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            4/16/2012   1
   Origins and Development of Sociology

   Society, Sociology and its Method

   The Social Sciences

                                        4/16/2012   2
   “Study hard and you will do well in life.”
   “If you do this elective or set of electives you
    will have a better chance of getting a good
    job in the future”.
   “As a boy/girl this does not seem a correct
    choice of job”
   “Your family needs you to get a job soon so
    why choose a profession that will take a very
    long time” or “You will join your family
    business so why do you wish to do this job?”

                                          4/16/2012    3
   Sociology makes a scientific study of society:
    Prior to the emergence of sociology the study
    of society was carried on in an unscientific
    manner and society had never been the
    central concern of any science.

   It is through the study of sociology that the
    truly scientific study of the society has been

                                         4/16/2012   4
   Sociology because of its bearing upon many
    of the problems of the present world has
    assumed such a great importance that it is
    considered to be the best approach to all the
    social sciences.

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   Sociology studies role of the institutions in
    the development of the individuals: It is
    through sociology that scientific study of the
    great social institutions and the relation of
    the individual to each is being made.
   The home and family ,the school and
    education, the church and religion, the state
    and government ,industry and work ,the
    community and association, these are
    institutions through which society functions.

                                        4/16/2012    6
   Sociology studies these institutions and their
    role in the development of the individual and
    suggests suitable measures for re
    strengthening them with a view to enable
    them to serve the individual better.

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   Study of sociology is indispensable for
    understanding and planning of society:
    Society is a complex phenomenon with a
    multitude of intricacies.
   It is impossible to understand and solve its
    numerous problems without support of
   It is rightly said that we cannot understand
    and mend society without any knowledge of
    its mechanism and construction.

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   Without the investigation carried out by
    sociology no real effective social planning
    would be possible.

   It helps us to determine the most efficient
    means for reaching the goals agreed upon.

   A certain amount of knowledge about society
    is necessary before any social policies can be
    carried out.

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   Sociology is of great importance in the
    solution of social problems: The present
    world is suffering from many problems which
    can be solved through scientific study of the

   It is the task of sociology to study the social
    problems through the methods of scientific
    research and to find out solution to them.

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   The scientific study of human affairs will
    ultimately provide the body of knowledge and
    principles that will enable us to control the
    conditions of social life and improve them.

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   Sociology has drawn our attention to the
    intrinsic worth and dignity of man: Sociology
    has been instrumental in changing our
    attitude towards human beings.
   In a specialized society we are all limited as
    to the amount of the whole organization and
    culture that we can experience directly.

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   We can hardly know the people of other areas

   In order to have insight into and appreciation
    of the motives by which others live and the
    conditions under which they exist a
    knowledge of sociology is essential.

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   Sociology has changed our outlook with
    regard to the problems of crime etc: It is
    through the study of sociology that our whole
    outlook on various aspects of crime has
    change. The criminals are now treated as
    human beings suffering from mental
    deficiencies and efforts are accordingly made
    to rehabilitate them as useful members of the

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   Sociology has made great contribution to
    enrich human culture: Human culture has
    been made richer by the contribution of
    sociology. The social phenomenon is now
    understood in the light of scientific
    knowledge and enquiry. According to Lowie
    most of us harbor the comfortable delusion
    that our way of doing things is the only
    sensible if not only possible one.

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   Sociology has given us training to have
    rational approach to questions concerning
    oneself, one's religion, customs, morals and

   It has further taught us to be objective,
    critical and dispassionate.

   It enables man to have better understanding
    both of himself and of others.

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   By comparative study of societies and groups
    other than his existence ,his life becomes
    richer and fuller than it would otherwise be.

   Sociology also impresses upon us the
    necessity of overcoming narrow personal
    prejudices, ambitions and class hatred.

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   Sociology is of great importance in the
    solution of international problems: The
    progress made by physical sciences has
    brought the nations of the world nearer to
    each other. But in the social field the world
    has been left behind by the revolutionary
    progress of the science.

