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Prepared by: Abdulrahman Alsagabi
 Any vaginal bleeding before 20 wks period of 
gestation is defined as early pregnancy 
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 The causes of bleeding in early pregnancy are broadly divided into two groups: 
I. Related to the pregnant state: 
 Abortion 95%. 
 Ectopic pregnancy. 
 Hydatidi-form mole. 
2. Associated with pregnant state: Lesions are unrelated to pregnancy – either pre-existing 
or aggravated during pregnancy. 
 Cervical lesions. 
 Vascular erosion. 
 Polyps. 
 Ruptured varicose veins. 
 Malignancy. 
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Ectopic pregnancy 
Hydatidiform mole 
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 The expulsion or extraction from its mother of an embryo or fetus weighing 500 
gm or less when it is not capable of independent survival. 500mg = approx. 
22weeks (154 days) of gestation. 
 Abortus: expelled embryo or fetus. 
 Miscarriage: recommended terminology for spontaneous abortion. 
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 The incidence of abortion is difficult to work out but 10-20% of all clinical 
pregnancies end in miscarriage and another optimistic figure of 10% induced 
 75% end before 16th week and 75% of these occur before 8th week of pregnancy. 
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Legal (MTP) 
Illegal (unsafe) 
Septic common 
Threatened, Inevitable, Complete, Incomplete, Missed, 
Septic (less common) 
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 Complex and obscure (embryonic or parental) are important. 
 Genetic – majority 50% of early miscarriages. 
 Endocrine and metabolic – 10-15% LPD, deficient progesterone, thyroid abnormalities, DM. 
 Anatomic – 10-15% mostly related to 2nd trimester, cervical, uterine (congenital malformation or fibroid). 
 Infection – 5% viral , bacterial, parasitic. 
 Immunological – 5-10% autoimmune disease, alloimmune disease. 
 Antifetal antibodies. 
 Thrombophilia. 
 Maternal medical illness – heart disease, haemoglobinopathies. 
 Blood group incompatibility : in compatible ABO group lead to early wastage and often recurrent while 
RH incompatibility rare cause of death before 28th week, couple with A husband + O wife has higher 
incidence of abortion. 
 Others. 
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 1st: 1-genetic 50%. 2-endocrine. 3- immunological. 4-infection. 5-unexplained. 
 2nd: 1- anatomic. 2- maternal medical illness. 3- unexplained. 
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 Before the 12th week, the pregnancy sac tends to be expelled from the uterus in 
one mass. After that time, the process is similar to labour. The membranes 
rupture with escape of amniotic fluid then the fetus and placenta are born 
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 Clinical entity where the process of miscarriage has started but has not 
progressed to state from which recovery is impossible. 
 Clinical picture: 
 S&S similar to pregnancy. 
 Bleeding – usually slight or moderate due to separation of ovum. 
 Pain is absent or some heaviness maybe felt in suprapubic region. 
 OE/ uterus enlarged cervix closed. 
 hCG +ve. 
 US/ will show a viable fetus and differentiates threatened abortion from missed abortion 
and hydatidiform mole 
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 Fate: 
 Bleeding stops: 
 the embryo or fetus is still alive and pregnancy continues (50%). 
 the embryo or fetus dies but is retained in the uterus leading to missed abortion. 
 Bleeding continuous: 
 uterine contractions occur, and cervix dilates leading to inevitable abortion. 
 Treatment: 
 Rest (physical, mental and sexual). 
 Treatment of the cause : If obvious. 
 Natural Progesterone (vaginal suppository or intramuscular) is given by some if there is 
evidence of progesterone deficiency. Progesterone may cause retention of the dead ovum leads to 
missed abortion. 
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 Clinical type of abortion where the changes have progressed to a state from where 
continuation of pregnancy is impossible. 
 Clinical picture : 
 S&S of pregnancy. 
 Bleeding, usually severe. 
 Pain : It is colicky intermittent felt in the supra pubic region (uterine contractions) and may 
be accompanied with low backache (cervical dilatation). 
 OE/ the uterus is enlarged and the internal os of the cervix is dilated. The products of 
conception may be felt through the dilated cervix. 
 Fate : 
 Abortion will occur in spite of any treatment. 
 Treatment : 
 Before 12 weeks vaginal evacuation and curettage. 
 After 12 weeks, oxytocin by intravenous drip or prostaglandins are given to help the uterus 
expel its content. If the placenta is retained it should be removed under general anaesthesia 
followed by uterine curettage. 
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 Part of the products of conception is expelled from the uterus and part is retained 
inside the uterus. 
 In clinical picture and treatment same as inevitable abortion. 
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 All the products of conception are expelled from uterus. 
 The bleeding is slight and gradually diminishes, pain is absent, the uterus is 
smaller than the period of amenorrhea and the cervix is closed or closing. 
 Ultrasound is performed if the uterus is empty, nothing is done. If remnants are 
seen evacuation is carried out 
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 The embryo or fetus are dead and retained inside the uterus. 
 Symptoms of threatened abortion may or may not occur. 
 Pregnancy symptoms gradually disappear as nausea, vomiting and breast 
 Failure of the abdomen to increase in size. 
 Failure to feel fetal movements or cessation of fetal movements if previously 
 Milk secretion may start spontaneously from the breasts, frequently in second 
trimester abortion due to drop in secretion of estrogen which normally blocks the 
action of prolactin on the breast. 
 A dark brown vaginal discharge may occur. 
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 Signs : 
 Uterus is smaller than the period of amenorrhea and fails to enlarge. It is firm in 
consistency. The cervix is closed. 
 Fetal heart sounds (FHS) cannot be heard by Sonicaide. 
 Investigations : 
 U.S is diagnostic. It shows absent fetal cardiac pulsations. A collapsed pregnancy sac 
may be detected. 
 hCG: becomes negative within two weeks after death of the embryo or fetus, sometimes 
remains positive for a longer period if there is still living chorionic tissue. 
 Complications : Intrauterine infection and DIC in neglected cases. 
 Treatment : 
 The dead conceptus is expelled spontaneously in the majority of cases. Otherwise, 
evacuation of the uterus is done once sure diagnosis of missed abortion is made. Methods 
are discussed later. 
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Type of 
Uterine size 
Products of 
Pregnancy test 
Threatened + - - Correspond amenorrhea - - + 
Inevitable ++ + + Correspond amenorrhea - ± + 
Incomplete ++ + + Slightly smaller + ± + 
Complete + - - smaller - - + 
Missed ± - - smaller - - - after 2 wks 
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 It is any type of abortion complicated by infection. It is usually the result of 
criminal interference. 
 Organisms include staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli, clostridium 
welchii as well as other organisms. The commonest organisms are the anaerobic 
 Routes: Endo-Exo and autogenous. 
 Clinical picture: 
 General manifestation of infection. 
 Abdominally: suprapubic pain or rigidity. 
 Vaginally: offensive discharges. 
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 Investigations : 
 Cervicovaginal swab. 
 Full laboratory investigations including : Complete blood count (CBC), urine analysis, 
liver and kidney function tests, plasma glucose and coagulation profile. 
 Blood for culture (aerobic and anaerobic) and sensitivity test (if pyrexia >39°C). 
 Ultrasound examination. 
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 Treatment : 
 Hospitalization, and isolation in a separate room. 
 Observation for vital signs (pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate and 
temperature) and fluid chart. 
 Fluid therapy to maintain a urinary flow of at least 30 ml/hour. 
 Broad-spectrum parenteral antibiotics Until C & S results. 
 Evacuation of the uterus is indicated if it contains products of conception, 4-6 
hours after initiation of massive antibiotic therapy. 
 Ecbolics to control bleeding. 
 Correct anemia. 
 Symptomatic treatment in the form of antipyretics and analgesics. 
