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Why do Cybercriminals
Why cybercriminals attack?
Vault A Vault B - locked
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Why cybercriminals attack?
Which one will
you choose?Vault A Vault B - locked
Why cybercriminals attack?
Unlocks in 15 minutes
Vault with lock B
Unlocks in 5 minutes
Vault with lock A
Which one will
you choose?
Why cybercriminals attack?
Safe A has $1 million Safe B has $10 million
Which one will
you choose?
Unlocks in 15 minutes
What’s in it for you?
What is Cyber Security?
What’s in it for you?
What is Cyber Security?
Basic terminologies
What’s in it for you?
What is Cyber Security?
Basic terminologies
How email works?
What’s in it for you?
What is Cyber Security?
Basic terminologies
How email works?
Common types of attacks
What’s in it for you?
What is Cyber Security?
Basic terminologies
Common types of attacks
Functions of malware
How email works?
What’s in it for you?
What is Cyber Security?
Basic terminologies
Common types of attacks
Functions of malware
Sources of malware
How email works?
What is Cyber Security?
What is Cyber Security?
Cyber security is the technology and process that is designed to protect networks and devices from attack,
damage, or unauthorized access
What is Cyber Security?
Cyber security is the technology and process that is designed to protect networks and devices from attack,
damage, or unauthorized access
Some people have confusion
in Cyber Security and
Information Security
What is Cyber Security?
Cyber security is the technology and process that is designed to protect networks and devices from attack,
damage, or unauthorized access
Some people have confusion
in Cyber Security and
Information Security
Cyber Security = Information Security
Basic Terminologies
MAC address5
Internet protocols3
IP address4
Hash function and values13
1. Network
The network is a connection between two or more computers so
that they can communicate with each other
1. Network
The network is a connection between two or more computers so
that they can communicate with each other
For example :
2 computers exchanging data
1. Network
The network is a connection between two or more computers so
that they can communicate with each other
For example :
2 computers exchanging data
4 computers connected
2. Internet
A means of connecting a computer to any other computer anywhere in the world via
dedicated routers and servers
When two computers are connected over the Internet, they can send
and receive all kinds of information
3. Internet Protocols
All data that is being transferred or received cannot just follow any path
To control the flow of internet and connectivity, there are a set of rules that are used
We call them as :
3. Internet Protocols
All data that is being transferred or received cannot just follow any path
To control the flow of internet and connectivity, there are a set of rules that are used
We call them as :
4. IP address
An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a label assigned to each device connected to a
computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication
4. IP address
An IP address looks like this
An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a label assigned to each device connected to a
computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication
5. MAC address
It is a unique identification number that is given to every device that
connects to the internet
Traditional MAC addresses are 12-digit hexadecimal numbers
5. MAC address
MAC address looks like this :
It is a unique identification number that is given to every device that
connects to the internet
Traditional MAC addresses are 12-digit hexadecimal numbers
6. DNS(Domain Name System)
Consider DNS as phonebook of the internet
For example: You want to go to
6. DNS(Domain Name System)
Consider DNS as phonebook of the internet
6. DNS(Domain Name System) goes
to DNS server
Consider DNS as phonebook of the internet
6. DNS(Domain Name System)
DNS server
DNS finds the address of
DNS server finds the address of
6. DNS(Domain Name System)
DNS server sends the address
back to computer and computer
connects to
7. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration protocol)
It is a management protocol that is used to assign an IP address to
any device that wants to connect to the internet
DHCP server
7. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration protocol)
DHCP server
It is a management protocol that is used to assign an IP address to
any device that wants to connect to the internet
7. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration protocol)
It is a management protocol that is used to assign an IP address to
any device that wants to connect to the internet
DHCP server
7. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration protocol)
It is a management protocol that is used to assign an IP address to
any device that wants to connect to the internet
DHCP server
7. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration protocol)
It is a management protocol that is used to assign an IP address to
any device that wants to connect to the internet
DHCP server
7. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration protocol)
It is a management protocol that is used to assign an IP address to
any device that wants to connect to the internet
DHCP server
8. Router
It is a device that routes the data that comes to it and then sends that data to the
destination and make sure it is on the appropriate path
8. Router
It is a device that routes the data that comes to it and then sends that data to the
destination and make sure it is on the appropriate path
8. Router
It is a device that routes the data that comes to it and then sends that data to the
destination and make sure it is on the appropriate path
8. Router
It is a device that routes the data that comes to it and then sends that data to the
destination and make sure it is on the appropriate path
9. Malware
It is a malicious program or software that disrupts or damages the
9. Malware
It is a malicious program or software that disrupts or damages the
Types of malware
10. Virus
A computer virus is malicious code that replicates by copying itself to another
program or document and changes how a computer works
The virus requires someone to knowingly or unknowingly spread the infection
without the knowledge or permission of a user or system administrator
Melissa virus
For example :
11. Worms
It is a standalone program that runs independently and infects the
For example :
It propagates through
network share drives
12. Bots
Bots are a computer program that controls your computer without your knowledge
12. Bots
They can automatically
Send Emails
Bots are a computer program that controls your computer without your knowledge
12. Bots
Send Emails
Retrieve web pages
They can automatically
Bots are a computer program that controls your computer without your knowledge
12. Bots
Send Emails
Retrieve web pages
Change computer settings
They can automatically
Bots are a computer program that controls your computer without your knowledge
13. Hashing function and values
Let’s take an example to understand :
1. John kdncjd
2. Sam sdkcnddc
3. Will sdjkcndksnc
4. Juliet sdvfknkfb
100. Bill abc@123
100 users 100 passwords
Let’s take an example to understand :
13. Hashing function and values
1. John kdncjd
2. Sam sdkcnddc
3. Will sdjkcndksnc
4. Juliet sdvfknkfb
100. Bill abc@123
Hash Functionabc@123
100 passwords
Let’s take an example to understand :
13. Hashing function and values
1. John kdncjd
2. Sam sdkcnddc
3. Will sdjkcndksnc
4. Juliet sdvfknkfb
100. Bill abc@123
Hash Functionabc@123
100 passwords
Let’s take an example to understand :
13. Hashing function and values
1. John kdncjd
2. Sam sdkcnddc
3. Will sdjkcndksnc
4. Juliet sdvfknkfb
100. Bill abc@123
Hash Functionabc@123
100 passwords
Salt (ckxkdhdbxg)+
Let’s take an example to understand :
13. Hashing function and values
1. John kdncjd
2. Sam sdkcnddc
3. Will sdjkcndksnc
4. Juliet sdvfknkfb
100. Bill abc@123
Hash Functionabc@123
100 passwords
Salt (ckxkdhdbxg)+
Let’s take an example to understand :
13. Hashing function and values
1. John kdncjd
2. Sam sdkcnddc
3. Will sdjkcndksnc
4. Juliet sdvfknkfb
100. Bill abc@123
Hash Functionabc@123
100 passwords
Salt (ckxkdhdbxg)+
Common types of attacks
Common types of attacks
Distributed Denial of service
Man in the middle
Password attack
E-mail attacks
Distributed denial of service
It is an attack used to restrict user to access the resources by flooding the traffic
that is used to access resources
It is an attack used to restrict user to access the resources by flooding the traffic
that is used to access resources
Distributed denial of service
It is an attack used to restrict user to access the resources by flooding the traffic
that is used to access resources
Distributed denial of service
It is an attack used to restrict user to access the resources by flooding the traffic
that is used to access resources
Distributed denial of service
It is an attack used to restrict user to access the resources by flooding the traffic
that is used to access resources
Distributed denial of service
It is an attack used to restrict user to access the resources by flooding the traffic
that is used to access resources
Distributed denial of service
Man in the middle
Man in the middle
Man in the middle
Man in the middle
Man in the middle
Man in the middle
New path
Man in the middle
New path
The Hacker steals
Card information from
the bank
Password attack
Sometimes it’s just a guess after observing the person’s behaviour or
lifestyle and what the password might be
Password attack
Sometimes it’s just a guess after observing the person’s behaviour or
lifestyle and what the password might be
Common types of password
Password attack
Sometimes it’s just a guess after observing the person’s behaviour or
lifestyle and what the password might be
Common types of password
