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Dr. Maged Al Adrousy
Lecturer of psychiatry- Cairo university

 Bipolar disorder is an episodic, potentially
  life-long, disabling disorder that can be
  difficult to diagnose.
 known as Manic Depression, Results in
  pathological mood swings from mania to
  depression, These mood swings occur


 Bipolar Disorder
   200 CE First reports
   1654 Jean Pierre Falret
       “folie circulaire" (circular insanity)
       Familial illness
     1913 Emil Kraepelin
       Manic - Depressive
     1930’s ECT first used
     1949 Lithium first used
     1950 Chlorpromazine first used
     1952 Genetic link recognized
     1980 Bipolar Disorder term adopted
     1995 Depakote approved for BP
     2003 First atypical approved for BP
Types of Mood Disorders
                                  2%               MDD
    Major Depressive Disorder
                                                   BP I
    Dysthymic Disorder
                                                   BP II
    Bipolar Disorder Type I
    Bipolar Disorder Type II              86%
    Cyclothymic Disorder
    NOS
  Mixed Phase
  Rapid Cyclers                 33%               MDD
                                                   BP I
  Bipolar Spectrum (BPS)                    50%
                                                   BP II
                                  15% 2%
 Bipolar disorder is a cyclical mood disorder
 Abnormally elevated mood or irritability
  alternates with depressed mood
     bipolar I – at least one manic or mixed episode
     bipolar II – at least one major depressive episode
     and at least one hypomanic episode
     Cyclothymia = hypomania with “minor” depression
     “Bipolar spectrum” = Depression + other complexities
     Bipolar NOS or Mood DO NOS
Structure of a Recurrent


Underlying illness
Spectrum of Illness Course

Episodic                                                                Unstable
Purely episodic course:                         Radical mood instability:
-interepisode stability                         -’interepisode’ instability
-no mixed states                                -mixed states
-infrequent episodes                            -frequent episodes
-good recovery                                  -incomplete recovery
-low incidence of complications                 -high incidence of complications
                                                -early onset
                                                -stronger genetic loading?

         Course of illness dictates response strategies for the acute episode
                  Highly inflated or grandiose self-esteem
    Decreased need for sleep, or rested after only a few hours of sleep
                              Pressured speech
                    Racing thoughts and flight of ideas
                Easy distractibility, failure to keep attention
                      Increased goal-directed activity
  High excess involvement in pleasurable activities (sex, travel, spending
General criteria for a manic episode require a period of elevated, expansive,
or irritable mood that lasts 1 week or requires hospitalization. A general
medical condition and substance abuse must be ruled out before these
symptoms are considered mania.
Manic Episode:
Differential Diagnoses
 Differential diagnosis       Consider if . . .
   Mood disorder due to a   Major medical condition present
   general medical
   condition                First episode at >50 years of age
                            Symptoms in context of intoxication
   Substance-induced        or withdrawal
   mood disorder            History of treatment for depression
                            Mood disturbance not severe
   Hypomanic episode        enough to require hospitalization
                            or impair functioning

   Mixed episode            Manic episode and MDE in 1 week
Manic Episode:
Differential Diagnoses (cont.)
     Differential diagnosis                Consider if . . .

    AD/HD                                  Early childhood mood disturbance onset

                                           Chronic rather than episodic course

                                           No clear onsets and offsets

                                           No abnormally elevated mood

                                           No psychotic features

   American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
   (DSM-IV). 4th ed. 1994.
Major Depressive Episode:
DSM-IV Criteria
 Depressed mood and/or loss of interest
  or pleasure ≥ 2 weeks duration
 Associated symptoms
   Physical: insomnia/hypersomnia, appetite/weight
    change, decreased energy, psychomotor change
   Psychological: feelings of guilt or worthlessness,
    poor concentration/indecisiveness, thoughts
    of death/suicidal intentions (SI)
…and ≥4 of the following symptoms

 Physical             Psychological
   Sleep disorder       Low self
   Appetite change       esteem/guilt
                         Poor concentration/
   Fatigue
   Psychomotor
                         Thoughts of death/SI
Mixed Episode: Diagnostic
 Criteria met for both manic episode + MDE
  for ≥1 week
 Symptoms
   Are sufficient to impair functioning
   Necessitate hospitalization
   Are accompanied by psychotic features
 Peak age of onset: adolescence through early 20s
   Onset of first manic episode after age 40 years is
      “red flag” to consider substance use or general
      medical condition
 Lifetime suicide rates range from 10% to 15%
 Seasonal variation
   Depression more common in spring and autumn
   Mania more common in summer
Bipolar Disorders:
Characteristics   BPD I   BPD II

