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Dr. Nayan P. Joshi
Reader class-I
Ex.(H.O.D.) Panchakarma P.G./U.G.Department.
Govt. Akhandanand Ayurved
Bhadra, Ahmedabad. 12-07-2016
Guest lecture series By Himalaya Drug Co.
The peculiar color presentation of the patient has been described
by Acharyas the color of the patient is like the 'Ketaki-Raj' which is similar to
the combination color of white and pale yellow in a particular proportion.
As Charak Mahrshi Pandu is a Rashprdoshaja Vikara,as
basic samprapti, but its signs & symptoms present as raktadhatu related.
As per Modern science the various components of blood are
vitiate & involve for presentation of Anemia ,which is similer to Pandu .
Anemia  also spelled 
 anaemia and  anæmia; from Greek     
ναιμία ἀ anaimia, meaning lack of blood) 
is a decrease in number of red blood 
cells  (RBCs) or less than the normal 
quantity of hemoglobin  in the blood. 
Importance of Raktdhatu & Metabolism –As per Ayurved
Rasavahasrotas & Pranavahasrotas & Jivaniya Vyapar:
Whole Blood
Cellular Portion
45% Fluid Portion (55%)
Red blood cells (RBC)
or Erythrocytes, white
blood cells (WBC) or
Leukocytes, Platelets
or Thrombocytes
(7.1% -
(Dissolved in
Proteins (7%)
• Albumin
• Globulin
• Fibrinogen
• Prothrombin
(Immune bodies)
• Amylase
• Carbonic
• Phosphatases
• Lipases
• Esterases
• Proteases
• Transaminases
• Urea
• Uric acid
• Xanthine
• Creatinine
• Ammonia
• Amino acids
• Natural fats
• Sodium
• Potassium
• Calcium
• Copper
• Chlorine
• Flurine
• Iodine
• Sulphate
• Oxygen
• Carbon 
• Nitrogen
Anaemia can be defined as –
•A reduction in the oxygen transport capacity of the
•A reduction below normal limits of the total
circulating red cell mass.
•A reduction below normal in the volume of packed
red cells.
•A reduction in the hemoglobin concentration of the
RBC count : (Aprox.)-
In males : 5.5 million/Cumm.
In female : 4.5 million/Cumm.
Nomal Values
Mean corpuscular volume (M.C.V.) - This is the average volume of R.B.C.
Normal value of M.C.V. = 80-100 μ3
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (M.C.H.) – (This is the amount of hemoglobin present in average R.B.C.)
Normal value of MCH = 25-30 Pico- gram
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) - This is the amount of Hb present in 100 ml of RBC is
called MCHC.
Normal value of MCHC = 34.5 gm/100 ml of RBCs.
Life span - Average life of RBCs is about 120 days.
Erythropoiesis means production of red blood cells i.e. 
After birth, the main site of erythropoiesis is bone 
marrow. During early years of  life, all bones are filled 
up with active marrow. But by 20th year, only upper 
end  of long bones contain active red marrow.
Complete erythropoiesis occurs in 7 days.(seven stages)
1) Anoxia:O2 tension in tissues. This stimulates bone marrow for Erythropoiesis.
2) Diet :
Diet rich in essential amino acids for the synthesis of globin part of hemoglobin. 
3)Synthesis of DNA
4)Vitamins : 
Maturation of RBC.
                     Vit C, B6, B12, Nicotinic acid and folic acid 
(Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamine) –(Extrinsic factor)
Its poor absorption from  intestine by blood due to lack of intrinsic factor (I.F.) 
which is secreted   in gastric juice.(  Ranjakpitt- As per A.H.  Amashaya)
Vitamin B6 and C –    Both of these are helpful in erythropoiesis.
Vitamin C is helpful in Iron metabolism.
 5) Hormones : Certain endocrinal hormones induce erythropoiesis.
Metal : Effects erythropoiesis by affecting Hb synthesis
Hemoglobin is a red pigment of the blood, present in RBCs (adsorbed to the
lipid material of RBCs) and causes appearance of the blood to be red.
Normal Hb count : 14-18 gm/100 ml of blood.
Consist about 96% of total hemoglobin.
It is made up of simple protein, formed of four (2 pairs) polypeptide chains in
each Hb molecule.
HbA - in normal adults : 2 α-chains and 2 β-chains.
i) α - chains: each of which contains 141 amino acids.
ii) β - chains :each of which contains 146 amino acids.
Haem molecule is attached to the polypeptide chains.
HAEM:Haem is a metalloprotein in which metal is iron, Present in Ferrous
Iron is absorbed in the ferrous form in stomach, duodenum and jejunum.
mainly in the upper part of small intestine.
PURVARUPA As per Cha./ Su./ A.H./ M.N./ Bha. /Ha.
1. Avipaka 
3. Aruchi 
4. Alpavahnita
5. Angasada 
7. Hridspandaman
8.Mutra Pitata 
10. Panduta
11. Rukshata
12. Swedabhava 
13. Shrama 
14. Sthivanadhikya 
15. Twakasphutana 
16. Varchapittatvam
16. Kopana 
19. Medalpata 
21. Nisharata 
22. Ojagunakshaya 
25. Raktalpata 
26. Shishiradwesha 
27. Swasha 
28. Shirnalomata 
29. Sadana 
30. Shrama 
31. Shthivanadhikya 
32. Shithilendriya 
Five Types of Pandurog:-
M.N CH./8
The lakshanas of Vataja pandu according to Cha./Su. /A.H. /M.N. /Bha. /Ha.
7. Twakapitata
8. Netrapitata
9. Nakhapitata
12. Rukshanetrata
16. Kampa
17. Parshvaruka
20. Asayavairasya
21. Anaha
22. Shofa
26. Krishnavitaka
27. Arunavitaka
31.Rukshakrishnaruna Twak
Pittaja Pandu : As per LAKSHANA Cha. /Su. /A.H. /M.N. /Bha. /Ha.
kaphaja Pandu : As per LAKSHANA Cha. /Su. /A.H. /M.N. /Bha. /Ha.
All the symptoms of Vataja, Pittaja and Kaphaja Pandu (Cha. /Su. /A.H.)
Madhava and Bhavaprakasha described some
special symptoms of Tridoshaja
pandu and mentioned that this type of Pandu is
‘Asadhya’. ( M.N.8, B.P.Chi.8) The
symptoms of Tridoshaja pandu according to these
Acharays are Jwara, Arochaka,
Hrillasa, Chhardi, Trishna, Klama and the patient
becomes Kshina and Hatendriya.
1. Anananashopha
2. Akshikutashotha
3. Asyashotha
4. Arsha
5. Atisara
6. Balakshaya
7. Gandashotha
8. Krimikoshta
9. MehanaShotha
13. Padashotha
Complications ( Upadrava )
On the basis of various Hetus, Samprapti of Pandu can be
divided into two Parts-
1) Santarpanottha Pandu
2) Aptarpanottha Pandu
Cause of Anemia:-
Anemia is either caused essentially through two basic pathways
(1)by a decrease in production of red blood cell or hemoglobin.
