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Analyzing Functional Programs
Dave Cleaver
November 18, 2017
• Separate the what from the how
• Separate the what from the how
• Utilize simpler implementations to test
• Tagless Final
• Free Monad
Tagless Final
trait OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F[_]] {
def put(order: Order): F[Order]
def get(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]]
def delete(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]]
trait OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F[_]] {
def put(order: Order): F[Order]
def get(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]]
def delete(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]]
trait OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F[_]] {
def put(order: Order): F[Order]
def get(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]]
def delete(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]]
Using the Algebra
class OrderService[F[_]](orderRepo: OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F]) {
def placeOrder(order: Order): F[Order] = orderRepo.put(order)
def updateStatus(orderId: Long, status: OrderStatus)
(implicit M: Monad[F]): EitherT[F, OrderError, Order] =
for {
order <- EitherT.fromOptionF(orderRepo.get(orderId), OrderNotFound(orderId))
updated = order.copy(status = status)
_ <- EitherT.right[OrderError](orderRepo.put(updated))
} yield updated
class OrderService[F[_]](orderRepo: OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F]) {
def placeOrder(order: Order): F[Order] = orderRepo.put(order)
def updateStatus(orderId: Long, status: OrderStatus)
(implicit M: Monad[F]): EitherT[F, OrderError, Order] =
for {
order <- EitherT.fromOptionF(orderRepo.get(orderId), OrderNotFound(orderId))
updated = order.copy(status = status)
_ <- EitherT.right[OrderError](orderRepo.put(updated))
} yield updated
class OrderService[F[_]](orderRepo: OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F]) {
def placeOrder(order: Order): F[Order] = orderRepo.put(order)
def updateStatus(orderId: Long, status: OrderStatus)
(implicit M: Monad[F]): EitherT[F, OrderError, Order] =
for {
order <- EitherT.fromOptionF(orderRepo.get(orderId), OrderNotFound(orderId))
updated = order.copy(status = status)
_ <- EitherT.right[OrderError](orderRepo.put(updated))
} yield updated
Production Interpreter
class DoobieOrderRepositoryInterpreter[F[_]: Monad](val xa: Transactor[F])
extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F] {
def put(order: Order): F[Order] = {
val insert: ConnectionIO[Order] = for {
id <- sql”…”.update.withUniqueGeneratedKeys[Long]("ID")
} yield order.copy(id = Some(id))
def get(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = …
def delete(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = …
class DoobieOrderRepositoryInterpreter[F[_]: Monad](val xa: Transactor[F])
extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F] {
def put(order: Order): F[Order] = {
val insert: ConnectionIO[Order] = for {
id <- sql”…”.update.withUniqueGeneratedKeys[Long]("ID")
} yield order.copy(id = Some(id))
def get(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = …
def delete(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = …
class DoobieOrderRepositoryInterpreter[F[_]: Monad](val xa: Transactor[F])
extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F] {
def put(order: Order): F[Order] = {
val insert: ConnectionIO[Order] = for {
id <- sql”…”.update.withUniqueGeneratedKeys[Long]("ID")
} yield order.copy(id = Some(id))
def get(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = …
def delete(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = …
Test Interpreter
class OrderRepositoryInMemoryInterpreter[F[_]: Applicative]
extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F] {
private val cache = new TrieMap[Long, Order]
private val random = new Random
def put(order: Order): F[Order] = {
val toSave = if ( order
else order.copy(id = Some(random.nextLong)) { cache.put(_, toSave) }
def get(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] =
def delete(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] =
class OrderRepositoryInMemoryInterpreter[F[_]: Applicative]
extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F] {
private val cache = new TrieMap[Long, Order]
private val random = new Random
def put(order: Order): F[Order] = {
val toSave = if ( order
else order.copy(id = Some(random.nextLong)) { cache.put(_, toSave) }
def get(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] =
def delete(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] =
class OrderRepositoryInMemoryInterpreter[F[_]: Applicative]
extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F] {
private val cache = new TrieMap[Long, Order]
private val random = new Random
def put(order: Order): F[Order] = {
val toSave = if ( order
else order.copy(id = Some(random.nextLong)) { cache.put(_, toSave) }
def get(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] =
def delete(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] =
What can we do with that?