Password attack
Sometimes it’s just a guess after observing the person’s behaviour or
lifestyle and what the password might be
Common types of password
Brute force
Password attack
Sometimes it’s just a guess after observing the person’s behaviour or
lifestyle and what the password might be
Common types of password
Brute force
Key logger
Password attack
Sometimes it’s just a guess after observing the person’s behaviour or
lifestyle and what the password might be
Common types of password
Brute force
Key logger
Shoulder surfing
Password attack
Sometimes it’s just a guess after observing the person’s behaviour or
lifestyle and what the password might be
Common types of password
Brute force
Key logger
Shoulder surfing
table attack
Password attack – Dictionary attack
In this method, we handle every password that is possible through the dictionary
Password attack – Brute force
It is a trial and error method used to decode the password or data. This attack takes the most
amount of time
Password attack – Key logger
As the name suggests, keylogger records all the hits on the keyboard
Most people use it to get passwords and account details
Password attack – Shoulder surfing
As the name suggests, the attackers observe the user’s keyboard by looking
over the user’s shoulder
Password attack – Rainbow table attack
There are rainbow tables that contain precomputed hash values
Attackers use this table to find the password of the user
Social engineering
It is a form of phycological attack that exploit human nature and behaviour. It involves convincing someone to perform an
unauthorized operation or reveal confidential information
Social engineering
It is a form of phycological attack that exploit human nature and behaviour. It involves convincing someone to perform an
unauthorized operation or reveal confidential information
Social engineering
Hello, I’m a trusted IT professional. Your
computer has some issue. Please give
me your password
It is a form of phycological attack that exploit human nature and behaviour. It involves convincing someone to perform an
unauthorized operation or reveal confidential information
Social engineering
Sure, my password is
It is a form of phycological attack that exploit human nature and behaviour. It involves convincing someone to perform an
unauthorized operation or reveal confidential information
Hello, I’m a trusted IT professional. Your
computer has some issue. Please give
me your password
How email works?
How email appears to work?
John Jack
How email really works?
John Jack
Mail server
Mail server
DNS server
How email really works?
John Jack
Mail server
Mail server
DNS server
How email really works?
John Jack
Mail server
Mail server
DNS server
How email really works?
John Jack
Mail server
Mail server
DNS server
IP :
How email really works?
John Jack
Mail server
Mail server
DNS server
IP :
How email really works?
John Jack
Mail server
Mail server
DNS server
IP :
Types of Email attacks
Types of Email attacks
Types of Email attacks
Email attachments
The attacker sends bait often in the form of an e-mail. It encourages people to share their details
Lets take an example:
Brian gets an email like this :
Dear customer,
Your account is going to expire today.
To keep your account activated, please click on the link and proceed with the verification
ABC bank
The attacker sends bait often in the form of an e-mail. It encourages people to share their details
Dear customer,
Your account is going to expire today.
To keep your account activated, please click on the link and proceed with the verification
ABC bank
How Brian found out that it was
Dear customer,
Your account is going to expire today.
To keep your account activated, please click on the link and proceed with the verification
ABC bank
How Brian found out that it was
He did not have ABC bank account
Dear customer,
Your account is going to expire today.
To keep your account activated, please click on the link and proceed with the verification
ABC bank
How Brian found out that it was
He did not have ABC bank account
What if someone has an
account in ABC bank?
Dear customer,
Your account is going to expire today.
To keep your account activated, please click on the link and proceed with the verification
ABC bank
How Brian found out that it was
He did not have ABC bank account
What if someone has a
account in ABC bank?
Banks do not send an e-
mail like this. If this
happens, contact your
bank immediately
Attacker pretends to be some other person or organization and sends
you an email stating that it is a legitimate email.
Example: You get a mail from
your manager
Hi Bill,
I got the information that your computer system has been
Please share the password of your computer in this email.
ABC company
Attacker pretends to be some other person or organization and sends
you an email stating that it is a legitimate email.
Hi Bill,
I got the information that your computer system has been
Please share the password of your computer in this email.