(2)by a loss or destruction of blood.
Anemia results when the balance between production and destruction is disturbed
as follows
(A) Inadequate production of RBC in Marrow due to:
Lack of raw materials required for erythropoiesis.e.g. iron, B12, folic
(B) Depression of the bone marrow.e.g.chonic infections, chronic renal
failure,radiation, cytotoxic drugs,hypothyroidism, sensitivity reaction to drugs, or
viral infections, congenital.
(C) Infiltration of marrow by leukemia cells, fibrosis,metastasis, lymphoma,e.t.c.
( 2)Excessive Destruction of Red cells due to:
(A)Abnormality of hemoglobin molecule, e.g.various hemoglobinopathies and
(B)Deficiency of red cell enzymes: e.g. glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
Pyruvate kinase. Glutathione synthesis e.t.c.
(C) Abnormality of red cell membrane.
E.g. hereditary spherocytosis & non- sphyrocytosis hemolytic anemias
(D) Auto-immune hemolytic anemias.
A) Morphological classification :
This is based on the variation in average mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and
average Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC
1) Microcytic Hypochromic Anaemia :
Nutritional anaemia
Pyridoxine responsive anaemia
Post hemorrhagic anaemia Dys-erythropoietic anaemia
Thalassemia Lead poisoning
2) Microcytic Normochromic Anaemia :
Chronic infections
Malignant diseases
3) Normocytic- Normochromic Anaemia :
Aplastic Anaemia
Pure red cell aplasia
Chronic hepatic and renal diseases
Myeloproliferative disorders - Leukemia
Hemolytic anaemia : G-6-PD deficiency, hereditary spherocytosis,
Sickle cell anaemia
4) Normocytic- Hypochromic Anaemia :
Deficiency of iron through
- defective absorption.
- excessive demand i.e. infancy, puberty and pregnancy.
5) Macrocytic- Normochromic Anaemia :
Deficiency of haemopoietic factors like Vit B12, folic acid, Vit. C
and thyroxin.
Liver diseases.
6) Macrocytic- Hypochromic Anaemia :
Intense activity of the bone marrow as in hemolytic anemia,
thalassemia etc.
B) Etiological classification
1)Impaired production of RBC
a) Due to deficiency of substance essential for erythropoiesis :
b) For the complete formation of RBCs certain factors are necessary
as - Iron, Vitamin B12 (extrinsic factor), folic acid, Vitamin C,
Vitamin B6 etc.
a) Acute : - Trauma
b) Chronic :- Lesion of G.T. Tract –
Bleeding peptic ulcer,
bleeding piles
Gynecological disturbances.
a) Intrinsic (Intracorpuscular) abnormalities of Red cells –
Abnormal shape : - Spherocytosis
Abnormal Hb : - Sickle cell anaemia
B) Extrinsic (Extra corpuscular) abnormalities
Antibody mediated : -Transfusion reactions
Erythroblastosis faetalis
Drug associated
Mycoplasma infection
(c)Mechanical trauma to red cells:-
Thrombocytopenic purpura
Infection : , Malaria
Chemical injury : -Lead poisoning
Animal poison : - Snake venom
Clinical feature of Anaemia :
The development of clinical features in anemia depends upon following
factors –
1) Rate of development of anemia : Rapidly progressive anemia causes
more symptoms.
2) Severity of patient : Mild anemia produces no sign or symptoms but a
rapidly severe anemia (Hb below 6gm/dl) may produce significant clinical
3) Age of the patient : The young patients due to good cardiovascular
compensation tolerate anemia .
Elderly patients develop cardiac and cerebral symptoms more
prominently due to associated cardiovascular diseases.
1) Tiredness 11) Tinnitus
2) Easy fatigability 12) Drowsiness
3) Generalized muscular weakness 13) Tingling numbness
4) Lethargy 14) Amenorrhoea
5) Headache 15) Loss of libido
7) Confusion 16) Anorexia
8) Visual disturbances 17) Constipation
9) Dyspnoea on exertion 18) Weight loss
10) Faintness, giddiness 19) Palpitation
Signs :
1) Pallor - in mucous membranes (conjuctiva and skin)
2) Tachycardia
3) Collapsing pulse
4) Cardiomegaly (CCF)
5) Mid systolic flow murmur
6) Mild proteinuria
Iron deficiency anemia :-
Iron deficiency anemia is the most common form of anemia. Iron
is a key part of red blood cells.
Body normally gets iron through your diet and by re-using iron
from old red blood cells.
You lose more blood cells and iron than your body can replace or
does not absorbing iron. Your body is able to absorb iron, but you are not
eating enough foods with iron in them .Your body needs more iron than
normal (such as if you are pregnant or breastfeeding)
Iron loss can be due to bleeding. Common causes of bleeding are:
Heavy, long, or frequent menstrual periods. Cancer in the esophagus,
stomach, or colon, Esophageal varices.
The use of aspirin, ibuprofen, or arthritis medicines for a long
time .Peptic ulcer disease.
Due to Celiac disease -Crohn's disease -Gastric bypass
surgery. Taking too many antacids that contain calcium. You may not get
enough iron in the diet if You are a strict vegetarian .
No symptoms if the anemia is mild.
Most of the time, symptoms are mild at first and develop slowly.
Symptoms may include: Feeling grumpy, weak or tired more often than
usual, or with exercise.
Headaches, Problems concentrating or thinking , Blue color to the whites of
the eyes,
Brittle nails, Light-headedness when you stand up,
Pale skin color ,Shortness of breath
Atrophic glossitis, Angular stomatitis, Dysphasia.
Heavy menstrual bleeding (women).
Pain in the upper belly (from ulcers). Weight loss (in people with cancer
As per usaual. R.B.C. & Hb% reduced than normal
The peripheral smear will show red cells – Hypochromic &
In sever Anemia-Hb% less than 7gm.
Serum iron reduced(less than 50 mcg/dl) . Serum ferritin level is
Tests that may be done to look for the cause of iron
Fecal occult blood test
Upper endoscopy
Easily corrected with iron therapy.with oral or parenteral
rout. Mild to moderate iron deficiency anemia is treated by oral
iron supplementation with ferrous sulfate, ferrous fumarate,
or ferrous gluconate . (most often ferrous sulfate) are needed
to build up the iron stores in your body.
Hematocrit should return to normal after 2 months of iron
However, keep taking iron for another 6 - 12 months to replace
the body's iron stores in the bone marrow.
Iron-rich foods include:
Anemia is chercterised by an abnormal erythropoiesis resulting in
macrocytic anemia,usually occurs due to deficiency of folate and vitamin B12.
