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FOGSI Workshop 
Preventing Early Pregnancy Loss (EPL) 
The Cocktail Therapy 
Dr. Suchitra Pandit Dr. Ritu Joshi Dr. Shailesh Kore Dr. Kedar Ganla 
President Vice -President Chairperson National Coordinator 
Workshop supported by Unconditional Educational Grant by
Alloimmune Background in 
Early Pregnancy Loss (EPL) 
Dr Rajesh Gajbhiye 
• About 50% of pregnancies are lost after 
• About 15 % are lost after clinically detectable 
• Causes are not known in more than 50% of 
cases of RPL 
• Such large unexplained causes has fuelled 
interest in immunological causes.
Pregnancy is a semi-graft 
50% of the antigens 
are foreign
during pregnancy 
Embryo / Fetal antigens produce two types of antibodies: 
• T Helper I Cell response 
• T Helper II Cell response
Immune reaction during 
Fetus with 
T helper 1 
cell response 
Abortion of 
The Fetus 
T helper 2 
cell response 
Protection of 
The Fetus
Embryo / Fetus 
T helper 1 cell response activated 
Tumor Necrosis Factor ά 
Natural killer Cells 
Lymphokine Activated Killer Cells 
Abortion of Fetus 
What are Cytokines ? 
Secreted molecules that regulate the intensity and duration of 
the immune response by exerting a variety of effects on 
lymphocytes and other immune cells 
Cytokines are the messengers of the Immune System 
(Th1 : TNFα, Il-2, Th2 : IL-4, IL-10) 
just as 
Hormones are the messengers of the Endocrine System
Cytokines and TNF- b 
 Th-1 cytokines trigger thrombotic / inflammatory processes 
at the maternal uteroplacental blood vessels by activation 
of vascular endothelial cell procoagulant. 
 Th-2 cytokine inhibit Th-1 induced tissue destruction by 
 TNF-b is supposed to suppress the growth of trophoblasts 
by inducing apoptotic changes in these cells.
Role of Interleukin in the 
Luteal Phase 
 Luteal phase of young healthy women is associated with 
decline in Interleukin 2 levels 
Hormone Metab. Res. 2001: 33; 348-53. 
 Luteal phase in healthy non pregnant women 
 Decrease in IL-2 blood levels. 
 Decrease in intracellular IL-2 containing lymphocytes. 
 Seen as a start of immune suppression necessary for 
embryo nidation. 
 Could also be the cause of premenstrual infections seen 
in young women.
Embryo protective 
- How is this brought about? 
Normal Pregnancy 
Progesterone(P) Receptor Activation 
Progesterone Induced Blocking Factor(PIBF) 
Blocks Cascade Reaction, Shift to Th type 2 
Embryo Protective Immunomodulation 
Protection of Embryo / Fetus
Embryo Protective 
Immunomodulation – What is it? 
3 Positive responses 
T helper 2 cell response NK Activity 
Asymmetric Antibodies 
No binding with Antigen 
No activation of Complement 
Protection of Fetus 
IL 3 
IL 4 
IL 5 
IL 6 
IL 10 
IL 13 
Raghupathy et al., (2000): Cytokine production by maternal lymphocytes during normal human pregnancy and in 
unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion. Hum. Reprod. 15(3); 713-18.
Progesterone-induced Blocking 
Factor (PIBF) Link between the 
Endocrine and Immune System 
Th1 Miscarriage 
Ru 486 
Th1 Miscarriage 
Szekeres - Bartho J et al. Int Immunopharm 2001; 1:1037-1048.
Increased Th1 Cytokine Response in Women 
with RSA Losses & with Multiple Implantation 
Failures after IVF 
Comparison of Th1/Th2 cytokine producing CD3+/CD8– (T 
Control, n = 21 
RSA, n = 26 
IVF failure, no Hx SA, n = 14 
helper) cell ratios 
** p < 0.01 
* p < 0.05 
Kwak -Kim JY et al. Hum Reprod. 2003 Apr;18(4):767-73. 
IFNγ / IL-4 IFNγ / IL-10 TNFα / IL-4 TNFα / IL-10
7-19 20-29 30-37 38-41 
Weeks of gestation 
PIBF concentration (ng/ml) 
Normal pregnancy 
Miscarriage / 
Preterm labour 
<41 L 
PIBF Concentrations in 
Normal and High Risk 
* p<0.05 
Polgar B et al. Biol Reprod 2004; 71:1699-1705. 
P-receptors in Pregnancy 
Th2 / Th1 
Szekeres-Bartho J et al. Int Immunopharm 2001; 1:10371-1048. 
 Natural Killer 
Cell Activity
Decidual NK cells 
• Decidual NK Cells appear to be mainly 
involved in alloimmune abortion. 
• Under influence of Th1 cytokines they damage 
the trophoblasts. 
• Patients who abort have increased NK cell 
activity and NK cells of CD3,CD 56,CD 16 
during pregnancy 
 Molecules like dydrogesterone inhibit the cytokines through 
PIBF, thereby enhancing chances of successful pregnancy. 
(Rajraghupati – Abstract World Congress. Hong Kong, Dec 2-5, 2001). 
 No other progesterone has so far been experimented on this 
aspect of immunomodulation
Autoimmune Alloimmune 
(directed to self) (directed to foreign 
-Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus An abnormalmaternal 
-Antiphospholipid Syndrome immune response to 
fetal or placental antigen.
• Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus (SLE) 
-Risk for loss is 20%,mostly in 2nd and 3rd 
trimester of pregnancy and associated with 
antiphospholipid antibodies. 
• Antiphospholipid syndrome (APA) 
– 5 - 15 % of womenwith RPL may have APA 
APA likely induce microthrombi at placentation site. 
Altered vascularity affects developing embryo, 
induces abortion
Antiphospholipid syndrome 
– An Autoimmune disorder having specific clinical & lab 
criteria. --Sapporo criteria 
Diagnosis requires at least one of each. 
CLINICAL 1) Thrombolic events-arterial,venous,small 
2)Pregnancy loss- ≥3 losses at <10wks 
gestation, fetal death after 10wks,premature birth at 
<34wks associated with severe preeclampsia or 
placental insufficiency. 
LABORATORY 1) Lupus Anticoagulant 
2) Anticardiolipin antibodies(IgG or IgM) 
Any lab test results must be observed on at least 2 separate 
occasions 6 wks apart.
• Recent metaanalysis shows that the 
combination of Aspirin + Heparin is better 
than Aspirin alone in achieving live births 
in women with recurrent pregnancy loss 
and antiphospholipid antibodies 
Mak A et al, Rheumatology (Oxford) 2010 
Aspirin alone v/s Aspirin + Heparin
• There is controversy as to whether LMW 
Heparin is effective in preventing 
recurrent pregnancy loss 
• Consider costs, convenience and 
compliance before initiating therapy 
• Therapy should be started when fetal 
cardiac activity is demonstrated and 
continued throughout pregnancy and 
• Heparin in prophylactic doses needs to 
be stopped for about 24 hours around 
the time of labor and delivery 
• Heparin in prophylactic doses NEED not 
be monitored and does not require 
monitoring by coagulation parameters 
• Standard doses 
– Unfractionated heparin – 5000 units sc bd 
– Enoxaparin – 40 mg sc daily or in two doses 
• Meta analysis 
• Heparin with Aspirin imroved live birth 
• 25-75% 
• In 20-30% loss ,inspite of therapy 
• Alt treatment glucocoticids or IVIG 
• IVIG is no more effective than aspirin and 
Heparin in pts of APS
Alloimmune mechanism 
Normally pregnancy(foreign tissue graft) is 
tolerated by the maternal immune system through 
formation of antigen blocking antibodies. 
Felt that in couples that share similar types of HLA, 
there is inadequate formation of blocking 
antibodies in the maternal environment. 
Therefore the maternal immune system mounts an 
immune response to the implanting pregnancy and 
a spontaneous abortion occurs.
Alloimmune mechanism 
Although previous studies have concluded that 
there was a higher degree of HLA sharing in 
couples with recurrent abortion, multiple 
recent studies have not confirmed this. 
Multiple investigators have attempted to modulate 
the immune response using 
1) paternal WBC immunization 
2) IV Immunoglobulin 
3) donor seminal plasma vaginal 
HLA Typing-HLA sharing-Insufficient 
antigenic stimulus 
• Antipaternal antibodies- absence 
maternal unreponsiveness 
• Husband’s lymphocytes + wife’s serum 
to find antibodies 
None of the above test Diagnostic
• In practice study of Peripheral blood NK cells 
is used. 
• NK cell markers -Immunotherapy
Immunologic Factors 
• Immunostimulating Therapies-Leukocyte 
• Immunosuppressive Therapies
Immunostimulating Therapies- 
Leukocyte Immunization 
– stimulation of the maternal immune system using 
alloantigens on either paternal or pooled donor 
– a number of reports support possible mechanism for 
potential therapeutic value 
– however, there is no credible clinical or laboratory 
method to identify a specific individual who may 
benefit from such therapy 
– leukocyte immunization also poses significant risk to 
both the mother and her fetus 
• graft-versus-host disease, severe intrauterine growth 
retardation, and autoimmune and isoimmune complications
Acive immunisation-Transfusion of 
husband’s lymphocytes 
Pure suspension of husband’s 
[ 300ml of blood = 10ml of suspension ] 
Inject 5ml IV, 1 ml subcu and 1ml 
• Effective presentation of paternally derived 
antigen and regulate maternal response 
through suppression of NK cell activity 
• Increases Th2 type immune response 
• Cochrane review 2006 doesnot support this 