 Hysterectomy is indicated in case of gas gangrene of the uterus or septic shock not 
responding to treatment 
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 1- Peritonitis 2- Septicemia 
 3- Septic shock 4- Renal failure 
 5- DIC 6- hemolytic anemia 
 7- Liver failure 8- Adult respiratory distress syndrome 
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 products of conception are separated from the uterus but retained inside the 
cervical canal because of stenosed external Os due to previous cauterization or 
operation in the cervix. 
 cervix becomes ballooned but the bleeding is usually slight. 
 Under anaesthesia the cervix is dilated, products of conception removed and 
uterus curetted to remove any remnants. 
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 Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) or Habitual abortion. 
 Three or more successive spontaneous abortions. 
 Less than 1% of pregnancies (0.3-0.9%). 
 Causes: 
1. Fetal: chromosomal.3-5 % 
2. Maternal:15-20% 
 Local: uterine leiomyomas , Intrauterine synechiae (Asherman syndrome), Uterine anomalies, Cervical 
 General: 
 Immunological Factors (15-20%) : 
 Inherited Thrombophilias. 
 Endocrinal Factors 
 Infection. 
3. Idiopathic 50%. 
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 Timing and extent of evaluation should be based on maternal age, coexistent 
infertility, symptoms, and the level of anxiety : 
 Karyotyping of both parents remains a critical part of evaluation. 
 Hysterosalpingography (HSG), ultrasound (two, three dimensional and 
sonohysterography), MRI and endoscopy (hysteroscopy and laparoscopy) are used 
for anatomical factors as a cause of recurrent pregnancy loss. 
 Detection of antiphospholipid antibodies. 
 Thrombophilia screen. 
 Endocrine workup. 
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 Treat the cause: 
 Hysteroscopic septectomy in women who had a septate uterus. 
 Submucous fibroids should be excised. 
 Low-dose aspirin, or low-dose aspirin plus heparin increase live birth rates with 
autoimmune factors. 
 Progesterone replacement is indicated in LPD. 
 Corticosteroids for SLE. 
 Cervical insufficiency. 
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 Inability of cervix to maintain pregnancy till full term which may lead to abortion or 
preterm labour. 
 causes: 
1. Congenital : 
2. Acquired : 
 (A) Gynecological caues : 
 Rapid excess dilatation 
 Cervical operation (amputation, conization, Fothergill’s operation). 
 (B) Obstetric causes : 
 Unrepaired cervical tear that may be due to forceps application or ventouse extraction 
or breech extraction before full cervical dilatation. 
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 Character of Abortion : 
 Mid-trimester (mechanical) 
 Gestational age decrease by time as there is more weakness by repetition. 
 Painless 
 Start by rupture of membranes, then delivery of fetus, then placenta (baby is living). 
 Examination and investigations : 
 Between pregnancies : 
 Speculum examination : You may find bilateral cervical tear and short cervix. 
 Easy passage of Hegar’s four (suspicious), but if Hegar's eight is diagnostic. 
 During pregnancy : 
 Only ultrasonography (U/S) : Decrease cervical length <2.5 cm, funneling of the cervical canal 
and herniation of the sac. 
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 In between pregnancies : repair of any cervical tear (Trachellorrhaphy) 
 During Pregnancy : Cerclage may be abdominal or vaginal. 
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 It is the medical or surgical termination of pregnancy before the time of fetal 
 Types: 
 Therapeutic Abortion. 
 Elective (Voluntary) Abortion. 
 Methods: 
 4-7 weeks :Medical using mifepristone and prostaglandins. 
 7-12 weeks : Suction termination under general anaesthesia 
 >12 weeks :Medical using mifepristone and multiple doses of PGs 
 Hysterotomy. In some cases. 
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Medical abortion Surgical abortion 
Avoids invasive procedures Involves invasive procedures 
Avoids anaesthesia Needs anaesthesia 
Requires two or more visits Requires usually one visit 
Days to week to complete Complete in a predictable time 
High success rate (95%) High success rate (99%) 
Moderate to heavy bleeding for short time Minimal 
Requires follow up Does not require follow up 
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 Any pregnancy where the fertilised ovum gets implanted & develops in a site 
other than normal uterine cavity. 
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TUBAL 95-96% 
-Ampulla 70% 
-Isthmus 12% 
-Infundibulum 11% 
-Interstitial &corneal 2% 
SCAR (<1) 
Broad Ligament 
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• Increased due to PID, use of IUCD, Tubal 
surgeries, and Assisted reproductive techniques 
• Ranges from 1:25 to 1:250 
• Average range is 1 in 100 normal pregnancies. 
• Late marriages and late child bearing -> 2% 
• Recurrence rate - 15% after 1st, 25% after 2 
Any factor that causes delayed transport of the fertilised 
ovum through the tube. 
 Fallopian tube favours implantation in the tubal mucosa 
itself thus giving rise to a tubal ectopic pregnancy. 
These factors may be Congenital or Acquired.
 Tubal Hypoplasia 
 Tortuosity 
 Congenital diverticuli 
 Accessory ostia 
 Partial stenosis 
 Elongation 
 Intamural polyp 
 Entrap the ovum on its way.
Pelvic Inflammatory disease (6-10 times) 
 Chlamydia trachomatis is most common 
Contraceptive Faliure 
Tubal sterilization faliure -40% 
Reversal of sterilisation 
Tubal reconstructive surgery (4-5 times) 
 Assisted Reproductive technique 
Previous Ectopic Pregnancy 
 7-15% chances of repeat ectopic pregnancy
Other Risk factors 
Age 35-45 yrs 
Previous induced abortion 
Previous pelvic surgeries 
Cigarette smoking 
DES Exposure in Utero 
Salpingitis Isthmica Nodosa 
Genital Tuberculosis 
Fundal Fibroid & Adenomyosis of tube 
Transperitoneal migration of ovum
 Classical triad is present in 50% of pt with 
rupture ectopic. 
- PAIN:- most constant feature in 95% pt 
- variable in severity and nature 
- AMENORRHOEA:- 60-80% of pt 
- there may be delayed period or slight 
spotting at the time of expected menses. 
- VAGINAL BLEEDING: - scanty dark brown 
 Feeling of nausea,vomiting,fainting attack, syncope 
attack(10%) due to reflex vasomotor disturbance.
 O/E 
 patient is restless in agony, looks blanched, pale, sweating with 
cold clammy skin. Features of shock, tachycardia, hypotension. 
 abdomen tense, tender mostly in lower abdomen,shifting dullness, 
rigidity may be present. 
 minimal bleeding may be present 
 uterus may be bulky, deviated to opposite side, fornix is tender, 
excitation pain on movement of cervix. POD may be full, uterus 
floats as if in water.
 It can be diagnosed by high clinical suspicion. 
 Patient had previous attack of acute pain from which 
she has recovered. 
 She may have amenorrhoea, vaginal bleeding with dull 
pain in abdomen,and with bladder and bowel 
complaints like dysuria,frequency or retention of urine, 
rectal tenesmus.
 O/E: 
 patient look ill, varying degree of pallor, slightly raised 
temperature. Features of shock are absent. 
 Tenderness and muscle guard on the lower abdomen. 
A mass may be felt, irregular and tender. 
 Vaginal mucosa pale, uterus may be normal in size or 
bulky, ill defined boggy tender mass may be felt in one of 
the fornix.
 High degree of suspicion & ectopic conscious clinician can 
 Diagnosed accidentally in Laparoscopy or Laparotomy 
– delayed period, spotting with discomfort in 
lower abdomen. 
– tenderness in lower abdomen 
– should be done gently: 
 uterus is normal size, firm 
 small tender mass may be felt in the fornix
“Pregnancy in the fallopian tube is a black cat on a dark 
night. It may make its presence felt in subtle ways and leap 
at you or it may slip past unobserved. Although it is 
difficult to distinguish from cats of other colours in 
darkness, illumination clearly identifies it.” 