• Unit Testing
• Property-based Testing
• Known inputs
• Possible inputs
• Under normal conditions
Generating Programs
Generating Programs
• Derive possible outputs (Gen[Output])
Generating Programs
• Derive possible outputs (Gen[Output])
• From the inputs (CoGen[Input])
Generating Interpreter
class OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(response: Gen[Option[Order]], genId: Gen[Long])
(implicit longInput: Cogen[Long])
extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[Gen] {
def put(order: Order): Gen[Order] =
for {
id <-
order <- Gen.const(order.copy(id = id))
} yield order
def get(orderId: Long): Gen[Option[Order]] =
longInput.cogen(orderId, response)
def delete(orderId: Long): Gen[Option[Order]] =
longInput.cogen(orderId, response)
class OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(response: Gen[Option[Order]], genId: Gen[Long])
(implicit longInput: Cogen[Long])
extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[Gen] {
def put(order: Order): Gen[Order] =
for {
id <-
order <- Gen.const(order.copy(id = id))
} yield order
def get(orderId: Long): Gen[Option[Order]] =
longInput.cogen(orderId, response)
def delete(orderId: Long): Gen[Option[Order]] =
longInput.cogen(orderId, response)
class OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(response: Gen[Option[Order]], genId: Gen[Long])
(implicit longInput: Cogen[Long])
extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[Gen] {
def put(order: Order): Gen[Order] =
for {
id <-
order <- Gen.const(order.copy(id = id))
} yield order
def get(orderId: Long): Gen[Option[Order]] =
longInput.cogen(orderId, response)
def delete(orderId: Long): Gen[Option[Order]] =
longInput.cogen(orderId, response)
class OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(response: Gen[Option[Order]], genId: Gen[Long])
(implicit longInput: Cogen[Long])
extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[Gen] {
def put(order: Order): Gen[Order] =
for {
id <-
order <- Gen.const(order.copy(id = id))
} yield order
def get(orderId: Long): Gen[Option[Order]] =
longInput.cogen(orderId, response)
def delete(orderId: Long): Gen[Option[Order]] =
longInput.cogen(orderId, response)
sealed trait OrderRepositoryTrace
sealed trait OrderRepositoryTrace
case class TracePut(order: Order) extends OrderRepositoryTrace
case class TraceGet(orderId: Long) extends OrderRepositoryTrace
case class TraceDelete(orderId: Long) extends OrderRepositoryTrace
sealed trait OrderRepositoryTrace
case class TracePut(order: Order) extends OrderRepositoryTrace
case class TraceGet(orderId: Long) extends OrderRepositoryTrace
case class TraceDelete(orderId: Long) extends OrderRepositoryTrace
Tracing Interpreter
class OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter[F[_]](wrapped: OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F])
(implicit M: Monad[F])
extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], ?]] {
def log[A](message: OrderRepositoryTrace)(g: F[A]): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], A] =
for {
_ <- WriterT.tell[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace]](List(message))
result <- WriterT.lift[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], A](g)
} yield result
def put(order: Order): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Order] =
log(TracePut(order)) { wrapped.put(order) }
def get(orderId: Long): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Option[Order]] =
log(TraceGet(orderId)) { wrapped.get(orderId) }
def delete(orderId: Long): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Option[Order]] =
log(TraceDelete(orderId)) { wrapped.delete(orderId) }
class OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter[F[_]](wrapped: OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F])
(implicit M: Monad[F])
extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], ?]] {
def log[A](message: OrderRepositoryTrace)(g: F[A]): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], A] =
for {
_ <- WriterT.tell[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace]](List(message))
result <- WriterT.lift[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], A](g)
} yield result
def put(order: Order): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Order] =
log(TracePut(order)) { wrapped.put(order) }
def get(orderId: Long): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Option[Order]] =
log(TraceGet(orderId)) { wrapped.get(orderId) }
def delete(orderId: Long): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Option[Order]] =
log(TraceDelete(orderId)) { wrapped.delete(orderId) }
class OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter[F[_]](wrapped: OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F])
(implicit M: Monad[F])
extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], ?]] {
def log[A](message: OrderRepositoryTrace)(g: F[A]): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], A] =
for {
_ <- WriterT.tell[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace]](List(message))
result <- WriterT.lift[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], A](g)
} yield result
def put(order: Order): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Order] =
log(TracePut(order)) { wrapped.put(order) }
def get(orderId: Long): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Option[Order]] =
log(TraceGet(orderId)) { wrapped.get(orderId) }
def delete(orderId: Long): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Option[Order]] =
log(TraceDelete(orderId)) { wrapped.delete(orderId) }
class OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter[F[_]](wrapped: OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F])
(implicit M: Monad[F])
extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], ?]] {
def log[A](message: OrderRepositoryTrace)(g: F[A]): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], A] =
for {
_ <- WriterT.tell[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace]](List(message))
result <- WriterT.lift[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], A](g)
} yield result
def put(order: Order): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Order] =
log(TracePut(order)) { wrapped.put(order) }
def get(orderId: Long): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Option[Order]] =
log(TraceGet(orderId)) { wrapped.get(orderId) }
def delete(orderId: Long): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Option[Order]] =
log(TraceDelete(orderId)) { wrapped.delete(orderId) }
Code Properties
test("never delete when updating status") {
val orderGenInterpreter =
new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long])
val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter(orderGenInterpreter)
val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo)
implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryTrace]] =
Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.written)
forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryTrace]) =>
assert(!walk.exists {
case TraceDelete(_) => true
case _ => false })
test("never delete when updating status") {
val orderGenInterpreter =
new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long])
val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter(orderGenInterpreter)
val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo)
implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryTrace]] =
Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.written)
forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryTrace]) =>
assert(!walk.exists {
case TraceDelete(_) => true
case _ => false })
test("never delete when updating status") {
val orderGenInterpreter =
new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long])