Causes of this type of anemia consists of- inadequate ingestion,
inadequate absorption& utilization, increased requirement & excreition or
destruction .
Folate-deficiency anemia:-
Folate, also called folic acid, is necessary for red blood cell formation and
growth. You can get folate by eating green leafy vegetables and liver.
The minimum daily requirement of folte is 50 to100ng for adult.Daily.
Require dose for pregnant woman is 400ng.In poor people there is
deficiency of B12 & folic acid.
The red cells are abnormally large. That is why this anemia can also be
called megaloblastic anemia .
Causes of this anemia :-
Certain Drugs:- phenytoin [Dilantin]
methotrexate, sulfasalazine, triamterene,
pyrimethamine, trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole, and
barbiturates. Chronic alcoholism, Crohn's disease, celiac disease,
tapeworm, or poor dietary intake & Poor absorption of folic acid.
surgeries that remove certain parts of your stomach or small
intestine, such as some weight-loss surgeries,
malignancy, hyperthyroidism.
The goal is to identify and treat the cause of the folate deficiency.
Folic acid supplements may be given by mouth (oral) or through a vein
(intravenous) on a short-term basis until the anemia has been corrected.
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin; Cyanocobalamin)deficiency Anemia
Vitamin B12, like the other B vitamins, is important for metabolism.It helps
in the formation of red blood cells and in the maintenance of the central nervous
Vitamin B12 is found in:- Eggs, Fortified foods such as soymilk, Meat, Milk
and milk products, Organ meats (liver and kidney), Poultry, Shellfish. The body
absorbs animal sources of vitamin B12 much better than plant sources. Non-animal
sources of vitamin B12 vary in their amount of B12.
Pernicious anemia (Macrocytic achylic anemia;)
Malabsorption of B12 due to lack gastric intrinsic factor.
A clinical feature is the neurological manifestations- paresthesia to severe
weakness and spasticity due to myelin degeneration of peripheral nerves and
posteriolateral colmns of the spinal cord.
There are symptoms like- Confusion or change in mental status (dementia)
in severe or advanced cases.Depression, Loss of balance. Numbness and tingling of
hands and feet. Serum vitamin B12 level is less than normal in blood.
Treatment :-
Monthly vitamin B12 injections are prescribed to correct the
vitamin B12 deficiency. This therapy treats the anemia and may correct the
neurological complications if taken early enough. In people with a severe
deficiency, the injections are given more often at first.
Preparation of vitamin B12 that may be given through the nose. For
some people, taking vitamin B12 tablets by mouth in a very high dose can be
an effective treatment.
A well-balanced diet is essential to provide other elements for
healthy blood cell development, such as folic acid, iron, and vitamin C.
Raktattipravartana Katikataruna marmavedha
Raktavahidhamniveda Raktarbuda
Upadravas of raktapitta
Raktapradara Raktakshaya-Yakritapliha vedha
Punaravartaka jwara Jeerna jwara
Grahani Raktarsha
Rajayakshama Swasa
Santarpanajanyaroga Rasapradoshaja roga
Hemolytic anemia
Hemolytic anemia is a condition in which there are not enough
red blood cells in the blood, due to the premature destruction of red
blood cells. There are a number of specific types of hemolytic anemia.
The defect may be in the red blood cell itself (intrinsic factors), or
outside the red blood cell (extrinsic factors).
Intrinsic factors are often present at birth (hereditary). They
include:-Abnormalities in the proteins that build normal red blood cells &
Extrinsic factors include:-Abnormal immune system responses,
Blood clots in small blood vessels, Certain infections, Side effects from
medications.There are some immunological disorders. some special
conditions-in new born child & paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria in
Chills, Dark urine, Enlarged spleen, Fatigue, Fever, Pale skin color
(pallor), Rapid heart rate, Shortness of breath, Yellow skin color(jaundice)
Tests :-
Absolute reticulocyte count,
Free hemoglobin in the serum or urine
Red blood cell count (RBC), hemoglobin, and hematocrit (HCT)
Serum indirect bilirubin levels
Coombs' test, indirect &direct test .
Peripheral blood smear, Platelet count, Protein electrophoresis-
serum, RBC indices, Serum creatinine,
Serum ferritin, Serum iron & potassium level.
G-6-PD deficiency; Hemolytic anemia due to G6PD deficiency;
Anemia - hemolytic due to G6PD deficiency
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency is a hereditary condition
in which red blood cells break down when the body is exposed to certain drugs or the
stress of infection.
Causes, incidence, and risk factors
G6PD deficiency occurs when a person is missing or doesn't have enough of an
enzyme called glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, which helps red
blood cells work properly.
Idiopathic aplastic anemia
Blood picture:–
Anemia+Leucopenia+ Thrombocytopenia.(congenital & acquired
Mostly Drug induced., some viral infections.
Idiopathic aplastic anemia
Idiopathic aplastic anemia is a condition in which the bone marrow fails to
properly make blood cells. Bone marrow is the soft, fatty tissue in the center of bones.
Causes, incidence, and risk factors
Aplastic anemia results from injury to the blood stem cells, immature cells in
the bone marrow that give rise to all of other blood cells types.
The injury causes a decrease in the number of every type of blood
cell in the body -- red cells, white cells, and platelets. Low numbers of red cells, white
cells, and platelets .
Aplastic anemia may also be caused by certain medical conditions (such as
pregnancy or lupus) or exposure to some toxins or drugs (including chemotherapy).
See: Secondary (acquired) aplastic anemia
In some cases, aplastic anemia is associated with another blood disorder called
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH).
Symptoms are the result of bone marrow failure and the loss of blood cell
Low red cell count (anemia) can cause:
Pallor (paleness)
Rapid heart rate
Shortness of breath with exercise
Low white cell count (leukopenia) causes an increased risk of infection.
Low platelet count (thrombocytopenia) results in bleeding, especially of
the mucous membranes and skin. Symptoms include:
Bleeding gums
Easy bruising
Frequent or severe infections
Nose bleeds
Rash--small pinpoint red marks on the skin (petechiae)
Mild cases of aplastic anemia may require no treatment.
Symptoms will be treated as appropriate.
In moderate cases, blood transfusions and platelet
transfusions will help correct the anemia and the risk of bleeding.
Severe aplastic anemia occurs when blood-cell counts are
very low, and is a life-threatening condition. Bone marrow
transplant or stem cell transplant is recommended for severe
disease in patients under age 40.
Bone marrow transplant has been successful in young
people, with long term survival rates of about 80%. Older people
have a survival rate of 40 - 70%.
Sickle cell anemia
Sickle cell anemia is a disease passed down through
families in which red blood cells form an abnormal crescent
shape. (Red blood cells are normally shaped like a disc.)
Sickle cell anemia is caused by an abnormal type
of hemoglobin called hemoglobin S.
causing deficient globin synthesis.there are two
types-by impaired production of polypeptide chains.
