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Updates on Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Hamdi Turkey - chest physician
I hope you are still awake at the end
of this lecture !
Case presentation
A 35 year old male patient was
r u s h e d i n t o t h e E R
complaining of SOB for the
past 3 days, he has fever,
Tachypnea, pulse 110 bpm,BP
80/50 mmHg, pallor and
cyanosed, normal JVP, normal
S1 and S2 with no added
sounds, on chest auscultation
there was bilateral diffuse
SpO2 on room air was 60, ABG
: PaO2= 40, Pco2= 40, pH=7.3
What's the diagnosis?
Learning Objectives
To know the new definition of ARDS
To understand the pathology and pathophysiology of ARDS
To devise a ventilation strategy for these patients.
To introduce the concept of ventilator induced lung injury
To address adjunct and rescue therapy for patients with
resistant hypoxemia.
I n 1 9 6 7 A s h b a u g h a n d
colleagues published a case
series in the Lancet which
described a clinical syndrome,
which they (later) termed “Adult
R e s p i r a t o r y D i s t r e s s
Syndrome” (ARDS). The 12
patients involved complained of
acute respiratory distress,
cyanosis refractory to oxygen
t h e r a py, d e c r e a s e d l u n g
c o m p l i a n c e a n d d i f f u s e
pulmonary infiltrates on chest
Trauma doctors involved in treating victims of war had
long been familiar with this syndrome, which came to be
known as “wet lung”, “shock lung” or “Da-nang lung”.

This problem had been identified during World War II but
with the advent of advanced trauma (M.A.S.H. units
during the Vietnam war) the prevalence of this form of
respiratory failure was truly recognized.

Over the past 30 or so years, this syndrome has come to
be one of the central problems of intensive care: lung
injury arising from a variety of different etiologies, each
characterized by bilateral diffuse infiltrates on x-ray,
hypoxemia, and non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema.
In 1988, an expanded definition was
proposed that quantified the
physiologic respiratory impairment
through the use of a four-point lung-
injury scoring system that was based