Prevalence        ≤1.6%   0.5%

differential      None    None

differential      M=F     F›M (?)
Bipolar Disorders: Epidemiology
 Characteristics         BPD I                BPD II
   Course           Recurrent in >90%    Hypomanic episodes in
                    of cases             BPD II immediately
                                         precede or follow MDEs
                                         in 60% to
                                         70% of cases

                    First-degree         First-degree relatives
   Familial pattern relatives have       may have increased
                    increased rates of   rates of BPD I, BPD II,
                    BPD I, BPD II, and   and MDD
Diagnostic Dilemmas:
Unipolar Versus Bipolar

               No evidence of hypomania,
   Unipolar    cyclothymia, hyperthymic personality,
               or family history of BPD
               ≥1 manic episode
   BPD I       Recurrent major depression with
   BPD II      hypomania and/or cyclothymic

               Recurrent major depression without
   BPD NOS     spontaneous hypomania but often with
               hyperthymic temperament
               and/or family history of BPD
Bipolar vs unipolar
  Cyclothymic disorder is
   a recurrent, chronic,
   mild form of bipolar
   disorder in which mood
   typically oscillates
   between hypomania
   and dysthymia.
  If a manic episode or
   depressive episode is
   cyclothymic disorder is
   not diagnosed.  
        EPIDEMIOLOGY                             ETIOLOGY
     The lifetime prevalence of       Genetic and familial studies reveal
cyclothymic disorder is 0.4% to 1%.    an association with other mood
The rate appears equal in men and
  women, although women are
   usually more likely to seek
 Cyclothymic disorder is a milder form of bipolar
  disorder consisting of recurrent mood
  disturbances between hypomania and
  dysthymic mood.
 A single episode of hypomania is sufficient
  enough to diagnose cyclothymic disorder,
  although most individuals also have dysthymic
 Cyclothymic disorder is never diagnosed when
  there is a history of mania, major depressive
  episode, or mixed episode.

 Evidence for heritability is much stronger for
  bipolar than for unipolar disorders
 Specific genetic association has not been
  consistently replicated
 Family Studies- First degree relatives are 8 to 18
  times more likely to have Bipolar I
 2 to 10 times to have MDD.

 Risk is 25% if one parent has illness, and 50% to
  75% with both parents affected

 The majority of individuals with bipolar disorder
  have a positive family history of some type of
  mood disorder

 About 50% of all bipolar I patients have at least
  one parent with a mood disorder

 Prevalence of bipolar disorder in adopted away
  offspring corresponds to rates in biological, but
  not adoptive relatives

 Twin Studies- Concordance rate in MZ twins
  is 33 to 90%, in DZ is 5 to 25%
Genetic Polymorphism
 A functional polymorphism is a genetic variant
  that appears in at least 1% of a population and
  alters the biological functioning of the individual
 Some types of polymorphisms in Mood
   Serotonin transporter
   Serotonin 2A receptor
   MTHF reductase
   Catachol -o- methyl tranferase (COMT)
   Tyrosine hydroxylase
   Cytochrome P450 metabolism of medications
Biological factors

 Dysregulation in levels catecholamines (++
    levels of dopamine and norepinephrine).
   -- levels of serotonoine ??
   Neuroendocrinal factors:
•   HPA axis (cortisol hypersecreation) may
    affect BDNF.
•   Throid dysfucntion.
   EEG changes (kindling model)
   Degenerative structural brain changes.
Psychosocial factors

 Life time events.
 Behavioral models .
 Psychological theories.
Impact of BD
 Higher rates of mortality from other medical conditions
 Increased substance abuse risk
 Lifetime suicide attempt risk (.02% in general populatio
    Bipolar Disorder Type I – 17%
    Bipolar Disorder Type II – 24%
    90% of completed suicides can be traced back to a
     Mood Disorder
 High rates of cognitve defeicets affecting Working
  memory Sustained attention, Abstract reasoning,
  Visuomotor skills, Verbal memory, Verbal fluency,
  Cognitive flexibility
A- psychopharmacology

 Mood stabilizers
 Atypical antipsychotics.
 Benzodiazepines.
 Channel blockers.
 Others
 Combination therapy is more effective than
Mood stabilizers

