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Endocrine Glands
of the Body
Various Endocrine Glands of
the Body
 Endocrinology is a specialty of
medicine; some would say a sub-
specialty of internal medicine, which
deals with the diagnosis and treatment
of diseases related to
hormones. Endocrinology covers such
human functions as the coordination of
metabolism, respiration, reproduction,
sensory perception, and movement.
Types of Hormones
 Proteins, peptides and amino acid
– Proteins are large molecules made of
many amino acids
– Peptides are smaller molecules typically
made of a few amino acids
– Amino acid derivatives are molecules
derived from a single amino acid
Lipid Hormones
 Steroid hormones
– Derived from cholesterol
– All similar in structure, but small
differences confer different effects
– Similarities responsible for some cross
 Eicosanoids
– Derived from arachadonic acid (fat)
The hypothalamus
 Integrates information and many functions of
the nervous system
 The hypothalamus controls the function of
the pituitary gland in two ways
 It can secrete releasing hormones that act on
the pituitary to stimulate secretion of
stimulating hormones
 It can also stimulate the release of hormones
from the posterior pituitary via nervous input
The Pituitary
 Divided into two halves
 The anterior portion is comprised of
epithelial cells that act primarily as a
glandular structure
 The posterior portion has extensive
innervation and responds to nervous
sytem input from the hypothalamus
The hypothalamus and the
Table. 10.3a
Table. 10.3b
Hormones of the Pituitary
 Growth hormone
– Controls growth and glucose metabolism
– Mediated via the somatomedins
– Acts on the adrenal gland to stimulate the release
of cortisol
 Gonadotropins
– Leutinizing hormone- ovulation, secretion of sex
– Follicle stimulating hormone – development of
follicles and sperm cells
 Prolactin – stimulates breasts to
develop milk
 Melanocyte stimulating hormone
– Causes synthesis of melanin
Hormones of the Posterior
 Antidiuretic hormone (aka
– Causes the retention of fluid in the urine
– Combats dehydration
 Oxytocin
– Causes lactation
– Contractions during child birth
The Thyroid Gland
 Secretes two hormones that regulate
metabolic rate
– Thyroxine (T4) – contains four iodine
– Triiodothyronine (T3) – contains three
iiodine atoms
– Insufficient iodine impairs T3 and T4
The Parathyroid Gland
 Primarily responsible for calcium
 Parathyroid hormone
– Causes increased production of vitamin D
and increased absorption of calcium in
the intestine
– Also causes resorption of calcium from
the bones
– Increased retention of calcium in the
Regulation of the Thyroid
Clinical Indication
Thyroid Hormones:
Replacement or supplement in hypothyroidism of
any cause
 cretinism- mental & physical retardation in
 children with chronic untreated hypothyroidism
 nontoxic goiter in adults
 myxedema in adults
Thyroid Hormones
Hormones (proteins) secreted from the thyroid
gland include:
 Triiodothyronine (T3)
 Thyroxine (T4)
 and Thyrocalcitonin
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
 Is secreted from the anterior pituitary gland in
response to changes in the blood levels of T3
and T4
 Triggers T3, T4 secretion from the thyroid
T3, T4- concerned with muscle and nerve
tissue growth
• stimulates protein synthesis
• increases the intestinal absorption of glucose
• increases glycogen synthesis
• mobilizes fatty acids
• decreases serum cholesterol
• increases BMR (basal metabolic rate)
Thyroid Hormones
Adverse Effects Related to Overdosing
Symptoms are dose and time dependent and characteristic
of hyperthyroidism and increase in sympathetic tone:
 Mental confusion to psychotic behavior
 Increased blood pressure
 Increased heart rate
 Diarrhea
 Weight loss
 Sweating
 Menstrual irregularities
 Tremors
 Headache
 Nervousness
 Anginal episodes
Cautions and Contraindications
Thyroid hormone therapy
 is contraindicated in patients with myocardial
 is not recommended for weight reduction in
the management of obesity
 should be used with caution in patients
– With cardiovascular disease, diabetes, adrenal
