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What is Anaesthesia ???What is Anaesthesia ???
 Anesthesia – is a reversible condition of comfort and
quiescence for a patient within the physiological limit
before, during and after performance of a procedure.
 General anesthesia – for surgical procedure to
render the patient unaware/unresponsive to the
painful stimuli.
 Drugs producing General Anaesthesia – are called General
 Local anesthesia - reversible inhibition of impulse
generation and propagation in nerves. In sensory
nerves, such an effect is desired when painful
procedures must be performed, e.g., surgical or
dental operations.
 Drugs producing Local Anaesthesia – are called Local
Anaesthetics e.g. Procaine, Lidocaine and Bupivacaine etc.
FEATURES Gen.Anaesthsia Local Anaesthsia
Site of action CNS Peripheral nerves
Area of body involved Whole body Restricted area
Consciousness Lost Unaltered
Care of vital functions Essential Usually not needed
Poor health patients Risky Safer
Use in non cooperative
Possible Not possible
Major surgery Preferred Cannot be preferred
Minor surgery Not preferred preferred
 DEFINITION: are drugs which, when
applied directly to peripheral nervous
tissue, block the nerve conduction and
abolish all sensations in the part supplied
by the nerve without loss of consciousness.
 Should have quick onset of action
 Should not be irritating to skin & mucous membranes
 Duration of action must be long enough to allow desired
surgery to be completed
 Should be effective on both injection & local application
 Should have low Systemic toxicity
 Should not cause any permanent damage on any
 Should be relatively free from producing allergic
 Should be stable in solution and readily undergo
No LA in use today satisfy all of these criteria ,
however all anesthetics do meet a majority of
All local anesthetics are weak bases,  they have
amphiphilic property
Consist of hydrophilic secondary or tertiary amine on
one side
Lipophilic aromatic residue on other side
Two are joined by an alkyl chain through an ester or
amide linkage
Based on linkage they can be
classified as
 Produce more intense and longer lasting
anaesthesia .
 Bind to α1 acid glycoprotein in plasma.
 Not hydrolysed by plasma esterases.
 Rarely causes hypersensitivity reaction.
cocaine benzocaine
lidocaine butylaminobenzoate
tetracaine oxethazaine
 LA blocks the nerve conduction by reducing entry
of Na+ through the voltage gated channels
 Due to this, they block the initiation & propagation
of nerve impulse.
 At higher doses it also blocks
1. Voltage gated Ca2+
2. K+
 Absorption
 Local anesthetics are absorbed when ingested.
Some local anesthetics may be absorbed in
toxic amounts after topical use.
 Absorption after an injection depends on drug
solubility in lipid and in water, tissue vascularity
and local anesthetic and vasoconstrictor
effects on local circulation.
Distribution: amides-wide distribution –I.V-lipophilics
taken up by highly perfused organs-then moderately
Ester type- short plasma half life
Metabolism and excretion
 Esters are hydrolyzed by plasma and liver esterases.
Longer-acting esters are often metabolized more
slowly.. Patients with altered pseudo-cholinesterase
activity may be highly sensitive to these drugs.
 Amides are metabolized in the liver by cyp450.-N-
dealkylation then hydrolysis except prilocaine-
hydrolysis first-o toludine-can cause
 Patients with severe hepatic damage or advanced
congestive heart failure may be unusually sensitive to
these drugs.
 Some amides are partially excreted unchanged in the
 Acidification can enhance excretion
PK properties of amide LAs :
 Aspirate lightly to avoid intravascular injection.
 Inject the LA slowly &take care not to exceed the
maximum safe dose, especially in children.
 Propranolol may reduce metabolism of lidocaine and
other amide LAs by reducing hepatic blood flow.
 Vasoconstrictor (Adr) containing LA should be
avoided for patients with ischemic heart disease,
cardiac arrhythmia, uncontrolled hypertension those
receiving β-blockers or tricyclic antidepressants
Techniques of Local Anaesthesia
Surface Anaesthesia
 Application of a local anesthetic to nose, mouth, throat,
tracheobronchial tree, esophagus.
 Onset & duration depends on the site, the drug, its
concentration and form.
 Absorption of soluble LAs from mucous membrane is
Infiltration Anaesthesia
 Injection of LA directly into tissue under the skin.
 used primarily for surgical procedures.
 LAs most frequently used are lidocaine (1%), bupivacaine
(0.25%), etidocaine(0.5-1%), ropivacaine(0.5-1%),
mepivacaine(1-3%) and prilocaine(1-4%).
 mix with adrenaline (1:20000) to prolong the action.
Conduction block:
 Injected around nerve trunks so that area distal to
injection is anaesthetised and paralyzed.
- Choice of LA and concentration is mainly determined
by the required duration of action.
- Lidocaine for intermediate duration of action
- longer lasting anesthesia bupivacaine may be
Field block:
- produced by injecting the LA subcutaneously in the
surrounding area of nerve so that all nerves coming
to particular field are blocked.
- herniorrhaphy, appendicectomy, dental procedures,
scalp stitching, operations on forearms and legs etc.
- Larger area can be anaesthetized with lesser drug
compared to infiltration.
Nerve Block:
 local anesthetic is injected around a nerve that leads to
the operative site.
 Usually more concentrated forms of local anesthetic
solutions are used
 eg: radial nerve block, ulner nerve block so on.