--Mc. Fadyen - 1981
 Patient with acute ectopic can be diagnosed clinically. 
 Blood should be drawn for Hb gm%, blood grouping and cross 
matching, DC and TWBC, BT, CT. 
 Should be catheterized to know urine output. 
Bed side test:- 
1. Urine pregnancy test:- positive in 95% cases. 
ELISA is sensitive to 10-50 mlU/ml of β hCG and 
can be detected on 24th day after LMP.
2. Culdocentesis:- (70-90%) 
- Can be done with 16-18 G lumbar 
puncture needle through posterior fornix 
into POD. 
- Positive tap is 0.5ml of non clotting blood. 
 Other Investigations:- 
1. Ultra Sonography-: 
a) Transvaginal Sonography (TVS): 
- Is more sensitive 
- It detect intrauterine gestational sac at 
4-5wks and at S-β hCG level as low as 1500 
IU/L .
b) Color Doppler Sonography(TV-CDS): 
- Improve the accuracy. 
-Identify the placental shape (ring-of- 
fire pattern) and blood flow 
outside the uterine cavity. 
c) Transabdominal Sonography: 
- can identify gestational sac at 5-6 wks 
- S-β hCG level at which intrauterine gestational 
sac is seen by TAS is 1800 IU/L.
1.‘Bagel’ sign – Hyperechoic ring around gestational sac 
in adnexal region 
2. ‘Blob’ sign – Seen as small inconglomerate mass next 
to ovary with no evidence of sac or embryo. 
3. Adnexal sac with fetal pole and cardiac activity is 
most specific. 
4. Corpus luteum is useful guide when looking for EP as 
present in 85% cases in Ipsilateral ovary.
Hyperechoic ring around 
gestational sac in adnexal region
Ring sign — a hyperechoic ring around an extrauterine gestational sac.
2. β-HCG Assay-a) 
Single β-HCG: little value 
b) Serial β-HCG: is required when result of 
initial USG is confusing. 
- When hCG level < 2000 IU/L doubling time 
help to predict viable Vs nonviable pregnancy. 
-Rise of β-HCG <66% in 48 hrs indicate 
ectopic pregnancy or nonviable intrauterine 
pregnancy . 
Biochemical pregnancy is applied to those 
women who have two β-HCG values >10 IU/L
3. Serum Progesterone – 
- level >25 ngm/ml is suggestive of normal 
intrauterine pregnancy. 
- level <15 ngm/ml is suggestive of ectopic 
- level <5 ngm/ml indicates nonviable 
pregnancy, irrespective of its location. 
4. Diagnostic Laparoscopy (Gold standard)– 
- Can be done only when patient is 
haemodynamically stable. 
-It confirms the diagnosis and removal of 
ectopic mass can be done at the same time.
5. Dilatation & Curettage – 
- Is recommended in suspected case of 
incomplete abortion vs ectopic pregnancy. 
- Identification of decidua without chorionic 
villi is suggestive of extra uterine pregnancy. 
- “Arias-Stella” endometrial reaction is 
suggestive but not diagnostic of ectopic 
6. Other hormonal Tests – 
- Placenta protein (PP14) decrease in EP 
- PAPPA (Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein A), 
PAPPC (schwangerchaft protein 1) has low value in 
- CA-125, Maternal serum creatine kinase, Maternal 
serum AFP elevated in ectopic pregnancy.
Urine Pregnancy test positive 
Transvaginal USG 
IU sac No IU sac 
Quantitative S-hCG 
+ S progesterone 
< 66% rise in 48 hr or 
S progesterone < 5-10 ng/ml 
D & C 
Villi present Villi absent 
>66% rise in 48 hr or 
S progesterone > 5-10 ng/ml 
Repeat S-hCG in 48 hrs 
till USG discrimination zone 
No sac IU sac 
Continue to monitor
D/D of Acute Ectopic 
1. Rupture corpus luteum of pregnancy 
2. Rupture of chocolate cyst 
3. Twisted ovarian cyst 
4. Torsion / degeneration of pedunculated fibroid 
5. Incomplete abortion 
6. Acute Appendicitis 
7. Perforated peptic ulcer 
8. Renal colic 
9. Splenic rupture
1. Pelvic abscess 
2. Pyosalpinx 
3. Subserous uterine fibroid 
4. Salpingintis 
5. Retroverted gravid uterus 
6. Appendicular lump
Local Systemic 
(USG or Laparoscopic) 
- Methotrexate 
- Potassium chloride 
- Prostagladin(PGF2α) 
- Hypersmolar glucose 
- Actinomycin D 
- Mifepristone 
- Segmental 
-Milking or fimbrial 
PRINCIPLE: Resuscitation and Laparotomy 
- IV line made patent, crystalloid is started 
- Blood sample for Hb, blood grouping & cross matching, BT, CT 
- Folley’s catheterization done 
- Colloids for volume replacement 
Principle is ‘Quick in and Quick out’ 
- Rapid exploration of abdominal cavity is done 
- Salpingectomy is the definitive surgery (sent for HP study) 
- Blood transfusion to be given 
- Autotransfusion only when donated blood not available.
Incidence: 1:40,000 
Risk factor: - IUCD 
- Endometriosis on surface of ovary 
C/F are same as tubal pregnancy 
ruptures within 2-3 wks 
Diagnosis: On Laparotomy 
Spiegelberg’s Criteria 
1. Ipsilateral tube is intact and separate from sac 
2. Sac occupies the position of the ovary 
3. Connected to uterus by ovarian ligament 
4. Ovarian tissue found on its wall on HP study 
Ovarian wedge resection 
Ovarian Cystectomy
Incidence: Rarest 
MMR : 7-8 times > tubal ectopic 
90 times > Intrauterine pregnancy 
H/O : - Irregular bleeding, spotting 
- Nausea, vomiting, flatulence, constipation, 
diarrhoea, abdominal pain. 
- Fetal movement may be painful and high in 
the abdomen 
O/E : - Abnormal fetal position, easy in palpating 
fetal parts. 
- uterus palpated separate from sac 
- no uterine contraction after oxytocin 
Diagnosis: Confirmed by USG, 
CT scan, MRI, Radiography 
Primary Secondary 
Studiford’s criteria 
1. Both tubes and ovaries normal 
2. Absence of Uteroperitonal fistula 
3. Pregnancy related to Peritoneal 
surface & young enough to rule 
out possibility of secondary 
Conceptus escapes out 
through a rent from 
primary site 
Intraperitoneal Extraperitoneal 
Broad ligament
1. Death of ovum – complete absorption 
2. Placental separation – massive intraperitoneal 
3. Infection – fistulous communication with intestine, 
bladder, vagina, or umbilicus 
4. Fetus dies (majority) – mummification, adipocere 
formation, or calcified to lithopaedion 
5. Rarely – continue to term (malformation) 
- Urgent Laparatomy irrespective of period of gestation 
- Ideal to remove entire sac fetus, placenta, membrane 
- Placenta may be left if attached to vital organs, get 
absorbed by aseptic autolysis
Implantation occurs in cervical canal at or below internal Os. 
Incidence: 1 in 18,000 
- Previous induced abortion 
- Previous caesarean delivery 
- Asherman’s syndrome 
- IVF 
- DES exposure 
- Leiomyoma
1. Uterine bleeding, no cramping, following 
2. Cervix distended,thin walled,soft consistency 
3. Enlarged uterine fundus may be palpated. 
4. Internal Os is closed 
5. External Os is partially opened 
USG CRITERIA: American Journal of O&G 
1. Echo-free uterine cavity/ pseudo-gestational 
2. Decidual reaction 
3. Hourglass uterus with ballooned cervical canal 
4. Gestational sac in endocervix 
5. Closed internal Os 
6. Placental tissue in Cx canal
1. Cervical glands present opposite to placenta 
2. Placental attachment to the cervix must be 
below the entrance of uterine vessels . 