– Who are elderly
Antithyroid Drugs
Clinical Indication
Treatment of hypersecretory conditions of
the thyroid in order to:
inactivate overactive tissue
inhibit production of T3 and T4
Effects of Hypersecretion
or Hyperthyroidism
May be caused by tumors on the thyroid (thyrotoxic
crisis), pituitary, or hypothalamus
Autoimmune disease (Grave’s Disease)
– LATS (long-acting thyroid stimulating protein) not
the same as TSH but same responses occur
Symptoms are dose and time dependent and
characteristic of hyperthyroidism especially increased
sympathetic autonomic tone
Antithyroid Drugs
Mechanism of action
Accumulate within the thyroid and destroy
overactive tissue or inhibit the incorporation
of iodine for production of T3 and T4
 Radioactive Iodide (immediate onset)
 Methimazone (requires time to see effect)
 Propylthiouracil (requires time to see effect)
Antithyroid Drugs Special
Considerations & Contraindications
 Cross the placenta and affect fetal thyroid
 Abrupt discontinuation of iodide may cause
thyroid storm
 Iodide should be discontinued if fever, rash,
soreness in gums & teeth occur
 Iodide-containing drugs are contraindicated in
patients with pulmonary edema
 Radioactive iodide is present in the saliva and
urine 24 hours after dosing
Calcium Homeostasis
Parathyroid Hormones
Calcium ions
 Essential for neuromuscular and endocrine
 Serum levels strictly regulated by two
polypeptide hormones
– calcitonin (thyroid)
– parathormone (parathyroid)
Calcium Homeostasis
Stimulated when serum calcium levels are low
Stimulates bone resorption to mobilize calcium
Increases intestinal and renal reabsorption of
Stimulated when serum calcium levels are high
Inhibits bone resorption
No effect on the intestine or kidney
Antagonizes parathormone
Calcium Disorders & Treatment
 Hypocalcemia
Parathyroid damage during surgery
Treatment: calcium salts and vitamin D
 Hypercalcemia
Neoplasms, multiple myeloma, renal
Treatment: diuretics to increase the renal
clearance of calcium
calcitonin and bisphosphonates
Degenerative Bone Disease
& Treatment
 Osteoporosis
Decreased bone mass
Decreased mineral deposition
Increased bone resorption
Treatment: Bisphosphonates, estrogen
 Paget’s Disease
Hyperactive bone metabolism
Fragile bone and microfractures
Treatment: Calcitonin, bisphosphonates
 Alendronate
 Etidronate
 Pamidronate
Poorly absorbed, not metabolized,
in urine
The Adrenal Glands
 Adrenal medulla responsible for the
hormonal fight or flight response
 Adrenal medulla releases epinephrine
(adrenaline) and small amounts of
Fight or Flight Hormones
 Increases breakdown of glycogen to
glucose in the liver
 Increase heart rate
– Increases cardiac output to the tissues
 Increases blood pressure
 Increases metabolic rate in skeletal
muscle, cardiac muscle and nervous
The Adrenal Cortex
 Produces gluccocorticoids
– Cortisol
 Regulates blood glucose levels
 Causes amino acids to be converted to
glucose in the liver
 Cortisol secreted in times of stress to
maintain glucose and energy levels
Clinical Indication
Replacement therapy in adrenal insufficiency
(Addison’s Disease)
Interrupt moderate to severe pain associated with
conditions of inflammation
Replacement therapy in adrenalectomy or adrenal
 Adrenal cortex secretes glucocorticoids
 Typically referred to as steroids
 Regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates
and proteins
 Demand for cortisol rises during stress and
tissue repair (e.g. wound healing)
 Produce and conserve glucose
 Promote protein catabolism and
 Some mineralocorticoid activity i.e., sodium
Source of steroids-natural & synthetic
cortisone, hydrocortisone, prednisone,
methylprenisolone, triamcinolone, betamethasone,
Vary in duration of action and potency
Antiinflammatory action
stabilize cell membranes
prevent edema
Systemic use in patients with normal adrenal function
arthritis, collagen disease, rheumatic disorders, respiratory
disease, spinal cord injury
Topical use for skin irritation, rashes, itching
Corticosteroids Adverse Effects
Associated with high doses and chronic use
 Exaggeration of steroid symptoms of Cushing’s
mood changes
weight gain, obesity