Nerve block lasts than field block or infiltration
 Lidocaine (1.5%), mepivacaine(1.5%), bupivacaine (0.25-
0.35%) can be used.
Epidural Anaesthesia.
 spinal dural space is filled with semi liquid fat through
which nerve root travel.
 Injected in this space- acts primarily on nerve roots
and small amounts permeates through intravertebral
foramina to produce multiple paravertebral blocks.
 used to produce analgesia or anaesthesia in surgical
and obstretric.
 Divided into 3 categories depending on site of action:
1. Thoracic:
2. Lumbar:
3. Caudal:
Spinal Anaesthesia.
 Injected into the subarachnoid space between L2-3 or
L3-4 of the spinal cord .
 Suitable LA like lidocaine (3-5%), bupivacaine (0.5-
0.8%), tetracaine(0.3-0.5%).
 Primary site of action is cauda equina rather than
spinal cord.
 Used to anaesthetize lower abdomen and hind limbs.
 Use of hyperbaric(in7.5-10% glucose) or hypobaric (in
distilled water) solution of LA .
 proper positioning of the patient is also limiting the
block to the desired level.
 Advantages over general anaesthesia are:
 Safer
 Produces good analgesia and muscle relaxation without
loss of consciousness.
 Cardiac, pulmonary, renal disease and diabetic pose
less problem.
complication of spinal anaesthesia:
 Respiratory paralysis
 Hypotension
 Headache
 Cauda equina syndrome
 Septic meningitis
 Hypotension & hypovolemia
 Infant & childrens- control of level is difficult
 Vertebral abnormalities - kyphosis
Intravenous regional anaesthesia
 Also referred as Bier’s block & used for upper limb and
orthopedic procedures.
 Regional analgesia produced within 2-5min and last till 5-
 Only ¼ of the injected drug enters systemic circulation
when tourniquet is removed.
 Bradycardia can occur and bupivacaine should not be
used because of higher cardio toxicity.
General anaesthetics (Defn.)General anaesthetics (Defn.)
 General Anaesthetics are the drugs which
produce reversible loss of all modalities of
sensation and consciousness, or simply, a drug
that brings about a reversible loss of
 Remember !!! These drugs are generally
administered by an anesthesiologist in order to
induce or maintain general anesthesia to facilitate
 General anaesthetics are – mainly inhalation or
 Balanced Anaesthesia: A combination of IV
anaesthetics and inhaled anaesthetics.
What are the Drugs used as GA ?What are the Drugs used as GA ?
 Inhalation:
1. Gas: Nitrous Oxide
2. Volatile liquids:
 Ether
 Halothane
 Enflurane
 Isoflurane
 Desflurane
 Sevoflurane
 Intravenous:
1. Inducing agents:
 Thiopentone,
Methohexitone sodium,
propofol and etomidate
1. Benzodiazepines (slower
 Diazepam, Lorazepam,
1. Dissociative
 Ketamine
1. Neurolept analgesia:
 Fentanyl
Mechanisms of GA
 For inhalation anesthetics – Minimum Alveolar Concentration (MAC)
– 1 (one) MAC is defined as the minimum alveolar concentration that
prevents movement in response to surgical stimulation in 50% of
subjects. Correlates with oil/gas partition coefficient
 Practically –
 Alveolar concentrations can be monitored continuously by measuring end-tidal
anesthetic concentration using spectrometry
 End point (immobilization) – can me measured.
 Other end points – Verbal commands or memory etc.
 For Intravenous agents – Potency of IV agent is defined as the free
plasma concentration (at equilibrium) that produces loss of response to
surgical incision in 50% of subjects.
 Difficult to measure:
 no available method to measure blood or plasma concentration
 Free concentration at site of action cannot be determined
(MAC explains only capacity of anaesthetics to enter in CNS and
attain sufficient concentration, but not actual MOA)
Mechanisms of GA
 For inhalation anesthetics – Minimum Alveolar Concentration (MAC)
– 1 (one) MAC is defined as the minimum alveolar concentration that
prevents movement in response to surgical stimulation in 50% of
subjects. Correlates with oil/gas partition coefficient
 Practically –
 Alveolar concentrations can be monitored continuously by measuring end-tidal
anesthetic concentration using spectrometry
 End point (immobilization) – can me measured.
 Other end points – Verbal commands or memory etc.
 For Intravenous agents – Potency of IV agent is defined as the free
plasma concentration (at equilibrium) that produces loss of response to
surgical incision in 50% of subjects.
 Difficult to measure:
 no available method to measure blood or plasma concentration
 Free concentration at site of action cannot be determined
(MAC explains only capacity of anaesthetics to enter in CNS and
attain sufficient concentration, but not actual MOA)
Modern theory on Mechanism ofModern theory on Mechanism of
General AnesthesiaGeneral Anesthesia
 Mainly acts via interaction with membrane proteins
 Different agents - different molecular mechanism
 Major sites: Thalumus & RAS, Hippocampus and
Spinal cord
 Major targets – ligand gated (not voltage gated) ion
 Important one – GABAA receptor gated Cl¯
channel complexes; examples – many inhalation
anesthetics, barbiturates, benzodiazepines and
 Potentiate the GABA to open the Cl¯ channels
 Also direct activation of Cl¯ channel by some inhaled anesthetics and
4 (Four) Stages and signs !!!