• ASRM it has higher side effects and marginal 
Intravenous immunoglobulin 
Passive immuisation 
• Mechanism 
– Blockage of allogenic cytotoxic reactions 
– Suppresses NK cell activity 
• disadvantage 
– expensive, invasive, and time-consuming, requiring 
multiple intravenous infusions over the course of 
• side effects 
– nausea, headache, myalgias, hypotension, anaphylaxis
• 0.5 g/Kg body weight IVIG started at 5 wks 
• Followed by 0.35g/kg every 3 weeks until 24 
• Only therapeutic solution increased activity of 
NK Cells 
• When used as homogenous group not 
effective in various meta-analysis but in 
properly selected pts beneficial.
• Cytokines GM-CSF9Granulocyte macrophage 
colony stimulating Factor) 
• TGF-b
• In addition to immunotherapy hormonal 
support (Progesterone and HCG) has been 
used to improve the live birth rate in 
recurrent abortion by modulating balance 
between Th1 and Th2 cytokines.
• Mechanism 
– inhibits Th1 immunity 
– shift from Th1-to Th2 type responses 
• administered 
– intramuscularly 
– intravaginally 
• may increase local, intrauterine concentration 
• averting any adverse systemic side effects
 Progesterone favours the development of human T helper 
cells producing Th2-type cytokines and promotes IL – 4 
Piccinni MP, Gindizi MG , J. Immunal 1995; 155 : 128-133 
 Progesterone inhibits in vitro embryotoxic Th1 cytokine 
production in trophoblast in women with recurrent 
pregnancy loss 
 Choi BC, Polgar K et. Al Hum. Reprod 2000; 15 (supp 1) 46- 
Modulation of cytokine production by dydrogesterone in 
lymphocytes from women with recurrent miscarriage. 
Dydrogesterone inhibits the production of the Th1 cytokines IFN- 
γ and TNF–α from lymphocytes and up-regulates the production 
of the Th2 cytokines IL-4 & IL-6 inducing Th1 to Th2 cytokine shift. 
Raj Raghupathy et. al BJOG 112; 1 – 6 2005
Progestogens in 
Implantation in ART Cycles 
• LPD & implantation failure results from 
abnormal serum E2:P ratio or abnormal 
E2:P receptor ratios 
• Mitigate the deleterious effects of hyper 
estrogenism on endometrial 
Effective Luteal Phase 
• Effective secretory endometrial 
preparation “Firm” implantation 
• Effective endometrial 
immunomodulation to prevent 
embryonic rejection
Effective Luteal phase 
Both these immunophysiological functions are carried out 
primarily by Progesterone backed up by estrogen. 
 Estrogen induces nuclear progesterone receptors 
 Progesterone then acting through its own receptor produces a 
mediator protein known as progesterone induced blocking 
factor (PIBF).
Luteal phase defect (LPD) 
• LPD is the failure of the uterine lining to be in the right 
phase at the right time 
• May be due to inadequate 
progesterone production by 
corpus luteum 
• Or inadequate response of 
endometrium to the normally 
circulating level of progesterone.
Incidence of LPD: 
 26.5% in infertile women 
(Sahmay et al; Fert. Menopausal Stud. 1995;40 
(6) : 316-321). 
 45% in patient suffering from 
recurrent miscarriage 
(Daya et al; Am.J. Obst. Gyn. 1988;158 : 225- 
Cause of LPD in Non ART 
 Poor follicular phase inadequate Luteal phase. 
 Premature LH Stimulation of immature 
granulose cells. 
 Abnormal patterns of 
LH secretion in the 
Attenuated “LH” & 
Luteal phase 
“FSH” ovulatory surge 
 Decreased endometrial nuclear progesterone receptors 
 Can also be found with normal levels of progesterone
Causes of LPD in ART 
Antiesterogenic to endometrium 
Reduced endometrial progesterone 
receptor production 
• ART 
 Long downregulation resulting in LPD (Smitz, Devroey 1988) 
 Use of Antagonist 
 Supraphysiological level of E2 – Leutolytic 
 Multiple puncture of follicles – damage to 
granulosa cells.
• Diagnosis 
• Sreum progesterone level less than 
10ng/ml in midluteal phase. 
• 3 estimation between day 5-8 should be 
• Out of phase endometrium 
– Histological lags 2days behind menstrual 
datesNot used now a days
• USG Doppler 
• CL high resistence flow 
• Ovarian RI is similar in both ovaries 
Newer tests 
PIBF measurements
Treatment for LPD 
Progesterone supplementation 
given in suspected cases or empirically 
Prevents 33% miscarriages 
Reduces 28% to 6% along with follicular 
maturing drugs 
• HCG supplementation-majority have PCOS 
and LPD
Progestogens for Luteal 
phase support in ART cycles 
• Needs to be given daily basis either oral, 
vaginal, IM routes 
• Neutralize the negative effects of hyper 
estrogenism on endometrial 
• Immunosuppressive effect facilitating 
implantation (Immunomodulation)
HCG for Luteal phase 
support in ART cycles 
• Frequent dosing intervals of 3 - 4 
• Increases incidence of OHSS 
• HCG increases Luteal E2 to 
undesirable levels, upsetting E2 : P 
• HCG is good for luteal support 
• Natural micronised progesterone is drug of 
choice for LPD 
• Vaginal route is preferred over others.
• Chochrane review –IVIG is ineffective 
• In poor prognosis patients in whom other 
treatments have failed and in properly 
selected patients IVIG has been found to 
improve birth rate. 
• If immunotherapy fails and embryo is 
karyotypically normal then Surrogacy is 
• Many questions to be answered 
• Many stages of maternal immune response 
remain unclarified 
• Available diagnostic methods can only provide 
indirect marker 
• Results must be interpreted with caution 
• Appropriate immnointervention be 
Thanks to YOU - For being wonderful audience 
EPL Team - who conceptualized and created this program - 
Team Lead by 
• Dr . Suchitra N. Pandit - President FOGSI 
• Dr. Ritu Joshi - Vice President FOGSI 
• Dr. Shailesh Kore - Chairperson Genetic & Fetal Medicine 
Committee, FOGSI 
• Contributors - Dr . Nozer Sheriar, Dr. Kedar Ganla, Dr. Ameet Patki, 
Dr. Sarita Bhalerao, Dr. Parikshit Tank, Dr. Bhaskar Pal, 
Dr. Bharti Dhorepatil, Dr. Atul Ganatra, Dr. Kalyani Ingle 
Dr. Ameya Purandare, Dr. Kundan Ingle, and all the 
Doctor Speakers. 
For supporting the program with unconditional 
educational grant 
For organizing and managing the program across 
the country
• Basic facts 
• Levels 
• Treatment of low progesterone levels 
• Role of progesterone in pregnancy 
• Role of progesterone in ART 
• Conclusion
Basic facts: 
 Progesterone support in pregnancy has been in use 
for nearly 60 years, dating back to the 1940s. 
 Its initial use was in patients who had habitual 
spontaneous abortion caused by Luteal phase 
deficiency (LPD).This is due to a failure of the 
function of the corpus luteum in the production of 
progesterone ,which is indispensable during the first 
seven weeks of pregnancy.
Symmetric Antibodies 
Exact alignment between binding surfaces of the paternal 
antigens and maternal antibodies causes activation of the 
complement cascade 
Abortion of the fetus 
Von Wolff et al., (2000): Regulated expression of cytokines in human endometrium throughout the menstrual 
cycle: dysregulation in habitual abortion. Mol. Hum. Reprod. 6; 626-34.
Basic facts: 
 Surgical removal of the corpus luteum during this 
period of time results in pregnancy loss and 
progesterone replacement can help maintain the 
 There is evidence of support in the concept that 
progesterone given in early pregnancy may be useful 
in some women with recurrent miscarriage and that 
the measurement of serum progesterone levels in 
early pregnancy can be an adjunctive marker for the 
further assessment of pathologic pregnancies.
 Progesterone levels are based on her menstrual 
cycle and in the stage of pregnancy. 
 Before Pregnancy 
Prior to ovulation: Progesterone levels tend to be 
< 2 ng/ml 
After Ovulation: > 5 ng/ml 
 In Pregnancy 
Progesterone levels rise with pregnancy. This can 
often indicate the health of a pregnancy. 
First Trimester: 9-47 ng/ml 
Second Trimester: 17-147 ng/ml 
Third Trimester: 55-200 ng/ml
Progesterone in the Luteal 
Phase and Pregnancy 
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 
4 6 8 10 12 14 
Menses Ovulation Implantation 
Speroff L et al. Clinical Gyn Endo and Infert 1999; 6: 235.
Progesterone levels in 
Maintenance of Early 
Yolk sac 
Regulation of 
endometrial stroma 
Maternal blood 
of immune 
Corpus luteum 
of ovary 
Altered antigen 
Regulation of 
leukocyte traffic by 
cytokines and chemokines 
Norwitz et al., N Engl J Med. 2001; 345(19):1400-8.
Classification of Progestogens 
Schindler AE et al. Maturitas 2003; 46SI:S7-S16. 
Found in nature 
Structurally related to 
progesterone or 
acetate (MPA) 
• Megestrol acetate 
• Cyproterone acetate 
• Norgestrel 
• Trimegestone 
• Norethisterone = 
acetate (NETA) 
• Allylestrenol 
• Progesterone 
Retro progesterone 
Biological Activities of the 
Progestogen Progestogenic Estrogenic Androgenic Glucocorticoid 
Dydrogesterone + − − − 
Progesterone + − − + 
+ − − + 
MPA + − ± + 
Norethisterone + + + − 
Schindler AE et al. Maturitas 2003; 46SI:S7-S16.
Progesterone and Fetal 