protein catabolism, muscle weakness, wasting
decreased wound healing
increased infections
fat deposition, moon facies
 Steroid addiction
personality changes- “steroid psychosis”
psychological dependency (falacy)
Steroid Contraindications
 Patients with systemic fungal
 Local viral herpes infections
 Topical application to the eyes or
orbital area
 Live virus vaccinations
The Pancreas
 The pancreas produces insulin and
– The primary blood glucose regulatory
 Insulin produced in the beta cells of
the islets of Langerhans
 Glucagon produced in the alpha cells
 The primary glucoregulatory hormone
 Elevated in response to increased
blood glucose or amino acids
 Inhibited when blood glucose is low
 Diabetes results from perturbed insulin
 Type 1- insulin dependent diabetes
– The individual does not produce insulin
 Type II- non-insulin dependent
diabetes mellitus (adult onset)
– The individual does not respond
appropriately to insulin
Clinical Indication
Maintain circulating glucose levels sufficient
to promote intracellular glucose transport
and provide a source of energy for cells
Pancreatic Endocrine Function
The pancreas secrets two polypeptide
hormones that regulate carbohydrate
metabolism and blood glucose levels
 Insulin
Promotes glucose movement into cells
and carbohydrate storage
 Glucagon
Increases glucose in the blood by stimulating
glycogen breakdown
Insulin & Glucagon Secretion
Insulin is secreted by beta cells in response to
elevated glucose levels
• Mobilizes glucose into skeletal, heart, fat cells
• Promotes storage of fat and protein
Glucagon is secreted by alpha cells in response to
low glucose levels
• Stimulates glyocogenolysis (breakdown)
• Mobilizes glucose into the circulation
• Defect in beta cell function
• Deficiency in insulin production and
• Type I DM is insulin dependent
(juvenile diabetes)
genetic predisposition
• Type II DM relative insulin deficiency
aging, improper diet, obesity
Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
Diabetes Mellitus
 Persistently high blood glucose levels
 Spill over into high urine glucose (glycosuria)
 Volume of water excreted (polyuria)
 Dehydration and thirst
 Excessive fluid intake (polydipsia)
 Excessive food intake (polyphagia)
 Fat breakdown produces ketosis
 Neuropathy, retinal hemorrhage
 Renal dysfunction
 Atherosclerosis
Treatment of Diabetes
Correct the metabolic imbalance with diet
adjustment and administration of
 Insulins
 Oral sulfonylureas
acetohexamide, glipizide, glyburide, tolazamide,
 Glucose absorption inhibitors
acarbose, miglitol
 Antihyperglycemic drugs
Metformin, troglitazone
Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus
Insulin (Type I, II DM)
 Sources: animal or recombinant DNA
 Onset of action varies with each insulin
 Provides single peak of glucose activity
 Requires multiple daily doses
 Injected 15 to 30 minutes before meals
 Juice or sugar can reverse hypoglycemia
 Salicylates, beta-blockers, MAOI potentiate
insulin-induced hypoglycemia
Treatment of Diabetes
Oral sulfonylureas (oral hypoglycemics)
 Type II DM only
 Enter the beta cells and cause insulin release
 Vary in onset and duration of action
 Delay in onset related to absorption
 Not a substitute for insulin
 Prolonged action sustains hypoglycemia
 Cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea,
diarrhea, weakness, fatigue, dizziness,
hypersensitivity reactions (rash), elevated serum
liver enzymes, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia &
Contraindications & Drug Interactions
with Oral Hypoglycemics
Contraindicated in patients:
 With a known hypersensitivity
 With complications of fever, ketoacidosis or
 With liver or renal disease, peptic ulcers
 Who are pregnant
Drug Interactions occur because of
 Protein binding displacement
 Liver enzyme inhibition
 Inhibition of glucose metabolism
Treatment of Diabetes
Glucose Absorption Inhibitors
 Do not reduce blood glucose levels
 Do not release insulin
 Interfere with dietary carbohydrate digestion
 Delay a peak in glucose absorption after meals
 Are ingested with meals
 Do not impair liver enzymes
 Cause flatulence, diarrhea, and abdominal pain