• Traditional Description of signs and stages
of GA - Also called Guedel`s sign
• Typically seen in case of Ether
• Slow action as very much lipid soluble
• Descending depression of CNS
• Higher to lower areas of brain are involve
• Vital centers located in medulla are paralyzed last
Stages of GAStages of GA
Stage I: Stage of AnalgesiaStage I: Stage of Analgesia
 Starts from beginning of anaesthetic inhalation and
lasts upto the loss of consciousness
 Pain is progressively abolished during this stage
 Patient remains conscious, can hear and see, and
feels a dream like state
 Reflexes and respiration remain normal
 It is difficult to maintain - use is limited to short
procedures only
stages of GA – contd.
Stage II: Stage of Delirium and Excitement:
 From loss of consciousness to beginning of regular respiration
 Excitement - patient may shout, struggle and hold his breath
 Muscle tone increases, jaws are tightly closed.
 Breathing is jerky; vomiting, involuntary micturition or defecation may
 Heart rate and BP may rise and pupils dilate due to sympathetic
 No stimulus or operative procedure carried out during this stage.
 Breatholding are commonly seen. Potentially dangerous responses
can occur during this stage including vomiting, laryngospasm and
uncontrolled movement.
 This stage is not found with modern anaesthesia – preanaesthetic
medication, rapid induction etc.
stages of GA
– contd.
 Stage III: Stage of Surgical anaesthesia
 Extends from onset of regular respiration to
cessation of spontaneous breathing. This has
been divided into 4 planes:
 Plane 1: Roving eye balls. This plane ends when
eyes become fixed.
 Plane 2: Loss of corneal and laryngeal reflexes.
 Plane 3: Pupil starts dilating and light reflex is lost.
 Plane 4: Intercostal paralysis, shallow abdominal
respiration, dilated pupil.
stages of GA – contd.
Stage IV: Medullary / respiratoryStage IV: Medullary / respiratory paralysis
 Cessation of breathing failure of
circulation death
 Pupils: widely dilated
 Muscles are totally flabby
 Pulse is imperceptible
 BP is very low.
Properties of GA
 For Patient:
- Pleasant, non-irritating and should not cause nausea or
- Induction and recovery should be fast
 For Surgeon:
- analgesia, immobility and muscle relaxation
- nonexplosive and noninflammable
 For the anaesthetist:
1. Margin of safety: No fall in BP
2. Heart, liver and other organs: No affect
3. Potent
4. Cheap, stable and easily stored
5. Should not react with rubber tubing or soda lime
6. Rapid adjustment of depth of anaesthesia should be
Individual Inhalation
anaesthetic agents
1. Diethyl ether (C2H5 – O – C2H5)
 Colourless, highly volatile liquid with a
pungent odour. Boiling point = 35ºC
 Produces irritating vapours and are
inflammable and explosive.
 Pharmacokinetics:
- 85 to 90 percent is eliminated through lung
and remainder through skin, urine, milk and
- Can cross the placental barrier
Ether – contd.
 Advantages
- Can be used without
complicated apparatus
- Potent anaesthetic and
good analgesic
- Muscle relaxation
- Wide safety of margin
- Respiratory stimulation
and bronchodilatation
- Does not sensitize the
heart to adrenaline
- No cardiac arrythmias
- Can be used in delivery
- Less likely hepato or
 Disadvantages
- Inflammable and
- Slow induction and
- Struggling, breath holding,
salivation and secretions
(drowning) - atropine
- Slow recovery – nausea
& vomiting
- Cardiac arrest
- Convulsion in children
- Cross tolerance – ethyl
2. Nitrous oxide/laughing gas
 NH4NO3 (s) → 2 H2O (g) + N2O (g)
 Colourless, odourless inorganic gas with
sweet taste
 Noninflammable and nonirritating, but of low
 Very potent analgesic, but not potent
 Carrier and adjuvant to other anaesthetics –
70% + 25-30% + 0.2-2%
 As a single agent used wit O2 in dental
extraction and in obstetrics
Nitrous oxide – contd.
 Advantages:
- Non-inflammable and
- Rapid induction and
- Very potent analgesic
(low concentration)
- No effect on heart rate
and respiration – mixture
- No nausea and vomiting
– post anaesthetic not
- Nontoxic to liver, kidney
and brain
 Disadvantages:
 Not potent alone
 Not good muscle relaxant,
 Hypoxia, unconsciousness
cannot be produced without
 Inhibits methionine
synthetase (precursor to
DNA synthesis)
 Inhibits vitamin B-12
 Dentists, OR personnel,
abusers at risk
 Gas filled spaces expansion
(pneumothorax) -
3. Halothane
 Fluorinated volatile liquid with sweet odour, non-
irritant non-inflammable and supplied in amber
coloured bottle
 Potent anaesthetic (if precise control), 2-4% for
induction and 0.5-1% for maintenance
 Boiling point - 50ºC
 Pharmacokinetics: 60 to 80% eliminated unchanged.
20% retained in body for 24 hours and metabolized
 Delivered by the use of a special vapourizer
 Not good analgesic or relaxants
 Potentiates NM blockers
Halothane – contd.