level of positive end-expiratory
ratio of the partial pressure of
arterial oxygen to the fraction of
inspired oxygen
static lung compliance
degree of infiltration evident on
chest radiographs.
Before research into the pathogenesis and
treatment of this syndrome could proceed, it was
necessary to formulate a clear definition of the
syndrome. Such a definition was developed in 1994
by the American-European Consensus Conference
(AECC) on acute respiratory distress syndrome
The term “acute respiratory distress syndrome”
was used instead of “adult respiratory distress
syndrome” because the syndrome occurs in both
adults and children.
The Berlin Definition of ARDS
(published in 2012) has replaced the
American-European Consensus
Conference’s definition of ARDS
(published in 1994). However, it should
be recognized that most evidence is
based upon prior definitions.
Other terms
Shock lung
Pump lung
Traumatic wet lung
Post traumatic
Adult hyaline
membrane disease
Progressive respiratory
Acute respiratory
insufficiency syndrome
Postperfusion lung
Oxygen toxicity lung
Wet lung
White lung
Transplant lung
Da Nang lung
Diffuse alveolar injury
Acute diffuse lung
pulmonary edema.
AECC Past definition of ARDS
ARDS was defined as:
the acute onset of respiratory failure, bilateral
infiltrates on chest radiograph, hypoxemia as
defined by a PaO2/FiO2 ratio ≤200 mmHg, and no
evidence of left atrial hypertension or a pulmonary
capillary pressure <18 mmHg (if measured) to rule
out cardiogenic edema. In addition, Acute Lung
Injury (ALI), the less severe form of acute
respiratory failure, was different from ARDS only
for the degree of hypoxemia, in fact it was defined
by a 200 < PaO2/FiO2 ≤300 mmHg.
The 1994 AECC definition
became globally accepted, but
had limitations
The current definition is the
‘Berlin Definition’ published
in 2013, which was created by
a consensus panel of experts
convened in 2011 (an initiative
of the European Society of
Intensive Care Medicine
endorsed by the American
Thoracic Society and the
Society of Critical Care
AECC Past definition of ARDS
ARDS is an acute diffuse, inflammatory
lung injury, leading to increased pulmonary
vascular permeability, increased lung
weight, and loss of aerated lung tissue…
[ w i t h ] h y p o x e m i a a n d b i l a t e r a l
radiographic opacities, associated with
increased venous admixture, increased
physiological dead space and decreased
lung compliance.
The goal of developing the Berlin definition was to try
and improve feasibility, reliability, face and predictive
Timing of acute onset
The timing of acute onset of respiratory
failure to make diagnosis of ARDS is clearly
defined in Berlin definition.
It defines the exposure to a known risk factor
or worsening of the respiratory symptoms
within one week.
It is important to identify risk factors that
explain the context of acute respiratory
failure arised from
In the Berlin definition, there is no use of the term
Acute Lung Injury (ALI).
The committee felt that this term was used
inappropriately in many contexts and hence was
not helpful.
In the Berlin definition, ARDS was classified as
mild, moderate and severe according to the value
of PaO2/FiO2 ratio. Importantly, the PaO2/FiO2
ratio value is considered only with a CPAP or PEEP
value of at least 5 cmH2O.
The chest radiograph is characterized by bilateral
opacities involving at least 3 quadrants that are not
fully explained by pleural effusions, atelectasis and
In the absence of known risk factors, a cardiogenic
origin of edema is to be excluded by objective
evaluation of cardiac function with echocardiography.
Consequently, the wedge pressure measurement was
abandoned because ARDS may coexist with
hydrostatic edema caused by fluid overload or cardiac
Chest X-ray
Key components
acute, meaning onset over 1 week or less
bilateral opacities consistent with pulmonary edema
must be present but may be detected on CT or chest
PF ratio <300mmHg with a minimum of 5 cmH20 PEEP
(or CPAP)
must not be fully explained by cardiac failure or fluid
overload,” in the physician’s best estimation using
available information — an “objective assessment“ (e.g.
echocardiogram) should be performed in most cases if
there is no clear cause such as trauma or sepsis.
*on PEEP 5+; **observed in cohort
ARDS is categorized as being mild, moderate, or severe:
ARDS Severity PaO2/FiO2* Mortality**
Mild 200 – 300 27%
Moderate 100 – 200 32%
Severe < 100 45%
Changes from the 1994 AECC
the term acute lung injury was abandoned
measurement of the PaO2/FIO2 ratio was changed to
require a specific minimum amount of PEEP
3 categories of ARDS were proposed (mild, moderate, and
severe) based on the PaO2/FIO2 ratio
Radiographic criteria were changed to improve interrater
PCWP criterion was removed and additional clarity was
added to improve the ability to exclude cardiac causes of
bilateral infiltrates
1994 AECC
Shortcoming of the AECC
acute is ill defined
PF ratio can be manipulated by adjusting PEEP
CXR interpretation is unreliable
PACs are rarely used
PCWP may oscillate above and below the cut-off and
may be elevated for reasons other than heart failure
ALI was used inconsistently, just PF ratio 200 to 300,
or all patients <300 including ARDS?
Incidence and outcome
■ 20-75 per 100,000
■ 30% mortality
■ Recovery may take 6-12 months
■ Residual:
	 	 	 Gas- Exchange Abnormalities
	 	 	 Reduced Quality of Life
aspiration of gastric
lung contusion
fat embolism
Amniotic fluid
near drowning
inhalational injury
reperfusion injury
non-pulmonary sepsis 
multiple trauma 
massive transfusion 
Salicylate or narcotic
cardiopulmonary bypass
Risk factors
Cardiogenic Vs non cardiogenic
pulmonary edema
Cardiogenic Non-Cardiogenic
Patchy infiltrates in
Kerley B lines
Pulmonary vascular
Excess fluid in alveoli
Homogenous fluffy
No effusion 
No Kerley B lines
No cardiomegaly
No pulmonary vascular
Protein, inflammatory cells,
Cardiogenic Non-Cardiogenic
Cardiogenic Non-Cardiogenic
Classical phases
Exudative – alveolar capillary membrane disruption with
inflammatory cell infiltrate and high protein exudate to form
hyaline membranes
Proliferative – proliferation of abnormal Type II alveoli cells and
inflammatory cells
Fibrotic – infiltration with fibroblasts which replace alveoli and
alveolar ducts with fibrosis
Resolution – slow and incomplete repair and restoration of
Based on the histological appearance -
Exudative phase (0-4 days)
• Alveolar and interstitial edema
• Capillary congestion
• Destruction of type I alveolar cells
• Early hyaline membrane formation
Proliferative Phase (3-10 days)
• Increased type II alveolar cells
• Cellular infiltration of alveolar septum
• Organisation of hyaline membranes
Fibrotic Phase (>10 days)
• Fibrosis of hyaline membranes and alveolar septum
• Alveolar duct fibrosis
Findings on Light Microscopy and Electron Microscopy
during the Acute Phase (Panels A and D) and the Fibrosing-
Alveolitis Phase (Panels B, C, and E) of Acute Respiratory
Distress Syndrome.
Mechanisms in early phase -
• Release of inflammatory cytokines – TNF alpha, IL-
• Failure of alveolar edema clearance, epithelial and
endothelial damage
• Increased permeability of alveolo – capillary membrane
• Neutrophil migration and oxidative stress
• Procoagulant shift – fibrin deposition
• Surfactant dysfunction