 Lithium
 Conventional anti-epileptics as
  carbamazepine and Na valproate.
 New anti-epileptics lamotrigene
  gababentine, and topiramate
What Exactly Is a Mood
 • Some authorities suggest 2 out of 3 of the
   following properties:
   – Antimanic, antidepressive, prophylactic
 • Other experts are more stringent—requiring:
   – Treatment of acute mania,
   – Treatment of acute depression, AND
   – Prevention of recurrent mania and depression
   – Dosen’t ppt mania or depression.
 • Lithium remains the gold standard

   Widely recommended treatment for
    Bipolar Disorder
   60-80% success in reducing acute manic
    and hypomanic states
   However… issues in non-compliance to
    take medication, side effects, and relapse
    rate with its use are being examined in
    terms of being the best option

   Peak blood levels reached in 3 hrs, fully
      absorbed in 8 hrs
     Absorbed rapidly and completely orally
     Efficacy correlates with blood levels
     Crosses blood-brain barrier slowly and
     Usually taken as a single daily dose
Kinetics Cont.

   Approx. 2 wks to reach a steady state
    within the body
   ½ of oral dose excreted in 18-24 hrs,rest
    within 1-2 wks
   Recommended 0.8-1.2 mEq/L, optimum
    would be 0.6-0.8 mEq/L, with 2 mEq/L
    displaying toxicity .
   Monovalent ion not metabolized in liver,
    excreted by the kidney.
   No psychotropic effect on non-Bipolars
   Affects nerve membranes, multiple receptor
    systems and intracellular 2nd messenger
    impulse transduction systems.
   Interacts with serotonin
   Potential to regulate CNS gene expression,
    stabilizing neurons w/ associated multiple
    gene expression change.
How does a simple ion do all of
   Even as a simple ion, it has complex
    effects on multiple transmitter systems
    and mood stabilizing attributes

   This is due to a latter effect reducing a
    neuron’s response to synaptic input, and
    therefore stabilizing the membrane
Side Effects and Toxicity
   Relate to plasma concentration levels, so
    constant monitoring is key
   Higher concentrations ( 1.0 mEq/L and up
    produce bothersome effects, higher than 2
    mEq/L can be serious or fatal
   Symptoms can be neurological,
    gastrointestinal, enlarged thyroid, rash,
    weight gain, memory difficulty, kidney
    disfunction, cardiovascular
   Not advised to take during pregnancy, affects
    fetal heart development
Side effects of Li

1. GIT symptoms (diarrhea intially)
2. Hypokalaemia…….cardiotoxic.
3. Polyuria and D.insipius (ADH).
4. Tremors.
5. Epileptogenic.
6. Teratogenic.
7. hypothyroidism
8. Li toxicity may occure (ttt?)
Na valproate

 Tab 200mg and 500 mg
 Dose 50-150 mg%
 Best for rapid-cycling and acute-mania
 Actions: through GABA potentiation, Ca
 channel blockade, Na channel blockade,
 glutamat antagonist.
 Side effects
2. Hepatotoxic.
3. Wt gain
4. Hair loss.
5. GIT symptoms.
6. Tremors and sedation
7. Neural tube defects
 Tab 200mg 400 mg
 Dose 5-15 µg/L
 Action similar to valproate.
 Superior to lithium for rapid-cycling, regarded
  as a second-line treatment for mania
 Correlation between therapeutic and plasma
  levels (estimated between 5-10 Mg/L)
 Side effects:
7. Agranulocytosis
8. Skin reaction
9. Teratogenic
10.Liver enzyme induction
   Primarily an anti-convulsant, yet also “off
      label,” or without FDA approval for treatment
      of Bipolar and many other anxiety, behavioral
      and substance abuse problems, possibly pain
     GABA analogue
     not bound to plasma proteins, not
      metabolized, few drug interactions
     Half-Life is 5-7 hours
     Side Effects include
      sleepiness,dizziness,ataxia and double vision

   Reported effective with Bipolar,
      Borderline Personality, Schizoaffective,
      Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders
     98% of administered drug reaches
     Half-Life is 26 hrs.
     Inhibits neuronal excitability and
      modifies synaptic plasticity
     Side Effects may include dizziness,
      tremor, headache, nausea, and rash
Topiramate and Tiagabine

   Two newer anti-convulsants that have
   potential for use in the treatment of
   Bipolar disorder
Anticonvulsants: Efficacy in
 Probably effective:
   Lamotrigine, CBZ, oxycarbazepine, valproate

