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President Barack Obama
King of the U nited States Kingdom
. Honors, Acknowledges, Recognizes
Trinity Kings World Leadership
Trinity Kings World
Ministries l
"Kings will come from you,,
Genesis {7:6
Get a crown that will last forever!,,
{ Gorinthians 9:25
-- i-
(70yrs.) of Serving GOD, Family, Church,
Community, "& Country... In Excellence
,lrr, rr,,rr, ,,,r.".,
ISUt(i fr)
Dcccnrbcr I 1,201+
I arn plersed ro ser)d grcetings as rou garher lir lour reunion.
As rclcrans oforn'.nred F'orces. you are pan ola lcgacy ofheroisnr
that stretches ecross morc thln 1*o centuries ofAmaican progress
You fexrlcssl),anslvereci the call 10 scrve and ored to proteci the
courltr] you 1ovc.
Your reuilion proides a special oppofrunily to rellect ot) times past.
share storics. arrd rcmcnrber those no longcr uith us. As you
reconnect rvith liiends, I hope tou chcrish your tin. crcating ncu
meflorlcs t)gelhcr.
Lln bchallol'a grai.iirl Nuion. thauk tou ibr all 1ou have giren. N{ay
Cod bless and protect all those sho serle, and nra) God blcss ihc
ilnit.'Ll States ol rrrrrica
r ,,rj..f, ,
.:.' : - :.
_.,_1.:.. "
In the Serulce fhe AirmAnFceedr--
I m an Americm Airmm'
I m aWmior
I have answered mY Nation's call'
I am an Americm Airmm'
Mv mission is to FlY, Fight, md Win'
i am faithfitl to a Proud Heritage,
A Tradition of Honor,
And a Legacy ofValor'
I am an Americm Airman'
Guardian ofFreedom and Justice'
MY l,'tration's Sword and Shield' ;
Iis SenrY and Avenger' I
I defend mY Country with mY Life' I
I am an American Airman'
Wingman, Leader, Warrior'
I will nev-er leave an Airman behind'
I will never falter'
And I will not fail'
Airman Terrell N. Patillo' son
of Elizabeth'lthompson Patillo and
?eola Patillo Jr., both of AliquiP-
pa, has eompleted basie training
at Lackland Air Force Base, Tex'
as. Ee is tke gfa*dso! of Eddie
Mae Thompsoa and Oliver
ThomFsor, and lfir. arrd Mrs. feo'
Ia Patillo Sr., all of AliquiPpa.
A 1985 graduate of AliquiPPa
rfish Sthool. he will be assigued to
no-UUins Air Force Base ln Geor'
gia to begin an-the'iob ttainlng a*
wwll VETERAN lsr BLAcK To owN Hts owN sHoE REpAtR eiusrruess (r'gsz-
#802 FtREFtcHTERS UNTON (1e83) tN ALtQUrppa.
TERRELL'pArtlto, AtR FoRcE VETERAN (f 98s-1991), 1sr ro HAVE 3
AFRICAN-AMERICAN soNS Go To 3-pRtvATe scnooLS: KtsKI, TRtNtry
cHRlsrlAN, & wINcHESTER THURSToN (LtvtNG tN HoMEWoo6, ptrrsBURGH)
Proverbs 13:22
Amplified Bible (AMP)
22A good man leaves an inheritance [of moral stability and goodnessJ to his
children's children, and the wealth of the sinner tfindi its wiy eventulllyl into the
hands of the righteous, for whom it was laid up.
Proverbs 22:1
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
On Life and Conduct
22 A goodname is to be more desired than gneat wearth,
Favor is better than silver and gold.
Proverbs 10:9
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
s He who walks in integrity walks securely,
But he who perverts his ways will be found out.
Trinity Kings World Leadership
(Proverbs 13:17 "A faithfut Ambassador is health,')
t ust before He left earth for heaven, lesus invest-
! ed significant time in Simon Peter. He wanted to
help him recover from his sin the night he denied
lesus three times. Christ intended to call Peter t0
minister and lead.
lesus l<new that His time was short. Yet He asked
Peter three times if he loved Him. When Peter as-
sured his Lord of his love, Christ called him to the
natural response: "Feed My lambs" (lohn 2115).