Mechanism in late (repair) phase –
• Fibroproliferation -TGF beta, MMPs, thombospondin,
plasmin, ROS
• Remodelling - matrix and cell surface proteoglycans,
MMP, imbalance of coagulation and fibrinolysis.
Complex interplay
pulmonary oedema from damage to the alveolocapillary barrier
inflammatory infiltrates
surfactant dysfunction
It is essential to understand that although ALI is a diffuse
process, it is also a heterogeneous process, and not all
lung units are affected equally: normal and diseased
tissue may exist side-by-side.
hypoxaemia (V/Q mismatch, impaired hypoxic pulmonar y
increase in dependent densities (surfactant dysfunction, alveolar
decreased compliance (surfactant dysfunction, decreased lung volume,
collapse/consolidation (increased compression of dependent lung)
increased minute ventilation (increased in alveolar dead space)
increased work of breathing (increased elastance, increased minute
volume requirement)
pulmonary hypertension (vasoconstriction, microvascular thrombi,
fibrosis, PEEP)
Host factors increasing the risk of
Clinical variables found to be associated with an increased
risk of ARDS

Diabetes mellitus decreases the risk of ALI.
chronic alcohol abuse
advanced age,
increased severity,and extent of injury or illness as
measured by injury severity score (ISS) or
hyper-transfusion of blood products
cigarette smoking.
Causative factors in ARDS
Primary injury Host response
Consequences of
Clinical features
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is characterized by the
development of acute dyspnea and hypoxemia within hours to days of an
inciting event, such as trauma, sepsis, drug overdose, massive transfusion, acute
pancreatitis, or aspiration. In many cases, the inciting event is obvious, but, in
others (eg, drug overdose), it may be harder to identify.

Patients developing ARDS are critically ill, often with multisystem organ
failure, and they may not be capable of providing historical information.
Typically, the illness develops within 12-48 hours after the inciting event,
although, in rare instances, it may take up to a few days.

With the onset of lung injury, patients initially note dyspnea with exertion. This
rapidly progresses to severe dyspnea at rest, tachypnea, anxiety, agitation, and
the need for increasingly high concentrations of inspired oxygen.
Physical findings
Physical findings often are nonspecific and include tachypnea, tachycardia, and the
need for a high fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) to maintain oxygen saturation.
The patient may be febrile or hypothermic. Because ARDS often occurs in the
context of sepsis, associated hypotension and peripheral vasoconstriction with cold
extremities may be present. Cyanosis of the lips and nail beds may occur.

Examination of the lungs may reveal bilateral rales. Rales may not be present
despite widespread involvement. Because the patient is often intubated and
mechanically ventilated, decreased breath sounds over 1 lung may indicate a
pneumothorax or endotracheal tube down the right main bronchus.

Manifestations of the underlying cause (eg, acute abdominal findings in the case of
ARDS caused by pancreatitis) are present.
and signs
suggest a
cause of
Laboratory investigations
Routine blood counts
Blood culture
Chest CT scan
Classic Chest X Ray of a patient with ARDS, although the
lung injury appears diffuse, when you look at the CT scan
of the same patient on the right you can see that the lower
lobes are densely consolidated and the upper lobes
relatively spared. Nevertheless, this patient was severely
hypoxic, and responded well to prone positioning.
Therapy- goals
Treatment of the underlying cause
Cardio-pulmonary support
Specific therapy targeted at lung therapy 
Supportive therapy
Diagnosis and appropriate treatment of the underlying cause
to minimise physiological impact of cause (drain collection,
antibiotics, resuscitate, splint fractures)
Nutritional support 
Standard ICU prophylaxis
Stress ulcer prophylaxis
Prevention of nosocomial infections
CVP monitoring with CV line with appropriate fluid therapy
General measures
Goal of
of a patient
with ARDS
causes of
Lung protective strategy in ARDS
A myth or a fact!
Mechanical ventilation
Therapy- mechanical ventilation
The Problem: Ventilator- Induced Lung Injury
■ High volumes and pressures: Stress
( barotrauma)
■ Overdistension & Alveolar Cracking
( volumtrauma)
■ Cyclic Opening and closing of atelectatic
alveoli ( atelectrauma)

Cause increased permeability and alveolar
The Problem: Oxygen Toxicity
■ Free Radicals
■ Oxygen Washout and De-Recruitment