3. Fetal element absent from corpus uteri. 
D/d : 
- Carcinoma Cx 
- Cervical submucous fibroid 
- Trophoblastic tumour 
- Placenta previa
Mainstay therapy in past 
D & C 
(risk of torrential bleeding) 
- Cerclage Bernstein ≈ Mc Donald’s 
Wharton ≈ Shirodkar’s 
-Transvaginal ligation of Cx branch of 
uterine artery 
- Angiographic uterine A embolisation 
- Intracervical vasopressin inj 
- Foley’s catheter as tamponade 
Recently proposed 
Single or Combination 
Adjunct to surgery 
- Methotrexate 
- Actinomycin 
- KCl 
- Etoposide
SITE: Implantation occurs in rudimentary horn of Bicornuate 
COURSE :Rupture of horn occurs by 
12-20 wks 
D/D : 
1. Interstitial tubal pregnancy 
2. Painful leiomyoma along with 
3. Ovarian tumor with pregnancy 
4. Asymmetrical enlargement of uterus. 
Implantation into cornu of normal uterus is sometime 
called Angular pregnancy . 
- Affected cornu with pregnancy is removed 
- Hysterectomy 
- Hysteroscopically guided suction curettage if 
communication with Cx is patent
Co-existing intrauterine and extra uterine pregnancies 
Incidence: 1 : 30,000 
With ART – 1:7000 
With ovulation induction – 1:900 
More likely: 
a) Ass. reproductive technique 
b) Rising HCG titre after D & C 
c) More than 1 corpus luteum at laparotomy 
M/M : 
Depends on the site. Ectopic site may be removed 
with continuation of IU pregnancy 
(Rh Immunoglobulin: dose of 50 μ gm is sufficient to 
prevent sensitization.)
It ruptures late at 3-4 months gestation. 
Fatal rupture – severe bleeding as both uterine & 
ovarian artery supply. 
Early & Unruptured – Local or IM MTX with followup 
Cornual resection by Laparotomy may be done. 
There is high risk of uterine rupture in 
subsequent pregnancy. 
Rupture – Hysterectomy is indicated
Recently reported 
USG slows on empty uterine cavity and gestational sac 
attached low to the lower segment caesarean scar. 
C/F : similar to threatened or inevitable abortion 
Diagnosis : Doppler imaging confirms 
T/t : Methotrexate injection 
Hysterectomy in a multiparous women. 
In young pt resection & suturing of scar may be 
done (high risk of rupture).
1. Multiple Ectopic pregnancy 
2. Pregnancy after hysterectomy 
3. Primary splenic pregnancy 
4. Primary hepatic pregnancy 
5. Rectroperitoneal pregnancy 
6. Diaphragmatic pregnancy 
MORTALITY : In general population is 10-15% mainly 
due to haemorrhage.
Incidence of ectopic pregnancy is rising while maternal mortality from it is 
Ectopic pregnancy can be diagnosed early (before it ruptures) with recent 
advances in Immunoassay to detect S-hCG , high resolution USG, and 
dignostic Laparoscopy. 
There has been shift in the M/m from ablative surgery to conservative 
fertility preserving therapy 
Laparotomy should be done when in doubt 
The choice today is Laparoscopic treatment of unruptured ectopic 
Careful monitoring and proper counselling of patients is mandatory.
 GTD is a clinical spectrum that includes all neoplasms that derive from abnormal 
placental (trophoblastic) proliferation : 
 Hydatidiform (vesicular) mole, also known as molar pregnancy : 
 Complete mole. 
 Partial mole. 
 Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia : 
 Invasive mole (chorioadenoma destruens). 
 Choriocarcinoma. 
 Placental site trophoblastic tumor. 
Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 79
Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 80
 It is a benign tumor of chorionic villi and characterized by : 
 Marked proliferation of the trophoblast. 
 Edema or hydropic degeneration of the villi which leads to their distension and the 
formation of vesicles. 
 Avascularity of the villi : The blood vessels disappear from the villi, which explain 
the early death of the embryo. 
 Incedince: 
 Asian live in Asia 1:200 while in US 1:1500 with recurrence 1-2%. 
Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 81
 Race : more in Asian women. 
 Maternal age : 
 - Less than 20 ys. OR - More than 40 ys. 
 Increased paternal age. 
 History of molar pregnancy. 
 Smoking. 
 Protein or vit. A deficiency. 
 Irregular cycles 
Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 82
 Uterus : It is usually larger than the period of amenorrhea in complete type. 
 Content : 
 Vesicles : 
 A large number of vesicles which are closely packed together. 
 They vary in size from 2 mm – 2 cm in diameter. 
 Each vesicle has a fine pedicle. 
 The fluid content is clear and watery. 
 Fetus : 
 Absent in complete type. 
 Present in partial type (usually malformed). 
 The Ovaries : 
 large size (10 cm or more). 
 They are due to stimulation of the ovaries by the excessive human Chorionic 
Gonadotrophin (hCG) produced by the proliferated trophoblast. 
 Cysts disappear within few months (2-3), after evacuation of the mole. 
Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 83
 Symptoms : 
 Symptoms of early pregnancy. 
 Symptoms of pre-eclampsia: headache, and edema. 
 Abnormal abdominal enlargement in some cases due to distension of the uterus with vesicles. 
 Vaginal bleeding : (main complaint). 
 It is due to separation of vesicles from the uterine wall. 
 There may be a blood stained watery discharge, the watery part is from ruptured of vesicles. 
 Prune juice discharge may occur, the blood is brown because it has been retained for some 
time in the uterine cavity. 
 The passage of vesicles is diagnostic. 
 Pain: may be, 
 Dull aching abdominal pain due to rapid distension of the uterus. 
 Localized sharp pain and tenderness on the uterus due to perforating mole. 
 Ovarian pain due to stretching of the ovarian capsule or complication in the ovarian cyst as 
Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 84
 Ultrasonography gives a characteristic picture (snowstorm appearance) and 
no fetus is seen. In cases of partial mole, ultrasonography reveals an 
abnormally formed fetus. 
 Very high serum level of HCG (more than 100,000 mlU/ml). The result is 
compared with the level for normal pregnancy at the same age. 
 X-ray of the chest should be performed in every case of trophoblastic tumor. 
 Differential Diagnosis : 
1. Other causes of an oversized pregnant uterus as multiple pregnancy. 
2. Causes of bleeding in early months of pregnancy as abortion. 
Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 85
Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 86
 Hemorrhage. 
 Perforation of the uterus. 
 Uterine infection. 
 Development of choriocarcinoma. 
 Hyperthyroidism . 
 Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). 
 Trophoblastic embolization. 
 Recurrent mole. 
Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 87
 Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the molar pregnancy is terminated to avoid 
Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 88
I. Post molar syndrome or persistent GTN : 
 After molar evacuation, there are : 
 Persistent bleeding. 
 Subinvolution of the uterus. 
 +ve pregnancy test. 
 No malignant changes in endometrial biopsy. 
 Ultrasound with Doppler examination and MRI is necessary. 
 Treatment: chemotherapy. 
II. Choriocarcinomas : Refer to choriocarcinoma in gynecologic oncology. 
Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 89
 A rare form of trophoblastic disease. 
 The tumor is comprised of intermediate cytotrophoblastic cells that are locally 
invasive at the site of placental implantation. 
 The tumor only secretes small amounts of hCG, and can be better followed by 
human placental lactogen levels. 
 This tumor is rarely metastatic and is much more resistant to standard 
 Hysterectomy as initial therapy is often curative. 
Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 90
Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 91

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Causes and Types of Bleeding in Early Pregnancy

  • 2.  Any vaginal bleeding before 20 wks period of gestation is defined as early pregnancy bleeding. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 2
  • 3.  The causes of bleeding in early pregnancy are broadly divided into two groups: I. Related to the pregnant state:  Abortion 95%.  Ectopic pregnancy.  Hydatidi-form mole. 2. Associated with pregnant state: Lesions are unrelated to pregnancy – either pre-existing or aggravated during pregnancy.  Cervical lesions.  Vascular erosion.  Polyps.  Ruptured varicose veins.  Malignancy. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 3
  • 4. Abortion Ectopic pregnancy Hydatidiform mole Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 4
  • 5. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 5
  • 6.  The expulsion or extraction from its mother of an embryo or fetus weighing 500 gm or less when it is not capable of independent survival. 500mg = approx. 22weeks (154 days) of gestation.  Abortus: expelled embryo or fetus.  Miscarriage: recommended terminology for spontaneous abortion. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 6
  • 7.  The incidence of abortion is difficult to work out but 10-20% of all clinical pregnancies end in miscarriage and another optimistic figure of 10% induced illegally.  75% end before 16th week and 75% of these occur before 8th week of pregnancy. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 7
  • 8. Abortion Spontaneous (miscarriage) recurrent Isolated (sporadic) induced Legal (MTP) Illegal (unsafe) Septic common Threatened, Inevitable, Complete, Incomplete, Missed, Septic (less common) Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 8
  • 9.  Complex and obscure (embryonic or parental) are important.  Genetic – majority 50% of early miscarriages.  Endocrine and metabolic – 10-15% LPD, deficient progesterone, thyroid abnormalities, DM.  Anatomic – 10-15% mostly related to 2nd trimester, cervical, uterine (congenital malformation or fibroid).  Infection – 5% viral , bacterial, parasitic.  Immunological – 5-10% autoimmune disease, alloimmune disease.  Antifetal antibodies.  Thrombophilia.  Maternal medical illness – heart disease, haemoglobinopathies.  Blood group incompatibility : in compatible ABO group lead to early wastage and often recurrent while RH incompatibility rare cause of death before 28th week, couple with A husband + O wife has higher incidence of abortion.  Others. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 9
  • 10.  1st: 1-genetic 50%. 2-endocrine. 3- immunological. 4-infection. 5-unexplained.  2nd: 1- anatomic. 2- maternal medical illness. 3- unexplained. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 10
  • 11.  Before the 12th week, the pregnancy sac tends to be expelled from the uterus in one mass. After that time, the process is similar to labour. The membranes rupture with escape of amniotic fluid then the fetus and placenta are born separately. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 11
  • 12.  Clinical entity where the process of miscarriage has started but has not progressed to state from which recovery is impossible.  Clinical picture:  S&S similar to pregnancy.  Bleeding – usually slight or moderate due to separation of ovum.  Pain is absent or some heaviness maybe felt in suprapubic region.  OE/ uterus enlarged cervix closed.  hCG +ve.  US/ will show a viable fetus and differentiates threatened abortion from missed abortion and hydatidiform mole Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 12
  • 13.  Fate:  Bleeding stops:  the embryo or fetus is still alive and pregnancy continues (50%).  the embryo or fetus dies but is retained in the uterus leading to missed abortion.  Bleeding continuous:  uterine contractions occur, and cervix dilates leading to inevitable abortion.  Treatment:  Rest (physical, mental and sexual).  Treatment of the cause : If obvious.  Natural Progesterone (vaginal suppository or intramuscular) is given by some if there is evidence of progesterone deficiency. Progesterone may cause retention of the dead ovum leads to missed abortion. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 13
  • 14.  Clinical type of abortion where the changes have progressed to a state from where continuation of pregnancy is impossible.  Clinical picture :  S&S of pregnancy.  Bleeding, usually severe.  Pain : It is colicky intermittent felt in the supra pubic region (uterine contractions) and may be accompanied with low backache (cervical dilatation).  OE/ the uterus is enlarged and the internal os of the cervix is dilated. The products of conception may be felt through the dilated cervix.  Fate :  Abortion will occur in spite of any treatment.  Treatment :  Before 12 weeks vaginal evacuation and curettage.  After 12 weeks, oxytocin by intravenous drip or prostaglandins are given to help the uterus expel its content. If the placenta is retained it should be removed under general anaesthesia followed by uterine curettage. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 14
  • 15.  Part of the products of conception is expelled from the uterus and part is retained inside the uterus.  In clinical picture and treatment same as inevitable abortion. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 15
  • 16.  All the products of conception are expelled from uterus.  The bleeding is slight and gradually diminishes, pain is absent, the uterus is smaller than the period of amenorrhea and the cervix is closed or closing.  Ultrasound is performed if the uterus is empty, nothing is done. If remnants are seen evacuation is carried out Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 16
  • 17.  The embryo or fetus are dead and retained inside the uterus.  Symptoms of threatened abortion may or may not occur.  Pregnancy symptoms gradually disappear as nausea, vomiting and breast symptoms.  Failure of the abdomen to increase in size.  Failure to feel fetal movements or cessation of fetal movements if previously present.  Milk secretion may start spontaneously from the breasts, frequently in second trimester abortion due to drop in secretion of estrogen which normally blocks the action of prolactin on the breast.  A dark brown vaginal discharge may occur. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 17
  • 18.  Signs :  Uterus is smaller than the period of amenorrhea and fails to enlarge. It is firm in consistency. The cervix is closed.  Fetal heart sounds (FHS) cannot be heard by Sonicaide.  Investigations :  U.S is diagnostic. It shows absent fetal cardiac pulsations. A collapsed pregnancy sac may be detected.  hCG: becomes negative within two weeks after death of the embryo or fetus, sometimes remains positive for a longer period if there is still living chorionic tissue.  Complications : Intrauterine infection and DIC in neglected cases.  Treatment :  The dead conceptus is expelled spontaneously in the majority of cases. Otherwise, evacuation of the uterus is done once sure diagnosis of missed abortion is made. Methods are discussed later. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 18
  • 19. Type of abortion bleeding pain Cervical dialatation Uterine size Products of conception shock Pregnancy test Threatened + - - Correspond amenorrhea - - + Inevitable ++ + + Correspond amenorrhea - ± + Incomplete ++ + + Slightly smaller + ± + Complete + - - smaller - - + Missed ± - - smaller - - - after 2 wks Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 19
  • 20.  It is any type of abortion complicated by infection. It is usually the result of criminal interference.  Organisms include staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli, clostridium welchii as well as other organisms. The commonest organisms are the anaerobic streptococci.  Routes: Endo-Exo and autogenous.  Clinical picture:  General manifestation of infection.  Abdominally: suprapubic pain or rigidity.  Vaginally: offensive discharges. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 20
  • 21.  Investigations :  Cervicovaginal swab.  Full laboratory investigations including : Complete blood count (CBC), urine analysis, liver and kidney function tests, plasma glucose and coagulation profile.  Blood for culture (aerobic and anaerobic) and sensitivity test (if pyrexia >39°C).  Ultrasound examination. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 21
  • 22.  Treatment :  Hospitalization, and isolation in a separate room.  Observation for vital signs (pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate and temperature) and fluid chart.  Fluid therapy to maintain a urinary flow of at least 30 ml/hour.  Broad-spectrum parenteral antibiotics Until C & S results.  Evacuation of the uterus is indicated if it contains products of conception, 4-6 hours after initiation of massive antibiotic therapy.  Ecbolics to control bleeding.  Correct anemia.  Symptomatic treatment in the form of antipyretics and analgesics.  Hysterectomy is indicated in case of gas gangrene of the uterus or septic shock not responding to treatment Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 22