Love should motivate us to serve. ln the same
way the Father sent lesus to save the lost sheep
of lsrael, lesus called Peter to feed His lambs.
lesus made His legacy dependent on Peter and
the other disciples who picked up the baton and
ran with it.
The L-aw of Legacy:
'Success Without a
S0cceSsor ls a Failure
The Law of LegacY: Your
Work and Your fob
F veruone on earth has a work to do, and it may
E u" iin",.nt from one's iob. A iob may be the
task we get paid for at the momen! but a work is
the task God gives us for our lives' lobs come and
go but the work remains. Your present iob may be
preparation for your ultimate work' This passage
gives us direction for leaving the right legacy to
those who come behind us.
f Work ioyfully, since approval comes from
God (w.7-9).
Trinity Kings World
"Kings will come from you"
Genesis {7:6
Get a crown that will last forever!"
{ Gorinthians 9:25
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in
moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands
at times of challenge and controversy...
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Theu Serwed Thrrlr Coufit?y" ,
Noru miy're SerztingTheiy Communi
t Asffi 8fstrfiil5r
Ju8tffi HMfAT*EIil
.hr:l*fl **{rkxrrlr- :n ?!* &r [:rrc* ;r: a
i"lrer!*rq*i*lrn te Selrfifdr#; ai. hJii
f:uly sid t!* ffrrrts rflLr trf HErr Xjfil
ilr*q h:par 15,6ur:; * d'ff hd tu:
hrj 3 dilkrn: dqnwffix i:i :1 Liltrnifi *
liill! kd s rq rn I[*timrl lnl ::r &qtrar:+an
fl ld:: *nfiq hij n!]ry .$l*tiri: l6tn!}:t
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lk r:mpc*nm fi{ ; :m -ff 6r gl,f*t:r,
fur*:" stt,n $nflrFd*. ,:rF:sf &d m!rf*
lBir ail,l &e Jj:rfl t)xnlmr iE i1lleE k:
fln?i ln:tE .*amt iqnE1 iE tir.. *r,Ed hE
*rmura d lirrnr*tF fi: n .t*nq:dlsi
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ArEs [u'tn?Inq lit:& iffix
hb{xr 1$qi:a!r f*:,iilr* ri:*de, fl€*! lr:;
tge *ra. dilils th,!tT{rct:B* E$r.*rr ink:
hE!, flil Lcfiiy
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d0lil!€*firef Ais.
1tr! W.UfaStdqbn S.
11ffi Perreprna P+le.
ilwti$ trad
"Ambassador of Leadership for the World"
Proverbs 13:1T says, A faithful ambassador is heatth.
up under the purification process of cod? who can'remain unchanged through the fire
That's the question lsaiah.asks and then answers. He lays out a list of traits for the kind of people whocan stand in a crisis. ponder his description:
l. lntegity:The leaderb life and words match (v. 15).
2. /ustice: The leader reiects dishonest gain (v. 15).
3' convictions: The readerb varues won't alrow him to accept bribes (v. 15).
4. Positive focus: The leader refuses to dwell on destructive issues (v. 15).
5. Pure: The leader disciplines his or her mind to remain clean and pure (v. l5).
6. Secure: The leader is firm, stable in his identity and source of strengrh (v. 16).
characteristics like these earn the trust of others. when leaders possess them, they feel secure enough todevelop others, rather than destroy them. Remember, onry secure readers empower others.
€-*.F- ""€
Teola Patillo Sr. Teola Patillo Jr.Ceola Patillo
Terrell H, Fatillo
, Alexander Charles Patillo SSG (E-5) l
'i, U.S. Army Military Police
, .' 13yrs Active Duty , ,
,.., 3-Tours Afghanistan & 2-Tour Korea



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Trinity Kings World Ministries Profiles of Leadership
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Trinity Kings World Ministries Profiles of Leadership
Rec'd 3-Kings*(King Ceola Patillo, King Dan Rooney, & King Henry Hillman) in...
 Rec'd 3-Kings*(King Ceola Patillo, King Dan Rooney, & King Henry Hillman) in... Rec'd 3-Kings*(King Ceola Patillo, King Dan Rooney, & King Henry Hillman) in...
Rec'd 3-Kings*(King Ceola Patillo, King Dan Rooney, & King Henry Hillman) in...
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Honored Senatorial Recognition of 3-Generatio...
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Honored Senatorial Recognition of 3-Generatio...Trinity Kings World Leadership: Honored Senatorial Recognition of 3-Generatio...