 Contraindicated in patients with ketoacidosis,
impaired absorption, or hypersensitivity reaction
Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus
Antihyperglycemic Drugs
 Do not reduce blood glucose levels or release insulin
 Keep glucose blood level from rising too fast
 Decrease liver glucose production and intestinal
glucose absorption
 Promote smoother distribution of glucose to tissues
 Causes diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and flatulence
 May cause lactic acidosis leading to respiratory and
cardiovascular distress
 Contraindicated in patients with metabolic acidosis,
renal disease or abnormal creatinine clearance
The Testes and the
 The testes produce testosterone
 The ovaries produce estrogen and
Clinical Indication
Female hormones
Replacement therapy in hypogonadism
and menopause, or fertility
enhancement, and adjunctive therapy
for cancer
Prevent ovulation or implantation in the
Alleviate menstrual disorders in
nonmenopausal women
Female Sex Hormones
Estrogens and Progestogens
LH and FSH secreted from the anterior pituitary gland
induce conditions for the secretion of estrogen and
Estrogens secreted from developing cells in the ovaries
• uterine lining and mammary glands
• motility within the fallopian tubes
• endometrium for implantation of a fertilized egg
Progesterone secreted from the corpus luteum
• completes development uterine lining for implantation
• stimulates mammary ducts for lactation
Pharmacological Actions
Estrogen and progestogen combinations mimic the natural
secretory cycle so that
• FSH and LH secretions are suppressed
• ovulation is blocked
• cervical mucus is thickened decreasing the possibility of
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Estrogens interact with receptors to reduce
• hot flashes, sweating, muscle & joint aches that occur
during menopause
• bone resorption and turnover that decreases bone mineral
density in osteoporosis
• coronary artery disease by decreasing blood pressure,
LDL- lipoproteins and insulin
Estrogen and Progestogens
Adverse Effects
 Nausea
 Vomiting
 Headache
 Dizziness
 Irritability
 Depression
 Fluid retention
 Breast tenderness
 Weight gain
 Thrombophlebitis (pain in legs, groin)
 Double-vision
Female Sex Hormones
Use in pregnant women or those with a history of
Liver disease
Breast tumors
Estrogen-dependent cancers
Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding
Special considerations
Use in women with a history of
High blood pressure
Seizure disorders
Male Sex Hormones -
Clinical Indication
In men
Replacement therapy in hypogonadism,
delayed puberty, and impotence due to
androgen deficiency
In women
Adjunctive therapy for inoperable breast
cancer and postpartum breast engorgement
Androgens Pharmacologic
Anabolic action - Stimulate protein synthesis
– Clinical benefit- Increase body weight and appetite
– Nontherapeutic use- Increase muscle mass and
enhance athletic performance
Erythropoiesis-Stimulate production of RBCs
– Clinical benefit- Reverse refractory anemia
Inhibit tumor growth
– Clinical benefit- reduce pain & swelling in women with
fibrocystic breast disease
Adverse Effects
Men may develop Women may develop
 Decreased sperm count Hirsutism
 Increased breast tissue Menstrual irregularities
 Sustained erection Acne
 Tumors Deepening voice
 Addiction syndrome
Men and women
 Jaundice
 Nausea
 Vomiting
 Diarrhea
 Retention of sodium and water
Result from chronic high dose use
Androgens Special Considerations
and Contraindications
Men breast or prostate cancer
Pregnant women- virilization of fetus
Special considerations
Blood glucose levels may fluctuate in diabetic
Bruising and localized hemorrhages may
increase in patients also receiving

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Endocrine Glands of The Body

  • 3.  Endocrinology is a specialty of medicine; some would say a sub- specialty of internal medicine, which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to hormones. Endocrinology covers such human functions as the coordination of metabolism, respiration, reproduction, sensory perception, and movement.