ABC company
After seeing the email from your
manager, you may share the
Attacker pretends to be some other person or organization and sends
you an email stating that it is a legitimate email.
Hi Bill,
I got the information that your computer system has been
Please share the password of your computer in this email.
ABC company
After seeing the email from your
manager, you may share the
After seeing email like this,
always talk to the person from
whom you got the email
Email attachments
You can send files through emails. These files may be images,
documents, audio, or videos
Email attachments
Dear customer,
Thank you for shopping with us. Your order will get delivered
within 4 working days.
If you have any queries related to your order, please contact
the number below.
Please find the invoice of your order in the attachments.
Attackers send you an email such that
you are encouraged to open the
attached file
You can send files through emails. These files may be images,
documents, audio, or videos
Email attachments
Dear customer,
Thank you for shopping with us. Your order will get delivered
within 4 working days.
If you have any queries related to your order, please contact
the number below.
Please find the invoice of your order in the attachments.
Attackers send you an email such that
you are encouraged to open the
attached file
You can send files through emails. These files may be images,
documents, audio, or videos
Functions of malware
Functions of malware
Overwhelming system
Overwhelming system resources
Malware, especially like worms can overwhelm the system or network by spreading themselves
They use so much of network that nothing is left to do legitimate work
Overwhelming system resources
Malware, especially like worms can overwhelm the system or network by spreading themselves
Some malwares create so many folders that no memory is left and slow the computer down
Functions of malware
Overwhelming system
Creating backdoors
Lets take an example
Updates on every Sunday
This is done using backdoor
Creating backdoors
Lets take an example
Updates on every Sunday
This is done using backdoor
Functions of malware
Overwhelming system
Disabling security
Disabling security functions
These malware can disable the antivirus as well as security updates
These malware tend to last longer because there is no security to
stop it
They tend to keep the system vulnerable to other malware
Functions of malware
Overwhelming system
Disabling security
Creating botnets
Bots are controlled by the bot master
For example: This may be used to crash a website
Creating botnets
Bots are controlled by the bot master
Creating botnets
Bots are controlled by the bot master
Creating botnets
Bots are controlled by the bot master
Sources of malware
Sources of malware
Removable media
Sources of malware
Removable media
Documents and
executable files
Sources of malware
Removable media
Documents and
executable files
Internet downloads
Sources of malware
Removable media
Documents and
executable files
Network connections
Internet downloads
Sources of malware
Removable media
Documents and
executable files
Email attachments
Network connections
Internet downloads
Sources of malware
Removable media
Documents and
executable files
Email attachments
Network connections
Internet downloads
Sources of malware
Removable media
Documents and
executable files
Email attachments
Network connections
Internet downloads
Demo: Creating and
deploying a virus
Demo: Creating and deploying a virus
Refer to the demo document and
perform the demo
Simple demo of creating
unlimited folders
Demo: Creating and deploying a virus
Refer to the demo document and
perform the demo

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Cyber Security Training For Beginners | Cyber Security Tutorial | Cyber Security Course |Simplilearn

  • 1.
  • 3. Why cybercriminals attack? Vault A Vault B - locked
  • 4. Click here to watch the video
  • 5. Why cybercriminals attack? Which one will you choose?Vault A Vault B - locked
  • 6. Why cybercriminals attack? Unlocks in 15 minutes Vault with lock B Unlocks in 5 minutes Vault with lock A Which one will you choose?
  • 7. Why cybercriminals attack? Safe A has $1 million Safe B has $10 million Which one will you choose? Unlocks in 15 minutes
  • 8. What’s in it for you? What is Cyber Security?
  • 9. What’s in it for you? What is Cyber Security? Basic terminologies
  • 10. What’s in it for you? What is Cyber Security? Basic terminologies How email works?
  • 11. What’s in it for you? What is Cyber Security? Basic terminologies How email works? Common types of attacks
  • 12. What’s in it for you? What is Cyber Security? Basic terminologies Common types of attacks Functions of malware How email works?
  • 13. What’s in it for you? What is Cyber Security? Basic terminologies Common types of attacks Functions of malware Sources of malware How email works?