val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter(orderGenInterpreter)
val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo)
implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryTrace]] =
Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.written)
forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryTrace]) =>
assert(!walk.exists {
case TraceDelete(_) => true
case _ => false })
test("never delete when updating status") {
val orderGenInterpreter =
new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long])
val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter(orderGenInterpreter)
val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo)
implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryTrace]] =
Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.written)
forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryTrace]) =>
assert(!walk.exists {
case TraceDelete(_) => true
case _ => false })
test("never delete when updating status") {
val orderGenInterpreter =
new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long])
val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter(orderGenInterpreter)
val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo)
implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryTrace]] =
Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.written)
forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryTrace]) =>
assert(!walk.exists {
case TraceDelete(_) => true
case _ => false })
test("never delete when updating status") {
val orderGenInterpreter =
new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long])
val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter(orderGenInterpreter)
val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo)
implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryTrace]] =
Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.written)
forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryTrace]) =>
assert(!walk.exists {
case TraceDelete(_) => true
case _ => false })
test("never delete when updating status") {
val orderGenInterpreter =
new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long])
val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter(orderGenInterpreter)
val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo)
implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryTrace]] =
Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.written)
forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryTrace]) =>
assert(!walk.exists {
case TraceDelete(_) => true
case _ => false })
test("never delete when updating status") {
val orderGenInterpreter =
new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long])
val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter(orderGenInterpreter)
val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo)
implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryTrace]] =
Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.written)
forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryTrace]) =>
assert(!walk.exists {
case TraceDelete(_) => true
case _ => false })
test("never delete when updating status") {
val orderGenInterpreter =
new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long])
val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter(orderGenInterpreter)
val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo)
implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryTrace]] =
Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.written)
forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryTrace]) =>
assert(!walk.exists {
case TraceDelete(_) => true
case _ => false })
test("never delete when updating status") {
val orderGenInterpreter =
new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long])
val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter(orderGenInterpreter)
val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo)
implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryTrace]] =
Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.written)
forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryTrace]) =>
assert(!walk.exists {
case TraceDelete(_) => true
case _ => false })
List(TraceGet(5), TracePut(Order(4,Some(1969-12-31T19:00:00.011-05:00),Delivered,true,None)))
List(TraceGet(5), TracePut(Order(27,Some(1969-12-31T19:00:00.007-05:00),Delivered,false,None)))
List(TraceGet(5), TracePut(Order(40,None,Delivered,false,Some(35))))
List(TraceGet(5), TracePut(Order(38,None,Delivered,false,None)))
• Encode our operations as classes
• Wrap in the Free Monad
Free Operations
sealed trait OrderRepositoryOp[A]
case class PutOp(order: Order) extends OrderRepositoryOp[Order]
case class GetOp(orderId: Long) extends OrderRepositoryOp[Option[Order]]
case class DeleteOp(orderId: Long) extends OrderRepositoryOp[Option[Order]]
sealed trait OrderRepositoryOp[A]
case class PutOp(order: Order) extends OrderRepositoryOp[Order]
case class GetOp(orderId: Long) extends OrderRepositoryOp[Option[Order]]
case class DeleteOp(orderId: Long) extends OrderRepositoryOp[Option[Order]]
sealed trait OrderRepositoryOp[A]
case class PutOp(order: Order) extends OrderRepositoryOp[Order]
case class GetOp(orderId: Long) extends OrderRepositoryOp[Option[Order]]
case class DeleteOp(orderId: Long) extends OrderRepositoryOp[Option[Order]]
Free Monad
class OrderRepositoryFree[F[_]](implicit I: InjectK[OrderRepositoryOp, F])
extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[Free[F, ?]] {
def put(order: Order): Free[F, Order] =
Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](PutOp(order))
def get(orderId: Long): Free[F, Option[Order]] =
Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](GetOp(orderId))
def delete(orderId: Long): Free[F, Option[Order]] =
Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](DeleteOp(orderId))
class OrderRepositoryFree[F[_]](implicit I: InjectK[OrderRepositoryOp, F])
extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[Free[F, ?]] {
def put(order: Order): Free[F, Order] =
Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](PutOp(order))
def get(orderId: Long): Free[F, Option[Order]] =
Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](GetOp(orderId))
def delete(orderId: Long): Free[F, Option[Order]] =
Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](DeleteOp(orderId))
class OrderRepositoryFree[F[_]](implicit I: InjectK[OrderRepositoryOp, F])
extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[Free[F, ?]] {
def put(order: Order): Free[F, Order] =
Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](PutOp(order))
def get(orderId: Long): Free[F, Option[Order]] =
Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](GetOp(orderId))
def delete(orderId: Long): Free[F, Option[Order]] =
Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](DeleteOp(orderId))
class OrderRepositoryFree[F[_]](implicit I: InjectK[OrderRepositoryOp, F])
extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[Free[F, ?]] {
def put(order: Order): Free[F, Order] =
Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](PutOp(order))
def get(orderId: Long): Free[F, Option[Order]] =
Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](GetOp(orderId))
def delete(orderId: Long): Free[F, Option[Order]] =
Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](DeleteOp(orderId))
Generating Interpreter
class OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(genInterpreter: OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter)
extends (OrderRepositoryOp ~> Gen) {
def apply[A](in: OrderRepositoryOp[A]): Gen[A] = in match {
case PutOp(order) => genInterpreter.put(order)
case GetOp(orderId) => genInterpreter.get(orderId)
