encouraged by the slogan. It
suggests that individuals can
benefit from taking small
steps to improve their diet
and lifestyle each day.
NutrientsWhat are
• Essential
that your body
needs in order
to grow and
stay healthy
• Six categories of
• Structure and function:
Carbohydrates are sugars and
starches that the body uses
• PLANTS are the major source
of carbohydrates in the food
we eat.
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Simple Carbohydrates
• Sugars that are
quickly digested
and provide a
BOOST of energy
for the body
• Foods with LOTS
of sugar: oranges,
milk, cookies, candy
Starches that are
composed of many
sugars linked
• They provide the
body with long-term
energy since they
are digested more
• Foods with
• LOTS of starch:
beans, potatoes
Complex Carbohydrates
• Structure: Proteins are made
from many amino acids connected
together in different
• Function: Provide the building
materials your body needs to
grow and repair itself
Essential Amino Acids
• 9 of the 20 amino acids are
called essential amino acids
because you must obtain
them from the foods you
eat since your body cannot
make them.
Complete proteins:
• Foods containing all the essential
amino acids Examples: fish, meat,
eggs, milk, cheese
Incomplete proteins:
• Foods that are missing some
essential amino acids Examples:
Legumes, nuts, whole grains
• ENERGY source for the body
(more than carbs and proteins)
• Help protect and cushion vital
organs as well as joints
• Insulate the body
• Fats belong to a group of
organic compounds called
lipids which are substances
that do not dissolve in
• Fatty acids are the building
blocks of fats.
Unsaturated fats:
• Contain fatty
acids that are
hydrogen atoms
• At room
they are
typically in
liquid form.
• They are less
harmful to the
system than
saturated fats.
• Foods with a lot
of unsaturated
fat: canola,
safflower, and
peanut oils
Saturated fats:
• Contain fatty acids with the
MAXIMUM amount of hydrogen
• At room temperature, they are
typically in solid form.
• Diets with TOO MUCH
saturated fat have been
known to cause heart disease.
• Foods with a lot of saturated
fat: beef fat, egg yolks, dairy
What is a calorie?
• The energy
obtained from
proteins, and
fats is measured
in units called
Calorie Calculations
• Carbohydrates 1g = 4 calories
• Protein 1g = 4 calories
• Fat 1g = 9 calories
• Alcohol 1g = 7 calories
Sample Calculation
• A slice of bread has 9g of
carbohydrates, 2g of protein,
and 1g of fat.
• Get out a piece of paper and
see if you can do the
• 9 grams carbohydrates x 4
= 36 calories
+ 2 grams protein x 4 calories/gram
= 8 calories
+ 1 gram fat x 9 calories/gram
= 9 calories
Total calories = 53
Do you know the MOST
IMPORTANT nutrient?
It’s Water!
• 60%-80% of the human
body is WATER!
• Function: Assists with the
transport of materials in the body
by making up most of the liquid
part of blood (plasma), helps
regulate body temperature, and
helps break down food in the
digestive system
• Food sources: vegetables, fruit,
• Minerals and vitamins are
called micronutrients since
they are needed by your body
in SMALL amounts.
The minerals and most of the
vitamins your body needs must
be obtained from the FOODS
you eat since your body cannot
make them.
Micronutrients: Minerals
• Minerals are INORGANIC
substances that are required by
your body in order to develop and
grow properly.
Some Important Minerals:
• Calcium Iron
• Potassium Magnesium
Micronutrients: Minerals
• Function: Helps build
strong bones and
teeth, regulates blood
• Food sources: dairy
products, leafy and
green vegetables
Micronutrients: Minerals
• Function: Helps build
hemoglobin which is the
oxygen-carrying part of
your red blood cells
• Food sources: eggs,
meats, whole grains
Micronutrients: Minerals
• Function: Helps regulate fluid
balance in the body, assists with
the normal functioning of
muscles and nerves
• Food sources: bananas,
carrots, milk
Micronutrients: Minerals
• Function: Involved in the
metabolism of proteins and
carbohydrates, assists with bone
growth and proper muscle
• Food sources: milk, meat, nuts
Micronutrients: Vitamins
Vitamins: Group of complex
compounds that help your body
maintain normal metabolism,
growth, and development
Two Groups of Vitamins:
• Water-Soluble
• Fat-Soluble
Water-Soluble Vitamins:
• Vitamins that dissolve in water
and are NOT stored in your body
for future use
Vitamin B and Vitamin C
Micronutrients: Vitamins
Examples of Water-Soluble
• Vitamin C: Fights against
infection, maintains healthy
gums, strengthens and maintains
blood vessel structure
–Food sources: citrus fruits,
tomatoes, leafy vegetables
Micronutrients: Vitamins
Vitamin B Complex/Folic acid:
Helps prevent birth defects,
and is needed in the formation
of red blood cells and nucleic
–Food sources: beets, broccoli,
avocado, turkey, bok choy,
and lentils.