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Honored Senatorial Recognition of 3-Generatio...
Trinity Kings Family Leadership: Priorities For Marriage And Family
Trinity Kings Family Leadership: Priorities For Marriage And FamilyTrinity Kings Family Leadership: Priorities For Marriage And Family
Trinity Kings Family Leadership: Priorities For Marriage And Family
Trinity Kings World Leadership: GOD's Is Coming!!!
Trinity Kings World Leadership: GOD's Is Coming!!!Trinity Kings World Leadership: GOD's Is Coming!!!
Trinity Kings World Leadership: GOD's Is Coming!!!
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Franchising Private School Education for the ...
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Franchising Private School Education for the ...Trinity Kings World Leadership: Franchising Private School Education for the ...
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Franchising Private School Education for the ...
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Character Counts...Martin Luther King Jr. say...
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Character Counts...Martin Luther King Jr. say...Trinity Kings World Leadership: Character Counts...Martin Luther King Jr. say...
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Character Counts...Martin Luther King Jr. say...
Trinity Kings World Leadership(Family Archives): I, King Terrell prayed and a...
Trinity Kings World Leadership(Family Archives): I, King Terrell prayed and a...Trinity Kings World Leadership(Family Archives): I, King Terrell prayed and a...
Trinity Kings World Leadership(Family Archives): I, King Terrell prayed and a...
Trinity Kings Family Leadership: Family Franchise Systems..."How to Change th...
Trinity Kings Family Leadership: Family Franchise Systems..."How to Change th...Trinity Kings Family Leadership: Family Franchise Systems..."How to Change th...
Trinity Kings Family Leadership: Family Franchise Systems..."How to Change th...
9AS Lesson 3 SH context AfL post-it notes
9AS Lesson 3 SH context AfL post-it notes9AS Lesson 3 SH context AfL post-it notes
9AS Lesson 3 SH context AfL post-it notes
Kuala Selangor Trip - scrapbook journal
Kuala Selangor Trip -  scrapbook journalKuala Selangor Trip -  scrapbook journal
Kuala Selangor Trip - scrapbook journal
Trinity Kings World Leadership: The Passing of Leadership to the Next Generat...
Trinity Kings World Leadership: The Passing of Leadership to the Next Generat...Trinity Kings World Leadership: The Passing of Leadership to the Next Generat...
Trinity Kings World Leadership: The Passing of Leadership to the Next Generat...
Board Game Report
Board Game ReportBoard Game Report
Board Game Report
Trinity Kings Family Leadership: GOD's Gift of Family...
Trinity Kings Family Leadership: GOD's Gift of Family...Trinity Kings Family Leadership: GOD's Gift of Family...
Trinity Kings Family Leadership: GOD's Gift of Family...
Term 1 Pojects
Term 1 PojectsTerm 1 Pojects
Term 1 Pojects
The smaller sukhavati vyuha
The smaller sukhavati vyuhaThe smaller sukhavati vyuha
The smaller sukhavati vyuha
Trinity Kings World Leadership "Good Kings" are The Patriots &*(formerly petr...
Trinity Kings World Leadership "Good Kings" are The Patriots &*(formerly petr...Trinity Kings World Leadership "Good Kings" are The Patriots &*(formerly petr...
Trinity Kings World Leadership "Good Kings" are The Patriots &*(formerly petr...
Trinity Kings Family Archives: King Teola "Tee" Patillo II repsonse to compla...
Trinity Kings Family Archives: King Teola "Tee" Patillo II repsonse to compla...Trinity Kings Family Archives: King Teola "Tee" Patillo II repsonse to compla...
Trinity Kings Family Archives: King Teola "Tee" Patillo II repsonse to compla...
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Federal Bureau Investigations(FBI)...
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Federal Bureau Investigations(FBI)...Trinity Kings World Leadership: Federal Bureau Investigations(FBI)...
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Federal Bureau Investigations(FBI)...
Trinity Kings Family Leadership: Family Wealth "Keeping It In The Family"...*...
Trinity Kings Family Leadership: Family Wealth "Keeping It In The Family"...*...Trinity Kings Family Leadership: Family Wealth "Keeping It In The Family"...*...
Trinity Kings Family Leadership: Family Wealth "Keeping It In The Family"...*...