  • 23.  1- Peritonitis 2- Septicemia  3- Septic shock 4- Renal failure  5- DIC 6- hemolytic anemia  7- Liver failure 8- Adult respiratory distress syndrome Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 23
  • 24.  products of conception are separated from the uterus but retained inside the cervical canal because of stenosed external Os due to previous cauterization or operation in the cervix.  cervix becomes ballooned but the bleeding is usually slight.  Under anaesthesia the cervix is dilated, products of conception removed and uterus curetted to remove any remnants. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 24
  • 25.  Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) or Habitual abortion.  Three or more successive spontaneous abortions.  Less than 1% of pregnancies (0.3-0.9%).  Causes: 1. Fetal: chromosomal.3-5 % 2. Maternal:15-20%  Local: uterine leiomyomas , Intrauterine synechiae (Asherman syndrome), Uterine anomalies, Cervical insufficiency.  General:  Immunological Factors (15-20%) :  Inherited Thrombophilias.  Endocrinal Factors  Infection. 3. Idiopathic 50%. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 25
  • 26.  Timing and extent of evaluation should be based on maternal age, coexistent infertility, symptoms, and the level of anxiety :  Karyotyping of both parents remains a critical part of evaluation.  Hysterosalpingography (HSG), ultrasound (two, three dimensional and sonohysterography), MRI and endoscopy (hysteroscopy and laparoscopy) are used for anatomical factors as a cause of recurrent pregnancy loss.  Detection of antiphospholipid antibodies.  Thrombophilia screen.  Endocrine workup. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 26
  • 27.  Treat the cause:  Hysteroscopic septectomy in women who had a septate uterus.  Submucous fibroids should be excised.  Low-dose aspirin, or low-dose aspirin plus heparin increase live birth rates with autoimmune factors.  Progesterone replacement is indicated in LPD.  Corticosteroids for SLE.  Cervical insufficiency. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 27
  • 28.  Inability of cervix to maintain pregnancy till full term which may lead to abortion or preterm labour.  causes: 1. Congenital : 2. Acquired :  (A) Gynecological caues :  Rapid excess dilatation  Cervical operation (amputation, conization, Fothergill’s operation).  (B) Obstetric causes :  Unrepaired cervical tear that may be due to forceps application or ventouse extraction or breech extraction before full cervical dilatation. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 28
  • 29.  Character of Abortion :  Mid-trimester (mechanical)  Gestational age decrease by time as there is more weakness by repetition.  Painless  Start by rupture of membranes, then delivery of fetus, then placenta (baby is living).  Examination and investigations :  Between pregnancies :  Speculum examination : You may find bilateral cervical tear and short cervix.  Easy passage of Hegar’s four (suspicious), but if Hegar's eight is diagnostic.  During pregnancy :  Only ultrasonography (U/S) : Decrease cervical length <2.5 cm, funneling of the cervical canal and herniation of the sac. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 29
  • 30.  In between pregnancies : repair of any cervical tear (Trachellorrhaphy)  During Pregnancy : Cerclage may be abdominal or vaginal. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 30
  • 31.  It is the medical or surgical termination of pregnancy before the time of fetal viability.  Types:  Therapeutic Abortion.  Elective (Voluntary) Abortion.  Methods:  4-7 weeks :Medical using mifepristone and prostaglandins.  7-12 weeks : Suction termination under general anaesthesia  >12 weeks :Medical using mifepristone and multiple doses of PGs  Hysterotomy. In some cases. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 31
  • 32. Medical abortion Surgical abortion Avoids invasive procedures Involves invasive procedures Avoids anaesthesia Needs anaesthesia Requires two or more visits Requires usually one visit Days to week to complete Complete in a predictable time High success rate (95%) High success rate (99%) Moderate to heavy bleeding for short time Minimal Requires follow up Does not require follow up Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 32
  • 33.  Any pregnancy where the fertilised ovum gets implanted & develops in a site other than normal uterine cavity. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 33
  • 34. IMPLANTATIONS SITES EXTRAUTERINE UTERINE TUBAL 95-96% OVARIAN (1:40,000) -Ampulla 70% -Isthmus 12% -Infundibulum 11% -Interstitial &corneal 2% ABDOMINAL (1:10,000) -CERVICAL (1:18,000) -ANGULAR -CORNUAL -CAESAREAN SCAR (<1) PRIMARY SECONDARY Intraperitoneal (common) Extraperitoneal Broad Ligament (rare)
  • 35. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 35
  • 36. INCIDENCE • Increased due to PID, use of IUCD, Tubal surgeries, and Assisted reproductive techniques (ART). • Ranges from 1:25 to 1:250 • Average range is 1 in 100 normal pregnancies. • Late marriages and late child bearing -> 2% • Recurrence rate - 15% after 1st, 25% after 2 ectopics
  • 37. ETIOLOGY: Any factor that causes delayed transport of the fertilised ovum through the tube.  Fallopian tube favours implantation in the tubal mucosa itself thus giving rise to a tubal ectopic pregnancy. These factors may be Congenital or Acquired.
  • 38. ETIOLOGY CONGENITAL  Tubal Hypoplasia  Tortuosity  Congenital diverticuli  Accessory ostia  Partial stenosis  Elongation  Intamural polyp  Entrap the ovum on its way.
  • 39. ACQUIRED - Pelvic Inflammatory disease (6-10 times)  Chlamydia trachomatis is most common Contraceptive Faliure Tubal sterilization faliure -40% Reversal of sterilisation Tubal reconstructive surgery (4-5 times)  Assisted Reproductive technique Previous Ectopic Pregnancy  7-15% chances of repeat ectopic pregnancy
  • 40. Other Risk factors Age 35-45 yrs Previous induced abortion Previous pelvic surgeries Cigarette smoking DES Exposure in Utero Infertility Salpingitis Isthmica Nodosa Genital Tuberculosis Fundal Fibroid & Adenomyosis of tube Transperitoneal migration of ovum
  • 41.
  • 42. ACUTE ECTOPIC PREGNANCY  Classical triad is present in 50% of pt with rupture ectopic. - PAIN:- most constant feature in 95% pt - variable in severity and nature - AMENORRHOEA:- 60-80% of pt - there may be delayed period or slight spotting at the time of expected menses. - VAGINAL BLEEDING: - scanty dark brown  Feeling of nausea,vomiting,fainting attack, syncope attack(10%) due to reflex vasomotor disturbance.
  • 43.  O/E  patient is restless in agony, looks blanched, pale, sweating with cold clammy skin. Features of shock, tachycardia, hypotension.  abdomen tense, tender mostly in lower abdomen,shifting dullness, rigidity may be present.  minimal bleeding may be present  uterus may be bulky, deviated to opposite side, fornix is tender, excitation pain on movement of cervix. POD may be full, uterus floats as if in water.
  • 44. CHRONIC ECTOPIC PREGNANCY  It can be diagnosed by high clinical suspicion.  Patient had previous attack of acute pain from which she has recovered.  She may have amenorrhoea, vaginal bleeding with dull pain in abdomen,and with bladder and bowel complaints like dysuria,frequency or retention of urine, rectal tenesmus.
  • 45.  O/E:  patient look ill, varying degree of pallor, slightly raised temperature. Features of shock are absent.  Tenderness and muscle guard on the lower abdomen. A mass may be felt, irregular and tender.  Vaginal mucosa pale, uterus may be normal in size or bulky, ill defined boggy tender mass may be felt in one of the fornix.
  • 46. UNRUPTURED ECTOPIC  High degree of suspicion & ectopic conscious clinician can diagnose.  Diagnosed accidentally in Laparoscopy or Laparotomy – delayed period, spotting with discomfort in lower abdomen. – tenderness in lower abdomen – should be done gently:  uterus is normal size, firm  small tender mass may be felt in the fornix
  • 47.
  • 48.
  • 49. DIAGNOSIS “Pregnancy in the fallopian tube is a black cat on a dark night. It may make its presence felt in subtle ways and leap at you or it may slip past unobserved. Although it is difficult to distinguish from cats of other colours in darkness, illumination clearly identifies it.” --Mc. Fadyen - 1981
  • 50. DIAGNOSIS  Patient with acute ectopic can be diagnosed clinically.  Blood should be drawn for Hb gm%, blood grouping and cross matching, DC and TWBC, BT, CT.  Should be catheterized to know urine output. Bed side test:- 1. Urine pregnancy test:- positive in 95% cases. ELISA is sensitive to 10-50 mlU/ml of β hCG and can be detected on 24th day after LMP.