Brain development 
• Brain is sensitive to progesterone during critical periods of 
development and maturation 
• Dramatic sex differences in progesterone receptor (PR) 
expression, in which males express higher levels of PR than 
females in specific regions, suggest PR may play an 
important role in the sexual differentiation of brain and 
Wagner CK, Endocrinology 2008 June;149(6):2743-9
Re Genesis – Pilot Study 
(Phase I) 2002-04 
 315 ICSI and 94 recipients on donor oocyte program were included in 
the trial. 89 patients were at risk of OHSS (E2 > 2000 pg/ml) 
 All were matched for Demographic factors including age, social status, 
infertility factors and years of infertility. 
 All patients underwent 
 long term down regulation with GnRHa for a minimum of 10 days. 
 Controlled ovarian stimulation with Gonadotropins 
 Recipients on the donor oocyte program were started on Tab. 
Progynova (estradiol valerate) in an increasing dose from day of 
stimulation of the Donor.
Re Genesis – Pilot Study 
(Phase I) 2002-04 
 Patients on any other protocol were excluded from the study. 
 All patients received 600 mg of micronized progesterone 
(utrogestan) vaginally from day of oocyte retrieval. 
 In addition, patients were randomized to either receive 
Dydrogesterone 20 mg or placebo daily from the day of 
embryo transfer till serum b hCG which if more than 50 mIU/ 
ml, the treatment was continued. 
 A USG was done to confirm a viable pregnancy after 3 weeks. 
 Only intrauterine viable pregnancies were considered as 
positive for pregnancy.
Results: I 
ICSI Patients: 315 
Treatment with Dydrogesterone 112 (35.5%) 
Treatment with no Dydrogesterone 203 (64.4%) 
Pregnancy Rate 
With Dydrogesterone 37 (33.03%) 
With no Dydrogesterone 48 (23.64%) 
P value NS
Results: II 
Patients at risk of OHSS : 89 
Treatment with Dydrogesterone 57 (64.04%) 
Treatment with no 
32 (35.95%) 
Pregnancy Rate 
With Dydrogesterone 21 (36.84%) 
With no Dydrogesterone 09 (28.12%) 
P value NS
Results: III 
Recipient on Donor Oocyte Program : 94 
Treatment with Dydrogesterone 49 (52.12%) 
Treatment with no Dydrogesterone 45 (47.87%) 
Pregnancy Rate 
With Dydrogesterone 21 (42.85%) 
With no Dydrogesterone 07 (15.55%) 
P < 0.001 
Chi. Square test
Re Genesis – (Phase II) 2004-06 
 450 ICSI and 120 recipients on donor oocyte program were included 
in the trial. 105 patients were at risk of OHSS (E2 > 2000 pg/ml) 
 All were matched for Demographic factors including age, social 
status, infertility factors and years of infertility. 
 All patients underwent 
 long term down regulation with GnRHa for a minimum of 10 
 Controlled ovarian stimulation with Gonadotropins 
 Recipients on the donor oocyte program were started on Tab. 
Progynova (estradiol valerate) in an increasing dose from day of 
stimulation of the Donor.
Re Genesis – (Phase II) 
 Patients on any other protocol were excluded from the study. 
 Patients were randomized to either receive 600 mg daily of 
micronized progesterone (utrogestan) vaginally or 
Dydrogesterone 30 mg daily from day of oocyte retrieval. 
 Serum b hCG was tested 14 days from embryo transfer and if 
more than 50 mIU/ ml, the treatment was continued. 
 A USG was done to confirm a viable pregnancy after 3 weeks. 
 Only intrauterine viable pregnancies were considered as positive 
for pregnancy. 
2004- 05
Results - I 
ICSI : 450 Patients 
Treatment with Dydrogesterone 248 pts [55.1%] 
Treatment with Micronised 
202 pts [44.9%] 
Pregnancy Rate 
With Dydrogesterone 97 [*39.1%] 
With Micronised 54 [26.7%] 
• By Chi Square Test * P<0.01 Significant
Results - II 
At risk of OHSS – 105 Patients 
Treatment with Dydrogesterone 60 [57.13%] 
Treatment with Micronised 
45 [42.8%] 
Pregnancy Rate 
With Dydrogesterone 25 [*41.6%] 
With Micronised Progesterone 16 [35.5%] 
• By Chi Square Test * P<0.01 Significant
Results - III 
Donor oocyte program – 120 Patients 
Treatment with Dydrogesterone 58 [48.3%] 
Treatment with Micronised 
62 [51.6%] 
Pregnancy Rate 
With Dydrogesterone 28 [*48.2%] 
With Micronised Progesterone 21 [33.8%] 
• By Chi Square Test * P<0.001 Significant
Paper presented at … 
• Five National conferences in India 
• Teaching Universities in China Egypt and Vietnam 
This paper is published in Gynecological Endocrinology, October 2007; 2(S1): 68-72
Functions of progesterone 
 Converts the endometrium to its secretory shape to prepare uterus 
for implantation. 
 Affects the vaginal epithelium and cervical mucus , making it thick to 
un-penetrable sperm. 
 During implantation & pregnancy ,progesterone appears to decrease 
the maternal immune response to allow for acceptance of pregnancy. 
 Decreases contractility of uterine smooth muscle. 
 Inhibits lactation during pregnancy. Fall in the levels following 
delivery is one of the triggers for milk production. 
 Drop in progesterone is possibly one step that facilitates the onset of 
Treatment for low 
progesterone levels 
Low progesterone levels are associated with increased risk of 
miscarriage in the first trimester. There are many forms of 
treatment or supplementation that help to increase and maintain 
the production of progesterone. The treatment options listed 
below are generally followed for the first trimester of pregnancy. 
Dosages vary based on specific need or deficiency. 
Intra-muscular progesterone injections- self administered for the 
first trimester of pregnancy 
Oral progesterone capsules (standard or sustained release) 
progesterone vaginal pressaries 
HCG- Human chorionic gonadotropin
Routes of administration 
• Intramuscular (painful, low patient compliance) 
• Vaginal (very effective, available as pessaries, gel, 
effervescent tablets) 
• Oral (Micronised progesterone not effective due to 
the hepatic first bypass )
 Shedding of the zona pellucida 
 Orientation 
 Apposition 
 Attachment 
 Adhesion
Role of Progestins in the 
Treatment of Threatened 
and Habitual Abortion 
Spontaneous abortion occurs in 
approximately 15% of all clinically 
recognized pregnancies but up to 
45% after 3 consecutive miscarriages 
Speroff L et al. Clinical Gyn Endo and Infert 1999; 6:1043-1044.
Progestogens for 
preventing miscarriage 
No evidence for routine use 
However in women with recurrent miscarriages of 
3 or more , statistically significant decrease rate in 
miscarriage compared to placebo or no treatment. 
No statistical difference between route of 
administration (oral, IM, vaginal) 
Cochrane Database Reviews 2008 Issue 2 Haas DM, Ramsay PS
Adverse effects 
 Cramps, abdominal pain, skeletal pain, headaches 
 Diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting 
 Breast enlargement, joint pains 
 Thirst, increased appetite, drowsiness, excessive urination at 
 Mood swings, emotional instability, abnormal crying, insomnia, 
sleep disorders. 
 Plays an important role in the signaling of insulin release & 
pancreatic function, affect susceptibility to diabetes. 
 Women with high levels of progesterone during pregnancy are 
likely to develop abnormalities
during pregnancy 
If T helper I cell response is activated it produces harmful 
cytokines and fetus is rejected.
Interferon's and progesterone 
for establishment and 
maintenance of pregnancy, interactions 
among novel cell signaling pathways 
 Interferon's (IFNs) Type I and /or Type II are important in 
establishing uterine receptitivity to implantation in mammals. 
 Uterine receptivity to implantation is progesterone 
dependent. Hence IFNs and progesterone activate 
complimentary cell signaling pathways to modulate 
expression of genes for attachment of trophectoderm to 
uterine luminal and superficial glandular epithelia . 
Repmed Biol 2008 Nov:8 (3);179-211
Luteal Phase Support in 
Assisted Reproduction Cycles 
(Cochrane Review) 
• Selection Criteria for Review : 59 randomized controlled trials 
of luteal phase support after ART treatment 
• Objectives /Conclusions 
1) Does luteal phase support after assisted reproduction increases the 
pregnancy rate? 
- Yes 
(2) What is the optimal hormone for luteal phase support? 
- hCG does not provide better results than progesterone and is 
associated with a greater risk of OHSS when used with GnRHa 
(3) What is the optimal route of progesterone administration? 
- This has not yet been established 
Daya S, Gunby J. Cochrane Review 2004; Issue 3.
• Natural miracle known as immunological 
paradox of pregnancy.
• Treatment 
1. Low Molecular weight Heparin 
– 3000 IU subcut twice a day 
– Expensive treatment 
1. Un-fractionated Heparin is better option 
2. Low dose Aspirin 
3. Steroids? Mainly for anti nuclear antibodies 
– 10 – 20 mg prednisolone / day
– To antiphospholipid antibodies and to 
inappropriate cellular immunity toward the 
implanting fetus 
• intravenous immunoglobulin 
• progesterone

