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Creating a Smooth Development
Workflow for High-Quality Modular
Open-Source PHP Libraries
by Greg Anderson
Goal: Code re-use
Drupal Site
Drupal Module
Re-usable PHP Library
Optional: Command-line tool
Use a PHP library from a module
"name": "drupal/lcache",
"description": "LCache module.",
"type": "drupal-module",
"license": "GPLv2",
"require": {
"lcache/lcache": "0.3.*"
● Add a minimal composer.json to module
○ n.b. Drupal 8 has an implicit
autoloader entry
● Use Composer to manage Drupal site
○ drupal-composer/drupal-project
What is our Workflow?
Focus of this Session
HOWEVER, we also need:
● Collaboration
● Reproducibility
● Analysis of
○ Test coverage
○ Code Quality
○ Open Source License Compliance
● Documentation
What is a smooth workflow?
Just push the
button, and the right
thing happens.
All things take effort
Spend time up-front to make things easier later: WIN
Is it worth the effort?
Also remember:
You will be able to respond to
high-priority requests faster.
Onboarding new team
members will be easier.
Consistent processes will lead
to consistent results and fewer
Services to the rescue!
Collaborate with other engineers across multiple branches.
Keep a record of all work done.
Integrate With All Of The Things.
Run tests and
other tasks.
Calculate test
Analyze code
Track dependency
versions and licenses.
Package manager
for composer.
Publish documentation
site from markdown.
Follow the example of existing projects
Some projects we will examine:
● lcache/lcache
● consolidation/*
● westkingdom/website
● What can you do with it?
○ Collaborate through browser without git
○ Set up lots of integrations
● How do you use it effectively?
○ Make issue and PR templates
○ Advertise integrations with badges
● How do you fix mistakes?
Collaborate through browser interface
In-browser collaboration is even more powerful with automated builds.
Make your own copy for local work
Basics of using git locally
Make a local copy
$ git clone … working-copy
$ cd working-copy
Create a branch
$ git checkout -b mywork
Commit changes
$ git add -A .
$ git commit -m "Awesomesauce."
Push branch
$ git push origin mywork
Recovering from Git-tastrophes
Oh , git!
● Short project description.
● Badges with links to services.
● Reasons for using project.
● Build and test instructions.
● Installation instructions.
● Usage documentation.
● How to contribute.
The README may either contain
this information directly, or contain
links to other documents where this
information can be found.
Add a CONTRIBUTING document
Add issue and PR templates
### Steps to reproduce
What did you do?
### Expected behavior
Tell us what should happen
### Actual behavior
Tell us what happens instead
### Overview
This pull request:
- [ ] Fixes a bug
- [ ] Adds a feature
- [ ] Breaks backwards compat
- [ ] Needs tests
### Description
Any additional information.
● What can you do with it?
○ Register projects so they may be easily
● How do you use it effectively?
○ Define a branch alias
○ Use search URLs to find projects of a
certain type (e.g. plugins)
Set up composer.json
"name": "consolidation/bootstrap",
"description": "Locate and bootstrap components ...",
"ConsolidationBootstrap": "src"
"require": {
"php": ">=5.5.0",
"psr/log": "~1.0",
"symfony/console": "~2.5|~3.0"
"extra": {
"branch-alias": {
"dev-master": "1.x-dev"
Register project with packagist
Confirm submission
Packagist project without auto-update
Get Packagist API token
Add Packagist service in GitHub
Enter Packagist service information
Test Packagist service
Confirm auto-update warning is gone
Searching for project types
Badges for Packagist
● What can you do with it?
○ Run tests on multiple versions of PHP
○ Generate artifacts when tests pass
● How do you use it effectively?
○ Provide a functional phpunit.xml.dist
○ Test code style for PSR-2 conformance
○ Use composer install --prefer dist
○ Avoid testing PRs twice
○ Cache dependencies for faster builds
○ Commit composer.lock
○ Provide scripts to run tests locally
Set up phpunit.xml.dist
<phpunit bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php" colors="true">
<testsuite name="annotation-command">
<directory prefix="test" suffix=".php">tests</directory>
Install phpcs
$ composer require squizlabs/php_codesniffer
Set up .travis.yml
language: php
- 7.0
- 5.6
- 5.5
- 5.4
- composer install --prefer-dist
- vendor/bin/phpunit
- vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 -n src
Test PRs only one time
# Only test the master branch and SemVer tags.
- master
- /^[[:digit:]]+.[[:digit:]]+.[[:digit:]]+.*$/
Cache dependencies
sudo: false
- $HOME/.composer/cache
Commit composer.lock
- php: 7.0
env: deps=highest
- php: 5.6
- php: 5.5
- php: 5.4
env: deps=lowest
- if [ -z "$deps" ]; then composer install --prefer-dist; fi;
- if [ "$deps" = "lowest" ]; then composer update --prefer-dist --prefer-lowest -n; fi;
- if [ "$deps" = "highest" ]; then composer update --prefer-dist -n; fi;
Highest / lowest dependency test results
Create a phar using box2
Define a box.json file to define phar contents, then run:
$ composer require kherge/box
$ vendor/bin/box build .