  • 4. Types of Hormones  Proteins, peptides and amino acid derivatives – Proteins are large molecules made of many amino acids – Peptides are smaller molecules typically made of a few amino acids – Amino acid derivatives are molecules derived from a single amino acid
  • 5. Lipid Hormones  Steroid hormones – Derived from cholesterol – All similar in structure, but small differences confer different effects – Similarities responsible for some cross reactivity  Eicosanoids – Derived from arachadonic acid (fat)
  • 6. The hypothalamus  Integrates information and many functions of the nervous system  The hypothalamus controls the function of the pituitary gland in two ways  It can secrete releasing hormones that act on the pituitary to stimulate secretion of stimulating hormones  It can also stimulate the release of hormones from the posterior pituitary via nervous input
  • 7. The Pituitary  Divided into two halves  The anterior portion is comprised of epithelial cells that act primarily as a glandular structure  The posterior portion has extensive innervation and responds to nervous sytem input from the hypothalamus
  • 8. The hypothalamus and the Pituitary
  • 11.
  • 12. Hormones of the Pituitary  Growth hormone – Controls growth and glucose metabolism – Mediated via the somatomedins  ACTH – Acts on the adrenal gland to stimulate the release of cortisol  Gonadotropins – Leutinizing hormone- ovulation, secretion of sex hormones – Follicle stimulating hormone – development of follicles and sperm cells
  • 13.  Prolactin – stimulates breasts to develop milk  Melanocyte stimulating hormone – Causes synthesis of melanin
  • 14. Hormones of the Posterior Pituitary  Antidiuretic hormone (aka vasopressin) – Causes the retention of fluid in the urine – Combats dehydration  Oxytocin – Causes lactation – Contractions during child birth
  • 15.
  • 16. The Thyroid Gland  Secretes two hormones that regulate metabolic rate – Thyroxine (T4) – contains four iodine atoms – Triiodothyronine (T3) – contains three iiodine atoms – Insufficient iodine impairs T3 and T4 synthesis
  • 17. The Parathyroid Gland  Primarily responsible for calcium homeostasis  Parathyroid hormone – Causes increased production of vitamin D and increased absorption of calcium in the intestine – Also causes resorption of calcium from the bones – Increased retention of calcium in the kidneys
  • 18. Regulation of the Thyroid Gland
  • 19. Clinical Indication Thyroid Hormones: Replacement or supplement in hypothyroidism of any cause  cretinism- mental & physical retardation in  children with chronic untreated hypothyroidism  nontoxic goiter in adults  myxedema in adults
  • 20. Thyroid Hormones Hormones (proteins) secreted from the thyroid gland include:  Triiodothyronine (T3)  Thyroxine (T4)  and Thyrocalcitonin TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)  Is secreted from the anterior pituitary gland in response to changes in the blood levels of T3 and T4  Triggers T3, T4 secretion from the thyroid gland
  • 21. T3, T4- concerned with muscle and nerve tissue growth • stimulates protein synthesis • increases the intestinal absorption of glucose • increases glycogen synthesis • mobilizes fatty acids • decreases serum cholesterol • increases BMR (basal metabolic rate) Thyroid Hormones
  • 22. Adverse Effects Related to Overdosing Symptoms are dose and time dependent and characteristic of hyperthyroidism and increase in sympathetic tone:  Mental confusion to psychotic behavior  Increased blood pressure  Increased heart rate  Diarrhea  Weight loss  Sweating  Menstrual irregularities  Tremors  Headache  Nervousness  Anginal episodes
  • 23. Cautions and Contraindications Thyroid hormone therapy  is contraindicated in patients with myocardial infarction  is not recommended for weight reduction in the management of obesity  should be used with caution in patients – With cardiovascular disease, diabetes, adrenal insufficiency – Who are elderly
  • 24. Antithyroid Drugs Clinical Indication Treatment of hypersecretory conditions of the thyroid in order to: inactivate overactive tissue inhibit production of T3 and T4