  • 14. What is Cyber Security?
  • 15. What is Cyber Security? Cyber security is the technology and process that is designed to protect networks and devices from attack, damage, or unauthorized access
  • 16. What is Cyber Security? Cyber security is the technology and process that is designed to protect networks and devices from attack, damage, or unauthorized access Some people have confusion in Cyber Security and Information Security
  • 17. What is Cyber Security? Cyber security is the technology and process that is designed to protect networks and devices from attack, damage, or unauthorized access Some people have confusion in Cyber Security and Information Security Cyber Security = Information Security
  • 19. Terminologies Network1 MAC address5 Malware9 Bots12 Router8 DHCP7 Internet protocols3 IP address4 DNS6 Worms11 Virus10 Internet2 Hash function and values13
  • 20. 1. Network The network is a connection between two or more computers so that they can communicate with each other
  • 21. 1. Network The network is a connection between two or more computers so that they can communicate with each other For example : 2 computers exchanging data
  • 22. 1. Network The network is a connection between two or more computers so that they can communicate with each other For example : 2 computers exchanging data 4 computers connected
  • 23. 2. Internet A means of connecting a computer to any other computer anywhere in the world via dedicated routers and servers When two computers are connected over the Internet, they can send and receive all kinds of information
  • 24. 3. Internet Protocols All data that is being transferred or received cannot just follow any path To control the flow of internet and connectivity, there are a set of rules that are used We call them as :
  • 25. 3. Internet Protocols All data that is being transferred or received cannot just follow any path To control the flow of internet and connectivity, there are a set of rules that are used We call them as : internet protocols
  • 26. 4. IP address An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication
  • 27. 4. IP address An IP address looks like this An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication
  • 28. 5. MAC address It is a unique identification number that is given to every device that connects to the internet Traditional MAC addresses are 12-digit hexadecimal numbers
  • 29. 5. MAC address MAC address looks like this : D8-FC-93-C5-A5-E0 It is a unique identification number that is given to every device that connects to the internet Traditional MAC addresses are 12-digit hexadecimal numbers
  • 30. 6. DNS(Domain Name System) Consider DNS as phonebook of the internet For example: You want to go to
  • 31. 6. DNS(Domain Name System) Consider DNS as phonebook of the internet
  • 32. 6. DNS(Domain Name System) goes to DNS server Consider DNS as phonebook of the internet
  • 33. 6. DNS(Domain Name System) DNS server DNS finds the address of DNS server finds the address of
  • 34. 6. DNS(Domain Name System) DNS server sends the address back to computer and computer connects to
  • 35. 7. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration protocol) It is a management protocol that is used to assign an IP address to any device that wants to connect to the internet DHCP server
  • 36. 7. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration protocol) DHCP server It is a management protocol that is used to assign an IP address to any device that wants to connect to the internet
  • 37. 7. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration protocol) It is a management protocol that is used to assign an IP address to any device that wants to connect to the internet DHCP server
  • 38. 7. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration protocol) It is a management protocol that is used to assign an IP address to any device that wants to connect to the internet DHCP server