 Advantages:
- Non-inflammable and non-
- Abolition of Pharyngeal
and laryngeal reflexes –
bronchodilatation –
preferred in asthmatics
- Potent and speedy
induction & recovery
- Controlled hypotension
- Inhibits intestinal and
uterine contractions –
external or internal version
- Popular anaesthetic in
developig countries - can
be used in children for
induction and maintenance
and adult maintenance
 Disadvantages:
- Special apparatus - vapourizer
- Poor analgesic and muscle relaxation
- Myocardial depression – direct depression of
Ca++ and also failure of sympathetic activity –
reduced cardiac output (more and more)
- Hypotension – as depth increases and
dilatation of vascular beds
- Heart rate – reduced due to vagal stimulation,
direct depression of SA node and lack of
Baroreceptor stimulation
- Arrythmia - Sensitize heart to Adrenaline
- Respiratory depression – shallow breathing
(PP of CO2 rises) assisted ventilation
- Decreased urine formation – due to decreased
- Hepatitis: 1 in 10,000
- Malignant hyperthermia: Abnormal Ryanodine
- Prolong labour
4. Enflurane:
 Non-inflammable, with mild sweet odour and boils at
 Similar to halothane in action, except better muscular
 Depresses myocardial force of contraction and
sensitize heart to adrenaline
 Induces seizure in deep anaesthesia and therefore
not used now - Epileptiform EEG
 Metabolism one-tenth that of halothane-- does not
release quantity of hepatotoxic metabolites
 Metabolism releases fluoride ion-- renal toxicity
5. Isoflurane:
 Isomer of enflurane and have similar
properties but slightly more potent
 Induction dose is 1.5 – 3% and maintenance
dose is 1 – 2%
 Rapid induction (7-10 min) and recovery
 By special vapourizer
Isoflurane – contd.
 Advantages:
- Rapid induction and
- Good muscle relaxation
- Good coronary
- CO maintained, HR
increased – beta receptor
- Less Myocardial depression
than no myocardial
sensitization to adrenaline
- No renal or hepatotoxicity
- Low nausea and vomiting
- No dilatation of pupil and no
loss of light reflex in deep
- No seizure and preferred in
- Uterine muscle relaxation
 Disadvantages:
- Pungent and respiratory
- Special apparatus
- Respiratory depression -
- Maintenance only, no
- Hypotension - ß
adrenergic receptor
- Costly
(Desflurane and
Sevoflurane ----- read
Intravenous Anaesthetics:
 For induction only
 Rapid induction (one arm-
brain circulation time)
 For maintenance not used
 Alone – supplemented with
analgesic and muscle
 Inducing agents:
Methohexitone sodium,
propofol and etomidate
 Benzodiazepines (slower
Diazepam, Lorazepam,
 Dissociative
 Neurolept analgesia:
Thiopentone sodium:
 Barbiturate: Ultra short acting
 Water soluble
 Alkaline
 Dose-dependent suppression of CNS activity
 Dose: 3-5mg/kg iv (2.5%) solution – 15 to 20 seconds
 Pharmacokinetics:
- Redistribution
- Hepatic metabolism (elimination half-life 7-12 hrs)
- CNS depression persists for long (>12 hr)
Thiopentone – contd.
 Advantages:
- Rapid induction
- Does not sensitize
myocardium to
- No nausea and vomiting
- Non-explosive and non-
- Short operations (alone)
 Other uses: convulsion,
psychiatric patients and
narcoanalysis of cri
minals – by knocking off
 Disadvantages:
- Depth of anaesthesia
difficult to judge
- Pharyngeal and
laryngeal reflexes
persists - apnoea –
controlled ventilation
- Respiratory depression
- Hypotension (rapid) –
shock and hypovolemia –
CVS collapse
- Poor analgesic and
muscle relaxant
- Gangrene and necrosis
- Shivering and delirium
Complications of anaesthesia:
During anaesthesia:
 Respiratory depression
 Salivation, respiratory
 Cardiac arrhythmias
 Fall in BP
 Aspiration
 Laryngospasm and asphyxia
 Awareness
 Delirium and convulsion
 Fire and explosion
After anaesthesia:
 Nausea and vomiting
 Persisting sedation
 Pneumonia
 Organ damage – liver,
 Nerve palsies
 Emergence delirium
 Cognitive defects
Important !
 Drugs used in General Anaesthesia
 Stages of General Anaesthesia with important points
in each stage
 Details of Inhalation agents, mainly Ether, Halothane
and Isoflurane
 Details of Inducing agents – Thiopentone and
 Dissociative anaesthesia – short question
 Preanaesthetic medication and examples of Drugs
 Viva and short questions - Second gas effect,
diffusion hypoxia, malignant hyperthermia and

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  • 3. What is Anaesthesia ???What is Anaesthesia ???  Anesthesia – is a reversible condition of comfort and quiescence for a patient within the physiological limit before, during and after performance of a procedure.  General anesthesia – for surgical procedure to render the patient unaware/unresponsive to the painful stimuli.  Drugs producing General Anaesthesia – are called General Anaesthetics.  Local anesthesia - reversible inhibition of impulse generation and propagation in nerves. In sensory nerves, such an effect is desired when painful procedures must be performed, e.g., surgical or dental operations.  Drugs producing Local Anaesthesia – are called Local Anaesthetics e.g. Procaine, Lidocaine and Bupivacaine etc.