Más de Terrell Patillo

Trinity Kings World Leadership: Office of Inspector General (FBI)
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Office of Inspector General (FBI)Trinity Kings World Leadership: Office of Inspector General (FBI)
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Office of Inspector General (FBI)Terrell Patillo
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Father son#1
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Father son#1Trinity Kings World Leadership: Father son#1
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Father son#1Terrell Patillo
Trinity Kings Family & World Leadership: Integrity First, Service before self...
Trinity Kings Family & World Leadership: Integrity First, Service before self...Trinity Kings Family & World Leadership: Integrity First, Service before self...
Trinity Kings Family & World Leadership: Integrity First, Service before self...Terrell Patillo
Trinity Kings Family & World Leadership :Core values
Trinity Kings Family & World Leadership :Core valuesTrinity Kings Family & World Leadership :Core values
Trinity Kings Family & World Leadership :Core valuesTerrell Patillo
Trinity Kings World Leadership Is the Center for Public & Global Integrity
Trinity Kings World Leadership Is the Center for Public & Global IntegrityTrinity Kings World Leadership Is the Center for Public & Global Integrity
Trinity Kings World Leadership Is the Center for Public & Global IntegrityTerrell Patillo
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Where The World Comes For Leadership
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Where The World Comes For LeadershipTrinity Kings World Leadership: Where The World Comes For Leadership
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Where The World Comes For LeadershipTerrell Patillo
Florida: Family Franchise System...
Florida: Family Franchise System...Florida: Family Franchise System...
Florida: Family Franchise System...Terrell Patillo
The KING Legacy: Trinity Kings World Leadership...
The KING Legacy: Trinity Kings World Leadership...The KING Legacy: Trinity Kings World Leadership...
The KING Legacy: Trinity Kings World Leadership...Terrell Patillo
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Pennsylvania Ambassador
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Pennsylvania AmbassadorTrinity Kings World Leadership: Pennsylvania Ambassador
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Pennsylvania AmbassadorTerrell Patillo
Trinity Kings World Leadership: King Governors
Trinity Kings World Leadership: King Governors Trinity Kings World Leadership: King Governors
Trinity Kings World Leadership: King Governors Terrell Patillo
SB942 Criminal Justice Reform
SB942 Criminal Justice ReformSB942 Criminal Justice Reform
SB942 Criminal Justice ReformTerrell Patillo

Más de Terrell Patillo (20)

Trinity Kings World Leadership: Office of Inspector General (FBI)
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Office of Inspector General (FBI)Trinity Kings World Leadership: Office of Inspector General (FBI)
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Office of Inspector General (FBI)
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Father son#1
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Father son#1Trinity Kings World Leadership: Father son#1
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Father son#1
Trinity Kings Family & World Leadership: Integrity First, Service before self...
Trinity Kings Family & World Leadership: Integrity First, Service before self...Trinity Kings Family & World Leadership: Integrity First, Service before self...
Trinity Kings Family & World Leadership: Integrity First, Service before self...
Lead the World
Lead the WorldLead the World
Lead the World
P atillo family
P atillo familyP atillo family
P atillo family
Trinity Kings Family
Trinity Kings FamilyTrinity Kings Family
Trinity Kings Family
Trinity Kings Family & World Leadership :Core values
Trinity Kings Family & World Leadership :Core valuesTrinity Kings Family & World Leadership :Core values
Trinity Kings Family & World Leadership :Core values
Doc6 King & Queen
Doc6 King & QueenDoc6 King & Queen
Doc6 King & Queen
Tales trinity kings
Tales trinity kingsTales trinity kings
Tales trinity kings
Scratch Platbook
Scratch PlatbookScratch Platbook
Scratch Platbook
Trinity Kings World Leadership Is the Center for Public & Global Integrity
Trinity Kings World Leadership Is the Center for Public & Global IntegrityTrinity Kings World Leadership Is the Center for Public & Global Integrity
Trinity Kings World Leadership Is the Center for Public & Global Integrity
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Where The World Comes For Leadership
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Where The World Comes For LeadershipTrinity Kings World Leadership: Where The World Comes For Leadership
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Where The World Comes For Leadership
Florida: Family Franchise System...
Florida: Family Franchise System...Florida: Family Franchise System...
Florida: Family Franchise System...
The KING Legacy: Trinity Kings World Leadership...