case DeleteOp(orderId) => genInterpreter.delete(orderId)
class OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(genInterpreter: OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter)
extends (OrderRepositoryOp ~> Gen) {
def apply[A](in: OrderRepositoryOp[A]): Gen[A] = in match {
case PutOp(order) => genInterpreter.put(order)
case GetOp(orderId) => genInterpreter.get(orderId)
case DeleteOp(orderId) => genInterpreter.delete(orderId)
class OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(genInterpreter: OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter)
extends (OrderRepositoryOp ~> Gen) {
def apply[A](in: OrderRepositoryOp[A]): Gen[A] = in match {
case PutOp(order) => genInterpreter.put(order)
case GetOp(orderId) => genInterpreter.get(orderId)
case DeleteOp(orderId) => genInterpreter.delete(orderId)
class OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(genInterpreter: OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter)
extends (OrderRepositoryOp ~> Gen) {
def apply[A](in: OrderRepositoryOp[A]): Gen[A] = in match {
case PutOp(order) => genInterpreter.put(order)
case GetOp(orderId) => genInterpreter.get(orderId)
case DeleteOp(orderId) => genInterpreter.delete(orderId)
class OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(genInterpreter: OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter)
extends (OrderRepositoryOp ~> Gen) {
def apply[A](in: OrderRepositoryOp[A]): Gen[A] = in match {
case PutOp(order) => genInterpreter.put(order)
case GetOp(orderId) => genInterpreter.get(orderId)
case DeleteOp(orderId) => genInterpreter.delete(orderId)
Tracing Interpreter
class Trace[F[_], G[_]: Monad](nt: F ~> G)
extends (F ~> WriterT[G, List[F[_]], ?]) {
def apply[A](f: F[A]): WriterT[G, List[F[_]], A] =
for {
_ <- WriterT.tell[G, List[F[_]]](List(f))
a <- WriterT.lift[G, List[F[_]], A](nt(f))
} yield a
class Trace[F[_], G[_]: Monad](nt: F ~> G)
extends (F ~> WriterT[G, List[F[_]], ?]) {
def apply[A](f: F[A]): WriterT[G, List[F[_]], A] =
for {
_ <- WriterT.tell[G, List[F[_]]](List(f))
a <- WriterT.lift[G, List[F[_]], A](nt(f))
} yield a
class Trace[F[_], G[_]: Monad](nt: F ~> G)
extends (F ~> WriterT[G, List[F[_]], ?]) {
def apply[A](f: F[A]): WriterT[G, List[F[_]], A] =
for {
_ <- WriterT.tell[G, List[F[_]]](List(f))
a <- WriterT.lift[G, List[F[_]], A](nt(f))
} yield a
class Trace[F[_], G[_]: Monad](nt: F ~> G)
extends (F ~> WriterT[G, List[F[_]], ?]) {
def apply[A](f: F[A]): WriterT[G, List[F[_]], A] =
for {
_ <- WriterT.tell[G, List[F[_]]](List(f))
a <- WriterT.lift[G, List[F[_]], A](nt(f))
} yield a
class Trace[F[_], G[_]: Monad](nt: F ~> G)
extends (F ~> WriterT[G, List[F[_]], ?]) {
def apply[A](f: F[A]): WriterT[G, List[F[_]], A] =
for {
_ <- WriterT.tell[G, List[F[_]]](List(f))
a <- WriterT.lift[G, List[F[_]], A](nt(f))
} yield a
class Trace[F[_], G[_]: Monad](nt: F ~> G)
extends (F ~> WriterT[G, List[F[_]], ?]) {
def apply[A](f: F[A]): WriterT[G, List[F[_]], A] =
for {
_ <- WriterT.tell[G, List[F[_]]](List(f))
a <- WriterT.lift[G, List[F[_]], A](nt(f))
} yield a
Code Properties
test("never delete in update") {
val orderGenInterpreter =
new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long])
val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryFree[OrderRepositoryOp]
val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo)
val interpreter = new Trace(new OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(orderGenInterpreter))
implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]] =
Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.foldMap(interpreter).written)
forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]) =>
assert(!walk.exists {
case DeleteOp(_) => true
case _ => false })
test("never delete in update") {
val orderGenInterpreter =
new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long])
val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryFree[OrderRepositoryOp]
val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo)
val interpreter = new Trace(new OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(orderGenInterpreter))
implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]] =
Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.foldMap(interpreter).written)
forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]) =>
assert(!walk.exists {
case DeleteOp(_) => true
case _ => false })
test("never delete in update") {
val orderGenInterpreter =
new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long])
val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryFree[OrderRepositoryOp]
val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo)
val interpreter = new Trace(new OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(orderGenInterpreter))
implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]] =
Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.foldMap(interpreter).written)
forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]) =>
assert(!walk.exists {
case DeleteOp(_) => true
case _ => false })
test("never delete in update") {
val orderGenInterpreter =
new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long])
val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryFree[OrderRepositoryOp]
val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo)
val interpreter = new Trace(new OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(orderGenInterpreter))
implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]] =
Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.foldMap(interpreter).written)
forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]) =>
assert(!walk.exists {
case DeleteOp(_) => true
case _ => false })
test("never delete in update") {
val orderGenInterpreter =
new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long])
val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryFree[OrderRepositoryOp]
val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo)
val interpreter = new Trace(new OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(orderGenInterpreter))
implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]] =
Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.foldMap(interpreter).written)
forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]) =>
assert(!walk.exists {
case DeleteOp(_) => true
case _ => false })
test("never delete in update") {
val orderGenInterpreter =
new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long])
val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryFree[OrderRepositoryOp]
val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo)
val interpreter = new Trace(new OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(orderGenInterpreter))
implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]] =
Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.foldMap(interpreter).written)
forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]) =>
assert(!walk.exists {
case DeleteOp(_) => true
case _ => false })
test("never delete in update") {
val orderGenInterpreter =
new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long])
val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryFree[OrderRepositoryOp]
val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo)
val interpreter = new Trace(new OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(orderGenInterpreter))
implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]] =
Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.foldMap(interpreter).written)
forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]) =>
assert(!walk.exists {
case DeleteOp(_) => true
case _ => false })
test("never delete in update") {
val orderGenInterpreter =
new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long])