 Possibly effective:
   Gabapentin, zonisamide, phenytoin,

 Ineffective/problematic:
   Topiramate, tiagabine, vigabatrin
Calcium Channel Blockers
 Modulate transmitter release & plasticity

 Most not consistently effective, possibly due to
  inconsistent uptake into brain

 Nimodipine reported effective in rapid-cycling,
  including refractory & ultra-rapid
Atypical Anti-psychotics

   Risperidone seems more anti-depressant
    than anti-psychotic
   Clozapine is effective, yet not readily
    used due to potential serious side effects
   Olanzapine is approved for short-term
    use in acute mania
   Quatiapine is now approved as a broad
    spectrum medication in BD esp (Bipolar
Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors

   Potentiating the action of acetylcholine
    may exert relief from mania
   This potentiation is the result of
    inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholine
Omega-3 Fatty Acids

   Obtained from plant or marine sources

   Known to dampen neuronal signaling
    transduction systems in a variety of cell

   Being investigated as a treatment for
    Bipolar Disorder
Three Phases of Treatment

   Episode         Continuation              Maintenance

0-2 months       2-12 months                   Indefinite
Symptomatic      Functional                    Stability/adaptive

 Each phase has specific goals
 Each phase has specific pharmacological and nonpharmacological rx
 Treatment must be harmonized across phases
   Reports of effectiveness in mania, depression, &
    refractory mixed states
   Bilateral generally more effective
   Continuation ECT may prolong recovery;
 Transcranial magnetic stimulation
 Psychotherapy : May include cognitive
  behavioral, psychodynamically oriented, family,
  couples, interpersonal, and self-help group
Thank you