  • 25. Effects of Hypersecretion or Hyperthyroidism May be caused by tumors on the thyroid (thyrotoxic crisis), pituitary, or hypothalamus or Autoimmune disease (Grave’s Disease) – LATS (long-acting thyroid stimulating protein) not the same as TSH but same responses occur Symptoms are dose and time dependent and characteristic of hyperthyroidism especially increased sympathetic autonomic tone
  • 26. Antithyroid Drugs Mechanism of action Accumulate within the thyroid and destroy overactive tissue or inhibit the incorporation of iodine for production of T3 and T4  Radioactive Iodide (immediate onset)  Methimazone (requires time to see effect)  Propylthiouracil (requires time to see effect)
  • 27. Antithyroid Drugs Special Considerations & Contraindications  Cross the placenta and affect fetal thyroid development  Abrupt discontinuation of iodide may cause thyroid storm  Iodide should be discontinued if fever, rash, soreness in gums & teeth occur  Iodide-containing drugs are contraindicated in patients with pulmonary edema  Radioactive iodide is present in the saliva and urine 24 hours after dosing
  • 28. Calcium Homeostasis Parathyroid Hormones Calcium ions  Essential for neuromuscular and endocrine function  Serum levels strictly regulated by two polypeptide hormones – calcitonin (thyroid) – parathormone (parathyroid)
  • 29. Calcium Homeostasis Parathormone Stimulated when serum calcium levels are low Stimulates bone resorption to mobilize calcium Increases intestinal and renal reabsorption of calcium Calcitonin Stimulated when serum calcium levels are high Inhibits bone resorption No effect on the intestine or kidney Antagonizes parathormone
  • 30. Calcium Disorders & Treatment  Hypocalcemia Parathyroid damage during surgery Treatment: calcium salts and vitamin D  Hypercalcemia Neoplasms, multiple myeloma, renal dysfunction Treatment: diuretics to increase the renal clearance of calcium calcitonin and bisphosphonates
  • 31. Degenerative Bone Disease & Treatment  Osteoporosis Decreased bone mass Decreased mineral deposition Increased bone resorption Treatment: Bisphosphonates, estrogen  Paget’s Disease Hyperactive bone metabolism Fragile bone and microfractures Treatment: Calcitonin, bisphosphonates
  • 32. Bisphosphonates  Alendronate  Etidronate  Pamidronate Poorly absorbed, not metabolized, excreted in urine
  • 33. The Adrenal Glands  Adrenal medulla responsible for the hormonal fight or flight response  Adrenal medulla releases epinephrine (adrenaline) and small amounts of norepinephrine
  • 34. Fight or Flight Hormones  Increases breakdown of glycogen to glucose in the liver  Increase heart rate – Increases cardiac output to the tissues  Increases blood pressure  Increases metabolic rate in skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle and nervous tissue
  • 35. The Adrenal Cortex  Produces gluccocorticoids – Cortisol  Regulates blood glucose levels  Causes amino acids to be converted to glucose in the liver  Cortisol secreted in times of stress to maintain glucose and energy levels
  • 36. Clinical Indication Glucocorticoids Replacement therapy in adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s Disease) Interrupt moderate to severe pain associated with conditions of inflammation Mineralocorticoids Replacement therapy in adrenalectomy or adrenal tumors
  • 37. Glucocorticoids  Adrenal cortex secretes glucocorticoids  Typically referred to as steroids  Regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins  Demand for cortisol rises during stress and tissue repair (e.g. wound healing)  Produce and conserve glucose  Promote protein catabolism and gluconeogenesis  Some mineralocorticoid activity i.e., sodium retention
  • 38. Corticosteroids Source of steroids-natural & synthetic cortisone, hydrocortisone, prednisone, methylprenisolone, triamcinolone, betamethasone, dexamethasone Vary in duration of action and potency Antiinflammatory action stabilize cell membranes prevent edema Systemic use in patients with normal adrenal function arthritis, collagen disease, rheumatic disorders, respiratory disease, spinal cord injury Topical use for skin irritation, rashes, itching