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   The world is divided politically giving rise to
    stress and conflict. Men have failed to bring
    in peace. Sociology can help us in
    understanding the underlying causes and

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   The value of sociology lies in the fact that it
    keeps us update on modern situations: It
    contributes to making good citizens and
    finding solutions to the community problems.
    It adds to the knowledge of the society. It
    helps the individual find his relation to

                                        4/16/2012     20
   The study of social phenomena and of the
    ways and means of promoting what Giddens
    calls social adequacy is one of the most
    urgent needs of the modern society.

   Sociology has a strong appeal to all types of
    mind through its direct bearing upon many of
    the initial problems of the present world.

                                      4/16/2012     21
   West - Plato‟s Republic and Aristotle‟s Ethics
    and Politics ---
   India – Upanishads, Sutras and the Puranas
   Special importance – Laws of Manu or
   Sukracharya – Nitisastra
   Arthasastra by Chanakya or Kautilya is the
    most famous work of ancient Indian literature
    on this subject
   Persians - Zoroaster

                                       4/16/2012     22
   The term sociology was coined by French
    philosopher and sociologist Auguste Comte

   Latin societas (society) and the Greek logos

   He defined sociology as the science of social

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   Herbert Spencer – His sociology is essentially

   He asserted that society was like an organism
    or living body

   Frederic Le Play – applied case-study method
    to his research; introduced the survey
    method and the concept of „participant

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   Karl Marx (economist)

   Charles Durkheim (biologist)

   Sigmund Freud (Psycho analyst)

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   Emile Durkheim and Max Weber became

   Durkheim – ultimate social reality is the
    group, not the individual

   Max Weber introduced interpretive
    understanding (Verstehen) in sociology
   For him individual is the basic unit of society
   His approach is opposite to that of Durkheim

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   Verstehen refers to understanding the
    meaning of action from the actor's point of

   It is entering into the shoes of the other, and
    adopting this research stance requires
    treating the actor as a subject, rather than an
    object of your observations.

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   Evolutionary and organismic theories

   Naturalist and analytical

   Structural-functionalist

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   In the simplest sense ,evolution means the
    slow process of change from a simple to a
    more complex structure.

   Evolution assumes that all living things are

   Humans are supposed to have developed
    from some simpler forms.

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   Most of the scientists today accept the basic
    principle of evolution but they have varying
    views regarding how evolution has taken
    place or how far it has gone.

   The evolution of life began in the oceans.
    About four hundred million years ago the first
    land based creatures emerged.

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   Some of these gradually evolved into the
    large reptiles who were later displaced by

   Mammals are warm-blooded creatures having
    greater capacity to learn from experience
    than other animals and this capacity has
    reached its highest development in the
    human species.

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   Our closest relatives are chimpanzee, gorilla
    and orangutan

   Though similarities between man and other
    animal forms were discovered by Linnaeus
    who grouped men ,the great ape and
    monkeys in a single order, the main theory is

   Survival of the fittest through struggle for
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   A further elaboration of the evolutionary

   Darwin and Spencer

   Those which conceive of society as a
    biological organism with nerves, tissues, cells

                                        4/16/2012     33
   Naturalism or positivism: Attempts to equate
    the methods of sociology to those of the
    natural sciences such as physics, chemistry
    and biology by using external observation
    and measurement or quantification

   Inspiration: Comte, Pareto

   There is no qualitative difference between
    physical and social relations

   Disown introspection, interpretation
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   Inspiration: Max Weber

   Difference between natural and social
    sciences (contrast to naturalistic)

   Introspection, interpretation techniques have
    their place in sociology

                                       4/16/2012    35
   Widely followed in modern times

   Inspiration: Comte, Spencer, Durkheim, and

   All parts of a culture or group are integrated
    into the whole or are interdependent on each
    other and social phenomena are functions or
    effects of social structures such as class
    systems etc.

                                        4/16/2012    36
   Sociology – Latin societas (society) and the
    Greek logos (study or science)
   Reciprocal recognition and commonness are
    the characteristic features of every social
   Method – Greek meta (with, after) and hodos
    (way) --- an apt way of doing something,
    investigating or teaching with brevity,
    thoroughness and the like.
   Method vs. technique

                                      4/16/2012    37
   For convenience, I decide to take a side path
    instead of the high road in order to go to a
    village, I may do it by going on foot or on

   The following of the side path is the method
    and the use of the bicycle the technique.