  • 39. 7. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration protocol) It is a management protocol that is used to assign an IP address to any device that wants to connect to the internet DHCP server
  • 40. 7. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration protocol) It is a management protocol that is used to assign an IP address to any device that wants to connect to the internet DHCP server
  • 41. 8. Router It is a device that routes the data that comes to it and then sends that data to the destination and make sure it is on the appropriate path
  • 42. 8. Router It is a device that routes the data that comes to it and then sends that data to the destination and make sure it is on the appropriate path
  • 43. 8. Router It is a device that routes the data that comes to it and then sends that data to the destination and make sure it is on the appropriate path
  • 44. 8. Router It is a device that routes the data that comes to it and then sends that data to the destination and make sure it is on the appropriate path
  • 45. 9. Malware It is a malicious program or software that disrupts or damages the computer
  • 46. 9. Malware It is a malicious program or software that disrupts or damages the computer Types of malware AdwareSpywareRansomware
  • 47. 10. Virus A computer virus is malicious code that replicates by copying itself to another program or document and changes how a computer works The virus requires someone to knowingly or unknowingly spread the infection without the knowledge or permission of a user or system administrator Melissa virus For example :
  • 48. 11. Worms It is a standalone program that runs independently and infects the system For example : W32.Alcra.F It propagates through network share drives
  • 49. 12. Bots Bots are a computer program that controls your computer without your knowledge
  • 50. 12. Bots They can automatically Send Emails Bots are a computer program that controls your computer without your knowledge
  • 51. 12. Bots Send Emails Retrieve web pages They can automatically Bots are a computer program that controls your computer without your knowledge
  • 52. 12. Bots Send Emails Retrieve web pages Change computer settings They can automatically Bots are a computer program that controls your computer without your knowledge
  • 53. 13. Hashing function and values Let’s take an example to understand : Facebook 1. John kdncjd 2. Sam sdkcnddc 3. Will sdjkcndksnc 4. Juliet sdvfknkfb 100. Bill abc@123 100 users 100 passwords
  • 54. Let’s take an example to understand : Facebook 13. Hashing function and values 1. John kdncjd 2. Sam sdkcnddc 3. Will sdjkcndksnc 4. Juliet sdvfknkfb 100. Bill abc@123 Hash Functionabc@123 100 passwords
  • 55. Let’s take an example to understand : Facebook 13. Hashing function and values 1. John kdncjd 2. Sam sdkcnddc 3. Will sdjkcndksnc 4. Juliet sdvfknkfb 100. Bill abc@123 Hash Functionabc@123 njifvyuegfuwe 100 passwords
  • 56. Let’s take an example to understand : Facebook 13. Hashing function and values 1. John kdncjd 2. Sam sdkcnddc 3. Will sdjkcndksnc 4. Juliet sdvfknkfb 100. Bill abc@123 Hash Functionabc@123 njifvyuegfuwe 100 passwords Salt (ckxkdhdbxg)+
  • 57. Let’s take an example to understand : Facebook 13. Hashing function and values 1. John kdncjd 2. Sam sdkcnddc 3. Will sdjkcndksnc 4. Juliet sdvfknkfb 100. Bill abc@123 Hash Functionabc@123 njifvyuegfuwe 100 passwords Salt (ckxkdhdbxg)+ kndcshvdjhcv
  • 58. Let’s take an example to understand : Facebook 13. Hashing function and values 1. John kdncjd 2. Sam sdkcnddc 3. Will sdjkcndksnc 4. Juliet sdvfknkfb 100. Bill abc@123 Hash Functionabc@123 njifvyuegfuwe 100 passwords Salt (ckxkdhdbxg)+ kndcshvdjhcv Encrypted & Secure
  • 59. Common types of attacks
  • 60. Common types of attacks Distributed Denial of service Man in the middle Password attack E-mail attacks
  • 61. Distributed denial of service It is an attack used to restrict user to access the resources by flooding the traffic that is used to access resources Attacker Botnet controller Servers Resource E.g.