val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryFree[OrderRepositoryOp]
val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo)
val interpreter = new Trace(new OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(orderGenInterpreter))
implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]] =
Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.foldMap(interpreter).written)
forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]) =>
assert(!walk.exists {
case DeleteOp(_) => true
case _ => false })
Analyzing Functional Programs
• Abstract
- Using Tagless Final
- or the Free Monad
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- Not just inputs and outputs
- Exercise behavior from your dependencies
- Check what your code tries to do
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- The Scala Pet Store:
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Analyzing Functional Programs

  • 1. Analyzing Functional Programs Dave Cleaver November 18, 2017
  • 3. Abstraction • Separate the what from the how 3
  • 4. Abstraction • Separate the what from the how • Utilize simpler implementations to test 4
  • 7. trait OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F[_]] { def put(order: Order): F[Order] def get(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] def delete(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] } 7
  • 8. trait OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F[_]] { def put(order: Order): F[Order] def get(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] def delete(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] } 8
  • 9. trait OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F[_]] { def put(order: Order): F[Order] def get(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] def delete(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] } 9
  • 11. class OrderService[F[_]](orderRepo: OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F]) { def placeOrder(order: Order): F[Order] = orderRepo.put(order) def updateStatus(orderId: Long, status: OrderStatus) (implicit M: Monad[F]): EitherT[F, OrderError, Order] = for { order <- EitherT.fromOptionF(orderRepo.get(orderId), OrderNotFound(orderId)) updated = order.copy(status = status) _ <- EitherT.right[OrderError](orderRepo.put(updated)) } yield updated } 11
  • 12. class OrderService[F[_]](orderRepo: OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F]) { def placeOrder(order: Order): F[Order] = orderRepo.put(order) def updateStatus(orderId: Long, status: OrderStatus) (implicit M: Monad[F]): EitherT[F, OrderError, Order] = for { order <- EitherT.fromOptionF(orderRepo.get(orderId), OrderNotFound(orderId)) updated = order.copy(status = status) _ <- EitherT.right[OrderError](orderRepo.put(updated)) } yield updated } 12
  • 13. class OrderService[F[_]](orderRepo: OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F]) { def placeOrder(order: Order): F[Order] = orderRepo.put(order) def updateStatus(orderId: Long, status: OrderStatus) (implicit M: Monad[F]): EitherT[F, OrderError, Order] = for { order <- EitherT.fromOptionF(orderRepo.get(orderId), OrderNotFound(orderId)) updated = order.copy(status = status) _ <- EitherT.right[OrderError](orderRepo.put(updated)) } yield updated } 13
  • 15. class DoobieOrderRepositoryInterpreter[F[_]: Monad](val xa: Transactor[F]) extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F] { … def put(order: Order): F[Order] = { val insert: ConnectionIO[Order] = for { id <- sql”…”.update.withUniqueGeneratedKeys[Long]("ID") } yield order.copy(id = Some(id)) insert.transact(xa) } def get(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = … def delete(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = … } 15
  • 16. class DoobieOrderRepositoryInterpreter[F[_]: Monad](val xa: Transactor[F]) extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F] { … def put(order: Order): F[Order] = { val insert: ConnectionIO[Order] = for { id <- sql”…”.update.withUniqueGeneratedKeys[Long]("ID") } yield order.copy(id = Some(id)) insert.transact(xa) } def get(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = … def delete(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = … } 16
  • 17. class DoobieOrderRepositoryInterpreter[F[_]: Monad](val xa: Transactor[F]) extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F] { … def put(order: Order): F[Order] = { val insert: ConnectionIO[Order] = for { id <- sql”…”.update.withUniqueGeneratedKeys[Long]("ID") } yield order.copy(id = Some(id)) insert.transact(xa) } def get(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = … def delete(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = … } 17
  • 19. class OrderRepositoryInMemoryInterpreter[F[_]: Applicative] extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F] { private val cache = new TrieMap[Long, Order] private val random = new Random def put(order: Order): F[Order] = { val toSave = if ( order else order.copy(id = Some(random.nextLong)) { cache.put(_, toSave) } toSave.pure[F] } def get(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = cache.get(orderId).pure[F] def delete(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = cache.remove(orderId).pure[F] } 19
  • 20. class OrderRepositoryInMemoryInterpreter[F[_]: Applicative] extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F] { private val cache = new TrieMap[Long, Order] private val random = new Random def put(order: Order): F[Order] = { val toSave = if ( order else order.copy(id = Some(random.nextLong)) { cache.put(_, toSave) } toSave.pure[F] } def get(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = cache.get(orderId).pure[F] def delete(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = cache.remove(orderId).pure[F] } 20
  • 21. class OrderRepositoryInMemoryInterpreter[F[_]: Applicative] extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F] { private val cache = new TrieMap[Long, Order] private val random = new Random def put(order: Order): F[Order] = { val toSave = if ( order else order.copy(id = Some(random.nextLong)) { cache.put(_, toSave) } toSave.pure[F] } def get(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = cache.get(orderId).pure[F] def delete(orderId: Long): F[Option[Order]] = cache.remove(orderId).pure[F] } 21
  • 22. What can we do with that? • Unit Testing • Property-based Testing 22
  • 23. Limits • Known inputs • Possible inputs • Under normal conditions 23
  • 25. Generating Programs • Derive possible outputs (Gen[Output]) 25
  • 26. Generating Programs • Derive possible outputs (Gen[Output]) • From the inputs (CoGen[Input]) 26
  • 28. class OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(response: Gen[Option[Order]], genId: Gen[Long]) (implicit longInput: Cogen[Long]) extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[Gen] { def put(order: Order): Gen[Order] = for { id <- order <- Gen.const(order.copy(id = id)) } yield order def get(orderId: Long): Gen[Option[Order]] = longInput.cogen(orderId, response) def delete(orderId: Long): Gen[Option[Order]] = longInput.cogen(orderId, response) } 28
  • 29. class OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(response: Gen[Option[Order]], genId: Gen[Long]) (implicit longInput: Cogen[Long]) extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[Gen] { def put(order: Order): Gen[Order] = for { id <- order <- Gen.const(order.copy(id = id)) } yield order def get(orderId: Long): Gen[Option[Order]] = longInput.cogen(orderId, response) def delete(orderId: Long): Gen[Option[Order]] = longInput.cogen(orderId, response) } 29