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Bipolar disorder

  • 1. By Dr. Maged Al Adrousy Lecturer of psychiatry- Cairo university
  • 2. introduction  Bipolar disorder is an episodic, potentially life-long, disabling disorder that can be difficult to diagnose.  known as Manic Depression, Results in pathological mood swings from mania to depression, These mood swings occur spontaneously.
  • 4. History  Bipolar Disorder  200 CE First reports  1654 Jean Pierre Falret  “folie circulaire" (circular insanity)  Familial illness  1913 Emil Kraepelin  Manic - Depressive  1930’s ECT first used  1949 Lithium first used  1950 Chlorpromazine first used  1952 Genetic link recognized  1980 Bipolar Disorder term adopted  1995 Depakote approved for BP  2003 First atypical approved for BP
  • 5. Types of Mood Disorders 10% 2%  DSM IV 2% MDD  Major Depressive Disorder BP I  Dysthymic Disorder BP II  Bipolar Disorder Type I NOS  Bipolar Disorder Type II 86%  Cyclothymic Disorder  NOS  Mixed Phase  Rapid Cyclers 33% MDD BP I  Bipolar Spectrum (BPS) 50% BP II BPS 15% 2%
  • 6.  Bipolar disorder is a cyclical mood disorder  Abnormally elevated mood or irritability alternates with depressed mood bipolar I – at least one manic or mixed episode bipolar II – at least one major depressive episode and at least one hypomanic episode Cyclothymia = hypomania with “minor” depression “Bipolar spectrum” = Depression + other complexities  Bipolar NOS or Mood DO NOS
  • 7. Structure of a Recurrent Illness Precipitant Episode Underlying illness
  • 8. Spectrum of Illness Course Episodic Unstable Purely episodic course: Radical mood instability: -interepisode stability -’interepisode’ instability -no mixed states -mixed states -infrequent episodes -frequent episodes -good recovery -incomplete recovery -low incidence of complications -high incidence of complications -early onset -stronger genetic loading? Course of illness dictates response strategies for the acute episode
  • 9. DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR MANIC EPISODES THREE TO FOUR OF THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA ARE REQUIRED DURING THE ELEVATED MOOD PERIOD Highly inflated or grandiose self-esteem Decreased need for sleep, or rested after only a few hours of sleep Pressured speech Racing thoughts and flight of ideas Easy distractibility, failure to keep attention Increased goal-directed activity High excess involvement in pleasurable activities (sex, travel, spending money) General criteria for a manic episode require a period of elevated, expansive, or irritable mood that lasts 1 week or requires hospitalization. A general medical condition and substance abuse must be ruled out before these symptoms are considered mania.
  • 10. Manic Episode: Differential Diagnoses Differential diagnosis Consider if . . . Mood disorder due to a Major medical condition present general medical condition First episode at >50 years of age Symptoms in context of intoxication Substance-induced or withdrawal mood disorder History of treatment for depression Mood disturbance not severe Hypomanic episode enough to require hospitalization or impair functioning Mixed episode Manic episode and MDE in 1 week
  • 11. Manic Episode: Differential Diagnoses (cont.) Differential diagnosis Consider if . . . AD/HD Early childhood mood disturbance onset Chronic rather than episodic course No clear onsets and offsets No abnormally elevated mood No psychotic features American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). 4th ed. 1994.
  • 12. Major Depressive Episode: DSM-IV Criteria  Depressed mood and/or loss of interest or pleasure ≥ 2 weeks duration  Associated symptoms  Physical: insomnia/hypersomnia, appetite/weight change, decreased energy, psychomotor change  Psychological: feelings of guilt or worthlessness, poor concentration/indecisiveness, thoughts of death/suicidal intentions (SI)
  • 13. …and ≥4 of the following symptoms  Physical  Psychological  Sleep disorder  Low self  Appetite change esteem/guilt  Poor concentration/  Fatigue indecisiveness  Psychomotor  Thoughts of death/SI retardation
  • 14. Mixed Episode: Diagnostic Criteria  Criteria met for both manic episode + MDE for ≥1 week  Symptoms  Are sufficient to impair functioning or  Necessitate hospitalization or  Are accompanied by psychotic features
  • 15. Epidemiology  Peak age of onset: adolescence through early 20s  Onset of first manic episode after age 40 years is “red flag” to consider substance use or general medical condition  Lifetime suicide rates range from 10% to 15%  Seasonal variation  Depression more common in spring and autumn  Mania more common in summer
  • 16. Bipolar Disorders: Epidemiology Characteristics BPD I BPD II Prevalence ≤1.6% 0.5% Ethnic/racial differential None None Gender differential M=F F›M (?)