  • 5. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GENERAL ANAESTHESIA & LOCAL ANAESTHESIA FEATURES Gen.Anaesthsia Local Anaesthsia Site of action CNS Peripheral nerves Area of body involved Whole body Restricted area Consciousness Lost Unaltered Care of vital functions Essential Usually not needed Poor health patients Risky Safer Use in non cooperative patients Possible Not possible Major surgery Preferred Cannot be preferred Minor surgery Not preferred preferred
  • 6. LOCAL ANAESTHETICS  DEFINITION: are drugs which, when applied directly to peripheral nervous tissue, block the nerve conduction and abolish all sensations in the part supplied by the nerve without loss of consciousness.
  • 7. FEATURES OF LOCAL ANAESTHETICS  Should have quick onset of action  Should not be irritating to skin & mucous membranes  Duration of action must be long enough to allow desired surgery to be completed  Should be effective on both injection & local application  Should have low Systemic toxicity
  • 8.  Should not cause any permanent damage on any tissue.  Should be relatively free from producing allergic reaction.  Should be stable in solution and readily undergo biotransformation. No LA in use today satisfy all of these criteria , however all anesthetics do meet a majority of them. Contd…
  • 9. Chemistry All local anesthetics are weak bases,  they have amphiphilic property Consist of hydrophilic secondary or tertiary amine on one side Lipophilic aromatic residue on other side Two are joined by an alkyl chain through an ester or amide linkage
  • 10. Based on linkage they can be classified as
  • 11. ADVANTAGE OF AMIDE LAs OVER ESTER LAs  Produce more intense and longer lasting anaesthesia .  Bind to α1 acid glycoprotein in plasma.  Not hydrolysed by plasma esterases.  Rarely causes hypersensitivity reaction.
  • 12. CLASSIFICATION 1. INJECTABLE ANAESTHETIC:  LOW POTENCY, SHORT DURATION procaine chloroprocaine  INTERMEDIATE POTENCY AND DURATION Lidocaine prilocaine  HIGH POTENCY, LONG DURATION tetracaine bupivacaine ropivacaine dibucaine
  • 13. 2. SURFACE ANAESTHETIC: SOLUBLE INSOLUBLE cocaine benzocaine lidocaine butylaminobenzoate tetracaine oxethazaine benoxinate
  • 15. MECHANISM OF ACTION OF LAs  LA blocks the nerve conduction by reducing entry of Na+ through the voltage gated channels  Due to this, they block the initiation & propagation of nerve impulse.  At higher doses it also blocks 1. Voltage gated Ca2+ channels 2. K+ channels
  • 16. PHARMACOKINETICS  Absorption  Local anesthetics are absorbed when ingested. Some local anesthetics may be absorbed in toxic amounts after topical use.  Absorption after an injection depends on drug solubility in lipid and in water, tissue vascularity and local anesthetic and vasoconstrictor effects on local circulation.
  • 17. Distribution: amides-wide distribution –I.V-lipophilics taken up by highly perfused organs-then moderately perfused Ester type- short plasma half life Metabolism and excretion  Esters are hydrolyzed by plasma and liver esterases. Longer-acting esters are often metabolized more slowly.. Patients with altered pseudo-cholinesterase activity may be highly sensitive to these drugs.  Amides are metabolized in the liver by cyp450.-N- dealkylation then hydrolysis except prilocaine- hydrolysis first-o toludine-can cause methhamoglobinemia
  • 18.  Patients with severe hepatic damage or advanced congestive heart failure may be unusually sensitive to these drugs.  Some amides are partially excreted unchanged in the urine.  Acidification can enhance excretion PK properties of amide LAs :
  • 19. PRECAUTIONS AND INTERACTIONS  Aspirate lightly to avoid intravascular injection.  Inject the LA slowly &take care not to exceed the maximum safe dose, especially in children.  Propranolol may reduce metabolism of lidocaine and other amide LAs by reducing hepatic blood flow.  Vasoconstrictor (Adr) containing LA should be avoided for patients with ischemic heart disease, cardiac arrhythmia, uncontrolled hypertension those receiving β-blockers or tricyclic antidepressants
  • 20. Techniques of Local Anaesthesia
  • 22.  Application of a local anesthetic to nose, mouth, throat, tracheobronchial tree, esophagus.  Onset & duration depends on the site, the drug, its concentration and form.  Absorption of soluble LAs from mucous membrane is rapid.
  • 24.  Injection of LA directly into tissue under the skin.  used primarily for surgical procedures.  LAs most frequently used are lidocaine (1%), bupivacaine (0.25%), etidocaine(0.5-1%), ropivacaine(0.5-1%), mepivacaine(1-3%) and prilocaine(1-4%).  mix with adrenaline (1:20000) to prolong the action.
  • 26.  Injected around nerve trunks so that area distal to injection is anaesthetised and paralyzed. - Choice of LA and concentration is mainly determined by the required duration of action. - Lidocaine for intermediate duration of action - longer lasting anesthesia bupivacaine may be selected.
  • 27. Field block: - produced by injecting the LA subcutaneously in the surrounding area of nerve so that all nerves coming to particular field are blocked. - herniorrhaphy, appendicectomy, dental procedures, scalp stitching, operations on forearms and legs etc. - - Larger area can be anaesthetized with lesser drug compared to infiltration.
  • 28. Nerve Block:  local anesthetic is injected around a nerve that leads to the operative site.  Usually more concentrated forms of local anesthetic solutions are used  eg: radial nerve block, ulner nerve block so on. Nerve block lasts than field block or infiltration anaesthesia.  Lidocaine (1.5%), mepivacaine(1.5%), bupivacaine (0.25- 0.35%) can be used.