  • 30. class OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(response: Gen[Option[Order]], genId: Gen[Long]) (implicit longInput: Cogen[Long]) extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[Gen] { def put(order: Order): Gen[Order] = for { id <- order <- Gen.const(order.copy(id = id)) } yield order def get(orderId: Long): Gen[Option[Order]] = longInput.cogen(orderId, response) def delete(orderId: Long): Gen[Option[Order]] = longInput.cogen(orderId, response) } 30
  • 31. class OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(response: Gen[Option[Order]], genId: Gen[Long]) (implicit longInput: Cogen[Long]) extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[Gen] { def put(order: Order): Gen[Order] = for { id <- order <- Gen.const(order.copy(id = id)) } yield order def get(orderId: Long): Gen[Option[Order]] = longInput.cogen(orderId, response) def delete(orderId: Long): Gen[Option[Order]] = longInput.cogen(orderId, response) } 31
  • 34. sealed trait OrderRepositoryTrace case class TracePut(order: Order) extends OrderRepositoryTrace case class TraceGet(orderId: Long) extends OrderRepositoryTrace case class TraceDelete(orderId: Long) extends OrderRepositoryTrace 34
  • 35. sealed trait OrderRepositoryTrace case class TracePut(order: Order) extends OrderRepositoryTrace case class TraceGet(orderId: Long) extends OrderRepositoryTrace case class TraceDelete(orderId: Long) extends OrderRepositoryTrace 35
  • 37. class OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter[F[_]](wrapped: OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F]) (implicit M: Monad[F]) extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], ?]] { def log[A](message: OrderRepositoryTrace)(g: F[A]): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], A] = for { _ <- WriterT.tell[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace]](List(message)) result <- WriterT.lift[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], A](g) } yield result def put(order: Order): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Order] = log(TracePut(order)) { wrapped.put(order) } def get(orderId: Long): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Option[Order]] = log(TraceGet(orderId)) { wrapped.get(orderId) } def delete(orderId: Long): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Option[Order]] = log(TraceDelete(orderId)) { wrapped.delete(orderId) } } 37
  • 38. class OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter[F[_]](wrapped: OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F]) (implicit M: Monad[F]) extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], ?]] { def log[A](message: OrderRepositoryTrace)(g: F[A]): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], A] = for { _ <- WriterT.tell[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace]](List(message)) result <- WriterT.lift[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], A](g) } yield result def put(order: Order): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Order] = log(TracePut(order)) { wrapped.put(order) } def get(orderId: Long): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Option[Order]] = log(TraceGet(orderId)) { wrapped.get(orderId) } def delete(orderId: Long): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Option[Order]] = log(TraceDelete(orderId)) { wrapped.delete(orderId) } } 38
  • 39. class OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter[F[_]](wrapped: OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F]) (implicit M: Monad[F]) extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], ?]] { def log[A](message: OrderRepositoryTrace)(g: F[A]): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], A] = for { _ <- WriterT.tell[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace]](List(message)) result <- WriterT.lift[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], A](g) } yield result def put(order: Order): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Order] = log(TracePut(order)) { wrapped.put(order) } def get(orderId: Long): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Option[Order]] = log(TraceGet(orderId)) { wrapped.get(orderId) } def delete(orderId: Long): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Option[Order]] = log(TraceDelete(orderId)) { wrapped.delete(orderId) } } 39
  • 40. class OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter[F[_]](wrapped: OrderRepositoryAlgebra[F]) (implicit M: Monad[F]) extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], ?]] { def log[A](message: OrderRepositoryTrace)(g: F[A]): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], A] = for { _ <- WriterT.tell[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace]](List(message)) result <- WriterT.lift[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], A](g) } yield result def put(order: Order): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Order] = log(TracePut(order)) { wrapped.put(order) } def get(orderId: Long): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Option[Order]] = log(TraceGet(orderId)) { wrapped.get(orderId) } def delete(orderId: Long): WriterT[F, List[OrderRepositoryTrace], Option[Order]] = log(TraceDelete(orderId)) { wrapped.delete(orderId) } } 40
  • 42. test("never delete when updating status") { val orderGenInterpreter = new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long]) val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter(orderGenInterpreter) val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo) implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryTrace]] = Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.written) forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryTrace]) => assert(!walk.exists { case TraceDelete(_) => true case _ => false }) } } 42
  • 43. test("never delete when updating status") { val orderGenInterpreter = new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long]) val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter(orderGenInterpreter) val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo) implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryTrace]] = Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.written) forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryTrace]) => assert(!walk.exists { case TraceDelete(_) => true case _ => false }) } } 43
  • 44. test("never delete when updating status") { val orderGenInterpreter = new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long]) val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter(orderGenInterpreter) val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo) implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryTrace]] = Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.written) forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryTrace]) => assert(!walk.exists { case TraceDelete(_) => true case _ => false }) } } 44
  • 45. test("never delete when updating status") { val orderGenInterpreter = new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long]) val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter(orderGenInterpreter) val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo) implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryTrace]] = Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.written) forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryTrace]) => assert(!walk.exists { case TraceDelete(_) => true case _ => false }) } } 45
  • 46. test("never delete when updating status") { val orderGenInterpreter = new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long]) val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter(orderGenInterpreter) val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo) implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryTrace]] = Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.written) forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryTrace]) => assert(!walk.exists { case TraceDelete(_) => true case _ => false }) } } 46