Fat-Soluble Vitamins:
• Vitamins that dissolve into and
are transported by fat
• They can be stored in fat
tissue, the liver, and the
• Vitamins A, D, E, and K
Micronutrients: Vitamins
Examples of Fat-Soluble Vitamins:
• Vitamin A: Maintains good vision,
promotes body cell growth, helps
protect teeth
–Food sources: green vegetables,
dairy products
• Vitamin D: Promotes the
development of healthy bones
and teeth
–Food sources: eggs, salmon,
fortified breakfast cereal.
Other sources include sunlight
Making Good Food Choices
• The US federal
government created
a food pyramid which
is a guide to healthy
• It gives
– Eating healthy
– Regular exercise
Fast Food Choices
• Fast food consumption should
be limited since it generally
includes foods that are high in
calories, fat, and/or sodium.
• Try to choose smaller portions
since larger portion sizes
greatly increase the calorie,
fat, and sodium content of
your meal.
–Option #1: McDonald’s Quarter
Pounder with Cheese, large fries,
and a 16 oz. soda includes
1,166 calories and 51 grams of fat!
–Option #2: McDonald’s
Hamburger, small fries, and a 16
oz. diet soda includes
481 calories
Fast Food Choices
• Some fast food choices
are healthier than others
so try to choose the
healthier options.
–Healthy options:
•Grilled chicken
single hamburger
•Fruit and yogurt
•Plain baked potato
(no butter or sour
–Less healthy
•Onion rings
•Large French
Physical Activity
• Regular exercise, included as part
of the new food pyramid, is an
important part in maintaining a
healthy lifestyle.
• Exercise (physical activity)
involves any form of movement
such as walking, jogging, climbing
stairs, or playing basketball.
–Exercise hints:
•Include activities you enjoy
•Work your way up to at least 30
min. of physical activity per day
•Incorporate exercise into your
social life by including your
friends in the activity
•Listen to music or watch TV
while you exercise
Physical Activity
Benefits of Regular
• Helps relieve stress and
• Adds years to your life
by lowering your risk of
heart disease, colon
cancer, diabetes, and
high blood pressure
• Helps you maintain a normal
weight by burning calories
which results in a loss of
body fat
• Tones and develops the
muscles in your body
Fresh Fruit Or Vegetables
Dairy produces
1 Cup
Canned Fruit or Cooked Vegetables,
Rice, pasta, cooked cereal
½ Cup
Half a Baseball
¼ cup
1 slice
2 Cheese slices
1 ½ ounces
Dry Cereal
¾ Cup
Lean meat, chicken, fish
3 ounces
Grilled baked fish
3 ounces
Oil, butter, margarine
1 teaspoon
Peanut butter
2 tablespoons
Muffin or dinner roll
Reading Food Labels
To help you make healthy food
choices, many foods have a “Nutrition
Facts” label that contains helpful
information such as:
•serving size
•calories per serving
•fat/sodium/protein content
•types and relative amounts of
nutrients (vitamin C, iron, etc.)
Reading Food Labels
What do claims on food labels mean?
• Organic - Made from foods grown
without pesticides, man-made
fertilizers, or genetic engineering
• Healthy - Low in fat and saturated
fat, contains no more than 360mg
of sodium and cholesterol per
• Light - Contains at least one-
third fewer calories or at least
50% less fat or sodium
• Fresh - Raw food products that
contain no preservatives and
have never been frozen, heated,
or processed in any way
• Most food products will include
a list of ingredients that are
listed in order from the highest
to the lowest in amount used.
Nutrient and Health
• Free… Fat Free = less than .5 g fat
Sugar Free = less than .5 g
• Low in … low in calories = less than
40 calories
low in sodium = less than
140 mg
• Excellent source of … Excellent
source of calcium = one serving
provides 20% or more of the
Daily Value for calcium.
• May reduce your risk of heart
disease … can appear on fiber
containing grain products fruits
and vegetables that are also low
in saturated fat and cholesterol
• High in … high in vitamins = one
serving provides 20% or more
of the daily value for vitamin C
• Light … contains 50% less fat or
at least 1/3 fewer calories.