(1) Alpha(2)Beta types.
Acharya Charak has advocated both type of Snehan--Vahya as well
Snehnartha-Yoga :
1 Pancha-gavya Ghrit (Cha.Chi.10/18-24)
2 Maha-tikta Ghrit (Cha.Chi. 7/144-150)
3 Kalyanak Ghrit (Cha.Chi 9/35-41)
4 Dadimadi Ghrit (Cha.Chi. 16/44-46)
5 Katukadya Ghrit (Cha.Chi. 16/47-49)
6 Pathya Ghrit (Cha.Chi. 16/50)
7 Draksha Ghrit (Cha.Chi 16/52)
8 Haridradi Ghrit (Cha.Chi. 16/53)
9 Murvadya Ghrit (Chakradatta 8/54)
10 Rajni Ghrit (Vangsen Pandu 39)
11 Triphaladi Ghrit (Vangsen Pandu 39)
Avaleha used in Pandu :
1Darvyadi Leha (Ch.Chi.16/97)
2 Dhatrayvaleha (Ch.Chi.16/100-101)
3 Drakshadi Avleha (As.Hri.16/29-31)
4Manduradya Avaleha (Y.R.)
5 Triphaladya Avaleha (Y.R.)
Charak Sushruta(Asava-Arista)
1 Goudakarista
2 Bijakarista
3 Dhatryrishta
4 Abhyarishta
5 Madhavsav
6 Sharkarasav
7 Lohasav
Loha alone Loha in Yoga
1 Loha Bhasma
2 Shuddha Mandoor Churna
3 Tikshna Loha
4 Shuddha Kasis Bhasma
5 Suwarna Makshika
6 Shuddha Shilajit
7 Shuddha Gairik
8Navayas Churna
9 Tapyadi Loha
10 Punarnava Mandur
“NISHA LOHA VATI” ( Bhaishajya-ratnavali Pandu rogadhikara )
NAVAYAS LOHA VATI ( Charak samhita Pandurog chikitsa )
Ref. :- Bhaishajya – Ratnawali Adhikara :- Pandu Rogadhikara
01. Haritaki Terminalia Chebula 1 Part
02. Bibheetaki Terminalia belerica 1 Part
03. Amalaki Embelica Officinalis 1 Part
04. Haridra Curcuma Longa 1 Part
05. Daruharidra Berberis Aristata 1 Part
06. Kutaki Picrorhiza Kurroa 1 Part
07. Lauha Bhasma 6 Part
Thesis on Pandurog-2006 –Dr. Deepmala Patil
Guide-Dr. Nayan joshi
Thesis on Pandurog- Dr.M.N.Shaikh-2009
Guide-Dr.Nayan joshi
“V K TABLET” Modified reference of Ashtang hridaya1 and Rasatarangini2 for Pandurog chikitsa with comparison to
Dhatri Loha-23 as a control.
Ingredients :-
01. Vasa Adhatoda Vasika 1 Part
02. Kasis bhasma ------- 3 Part
03. Haritaki Termanalia chebula 1 Part
04. Bibheetaki Terminalia belerica 1 Part
05. Amalaki Embelica Officinalis 1 Part
06. Guduchi Tinospors cordifolia 1 Part
07. Kirat tikta Swertia chiraita 1 Part
08. Nimb Twaka Azadiracta indica 1 Part
The tablets of 500mgs.
Ingredients :-
01. Amalaki Embelica Officinalis 8 Part
02. Lohabhasma ------- 4 Part
03. Yashtimadhu Glyseriza glabra. 2 Part
Bhavanaarth: Giloy Kwath
1) Pathya Ahar :
Food : Old wheat, rice (Shastika), Barly, Jwar, Green Gram,
Vegetables : Dudhi, Patol, Bimbi, Chakvat, Palak, Shepu, Jeevanti,
Guduchi, Punarnava, Haridra.
Non vegetables : Shigada fish, Goat meat, Jangal meat
Fruits : Amala, Grapes, Anjeer, Chiku, Banana, Falash, Mango, Khajoor,
Roots : Shingada, Kamalkunda, Lasona, Ginger
Milk and Milk Products : Cow milk, Ghee, Navneeta Takra
Liquids : Go-mutra, Laja-Manda, Koshna Jal, Laghu Panchamula Siddha-jal.
As per New Science- SoyaProducts-Dairy products-Buttermilk-e.t.c.
3) Apathya Ahar :
Shak Varga - Except above
Shimbi Varga - Matar, Masha, Pinyak
Dal Varga - Til, Sarshapa
Tail Varga - Bijowar Tail
Jal Varga - Atyambu Pan
4) Apthya Vihar
Divaswapa, Atapsevan, Ativyayama, Ativyavaya,
, Chinta, Shoka ,
Krodha etc.
As per Ayurved Nidan Parivarjanam.
Anemia an ayurvedic perspective- Dr. Nayan joshi

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Anemia an ayurvedic perspective- Dr. Nayan joshi

  • 1. Dr. Nayan P. Joshi M.D.(Ayurved) Reader class-I Ex.(H.O.D.) Panchakarma P.G./U.G.Department. Govt. Akhandanand Ayurved College/Hospital Bhadra, Ahmedabad. 12-07-2016 Anaemia-An Ayurvedic Perspective Guest lecture series By Himalaya Drug Co.
  • 3. PANDU :- The peculiar color presentation of the patient has been described by Acharyas the color of the patient is like the 'Ketaki-Raj' which is similar to the combination color of white and pale yellow in a particular proportion. As Charak Mahrshi Pandu is a Rashprdoshaja Vikara,as basic samprapti, but its signs & symptoms present as raktadhatu related. ANEMIA :- As per Modern science the various components of blood are vitiate & involve for presentation of Anemia ,which is similer to Pandu .
  • 4. Anemia  also spelled   anaemia and  anæmia; from Greek      ναιμία ἀ anaimia, meaning lack of blood)  is a decrease in number of red blood  cells  (RBCs) or less than the normal  quantity of hemoglobin  in the blood.  DEFINITION :-
  • 5. Importance of Raktdhatu & Metabolism –As per Ayurved Rasavahasrotas & Pranavahasrotas & Jivaniya Vyapar:
  • 6. Whole Blood Cellular Portion 45% Fluid Portion (55%) (Plasma) Red blood cells (RBC) or Erythrocytes, white blood cells (WBC) or Leukocytes, Platelets or Thrombocytes Organic (7.1% -      Inorganic Gases (Dissolved in Proteins (7%) • Albumin • Globulin • Fibrinogen • Prothrombin 1).Internal Secretions (hormones) 2).Antibodies (Immune bodies) 3).Enzymes • Amylase • Carbonic Anhydrase • Phosphatases • Lipases • Esterases • Proteases • Transaminases 1).Nonprotein Nitrogenous Substances • Urea • Uric acid • Xanthine • Hypoxanthine • Creatinine • Ammonia • Amino acids 2).Nonnitrogen ous Substances • Natural fats • Sodium • Potassium • Calcium •  Magnesium • Copper •  Phosphorus • Chlorine • Flurine • Iodine •  Bicarbonate • Sulphate •  Phosphate • Oxygen • Carbon  dioxide • Nitrogen
  • 7.