Contents of box.json for box2
"alias": "robo.phar",
"chmod": "0755",
"compactors": ["HerreraBoxCompactorPhp"],
"directories": ["src"],
"files": ["RoboFile.php"],
"finder": [
"name": [ "*.php", "*.exe", "GeneratedWrapper.tmpl" ],
"exclude": [ "test", "tests", "Test", "Tests", "Tester" ],
"in": "vendor"
"git-commit": "git-commit",
"git-version": "git-version",
"output": "robo.phar",
"main": "robo",
"stub": true
Deploy phar on every releases
# Prior to a deploy, build a fresh robo.phar
- vendor/bin/box build .
provider: releases
file: robo.phar
skip_cleanup: true
tags: true
Provide scripts to run tests locally
"name": "consolidation/annotated-command",
"scripts": {
"phar": "vendor/bin/box build .",
"cs": "phpcs --standard=PSR2 -n src",
"cbf": "phpcbf --standard=PSR2 -n src",
"unit": "SHELL_INTERACTIVE=true phpunit --colors=always",
"test": [
Build status badge
Build status summary pages
Paste in badge image URLs
any place HTML can be
rendered (e.g. wiki pages) to
create summary pages.
● What can you do with it?
○ Keep a log of test coverage over time
○ See line-by-line what parts of the code are
tested, and what parts are not
● How do you use it effectively?
○ Periodically review untested functions, and
prioritize time to write new tests based on
Add coverage to phpunit.xml.dist
<phpunit bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php" colors="true">
<!-- <log type="coverage-html" target="build/logs/coverage" lowUpperBound="35"
highLowerBound="70"/> -->
<log type="coverage-clover" target="build/logs/clover.xml"/>
<whitelist processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist="true">
<directory suffix=".php">src</directory>
Install xdebug and coveralls PHP runner
$ brew install php70-xdebug
$ composer require satooshi/php-coveralls
Add Coveralls to .travis.yml
- travis_retry php vendor/bin/coveralls -v
Turn on Github integration
View change in coverage over time
View change in coverage for each test
View tested and untested lines in source
Code coverage badge
● What can you do with it?
○ Analyze code for complexity and
○ Run tests and calculate coverage
(Travis and Coveralls better, though)
● How do you use it effectively?
○ Set up GitHub integration
○ Always fix reported “bugs”
○ Review “hot spots” and refactor
○ Learn from provided advice
○ Ignore advice you think is wrong
Set up Scrutinizer GitHub Integration
Type the name of the
organization and project to
inspect; Scrutinizer will set
up the GitHub integration
for you.
Inline Comments with Chrome Plugin
Inspection Report
Hot Spots in Code
Class Analysis
Scrutinizer code analysis badge
Version Eye
● What can you do with it?
○ Track dependencies that have new versions
○ Confirm OSS license compliance
● How do you use it effectively?
○ Set up GitHub integration
○ Point your project’s license badge at the
VersionEye license overview page
Set up license info in composer.json
"name": "consolidation/annotated-command",
"description": "Initialize Symfony Console commands …",
"license": "MIT",
"authors": [
"name": "Greg Anderson",
"email": ""
Set up VersionEye GitHub Integration
VersionEye will set up
the GitHub
integrations for your
project automatically;
just select your
project from a list.
Dependencies tab
Highlights dependencies that
have newer versions
Licenses tab
Spot licenses in the list
that are not like the
n.b. Clicking on
reveals that it is
Apache-2.0 / GPL-2
Dependencies badge
License badge
● What can you do with it?
○ Publish documentation from
markdown files in source repository
● How do you use it effectively?
○ Set up GitHub integration
○ Link to your project documentation
from your project README page
Create a mkdocs.yml file
Add documentation markdown files
Set up Github integration
Define a custom domain
Read your documentation
Add Markdown API on ReadTheDocs
Create simple API markdown docs
$ composer require victorjonsson/markdowndocs
$ vendor/bin/phpdoc-md phpdoc-md generate src > docs/
$ git add docs/
$ git commit -m "Add API documentation."
OH NO! It’s not automated!
● ReadTheDocs is a python service; it can’t run php.
● Can’t easily build from Travis and commit back to the
repository, as that would create a separate commit (not
part of the release, might cause another test run, etc.)
GitHub pages
● What can you do with it?
○ Serve static html directly from GitHub
○ Automatically update generated
documentation from Travis
● How do you use it effectively?
All sorts of advanced techniques possible!
GitHub pages automatic generator
Choose one of the provided themes
Resulting page using selected GitHub theme
After manual css fiddling (and cursing)
Alternatives to hand-editing HTML:
○ mkdocs gh-deploy
○ jekyll build
○ sculpin generate
Many others!
API docs with Sami and GitHub pages
Install Sami
$ curl --output $HOME/bin/sami.phar
In .travis.yml
# Publish updated API documentation on every push to the master branch
- git config --global $GITHUB_USER_EMAIL
- git config --global "Travis LCache Documentation Bot"
- sami.phar --ansi update sami-config.php
- git clone --branch=gh-pages https://${TOKEN}
- rm -rf work/api
- cp -R docs/api work/api
- cd work
- git add -A api
- git commit -m "API docs from $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER/$TRAVIS_COMMIT"
- git push
Travis environment variables for GitHub pages
Sami API documentation on GitHub pages
Q & A / Please take diversity survey

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