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   Formulation of the Problem
   Observation (Spontaneous/Controlled)
   Classification
   Hypothesis
   Verification
   Prediction

                                     4/16/2012   39
   Juvenile delinquency refers to antisocial or
    illegal behavior by children or adolescents

   Broken homes

                                        4/16/2012   40
   A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for an
    observable phenomenon
   Chocolate may cause pimples.
   Salt in soil may affect plant growth.
   Plant growth may be affected by the color of
    the light.
   Bacterial growth may be affected by
   Ultra violet light may cause skin cancer.
   Taller people have larger handspans
   If I eat pizza everyday then I get fat.

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   When certain conditions obtain, broken
    homes are the main cause of juvenile

   Working hypothesis

   Scientific hypothesis
   If we give plant A more fertilizer than plant B
    then plant A will grow faster than plant B.

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   America --- broken homes are the main
    cause of juvenile delinquency

   France, India, Brazil and other nations????

   We cannot accept this hypothesis as general
    or universal

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   Archimedes principle: „A body immersed in a
    fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the
    weight of the liquid it displaces‟

   Fluid – water, oil or any other liquid

   This we can always predict without fear of
    being wrong. By prediction the law shows that
    it can act as such

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   Sociology and Economics
   Sociology and Political Science
   Sociology and History
   Sociology and Psychology
   Sociology and Anthropology
   Sociology and Ethics
   Other Social Sciences

                                      4/16/2012   45
   Economics is the study of production and
    distribution of goods and services.

   As the economic process develops in society,
    it influences and is influenced by the social
    life of man; the relation between these two
    sciences is very intimate.

   Many economists like Max Weber interpret
    economic change as an aspect of social
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   The study of economics would be misleading
    and incomplete apart from its social setting –
    an opinion that has gained considerable
    ground during the last few decades.

   As the economic system is embedded in the
    social structure as a part of it, the study of
    the former cannot be undertaken but as a
    function of the latter; that‟s why Economics
    must be the handmaid of sociology.

                                         4/16/2012   47
   Economics deals with the production of
    goods and services and how they are
    distributed to people just like sociology which
    also consider how the goods are distributed
    to members of the society.

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   Political science deals with social groups
    organized under the sovereignty of the state

   Law and freedom; legislative power etc.

   Close affinity between sociology and political
    science but the view points are different; the
    former looks upon a state as a social
    institution; the latter as the supreme
    regulating power of the community and the
    source of political law
                                        4/16/2012    49
   The correlation between these two branches
    as per Giddings: “To teach the theory of the
    state to men who have not learned the first
    principles of sociology, is like teaching
    astronomy or thermodynamics to men who
    have not learned Newton‟s laws of motion.”

                                       4/16/2012   50
   Sociology and Political science are also
    related in the sense that they both concern
    the welfare of people in a society.

   Political science basically deals with the
    distribution of power and the exercise of
    power, democracy, dictatorship, communism,
    how people vote etc.

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   Ethics is concerned with the moral rightness
    or depravity of human actions

   It investigates the laws of morality and
    formulates the principles and rules of morally
    desirable actions.

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   A peaceful strike directed to improve the
    condition of the working classes, when all
    other legal means have proved futile, is
    morally good, or at least not wrong; whereas
    the same strike, used as a piece of
    revolutionary strategy, with the object of
    spreading unrest in the population, is
    ethically wrong.

                                      4/16/2012    53
   No ethical action is possible unless it is social

   Not everything that is social is ethical

                                          4/16/2012     54
   Do not furnish the image of competitors by
    unfair practices.

   Do not deceive or cheat the customers by
    selling substandard or defective products by
    under measurement or any other means.

   Do not report to hoarding, black marketing or

                                       4/16/2012    55
   Ensure payment of fair wages and fair
    treatment to the internal customers as well as
    external customers and share holders.

   Make accurate business records so that
    transparency to the share holders can be

   Treasure sincerity and accuracy in
    advertising, labeling and packaging.

                                       4/16/2012     56
   Kidney transplantation in India has become
    most popular because of easy availability at
    low cost.