  • 39. Corticosteroids Adverse Effects Associated with high doses and chronic use  Exaggeration of steroid symptoms of Cushing’s disease mood changes insomnia weight gain, obesity protein catabolism, muscle weakness, wasting osteoporosis decreased wound healing increased infections fat deposition, moon facies  Steroid addiction personality changes- “steroid psychosis” psychological dependency (falacy)
  • 40. Steroid Contraindications  Patients with systemic fungal infections  Local viral herpes infections  Topical application to the eyes or orbital area  Live virus vaccinations
  • 42.  The pancreas produces insulin and glucagon – The primary blood glucose regulatory hormones  Insulin produced in the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans  Glucagon produced in the alpha cells
  • 43. Insulin  The primary glucoregulatory hormone  Elevated in response to increased blood glucose or amino acids  Inhibited when blood glucose is low  Diabetes results from perturbed insulin metabolism
  • 44. Diabetes  Type 1- insulin dependent diabetes – The individual does not produce insulin  Type II- non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (adult onset) – The individual does not respond appropriately to insulin
  • 45. Clinical Indication Maintain circulating glucose levels sufficient to promote intracellular glucose transport and provide a source of energy for cells
  • 46. Pancreatic Endocrine Function The pancreas secrets two polypeptide hormones that regulate carbohydrate metabolism and blood glucose levels  Insulin Promotes glucose movement into cells and carbohydrate storage  Glucagon Increases glucose in the blood by stimulating glycogen breakdown
  • 47. Insulin & Glucagon Secretion Insulin is secreted by beta cells in response to elevated glucose levels • Mobilizes glucose into skeletal, heart, fat cells • Promotes storage of fat and protein Glucagon is secreted by alpha cells in response to low glucose levels • Stimulates glyocogenolysis (breakdown) • Mobilizes glucose into the circulation
  • 48. • Defect in beta cell function • Deficiency in insulin production and secretion • Type I DM is insulin dependent (juvenile diabetes) genetic predisposition • Type II DM relative insulin deficiency (maturity-onset) aging, improper diet, obesity Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
  • 49. Diabetes Mellitus Symptoms  Persistently high blood glucose levels  Spill over into high urine glucose (glycosuria)  Volume of water excreted (polyuria)  Dehydration and thirst  Excessive fluid intake (polydipsia)  Excessive food intake (polyphagia)  Fat breakdown produces ketosis  Neuropathy, retinal hemorrhage  Renal dysfunction  Atherosclerosis
  • 50. Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Correct the metabolic imbalance with diet adjustment and administration of  Insulins  Oral sulfonylureas acetohexamide, glipizide, glyburide, tolazamide, tolbutamide  Glucose absorption inhibitors acarbose, miglitol  Antihyperglycemic drugs Metformin, troglitazone
  • 51. Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Insulin (Type I, II DM)  Sources: animal or recombinant DNA  Onset of action varies with each insulin type  Provides single peak of glucose activity  Requires multiple daily doses  Injected 15 to 30 minutes before meals  Juice or sugar can reverse hypoglycemia  Salicylates, beta-blockers, MAOI potentiate insulin-induced hypoglycemia
  • 52. Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Oral sulfonylureas (oral hypoglycemics)  Type II DM only  Enter the beta cells and cause insulin release  Vary in onset and duration of action  Delay in onset related to absorption  Not a substitute for insulin  Prolonged action sustains hypoglycemia  Cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, diarrhea, weakness, fatigue, dizziness, hypersensitivity reactions (rash), elevated serum liver enzymes, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia & anemia
  • 53. Contraindications & Drug Interactions with Oral Hypoglycemics Contraindicated in patients:  With a known hypersensitivity  With complications of fever, ketoacidosis or coma  With liver or renal disease, peptic ulcers  Who are pregnant Drug Interactions occur because of  Protein binding displacement  Liver enzyme inhibition  Inhibition of glucose metabolism