High FiO2 can lead to further alveolar
Therapy- mechanical ventilation
■ Intubation almost always necessary
■ In past, goal was to normalize pH,
PaCO2, PaO2
■ High volumes and pressures were used
■ Worse outcomes
Therapy- mechanical ventilation
Lung protective strategy
	 Amato et al. 1998, Effects of a protective-
ventilation strategy on mortality in the acute
respiratory distress syndrome. N. Engl. J. Med.
■ 53 pts with early ARDS
■ Compared “conventional” ventilation of 12ml/kg
to “protective” 6ml/kg
■ Low PEEP. PaCO2 35-38
■ Improved survival at 28 days
■ Higher percentage of ventilator weaning
■ Less barotrauma
The Acute Respiratory Distress Network. 2000.
Ventilation with lower tidal volumes as compared with
traditional tidal volumes for acute lung injury and the acute
respiratory distress syndrome. N. Engl. J. Med. 342:1301-8
■ Larger Trial. 861 patients
■ Compared 12 ml/kg vs. 6ml/kg ventilation.
■ Plateau pressures 50 cm H2O vs. 30 cm H2O.
■ Trial ended early:
■39.8% mortality vs. 31% mortality

Lung protective strategy
Mechanical ventilation
ARDS Network protective lung ventilation strategy (from the
ARMA study)
controlled ventilation
TV 6mL/kg
avoid overstretch (volutrauma) and inadequate recruitment
PEEP 5-15
Plateau pressure <30 cmH20 (higher than this contributes
to VILI from overstretching and hyperinflation of the
functional ‘baby lung’)
mode of ventilation: generally no difference
PCV tends to be used c/o plateau pressure
approximates peak pressure, with VC plateau
pressure needs to be measured
no role for inverse ratio ventilation (I:E ratio > 1) ->
increased mean airway pressure + haemodynamic
instability + regional hyperinflation
oxygenation target: SpO2 88-95%, PaO2 > 55-80 mmHg
carbon dioxide target: ARDSnet aimed for a normal
CO2 -> but lung is exposed to repeated tidal stretch,
ideally hypercapnia should be minimised but there
isn’t compelling data to suggest it is harmful unless
there is an obvious reason (raised ICP, pregnancy).
Ventilator settings
for lung protection
related to MV
Other techniques to improve oxygenation
prone posture: improves oxygenation and mortality in
severe ARDS
recruitment manoeuvres (e.g. PEEP 30-40cmH2O held
for 30 seconds or staircase recruitment manouvre) ->
can improve oxygenation but controversial, not
everyone responds
inhaled iNO: optimisation of V/Q mismatch,
1-60ppm, on 40-70% will respond, monitor for metHb
inhaled prostacycline (PGI2): optimisation of V/Q
mis-match, 1-50ng/kg/min, as effective as iNO
Pharmacological therapy
surfactant replacement therapy: theoretically good, improves
oxygenation but no improvement in mortality, problems with
distribution to alveoli
Diuretics : liberal vs conservative strategy
glucocorticoids: improvement in ventilator free days and shock,
no improvement in mortality and increase in weakness
ketoconazole: antifungal that inhibits thromboxane synthase and
5-lipooxygenase -> early data but not confirmed.
others: cytokine antagonism, NSAIDS, scavengers of O2 radicals,
lisofylline -> no success

Seek and treat underlying causes and complications
A randomized, clinical trial determined that simvastatin, a
hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase inhibitor, improved oxygenation
and respiratory mechanics in patients with ALI. Further studies are needed, but
treatment with simvastatin appears safe and may be associated with improved
organ dysfunction in patients with ALI.

Pharmacological therapy
Activated protein C
Drotrecogin alfa was withdrawn from the worldwide market October 25, 2011. In
the Recombinant Human Activated Protein C Worldwide Evaluation in Severe
Sepsis (PROWESS)-SHOCK clinical trial, drotrecogin alfa failed to demonstrate a
statistically significant reduction in 28-day all-cause mortality in patients with
severe sepsis and septic shock. Trial results observed a 28-day all-cause mortality
rate of 26.4% in patients treated with activated drotrecogin alfa compared with
24.2% in the placebo group of the study.
In these critically ill patients, pay careful
attention to early recognition of potential
complications in the intensive care unit (ICU),
including pneumothorax, IV line infections, skin
breakdown, inadequate nutrition, arterial
occlusion at the site of intra-arterial monitoring
devices, DVT and pulmonary embolism (PE),
retroperitoneal hemorrhage, gastrointestinal
(GI) hemorrhage, erroneous placement of lines
and tubes, and the development of muscle
pulmonary function returns to normal at 6-12 months in
occasionally patient have severe restrictive lung disease
although this is the case, many patient have a severe
reduction and pulmonary QOL -> depression, anxiety
and PTSD are common
patient often have cognitive impairment -> these
correlate with the period and severity of hypoxia
Thank you

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Updates on Acute respiratory distress syndrome