  • 30.  spinal dural space is filled with semi liquid fat through which nerve root travel.  Injected in this space- acts primarily on nerve roots and small amounts permeates through intravertebral foramina to produce multiple paravertebral blocks.  used to produce analgesia or anaesthesia in surgical and obstretric.  Divided into 3 categories depending on site of action: 1. Thoracic: 2. Lumbar: 3. Caudal:
  • 32.  Injected into the subarachnoid space between L2-3 or L3-4 of the spinal cord .  Suitable LA like lidocaine (3-5%), bupivacaine (0.5- 0.8%), tetracaine(0.3-0.5%).  Primary site of action is cauda equina rather than spinal cord.  Used to anaesthetize lower abdomen and hind limbs.
  • 33.  Use of hyperbaric(in7.5-10% glucose) or hypobaric (in distilled water) solution of LA .  proper positioning of the patient is also limiting the block to the desired level.  Advantages over general anaesthesia are:  Safer  Produces good analgesia and muscle relaxation without loss of consciousness.  Cardiac, pulmonary, renal disease and diabetic pose less problem.
  • 34. complication of spinal anaesthesia:  Respiratory paralysis  Hypotension  Headache  Cauda equina syndrome  Septic meningitis Contraindications:  Hypotension & hypovolemia  Infant & childrens- control of level is difficult  Vertebral abnormalities - kyphosis
  • 36.  Also referred as Bier’s block & used for upper limb and orthopedic procedures.  Regional analgesia produced within 2-5min and last till 5- 10min.  Only ¼ of the injected drug enters systemic circulation when tourniquet is removed.  Bradycardia can occur and bupivacaine should not be used because of higher cardio toxicity.
  • 37. General anaesthetics (Defn.)General anaesthetics (Defn.)  General Anaesthetics are the drugs which produce reversible loss of all modalities of sensation and consciousness, or simply, a drug that brings about a reversible loss of consciousness.  Remember !!! These drugs are generally administered by an anesthesiologist in order to induce or maintain general anesthesia to facilitate surgery.  General anaesthetics are – mainly inhalation or intravenous.  Balanced Anaesthesia: A combination of IV anaesthetics and inhaled anaesthetics.
  • 38. What are the Drugs used as GA ?What are the Drugs used as GA ? (Classification)(Classification)  Inhalation: 1. Gas: Nitrous Oxide 2. Volatile liquids:  Ether  Halothane  Enflurane  Isoflurane  Desflurane  Sevoflurane  Intravenous: 1. Inducing agents:  Thiopentone, Methohexitone sodium, propofol and etomidate 1. Benzodiazepines (slower acting):  Diazepam, Lorazepam, Midazolam 1. Dissociative anaesthesia:  Ketamine 1. Neurolept analgesia:  Fentanyl
  • 39. Mechanisms of GA  For inhalation anesthetics – Minimum Alveolar Concentration (MAC) – 1 (one) MAC is defined as the minimum alveolar concentration that prevents movement in response to surgical stimulation in 50% of subjects. Correlates with oil/gas partition coefficient  Practically –  Alveolar concentrations can be monitored continuously by measuring end-tidal anesthetic concentration using spectrometry  End point (immobilization) – can me measured.  Other end points – Verbal commands or memory etc.  For Intravenous agents – Potency of IV agent is defined as the free plasma concentration (at equilibrium) that produces loss of response to surgical incision in 50% of subjects.  Difficult to measure:  no available method to measure blood or plasma concentration continuously  Free concentration at site of action cannot be determined (MAC explains only capacity of anaesthetics to enter in CNS and attain sufficient concentration, but not actual MOA)
  • 40. Mechanisms of GA  For inhalation anesthetics – Minimum Alveolar Concentration (MAC) – 1 (one) MAC is defined as the minimum alveolar concentration that prevents movement in response to surgical stimulation in 50% of subjects. Correlates with oil/gas partition coefficient  Practically –  Alveolar concentrations can be monitored continuously by measuring end-tidal anesthetic concentration using spectrometry  End point (immobilization) – can me measured.  Other end points – Verbal commands or memory etc.  For Intravenous agents – Potency of IV agent is defined as the free plasma concentration (at equilibrium) that produces loss of response to surgical incision in 50% of subjects.  Difficult to measure:  no available method to measure blood or plasma concentration continuously  Free concentration at site of action cannot be determined (MAC explains only capacity of anaesthetics to enter in CNS and attain sufficient concentration, but not actual MOA)
  • 41. Modern theory on Mechanism ofModern theory on Mechanism of General AnesthesiaGeneral Anesthesia  Mainly acts via interaction with membrane proteins  Different agents - different molecular mechanism  Major sites: Thalumus & RAS, Hippocampus and Spinal cord  Major targets – ligand gated (not voltage gated) ion channels  Important one – GABAA receptor gated Cl¯ channel complexes; examples – many inhalation anesthetics, barbiturates, benzodiazepines and propofol  Potentiate the GABA to open the Cl¯ channels  Also direct activation of Cl¯ channel by some inhaled anesthetics and Barbiturates
  • 42. 4 (Four) Stages and signs !!! • Traditional Description of signs and stages of GA - Also called Guedel`s sign • Typically seen in case of Ether • Slow action as very much lipid soluble • Descending depression of CNS • Higher to lower areas of brain are involve • Vital centers located in medulla are paralyzed last
  • 43. Stages of GAStages of GA Stage I: Stage of AnalgesiaStage I: Stage of Analgesia  Starts from beginning of anaesthetic inhalation and lasts upto the loss of consciousness  Pain is progressively abolished during this stage  Patient remains conscious, can hear and see, and feels a dream like state  Reflexes and respiration remain normal  It is difficult to maintain - use is limited to short procedures only
  • 44. stages of GA – contd. Stage II: Stage of Delirium and Excitement:  From loss of consciousness to beginning of regular respiration  Excitement - patient may shout, struggle and hold his breath  Muscle tone increases, jaws are tightly closed.  Breathing is jerky; vomiting, involuntary micturition or defecation may occur.  Heart rate and BP may rise and pupils dilate due to sympathetic stimulation.  No stimulus or operative procedure carried out during this stage.  Breatholding are commonly seen. Potentially dangerous responses can occur during this stage including vomiting, laryngospasm and uncontrolled movement.  This stage is not found with modern anaesthesia – preanaesthetic medication, rapid induction etc.