  • 17. Bipolar Disorders: Epidemiology Characteristics BPD I BPD II Course Recurrent in >90% Hypomanic episodes in of cases BPD II immediately precede or follow MDEs in 60% to 70% of cases First-degree First-degree relatives Familial pattern relatives have may have increased increased rates of rates of BPD I, BPD II, BPD I, BPD II, and and MDD MDD
  • 18. Diagnostic Dilemmas: Unipolar Versus Bipolar No evidence of hypomania, Unipolar cyclothymia, hyperthymic personality, or family history of BPD ≥1 manic episode BPD I Recurrent major depression with BPD II hypomania and/or cyclothymic temperament Recurrent major depression without BPD NOS spontaneous hypomania but often with hyperthymic temperament and/or family history of BPD
  • 20. BD II
  • 21. CYCLOTHYMIC DISORDER  Cyclothymic disorder is a recurrent, chronic, mild form of bipolar disorder in which mood typically oscillates between hypomania and dysthymia.  If a manic episode or depressive episode is experienced, cyclothymic disorder is not diagnosed. ic2.gif
  • 22. CYCLOTHYMIC DISORDER EPIDEMIOLOGY ETIOLOGY The lifetime prevalence of Genetic and familial studies reveal cyclothymic disorder is 0.4% to 1%. an association with other mood disorders The rate appears equal in men and women, although women are usually more likely to seek treatment
  • 23. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF CYCLOTHYMIC DISORDER  Cyclothymic disorder is a milder form of bipolar disorder consisting of recurrent mood disturbances between hypomania and dysthymic mood.  A single episode of hypomania is sufficient enough to diagnose cyclothymic disorder, although most individuals also have dysthymic periods.  Cyclothymic disorder is never diagnosed when there is a history of mania, major depressive episode, or mixed episode.
  • 25. Heritability  Evidence for heritability is much stronger for bipolar than for unipolar disorders  Specific genetic association has not been consistently replicated
  • 26. EVIDENCE FOR HERITABILITY OF BIPOLAR DISORDER  Family Studies- First degree relatives are 8 to 18 times more likely to have Bipolar I  2 to 10 times to have MDD.  Risk is 25% if one parent has illness, and 50% to 75% with both parents affected
  • 27. FAMILY STUDIES  The majority of individuals with bipolar disorder have a positive family history of some type of mood disorder  About 50% of all bipolar I patients have at least one parent with a mood disorder
  • 28. ADOPTION STUDIES  Prevalence of bipolar disorder in adopted away offspring corresponds to rates in biological, but not adoptive relatives  Twin Studies- Concordance rate in MZ twins is 33 to 90%, in DZ is 5 to 25%
  • 29. Genetic Polymorphism  A functional polymorphism is a genetic variant that appears in at least 1% of a population and alters the biological functioning of the individual  Some types of polymorphisms in Mood Disorders  Serotonin transporter  Serotonin 2A receptor  MTHF reductase  Catachol -o- methyl tranferase (COMT)  Tyrosine hydroxylase  Cytochrome P450 metabolism of medications
  • 30. Biological factors  Dysregulation in levels catecholamines (++ levels of dopamine and norepinephrine).  -- levels of serotonoine ??  Neuroendocrinal factors: • HPA axis (cortisol hypersecreation) may affect BDNF. • Throid dysfucntion.  EEG changes (kindling model)  Degenerative structural brain changes.
  • 31. Psychosocial factors  Life time events.  Behavioral models .  Psychological theories.
  • 32. Impact of BD  Higher rates of mortality from other medical conditions  Increased substance abuse risk  Lifetime suicide attempt risk (.02% in general populatio  Bipolar Disorder Type I – 17%  Bipolar Disorder Type II – 24%  90% of completed suicides can be traced back to a Mood Disorder  High rates of cognitve defeicets affecting Working memory Sustained attention, Abstract reasoning, Visuomotor skills, Verbal memory, Verbal fluency, Cognitive flexibility
  • 34. A- psychopharmacology  Mood stabilizers  Atypical antipsychotics.  Benzodiazepines.  Channel blockers.  Others  Combination therapy is more effective than monotherapy
  • 35. Mood stabilizers  Lithium  Conventional anti-epileptics as carbamazepine and Na valproate.  New anti-epileptics lamotrigene gababentine, and topiramate
  • 36. What Exactly Is a Mood Stabilizer? • Some authorities suggest 2 out of 3 of the following properties: – Antimanic, antidepressive, prophylactic • Other experts are more stringent—requiring: – Treatment of acute mania, – Treatment of acute depression, AND – Prevention of recurrent mania and depression – Dosen’t ppt mania or depression. • Lithium remains the gold standard
  • 37. Lithium  Widely recommended treatment for Bipolar Disorder  60-80% success in reducing acute manic and hypomanic states  However… issues in non-compliance to take medication, side effects, and relapse rate with its use are being examined in terms of being the best option
  • 38. Pharmacokinetics:  Peak blood levels reached in 3 hrs, fully absorbed in 8 hrs  Absorbed rapidly and completely orally  Efficacy correlates with blood levels  Crosses blood-brain barrier slowly and incompletely  Usually taken as a single daily dose