  • 1. Updates on Acute respiratory distress syndrome Hamdi Turkey - chest physician
  • 2. I hope you are still awake at the end of this lecture !
  • 3. Case presentation A 35 year old male patient was r u s h e d i n t o t h e E R complaining of SOB for the past 3 days, he has fever, Tachypnea, pulse 110 bpm,BP 80/50 mmHg, pallor and cyanosed, normal JVP, normal S1 and S2 with no added sounds, on chest auscultation there was bilateral diffuse crackles. SpO2 on room air was 60, ABG : PaO2= 40, Pco2= 40, pH=7.3 What's the diagnosis?
  • 4. Learning Objectives To know the new definition of ARDS To understand the pathology and pathophysiology of ARDS To devise a ventilation strategy for these patients. To introduce the concept of ventilator induced lung injury To address adjunct and rescue therapy for patients with resistant hypoxemia.
  • 5. History I n 1 9 6 7 A s h b a u g h a n d colleagues published a case series in the Lancet which described a clinical syndrome, which they (later) termed “Adult R e s p i r a t o r y D i s t r e s s Syndrome” (ARDS). The 12 patients involved complained of acute respiratory distress, cyanosis refractory to oxygen t h e r a py, d e c r e a s e d l u n g c o m p l i a n c e a n d d i f f u s e pulmonary infiltrates on chest x-ray.
  • 6. Trauma doctors involved in treating victims of war had long been familiar with this syndrome, which came to be known as “wet lung”, “shock lung” or “Da-nang lung”. This problem had been identified during World War II but with the advent of advanced trauma (M.A.S.H. units during the Vietnam war) the prevalence of this form of respiratory failure was truly recognized. Over the past 30 or so years, this syndrome has come to be one of the central problems of intensive care: lung injury arising from a variety of different etiologies, each characterized by bilateral diffuse infiltrates on x-ray, hypoxemia, and non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema. History
  • 7. In 1988, an expanded definition was proposed that quantified the physiologic respiratory impairment through the use of a four-point lung- injury scoring system that was based on: level of positive end-expiratory pressure ratio of the partial pressure of arterial oxygen to the fraction of inspired oxygen static lung compliance degree of infiltration evident on chest radiographs. History
  • 8. Before research into the pathogenesis and treatment of this syndrome could proceed, it was necessary to formulate a clear definition of the syndrome. Such a definition was developed in 1994 by the American-European Consensus Conference (AECC) on acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The term “acute respiratory distress syndrome” was used instead of “adult respiratory distress syndrome” because the syndrome occurs in both adults and children. History
  • 9. The Berlin Definition of ARDS (published in 2012) has replaced the American-European Consensus Conference’s definition of ARDS (published in 1994). However, it should be recognized that most evidence is based upon prior definitions. History
  • 10. Other terms Shock lung Pump lung Traumatic wet lung Post traumatic atelectasis Adult hyaline membrane disease Progressive respiratory distress Acute respiratory insufficiency syndrome Haemorrhagic atelectasis Hypoxic hyperventilation Postperfusion lung Oxygen toxicity lung Wet lung White lung Transplant lung Da Nang lung Diffuse alveolar injury Acute diffuse lung injury Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema. Progressive pulmonary consolidation
  • 11. AECC Past definition of ARDS ARDS was defined as: the acute onset of respiratory failure, bilateral infiltrates on chest radiograph, hypoxemia as defined by a PaO2/FiO2 ratio ≤200 mmHg, and no evidence of left atrial hypertension or a pulmonary capillary pressure <18 mmHg (if measured) to rule out cardiogenic edema. In addition, Acute Lung Injury (ALI), the less severe form of acute respiratory failure, was different from ARDS only for the degree of hypoxemia, in fact it was defined by a 200 < PaO2/FiO2 ≤300 mmHg.
  • 12. The 1994 AECC definition became globally accepted, but had limitations The current definition is the ‘Berlin Definition’ published in 2013, which was created by a consensus panel of experts convened in 2011 (an initiative of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine endorsed by the American Thoracic Society and the Society of Critical Care Medicine) AECC Past definition of ARDS
  • 13. ARDS BERLIN DEFINITION ARDS is an acute diffuse, inflammatory lung injury, leading to increased pulmonary vascular permeability, increased lung weight, and loss of aerated lung tissue… [ w i t h ] h y p o x e m i a a n d b i l a t e r a l radiographic opacities, associated with increased venous admixture, increased physiological dead space and decreased lung compliance.
  • 14. The goal of developing the Berlin definition was to try and improve feasibility, reliability, face and predictive validity ARDS BERLIN DEFINITION