  • 51. 2. Culdocentesis:- (70-90%) - Can be done with 16-18 G lumbar puncture needle through posterior fornix into POD. - Positive tap is 0.5ml of non clotting blood.  Other Investigations:- 1. Ultra Sonography-: a) Transvaginal Sonography (TVS): - Is more sensitive - It detect intrauterine gestational sac at 4-5wks and at S-β hCG level as low as 1500 IU/L .
  • 52. b) Color Doppler Sonography(TV-CDS): - Improve the accuracy. -Identify the placental shape (ring-of- fire pattern) and blood flow outside the uterine cavity. c) Transabdominal Sonography: - can identify gestational sac at 5-6 wks - S-β hCG level at which intrauterine gestational sac is seen by TAS is 1800 IU/L.
  • 53. USG PICTURE 1.‘Bagel’ sign – Hyperechoic ring around gestational sac in adnexal region 2. ‘Blob’ sign – Seen as small inconglomerate mass next to ovary with no evidence of sac or embryo. 3. Adnexal sac with fetal pole and cardiac activity is most specific. 4. Corpus luteum is useful guide when looking for EP as present in 85% cases in Ipsilateral ovary.
  • 54. Hyperechoic ring around gestational sac in adnexal region
  • 55. Ring sign — a hyperechoic ring around an extrauterine gestational sac.
  • 56. 2. β-HCG Assay-a) Single β-HCG: little value b) Serial β-HCG: is required when result of initial USG is confusing. - When hCG level < 2000 IU/L doubling time help to predict viable Vs nonviable pregnancy. -Rise of β-HCG <66% in 48 hrs indicate ectopic pregnancy or nonviable intrauterine pregnancy . Biochemical pregnancy is applied to those women who have two β-HCG values >10 IU/L
  • 57. 3. Serum Progesterone – - level >25 ngm/ml is suggestive of normal intrauterine pregnancy. - level <15 ngm/ml is suggestive of ectopic pregnancy. - level <5 ngm/ml indicates nonviable pregnancy, irrespective of its location. 4. Diagnostic Laparoscopy (Gold standard)– - Can be done only when patient is haemodynamically stable. -It confirms the diagnosis and removal of ectopic mass can be done at the same time.
  • 58. 5. Dilatation & Curettage – - Is recommended in suspected case of incomplete abortion vs ectopic pregnancy. - Identification of decidua without chorionic villi is suggestive of extra uterine pregnancy. - “Arias-Stella” endometrial reaction is suggestive but not diagnostic of ectopic pregnancy. 6. Other hormonal Tests – - Placenta protein (PP14) decrease in EP - PAPPA (Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein A), PAPPC (schwangerchaft protein 1) has low value in EP - CA-125, Maternal serum creatine kinase, Maternal serum AFP elevated in ectopic pregnancy.
  • 59. SUSPECTED ECTOPIC PREGNANCY Urine Pregnancy test positive Transvaginal USG IU sac No IU sac Quantitative S-hCG + S progesterone < 66% rise in 48 hr or S progesterone < 5-10 ng/ml D & C Villi present Villi absent Incomplete abortion Laparoscopy >66% rise in 48 hr or S progesterone > 5-10 ng/ml Repeat S-hCG in 48 hrs till USG discrimination zone No sac IU sac Continue to monitor
  • 60. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS D/D of Acute Ectopic 1. Rupture corpus luteum of pregnancy 2. Rupture of chocolate cyst 3. Twisted ovarian cyst 4. Torsion / degeneration of pedunculated fibroid 5. Incomplete abortion 6. Acute Appendicitis 7. Perforated peptic ulcer 8. Renal colic 9. Splenic rupture
  • 61. D/D OF CHRONIC (SUB ACUTE) ECTOPIC 1. Pelvic abscess 2. Pyosalpinx 3. Subserous uterine fibroid 4. Salpingintis 5. Retroverted gravid uterus 6. Appendicular lump
  • 62. MANAGEMENT Expectant management Medical management Surgical management Local Systemic (USG or Laparoscopic) salpingocentesis Methotrexate - Methotrexate - Potassium chloride - Prostagladin(PGF2α) - Hypersmolar glucose - Actinomycin D - Mifepristone Radical Salpingectomy Conservative -Salpingostomy -Salpingotomy - Segmental resection -Milking or fimbrial expression
  • 63. MANAGEMENT OF RUPTURED ECTOPIC PRINCIPLE: Resuscitation and Laparotomy ANTI SHOCK TREATEMENT: - IV line made patent, crystalloid is started - Blood sample for Hb, blood grouping & cross matching, BT, CT - Folley’s catheterization done - Colloids for volume replacement LAPAROTOMY: Principle is ‘Quick in and Quick out’ - Rapid exploration of abdominal cavity is done - Salpingectomy is the definitive surgery (sent for HP study) - Blood transfusion to be given - Autotransfusion only when donated blood not available.
  • 64.
  • 65. OVARIAN ECTOPIC PREGNANCY Incidence: 1:40,000 Risk factor: - IUCD - Endometriosis on surface of ovary Course: C/F are same as tubal pregnancy ruptures within 2-3 wks Diagnosis: On Laparotomy Spiegelberg’s Criteria 1. Ipsilateral tube is intact and separate from sac 2. Sac occupies the position of the ovary 3. Connected to uterus by ovarian ligament 4. Ovarian tissue found on its wall on HP study M/M Ruptured Laparotomy Oophorectomy Unruptured Ovarian wedge resection Ovarian Cystectomy
  • 66. ABDOMINAL PREGNANCY Incidence: Rarest MMR : 7-8 times > tubal ectopic 90 times > Intrauterine pregnancy H/O : - Irregular bleeding, spotting - Nausea, vomiting, flatulence, constipation, diarrhoea, abdominal pain. - Fetal movement may be painful and high in the abdomen O/E : - Abnormal fetal position, easy in palpating fetal parts. - uterus palpated separate from sac - no uterine contraction after oxytocin infusion
  • 67. Diagnosis: Confirmed by USG, CT scan, MRI, Radiography TYPE Primary Secondary Studiford’s criteria 1. Both tubes and ovaries normal 2. Absence of Uteroperitonal fistula 3. Pregnancy related to Peritoneal surface & young enough to rule out possibility of secondary implantation Conceptus escapes out through a rent from primary site Intraperitoneal Extraperitoneal Broad ligament
  • 68. FATE OF SECONDARY ABDOMINAL PREGNANCY : 1. Death of ovum – complete absorption 2. Placental separation – massive intraperitoneal haemorrhage 3. Infection – fistulous communication with intestine, bladder, vagina, or umbilicus 4. Fetus dies (majority) – mummification, adipocere formation, or calcified to lithopaedion 5. Rarely – continue to term (malformation) M/M: - Urgent Laparatomy irrespective of period of gestation - Ideal to remove entire sac fetus, placenta, membrane - Placenta may be left if attached to vital organs, get absorbed by aseptic autolysis
  • 69. CERVICAL PREGNANCY Implantation occurs in cervical canal at or below internal Os. Incidence: 1 in 18,000 RISK FACTORS : - Previous induced abortion - Previous caesarean delivery - Asherman’s syndrome - IVF - DES exposure - Leiomyoma
  • 70. Diagnosis: CLINICAL CRITERIA: Paulman & McEllin 1. Uterine bleeding, no cramping, following amenorrhoea 2. Cervix distended,thin walled,soft consistency 3. Enlarged uterine fundus may be palpated. 4. Internal Os is closed 5. External Os is partially opened USG CRITERIA: American Journal of O&G 1. Echo-free uterine cavity/ pseudo-gestational sac 2. Decidual reaction 3. Hourglass uterus with ballooned cervical canal 4. Gestational sac in endocervix 5. Closed internal Os 6. Placental tissue in Cx canal
  • 71. HISTOPATHOLOGIC CRITERIA: Rubin’s 1. Cervical glands present opposite to placenta 2. Placental attachment to the cervix must be below the entrance of uterine vessels . 3. Fetal element absent from corpus uteri. D/d : - Carcinoma Cx - Cervical submucous fibroid - Trophoblastic tumour - Placenta previa
  • 72. MANAGEMENT Surgical Mainstay therapy in past Radical surgery Hysterectomy Conservative D & C (risk of torrential bleeding) - Cerclage Bernstein ≈ Mc Donald’s Wharton ≈ Shirodkar’s -Transvaginal ligation of Cx branch of uterine artery - Angiographic uterine A embolisation - Intracervical vasopressin inj - Foley’s catheter as tamponade Medical Recently proposed Single or Combination OR Adjunct to surgery - Methotrexate - Actinomycin - KCl - Etoposide
  • 73. CORNUAL PREGNANCY SITE: Implantation occurs in rudimentary horn of Bicornuate uterus COURSE :Rupture of horn occurs by 12-20 wks D/D : 1. Interstitial tubal pregnancy 2. Painful leiomyoma along with pregnancy 3. Ovarian tumor with pregnancy 4. Asymmetrical enlargement of uterus. Implantation into cornu of normal uterus is sometime called Angular pregnancy . TREATEMENT: - Affected cornu with pregnancy is removed - Hysterectomy - Hysteroscopically guided suction curettage if communication with Cx is patent
  • 74. HETEROTYPIC PREGNANCY Co-existing intrauterine and extra uterine pregnancies Incidence: 1 : 30,000 With ART – 1:7000 With ovulation induction – 1:900 More likely: a) Ass. reproductive technique b) Rising HCG titre after D & C c) More than 1 corpus luteum at laparotomy M/M : Depends on the site. Ectopic site may be removed with continuation of IU pregnancy (Rh Immunoglobulin: dose of 50 μ gm is sufficient to prevent sensitization.)