   The doctors run into confusion when they
    come across the situation where a patient‟s
    life can be saved by disturbing the health of

                                        4/16/2012   57
   The physical and cultural development of
    human beings from their origin to the present
    time is the object of the study of

   Human Evolution, Physical anthropology,
    Archaeology, Cultural anthropology, Social

                                      4/16/2012     58
   Human evolution (study of fossil man)
   Physical anthropology (concerned with bodily
    characteristics of racial groups)
   Archaeology (attempts to reconstruct the
    social life of prehistoric man)
   Cultural anthropology (study of man‟s culture
    both material and non-material)
   Social anthropology (deals with man as a
    social being, in which sense it would coincide
    with sociology)

                                       4/16/2012     59
   The non material aspects of any culture are
    its beliefs, customs, philosophy, patterns and
    ways of communication (verbal and non-
    verbal) and its government.
   The material aspect of culture consists of the
    physical. These are houses, food items,
    factories, raw materials and technologies.
   Every culture is the product of this interaction
    between its' material and non material

                                         4/16/2012     60
   History primarily deals with past events.

   Sociology on the other end will be concerned
    with how people interacted, how culture was
    affected etc.

   History emphasizes particular historical
    occurrences; sociology deals in general.

                                        4/16/2012   61
   History primarily deals with past events and
    how they affected society e.g., how the
    colonization of Africa underdeveloped Africa.

   Sociology on the other end will be concerned
    with how people interacted, how culture was
    affected etc during the colonization and the

                                       4/16/2012    62
   The primary interest of the sociologist is the
    finding of the general laws of society and that
    of the historian the reconstruction of the
    order in which historical events have been
    taking place.

   History deals with human events in so far as
    they are correlated in time, while sociology
    studies them from the viewpoint of the social
    relationships involved

                                        4/16/2012     63
   While the historian describes the Napolean
    wars with all the circumstances
    accompanying them, a sociologist would
    study their impact on the lives of the people,
    the role that these wars had on the
    subsequent development of the nationalistic
    spirit in Europe and the part that convictions
    and propaganda played in arousing the spirits
    of patriots against the invader.

                                       4/16/2012     64
   While the historian may deal with the
    development of the family in different
    civilizations, the sociologist‟s task is to
    investigate into the various forms of this
    institution; to trace the morphological
    similarity between them; to find their
    correlations so as to be able to formulate the
    laws of change and causality that intervene
    among those traits and institutions.

                                        4/16/2012    65
   As society is fundamentally a mental
    phenomenon, the relation between social
    psychology and sociology becomes at once

                                    4/16/2012   66
   Social psychology deals with the mental
    processes of man considered as a social
    being. It studies particularly the influence of
    group life on the mental development of the
    individual; the effect of the individual mind
    on the group, and the development of the
    mental life of the groups within themselves
    and in their relations with one another.

                                         4/16/2012    67
   Psychology and Sociology link on that they
    deal with the behavior of people, psychology
    deals with the behavior of people and their
    mental process just like sociology which also
    seek to understand how people's behavior
    affect society.

   The distinction is that the one studies society
    from the view point of the community
    element; the other from the viewpoint of
    psychological factors involved
                                        4/16/2012     68
   Demography
   Law
   Criminology
   Industrial sociology
   Religious Sociology
   Organizational Sociology
   Sociology of communication
   Prognostics or futurology (society of future).


                                        4/16/2012    69
   Meeting point of sociology and philosophy

   Its role is the study of the fundamental
    principles and concepts of social life in their
    epistemological and axiological aspects

   Epistemological : philosophical study of
   Axiological : philosophical study of values

                                         4/16/2012    70
   Ontological: fundamental principles and
    concepts of social life such as man, society,
    justice, happiness etc.

   Criteriological: criticizes or inquires into the
    validity of the principles and conclusions of
    the social sciences

   Synthetic: Seeks to bring together its results
    with those of the other sciences that deal
    with man

                                          4/16/2012    71
   In its axiological aspect social philosophy
    deals with the ultimate values of social life
    and the means of attaining them.