  • 15. Timing of acute onset The timing of acute onset of respiratory failure to make diagnosis of ARDS is clearly defined in Berlin definition. It defines the exposure to a known risk factor or worsening of the respiratory symptoms within one week. It is important to identify risk factors that explain the context of acute respiratory failure arised from
  • 16. Oxygenation In the Berlin definition, there is no use of the term Acute Lung Injury (ALI). The committee felt that this term was used inappropriately in many contexts and hence was not helpful. In the Berlin definition, ARDS was classified as mild, moderate and severe according to the value of PaO2/FiO2 ratio. Importantly, the PaO2/FiO2 ratio value is considered only with a CPAP or PEEP value of at least 5 cmH2O.
  • 17. The chest radiograph is characterized by bilateral opacities involving at least 3 quadrants that are not fully explained by pleural effusions, atelectasis and nodules. In the absence of known risk factors, a cardiogenic origin of edema is to be excluded by objective evaluation of cardiac function with echocardiography. Consequently, the wedge pressure measurement was abandoned because ARDS may coexist with hydrostatic edema caused by fluid overload or cardiac failure. Chest X-ray
  • 18. Key components acute, meaning onset over 1 week or less bilateral opacities consistent with pulmonary edema must be present but may be detected on CT or chest radiograph PF ratio <300mmHg with a minimum of 5 cmH20 PEEP (or CPAP) must not be fully explained by cardiac failure or fluid overload,” in the physician’s best estimation using available information — an “objective assessment“ (e.g. echocardiogram) should be performed in most cases if there is no clear cause such as trauma or sepsis.
  • 19. Severity *on PEEP 5+; **observed in cohort ARDS is categorized as being mild, moderate, or severe: ARDS Severity PaO2/FiO2* Mortality** Mild 200 – 300 27% Moderate 100 – 200 32% Severe < 100 45%
  • 20. Changes from the 1994 AECC definition the term acute lung injury was abandoned measurement of the PaO2/FIO2 ratio was changed to require a specific minimum amount of PEEP 3 categories of ARDS were proposed (mild, moderate, and severe) based on the PaO2/FIO2 ratio Radiographic criteria were changed to improve interrater reliability PCWP criterion was removed and additional clarity was added to improve the ability to exclude cardiac causes of bilateral infiltrates
  • 22. Shortcoming of the AECC definition acute is ill defined PF ratio can be manipulated by adjusting PEEP CXR interpretation is unreliable PACs are rarely used PCWP may oscillate above and below the cut-off and may be elevated for reasons other than heart failure ALI was used inconsistently, just PF ratio 200 to 300, or all patients <300 including ARDS?
  • 23.
  • 24. Incidence and outcome ■ 20-75 per 100,000 ■ 30% mortality ■ Recovery may take 6-12 months ■ Residual: Restriction Obstruction Gas- Exchange Abnormalities Reduced Quality of Life
  • 25. Direct pneumonia aspiration of gastric contents lung contusion fat embolism Amniotic fluid embolism near drowning inhalational injury reperfusion injury non-pulmonary sepsis multiple trauma massive transfusion pancreatitits Salicylate or narcotic overdose cardiopulmonary bypass Indirect Risk factors
  • 26. Cardiogenic Vs non cardiogenic pulmonary edema Cardiogenic Non-Cardiogenic Patchy infiltrates in bases Effusions Kerley B lines Cardiomegaly Pulmonary vascular redistribution Excess fluid in alveoli Homogenous fluffy shadows No effusion No Kerley B lines No cardiomegaly No pulmonary vascular redistribution Protein, inflammatory cells, fluid
  • 29. Pathophysiology Classical phases Injury Exudative – alveolar capillary membrane disruption with inflammatory cell infiltrate and high protein exudate to form hyaline membranes Proliferative – proliferation of abnormal Type II alveoli cells and inflammatory cells Fibrotic – infiltration with fibroblasts which replace alveoli and alveolar ducts with fibrosis Resolution – slow and incomplete repair and restoration of architecture
  • 30.
  • 31. Pathophysiology Based on the histological appearance - Exudative phase (0-4 days) • Alveolar and interstitial edema • Capillary congestion • Destruction of type I alveolar cells • Early hyaline membrane formation Proliferative Phase (3-10 days) • Increased type II alveolar cells • Cellular infiltration of alveolar septum • Organisation of hyaline membranes Fibrotic Phase (>10 days) • Fibrosis of hyaline membranes and alveolar septum • Alveolar duct fibrosis
  • 32. Findings on Light Microscopy and Electron Microscopy during the Acute Phase (Panels A and D) and the Fibrosing- Alveolitis Phase (Panels B, C, and E) of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.