The KING Legacy: Trinity Kings World Leadership...The KING Legacy: Trinity Kings World Leadership...
The KING Legacy: Trinity Kings World Leadership...
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Pennsylvania Ambassador
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Pennsylvania AmbassadorTrinity Kings World Leadership: Pennsylvania Ambassador
Trinity Kings World Leadership: Pennsylvania Ambassador
Trinity Kings World Leadership: King Governors
Trinity Kings World Leadership: King Governors Trinity Kings World Leadership: King Governors
Trinity Kings World Leadership: King Governors
SB942 Criminal Justice Reform
SB942 Criminal Justice ReformSB942 Criminal Justice Reform
SB942 Criminal Justice Reform


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Último (16)

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Trinity Kings World Leadership(Family Archives): King President Obama Honors, Acknowledges, Recognizes our servant leadership of 3-Generations Air Force & Army(*The Ultimate Sacrifice)(*a)...

  • 1. President Barack Obama King of the U nited States Kingdom . Honors, Acknowledges, Recognizes Trinity Kings World Leadership ...?.1.9.-".T.::?.'.t.?.T.r..:.1.Y11'.'.?.1y.::::::.lfl:.:::::..*.i::yJ" 1 Trinity Kings World Ministries l "Kings will come from you,, Genesis {7:6 Get a crown that will last forever!,, { Gorinthians 9:25 -- i- l I (70yrs.) of Serving GOD, Family, Church, Community, "& Country... In Excellence
  • 2. 5{lltfrenrt@ ,lrr, rr,,rr, ,,,r."., ISUt(i fr) Dcccnrbcr I 1,201+ I arn plersed ro ser)d grcetings as rou garher lir lour reunion. As rclcrans oforn'.nred F'orces. you are pan ola lcgacy ofheroisnr that stretches ecross morc thln 1*o centuries ofAmaican progress You fexrlcssl),anslvereci the call 10 scrve and ored to proteci the courltr] you 1ovc. Your reuilion proides a special oppofrunily to rellect ot) times past. share storics. arrd rcmcnrber those no longcr uith us. As you reconnect rvith liiends, I hope tou chcrish your tin. crcating ncu meflorlcs t)gelhcr. Lln bchallol'a grai.iirl Nuion. thauk tou ibr all 1ou have giren. N{ay Cod bless and protect all those sho serle, and nra) God blcss ihc ilnit.'Ll States ol rrrrrica
  • 3. TRIU,.TP H O,T MTDYE R5 ITY RTSE ABOV-E PATILLO MEN r ,,rj..f, , .:.' : - :. ..-- _.,_1.:.. " In the Serulce fhe AirmAnFceedr-- I m an Americm Airmm' I m aWmior I have answered mY Nation's call' I am an Americm Airmm' Mv mission is to FlY, Fight, md Win' i am faithfitl to a Proud Heritage, A Tradition of Honor, And a Legacy ofValor' I am an Americm Airman' Guardian ofFreedom and Justice' MY l,'tration's Sword and Shield' ; Iis SenrY and Avenger' I I defend mY Country with mY Life' I I am an American Airman' Wingman, Leader, Warrior' I will nev-er leave an Airman behind' I will never falter' And I will not fail' Airman Terrell N. Patillo' son of Elizabeth'lthompson Patillo and ?eola Patillo Jr., both of AliquiP- pa, has eompleted basie training at Lackland Air Force Base, Tex' as. Ee is tke gfa*dso! of Eddie Mae Thompsoa and Oliver ThomFsor, and lfir. arrd Mrs. feo' Ia Patillo Sr., all of AliquiPpa. A 1985 graduate of AliquiPPa rfish Sthool. he will be assigued to no-UUins Air Force Base ln Geor' gia to begin an-the'iob ttainlng a* PAIITL{}