• Open Dates = These dates give you
an idea of how ling the foods will be
fresh and safe to eat.
–Sell by = last date the product
can be sold
–Best if used by = how long the
product will be at peak quality
–Do not use after = date is the
expiration date. Last day you can
consume the product.
What are “fad diets”?
• Diets that promise quick weight loss
and usually require you to eat
specific types of food
Fad Diets
Examples of fad diets:
• Fit for Life (food combining
• Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution
(low carbohydrate diet)
• Metabolife 356 (diet pills)
• Slim Fast (liquid diet)
• The weight that you lose is usually
water and/or lean muscle rather
than body fat.
• Some of these diets can be harmful
to your health.
• They sometimes do not include
exercise which is important for
healthy living.
Fad Diets
• They limit your food
choices and usually keep
you from a balanced diet.
• These diets do not offer
long-term success, and
you usually gain back all
the weight you lose.
Psychological disorder that involves
a person starving themselves due
to an unhealthy fear of becoming
Warning signs:
• Eating extremely
small amounts of
food per day
• False impression of
their own body
• Obsessed with
Harmful effects:
• Damage to the
• Excessive
weight loss
• Negatively
affects the
immune system
Psychological disorder that involves
a person overeating (“binging”)
followed by the use of laxatives
or vomiting to keep from gaining
People who suffer from this disorder
usually have a false sense of their
body image, and they are constantly
striving to obtain the “perfect
Harmful effects:
• Tooth decay (from excessive
• Damage to the kidneys
• Best defined by an exercise
addict's frame of mind: He or she
no longer chooses to exercise but
feels compelled to and struggles
with guilt/anxiety if he or she
doesn't work out.
• Exercising takes over the
exerciser's life because he or she
plans life around it.
• Excessive exercise damages
tendons, ligaments, bones, cartilage,
and joints
• May disrupt the balance of
hormones in their bodies.
• The combination of anorexia and
compulsive exercise can be fatal.
• Exercise addicts are often plagued
by anxiety and depression
• Characterized as an "addiction" to
food, using food and eating as a way
to hide from their emotions, to fill
a void they feel inside, and to cope
with daily stresses and problems in
their lives.
• Words like, "just go on a
diet" are as emotionally
devastating to a person
suffering Compulsive
Overeating as "just eat" can
be to a person suffering
• At health risk for a heart
attack, high blood-pressure
and cholesterol, kidney
disease and/or failure,
arthritis and bone
deterioration, and stroke.
• Laxatives move food through the
body more rapidly.
• They relieve stomach bloating and
pain after a binge.
• They don’t prevent the calories from
being absorbed.
• Weight loss is caused by loss of H2O
and minerals and only temporary.
• Misuse of laxatives is VERY harmful:
–Upsets the body’s mineral balance
–Leads to dehydration
–Damages the lining of the digestive
–Lets the digestive tract get lazy.
When someone stops using them,
they may become constipated.
• a.k.a. water pills-help get rid of
excess water by increasing the
amount of urine.
• Causes sudden weight loss
• Could cause dehydration
• Increased loss of minerals
Ipecac Syrup
• Taken to cause vomiting
• Can cause heart weakness
• Linked to several deaths
• TOXIC in large amounts or
small amounts built up over
Caused by an excess amount of body
• People are usually considered
“obese” if their
weight is 30%
or more above their ideal weight.
2 main causes:
1. Unhealthy eating habits
2. Lack of physical activity
Health Risks:
• Lower self-esteem
• High blood pressure
• Blocked arteries
• Diabetes
• Cancer
• Drugs do not really helpDrugs do not really help
people lose weight and keeppeople lose weight and keep
it off.
• They can be addictive, andThey can be addictive, and
lead to dangerous physicallead to dangerous physical
problems if misused.problems if misused.
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thousand powerpoints submitted by teachers. This is a
completely free site and requires no registration. Please
visit and I hope it will help in your teaching.