  • 33. Pathophysiology Mechanisms in early phase - • Release of inflammatory cytokines – TNF alpha, IL- 1,6,8 • Failure of alveolar edema clearance, epithelial and endothelial damage • Increased permeability of alveolo – capillary membrane • Neutrophil migration and oxidative stress • Procoagulant shift – fibrin deposition • Surfactant dysfunction Mechanism in late (repair) phase – • Fibroproliferation -TGF beta, MMPs, thombospondin, plasmin, ROS • Remodelling - matrix and cell surface proteoglycans, MMP, imbalance of coagulation and fibrinolysis.
  • 35. Complex interplay pulmonary oedema from damage to the alveolocapillary barrier inflammatory infiltrates surfactant dysfunction It is essential to understand that although ALI is a diffuse process, it is also a heterogeneous process, and not all lung units are affected equally: normal and diseased tissue may exist side-by-side.
  • 36. Effects hypoxaemia (V/Q mismatch, impaired hypoxic pulmonar y vasoconstriction) increase in dependent densities (surfactant dysfunction, alveolar instabilities) decreased compliance (surfactant dysfunction, decreased lung volume, fibrosis) collapse/consolidation (increased compression of dependent lung) increased minute ventilation (increased in alveolar dead space) increased work of breathing (increased elastance, increased minute volume requirement) pulmonary hypertension (vasoconstriction, microvascular thrombi, fibrosis, PEEP)
  • 37. Host factors increasing the risk of ARDS Clinical variables found to be associated with an increased risk of ARDS Diabetes mellitus decreases the risk of ALI. chronic alcohol abuse hypoproteinemia advanced age, increased severity,and extent of injury or illness as measured by injury severity score (ISS) or APACHEscore hyper-transfusion of blood products cigarette smoking.
  • 38. Causative factors in ARDS Primary injury Host response Consequences of therapy
  • 40. Symptoms Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is characterized by the development of acute dyspnea and hypoxemia within hours to days of an inciting event, such as trauma, sepsis, drug overdose, massive transfusion, acute pancreatitis, or aspiration. In many cases, the inciting event is obvious, but, in others (eg, drug overdose), it may be harder to identify. Patients developing ARDS are critically ill, often with multisystem organ failure, and they may not be capable of providing historical information. Typically, the illness develops within 12-48 hours after the inciting event, although, in rare instances, it may take up to a few days. With the onset of lung injury, patients initially note dyspnea with exertion. This rapidly progresses to severe dyspnea at rest, tachypnea, anxiety, agitation, and the need for increasingly high concentrations of inspired oxygen.
  • 41. Physical findings Physical findings often are nonspecific and include tachypnea, tachycardia, and the need for a high fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) to maintain oxygen saturation. The patient may be febrile or hypothermic. Because ARDS often occurs in the context of sepsis, associated hypotension and peripheral vasoconstriction with cold extremities may be present. Cyanosis of the lips and nail beds may occur. Examination of the lungs may reveal bilateral rales. Rales may not be present despite widespread involvement. Because the patient is often intubated and mechanically ventilated, decreased breath sounds over 1 lung may indicate a pneumothorax or endotracheal tube down the right main bronchus. Manifestations of the underlying cause (eg, acute abdominal findings in the case of ARDS caused by pancreatitis) are present.
  • 43. Laboratory investigations Routine blood counts RFT LFT Blood culture BNP ABG BAL ECHO Chest CT scan PCWP
  • 44. Classic Chest X Ray of a patient with ARDS, although the lung injury appears diffuse, when you look at the CT scan of the same patient on the right you can see that the lower lobes are densely consolidated and the upper lobes relatively spared. Nevertheless, this patient was severely hypoxic, and responded well to prone positioning.
  • 46. Therapy- goals Treatment of the underlying cause Cardio-pulmonary support Specific therapy targeted at lung therapy Supportive therapy
  • 47. Diagnosis and appropriate treatment of the underlying cause to minimise physiological impact of cause (drain collection, antibiotics, resuscitate, splint fractures) Nutritional support Standard ICU prophylaxis Stress ulcer prophylaxis Prevention of nosocomial infections CVP monitoring with CV line with appropriate fluid therapy General measures
  • 48. Goal of management of a patient with ARDS
  • 50. Lung protective strategy in ARDS A myth or a fact!
  • 52. Therapy- mechanical ventilation The Problem: Ventilator- Induced Lung Injury ■ High volumes and pressures: Stress ( barotrauma) ■ Overdistension & Alveolar Cracking ( volumtrauma) ■ Cyclic Opening and closing of atelectatic alveoli ( atelectrauma) Cause increased permeability and alveolar damage