  • 47. test("never delete when updating status") { val orderGenInterpreter = new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long]) val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter(orderGenInterpreter) val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo) implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryTrace]] = Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.written) forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryTrace]) => assert(!walk.exists { case TraceDelete(_) => true case _ => false }) } } 47
  • 48. test("never delete when updating status") { val orderGenInterpreter = new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long]) val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter(orderGenInterpreter) val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo) implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryTrace]] = Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.written) forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryTrace]) => assert(!walk.exists { case TraceDelete(_) => true case _ => false }) } } 48
  • 49. test("never delete when updating status") { val orderGenInterpreter = new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long]) val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter(orderGenInterpreter) val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo) implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryTrace]] = Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.written) forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryTrace]) => assert(!walk.exists { case TraceDelete(_) => true case _ => false }) } } 49
  • 50. test("never delete when updating status") { val orderGenInterpreter = new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long]) val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter(orderGenInterpreter) val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo) implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryTrace]] = Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.written) forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryTrace]) => assert(!walk.exists { case TraceDelete(_) => true case _ => false }) } } 50
  • 51. test("never delete when updating status") { val orderGenInterpreter = new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long]) val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryTraceInterpreter(orderGenInterpreter) val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo) implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryTrace]] = Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.written) forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryTrace]) => assert(!walk.exists { case TraceDelete(_) => true case _ => false }) } } 51
  • 52. List(TraceGet(5)) List(TraceGet(5)) List(TraceGet(5), TracePut(Order(4,Some(1969-12-31T19:00:00.011-05:00),Delivered,true,None))) List(TraceGet(5)) List(TraceGet(5), TracePut(Order(27,Some(1969-12-31T19:00:00.007-05:00),Delivered,false,None))) List(TraceGet(5), TracePut(Order(40,None,Delivered,false,Some(35)))) List(TraceGet(5)) List(TraceGet(5)) List(TraceGet(5)) List(TraceGet(5), TracePut(Order(38,None,Delivered,false,None))) 52
  • 53. Free • Encode our operations as classes • Wrap in the Free Monad 53
  • 55. sealed trait OrderRepositoryOp[A] case class PutOp(order: Order) extends OrderRepositoryOp[Order] case class GetOp(orderId: Long) extends OrderRepositoryOp[Option[Order]] case class DeleteOp(orderId: Long) extends OrderRepositoryOp[Option[Order]] 55
  • 56. sealed trait OrderRepositoryOp[A] case class PutOp(order: Order) extends OrderRepositoryOp[Order] case class GetOp(orderId: Long) extends OrderRepositoryOp[Option[Order]] case class DeleteOp(orderId: Long) extends OrderRepositoryOp[Option[Order]] 56
  • 57. sealed trait OrderRepositoryOp[A] case class PutOp(order: Order) extends OrderRepositoryOp[Order] case class GetOp(orderId: Long) extends OrderRepositoryOp[Option[Order]] case class DeleteOp(orderId: Long) extends OrderRepositoryOp[Option[Order]] 57
  • 59. class OrderRepositoryFree[F[_]](implicit I: InjectK[OrderRepositoryOp, F]) extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[Free[F, ?]] { def put(order: Order): Free[F, Order] = Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](PutOp(order)) def get(orderId: Long): Free[F, Option[Order]] = Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](GetOp(orderId)) def delete(orderId: Long): Free[F, Option[Order]] = Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](DeleteOp(orderId)) } 59
  • 60. class OrderRepositoryFree[F[_]](implicit I: InjectK[OrderRepositoryOp, F]) extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[Free[F, ?]] { def put(order: Order): Free[F, Order] = Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](PutOp(order)) def get(orderId: Long): Free[F, Option[Order]] = Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](GetOp(orderId)) def delete(orderId: Long): Free[F, Option[Order]] = Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](DeleteOp(orderId)) } 60
  • 61. class OrderRepositoryFree[F[_]](implicit I: InjectK[OrderRepositoryOp, F]) extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[Free[F, ?]] { def put(order: Order): Free[F, Order] = Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](PutOp(order)) def get(orderId: Long): Free[F, Option[Order]] = Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](GetOp(orderId)) def delete(orderId: Long): Free[F, Option[Order]] = Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](DeleteOp(orderId)) } 61
  • 62. class OrderRepositoryFree[F[_]](implicit I: InjectK[OrderRepositoryOp, F]) extends OrderRepositoryAlgebra[Free[F, ?]] { def put(order: Order): Free[F, Order] = Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](PutOp(order)) def get(orderId: Long): Free[F, Option[Order]] = Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](GetOp(orderId)) def delete(orderId: Long): Free[F, Option[Order]] = Free.inject[OrderRepositoryOp, F](DeleteOp(orderId)) } 62
  • 64. class OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(genInterpreter: OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter) extends (OrderRepositoryOp ~> Gen) { def apply[A](in: OrderRepositoryOp[A]): Gen[A] = in match { case PutOp(order) => genInterpreter.put(order) case GetOp(orderId) => genInterpreter.get(orderId) case DeleteOp(orderId) => genInterpreter.delete(orderId) } } 64
  • 65. class OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(genInterpreter: OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter) extends (OrderRepositoryOp ~> Gen) { def apply[A](in: OrderRepositoryOp[A]): Gen[A] = in match { case PutOp(order) => genInterpreter.put(order) case GetOp(orderId) => genInterpreter.get(orderId) case DeleteOp(orderId) => genInterpreter.delete(orderId) } } 65
  • 66. class OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(genInterpreter: OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter) extends (OrderRepositoryOp ~> Gen) { def apply[A](in: OrderRepositoryOp[A]): Gen[A] = in match { case PutOp(order) => genInterpreter.put(order) case GetOp(orderId) => genInterpreter.get(orderId) case DeleteOp(orderId) => genInterpreter.delete(orderId) } } 66