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Eat a Variety of Nutritious Foods from All the Major Food Groups

  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. Grain Group Make half your grains whole • Eat at least 3 oz. of whole grains every day –Cereal -Breads –Crackers -Rice –Pasta
  • 5. Vegetable Group Vary your veggies • Eat more dark green veggies like broccoli, spinach and other dark, leafy greens • Eat more orange vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes
  • 6. Fruit Group Focus on fruits • Eat a variety of fruits • Choose fresh, frozen, canned, or dried fruit • Go easy on fruit juices
  • 7. Milk Group Get your calcium-rich foods • Go low-fat or fat-free when you choose milk, yogurt, and other milk products • If you don’t or can’t consume milk, choose lactose free products or other calcium sources such as fortified foods and beverages
  • 8. Meat & Bean Group Go lean with protein • Choose low-fat or lean meats and poultry • Bake it, broil it, or grill it • Vary your protein routine choose more fish, beans, peas, nuts, and seeds
  • 9. • Make most of your fat sources from fish, nuts, and vegetable oils. • Limit solid fats like butter, stick margarine, shortening, and lard, as well as foods that contain these. • Check the Nutrition Facts label to keep saturated fats, trans fats, and sodium low. • Choose food and beverages low in added sugars. Added sugars contribute Oil/Fat Group
  • 10. MyPyramid Anatomy • ACTIVITY – Activity is represented by the steps and the person climbing them, as a reminder of the importance of daily physical activity • PERSONALIZATION – Personalization is shown by the person on the steps, the slogan, and the URL. Find the kinds and amounts of food to eat each day at
  • 11. • MODERATION – represented by the narrowing of each food group from bottom to top. The wider the base stands for foods with little or no solid fats or added sugars. These should be selected more often. The narrower top area stands for foods containing more added sugars and solid fats. The more active you are, the more of these foods can fit into your diet.
  • 12. • PROPORTIONALITY –Proportionality is shown by the different widths of the food group bands. The widths suggest how much food a person should choose from each group. The widths are just a general guide, not exact proportions. Check the website for how much is right for you.
  • 13. • VARIETY –Variety is symbolized by the 6 color bands representing the 5 food groups of the Pyramid and oils. This illustrates that foods from all groups are needed each day for good health
  • 14. • GRADUAL IMPROVEMENT –Gradual improvement is encouraged by the slogan. It suggests that individuals can benefit from taking small steps to improve their diet and lifestyle each day.
  • 16. NutrientsWhat are nutrients? • Essential substances that your body needs in order to grow and stay healthy • Six categories of nutrients: •Carbohydrates •Proteins •Minerals •Vitamins •Fats •Water
  • 17. • Structure and function: Carbohydrates are sugars and starches that the body uses for ENERGY! • PLANTS are the major source of carbohydrates in the food we eat. Carbohydrates © 2005 JupiterImages Corporation
  • 18. Simple Carbohydrates • Sugars that are quickly digested and provide a BOOST of energy for the body • Foods with LOTS of sugar: oranges, milk, cookies, candy
  • 19. Starches that are composed of many sugars linked together • They provide the body with long-term energy since they are digested more • Foods with • LOTS of starch: rice beans, potatoes Complex Carbohydrates
  • 20. Protein • Structure: Proteins are made from many amino acids connected together in different arrangements. • Function: Provide the building materials your body needs to grow and repair itself
  • 21. Essential Amino Acids • 9 of the 20 amino acids are called essential amino acids because you must obtain them from the foods you eat since your body cannot make them.
  • 22. Complete proteins: • Foods containing all the essential amino acids Examples: fish, meat, eggs, milk, cheese Incomplete proteins: • Foods that are missing some essential amino acids Examples: Legumes, nuts, whole grains
  • 23. Functions: • ENERGY source for the body (more than carbs and proteins) • Help protect and cushion vital organs as well as joints • Insulate the body Fat
  • 24. Fat Structure: • Fats belong to a group of organic compounds called lipids which are substances that do not dissolve in water. • Fatty acids are the building blocks of fats.
  • 25. Unsaturated fats: • Contain fatty acids that are missing hydrogen atoms • At room temperature, they are typically in liquid form. • They are less harmful to the circulatory system than saturated fats. • Foods with a lot of unsaturated fat: canola, safflower, and peanut oils
  • 26. Saturated fats: • Contain fatty acids with the MAXIMUM amount of hydrogen atoms • At room temperature, they are typically in solid form.
  • 27. • Diets with TOO MUCH saturated fat have been known to cause heart disease. • Foods with a lot of saturated fat: beef fat, egg yolks, dairy products
  • 28. What is a calorie? • The energy obtained from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is measured in units called calories. Calories
  • 29. Calorie Calculations • Carbohydrates 1g = 4 calories • Protein 1g = 4 calories • Fat 1g = 9 calories • Alcohol 1g = 7 calories
  • 30. Sample Calculation • A slice of bread has 9g of carbohydrates, 2g of protein, and 1g of fat. • Get out a piece of paper and see if you can do the
  • 31. • 9 grams carbohydrates x 4 calories/gram = 36 calories + 2 grams protein x 4 calories/gram = 8 calories + 1 gram fat x 9 calories/gram = 9 calories _________________________ Total calories = 53
  • 32. Do you know the MOST IMPORTANT nutrient? It’s Water! • 60%-80% of the human body is WATER!