  • 53. The Problem: Oxygen Toxicity ■ Free Radicals ■ Oxygen Washout and De-Recruitment High FiO2 can lead to further alveolar damage Therapy- mechanical ventilation
  • 54. ■ Intubation almost always necessary ■ In past, goal was to normalize pH, PaCO2, PaO2 ■ High volumes and pressures were used ■ Worse outcomes Therapy- mechanical ventilation
  • 55. Lung protective strategy Amato et al. 1998, Effects of a protective- ventilation strategy on mortality in the acute respiratory distress syndrome. N. Engl. J. Med. 338:347-54 ■ 53 pts with early ARDS ■ Compared “conventional” ventilation of 12ml/kg to “protective” 6ml/kg ■ Low PEEP. PaCO2 35-38 ■ Improved survival at 28 days ■ Higher percentage of ventilator weaning ■ Less barotrauma
  • 56. The Acute Respiratory Distress Network. 2000. Ventilation with lower tidal volumes as compared with traditional tidal volumes for acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome. N. Engl. J. Med. 342:1301-8 ■ Larger Trial. 861 patients ■ Compared 12 ml/kg vs. 6ml/kg ventilation. ■ Plateau pressures 50 cm H2O vs. 30 cm H2O. ■ Trial ended early: ■39.8% mortality vs. 31% mortality THIS HAS CHANGED CLINICAL PRACTICE Lung protective strategy
  • 57. Mechanical ventilation ARDS Network protective lung ventilation strategy (from the ARMA study) controlled ventilation TV 6mL/kg avoid overstretch (volutrauma) and inadequate recruitment (atelectrauma) PEEP 5-15 Plateau pressure <30 cmH20 (higher than this contributes to VILI from overstretching and hyperinflation of the functional ‘baby lung’)
  • 58. mode of ventilation: generally no difference PCV tends to be used c/o plateau pressure approximates peak pressure, with VC plateau pressure needs to be measured no role for inverse ratio ventilation (I:E ratio > 1) -> increased mean airway pressure + haemodynamic instability + regional hyperinflation oxygenation target: SpO2 88-95%, PaO2 > 55-80 mmHg carbon dioxide target: ARDSnet aimed for a normal CO2 -> but lung is exposed to repeated tidal stretch, ideally hypercapnia should be minimised but there isn’t compelling data to suggest it is harmful unless there is an obvious reason (raised ICP, pregnancy).
  • 62.
  • 63. Other techniques to improve oxygenation prone posture: improves oxygenation and mortality in severe ARDS recruitment manoeuvres (e.g. PEEP 30-40cmH2O held for 30 seconds or staircase recruitment manouvre) -> can improve oxygenation but controversial, not everyone responds inhaled iNO: optimisation of V/Q mismatch, 1-60ppm, on 40-70% will respond, monitor for metHb inhaled prostacycline (PGI2): optimisation of V/Q mis-match, 1-50ng/kg/min, as effective as iNO
  • 64. Pharmacological therapy surfactant replacement therapy: theoretically good, improves oxygenation but no improvement in mortality, problems with distribution to alveoli Diuretics : liberal vs conservative strategy glucocorticoids: improvement in ventilator free days and shock, no improvement in mortality and increase in weakness ketoconazole: antifungal that inhibits thromboxane synthase and 5-lipooxygenase -> early data but not confirmed. others: cytokine antagonism, NSAIDS, scavengers of O2 radicals, lisofylline -> no success Seek and treat underlying causes and complications
  • 65. A randomized, clinical trial determined that simvastatin, a hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase inhibitor, improved oxygenation and respiratory mechanics in patients with ALI. Further studies are needed, but treatment with simvastatin appears safe and may be associated with improved organ dysfunction in patients with ALI. Statins Pharmacological therapy Activated protein C Drotrecogin alfa was withdrawn from the worldwide market October 25, 2011. In the Recombinant Human Activated Protein C Worldwide Evaluation in Severe Sepsis (PROWESS)-SHOCK clinical trial, drotrecogin alfa failed to demonstrate a statistically significant reduction in 28-day all-cause mortality in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. Trial results observed a 28-day all-cause mortality rate of 26.4% in patients treated with activated drotrecogin alfa compared with 24.2% in the placebo group of the study.
  • 66. In these critically ill patients, pay careful attention to early recognition of potential complications in the intensive care unit (ICU), including pneumothorax, IV line infections, skin breakdown, inadequate nutrition, arterial occlusion at the site of intra-arterial monitoring devices, DVT and pulmonary embolism (PE), retroperitoneal hemorrhage, gastrointestinal (GI) hemorrhage, erroneous placement of lines and tubes, and the development of muscle weakness.
  • 67. Prognosis pulmonary function returns to normal at 6-12 months in survivors occasionally patient have severe restrictive lung disease although this is the case, many patient have a severe reduction and pulmonary QOL -> depression, anxiety and PTSD are common patient often have cognitive impairment -> these correlate with the period and severity of hypoxia
  • 68.
  • 69.