  • 39. Kinetics Cont.  Approx. 2 wks to reach a steady state within the body  ½ of oral dose excreted in 18-24 hrs,rest within 1-2 wks  Recommended 0.8-1.2 mEq/L, optimum would be 0.6-0.8 mEq/L, with 2 mEq/L displaying toxicity .  Monovalent ion not metabolized in liver, excreted by the kidney.
  • 40. Pharmacodynamics  No psychotropic effect on non-Bipolars  Affects nerve membranes, multiple receptor systems and intracellular 2nd messenger impulse transduction systems.  Interacts with serotonin  Potential to regulate CNS gene expression, stabilizing neurons w/ associated multiple gene expression change.
  • 41. How does a simple ion do all of this?  Even as a simple ion, it has complex effects on multiple transmitter systems and mood stabilizing attributes  This is due to a latter effect reducing a neuron’s response to synaptic input, and therefore stabilizing the membrane
  • 42. Side Effects and Toxicity  Relate to plasma concentration levels, so constant monitoring is key  Higher concentrations ( 1.0 mEq/L and up produce bothersome effects, higher than 2 mEq/L can be serious or fatal  Symptoms can be neurological, gastrointestinal, enlarged thyroid, rash, weight gain, memory difficulty, kidney disfunction, cardiovascular  Not advised to take during pregnancy, affects fetal heart development
  • 43. Side effects of Li 1. GIT symptoms (diarrhea intially) 2. Hypokalaemia…….cardiotoxic. 3. Polyuria and D.insipius (ADH). 4. Tremors. 5. Epileptogenic. 6. Teratogenic. 7. hypothyroidism 8. Li toxicity may occure (ttt?)
  • 44. Na valproate  Tab 200mg and 500 mg  Dose 50-150 mg%  Best for rapid-cycling and acute-mania  Actions: through GABA potentiation, Ca channel blockade, Na channel blockade, glutamat antagonist.
  • 45.  Side effects 2. Hepatotoxic. 3. Wt gain 4. Hair loss. 5. GIT symptoms. 6. Tremors and sedation 7. Neural tube defects
  • 46. carbamazepine  Tab 200mg 400 mg  Dose 5-15 µg/L  Action similar to valproate.  Superior to lithium for rapid-cycling, regarded as a second-line treatment for mania  Correlation between therapeutic and plasma levels (estimated between 5-10 Mg/L)  Side effects: 7. Agranulocytosis 8. Skin reaction 9. Teratogenic 10.Liver enzyme induction
  • 47. Gabapentin  Primarily an anti-convulsant, yet also “off label,” or without FDA approval for treatment of Bipolar and many other anxiety, behavioral and substance abuse problems, possibly pain disorders  GABA analogue  not bound to plasma proteins, not metabolized, few drug interactions  Half-Life is 5-7 hours  Side Effects include sleepiness,dizziness,ataxia and double vision
  • 48. Lamotrigine  Reported effective with Bipolar, Borderline Personality, Schizoaffective, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders  98% of administered drug reaches plasma  Half-Life is 26 hrs.  Inhibits neuronal excitability and modifies synaptic plasticity  Side Effects may include dizziness, tremor, headache, nausea, and rash
  • 49. Topiramate and Tiagabine  Two newer anti-convulsants that have potential for use in the treatment of Bipolar disorder
  • 50. Anticonvulsants: Efficacy in BD  Probably effective:  Lamotrigine, CBZ, oxycarbazepine, valproate  Possibly effective:  Gabapentin, zonisamide, phenytoin, levetiracetam  Ineffective/problematic:  Topiramate, tiagabine, vigabatrin
  • 51. Calcium Channel Blockers  Modulate transmitter release & plasticity  Most not consistently effective, possibly due to inconsistent uptake into brain  Nimodipine reported effective in rapid-cycling, including refractory & ultra-rapid
  • 52. Atypical Anti-psychotics  Risperidone seems more anti-depressant than anti-psychotic  Clozapine is effective, yet not readily used due to potential serious side effects  Olanzapine is approved for short-term use in acute mania  Quatiapine is now approved as a broad spectrum medication in BD esp (Bipolar depression).
  • 53. Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors  Potentiating the action of acetylcholine may exert relief from mania  This potentiation is the result of inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholine esterase
  • 54. Omega-3 Fatty Acids  Obtained from plant or marine sources  Known to dampen neuronal signaling transduction systems in a variety of cell systems  Being investigated as a treatment for Bipolar Disorder
  • 55. Three Phases of Treatment Episode Continuation Maintenance 0-2 months 2-12 months Indefinite Symptomatic Functional Stability/adaptive Each phase has specific goals Each phase has specific pharmacological and nonpharmacological rx Treatment must be harmonized across phases
  • 56. Nonpharmacologic Treatments  ECT  Reports of effectiveness in mania, depression, & refractory mixed states  Bilateral generally more effective  Continuation ECT may prolong recovery; maintenance?  Transcranial magnetic stimulation  Psychotherapy : May include cognitive behavioral, psychodynamically oriented, family, couples, interpersonal, and self-help group therapies