  • 4. WSDOM: APPRENTICE, JOURNEYMAN, MASTER 3.GENERATIONS OF MEN THAT HAVE SERVED GOD, FAMILY, CHURCH, COMMUNITY, COUNTRY TEOLA PATILLO SR. (GRANDFATHER): ARMY AtR COReS lsr (AtR FORCE) wwll VETERAN lsr BLAcK To owN Hts owN sHoE REpAtR eiusrruess (r'gsz- 1993) IN ALIQUIPPA (SHOES REPRESENT FOUNDATION) CEOLA PATILLO (TWIN/UNCLE): ARMY WWll VETERAN, 1ST BLACK FOREMAN (1967) & 1ST BLACK SUPERVISOR (1972) JONES & LAI.'GHLIN STEEL (ALIQUIPPA WORKS). (1941-1983) 1ST AND ONLY BLACK FAMILY IN sEWtcKLEy ON OHIO RTVER BVLD. (1967_PRESENT) TEOLA PATILLOJR. (FATHER): AIR FORCE VIETNAM VETERAN (1968-1972), 1ST BLACK FIREMAN (1973), 1ST BLACK CAPTAIN (1983), & PRES|DENT OF LOCAL #802 FtREFtcHTERS UNTON (1e83) tN ALtQUrppa. TERRELL'pArtlto, AtR FoRcE VETERAN (f 98s-1991), 1sr ro HAVE 3 AFRICAN-AMERICAN soNS Go To 3-pRtvATe scnooLS: KtsKI, TRtNtry cHRlsrlAN, & wINcHESTER THURSToN (LtvtNG tN HoMEWoo6, ptrrsBURGH) lST MEN OF WISDOM MINISTRY TO MEN. Proverbs 13:22 Amplified Bible (AMP) 22A good man leaves an inheritance [of moral stability and goodnessJ to his children's children, and the wealth of the sinner tfindi its wiy eventulllyl into the hands of the righteous, for whom it was laid up. Proverbs 22:1 New American Standard Bible (NASB) On Life and Conduct 22 A goodname is to be more desired than gneat wearth, Favor is better than silver and gold. Proverbs 10:9 New American Standard Bible (NASB) s He who walks in integrity walks securely, But he who perverts his ways will be found out.
  • 5. Trinity Kings World Leadership (Proverbs 13:17 "A faithfut Ambassador is health,') t ust before He left earth for heaven, lesus invest- ! ed significant time in Simon Peter. He wanted to help him recover from his sin the night he denied lesus three times. Christ intended to call Peter t0 minister and lead. lesus l<new that His time was short. Yet He asked Peter three times if he loved Him. When Peter as- sured his Lord of his love, Christ called him to the natural response: "Feed My lambs" (lohn 2115). Love should motivate us to serve. ln the same way the Father sent lesus to save the lost sheep of lsrael, lesus called Peter to feed His lambs. lesus made His legacy dependent on Peter and the other disciples who picked up the baton and ran with it. The L-aw of Legacy: 'Success Without a S0cceSsor ls a Failure The Law of LegacY: Your Work and Your fob F veruone on earth has a work to do, and it may E u" iin",.nt from one's iob. A iob may be the task we get paid for at the momen! but a work is the task God gives us for our lives' lobs come and go but the work remains. Your present iob may be preparation for your ultimate work' This passage gives us direction for leaving the right legacy to those who come behind us. f Work ioyfully, since approval comes from God (w.7-9). Trinity Kings World Ministries "Kings will come from you" Genesis {7:6 Get a crown that will last forever!" { Gorinthians 9:25 The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy... Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • 6. Theu Serwed Thrrlr Coufit?y" , Noru miy're SerztingTheiy Communi t Asffi 8fstrfiil5r Ju8tffi HMfAT*EIil .hr:l*fl **{rkxrrlr- :n ?!* &r [:rrc* ;r: a i"lrer!*rq*i*lrn te Selrfifdr#; ai. hJii f:uly sid t!* ffrrrts rflLr trf HErr Xjfil ilr*q h:par 15,6ur:; * d'ff hd tu: hrj 3 dilkrn: dqnwffix i:i :1 Liltrnifi * liill! kd s rq rn I[*timrl lnl ::r &qtrar:+an fl ld:: *nfiq hij n!]ry .$l*tiri: l6tn!}:t iiErq{il: iltr,{rrjl htr bEs $nird€d *r &{ fmu fl:nmmitrx'm fi*:itE i{E h$ dStrirgl: r f. $t;n*erl Lt **?n:k I'e.; M1Nylsl'}} lI .r:Crrd iE rE:Hm rle ;rji{ n:tE i.i8s L..* frhdr a!€.i !fi *c tjExil !Q|E&m ;$d *{1 ,kIfi*:r ft*1mq! 'i*$ :s hBld !n tE t}liEl lfiel lk r:mpc*nm fi{ ; :m -ff 6r gl,f*t:r, fur*:" stt,n $nflrFd*. ,:rF:sf &d m!rf* ?nqtn*s lBir ail,l &e Jj:rfl t)xnlmr iE i1lleE k: fln?i ln:tE .*amt iqnE1 iE tir.. *r,Ed hE *rmura d lirrnr*tF fi: n .t*nq:dlsi d{rr tr *c f m { ysrc $r ,r*t E*'ltrF * tE ArEs [u'tn?Inq lit:& iffix hb{xr 1$qi:a!r f*:,iilr* ri:*de, fl€*! lr:; tge *ra. dilils th,!tT{rct:B* E$r.*rr ink: hE!, flil Lcfiiy TENNT1L FAT|LtO ilrE!:{! :-1r3:i: &r ?:l,rn t 'l l# fE:*,: :{ErE:d tir Sr[r:nx;n ]tS;rd ul',;*};q tt;ci. *id I * m:lf,ar" Lli f ,!]ii1: #mifi,Tr.lqi'"ti: r: qr,#t.ite F{*: r:imr:rXi r: ;1pp3r,qd 1+{h *t{ &aq*ffJ ?f,r ;r** famr:r trei! hJ: lxqn prr e ?x r:*tr snrd :!*:l lb ";l!r'.Emti:d&i.?*t :: m4 ylrE aE:tt3):: &* s.qm, *:d r .,t ,t:nir *lr *aE irlB* Frrrlilm fit Fi!*** €s: s'lrrnBr {r ir!: F.*&rfi& lEu,l Lxfrlm*x;F lhfiJmn Th:t poryani *1,*r: I dr*fh.rl:qd ?{rtPi xx ede k*r: mmd !r: r0fi?J 1.8 i:; lfl rn:irrl1:t ;rti &iW alr b!:*: :rxniJ$ i:19 ffir ikilir .*!$ .ratu,mBls: xg *;*r-e: ,E+'{rcrE*: lff {*lilq and hi:iil&{ dlt Sxrirrff :q!-4t$rfift arutru€-. llqJ'4ner, #r,rfr tr ;4e, {,Jff11 i, il{rbe:&t Ed.,,tlrdile:5 EPE$NUBT JIT{ONEW.', GLMTER iF,r r :.irtr:*..! ,.iflw .firtl:l Esre Srslm ,,:n,}l :fn frS l,l;tra'l,t r:*srd .l: *c Jil,:: ,f I I Jfl! lq;r'! J {i!!ll!!t1 t}{tl, ri:F*s,#91 *rr ll.i l* i *irl *:iim rs .lm,!rPf !'tir { hc +},!1 rl,lFt:alai :l $* {l!*:x Fru,*R'd ,* i.r€€r #{lu!:i*,rfl Jld rdr&d €Ei ii,?,{t6}r r 1l.i: tl *fur rin:mnq hlIrfi. hc $r!:rn* rrr*:!*d v*t f r!,; :jE itqtreJ**r'6f,dj ?$,5rr h: "4f,,#3! Jii :kG!, r ! tr} i6r'Etm tkr ja#ex mr':r:y ;.:;l:ailrn: a: -{;r;qr1 Fxl:hii:rx,.6,rrel r rmmwr a Gmx *nl::::sl f*rxt:!:n ti!:ti L*iF$r: i.*: n*F;r, ?*$ *E tr*r*F ;fiilq 'ffiilti:tr nfta, , rr ;drldfi{ 1,1:l {iil1= 1r'*,1(ffrfjlry TEGH 5 fIEIO [THEHfrl{ "ilIE HIilTOT -&td **H{si irlr*tj,isl :t,td ?rrB.i& '!.