   Its objective is, therefore, the attainment of
    the social good in itself and in its relations
    with ultimate moral values.

                                         4/16/2012   72

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  • 1. ANJANI SRIKANTH KOKA 4/16/2012 1
  • 2. Origins and Development of Sociology  Society, Sociology and its Method  The Social Sciences 4/16/2012 2
  • 3. “Study hard and you will do well in life.”  “If you do this elective or set of electives you will have a better chance of getting a good job in the future”.  “As a boy/girl this does not seem a correct choice of job”  “Your family needs you to get a job soon so why choose a profession that will take a very long time” or “You will join your family business so why do you wish to do this job?” 4/16/2012 3
  • 4. Sociology makes a scientific study of society: Prior to the emergence of sociology the study of society was carried on in an unscientific manner and society had never been the central concern of any science.  It is through the study of sociology that the truly scientific study of the society has been possible. 4/16/2012 4
  • 5. Sociology because of its bearing upon many of the problems of the present world has assumed such a great importance that it is considered to be the best approach to all the social sciences. 4/16/2012 5
  • 6. Sociology studies role of the institutions in the development of the individuals: It is through sociology that scientific study of the great social institutions and the relation of the individual to each is being made.  The home and family ,the school and education, the church and religion, the state and government ,industry and work ,the community and association, these are institutions through which society functions. 4/16/2012 6
  • 7. Sociology studies these institutions and their role in the development of the individual and suggests suitable measures for re strengthening them with a view to enable them to serve the individual better. 4/16/2012 7
  • 8. Study of sociology is indispensable for understanding and planning of society: Society is a complex phenomenon with a multitude of intricacies.  It is impossible to understand and solve its numerous problems without support of sociology.  It is rightly said that we cannot understand and mend society without any knowledge of its mechanism and construction. 4/16/2012 8
  • 9. Without the investigation carried out by sociology no real effective social planning would be possible.  It helps us to determine the most efficient means for reaching the goals agreed upon.  A certain amount of knowledge about society is necessary before any social policies can be carried out. 4/16/2012 9
  • 10. Sociology is of great importance in the solution of social problems: The present world is suffering from many problems which can be solved through scientific study of the society.  It is the task of sociology to study the social problems through the methods of scientific research and to find out solution to them. 4/16/2012 10
  • 11. The scientific study of human affairs will ultimately provide the body of knowledge and principles that will enable us to control the conditions of social life and improve them. 4/16/2012 11
  • 12. Sociology has drawn our attention to the intrinsic worth and dignity of man: Sociology has been instrumental in changing our attitude towards human beings.  In a specialized society we are all limited as to the amount of the whole organization and culture that we can experience directly. 4/16/2012 12
  • 13. We can hardly know the people of other areas intimately.  In order to have insight into and appreciation of the motives by which others live and the conditions under which they exist a knowledge of sociology is essential. 4/16/2012 13
  • 14. Sociology has changed our outlook with regard to the problems of crime etc: It is through the study of sociology that our whole outlook on various aspects of crime has change. The criminals are now treated as human beings suffering from mental deficiencies and efforts are accordingly made to rehabilitate them as useful members of the society. 4/16/2012 14
  • 15. Sociology has made great contribution to enrich human culture: Human culture has been made richer by the contribution of sociology. The social phenomenon is now understood in the light of scientific knowledge and enquiry. According to Lowie most of us harbor the comfortable delusion that our way of doing things is the only sensible if not only possible one. 4/16/2012 15
  • 16. Sociology has given us training to have rational approach to questions concerning oneself, one's religion, customs, morals and institutions.  It has further taught us to be objective, critical and dispassionate.  It enables man to have better understanding both of himself and of others. 4/16/2012 16
  • 17. By comparative study of societies and groups other than his existence ,his life becomes richer and fuller than it would otherwise be.  Sociology also impresses upon us the necessity of overcoming narrow personal prejudices, ambitions and class hatred. 4/16/2012 17