  • 67. class OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(genInterpreter: OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter) extends (OrderRepositoryOp ~> Gen) { def apply[A](in: OrderRepositoryOp[A]): Gen[A] = in match { case PutOp(order) => genInterpreter.put(order) case GetOp(orderId) => genInterpreter.get(orderId) case DeleteOp(orderId) => genInterpreter.delete(orderId) } } 67
  • 68. class OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(genInterpreter: OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter) extends (OrderRepositoryOp ~> Gen) { def apply[A](in: OrderRepositoryOp[A]): Gen[A] = in match { case PutOp(order) => genInterpreter.put(order) case GetOp(orderId) => genInterpreter.get(orderId) case DeleteOp(orderId) => genInterpreter.delete(orderId) } } 68
  • 70. class Trace[F[_], G[_]: Monad](nt: F ~> G) extends (F ~> WriterT[G, List[F[_]], ?]) { def apply[A](f: F[A]): WriterT[G, List[F[_]], A] = for { _ <- WriterT.tell[G, List[F[_]]](List(f)) a <- WriterT.lift[G, List[F[_]], A](nt(f)) } yield a } 70
  • 71. class Trace[F[_], G[_]: Monad](nt: F ~> G) extends (F ~> WriterT[G, List[F[_]], ?]) { def apply[A](f: F[A]): WriterT[G, List[F[_]], A] = for { _ <- WriterT.tell[G, List[F[_]]](List(f)) a <- WriterT.lift[G, List[F[_]], A](nt(f)) } yield a } 71
  • 72. class Trace[F[_], G[_]: Monad](nt: F ~> G) extends (F ~> WriterT[G, List[F[_]], ?]) { def apply[A](f: F[A]): WriterT[G, List[F[_]], A] = for { _ <- WriterT.tell[G, List[F[_]]](List(f)) a <- WriterT.lift[G, List[F[_]], A](nt(f)) } yield a } 72
  • 73. class Trace[F[_], G[_]: Monad](nt: F ~> G) extends (F ~> WriterT[G, List[F[_]], ?]) { def apply[A](f: F[A]): WriterT[G, List[F[_]], A] = for { _ <- WriterT.tell[G, List[F[_]]](List(f)) a <- WriterT.lift[G, List[F[_]], A](nt(f)) } yield a } 73
  • 74. class Trace[F[_], G[_]: Monad](nt: F ~> G) extends (F ~> WriterT[G, List[F[_]], ?]) { def apply[A](f: F[A]): WriterT[G, List[F[_]], A] = for { _ <- WriterT.tell[G, List[F[_]]](List(f)) a <- WriterT.lift[G, List[F[_]], A](nt(f)) } yield a } 74
  • 75. class Trace[F[_], G[_]: Monad](nt: F ~> G) extends (F ~> WriterT[G, List[F[_]], ?]) { def apply[A](f: F[A]): WriterT[G, List[F[_]], A] = for { _ <- WriterT.tell[G, List[F[_]]](List(f)) a <- WriterT.lift[G, List[F[_]], A](nt(f)) } yield a } 75
  • 77. test("never delete in update") { val orderGenInterpreter = new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long]) val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryFree[OrderRepositoryOp] val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo) val interpreter = new Trace(new OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(orderGenInterpreter)) implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]] = Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.foldMap(interpreter).written) forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]) => assert(!walk.exists { case DeleteOp(_) => true case _ => false }) } } 77
  • 78. test("never delete in update") { val orderGenInterpreter = new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long]) val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryFree[OrderRepositoryOp] val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo) val interpreter = new Trace(new OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(orderGenInterpreter)) implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]] = Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.foldMap(interpreter).written) forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]) => assert(!walk.exists { case DeleteOp(_) => true case _ => false }) } } 78
  • 79. test("never delete in update") { val orderGenInterpreter = new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long]) val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryFree[OrderRepositoryOp] val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo) val interpreter = new Trace(new OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(orderGenInterpreter)) implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]] = Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.foldMap(interpreter).written) forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]) => assert(!walk.exists { case DeleteOp(_) => true case _ => false }) } } 79
  • 80. test("never delete in update") { val orderGenInterpreter = new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long]) val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryFree[OrderRepositoryOp] val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo) val interpreter = new Trace(new OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(orderGenInterpreter)) implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]] = Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.foldMap(interpreter).written) forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]) => assert(!walk.exists { case DeleteOp(_) => true case _ => false }) } } 80
  • 81. test("never delete in update") { val orderGenInterpreter = new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long]) val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryFree[OrderRepositoryOp] val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo) val interpreter = new Trace(new OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(orderGenInterpreter)) implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]] = Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.foldMap(interpreter).written) forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]) => assert(!walk.exists { case DeleteOp(_) => true case _ => false }) } } 81
  • 82. test("never delete in update") { val orderGenInterpreter = new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long]) val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryFree[OrderRepositoryOp] val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo) val interpreter = new Trace(new OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(orderGenInterpreter)) implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]] = Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.foldMap(interpreter).written) forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]) => assert(!walk.exists { case DeleteOp(_) => true case _ => false }) } } 82
  • 83. test("never delete in update") { val orderGenInterpreter = new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long]) val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryFree[OrderRepositoryOp] val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo) val interpreter = new Trace(new OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(orderGenInterpreter)) implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]] = Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.foldMap(interpreter).written) forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]) => assert(!walk.exists { case DeleteOp(_) => true case _ => false }) } } 83
  • 84. test("never delete in update") { val orderGenInterpreter = new OrderRepositoryGeneratingInterpreter(Gen.option(order.arbitrary), Gen.posNum[Long]) val orderRepo = new OrderRepositoryFree[OrderRepositoryOp] val orderService = OrderService(orderRepo) val interpreter = new Trace(new OrderRepositoryOpAsGen(orderGenInterpreter)) implicit val arbitraryWalk: Arbitrary[List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]] = Arbitrary(orderService.updateStatus(5, Delivered).value.foldMap(interpreter).written) forAll { (walk: List[OrderRepositoryOp[_]]) => assert(!walk.exists { case DeleteOp(_) => true case _ => false }) } } 84
  • 85. Analyzing Functional Programs • Abstract - Using Tagless Final - or the Free Monad • Test - Not just inputs and outputs - Exercise behavior from your dependencies - Check what your code tries to do • Take a look at - The Scala Pet Store: - Example Code: • More.. - Find me on twitter and github: dscleaver - We’re hiring: 85