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Uterine factor in female infertilitySantosh Jena
Role of tubal surgery in era of ivf
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La actualidad más candente (20)

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Immunological issues in recurrent implant failure
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Overview of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
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Overview of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Diagnosis and Management of Poor Ovarian Reserve : Evidence & Practice
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Ovulation Stimulation Protocols for IUI - Dr Dhorepatil Bharati
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Markers of ovarian reserve presentation
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GnRH analogues and addback therapy
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GnRH analogues and addback therapy
Role of hysteroscopy in Infertility, Dr Rajesh Gajbhiye
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FOGSI Position Statement, Dr, Ila Gupta
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Overview of IUGR FGR
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Recurrent pregnancy loss Presentation by Dr.Laxmi Shrikhande
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Luteal Phase Support
 Luteal Phase Support Luteal Phase Support
Luteal Phase Support
Uterine factor in female infertility
Uterine factor in female infertilityUterine factor in female infertility
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Role of tubal surgery in era of ivf
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Role of tubal surgery in era of ivf


Immunology and recurrent pregnancy loss
Immunology and recurrent pregnancy lossImmunology and recurrent pregnancy loss
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An update on recurrent pregnancy loss 2015
An update on  recurrent pregnancy loss 2015An update on  recurrent pregnancy loss 2015
An update on recurrent pregnancy loss 2015Lifecare Centre
Role of progesterone in Pregnancy
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Role of progesterone in Pregnancy Lifecare Centre
Recurrent pregnancy loss 1
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Immunology of maternal fetal interphase
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Luteaal phase support lifecare centre
Luteaal phase support lifecare centreLuteaal phase support lifecare centre
Luteaal phase support lifecare centreLifecare Centre
Progesterone functions and applications
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Progesterone functions and applicationsFatima Gul
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Sharing Personal Experience (10 years)
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Sharing Personal Experience (10 years)    Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Sharing Personal Experience (10 years)
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Progesterone and related drugs
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Metabolism of cholesterol - Ashok Katta

Destacado (20)

Immunology and recurrent pregnancy loss
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Recurrent pregnancy loss
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Recurrent pregnancy loss
An update on recurrent pregnancy loss 2015
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Role of progesterone in Pregnancy
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Role of progesterone in Pregnancy
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Recurrent pregnancy loss 1
Immunology of maternal fetal interphase
Immunology of maternal fetal interphaseImmunology of maternal fetal interphase
Immunology of maternal fetal interphase
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Luteaal phase support lifecare centre
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Progesterone functions and applications
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Progesterone functions and applications
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Recurrent miscarriage ppt gynae seminar
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Progesterone and related drugs
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Progesterone and related drugs
Bad obstetric history
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Bad obstetric history
Luteal phase support in ART
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TherapeuticsMD Presentation
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Progesterone in clinical practice
Progesterone in clinical practiceProgesterone in clinical practice
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Cutaneous porphyrias
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Cutaneous porphyrias
Chemistry of DNA
Chemistry of DNAChemistry of DNA
Chemistry of DNA
Metabolism of cholesterol -
Metabolism of cholesterol - Metabolism of cholesterol -
Metabolism of cholesterol -

Similar a Alloimmune factors in recurrent pregnancy loss

Recurrent pregnancy loss
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In vitro fertilization (IVF) and immunotherapy by Prof. Mohamed Labib Salem, ...
In vitro fertilization (IVF) and immunotherapy by Prof. Mohamed Labib Salem, ...In vitro fertilization (IVF) and immunotherapy by Prof. Mohamed Labib Salem, ...
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Hormones Immune
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In Vitro Fertilization and Immunotherapy: By Mohamed Labib Salem, PhD
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Preeclampsia and Eclampsia: A consequence of Immunological maladaptation
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Management of SLE with pregnancy ,the difficult mission
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Optimization of ovarian stimulation to improve success rate in ‘ART’
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Use of Melatonin in ART with Focus on Combined effect of melatonin with Clo...
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Recurrent pregnancy loss, thrombophilia tests : to do or not to do Dr. Sharda...
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Similar a Alloimmune factors in recurrent pregnancy loss (20)

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Recurrent pregnancy loss
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Immunology testing
Immunology testingImmunology testing
Immunology testing
In vitro fertilization (IVF) and immunotherapy by Prof. Mohamed Labib Salem, ...
In vitro fertilization (IVF) and immunotherapy by Prof. Mohamed Labib Salem, ...In vitro fertilization (IVF) and immunotherapy by Prof. Mohamed Labib Salem, ...
In vitro fertilization (IVF) and immunotherapy by Prof. Mohamed Labib Salem, ...
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Hormones Immune
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In Vitro Fertilization and Immunotherapy: By Mohamed Labib Salem, PhD
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Preterm labour
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Thymosin Alpha 1 in Recurrent Implantation Failure : Dr Sharda Jain Thymosin Alpha 1 in Recurrent Implantation Failure : Dr Sharda Jain
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Management of SLE with pregnancy ,the difficult mission
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Management of SLE with pregnancy ,the difficult mission
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Controversy and consensus regarding  management of recurrent pregnancy loss.pptxControversy and consensus regarding  management of recurrent pregnancy loss.pptx
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Recurrent pregnancy loss, thrombophilia tests : to do or not to do Dr. Sharda...
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Recurrent pregnancy loss, thrombophilia tests : to do or not to do Dr. Sharda...
Recurrent miscarriage- dr.alajami
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Más de Rajesh Gajbhiye

Placenta Accreta Spectrum
Placenta Accreta SpectrumPlacenta Accreta Spectrum
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Fertility Enhancing Laparoscopic Surgeries Panel Discussion
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Fertility Enhancing Laparoscopic Surgeries Panel DiscussionRajesh Gajbhiye
Management of Intraoperative Haemorrhage in Gynaecological Abdominal Surgeries
Management of Intraoperative Haemorrhage in Gynaecological Abdominal SurgeriesManagement of Intraoperative Haemorrhage in Gynaecological Abdominal Surgeries
Management of Intraoperative Haemorrhage in Gynaecological Abdominal SurgeriesRajesh Gajbhiye
Surgical Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage
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Surgical Management of Postpartum HemorrhageRajesh Gajbhiye
Debate on Abortion Limit should be increased to 24 weeks.
Debate on Abortion Limit should be increased to 24 weeks.Debate on Abortion Limit should be increased to 24 weeks.
Debate on Abortion Limit should be increased to 24 weeks.Rajesh Gajbhiye
Intrauterine fetal death
Intrauterine fetal death Intrauterine fetal death
Intrauterine fetal death Rajesh Gajbhiye
Uterus preserving surgeries for prolapse
Uterus preserving surgeries for prolapseUterus preserving surgeries for prolapse
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How to have quality of life in Advanced ovarian malignancy
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Bipolar energy sources in Hysteroscopy
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Treatment and outcome of anatomical factors for abortions
Treatment and outcome of anatomical factors for abortionsTreatment and outcome of anatomical factors for abortions
Treatment and outcome of anatomical factors for abortionsRajesh Gajbhiye

Más de Rajesh Gajbhiye (12)

Placenta Accreta Spectrum
Placenta Accreta SpectrumPlacenta Accreta Spectrum
Placenta Accreta Spectrum
Fertility Enhancing Laparoscopic Surgeries Panel Discussion
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Fertility Enhancing Laparoscopic Surgeries Panel Discussion
Management of Intraoperative Haemorrhage in Gynaecological Abdominal Surgeries
Management of Intraoperative Haemorrhage in Gynaecological Abdominal SurgeriesManagement of Intraoperative Haemorrhage in Gynaecological Abdominal Surgeries
Management of Intraoperative Haemorrhage in Gynaecological Abdominal Surgeries
Pcos Panel Discussion
Pcos Panel DiscussionPcos Panel Discussion
Pcos Panel Discussion
Surgical Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage
Surgical Management of Postpartum HemorrhageSurgical Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage
Surgical Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage
Debate on Abortion Limit should be increased to 24 weeks.
Debate on Abortion Limit should be increased to 24 weeks.Debate on Abortion Limit should be increased to 24 weeks.
Debate on Abortion Limit should be increased to 24 weeks.
Intrauterine fetal death
Intrauterine fetal death Intrauterine fetal death
Intrauterine fetal death
Vaginal Hysterectomy
Vaginal HysterectomyVaginal Hysterectomy
Vaginal Hysterectomy
Uterus preserving surgeries for prolapse
Uterus preserving surgeries for prolapseUterus preserving surgeries for prolapse
Uterus preserving surgeries for prolapse
How to have quality of life in Advanced ovarian malignancy
How to have quality of life in Advanced ovarian malignancyHow to have quality of life in Advanced ovarian malignancy
How to have quality of life in Advanced ovarian malignancy
Bipolar energy sources in Hysteroscopy
Bipolar energy sources in HysteroscopyBipolar energy sources in Hysteroscopy
Bipolar energy sources in Hysteroscopy
Treatment and outcome of anatomical factors for abortions
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Treatment and outcome of anatomical factors for abortions


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Alloimmune factors in recurrent pregnancy loss