  • 18. Sociology is of great importance in the solution of international problems: The progress made by physical sciences has brought the nations of the world nearer to each other. But in the social field the world has been left behind by the revolutionary progress of the science. 4/16/2012 18
  • 19. The world is divided politically giving rise to stress and conflict. Men have failed to bring in peace. Sociology can help us in understanding the underlying causes and tensions. 4/16/2012 19
  • 20. The value of sociology lies in the fact that it keeps us update on modern situations: It contributes to making good citizens and finding solutions to the community problems. It adds to the knowledge of the society. It helps the individual find his relation to society. 4/16/2012 20
  • 21. The study of social phenomena and of the ways and means of promoting what Giddens calls social adequacy is one of the most urgent needs of the modern society.  Sociology has a strong appeal to all types of mind through its direct bearing upon many of the initial problems of the present world. 4/16/2012 21
  • 22. West - Plato‟s Republic and Aristotle‟s Ethics and Politics ---  India – Upanishads, Sutras and the Puranas  Special importance – Laws of Manu or Manusmriti  Sukracharya – Nitisastra  Arthasastra by Chanakya or Kautilya is the most famous work of ancient Indian literature on this subject  Persians - Zoroaster 4/16/2012 22
  • 23. The term sociology was coined by French philosopher and sociologist Auguste Comte  Latin societas (society) and the Greek logos (study)  He defined sociology as the science of social phenomena 4/16/2012 23
  • 24. Herbert Spencer – His sociology is essentially evolutionistic  He asserted that society was like an organism or living body  Frederic Le Play – applied case-study method to his research; introduced the survey method and the concept of „participant observer‟ 4/16/2012 24
  • 25. Karl Marx (economist)  Charles Durkheim (biologist)  Sigmund Freud (Psycho analyst) 4/16/2012 25
  • 26. Emile Durkheim and Max Weber became prominent  Durkheim – ultimate social reality is the group, not the individual  Max Weber introduced interpretive understanding (Verstehen) in sociology  For him individual is the basic unit of society  His approach is opposite to that of Durkheim 4/16/2012 26
  • 27. Verstehen refers to understanding the meaning of action from the actor's point of view.  It is entering into the shoes of the other, and adopting this research stance requires treating the actor as a subject, rather than an object of your observations. 4/16/2012 27
  • 28. Evolutionary and organismic theories  Naturalist and analytical  Structural-functionalist 4/16/2012 28
  • 29. In the simplest sense ,evolution means the slow process of change from a simple to a more complex structure.  Evolution assumes that all living things are inter-related.  Humans are supposed to have developed from some simpler forms. 4/16/2012 29
  • 30. Most of the scientists today accept the basic principle of evolution but they have varying views regarding how evolution has taken place or how far it has gone.  The evolution of life began in the oceans. About four hundred million years ago the first land based creatures emerged. 4/16/2012 30
  • 31. Some of these gradually evolved into the large reptiles who were later displaced by mammals.  Mammals are warm-blooded creatures having greater capacity to learn from experience than other animals and this capacity has reached its highest development in the human species. 4/16/2012 31
  • 32. Our closest relatives are chimpanzee, gorilla and orangutan  Though similarities between man and other animal forms were discovered by Linnaeus who grouped men ,the great ape and monkeys in a single order, the main theory is Darwinism.  Survival of the fittest through struggle for existence 4/16/2012 32
  • 33. A further elaboration of the evolutionary theory  Darwin and Spencer  Those which conceive of society as a biological organism with nerves, tissues, cells etc. 4/16/2012 33
  • 34. Naturalism or positivism: Attempts to equate the methods of sociology to those of the natural sciences such as physics, chemistry and biology by using external observation and measurement or quantification  Inspiration: Comte, Pareto  There is no qualitative difference between physical and social relations  Disown introspection, interpretation 4/16/2012 34
  • 35. Inspiration: Max Weber  Difference between natural and social sciences (contrast to naturalistic)  Introspection, interpretation techniques have their place in sociology 4/16/2012 35
  • 36. Widely followed in modern times  Inspiration: Comte, Spencer, Durkheim, and Pareto  All parts of a culture or group are integrated into the whole or are interdependent on each other and social phenomena are functions or effects of social structures such as class systems etc. 4/16/2012 36