  • 33. • Function: Assists with the transport of materials in the body by making up most of the liquid part of blood (plasma), helps regulate body temperature, and helps break down food in the digestive system • Food sources: vegetables, fruit,
  • 35. Micronutrients • Minerals and vitamins are called micronutrients since they are needed by your body in SMALL amounts. The minerals and most of the vitamins your body needs must be obtained from the FOODS you eat since your body cannot make them.
  • 36. Micronutrients: Minerals • Minerals are INORGANIC substances that are required by your body in order to develop and grow properly. Some Important Minerals: • Calcium Iron • Potassium Magnesium
  • 37. Micronutrients: Minerals Calcium • Function: Helps build strong bones and teeth, regulates blood clotting • Food sources: dairy products, leafy and green vegetables
  • 38. Micronutrients: Minerals Iron • Function: Helps build hemoglobin which is the oxygen-carrying part of your red blood cells • Food sources: eggs, meats, whole grains
  • 39. Micronutrients: Minerals Potassium • Function: Helps regulate fluid balance in the body, assists with the normal functioning of muscles and nerves • Food sources: bananas, carrots, milk
  • 40. Micronutrients: Minerals Magnesium • Function: Involved in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, assists with bone growth and proper muscle functioning • Food sources: milk, meat, nuts
  • 41. Micronutrients: Vitamins Vitamins: Group of complex compounds that help your body maintain normal metabolism, growth, and development Two Groups of Vitamins: • Water-Soluble • Fat-Soluble
  • 42. Water-Soluble Vitamins: • Vitamins that dissolve in water and are NOT stored in your body for future use Vitamin B and Vitamin C Micronutrients: Vitamins
  • 43. Examples of Water-Soluble Vitamins: • Vitamin C: Fights against infection, maintains healthy gums, strengthens and maintains blood vessel structure –Food sources: citrus fruits, tomatoes, leafy vegetables
  • 44. Micronutrients: Vitamins Vitamin B Complex/Folic acid: Helps prevent birth defects, and is needed in the formation of red blood cells and nucleic acids –Food sources: beets, broccoli, avocado, turkey, bok choy, and lentils.
  • 45. Fat-Soluble Vitamins: • Vitamins that dissolve into and are transported by fat • They can be stored in fat tissue, the liver, and the kidneys. • Vitamins A, D, E, and K Micronutrients: Vitamins
  • 46. Examples of Fat-Soluble Vitamins: • Vitamin A: Maintains good vision, promotes body cell growth, helps protect teeth –Food sources: green vegetables, dairy products
  • 47. • Vitamin D: Promotes the development of healthy bones and teeth –Food sources: eggs, salmon, fortified breakfast cereal. Other sources include sunlight
  • 49. Making Good Food Choices • The US federal government created a food pyramid which is a guide to healthy living. • It gives recommendations for: – Eating healthy – Regular exercise
  • 50. Fast Food Choices • Fast food consumption should be limited since it generally includes foods that are high in calories, fat, and/or sodium. • Try to choose smaller portions since larger portion sizes greatly increase the calorie, fat, and sodium content of your meal.
  • 51. –Option #1: McDonald’s Quarter Pounder with Cheese, large fries, and a 16 oz. soda includes 1,166 calories and 51 grams of fat! –Option #2: McDonald’s Hamburger, small fries, and a 16 oz. diet soda includes 481 calories
  • 52. Fast Food Choices • Some fast food choices are healthier than others so try to choose the healthier options.
  • 53. –Healthy options: •Grilled chicken •Regular-sized single hamburger •Fruit and yogurt •Plain baked potato (no butter or sour cream) •Salad –Less healthy options: •Chicken nuggets •Croissant breakfast sandwiches •Onion rings •Large French fries
  • 54. Physical Activity • Regular exercise, included as part of the new food pyramid, is an important part in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. • Exercise (physical activity) involves any form of movement such as walking, jogging, climbing stairs, or playing basketball.