  • 62. Attacker Botnet controller Servers Resource E.g. It is an attack used to restrict user to access the resources by flooding the traffic that is used to access resources Distributed denial of service
  • 63. Attacker Botnet controller Servers Resource E.g. It is an attack used to restrict user to access the resources by flooding the traffic that is used to access resources Distributed denial of service
  • 64. Attacker Botnet controller Servers Resource E.g. It is an attack used to restrict user to access the resources by flooding the traffic that is used to access resources Distributed denial of service
  • 65. Attacker Botnet controller Servers Resource E.g. User It is an attack used to restrict user to access the resources by flooding the traffic that is used to access resources Distributed denial of service
  • 66. Attacker Botnet controller Servers Resource E.g. User It is an attack used to restrict user to access the resources by flooding the traffic that is used to access resources Distributed denial of service
  • 67. Man in the middle
  • 68. Man in the middle
  • 69. Man in the middle
  • 70. Man in the middle
  • 71. Man in the middle
  • 72. Man in the middle New path
  • 73. Man in the middle New path The Hacker steals Card information from the bank
  • 74. Password attack Sometimes it’s just a guess after observing the person’s behaviour or lifestyle and what the password might be
  • 75. Password attack Sometimes it’s just a guess after observing the person’s behaviour or lifestyle and what the password might be Common types of password attacks
  • 76. Password attack Sometimes it’s just a guess after observing the person’s behaviour or lifestyle and what the password might be Common types of password attacks Dictionary attack
  • 77. Password attack Sometimes it’s just a guess after observing the person’s behaviour or lifestyle and what the password might be Common types of password attacks Dictionary attack Brute force attack
  • 78. Password attack Sometimes it’s just a guess after observing the person’s behaviour or lifestyle and what the password might be Common types of password attacks Dictionary attack Brute force attack Key logger
  • 79. Password attack Sometimes it’s just a guess after observing the person’s behaviour or lifestyle and what the password might be Common types of password attacks Dictionary attack Brute force attack Key logger Shoulder surfing
  • 80. Password attack Sometimes it’s just a guess after observing the person’s behaviour or lifestyle and what the password might be Common types of password attacks Dictionary attack Brute force attack Key logger Shoulder surfing Rainbow table attack
  • 81. Password attack – Dictionary attack In this method, we handle every password that is possible through the dictionary
  • 82. Password attack – Brute force It is a trial and error method used to decode the password or data. This attack takes the most amount of time abc123 abcd123 abc1234 abc#123 abc123@ abc@123
  • 83. Password attack – Key logger As the name suggests, keylogger records all the hits on the keyboard Most people use it to get passwords and account details
  • 84. Password attack – Shoulder surfing As the name suggests, the attackers observe the user’s keyboard by looking over the user’s shoulder
  • 85. Password attack – Rainbow table attack There are rainbow tables that contain precomputed hash values Attackers use this table to find the password of the user
  • 86. Social engineering It is a form of phycological attack that exploit human nature and behaviour. It involves convincing someone to perform an unauthorized operation or reveal confidential information
  • 87. Social engineering It is a form of phycological attack that exploit human nature and behaviour. It involves convincing someone to perform an unauthorized operation or reveal confidential information
  • 88. Social engineering Hello, I’m a trusted IT professional. Your computer has some issue. Please give me your password It is a form of phycological attack that exploit human nature and behaviour. It involves convincing someone to perform an unauthorized operation or reveal confidential information
  • 89. Social engineering Sure, my password is abc123 It is a form of phycological attack that exploit human nature and behaviour. It involves convincing someone to perform an unauthorized operation or reveal confidential information Hello, I’m a trusted IT professional. Your computer has some issue. Please give me your password
  • 91. How email appears to work? John Jack
  • 92. How email really works? John Jack Mail server ( Mail server ( DNS server
  • 93. How email really works? John Jack Mail server ( Mail server ( DNS server
  • 94. How email really works? John Jack Mail server ( Mail server ( DNS server MX
  • 95. How email really works? John Jack Mail server ( Mail server ( DNS server MX IP :
  • 96. How email really works? John Jack Mail server ( Mail server ( DNS server MX IP :
  • 97. How email really works? John Jack Mail server ( Mail server ( DNS server MX IP :
  • 98. Types of Email attacks 1 Phishing
  • 99. Types of Email attacks 1 Phishing Spoofing
  • 100. Types of Email attacks Email attachments 1 Phishing Spoofing
  • 101. Phishing The attacker sends bait often in the form of an e-mail. It encourages people to share their details
  • 102. Phishing Lets take an example: Brian gets an email like this : Dear customer, Your account is going to expire today. To keep your account activated, please click on the link and proceed with the verification process Thanks ABC bank The attacker sends bait often in the form of an e-mail. It encourages people to share their details
  • 103. Phishing Dear customer, Your account is going to expire today. To keep your account activated, please click on the link and proceed with the verification process Thanks ABC bank How Brian found out that it was spam?
  • 104. Phishing Dear customer, Your account is going to expire today. To keep your account activated, please click on the link and proceed with the verification process Thanks ABC bank How Brian found out that it was spam? Simple. He did not have ABC bank account
  • 105. Phishing Dear customer, Your account is going to expire today. To keep your account activated, please click on the link and proceed with the verification process Thanks ABC bank How Brian found out that it was spam? Simple. He did not have ABC bank account What if someone has an account in ABC bank?