  • 37. Sociology – Latin societas (society) and the Greek logos (study or science)  Reciprocal recognition and commonness are the characteristic features of every social relationship  Method – Greek meta (with, after) and hodos (way) --- an apt way of doing something, investigating or teaching with brevity, thoroughness and the like.  Method vs. technique 4/16/2012 37
  • 38. For convenience, I decide to take a side path instead of the high road in order to go to a village, I may do it by going on foot or on bicycle.  The following of the side path is the method and the use of the bicycle the technique. 4/16/2012 38
  • 39. Formulation of the Problem  Observation (Spontaneous/Controlled)  Classification  Hypothesis  Verification  Prediction 4/16/2012 39
  • 40. Juvenile delinquency refers to antisocial or illegal behavior by children or adolescents  Broken homes 4/16/2012 40
  • 41. A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for an observable phenomenon  Chocolate may cause pimples.  Salt in soil may affect plant growth.  Plant growth may be affected by the color of the light.  Bacterial growth may be affected by temperature.  Ultra violet light may cause skin cancer.  Taller people have larger handspans  If I eat pizza everyday then I get fat. 4/16/2012 41
  • 42. When certain conditions obtain, broken homes are the main cause of juvenile delinquency  Working hypothesis  Scientific hypothesis  If we give plant A more fertilizer than plant B then plant A will grow faster than plant B. 4/16/2012 42
  • 43. America --- broken homes are the main cause of juvenile delinquency  France, India, Brazil and other nations????  We cannot accept this hypothesis as general or universal 4/16/2012 43
  • 44. Archimedes principle: „A body immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the liquid it displaces‟  Fluid – water, oil or any other liquid  This we can always predict without fear of being wrong. By prediction the law shows that it can act as such 4/16/2012 44
  • 45. Sociology and Economics  Sociology and Political Science  Sociology and History  Sociology and Psychology  Sociology and Anthropology  Sociology and Ethics  Other Social Sciences 4/16/2012 45
  • 46. Economics is the study of production and distribution of goods and services.  As the economic process develops in society, it influences and is influenced by the social life of man; the relation between these two sciences is very intimate.  Many economists like Max Weber interpret economic change as an aspect of social change 4/16/2012 46
  • 47. The study of economics would be misleading and incomplete apart from its social setting – an opinion that has gained considerable ground during the last few decades.  As the economic system is embedded in the social structure as a part of it, the study of the former cannot be undertaken but as a function of the latter; that‟s why Economics must be the handmaid of sociology. 4/16/2012 47
  • 48. Economics deals with the production of goods and services and how they are distributed to people just like sociology which also consider how the goods are distributed to members of the society. 4/16/2012 48
  • 49. Political science deals with social groups organized under the sovereignty of the state  Law and freedom; legislative power etc.  Close affinity between sociology and political science but the view points are different; the former looks upon a state as a social institution; the latter as the supreme regulating power of the community and the source of political law 4/16/2012 49
  • 50. The correlation between these two branches as per Giddings: “To teach the theory of the state to men who have not learned the first principles of sociology, is like teaching astronomy or thermodynamics to men who have not learned Newton‟s laws of motion.” 4/16/2012 50
  • 51. Sociology and Political science are also related in the sense that they both concern the welfare of people in a society.  Political science basically deals with the distribution of power and the exercise of power, democracy, dictatorship, communism, how people vote etc. 4/16/2012 51
  • 52. Ethics is concerned with the moral rightness or depravity of human actions  It investigates the laws of morality and formulates the principles and rules of morally desirable actions. 4/16/2012 52
  • 53. A peaceful strike directed to improve the condition of the working classes, when all other legal means have proved futile, is morally good, or at least not wrong; whereas the same strike, used as a piece of revolutionary strategy, with the object of spreading unrest in the population, is ethically wrong. 4/16/2012 53
  • 54. No ethical action is possible unless it is social  Not everything that is social is ethical 4/16/2012 54
  • 55. Do not furnish the image of competitors by unfair practices.  Do not deceive or cheat the customers by selling substandard or defective products by under measurement or any other means.  Do not report to hoarding, black marketing or profiteering. 4/16/2012 55
  • 56. Ensure payment of fair wages and fair treatment to the internal customers as well as external customers and share holders.  Make accurate business records so that transparency to the share holders can be achieved.  Treasure sincerity and accuracy in advertising, labeling and packaging. 4/16/2012 56