  • 1. FOGSI Workshop Preventing Early Pregnancy Loss (EPL) The Cocktail Therapy Dr. Suchitra Pandit Dr. Ritu Joshi Dr. Shailesh Kore Dr. Kedar Ganla President Vice -President Chairperson National Coordinator Workshop supported by Unconditional Educational Grant by
  • 2. Alloimmune Background in Early Pregnancy Loss (EPL) Dr Rajesh Gajbhiye Nagpur
  • 3. Introduction • About 50% of pregnancies are lost after conception • About 15 % are lost after clinically detectable pregnancies • Causes are not known in more than 50% of cases of RPL • Such large unexplained causes has fuelled interest in immunological causes.
  • 4. Pregnancy is a semi-graft 50% of the antigens are foreign
  • 5. Immunomodulation during pregnancy Embryo / Fetal antigens produce two types of antibodies: • T Helper I Cell response • T Helper II Cell response
  • 6. Immune reaction during pregnancy Fetus with Paternal antigens T helper 1 cell response Abortion of The Fetus T helper 2 cell response Protection of The Fetus
  • 7. Embryo / Fetus T helper 1 cell response activated Tumor Necrosis Factor ά Interleukin2 Natural killer Cells Lymphokine Activated Killer Cells Abortion of Fetus Cascade Reaction
  • 8. What are Cytokines ? Secreted molecules that regulate the intensity and duration of the immune response by exerting a variety of effects on lymphocytes and other immune cells Cytokines are the messengers of the Immune System (Th1 : TNFα, Il-2, Th2 : IL-4, IL-10) just as Hormones are the messengers of the Endocrine System
  • 9. Cytokines and TNF- b  Th-1 cytokines trigger thrombotic / inflammatory processes at the maternal uteroplacental blood vessels by activation of vascular endothelial cell procoagulant.  Th-2 cytokine inhibit Th-1 induced tissue destruction by monocytes.  TNF-b is supposed to suppress the growth of trophoblasts by inducing apoptotic changes in these cells.
  • 10. Role of Interleukin in the Luteal Phase  Luteal phase of young healthy women is associated with decline in Interleukin 2 levels Hormone Metab. Res. 2001: 33; 348-53.  Luteal phase in healthy non pregnant women  Decrease in IL-2 blood levels.  Decrease in intracellular IL-2 containing lymphocytes.  Seen as a start of immune suppression necessary for embryo nidation.  Could also be the cause of premenstrual infections seen in young women.
  • 11. Embryo protective Immunomodulation - How is this brought about? Normal Pregnancy Progesterone(P) Receptor Activation Progesterone Induced Blocking Factor(PIBF) Blocks Cascade Reaction, Shift to Th type 2 Embryo Protective Immunomodulation Protection of Embryo / Fetus
  • 12. Embryo Protective Immunomodulation – What is it? 3 Positive responses T helper 2 cell response NK Activity Asymmetric Antibodies No binding with Antigen No activation of Complement Cascade Protection of Fetus Protective Cytokines IL 3 IL 4 IL 5 IL 6 IL 10 IL 13 Raghupathy et al., (2000): Cytokine production by maternal lymphocytes during normal human pregnancy and in unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion. Hum. Reprod. 15(3); 713-18.
  • 13. Progesterone-induced Blocking Factor (PIBF) Link between the Endocrine and Immune System Progesterone PIBF Th2 Normally Progressing Pregnancy Progesterone PIBF Th1 Miscarriage Ru 486 Progesterone PIBF +anti-PIBF Th1 Miscarriage Szekeres - Bartho J et al. Int Immunopharm 2001; 1:1037-1048.
  • 14. Increased Th1 Cytokine Response in Women with RSA Losses & with Multiple Implantation Failures after IVF Comparison of Th1/Th2 cytokine producing CD3+/CD8– (T Control, n = 21 RSA, n = 26 IVF failure, no Hx SA, n = 14 helper) cell ratios ** p < 0.01 * p < 0.05 ** * Kwak -Kim JY et al. Hum Reprod. 2003 Apr;18(4):767-73. 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 * ** * IFNγ / IL-4 IFNγ / IL-10 TNFα / IL-4 TNFα / IL-10
  • 15. 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 7-19 20-29 30-37 38-41 Weeks of gestation PIBF concentration (ng/ml) Normal pregnancy Miscarriage / Preterm labour <41 L PIBF Concentrations in Normal and High Risk Pregnancies * p<0.05 Polgar B et al. Biol Reprod 2004; 71:1699-1705. * * *
  • 16. P-receptors in Pregnancy Lymphocytes Activation γ/δ PR+ P P P P PIBF + Normally Progressing Pregnancy Th2 / Th1 + Szekeres-Bartho J et al. Int Immunopharm 2001; 1:10371-1048. γ/δ  Natural Killer Cell Activity
  • 17. Decidual NK cells • Decidual NK Cells appear to be mainly involved in alloimmune abortion. • Under influence of Th1 cytokines they damage the trophoblasts. • Patients who abort have increased NK cell activity and NK cells of CD3,CD 56,CD 16 types.
  • 18.
  • 19. Immunomodulation during pregnancy  Molecules like dydrogesterone inhibit the cytokines through PIBF, thereby enhancing chances of successful pregnancy. (Rajraghupati – Abstract World Congress. Hong Kong, Dec 2-5, 2001).  No other progesterone has so far been experimented on this aspect of immunomodulation
  • 20. IMMUNOLOGIC FACTORS Autoimmune Alloimmune (directed to self) (directed to foreign tissues/cells) -Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus An abnormalmaternal -Antiphospholipid Syndrome immune response to fetal or placental antigen.
  • 21. Autoimmune • Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus (SLE) -Risk for loss is 20%,mostly in 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy and associated with antiphospholipid antibodies. • Antiphospholipid syndrome (APA) – 5 - 15 % of womenwith RPL may have APA APA likely induce microthrombi at placentation site. Altered vascularity affects developing embryo, induces abortion
  • 22. Antiphospholipid syndrome – An Autoimmune disorder having specific clinical & lab criteria. --Sapporo criteria Diagnosis requires at least one of each. CLINICAL 1) Thrombolic events-arterial,venous,small vessel 2)Pregnancy loss- ≥3 losses at <10wks gestation, fetal death after 10wks,premature birth at <34wks associated with severe preeclampsia or placental insufficiency. LABORATORY 1) Lupus Anticoagulant 2) Anticardiolipin antibodies(IgG or IgM) Any lab test results must be observed on at least 2 separate occasions 6 wks apart.
  • 23. • Recent metaanalysis shows that the combination of Aspirin + Heparin is better than Aspirin alone in achieving live births in women with recurrent pregnancy loss and antiphospholipid antibodies Mak A et al, Rheumatology (Oxford) 2010 23 Aspirin alone v/s Aspirin + Heparin
  • 24. • There is controversy as to whether LMW Heparin is effective in preventing recurrent pregnancy loss • Consider costs, convenience and compliance before initiating therapy • Therapy should be started when fetal cardiac activity is demonstrated and continued throughout pregnancy and postpartum • Heparin in prophylactic doses needs to be stopped for about 24 hours around the time of labor and delivery 24
  • 25. • Heparin in prophylactic doses NEED not be monitored and does not require monitoring by coagulation parameters • Standard doses – Unfractionated heparin – 5000 units sc bd – Enoxaparin – 40 mg sc daily or in two doses 25
  • 26. • Meta analysis • Heparin with Aspirin imroved live birth • 25-75% • In 20-30% loss ,inspite of therapy • Alt treatment glucocoticids or IVIG • IVIG is no more effective than aspirin and Heparin in pts of APS
  • 27. Alloimmune mechanism Normally pregnancy(foreign tissue graft) is tolerated by the maternal immune system through formation of antigen blocking antibodies. Felt that in couples that share similar types of HLA, there is inadequate formation of blocking antibodies in the maternal environment. Therefore the maternal immune system mounts an immune response to the implanting pregnancy and a spontaneous abortion occurs.
  • 28. Alloimmune mechanism Although previous studies have concluded that there was a higher degree of HLA sharing in couples with recurrent abortion, multiple recent studies have not confirmed this. Multiple investigators have attempted to modulate the immune response using 1) paternal WBC immunization 2) IV Immunoglobulin 3) donor seminal plasma vaginal suppositories
  • 29. ALLOIMMUNITY DIAGNOSIS HLA Typing-HLA sharing-Insufficient antigenic stimulus • Antipaternal antibodies- absence maternal unreponsiveness • Husband’s lymphocytes + wife’s serum to find antibodies None of the above test Diagnostic
  • 30. • In practice study of Peripheral blood NK cells is used. • NK cell markers -Immunotherapy
  • 31. Immunologic Factors -Treatment • Immunostimulating Therapies-Leukocyte Immunization • Immunosuppressive Therapies
  • 32. Immunostimulating Therapies- Leukocyte Immunization – stimulation of the maternal immune system using alloantigens on either paternal or pooled donor leukocytes – a number of reports support possible mechanism for potential therapeutic value – however, there is no credible clinical or laboratory method to identify a specific individual who may benefit from such therapy – leukocyte immunization also poses significant risk to both the mother and her fetus • graft-versus-host disease, severe intrauterine growth retardation, and autoimmune and isoimmune complications
  • 33. TREATMENT Acive immunisation-Transfusion of husband’s lymphocytes Pure suspension of husband’s lymphocytes [ 300ml of blood = 10ml of suspension ] Inject 5ml IV, 1 ml subcu and 1ml intradermal