  • 55. –Exercise hints: •Include activities you enjoy doing •Work your way up to at least 30 min. of physical activity per day •Incorporate exercise into your social life by including your friends in the activity •Listen to music or watch TV while you exercise
  • 56. Physical Activity Benefits of Regular Exercise • Helps relieve stress and depression • Adds years to your life by lowering your risk of heart disease, colon cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure
  • 57. • Helps you maintain a normal weight by burning calories which results in a loss of body fat • Tones and develops the muscles in your body
  • 59. Fresh Fruit Or Vegetables Dairy produces = 1 Cup
  • 60. Canned Fruit or Cooked Vegetables, Rice, pasta, cooked cereal = ½ Cup Half a Baseball
  • 63. 2 Cheese slices = 1 ½ ounces
  • 65. Lean meat, chicken, fish = 3 ounces
  • 69. Muffin or dinner roll = Plum
  • 71. Reading Food Labels To help you make healthy food choices, many foods have a “Nutrition Facts” label that contains helpful information such as: •serving size •calories per serving •fat/sodium/protein content •types and relative amounts of nutrients (vitamin C, iron, etc.)
  • 72. Reading Food Labels What do claims on food labels mean? • Organic - Made from foods grown without pesticides, man-made fertilizers, or genetic engineering • Healthy - Low in fat and saturated fat, contains no more than 360mg of sodium and cholesterol per serving
  • 73. • Light - Contains at least one- third fewer calories or at least 50% less fat or sodium • Fresh - Raw food products that contain no preservatives and have never been frozen, heated, or processed in any way
  • 74. • Most food products will include a list of ingredients that are listed in order from the highest to the lowest in amount used.
  • 75. Nutrient and Health Claims • Free… Fat Free = less than .5 g fat Sugar Free = less than .5 g sugar • Low in … low in calories = less than 40 calories low in sodium = less than 140 mg
  • 76. • Excellent source of … Excellent source of calcium = one serving provides 20% or more of the Daily Value for calcium. • May reduce your risk of heart disease … can appear on fiber containing grain products fruits and vegetables that are also low in saturated fat and cholesterol
  • 77. • High in … high in vitamins = one serving provides 20% or more of the daily value for vitamin C • Light … contains 50% less fat or at least 1/3 fewer calories.
  • 78. • Open Dates = These dates give you an idea of how ling the foods will be fresh and safe to eat. –Sell by = last date the product can be sold –Best if used by = how long the product will be at peak quality –Do not use after = date is the expiration date. Last day you can consume the product.
  • 80.
  • 81. What are “fad diets”? • Diets that promise quick weight loss and usually require you to eat specific types of food Fad Diets
  • 82. Examples of fad diets: • Fit for Life (food combining diet) • Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution (low carbohydrate diet) • Metabolife 356 (diet pills) • Slim Fast (liquid diet)
  • 83. • The weight that you lose is usually water and/or lean muscle rather than body fat. • Some of these diets can be harmful to your health. • They sometimes do not include exercise which is important for healthy living. Fad Diets
  • 84. • They limit your food choices and usually keep you from a balanced diet. • These diets do not offer long-term success, and you usually gain back all the weight you lose.
  • 85. Psychological disorder that involves a person starving themselves due to an unhealthy fear of becoming obese Anorexia
  • 86. Warning signs: • Eating extremely small amounts of food per day • False impression of their own body image • Obsessed with exercise Harmful effects: • Damage to the heart • Excessive weight loss • Negatively affects the immune system
  • 87. Psychological disorder that involves a person overeating (“binging”) followed by the use of laxatives or vomiting to keep from gaining weight Bulimia
  • 88. People who suffer from this disorder usually have a false sense of their body image, and they are constantly striving to obtain the “perfect body.” Harmful effects: • Tooth decay (from excessive vomiting) • Damage to the kidneys
  • 89. COMPULSIVE EXCERCISE • Best defined by an exercise addict's frame of mind: He or she no longer chooses to exercise but feels compelled to and struggles with guilt/anxiety if he or she doesn't work out. • Exercising takes over the exerciser's life because he or she plans life around it.
  • 90. • Excessive exercise damages tendons, ligaments, bones, cartilage, and joints • May disrupt the balance of hormones in their bodies. • The combination of anorexia and compulsive exercise can be fatal. • Exercise addicts are often plagued by anxiety and depression
  • 91. COMPULSIVE OVEREATING • Characterized as an "addiction" to food, using food and eating as a way to hide from their emotions, to fill a void they feel inside, and to cope with daily stresses and problems in their lives.
  • 92. COMPULSIVE OVEREATING • Words like, "just go on a diet" are as emotionally devastating to a person suffering Compulsive Overeating as "just eat" can be to a person suffering Anorexia.
  • 93. COMPULSIVE OVEREATING • At health risk for a heart attack, high blood-pressure and cholesterol, kidney disease and/or failure, arthritis and bone deterioration, and stroke.