  • 45. stages of GA – contd.  Stage III: Stage of Surgical anaesthesia  Extends from onset of regular respiration to cessation of spontaneous breathing. This has been divided into 4 planes:  Plane 1: Roving eye balls. This plane ends when eyes become fixed.  Plane 2: Loss of corneal and laryngeal reflexes.  Plane 3: Pupil starts dilating and light reflex is lost.  Plane 4: Intercostal paralysis, shallow abdominal respiration, dilated pupil.
  • 46. stages of GA – contd. Stage IV: Medullary / respiratoryStage IV: Medullary / respiratory paralysis  Cessation of breathing failure of circulation death  Pupils: widely dilated  Muscles are totally flabby  Pulse is imperceptible  BP is very low.
  • 47. Properties of GA  For Patient: - Pleasant, non-irritating and should not cause nausea or vomiting - Induction and recovery should be fast  For Surgeon: - analgesia, immobility and muscle relaxation - nonexplosive and noninflammable  For the anaesthetist: 1. Margin of safety: No fall in BP 2. Heart, liver and other organs: No affect 3. Potent 4. Cheap, stable and easily stored 5. Should not react with rubber tubing or soda lime 6. Rapid adjustment of depth of anaesthesia should be possible
  • 49. 1. Diethyl ether (C2H5 – O – C2H5)  Colourless, highly volatile liquid with a pungent odour. Boiling point = 35ºC  Produces irritating vapours and are inflammable and explosive.  Pharmacokinetics: - 85 to 90 percent is eliminated through lung and remainder through skin, urine, milk and sweat - Can cross the placental barrier
  • 50. Ether – contd.  Advantages - Can be used without complicated apparatus - Potent anaesthetic and good analgesic - Muscle relaxation - Wide safety of margin - Respiratory stimulation and bronchodilatation - Does not sensitize the heart to adrenaline - No cardiac arrythmias - Can be used in delivery - Less likely hepato or nephrotoxicity  Disadvantages - Inflammable and explosive - Slow induction and unpleasant - Struggling, breath holding, salivation and secretions (drowning) - atropine - Slow recovery – nausea & vomiting - Cardiac arrest - Convulsion in children - Cross tolerance – ethyl alcohol
  • 51. 2. Nitrous oxide/laughing gas (N2O)  NH4NO3 (s) → 2 H2O (g) + N2O (g)  Colourless, odourless inorganic gas with sweet taste  Noninflammable and nonirritating, but of low potency  Very potent analgesic, but not potent anaesthetic  Carrier and adjuvant to other anaesthetics – 70% + 25-30% + 0.2-2%  As a single agent used wit O2 in dental extraction and in obstetrics
  • 52. Nitrous oxide – contd.  Advantages: - Non-inflammable and nonirritant - Rapid induction and recovery - Very potent analgesic (low concentration) - No effect on heart rate and respiration – mixture advantage - No nausea and vomiting – post anaesthetic not marked - Nontoxic to liver, kidney and brain  Disadvantages:  Not potent alone (supplementation)  Not good muscle relaxant, not  Hypoxia, unconsciousness cannot be produced without hypoxia  Inhibits methionine synthetase (precursor to DNA synthesis)  Inhibits vitamin B-12 metabolism  Dentists, OR personnel, abusers at risk  Gas filled spaces expansion (pneumothorax) - dangerous
  • 53. 3. Halothane  Fluorinated volatile liquid with sweet odour, non- irritant non-inflammable and supplied in amber coloured bottle  Potent anaesthetic (if precise control), 2-4% for induction and 0.5-1% for maintenance  Boiling point - 50ºC  Pharmacokinetics: 60 to 80% eliminated unchanged. 20% retained in body for 24 hours and metabolized  Delivered by the use of a special vapourizer  Not good analgesic or relaxants  Potentiates NM blockers
  • 54. Halothane – contd.  Advantages: - Non-inflammable and non- irritant - Abolition of Pharyngeal and laryngeal reflexes – bronchodilatation – preferred in asthmatics - Potent and speedy induction & recovery - Controlled hypotension - Inhibits intestinal and uterine contractions – external or internal version - Popular anaesthetic in developig countries - can be used in children for induction and maintenance and adult maintenance  Disadvantages: - Special apparatus - vapourizer - Poor analgesic and muscle relaxation - Myocardial depression – direct depression of Ca++ and also failure of sympathetic activity – reduced cardiac output (more and more) - Hypotension – as depth increases and dilatation of vascular beds - Heart rate – reduced due to vagal stimulation, direct depression of SA node and lack of Baroreceptor stimulation - Arrythmia - Sensitize heart to Adrenaline - Respiratory depression – shallow breathing (PP of CO2 rises) assisted ventilation - Decreased urine formation – due to decreased gfr - Hepatitis: 1 in 10,000 - Malignant hyperthermia: Abnormal Ryanodine receptor - Prolong labour