  • 34. • Effective presentation of paternally derived antigen and regulate maternal response through suppression of NK cell activity • Increases Th2 type immune response • Cochrane review 2006 doesnot support this therapy. • ASRM it has higher side effects and marginal benefits
  • 35. Intravenous immunoglobulin Passive immuisation • Mechanism – Blockage of allogenic cytotoxic reactions – Suppresses NK cell activity • disadvantage – expensive, invasive, and time-consuming, requiring multiple intravenous infusions over the course of pregnancy • side effects – nausea, headache, myalgias, hypotension, anaphylaxis
  • 36. • 0.5 g/Kg body weight IVIG started at 5 wks • Followed by 0.35g/kg every 3 weeks until 24 weeks. • Only therapeutic solution increased activity of NK Cells • When used as homogenous group not effective in various meta-analysis but in properly selected pts beneficial.
  • 37. FUTURE • Cytokines GM-CSF9Granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating Factor) • TGF-b
  • 38. • In addition to immunotherapy hormonal support (Progesterone and HCG) has been used to improve the live birth rate in recurrent abortion by modulating balance between Th1 and Th2 cytokines.
  • 39. Progesterone • Mechanism – inhibits Th1 immunity – shift from Th1-to Th2 type responses • administered – intramuscularly – intravaginally • may increase local, intrauterine concentration • averting any adverse systemic side effects
  • 40.  Progesterone favours the development of human T helper cells producing Th2-type cytokines and promotes IL – 4 production. Piccinni MP, Gindizi MG , J. Immunal 1995; 155 : 128-133  Progesterone inhibits in vitro embryotoxic Th1 cytokine production in trophoblast in women with recurrent pregnancy loss  Choi BC, Polgar K et. Al Hum. Reprod 2000; 15 (supp 1) 46- 59 Hormonal Immunomodulation Progesterone
  • 41. Hormonal Immunomodulation Modulation of cytokine production by dydrogesterone in lymphocytes from women with recurrent miscarriage. Dydrogesterone inhibits the production of the Th1 cytokines IFN- γ and TNF–α from lymphocytes and up-regulates the production of the Th2 cytokines IL-4 & IL-6 inducing Th1 to Th2 cytokine shift. Raj Raghupathy et. al BJOG 112; 1 – 6 2005
  • 42. Progestogens in Implantation in ART Cycles • LPD & implantation failure results from abnormal serum E2:P ratio or abnormal E2:P receptor ratios • Mitigate the deleterious effects of hyper estrogenism on endometrial development
  • 43. Effective Luteal Phase Means: • Effective secretory endometrial preparation “Firm” implantation • Effective endometrial immunomodulation to prevent embryonic rejection
  • 44. Effective Luteal phase Both these immunophysiological functions are carried out primarily by Progesterone backed up by estrogen.  Estrogen induces nuclear progesterone receptors  Progesterone then acting through its own receptor produces a mediator protein known as progesterone induced blocking factor (PIBF).
  • 45. Luteal phase defect (LPD) • LPD is the failure of the uterine lining to be in the right phase at the right time • May be due to inadequate progesterone production by corpus luteum • Or inadequate response of endometrium to the normally circulating level of progesterone.
  • 46. Incidence of LPD:  26.5% in infertile women (Sahmay et al; Fert. Menopausal Stud. 1995;40 (6) : 316-321).  45% in patient suffering from recurrent miscarriage (Daya et al; Am.J. Obst. Gyn. 1988;158 : 225- 232).
  • 47. Cause of LPD in Non ART cycles  Poor follicular phase inadequate Luteal phase.  Premature LH Stimulation of immature granulose cells.  Abnormal patterns of LH secretion in the Attenuated “LH” & Luteal phase “FSH” ovulatory surge  Decreased endometrial nuclear progesterone receptors  Can also be found with normal levels of progesterone
  • 48. Causes of LPD in ART cycles • CC INDUCTION Antiesterogenic to endometrium Reduced endometrial progesterone receptor production • ART  Long downregulation resulting in LPD (Smitz, Devroey 1988)  Use of Antagonist  Supraphysiological level of E2 – Leutolytic  Multiple puncture of follicles – damage to granulosa cells.
  • 49. • Diagnosis • Sreum progesterone level less than 10ng/ml in midluteal phase. • 3 estimation between day 5-8 should be 30ng/ml. • Out of phase endometrium – Histological lags 2days behind menstrual datesNot used now a days
  • 50. • USG Doppler • CL high resistence flow • Ovarian RI is similar in both ovaries Newer tests PIBF measurements
  • 51. Treatment for LPD Progesterone supplementation given in suspected cases or empirically Prevents 33% miscarriages Reduces 28% to 6% along with follicular maturing drugs • HCG supplementation-majority have PCOS and LPD
  • 52. Progestogens for Luteal phase support in ART cycles • Needs to be given daily basis either oral, vaginal, IM routes • Neutralize the negative effects of hyper estrogenism on endometrial development • Immunosuppressive effect facilitating implantation (Immunomodulation)
  • 53. HCG for Luteal phase support in ART cycles • Frequent dosing intervals of 3 - 4 days • Increases incidence of OHSS • HCG increases Luteal E2 to undesirable levels, upsetting E2 : P ratio
  • 54. • HCG is good for luteal support • Natural micronised progesterone is drug of choice for LPD • Vaginal route is preferred over others.
  • 55. • Chochrane review –IVIG is ineffective • In poor prognosis patients in whom other treatments have failed and in properly selected patients IVIG has been found to improve birth rate. • If immunotherapy fails and embryo is karyotypically normal then Surrogacy is advised.
  • 56. • Many questions to be answered • Many stages of maternal immune response remain unclarified • Available diagnostic methods can only provide indirect marker • Results must be interpreted with caution • Appropriate immnointervention be admisnistered.
  • 57. Acknowledgement Thanks to YOU - For being wonderful audience EPL Team - who conceptualized and created this program - Team Lead by • Dr . Suchitra N. Pandit - President FOGSI • Dr. Ritu Joshi - Vice President FOGSI • Dr. Shailesh Kore - Chairperson Genetic & Fetal Medicine - Committee, FOGSI • Contributors - Dr . Nozer Sheriar, Dr. Kedar Ganla, Dr. Ameet Patki, Dr. Sarita Bhalerao, Dr. Parikshit Tank, Dr. Bhaskar Pal, Dr. Bharti Dhorepatil, Dr. Atul Ganatra, Dr. Kalyani Ingle Dr. Ameya Purandare, Dr. Kundan Ingle, and all the Doctor Speakers. For supporting the program with unconditional educational grant For organizing and managing the program across the country
  • 59. Outline • Basic facts • Levels • Treatment of low progesterone levels • Role of progesterone in pregnancy • Role of progesterone in ART • Conclusion
  • 60. Basic facts:  Progesterone support in pregnancy has been in use for nearly 60 years, dating back to the 1940s.  Its initial use was in patients who had habitual spontaneous abortion caused by Luteal phase deficiency (LPD).This is due to a failure of the function of the corpus luteum in the production of progesterone ,which is indispensable during the first seven weeks of pregnancy.
  • 61. Symmetric Antibodies Exact alignment between binding surfaces of the paternal antigens and maternal antibodies causes activation of the complement cascade Abortion of the fetus Von Wolff et al., (2000): Regulated expression of cytokines in human endometrium throughout the menstrual cycle: dysregulation in habitual abortion. Mol. Hum. Reprod. 6; 626-34.
  • 62. Basic facts:  Surgical removal of the corpus luteum during this period of time results in pregnancy loss and progesterone replacement can help maintain the pregnancy.  There is evidence of support in the concept that progesterone given in early pregnancy may be useful in some women with recurrent miscarriage and that the measurement of serum progesterone levels in early pregnancy can be an adjunctive marker for the further assessment of pathologic pregnancies.
  • 63. Levels  Progesterone levels are based on her menstrual cycle and in the stage of pregnancy.  Before Pregnancy Prior to ovulation: Progesterone levels tend to be < 2 ng/ml After Ovulation: > 5 ng/ml  In Pregnancy Progesterone levels rise with pregnancy. This can often indicate the health of a pregnancy. First Trimester: 9-47 ng/ml Second Trimester: 17-147 ng/ml Third Trimester: 55-200 ng/ml
  • 64. Progesterone in the Luteal Phase and Pregnancy Progesterone HCG FSH LH 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Days 4 6 8 10 12 14 Weeks Menses Ovulation Implantation Speroff L et al. Clinical Gyn Endo and Infert 1999; 6: 235.
  • 66. Maintenance of Early Pregnancy Syncytiotrophoblast Cytotrophoblast Yolk sac Amnioti c cavity Chorionic cavity hCG Lacunar network Progesterone Regulation of prostaglandin production VDGF-VEGF receptors Angiogenesis Progesterone Blood vessels Endometrial gland Decidualized endometrial stroma Chorion Maternal blood sinusoid Facilitation of immune tolerance Suppressor macrophage Corpus luteum of ovary Decreased complement activity Altered antigen presenttaion (HLA-G) Regulation of leukocyte traffic by cytokines and chemokines Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase Norwitz et al., N Engl J Med. 2001; 345(19):1400-8.
  • 67. Classification of Progestogens Schindler AE et al. Maturitas 2003; 46SI:S7-S16. Natural Found in nature Synthetic Structurally related to progesterone or testosterone 17a- hydroxyprogesterone 19-nortestosterone •Medroxyprogesteron e acetate (MPA) • Megestrol acetate • Cyproterone acetate GONANES • Norgestrel •Norgestimate •Gestodene 19-norprogesterone • Trimegestone ESTRANES • Norethisterone = Norethindrone acetate (NETA) • Allylestrenol • Progesterone SSTTEERROOIIDDSS Retro progesterone Dydrogesterone