  • 94. Laxatives • Laxatives move food through the body more rapidly. • They relieve stomach bloating and pain after a binge. • They don’t prevent the calories from being absorbed. • Weight loss is caused by loss of H2O and minerals and only temporary.
  • 95. Laxatives • Misuse of laxatives is VERY harmful: –Upsets the body’s mineral balance –Leads to dehydration –Damages the lining of the digestive tract –Lets the digestive tract get lazy. When someone stops using them, they may become constipated.
  • 96. Diuretics • a.k.a. water pills-help get rid of excess water by increasing the amount of urine. • Causes sudden weight loss • Could cause dehydration • Increased loss of minerals • VERY DANGEROUS
  • 97. Ipecac Syrup • Taken to cause vomiting • Can cause heart weakness • Linked to several deaths • TOXIC in large amounts or small amounts built up over time
  • 98. Caused by an excess amount of body fat • People are usually considered “obese” if their weight is 30% or more above their ideal weight. 2 main causes: 1. Unhealthy eating habits 2. Lack of physical activity Obesity
  • 99. Health Risks: • Lower self-esteem • High blood pressure • Blocked arteries • Diabetes • Cancer Obesity
  • 100. • Drugs do not really helpDrugs do not really help people lose weight and keeppeople lose weight and keep it off. • They can be addictive, andThey can be addictive, and lead to dangerous physicallead to dangerous physical problems if misused.problems if misused.
  • 101. This powerpoint was kindly donated to is home to over a thousand powerpoints submitted by teachers. This is a completely free site and requires no registration. Please visit and I hope it will help in your teaching.

Editor's Notes

  1. What do we know about these 2 pyramids? Old one-specific servings for everyone-no physical activity incorporated New one- no serving sizes-activity is emphasized Handout-Anatomy of mypyramid
  2. Shows acitivity-moderation-proportions-personalized Visit to make your own personalized pyramid
  3. Look for the word whole in front of the word grain on a product-whole wheat
  4. Starchy vegetables-potatoes, corn, lima beans Dry beans and peas Orange vegetables- carrots, squash, sweet potatoes Dark green vegetables- spinach, collard greens, broccoli
  5. Variety of fruits- apples, bananas, mangoes, oranges, papayas, grapes, pineapples
  6. 3-A-DAY CAMPAIGN -not adding milk products, it’s replacing things that aren’t as healthy, like soda, tea, coffee, and snacks. -choosing yogurt, low-fat cheese, etc. instead will help you become healthier
  7. ACTIVITY -3 levels -sedentary, moderate, active -different serving sizes for boys and girls and also different servings sizes for boys and girls at each activity level. PERSONALIZATION -this is making your own pyramid using their guidelines based on your age, sex, and activity level
  8. By looking at the new pyramid which groups shouldn’t be chosen very often? -oils, fruits Why??
  9. By looking at the new pyramid which groups should make up most of our diet? -grains, vegetables, milk
  10. What kinds of things can we do to improve our lifestyle each day??
  11. Worksheet 10
  12. -Substances that the body needs to regulate body functions, promote growth, repair body tissues, and obtain energy. -Your body requires more than 40 different nutrients for these tasks but only 6 are essential. -define what essential means
  13. -Made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen -2 different types we are going to talk about -simple -complex -45-65% of a persons daily caloric intake should be from carbohydrates -foods rich in complex carbs are better than simple carbs.
  14. -Added to manufactured foods like cookies, candies, and soft drinks -occurs naturally in fruits, vegetables, and milk -all sugars are converted to glucose for the body to use.
  15. -Found in many plant foods such as potatoes -grains-rice, cereals, and wheat -when you eat complex carbohydrates your body (digests) breaks the starch into simple sugars that can be absorbed into your bloodstream. That’s why its slower to digest. -FIBER -is a complex carbohydrate but is not considered a nutrient because its not broken down and absorbed into your bloodstream. -still necessary for the proper functioning of your digestive system. -helps prevent constipation -may reduce risk of colon cancer -may help prevent heart disease
  16. -High protein foods -meats, eggs, poultry, milk and milk products -Nuts, dried beans, dried peas, and lentils contain a lot of protein also. -10-35% of diet needs to be protein
  17. COMPLETE PROTEINS- animal sources INCOMPLETE PROTEINS-plant sources
  18. -Helps maintain body temperature, protect your nerves, and form your cells. -20-35% of daily intake -primarily unsaturated fat
  19. -MONOUNSATURATED FATS- olive oil, peanut oil, and canola oil -POLYUNSATURATED FATS- corn oil, soybean oil, and seafood. -balancing of the 2 is important for cardiovascular health
  20. -ANIMAL FATS -lard and dairy products -too much can lead to heart disease -TRANS FAT -when manufacturers add hydrogen to the fat molecules in vegetables oils. -foods that contain these stay fresher longer
  21. -CHOLESTEROL -waxy-fatlike substance that is only found in animal products. Your body needs a certain amount of cholesterol to make cell membranes and nerve tissue, certain hormones and substances that aid in the digestion of fat. -your liver can make all of the cholesterol your body needs, so its not a necessary part of your diet. -when to much cholesterol is in the bloodstream it causes plaque to form on the walls of arteries. Heavy build up causes blockages which in turn causes heart attack
  22. -Write this down in the notes box!!