  • 9. ETIOPATHOLOGICAL ASPECT AND CLASSIFICATION Anaemia can be defined as – •A reduction in the oxygen transport capacity of the blood. •A reduction below normal limits of the total circulating red cell mass. •A reduction below normal in the volume of packed red cells. •A reduction in the hemoglobin concentration of the blood.
  • 10. RBC count : (Aprox.)- In males : 5.5 million/Cumm. In female : 4.5 million/Cumm. Nomal Values Mean corpuscular volume (M.C.V.) - This is the average volume of R.B.C. Normal value of M.C.V. = 80-100 μ3 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (M.C.H.) – (This is the amount of hemoglobin present in average R.B.C.) Normal value of MCH = 25-30 Pico- gram Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) - This is the amount of Hb present in 100 ml of RBC is called MCHC. Normal value of MCHC = 34.5 gm/100 ml of RBCs.
  • 12. FACTORS AFFECTING ERYTHROPOIESIS : 1) Anoxia:O2 tension in tissues. This stimulates bone marrow for Erythropoiesis. 2) Diet : Diet rich in essential amino acids for the synthesis of globin part of hemoglobin.  3)Synthesis of DNA 4)Vitamins :  Maturation of RBC.                      Vit C, B6, B12, Nicotinic acid and folic acid    (Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamine) –(Extrinsic factor) Its poor absorption from  intestine by blood due to lack of intrinsic factor (I.F.)  which is secreted   in gastric juice.(  Ranjakpitt- As per A.H.  Amashaya) Vitamin B6 and C –    Both of these are helpful in erythropoiesis. Vitamin C is helpful in Iron metabolism.  5) Hormones : Certain endocrinal hormones induce erythropoiesis. Metal : Effects erythropoiesis by affecting Hb synthesis
  • 13. HEMOGLOBIN : Hemoglobin is a red pigment of the blood, present in RBCs (adsorbed to the lipid material of RBCs) and causes appearance of the blood to be red. Normal Hb count : 14-18 gm/100 ml of blood. GLOBIN : Consist about 96% of total hemoglobin. It is made up of simple protein, formed of four (2 pairs) polypeptide chains in each Hb molecule. HbA - in normal adults : 2 α-chains and 2 β-chains. i) α - chains: each of which contains 141 amino acids. ii) β - chains :each of which contains 146 amino acids. Haem molecule is attached to the polypeptide chains. HAEM:Haem is a metalloprotein in which metal is iron, Present in Ferrous form. Iron is absorbed in the ferrous form in stomach, duodenum and jejunum. mainly in the upper part of small intestine.
  • 14.
  • 15. PURVARUPA As per Cha./ Su./ A.H./ M.N./ Bha. /Ha. 1. Avipaka  2.AkshikutaShotha   3. Aruchi  4. Alpavahnita   5. Angasada  6.Gatrasada  7. Hridspandaman   8.Mutra Pitata  9.Mridbhakshanaechcha   10. Panduta 11. Rukshata   12. Swedabhava  13. Shrama  14. Sthivanadhikya  15. Twakasphutana  16. Varchapittatvam
  • 16.
  • 17. LAKSHANA AS PER VARIOUS ACHARYAS: 1.Akshikutashotha  2.Aruchi  3.Arohaneayasa  4.Alpawaka  5.Annadwesha  6.Balakshaya  7.Bhrama  8.Durbalya  9.Dhatugaurava  10.Dhatushithilya  11.Gatramarda  12.Gaurava  13.Hatanala  14.Hatprabhatva  15.Jwara  16. Kopana  17.Karnashweda  18.Katiurupadaruka  19. Medalpata  20.Nidraluta  21. Nisharata  22. Ojagunakshaya  23.Pindikodweshtanam  24.Panduta  25. Raktalpata  26. Shishiradwesha  27. Swasha  28. Shirnalomata  29. Sadana  30. Shrama  31. Shthivanadhikya  32. Shithilendriya  33.Sannasakthi
  • 18. Five Types of Pandurog:- M.N CH./8
  • 19. VATAJA PANDU : The lakshanas of Vataja pandu according to Cha./Su. /A.H. /M.N. /Bha. /Ha. 1.Krishnapanduta 2.Krishnetratavam 3.Krishnanakhatva 4.Krishnananatva 5.Arunanakhatva 6.Arunanetrata 7. Twakapitata 8. Netrapitata 9. Nakhapitata 10.Rukshangata 11.Rukshanakhatva 12. Rukshanetrata 13.Paruushta 14.Angamarda 15.Angaruka 16. Kampa 17. Parshvaruka 18.Shiroruka 19.Shirogaurava 20. Asayavairasya 21. Anaha 22. Shofa 23.Balakshaya 24.Bhrama 25.Varchshosha 26. Krishnavitaka 27. Arunavitaka 28.Rukshamutrata 29.Darunakoshthata 30.Muttrapitata 31.Rukshakrishnaruna Twak
  • 20. Pittaja Pandu : As per LAKSHANA Cha. /Su. /A.H. /M.N. /Bha. /Ha. 1.Pitata 2.Haritabhata 3.Pitanakhatva 4.Pitananatva 5.Pitachhavi 6.Haritasiratva 7.Jwara 8.Daha 9.Trishna 10.Chardi 11.Murcha 12.Sweda 13.Shitakamita 14.Annabhinandana 15.Katukasayata 16.Ushnanupashayata 17.Amlanupashyata 18.Vidaha 19.Amlodgara 20.Daurgandhya 21.Daurbalya 22.Tama 23.Shosh 24.Shofa 25.Pitamutrata 26.Pitavitakta 27.Bhinnavarchasatva 28.amatva
  • 21. kaphaja Pandu : As per LAKSHANA Cha. /Su. /A.H. /M.N. /Bha. /Ha. 1.Shvetavabhasta 2.Shveklakshita 3.Shuklanantva 4.Shuklanakhtva 5.Gaurava 6.Tandra 7.Chhardi 8.Praseka 9.Lomaharsha 10.Sada 11.Murcha 12.Bhrama 13.Klama 14.Swasha 15.Kasa 16.Alasya 17.Aruchi 18.Vakagraha 19.Swaragraha 20.Katukamata 21.Rukshakamata 22.Ushnakamata 23.Shoth 24.Madhurasyata 25.Lavanaktrata 26.swarkshaya 27.Shuklamutrata 28.Shuklavarchasa 29.Shuklatwaka
  • 22. SANNIPATAJA PANDU : As per LAKSHANA Cha. /Su. /A.H. /M.N. /Bha. /Ha. All the symptoms of Vataja, Pittaja and Kaphaja Pandu (Cha. /Su. /A.H.) Madhava and Bhavaprakasha described some special symptoms of Tridoshaja pandu and mentioned that this type of Pandu is ‘Asadhya’. ( M.N.8, B.P.Chi.8) The symptoms of Tridoshaja pandu according to these Acharays are Jwara, Arochaka, Hrillasa, Chhardi, Trishna, Klama and the patient becomes Kshina and Hatendriya.