  • 68. Biological Activities of the Progestogens Progestogen Progestogenic Estrogenic Androgenic Glucocorticoid Dydrogesterone + − − − Progesterone + − − + Cyproterone + − − + acetate MPA + − ± + Norethisterone + + + − Schindler AE et al. Maturitas 2003; 46SI:S7-S16.
  • 69. Progesterone and Fetal Brain development • Brain is sensitive to progesterone during critical periods of development and maturation • Dramatic sex differences in progesterone receptor (PR) expression, in which males express higher levels of PR than females in specific regions, suggest PR may play an important role in the sexual differentiation of brain and behavior. Wagner CK, Endocrinology 2008 June;149(6):2743-9
  • 70. Re Genesis – Pilot Study (Phase I) 2002-04  315 ICSI and 94 recipients on donor oocyte program were included in the trial. 89 patients were at risk of OHSS (E2 > 2000 pg/ml)  All were matched for Demographic factors including age, social status, infertility factors and years of infertility.  All patients underwent  long term down regulation with GnRHa for a minimum of 10 days.  Controlled ovarian stimulation with Gonadotropins  Recipients on the donor oocyte program were started on Tab. Progynova (estradiol valerate) in an increasing dose from day of stimulation of the Donor.
  • 71. Re Genesis – Pilot Study (Phase I) 2002-04  Patients on any other protocol were excluded from the study.  All patients received 600 mg of micronized progesterone (utrogestan) vaginally from day of oocyte retrieval.  In addition, patients were randomized to either receive Dydrogesterone 20 mg or placebo daily from the day of embryo transfer till serum b hCG which if more than 50 mIU/ ml, the treatment was continued.  A USG was done to confirm a viable pregnancy after 3 weeks.  Only intrauterine viable pregnancies were considered as positive for pregnancy.
  • 72. Results: I ICSI Patients: 315 Treatment with Dydrogesterone 112 (35.5%) Treatment with no Dydrogesterone 203 (64.4%) Pregnancy Rate With Dydrogesterone 37 (33.03%) With no Dydrogesterone 48 (23.64%) P value NS
  • 73. Results: II Patients at risk of OHSS : 89 Treatment with Dydrogesterone 57 (64.04%) Treatment with no 32 (35.95%) Dydrogesterone Pregnancy Rate With Dydrogesterone 21 (36.84%) With no Dydrogesterone 09 (28.12%) P value NS
  • 74. Results: III Recipient on Donor Oocyte Program : 94 Treatment with Dydrogesterone 49 (52.12%) Treatment with no Dydrogesterone 45 (47.87%) Pregnancy Rate With Dydrogesterone 21 (42.85%) With no Dydrogesterone 07 (15.55%) P < 0.001 Chi. Square test
  • 75. Re Genesis – (Phase II) 2004-06  450 ICSI and 120 recipients on donor oocyte program were included in the trial. 105 patients were at risk of OHSS (E2 > 2000 pg/ml)  All were matched for Demographic factors including age, social status, infertility factors and years of infertility.  All patients underwent  long term down regulation with GnRHa for a minimum of 10 days.  Controlled ovarian stimulation with Gonadotropins  Recipients on the donor oocyte program were started on Tab. Progynova (estradiol valerate) in an increasing dose from day of stimulation of the Donor.
  • 76. Re Genesis – (Phase II)  Patients on any other protocol were excluded from the study.  Patients were randomized to either receive 600 mg daily of micronized progesterone (utrogestan) vaginally or Dydrogesterone 30 mg daily from day of oocyte retrieval.  Serum b hCG was tested 14 days from embryo transfer and if more than 50 mIU/ ml, the treatment was continued.  A USG was done to confirm a viable pregnancy after 3 weeks.  Only intrauterine viable pregnancies were considered as positive for pregnancy. 2004- 05
  • 77. Results - I ICSI : 450 Patients Treatment with Dydrogesterone 248 pts [55.1%] Treatment with Micronised 202 pts [44.9%] Progesterone Pregnancy Rate With Dydrogesterone 97 [*39.1%] With Micronised 54 [26.7%] • By Chi Square Test * P<0.01 Significant
  • 78. Results - II At risk of OHSS – 105 Patients Treatment with Dydrogesterone 60 [57.13%] Treatment with Micronised 45 [42.8%] Progesterone Pregnancy Rate With Dydrogesterone 25 [*41.6%] With Micronised Progesterone 16 [35.5%] • By Chi Square Test * P<0.01 Significant
  • 79. Results - III Donor oocyte program – 120 Patients Treatment with Dydrogesterone 58 [48.3%] Treatment with Micronised 62 [51.6%] Progesterone Pregnancy Rate With Dydrogesterone 28 [*48.2%] With Micronised Progesterone 21 [33.8%] • By Chi Square Test * P<0.001 Significant
  • 80. Paper presented at … • Five National conferences in India • Teaching Universities in China Egypt and Vietnam This paper is published in Gynecological Endocrinology, October 2007; 2(S1): 68-72
  • 81. Functions of progesterone  Converts the endometrium to its secretory shape to prepare uterus for implantation.  Affects the vaginal epithelium and cervical mucus , making it thick to un-penetrable sperm.  During implantation & pregnancy ,progesterone appears to decrease the maternal immune response to allow for acceptance of pregnancy.  Decreases contractility of uterine smooth muscle.  Inhibits lactation during pregnancy. Fall in the levels following delivery is one of the triggers for milk production.  Drop in progesterone is possibly one step that facilitates the onset of labor.
  • 82.
  • 83. Treatment for low progesterone levels Low progesterone levels are associated with increased risk of miscarriage in the first trimester. There are many forms of treatment or supplementation that help to increase and maintain the production of progesterone. The treatment options listed below are generally followed for the first trimester of pregnancy. Dosages vary based on specific need or deficiency. Intra-muscular progesterone injections- self administered for the first trimester of pregnancy Oral progesterone capsules (standard or sustained release) progesterone vaginal pressaries HCG- Human chorionic gonadotropin
  • 84. Routes of administration • Intramuscular (painful, low patient compliance) • Vaginal (very effective, available as pessaries, gel, effervescent tablets) • Oral (Micronised progesterone not effective due to the hepatic first bypass )
  • 85. Implantation  Shedding of the zona pellucida  Orientation  Apposition  Attachment  Adhesion
  • 86. Role of Progestins in the Treatment of Threatened and Habitual Abortion Spontaneous abortion occurs in approximately 15% of all clinically recognized pregnancies but up to 45% after 3 consecutive miscarriages Speroff L et al. Clinical Gyn Endo and Infert 1999; 6:1043-1044.
  • 87. Progestogens for preventing miscarriage No evidence for routine use However in women with recurrent miscarriages of 3 or more , statistically significant decrease rate in miscarriage compared to placebo or no treatment. No statistical difference between route of administration (oral, IM, vaginal) Cochrane Database Reviews 2008 Issue 2 Haas DM, Ramsay PS
  • 88. Adverse effects  Cramps, abdominal pain, skeletal pain, headaches  Diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting  Breast enlargement, joint pains  Thirst, increased appetite, drowsiness, excessive urination at night.  Mood swings, emotional instability, abnormal crying, insomnia, sleep disorders.  Plays an important role in the signaling of insulin release & pancreatic function, affect susceptibility to diabetes.  Women with high levels of progesterone during pregnancy are likely to develop abnormalities
  • 89. Immunomodulation during pregnancy If T helper I cell response is activated it produces harmful cytokines and fetus is rejected.
  • 90. Interferon's and progesterone for establishment and maintenance of pregnancy, interactions among novel cell signaling pathways  Interferon's (IFNs) Type I and /or Type II are important in establishing uterine receptitivity to implantation in mammals.  Uterine receptivity to implantation is progesterone dependent. Hence IFNs and progesterone activate complimentary cell signaling pathways to modulate expression of genes for attachment of trophectoderm to uterine luminal and superficial glandular epithelia . Repmed Biol 2008 Nov:8 (3);179-211
  • 91. Luteal Phase Support in Assisted Reproduction Cycles (Cochrane Review) • Selection Criteria for Review : 59 randomized controlled trials of luteal phase support after ART treatment • Objectives /Conclusions 1) Does luteal phase support after assisted reproduction increases the pregnancy rate? - Yes (2) What is the optimal hormone for luteal phase support? - hCG does not provide better results than progesterone and is associated with a greater risk of OHSS when used with GnRHa (3) What is the optimal route of progesterone administration? - This has not yet been established Daya S, Gunby J. Cochrane Review 2004; Issue 3.
  • 92. • Natural miracle known as immunological paradox of pregnancy.
  • 93. APAS • Treatment 1. Low Molecular weight Heparin – 3000 IU subcut twice a day – Expensive treatment 1. Un-fractionated Heparin is better option 2. Low dose Aspirin 3. Steroids? Mainly for anti nuclear antibodies – 10 – 20 mg prednisolone / day
  • 94. Immunosuppressive Therapies – To antiphospholipid antibodies and to inappropriate cellular immunity toward the implanting fetus • intravenous immunoglobulin • progesterone