  • 55. 4. Enflurane:  Non-inflammable, with mild sweet odour and boils at 57ºC  Similar to halothane in action, except better muscular relaxation  Depresses myocardial force of contraction and sensitize heart to adrenaline  Induces seizure in deep anaesthesia and therefore not used now - Epileptiform EEG  Metabolism one-tenth that of halothane-- does not release quantity of hepatotoxic metabolites  Metabolism releases fluoride ion-- renal toxicity
  • 56. 5. Isoflurane:  Isomer of enflurane and have similar properties but slightly more potent  Induction dose is 1.5 – 3% and maintenance dose is 1 – 2%  Rapid induction (7-10 min) and recovery  By special vapourizer
  • 57. Isoflurane – contd.  Advantages: - Rapid induction and recovery - Good muscle relaxation - Good coronary vasodilatation - CO maintained, HR increased – beta receptor stimulation - Less Myocardial depression than no myocardial sensitization to adrenaline - No renal or hepatotoxicity - Low nausea and vomiting - No dilatation of pupil and no loss of light reflex in deep anaesthesia - No seizure and preferred in neurosurgery - Uterine muscle relaxation  Disadvantages: - Pungent and respiratory irritant - Special apparatus required - Respiratory depression - prominent - Maintenance only, no induction - Hypotension - ß adrenergic receptor stimulation - Costly (Desflurane and Sevoflurane ----- read yourself)
  • 58. Intravenous Anaesthetics:  For induction only  Rapid induction (one arm- brain circulation time)  For maintenance not used  Alone – supplemented with analgesic and muscle relaxants Intravenous:  Inducing agents: Thiopentone, Methohexitone sodium, propofol and etomidate  Benzodiazepines (slower acting): Diazepam, Lorazepam, Midazolam  Dissociative anaesthesia: Ketamine  Neurolept analgesia: Fentanyl
  • 59. Thiopentone sodium:  Barbiturate: Ultra short acting  Water soluble  Alkaline  Dose-dependent suppression of CNS activity  Dose: 3-5mg/kg iv (2.5%) solution – 15 to 20 seconds  Pharmacokinetics: - Redistribution - Hepatic metabolism (elimination half-life 7-12 hrs) - CNS depression persists for long (>12 hr)
  • 60. Thiopentone – contd.  Advantages: - Rapid induction - Does not sensitize myocardium to adrenaline - No nausea and vomiting - Non-explosive and non- irritant - Short operations (alone)  Other uses: convulsion, psychiatric patients and narcoanalysis of cri minals – by knocking off guarding  Disadvantages: - Depth of anaesthesia difficult to judge - Pharyngeal and laryngeal reflexes persists - apnoea – controlled ventilation - Respiratory depression - Hypotension (rapid) – shock and hypovolemia – CVS collapse - Poor analgesic and muscle relaxant - Gangrene and necrosis - Shivering and delirium
  • 61. Complications of anaesthesia: During anaesthesia:  Respiratory depression  Salivation, respiratory secretions  Cardiac arrhythmias  Fall in BP  Aspiration  Laryngospasm and asphyxia  Awareness  Delirium and convulsion  Fire and explosion After anaesthesia:  Nausea and vomiting  Persisting sedation  Pneumonia  Organ damage – liver, kidney  Nerve palsies  Emergence delirium  Cognitive defects
  • 62. Important !  Drugs used in General Anaesthesia  Stages of General Anaesthesia with important points in each stage  Details of Inhalation agents, mainly Ether, Halothane and Isoflurane  Details of Inducing agents – Thiopentone and Propofol  Dissociative anaesthesia – short question  Preanaesthetic medication and examples of Drugs  Viva and short questions - Second gas effect, diffusion hypoxia, malignant hyperthermia and Fentanyl

Notas del editor

  1. Higher centres - Basal Ganglia, Cerebellum, Cerebrum, (including Cortex of the brain, & limbic System. Lower centres - Brain stem (medulla oblongata, Pons and Mid Brain), Thalamus & Hypothalamus
  2. PP of CO2 rises if respirtion is not assisted. Mismatch of perfusion-ventilation due to vasodilatation of hypoxic alveoli
  3. This agent was used previously, but not now. It is faster acting substitute of Halothane. The features include -
  4. These drugs are used as inducing agents and given via iv route. Produces loss of consciousness in one arm-brain circulation time (11 secs). These are not used for maintenance for the reasons – 1. Administration of multiple doses by i.v. injection or a continuous i.v. infusion can result in drug accumulation and delays in recovery from anesthesia. 2. The higher cost of i.v. therapy compared with the cost of inhaled therapy also is a consideration. 3. The lack of a means for continuously measuring the depth of anesthesia the most important reason for avoiding the use of i.v. anesthetics for anesthesia maintenance.