Notas del editor

  1. The key differential diagnoses for manic episode, according to DSM-IV, are mood disorder due to a general medical condition, substance-induced mood disorder, hypomanic episode, mixed episode, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Mood disorder due to a general medical condition should be diagnosed if the patient has a mood disturbance that is judged, based on history (H/O), laboratory findings, or physical examination, to be the direct physiologic result of a general medical condition. Examples of medical conditions that may cause manic symptoms include multiple sclerosis, Cushing’s syndrome, and brain tumor. Onset of a first manic episode after age 50 years is an indication to consider a diagnosis of either mood disorder due to a general medical condition or substance-induced mood disorder. A substance-induced mood disorder is distinguished from a manic episode based on the finding that a substance—whether a medication, a recreational drug, or a toxin, is etiologically related to the mood disturbance. Note that manic symptoms precipitated by antidepressant therapy—medication, light therapy, or electroconvulsive therapy—should be diagnosed as substance-induced mood disorder, not mania. Hypomanic episode should be diagnosed if excitement symptoms are present but are not sufficient to meet the criteria for manic episode. Mixed episode should be diagnosed if the criteria for both manic episode and major depressive episode (MDE) are met nearly every day for at least 1 week. 10
  2. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and mania have several symptoms in common, including excessive psychomotor activity, impulsivity, impaired judgment, and denial of pathology. ADHD is discerned from manic episode by a chronic rather than episodic course, a lack of clear onsets and offsets of mood disturbance, the absence of abnormally elevated mood or psychotic features, and a history of (H/O) early-childhood onset (prior to the age of 7 years). Although it is important to be able to differentiate the two, it is important to note that ADHD can coexist with bipolar disorder. Eating disorders, panic attacks, borderline personality disorder, ADHD, and compulsive behavior may be signs of bipolar disorder among other psychologic syndromes. 11
  3. A mixed episode consists of at least 1 week during which criteria for both a manic episode and a major depressive episode (MDE) are met nearly every day. Mood tends to alternate rapidly between euphoria, sadness, and irritability. Symptoms must be sufficient to impair social or occupational functioning or to require hospitalization. Alternatively, hospitalization must be required. Common symptoms include agitation, appetite disturbance, insomnia, psychosis, and suicidal ideation. Relative to manic episodes, mixed episodes are more commonly characterized by dysphoria and disorganization; therefore, patients experiencing mixed episodes may be more likely to seek help than those experiencing purely manic episodes. Mixed episodes may be more common in younger and older persons with bipolar disorder and may be more likely to occur in male than in female individuals. 16
  4. The peak age of onset for bipolar disorders is adolescence through early 20s. Approximately one fourth of first episodes occur before the age of 20 years. Onset of a first manic episode after the age of 40 years should signal substance use or a general medical condition as the possible cause of the symptoms. Seasonal variation of episodes have been noted in some patients. Depression appears to be more common in the spring, specifically, March through May, and in the autumn, specifically, in September through November. Manic episodes appear to be more common in the summer months. 3
  5. Although estimates vary, data from community samples estimate the lifetime prevalence of bipolar I disorder (BPD I) at up to 1.6%. The lifetime prevalence of bipolar II disorder (BPD II) alone is approximately 0.5%. There is no apparent differential incidence of bipolar disorder based on race or ethnicity. However, there is some evidence of a greater tendency to overdiagnose schizophrenia instead of bipolar disorder in some ethnic groups. BPD I is believed to be equally common in men and women. BPD II, on the other hand, may be more common in women. In men with bipolar disorder, the first episode is likely to be manic; in women, the first episode is likely to be depressive. 1
  6. Bipolar I disorder (BPD I) is recurrent in more than 90% of cases. Approximately 60% to 70% of manic episodes occur immediately before or after a major depressive episode (MDE). Each individual tends to develop a pattern in which manic and depressive episodes precede and follow each other. In the absence of treatment, individuals with BPD I will suffer an average of 4 episodes in a 10-year period. In the case of bipolar II disorder (BPD II), approximately 60% to 70% of hypomanic episodes occur immediately before or after an MDE. Both BPD I and BPD II show tendencies to run in families, although this tendency is more evident in BPD I. First-degree biological relatives of individuals with BPD I have increased rates of BPD II and major depressive disorder (MDD), and twin and adoption studies provide convincing evidence of genetic predisposition. Some studies also suggest that first-degree relatives of individuals with BPD II have increased rates of BPD II, BPD I, and MDD. 2
  7. In the clinical setting, bipolar depression can be difficult to distinguish from unipolar depression. In a recent study, 48 consecutively admitted patients diagnosed with bipolar I disorder (BPD I) (n=44) or schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type (n=4), were systematically interviewed using strict DSM-IV criteria, and their charts were reviewed to confirm preadmission diagnoses. In this sample, 43% of the patients (19 of 44 available patients), were found to have previously undiagnosed bipolar disorder; all had previously been believed to have unipolar major depression. It took an average of 7.5 years to establish an accurate diagnosis for these patients. Although some have criticized these criteria for being too narrow, this study shows that strict application of DSM-IV criteria can help clinicians distinguish unipolar depression from bipolar disorders. This slide summarizes some factors that may help differentiate these diagnoses. Evaluating patients’ interepisode personalities can be particularly helpful. Hyperthymic temperament is characterized by a hypomanic state at baseline; these patients have been described as cheerful, extroverted, and habitually short sleepers. Patients with cyclothymic personalities also have hypomanic baseline personalities, but their hypomania alternates with mildly depressive episodes that do not meet criteria for major depressive episode (MDE). The bottom line is that bipolar disorder should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with depression. H/O = history of. 17