  • 54. Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Glucose Absorption Inhibitors  Do not reduce blood glucose levels  Do not release insulin  Interfere with dietary carbohydrate digestion  Delay a peak in glucose absorption after meals  Are ingested with meals  Do not impair liver enzymes  Cause flatulence, diarrhea, and abdominal pain  Contraindicated in patients with ketoacidosis, impaired absorption, or hypersensitivity reaction
  • 55. Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Antihyperglycemic Drugs  Do not reduce blood glucose levels or release insulin  Keep glucose blood level from rising too fast  Decrease liver glucose production and intestinal glucose absorption  Promote smoother distribution of glucose to tissues  Causes diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and flatulence  May cause lactic acidosis leading to respiratory and cardiovascular distress  Contraindicated in patients with metabolic acidosis, renal disease or abnormal creatinine clearance
  • 56. The Testes and the Ovaries  The testes produce testosterone  The ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone
  • 57. Clinical Indication Female hormones Replacement therapy in hypogonadism and menopause, or fertility enhancement, and adjunctive therapy for cancer Prevent ovulation or implantation in the uterus Alleviate menstrual disorders in nonmenopausal women
  • 58. Female Sex Hormones Estrogens and Progestogens LH and FSH secreted from the anterior pituitary gland induce conditions for the secretion of estrogen and progesterone Estrogens secreted from developing cells in the ovaries stimulate • uterine lining and mammary glands • motility within the fallopian tubes • endometrium for implantation of a fertilized egg Progesterone secreted from the corpus luteum • completes development uterine lining for implantation • stimulates mammary ducts for lactation
  • 59. Pharmacological Actions Contraception Estrogen and progestogen combinations mimic the natural secretory cycle so that • FSH and LH secretions are suppressed • ovulation is blocked • cervical mucus is thickened decreasing the possibility of implantation Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Estrogens interact with receptors to reduce • hot flashes, sweating, muscle & joint aches that occur during menopause • bone resorption and turnover that decreases bone mineral density in osteoporosis • coronary artery disease by decreasing blood pressure, LDL- lipoproteins and insulin
  • 60. Estrogen and Progestogens Adverse Effects  Nausea  Vomiting  Headache  Dizziness  Irritability  Depression  Fluid retention  Breast tenderness  Weight gain  Thrombophlebitis (pain in legs, groin)  Double-vision
  • 61. Female Sex Hormones Contraindications Use in pregnant women or those with a history of Thrombophlebitis Liver disease Breast tumors Estrogen-dependent cancers Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding Special considerations Use in women with a history of Diabetes High blood pressure Seizure disorders
  • 62. Male Sex Hormones - Androgens Clinical Indication In men Replacement therapy in hypogonadism, delayed puberty, and impotence due to androgen deficiency In women Adjunctive therapy for inoperable breast cancer and postpartum breast engorgement
  • 63. Androgens Pharmacologic Action Anabolic action - Stimulate protein synthesis – Clinical benefit- Increase body weight and appetite – Nontherapeutic use- Increase muscle mass and enhance athletic performance Erythropoiesis-Stimulate production of RBCs – Clinical benefit- Reverse refractory anemia Inhibit tumor growth – Clinical benefit- reduce pain & swelling in women with fibrocystic breast disease
  • 64. Adverse Effects Men may develop Women may develop  Decreased sperm count Hirsutism  Increased breast tissue Menstrual irregularities  Sustained erection Acne  Tumors Deepening voice  Addiction syndrome Men and women  Jaundice  Nausea  Vomiting  Diarrhea  Retention of sodium and water Result from chronic high dose use
  • 65. Androgens Special Considerations and Contraindications Contraindications Men breast or prostate cancer Pregnant women- virilization of fetus Special considerations Blood glucose levels may fluctuate in diabetic patients Bruising and localized hemorrhages may increase in patients also receiving anticoagulants