  • 75. INTERSTITAL PREGNANCY (2%) It ruptures late at 3-4 months gestation. Fatal rupture – severe bleeding as both uterine & ovarian artery supply. Early & Unruptured – Local or IM MTX with followup Cornual resection by Laparotomy may be done. There is high risk of uterine rupture in subsequent pregnancy. Rupture – Hysterectomy is indicated
  • 76. CAESAREAN SCAR ECTOPIC PREGNANCY Recently reported USG slows on empty uterine cavity and gestational sac attached low to the lower segment caesarean scar. C/F : similar to threatened or inevitable abortion Diagnosis : Doppler imaging confirms T/t : Methotrexate injection Hysterectomy in a multiparous women. In young pt resection & suturing of scar may be done (high risk of rupture).
  • 77. OTHER RARE TYPES 1. Multiple Ectopic pregnancy 2. Pregnancy after hysterectomy 3. Primary splenic pregnancy 4. Primary hepatic pregnancy 5. Rectroperitoneal pregnancy 6. Diaphragmatic pregnancy MORTALITY : In general population is 10-15% mainly due to haemorrhage.
  • 78. SUMMARY - KEY POINTS Incidence of ectopic pregnancy is rising while maternal mortality from it is falling. Ectopic pregnancy can be diagnosed early (before it ruptures) with recent advances in Immunoassay to detect S-hCG , high resolution USG, and dignostic Laparoscopy. There has been shift in the M/m from ablative surgery to conservative fertility preserving therapy Laparotomy should be done when in doubt The choice today is Laparoscopic treatment of unruptured ectopic pregnancy. Careful monitoring and proper counselling of patients is mandatory.
  • 79.  GTD is a clinical spectrum that includes all neoplasms that derive from abnormal placental (trophoblastic) proliferation :  Hydatidiform (vesicular) mole, also known as molar pregnancy :  Complete mole.  Partial mole.  Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia :  Invasive mole (chorioadenoma destruens).  Choriocarcinoma.  Placental site trophoblastic tumor. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 79
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  • 81.  It is a benign tumor of chorionic villi and characterized by :  Marked proliferation of the trophoblast.  Edema or hydropic degeneration of the villi which leads to their distension and the formation of vesicles.  Avascularity of the villi : The blood vessels disappear from the villi, which explain the early death of the embryo.  Incedince:  Asian live in Asia 1:200 while in US 1:1500 with recurrence 1-2%. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 81
  • 82.  Race : more in Asian women.  Maternal age :  - Less than 20 ys. OR - More than 40 ys.  Increased paternal age.  History of molar pregnancy.  Smoking.  Protein or vit. A deficiency.  Irregular cycles Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 82
  • 83.  Uterus : It is usually larger than the period of amenorrhea in complete type.  Content :  Vesicles :  A large number of vesicles which are closely packed together.  They vary in size from 2 mm – 2 cm in diameter.  Each vesicle has a fine pedicle.  The fluid content is clear and watery.  Fetus :  Absent in complete type.  Present in partial type (usually malformed).  The Ovaries :  large size (10 cm or more).  They are due to stimulation of the ovaries by the excessive human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) produced by the proliferated trophoblast.  Cysts disappear within few months (2-3), after evacuation of the mole. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 83
  • 84.  Symptoms :  Symptoms of early pregnancy.  Symptoms of pre-eclampsia: headache, and edema.  Abnormal abdominal enlargement in some cases due to distension of the uterus with vesicles.  Vaginal bleeding : (main complaint).  It is due to separation of vesicles from the uterine wall.  There may be a blood stained watery discharge, the watery part is from ruptured of vesicles.  Prune juice discharge may occur, the blood is brown because it has been retained for some time in the uterine cavity.  The passage of vesicles is diagnostic.  Pain: may be,  Dull aching abdominal pain due to rapid distension of the uterus.  Localized sharp pain and tenderness on the uterus due to perforating mole.  Ovarian pain due to stretching of the ovarian capsule or complication in the ovarian cyst as torsion. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 84
  • 85.  Ultrasonography gives a characteristic picture (snowstorm appearance) and no fetus is seen. In cases of partial mole, ultrasonography reveals an abnormally formed fetus.  Very high serum level of HCG (more than 100,000 mlU/ml). The result is compared with the level for normal pregnancy at the same age.  X-ray of the chest should be performed in every case of trophoblastic tumor.  Differential Diagnosis : 1. Other causes of an oversized pregnant uterus as multiple pregnancy. 2. Causes of bleeding in early months of pregnancy as abortion. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 85
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  • 87.  Hemorrhage.  Perforation of the uterus.  Uterine infection.  Development of choriocarcinoma.  Hyperthyroidism .  Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).  Trophoblastic embolization.  Recurrent mole. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 87
  • 88.  Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the molar pregnancy is terminated to avoid complications. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 88
  • 89. I. Post molar syndrome or persistent GTN :  After molar evacuation, there are :  Persistent bleeding.  Subinvolution of the uterus.  +ve pregnancy test.  No malignant changes in endometrial biopsy.  Ultrasound with Doppler examination and MRI is necessary.  Treatment: chemotherapy. II. Choriocarcinomas : Refer to choriocarcinoma in gynecologic oncology. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 89
  • 90.  A rare form of trophoblastic disease.  The tumor is comprised of intermediate cytotrophoblastic cells that are locally invasive at the site of placental implantation.  The tumor only secretes small amounts of hCG, and can be better followed by human placental lactogen levels.  This tumor is rarely metastatic and is much more resistant to standard chemotherapy.  Hysterectomy as initial therapy is often curative. Bleeding In Early Pregnanct - Suliman Alrajhi Colleges 10/14/2014 90
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