+:.tta}!r l*t{ :* *r: l$ kflri ,lwnl '.iF{:l '"'Nr n 1,': ";+!; r'J'trr ,t $l t': i qr {imHm n *4 fifft lfltsqi )t,tzz,*, *rr::,} ,Ie:r i:$liLl f,r? ,lnEl {ni; tri*sd I,r'Ji, ;r' !::6d lirdnrr: i$ {ri: C.}'y!Y$u'E#-irffi1 Lim i +si ;,,irC6l tE fijdr{ !.h#: d3sl*{ 9t &J: c;rir: fia*1e l.l* h-r. h#"1n ,i flEflA:d q* & dc:rr: ic,inalr Tr * 1ur **: : n:'6-- i r : d'u*x fs;ro,; "rn!,;: fl l,rs,Erff rrlrr:€ .: : llftl trlil4t! dr$i*: f.fe+is ;t lr{ r,eri ,: *'rriil c' {lrw*:r* i,l!$fiE in }m*;x* *ral :t' Filxi.ri?*i, {lt$l: {: *a tr,r * i'&'A'?-"1 tlC h,rl:;,E;&!t, r?:t{&r:rl {i]€|?a r?* ,J- Ig;dtt iJ!.trr 4rdr,r; "Mrt ftr;.r!i:.:.1:J,1.ri.r..i., ;isfr{ ?(iit ?*rcr{: hfl :drg, J$l FaT: fF: 'lr+ {mf r:itnfi{ t1r 'g.3 ;f,td f,:rid{l:: ,rr,* *€{*i hlr i*lafi! *qrr ridFEil ?: h:: ,**jc Ll.f,ir, r:r tji ic* s"" t,u trr *I r ierr*rty, .t,' i!: lu Irx i,!mr ,J]s,: -m, i,i t.i r€ I ' {,* 1n* ir d& J Ii Jid bfr4 f n, slr . i:,rB:. l&t a&mlqs? h*-i I Eri$&irdtr'cr ' ' ,F:, .,qrfi**9*tr {ffi1 ;l qlrd;r qrai: frrE:iJ:itr{il HMKfiE{tfl NE5FoflEruE" FnorEgftoHil GtntilG. Joln Brq 01.31.15 6ol* It4J?8.361 &turr* $tt**i* tt A*ns*a E ft€Crr*?0r*c${ ttt FrlaiJl.illi& rr+" er+sa#tdtr $r lllxficfi {@Wffi W*.***.*W P fi Eee.5. . ]{$6t;nC 5ld hkFeqli5n PS rst# ,:13.!ttlBs ?1an* lga filrisar.t{"ria tEtT$It&rffir & mJmTLs& ltoslttrlqsl i., ltfi . ifl ll. ft rlrg I l.l[r B&*i rt[tffid hffitCilnFrnill*I6rdq rd,BT&8ffi ilidt r*tskichrbrq HffiE ItE ffifuiuxmhr.Emnr,P$l EraLrtatmE* 7*rr*lr!2 ffiHEEHE Gffi-T SEHI'HE d0lil!€*firef Ais. f,odtedBr 7t{.r,{.?f,S0 B.EEI*EJ" HfitrIItrI TTTT,iTIIW 1tr! W.UfaStdqbn S. ErIrfi#t ?:Irt"rffi{m6 si*l,tllR*I'l ELFgTfiEffAfiTfiE Ir0ofisfrr.Es lanrtHll-at 11ffi Perreprna P+le. *hnaea 7:!4.7?4.iXilto Tlrfltr$iltH€raffi imlollarytcr ilwti$ trad #**
  • 7. TRINITY KINGS WORLD LEADERSH]F "Ambassador of Leadership for the World" Proverbs 13:1T says, A faithful ambassador is heatth. I w::#,*nd up under the purification process of cod? who can'remain unchanged through the fire That's the question lsaiah.asks and then answers. He lays out a list of traits for the kind of people whocan stand in a crisis. ponder his description: l. lntegity:The leaderb life and words match (v. 15). 2. /ustice: The leader reiects dishonest gain (v. 15). 3' convictions: The readerb varues won't alrow him to accept bribes (v. 15). 4. Positive focus: The leader refuses to dwell on destructive issues (v. 15). 5. Pure: The leader disciplines his or her mind to remain clean and pure (v. l5). 6. Secure: The leader is firm, stable in his identity and source of strengrh (v. 16). characteristics like these earn the trust of others. when leaders possess them, they feel secure enough todevelop others, rather than destroy them. Remember, onry secure readers empower others. FI i. *f €-*.F- ""€ 'dfI E*-* -+ ffi Teola Patillo Sr. Teola Patillo Jr.Ceola Patillo Terrell H, Fatillo
  • 8. , Alexander Charles Patillo SSG (E-5) l 'i, U.S. Army Military Police , .' 13yrs Active Duty , , ,.., 3-Tours Afghanistan & 2-Tour Korea