  24. -Dehydration -very heavy perspiring or severe diarrhea -a serious reduction in the body’s water content -Symptoms of dehydration -weakness -rapid breathing -weak heartbeat -dizzy, lathargic -Female teen -at least 10, 8oz glasses of water a day -Male teen -at least 14, 8oz glasses of water a day -A person can lose 4 cups of water during every hour of exercise
  26. -Minerals occur naturally in rocks and soil. Plants absorb these minerals through the soil and animals obtain these nutrients by eating these plants or eating an animal that has eaten these plants, then we eat these plants and animals. -24 different minerals have been shown to be essential for good health. There are 7 you need in significant amounts- Ca, Na, K, Mg, P, Cl, S. The others are only needed in trace amounts.
  27. Helps with functioning of your nervous system. Good sources of Calcium-Dairy products of course but some people cannot digest dairy products so what can they eat to get Ca? -Beet greens, collard greens, broccoli, and tofu A lack of Ca can lead to osteoporosis-bones gradually weaken usually a disease of older people but what you do now can affect what happens as you get older. 85% of girls do not get enough Ca in their diet.
  28. -Necessary for healthy red blood cells -Women need extra iron because they lose iron during menstruation -Boys and girls need iron to build muscle mass -Not getting enough iron may cause anemia. -a condition in which the red blood cells do not contain enough hemoglobin -anemics are often weak and tired, may become sick easily.
  29. Potassium and Sodium work together to maintain water balance in the body People who consume enough potassium each day generally have lower blood pressure than people who do not Foods rich in potassium: baked potatoes, spinach, bananas, dried fruits, oranges, soybeans, tomato products, milk, and carrots.
  30. -Helps build bones and proteins -Helps with energy metabolism -Muscle contraction Sources: -leafy green vegetables -legumes -nuts -whole-grain food Another Mineral -Sodium: most people consume to much sodium. Table salt or NaCl is a major source of sodium. Helps functioning of the heart. Aids in water balance. Too much sodium can cause blood pressure problems. Can raise blood pressure. -Fluoride: helps form strong teeth and bones can get it from fish and water. -Chlorine: Helps maintain water balance and aids with digestion. Can get it from table salt, soy sauce and processed foods.
  31. -required in small amounts -assists in many chemical reactions in the body -Vitamins do not directly provide the body with energy -Instead vitamins help with various processes in the body including the use of other nutrients.
  32. Not stored in the body for future use. Must eat foods with these vitamins everyday
  33. Aids in bone, teeth, and skin formation resistance to infection Sources: citrus fruits, green vegetables, melons, potatoes, and tomatoes.
  34. B1-Thiamin- aids in nervous system function B2-Riboflavin- aids in metabolism of carbs, proteins, and fats B3- Niacin- aids in metabolism B6-Pyridoxine- aids in metabolism of carbs, proteins, and fats B12-Cobalamin- maintains healthy nervous system and red blood cells Pantothenic acid-aids in metabolism Folic Acid (folate)- aids in formation of red blood cells and protein Biotin- aids in metabolism
  35. Maintains healthy skin, bones, teeth and hair Aids in vision in dim light Sources: liver, eggs, cheese, milk, and yellow, orange and dark green vegetables and fruit
  36. Maintains bones and teeth Helps in the use of Ca and phophorous Sources: milk, eggs, liver, and sunlight Vitamin E -aids in maintenance of red blood cells, vitamin A and fats -Sources: margarine, vegetable oil, whole grains, legumes, green leafy vegetables Vitamin K -aids in blood clotting -Sources: green leafy vegetables, potatoes, liver
  37. What can make the healthy choices unhealthy? What can make the unhealthy choices healthy? Mayo, cheese, loaded baked potato, salad dressing, toppings Baked instead of fried