  • 23. MRIDBHAKSHANAJANYA PANDU : LAKSHANA As per Cha. /A.H./M.N. 1. Anananashopha 2. Akshikutashotha 3. Asyashotha 4. Arsha 5. Atisara 6. Balakshaya 7. Gandashotha 8. Krimikoshta 9. MehanaShotha 10.Nabhishotha 11.Purishasakaphama 12.Purishasakrimi 13. Padashotha
  • 24. Complications ( Upadrava ) PROGNOSIS :- SADHYASADHYATA
  • 25. PANDU : SAMPRAPTI On the basis of various Hetus, Samprapti of Pandu can be divided into two Parts- 1) Santarpanottha Pandu 2) Aptarpanottha Pandu
  • 26. Cause of Anemia:- Anemia is either caused essentially through two basic pathways (1)by a decrease in production of red blood cell or hemoglobin. (2)by a loss or destruction of blood. Anemia results when the balance between production and destruction is disturbed as follows (A) Inadequate production of RBC in Marrow due to: Lack of raw materials required for erythropoiesis.e.g. iron, B12, folic acid,proteins. (B) Depression of the bone marrow.e.g.chonic infections, chronic renal failure,radiation, cytotoxic drugs,hypothyroidism, sensitivity reaction to drugs, or viral infections, congenital. (C) Infiltration of marrow by leukemia cells, fibrosis,metastasis, lymphoma,e.t.c.
  • 27. ( 2)Excessive Destruction of Red cells due to: (A)Abnormality of hemoglobin molecule, e.g.various hemoglobinopathies and Thalassemias (B)Deficiency of red cell enzymes: e.g. glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Pyruvate kinase. Glutathione synthesis e.t.c. (C) Abnormality of red cell membrane. E.g. hereditary spherocytosis & non- sphyrocytosis hemolytic anemias e.t.c. (D) Auto-immune hemolytic anemias.
  • 28. CLASSIFICATION : A) Morphological classification : This is based on the variation in average mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and average Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC 1) Microcytic Hypochromic Anaemia : Nutritional anaemia Pyridoxine responsive anaemia Post hemorrhagic anaemia Dys-erythropoietic anaemia Thalassemia Lead poisoning 2) Microcytic Normochromic Anaemia : Chronic infections Malignant diseases 3) Normocytic- Normochromic Anaemia : Infections Aplastic Anaemia Pure red cell aplasia Hypothyroidism Chronic hepatic and renal diseases Myeloproliferative disorders - Leukemia Hemolytic anaemia : G-6-PD deficiency, hereditary spherocytosis, Sickle cell anaemia 4) Normocytic- Hypochromic Anaemia : Deficiency of iron through - defective absorption. - excessive demand i.e. infancy, puberty and pregnancy.
  • 29. 5) Macrocytic- Normochromic Anaemia : Deficiency of haemopoietic factors like Vit B12, folic acid, Vit. C and thyroxin. Liver diseases. 6) Macrocytic- Hypochromic Anaemia : Intense activity of the bone marrow as in hemolytic anemia, thalassemia etc. B) Etiological classification 1)Impaired production of RBC a) Due to deficiency of substance essential for erythropoiesis : b) For the complete formation of RBCs certain factors are necessary as - Iron, Vitamin B12 (extrinsic factor), folic acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 etc.
  • 30. (2)EXCESSIVE BLOOD LOSS (HEMORRHAGIC ANAEMIA) : a) Acute : - Trauma Scurvy Hemophilia b) Chronic :- Lesion of G.T. Tract – Bleeding peptic ulcer, bleeding piles Gynecological disturbances.
  • 31. EXCESSIVE BLOOD DESTRUCTION (HEMOLYTIC ANAEMIA) a) Intrinsic (Intracorpuscular) abnormalities of Red cells – Abnormal shape : - Spherocytosis Elliptocytosis Abnormal Hb : - Sickle cell anaemia B) Extrinsic (Extra corpuscular) abnormalities Antibody mediated : -Transfusion reactions Erythroblastosis faetalis Drug associated S.L.E. Mycoplasma infection (c)Mechanical trauma to red cells:- Thrombocytopenic purpura DIC Infection : , Malaria Chemical injury : -Lead poisoning Animal poison : - Snake venom
  • 32. Clinical feature of Anaemia : The development of clinical features in anemia depends upon following factors – 1) Rate of development of anemia : Rapidly progressive anemia causes more symptoms. 2) Severity of patient : Mild anemia produces no sign or symptoms but a rapidly severe anemia (Hb below 6gm/dl) may produce significant clinical features. 3) Age of the patient : The young patients due to good cardiovascular compensation tolerate anemia . Elderly patients develop cardiac and cerebral symptoms more prominently due to associated cardiovascular diseases.
  • 34. Symptoms: 1) Tiredness 11) Tinnitus 2) Easy fatigability 12) Drowsiness 3) Generalized muscular weakness 13) Tingling numbness 4) Lethargy 14) Amenorrhoea 5) Headache 15) Loss of libido 7) Confusion 16) Anorexia 8) Visual disturbances 17) Constipation 9) Dyspnoea on exertion 18) Weight loss 10) Faintness, giddiness 19) Palpitation Signs : 1) Pallor - in mucous membranes (conjuctiva and skin) 2) Tachycardia 3) Collapsing pulse 4) Cardiomegaly (CCF) 5) Mid systolic flow murmur 6) Mild proteinuria
  • 35. Iron deficiency anemia :- Iron deficiency anemia is the most common form of anemia. Iron is a key part of red blood cells. Body normally gets iron through your diet and by re-using iron from old red blood cells. You lose more blood cells and iron than your body can replace or does not absorbing iron. Your body is able to absorb iron, but you are not eating enough foods with iron in them .Your body needs more iron than normal (such as if you are pregnant or breastfeeding) Iron loss can be due to bleeding. Common causes of bleeding are: Heavy, long, or frequent menstrual periods. Cancer in the esophagus, stomach, or colon, Esophageal varices. The use of aspirin, ibuprofen, or arthritis medicines for a long time .Peptic ulcer disease.