  • 106. Phishing Dear customer, Your account is going to expire today. To keep your account activated, please click on the link and proceed with the verification process Thanks ABC bank How Brian found out that it was spam? Simple. He did not have ABC bank account What if someone has a account in ABC bank? Banks do not send an e- mail like this. If this happens, contact your bank immediately
  • 107. Spoofing Attacker pretends to be some other person or organization and sends you an email stating that it is a legitimate email. Example: You get a mail from your manager Hi Bill, I got the information that your computer system has been compromised. Please share the password of your computer in this email. Thanks Watson Manager ABC company
  • 108. Spoofing Attacker pretends to be some other person or organization and sends you an email stating that it is a legitimate email. Hi Bill, I got the information that your computer system has been compromised. Please share the password of your computer in this email. Thanks Watson Manager ABC company After seeing the email from your manager, you may share the email.
  • 109. Spoofing Attacker pretends to be some other person or organization and sends you an email stating that it is a legitimate email. Hi Bill, I got the information that your computer system has been compromised. Please share the password of your computer in this email. Thanks Watson Manager ABC company After seeing the email from your manager, you may share the email. After seeing email like this, always talk to the person from whom you got the email
  • 110. Email attachments You can send files through emails. These files may be images, documents, audio, or videos
  • 111. Email attachments Dear customer, Thank you for shopping with us. Your order will get delivered within 4 working days. If you have any queries related to your order, please contact the number below. Please find the invoice of your order in the attachments. invoice.-pdf.exe Attackers send you an email such that you are encouraged to open the attached file You can send files through emails. These files may be images, documents, audio, or videos
  • 112. Email attachments Dear customer, Thank you for shopping with us. Your order will get delivered within 4 working days. If you have any queries related to your order, please contact the number below. Please find the invoice of your order in the attachments. invoice.-pdf.exe Attackers send you an email such that you are encouraged to open the attached file You can send files through emails. These files may be images, documents, audio, or videos
  • 115. Overwhelming system resources Malware, especially like worms can overwhelm the system or network by spreading themselves They use so much of network that nothing is left to do legitimate work
  • 116. Overwhelming system resources Malware, especially like worms can overwhelm the system or network by spreading themselves Some malwares create so many folders that no memory is left and slow the computer down
  • 117. Functions of malware 1 2 Overwhelming system resources Creating backdoor
  • 118. Creating backdoors Lets take an example Microsoft Updates on every Sunday This is done using backdoor
  • 119. Creating backdoors Lets take an example Updates on every Sunday This is done using backdoor
  • 120. Functions of malware 3 1 2 Overwhelming system resources Creating backdoor Disabling security functions
  • 121. Disabling security functions These malware can disable the antivirus as well as security updates These malware tend to last longer because there is no security to stop it They tend to keep the system vulnerable to other malware
  • 122. Functions of malware 3 4 1 2 Overwhelming system resources Creating backdoor Disabling security functions Creating botnets
  • 123. Creating botnets Bots are controlled by the bot master For example: This may be used to crash a website
  • 124. Creating botnets Bots are controlled by the bot master
  • 125. Creating botnets Bots are controlled by the bot master
  • 126. Creating botnets Bots are controlled by the bot master
  • 129. Sources of malware Removable media Documents and executable files
  • 130. Sources of malware Removable media Documents and executable files Internet downloads
  • 131. Sources of malware Removable media Documents and executable files Network connections Internet downloads
  • 132. Sources of malware Removable media Documents and executable files Email attachments Network connections Internet downloads
  • 133. Sources of malware Removable media Documents and executable files Email attachments Network connections Internet downloads Malicious advertisements
  • 134. Sources of malware Removable media Documents and executable files Email attachments Network connections Internet downloads Malicious advertisements Pop-ups
  • 136. Demo: Creating and deploying a virus Refer to the demo document and perform the demo
  • 137. Simple demo of creating unlimited folders
  • 138. Demo: Creating and deploying a virus Refer to the demo document and perform the demo

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