Notas del editor

  1. Pregnancy is a semi-graft – 50% of the antigens are foreign. In some pregnancies, the mother recognizes these foreign paternal antigens and sets up an immune rejection reaction to them, which causes abortion. In habitual abortion, this reaction is repeated in every subsequent pregnancy. In healthy pregnancy, however, the fetus is not compromised by an allogenic immune response. In these pregnancies, a cross talk between the pre-embryo and the mother-to-be starts early after fertilization, and results in a protective immune response in the mother.
  2. Cytokines are secreted molecules that regulate the intensity and duration of the immune response by exerting a variety of effects on lymphocytes and other immune cells. Cytokines are the messengers of the Immune System just as Hormones are the messengers of the Endocrine System
  3. Sterility is of utmost importance during collection of all samples. Tissue culture techniques are used in the karyotyping and FISH procedures. If a culture fails due to contamination, a repeat sample will have to be given at extra cost.
  4. Szekeres-Bartho J, Barakonyi A, Par G, Polgar B, Palkovics T, Szereday L. Progesterone as an immunomodulatory molecule. Int Immunopharmacol. 2001 Jun;1(6):1037-48.   Increased progesterone sensitivity of pregnancy lymphocytes is due to activation-induced appearance of progesterone binding sites in the lymphocytes. Following recognition of fetally derived antigens gamma/delta TCR+ cells develop progesterone receptors. Progesterone binding results in the synthesis of a mediator protein named the progesterone-induced blocking factor (PIBF). PIBF by acting on the phospholipase A2 enzyme interferes with arachidonic acid metabolism, induces a Th2 biased immune response, and by controlling NK activity exerts an anti-abortive effect.
  5. Kwak-Kim JY, Chung-Bang HS, Ng SC, Ntrivalas EI, Mangubat CP, Beaman KD, Beer AE, Gilman-Sachs A. Increased T helper 1 cytokine responses by circulating T cells are present in women with recurrent pregnancy losses and in infertile women with multiple implantation failures after IVF. Hum Reprod. 2003 Apr;18(4):767-73. BACKGROUND: We aimed to study T-helper 1 (Th1) and Th2 intracellular cytokine expression in peripheral blood lymphocytes of women with recurrent spontaneous abortions (RSA) or infertility with multiple implantation failures after IVF cycles. METHODS: Twenty-six women with three or more RSA and 23 with two or more IVF failures (14 with no history of spontaneous abortion (SAB) and nine with more than one SAB) comprised the two study groups. Twenty-one non-pregnant healthy multiparous women served as controls. Proportions (%) of lymphocytes containing IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-4 and IL-10 and the Th1/Th2 ratios of IFN-gamma/IL-4, IFN-gamma/IL-10, TNF-alpha/IL-4 and TNF-alpha/IL-10 in CD3+, CD3+/CD8- (T helper) and CD3+/CD8+ (T suppressor) cells were measured by 4-colour flow cytometry. RESULTS: RSA women demonstrated significantly higher Th1/Th2 ratios of IFN-gamma/IL-4 (P &amp;lt; 0.01), TNF-alpha/IL-4 and TNF-alpha/IL-10 (P &amp;lt; 0.05 each) in CD3+/CD8- T helper cells than those of controls. The proportion of TNF-alpha producing CD3+/CD8- cells (P &amp;lt; 0.05), and the Th1/Th2 ratios of TNF-alpha/IL-4 (P &amp;lt; 0.05) and TNF-alpha/IL-10 (P &amp;lt; 0.005) in CD3+/CD8- cells were significantly higher in women with multiple IVF failures without SAB as compared with those of controls. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of dominant Th1 immune responses in peripheral blood lymphocytes may reflect the systemic contribution of Th1 cytokines to RSA or multiple implantation failures in IVF cycles. Chart derived from figure 3 and table 4 in article
  6. Polgar B, Nagy E, Miko E, Varga P, Szekeres-Bartho J. Urinary progesterone-induced blocking factor concentration is related to pregnancy outcome.Biol Reprod. 2004 Nov;71(5):1699-705. Peripheral lymphocytes from healthy pregnant women secrete a mediator protein named the progesterone-induced blocking factor (PIBF) that exerts an immunomodulatory function and contributes to the maintenance of pregnancy in mice. The gene coding for PIBF mRNA has been cloned and sequenced, and now the recombinant human protein is available. The aim of this study was to develop an ELISA test for determining PIBF concentrations in biological samples of pregnant women. We determined urinary PIBF concentrations of 86 healthy nonpregnant individuals and from almost 500 pregnant women by ELISA. During normal pregnancy, the concentration of PIBF continuously increased until the 37th gestational week and was followed by a sharp decrease after the 41st week of gestation. In pathological pregnancies, urinary PIBF levels failed to increase. The onset of labor was predictable on the basis of this test, whether it was term or preterm delivery. In urine of patients with preeclampsia, PIBF concentrations were significantly lower than in normal pregnancy and showed a correlation with the number of symptoms presented. These data, in line with previous in vivo findings, suggest that PIBF production is a characteristic feature of normal pregnancy, and determination of PIBF concentration in urine might be of use for the diagnosis of threatened premature pregnancy termination.
  7. The P-receptors on the pregnancy lymphocytes, CD56+ cells and PBMC, are not regulated by steroids but are rather up-regulated by immune mechanisms. After trophoblastic invasion into the endometrium, the pregnancy lymphocytes are activated by exposure to fetal antigens. This leads to an up-regulation of P-receptors. Once the P-receptors are activated by progesterone, PIBF is produced. This leads to at Th2 dominance and decrease the NKcells which gives an anti-abortive effect. Szekeres-Bartho J, Barakonyi A, Par G, Polgar B, Palkovics T, Szereday L. Progesterone as an immunomodulatory molecule. Int Immunopharmacol. 2001 Jun;1(6):1037-48. Increased progesterone sensitivity of pregnancy lymphocytes is due to activation-induced appearance of progesterone binding sites in the lymphocytes. Following recognition of fetally derived antigens gamma/delta TCR+ cells develop progesterone receptors. Progesterone binding results in the synthesis of a mediator protein named the progesterone-induced blocking factor (PIBF). PIBF by acting on the phospholipase A2 enzyme interferes with arachidonic acid metabolism, induces a Th2 biased immune response, and by controlling NK activity exerts an anti-abortive effect.
  8. Sterility is of utmost importance during collection of all samples. Tissue culture techniques are used in the karyotyping and FISH procedures. If a culture fails due to contamination, a repeat sample will have to be given at extra cost.
  9. Sterility is of utmost importance during collection of all samples. Tissue culture techniques are used in the karyotyping and FISH procedures. If a culture fails due to contamination, a repeat sample will have to be given at extra cost.
  10. To achieve a healthy secretory phase of the endometrium in the second half of the menstrual cycle, adequate secretion of progesterone is required. Thereafter, once pregnancy is achieved, the progesterone levels steadily increase. The hormonal interplay between estrogen and progesterone is controlled by secretions from the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, as well as by negative feedback from estrogen and progesterone themselves.
  11. This slide shows the network necessary to allow trophoblast invasion and thus, the maintenance of early pregnancy. It is a very complicated situation
  12. Schindler AE, Campagnoli C, Druckmann R, Huber J, Pasqualini JR, Schweppe KW, Thijssen JH. Classification and pharmacology of progestins. Maturitas 2003;46 Suppl 1:S7-S16. Besides the natural progestin, progesterone, there are different classes of progestins, such as retroprogestogens (e.g. dydrogesterone), progesterone derivatives (e.g. medrogestone), 17-hydroxyprogesterone derivatives (e.g. chlormadinone acetate, cyproterone acetate, medroxyprogesterone acetate, megestrol acetate), 19-norprogesterone derivatives (e.g. nomegestrol, promegestone, trimegestone, nesterone), 19-nortestosterone derivatives (e.g. norethisterone, lynestrenol, levonorgestrel, desogestrel, gestodene, norgestimate, dienogest) and spironolactone derivatives (e.g. drospirenone). Some of the synthetic progestins are prodrugs, which need to be metabolized to become active compounds. Besides the progestogenic effect, which is common to all progestins, there is a wide range of biological effects that differ between the various progestins and must be taken into account when treatment is being considered. The different progestogenic, estrogenic, androgenic and glucocorticoid effects for 5 different progestins are shown in the table.
  13. Sterility is of utmost importance during collection of all samples. Tissue culture techniques are used in the karyotyping and FISH procedures. If a culture fails due to contamination, a repeat sample will have to be given at extra cost.
  14. Spontaneous abortion is one of the most devastating and painful experiences for couples expecting a child. When abortion occurs repeatedly, the effect can be extremely traumatic for both partners. Approximately 15% of all recognized pregnancies between 4-20 weeks of gestation (pregnancy) will undergo clinically recognized spontaneous miscarriages. In itself this figure is already high, but the risk of a spontaneous abortion can be up to 45% in women with a history of 3 consecutive miscarriages with the same partner.
  15. Daya S, Gunby J Luteal phase support in assisted reproduction cycles (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 3, 2004. Chichester, UK: John Wiley &amp; Sons, Ltd. Background: The aspiration of the granulosa cells that surround the oocyte and the use of gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists (GnRHa) during assisted reproduction technology (ART) treatment can interfere with the production, during the luteal phase, of progesterone, which is necessary for successful implantation of the embryo. Providing hormonal supplementation during the luteal phase with either progesterone itself, or human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which stimulates progesterone production, may improve implantation and, thus, pregnancy rates. Objectives: To determine (1) if luteal phase support after assisted reproduction increases the pregnancy rate, (2) the optimal hormone for luteal phase support, i.e. hCG, progesterone, or a combination of both, and (3) the optimal route of progesterone administration. Reviewers&amp;apos; conclusions Luteal phase support with hCG or progesterone after assisted reproduction results in an increased pregnancy rate. hCG does not provide better results than progesterone, and is associated with a greater risk of OHSS when used with GnRHa. The optimal route of progesterone administration has not yet been established.