  • 36. Due to Celiac disease -Crohn's disease -Gastric bypass surgery. Taking too many antacids that contain calcium. You may not get enough iron in the diet if You are a strict vegetarian . Symptoms No symptoms if the anemia is mild. Most of the time, symptoms are mild at first and develop slowly. Symptoms may include: Feeling grumpy, weak or tired more often than usual, or with exercise. Headaches, Problems concentrating or thinking , Blue color to the whites of the eyes, Brittle nails, Light-headedness when you stand up, Pale skin color ,Shortness of breath Atrophic glossitis, Angular stomatitis, Dysphasia. Heavy menstrual bleeding (women). Pain in the upper belly (from ulcers). Weight loss (in people with cancer
  • 37. Investigatios:- As per usaual. R.B.C. & Hb% reduced than normal The peripheral smear will show red cells – Hypochromic & microcytic. In sever Anemia-Hb% less than 7gm. Serum iron reduced(less than 50 mcg/dl) . Serum ferritin level is decresed D/D:- Tests that may be done to look for the cause of iron deficiency Colonoscopy, Fecal occult blood test Upper endoscopy
  • 38. Treatment;- Easily corrected with iron therapy.with oral or parenteral rout. Mild to moderate iron deficiency anemia is treated by oral iron supplementation with ferrous sulfate, ferrous fumarate, or ferrous gluconate . (most often ferrous sulfate) are needed to build up the iron stores in your body. Hematocrit should return to normal after 2 months of iron therapy. However, keep taking iron for another 6 - 12 months to replace the body's iron stores in the bone marrow. Iron-rich foods include:
  • 39. Anemia is chercterised by an abnormal erythropoiesis resulting in macrocytic anemia,usually occurs due to deficiency of folate and vitamin B12. Causes of this type of anemia consists of- inadequate ingestion, inadequate absorption& utilization, increased requirement & excreition or destruction . Folate-deficiency anemia:- Folate, also called folic acid, is necessary for red blood cell formation and growth. You can get folate by eating green leafy vegetables and liver. The minimum daily requirement of folte is 50 to100ng for adult.Daily. Require dose for pregnant woman is 400ng.In poor people there is deficiency of B12 & folic acid. The red cells are abnormally large. That is why this anemia can also be called megaloblastic anemia . MEGALOBLASTIC ANEMIA
  • 40. Causes of this anemia :- Certain Drugs:- phenytoin [Dilantin] methotrexate, sulfasalazine, triamterene, pyrimethamine, trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole, and barbiturates. Chronic alcoholism, Crohn's disease, celiac disease, tapeworm, or poor dietary intake & Poor absorption of folic acid. surgeries that remove certain parts of your stomach or small intestine, such as some weight-loss surgeries, malignancy, hyperthyroidism. Treament:- The goal is to identify and treat the cause of the folate deficiency. Folic acid supplements may be given by mouth (oral) or through a vein (intravenous) on a short-term basis until the anemia has been corrected.
  • 41. Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin; Cyanocobalamin)deficiency Anemia Vitamin B12, like the other B vitamins, is important for metabolism.It helps in the formation of red blood cells and in the maintenance of the central nervous system. Vitamin B12 is found in:- Eggs, Fortified foods such as soymilk, Meat, Milk and milk products, Organ meats (liver and kidney), Poultry, Shellfish. The body absorbs animal sources of vitamin B12 much better than plant sources. Non-animal sources of vitamin B12 vary in their amount of B12. Pernicious anemia (Macrocytic achylic anemia;) Malabsorption of B12 due to lack gastric intrinsic factor. A clinical feature is the neurological manifestations- paresthesia to severe weakness and spasticity due to myelin degeneration of peripheral nerves and posteriolateral colmns of the spinal cord. There are symptoms like- Confusion or change in mental status (dementia) in severe or advanced cases.Depression, Loss of balance. Numbness and tingling of hands and feet. Serum vitamin B12 level is less than normal in blood.
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  • 43. Treatment :- Monthly vitamin B12 injections are prescribed to correct the vitamin B12 deficiency. This therapy treats the anemia and may correct the neurological complications if taken early enough. In people with a severe deficiency, the injections are given more often at first. Preparation of vitamin B12 that may be given through the nose. For some people, taking vitamin B12 tablets by mouth in a very high dose can be an effective treatment. A well-balanced diet is essential to provide other elements for healthy blood cell development, such as folic acid, iron, and vitamin C.
  • 44. NIDANARTHAKARA ROGAS OF PANDU Raktattipravartana Katikataruna marmavedha Raktavahidhamniveda Raktarbuda Upadravas of raktapitta Raktapradara Raktakshaya-Yakritapliha vedha Raktasrava Punaravartaka jwara Jeerna jwara Grahani Raktarsha Kaphajarsha Plihodara Shotha Rajayakshama Swasa Santarpanajanyaroga Rasapradoshaja roga
  • 45. Hemolytic anemia Hemolytic anemia is a condition in which there are not enough red blood cells in the blood, due to the premature destruction of red blood cells. There are a number of specific types of hemolytic anemia. The defect may be in the red blood cell itself (intrinsic factors), or outside the red blood cell (extrinsic factors). Intrinsic factors are often present at birth (hereditary). They include:-Abnormalities in the proteins that build normal red blood cells & HB. Extrinsic factors include:-Abnormal immune system responses, Blood clots in small blood vessels, Certain infections, Side effects from medications.There are some immunological disorders. some special conditions-in new born child & paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria in adult.
  • 46. SYMPTOMS & SIGNS :- Chills, Dark urine, Enlarged spleen, Fatigue, Fever, Pale skin color (pallor), Rapid heart rate, Shortness of breath, Yellow skin color(jaundice) Tests :- Absolute reticulocyte count, Free hemoglobin in the serum or urine , Red blood cell count (RBC), hemoglobin, and hematocrit (HCT) Serum indirect bilirubin levels Coombs' test, indirect &direct test . Peripheral blood smear, Platelet count, Protein electrophoresis- serum, RBC indices, Serum creatinine, Serum ferritin, Serum iron & potassium level.
  • 47. G-6-PD deficiency; Hemolytic anemia due to G6PD deficiency; Anemia - hemolytic due to G6PD deficiency Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency is a hereditary condition in which red blood cells break down when the body is exposed to certain drugs or the stress of infection. Causes, incidence, and risk factors G6PD deficiency occurs when a person is missing or doesn't have enough of an enzyme called glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, which helps red blood cells work properly. Idiopathic aplastic anemia Blood picture:– Anemia+Leucopenia+ Thrombocytopenia.(congenital & acquired form) Mostly Drug induced., some viral infections.