  • 57. Kidney transplantation in India has become most popular because of easy availability at low cost.  The doctors run into confusion when they come across the situation where a patient‟s life can be saved by disturbing the health of others. 4/16/2012 57
  • 58. The physical and cultural development of human beings from their origin to the present time is the object of the study of anthropology  Human Evolution, Physical anthropology, Archaeology, Cultural anthropology, Social anthropology 4/16/2012 58
  • 59. Human evolution (study of fossil man)  Physical anthropology (concerned with bodily characteristics of racial groups)  Archaeology (attempts to reconstruct the social life of prehistoric man)  Cultural anthropology (study of man‟s culture both material and non-material)  Social anthropology (deals with man as a social being, in which sense it would coincide with sociology) 4/16/2012 59
  • 60. The non material aspects of any culture are its beliefs, customs, philosophy, patterns and ways of communication (verbal and non- verbal) and its government.  The material aspect of culture consists of the physical. These are houses, food items, factories, raw materials and technologies.  Every culture is the product of this interaction between its' material and non material aspects. 4/16/2012 60
  • 61. History primarily deals with past events.  Sociology on the other end will be concerned with how people interacted, how culture was affected etc.  History emphasizes particular historical occurrences; sociology deals in general. 4/16/2012 61
  • 62. History primarily deals with past events and how they affected society e.g., how the colonization of Africa underdeveloped Africa.  Sociology on the other end will be concerned with how people interacted, how culture was affected etc during the colonization and the present. 4/16/2012 62
  • 63. The primary interest of the sociologist is the finding of the general laws of society and that of the historian the reconstruction of the order in which historical events have been taking place.  History deals with human events in so far as they are correlated in time, while sociology studies them from the viewpoint of the social relationships involved 4/16/2012 63
  • 64. While the historian describes the Napolean wars with all the circumstances accompanying them, a sociologist would study their impact on the lives of the people, the role that these wars had on the subsequent development of the nationalistic spirit in Europe and the part that convictions and propaganda played in arousing the spirits of patriots against the invader. 4/16/2012 64
  • 65. While the historian may deal with the development of the family in different civilizations, the sociologist‟s task is to investigate into the various forms of this institution; to trace the morphological similarity between them; to find their correlations so as to be able to formulate the laws of change and causality that intervene among those traits and institutions. 4/16/2012 65
  • 66. As society is fundamentally a mental phenomenon, the relation between social psychology and sociology becomes at once obvious. 4/16/2012 66
  • 67. Social psychology deals with the mental processes of man considered as a social being. It studies particularly the influence of group life on the mental development of the individual; the effect of the individual mind on the group, and the development of the mental life of the groups within themselves and in their relations with one another. 4/16/2012 67
  • 68. Psychology and Sociology link on that they deal with the behavior of people, psychology deals with the behavior of people and their mental process just like sociology which also seek to understand how people's behavior affect society.  The distinction is that the one studies society from the view point of the community element; the other from the viewpoint of psychological factors involved 4/16/2012 68
  • 69. Demography  Law  Criminology  Industrial sociology  Religious Sociology  Organizational Sociology  Sociology of communication  Prognostics or futurology (society of future).  “FASTEST GROWING SCIENCE” 4/16/2012 69
  • 70. Meeting point of sociology and philosophy  Its role is the study of the fundamental principles and concepts of social life in their epistemological and axiological aspects  Epistemological : philosophical study of knowledge  Axiological : philosophical study of values 4/16/2012 70
  • 71. Ontological: fundamental principles and concepts of social life such as man, society, justice, happiness etc.  Criteriological: criticizes or inquires into the validity of the principles and conclusions of the social sciences  Synthetic: Seeks to bring together its results with those of the other sciences that deal with man 4/16/2012 71
  • 72. In its axiological aspect social philosophy deals with the ultimate values of social life and the means of attaining them.  Its objective is, therefore, the attainment of the social good in itself and in its relations with ultimate moral values. 4/16/2012 72