  • 49. Idiopathic aplastic anemia . Idiopathic aplastic anemia is a condition in which the bone marrow fails to properly make blood cells. Bone marrow is the soft, fatty tissue in the center of bones. Causes, incidence, and risk factors Aplastic anemia results from injury to the blood stem cells, immature cells in the bone marrow that give rise to all of other blood cells types. PANCYTOPENIA:- The injury causes a decrease in the number of every type of blood cell in the body -- red cells, white cells, and platelets. Low numbers of red cells, white cells, and platelets . Aplastic anemia may also be caused by certain medical conditions (such as pregnancy or lupus) or exposure to some toxins or drugs (including chemotherapy). See: Secondary (acquired) aplastic anemia In some cases, aplastic anemia is associated with another blood disorder called paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH).
  • 50. Symptoms Symptoms are the result of bone marrow failure and the loss of blood cell production. Low red cell count (anemia) can cause: Fatigue Pallor (paleness) Rapid heart rate Shortness of breath with exercise Weakness Low white cell count (leukopenia) causes an increased risk of infection. Low platelet count (thrombocytopenia) results in bleeding, especially of the mucous membranes and skin. Symptoms include: Bleeding gums Easy bruising Frequent or severe infections Nose bleeds Rash--small pinpoint red marks on the skin (petechiae)
  • 51. Treatment Mild cases of aplastic anemia may require no treatment. Symptoms will be treated as appropriate. In moderate cases, blood transfusions and platelet transfusions will help correct the anemia and the risk of bleeding. Severe aplastic anemia occurs when blood-cell counts are very low, and is a life-threatening condition. Bone marrow transplant or stem cell transplant is recommended for severe disease in patients under age 40. Bone marrow transplant has been successful in young people, with long term survival rates of about 80%. Older people have a survival rate of 40 - 70%.
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  • 54. Sickle cell anemia Sickle cell anemia is a disease passed down through families in which red blood cells form an abnormal crescent shape. (Red blood cells are normally shaped like a disc.) Sickle cell anemia is caused by an abnormal type of hemoglobin called hemoglobin S. Thalassemias:- causing deficient globin synthesis.there are two types-by impaired production of polypeptide chains. (1) Alpha(2)Beta types.
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  • 57. Acharya Charak has advocated both type of Snehan--Vahya as well asAbhyantarSnehan. Snehnartha-Yoga : 1 Pancha-gavya Ghrit (Cha.Chi.10/18-24) 2 Maha-tikta Ghrit (Cha.Chi. 7/144-150) 3 Kalyanak Ghrit (Cha.Chi 9/35-41) 4 Dadimadi Ghrit (Cha.Chi. 16/44-46) 5 Katukadya Ghrit (Cha.Chi. 16/47-49) 6 Pathya Ghrit (Cha.Chi. 16/50) 7 Draksha Ghrit (Cha.Chi 16/52) 8 Haridradi Ghrit (Cha.Chi. 16/53) 9 Murvadya Ghrit (Chakradatta 8/54) 10 Rajni Ghrit (Vangsen Pandu 39) 11 Triphaladi Ghrit (Vangsen Pandu 39)
  • 58. Avaleha used in Pandu : 1Darvyadi Leha (Ch.Chi.16/97) 2 Dhatrayvaleha (Ch.Chi.16/100-101) 3 Drakshadi Avleha (As.Hri.16/29-31) 4Manduradya Avaleha (Y.R.) 5 Triphaladya Avaleha (Y.R.) Charak Sushruta(Asava-Arista) 1 Goudakarista 2 Bijakarista 3 Dhatryrishta 4 Abhyarishta 5 Madhavsav 6 Sharkarasav 7 Lohasav
  • 59. Loha alone Loha in Yoga 1 Loha Bhasma 2 Shuddha Mandoor Churna 3 Tikshna Loha 4 Shuddha Kasis Bhasma 5 Suwarna Makshika 6 Shuddha Shilajit 7 Shuddha Gairik 8Navayas Churna 9 Tapyadi Loha 10 Punarnava Mandur
  • 60. “NISHA LOHA VATI” ( Bhaishajya-ratnavali Pandu rogadhikara ) NAVAYAS LOHA VATI ( Charak samhita Pandurog chikitsa ) NISHA – LOHA VATI Ref. :- Bhaishajya – Ratnawali Adhikara :- Pandu Rogadhikara 01. Haritaki Terminalia Chebula 1 Part 02. Bibheetaki Terminalia belerica 1 Part 03. Amalaki Embelica Officinalis 1 Part 04. Haridra Curcuma Longa 1 Part 05. Daruharidra Berberis Aristata 1 Part 06. Kutaki Picrorhiza Kurroa 1 Part 07. Lauha Bhasma 6 Part Thesis on Pandurog-2006 –Dr. Deepmala Patil Guide-Dr. Nayan joshi
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  • 62. Thesis on Pandurog- Dr.M.N.Shaikh-2009 Guide-Dr.Nayan joshi V K TABLET “V K TABLET” Modified reference of Ashtang hridaya1 and Rasatarangini2 for Pandurog chikitsa with comparison to Dhatri Loha-23 as a control. Ingredients :- 01. Vasa Adhatoda Vasika 1 Part 02. Kasis bhasma ------- 3 Part 03. Haritaki Termanalia chebula 1 Part 04. Bibheetaki Terminalia belerica 1 Part 05. Amalaki Embelica Officinalis 1 Part 06. Guduchi Tinospors cordifolia 1 Part 07. Kirat tikta Swertia chiraita 1 Part 08. Nimb Twaka Azadiracta indica 1 Part The tablets of 500mgs. DHATRI LOHA-2 Ingredients :- 01. Amalaki Embelica Officinalis 8 Part 02. Lohabhasma ------- 4 Part 03. Yashtimadhu Glyseriza glabra. 2 Part Bhavanaarth: Giloy Kwath
  • 63. PANDU PATHYA-APATHYA 1) Pathya Ahar : Food : Old wheat, rice (Shastika), Barly, Jwar, Green Gram, Vegetables : Dudhi, Patol, Bimbi, Chakvat, Palak, Shepu, Jeevanti, Guduchi, Punarnava, Haridra. Non vegetables : Shigada fish, Goat meat, Jangal meat Fruits : Amala, Grapes, Anjeer, Chiku, Banana, Falash, Mango, Khajoor, Keshar. Roots : Shingada, Kamalkunda, Lasona, Ginger Milk and Milk Products : Cow milk, Ghee, Navneeta Takra Liquids : Go-mutra, Laja-Manda, Koshna Jal, Laghu Panchamula Siddha-jal. As per New Science- SoyaProducts-Dairy products-Buttermilk-e.t.c.
  • 64. 3) Apathya Ahar : Shak Varga - Except above Shimbi Varga - Matar, Masha, Pinyak Dal Varga - Til, Sarshapa Tail Varga - Bijowar Tail Jal Varga - Atyambu Pan 4) Apthya Vihar Divaswapa, Atapsevan, Ativyayama, Ativyavaya, , Chinta, Shoka , Krodha etc. As per Ayurved Nidan Parivarjanam.