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#GloCalBakeryFood (a dessert-trip)
Chi pensa di trovarsi di fronte ad una classico raccolta di
ricette rimarrà deluso. Questa raccolta è molto di più, è un
Sono giunta all’idea di sviluppare questo progetto attraverso un
cammino durato anni.
Se ripenso al primissimo momento in cui tutto ha avuto inizio, posso
affermare con certezza che il primo passo l’ho mosso nella mia
infanzia. Devo ringraziare infinitamente mia madre e la sua passione
per la cucina. È stata lei ad introdurmi amorevolmente ai segreti del
mangiare italiano ed in particolare pugliese.
In seguito, l’entrare sempre più spesso in contatto con culture
diverse, ha sviluppato il mio interesse per altre “cucine”, per sapori
nuovi e soprattutto autentici.
Negli ultimi mesi le piacevoli chiacchierate “virtuali” con il mio amico
newyorkese David L. Hawthorne, la cui moglie Dorothy era di origine
italiana hanno apportato un nuovo sviluppo.
Con David si è parlato della necessità di creare valore facilmente, un
valore che si possa raggiungere mediante lo scambio di informazioni e
che sia reso immediato attraverso l’uso delle moderne tecnologie. Si è
così sviluppato il concetto di “GloCal Bakery”: ricette di origine
globale riprodotte a livello locale con risultati ottimali.
Un concetto molto importante per me che vivendo a Dresda
(Germania), lontana dalla mia terra, sento spesso la mancanza dei
sapori e degli odori di casa, a me così cari.
Il mio destino è lo stesso di tante altre donne che vivono lontano dalla
propria terra e che ritrovano nelle ricette il legame con le proprie
Questo libro è dedicato a tutte le donne che, come me, amano la
buona cucina di casa, la diversità culturale o che vivono lontano da
Buon divertimento!
Angela Incampo
Anyone who thinks being in front of a classic recipe collection
will be disappointed. This collection is much more, it is a
I came to the idea of developing this project through a process that
lasted many years.
When I think back to the very first moment when it all started, I can
certainly say that it all started in my childhood. I infinitely thank my
mother and her passion for cooking. She is the one who lovingly
introduced me to the secrets of the Italian food and in particular of
In the years to follow, due to a constant contact with different
cultures, I developed my interest for other cooking, especially for new
flavours and authentic taste.
In the recent months, then, the pleasant “virtual” chats with my
friend David L. Hawthorne from New York, whose wife Dorothy was
of Italian origin has brought a new development.
With David we talked about the need to create value easily, a value
that can be achieved through the exchange of information and is
made immediately available through the use of information
technologies. So it grew into the concept of "GloCal Bakery" i.e.
recipes sourced global, reproduced locally with optimal results.
A very important part of the concept for me, due to living in Dresden
(Germany) and away from my motherland, I often miss the tastes and
the smells of home, so dear to me.
My destiny is the same of so many women who live far away from their
land and that find in recipes the connection to their origins.
This book is dedicated to all women who, like me, love good home
cooking, cultural diversity or live away from "home”.
Enjoy it!!
Angela Incampo
Amanda Stoel
Frambozen - Chocolade cake
(ik maak gebruik van cups, die zijn 0,25L).
3 cup (walnoten (rauw en ongezouten)
1 cup medjool dadels (pit eruit halen!)
1 eetlepel kokosolie
250 ml frambozen (bevroren of vers)
2 eetlepels agave siroop
3 eetlepels extra vergine olijf olie
1 eetlepel cacao poeder (ongezoet)
1 eetlepel carobe poeder (wanneer je de smaak van carobe poeder niet
bevalt kun je ook cacao poeder gebruiken)
Kleine kookring (alleen voor het gemak, je kunt ook met de hand of
andere vormen vorm geven)
Om te beginnen, mix de walnoten, de dadels, de carobe poeder en de
Verdeel ‘het deeg’ in tweeën. Doe de ene helft in de kookring en
stamp stevig aan, haal de ring eraf en daar is je bodem. Doe er
vervolgens flink wat frambozen op (houdt er alleen een paar over voor
garnering). Herhaal het proces met de andere helft ‘deeg’ en zet die er
boven op.
Vervolgens doe je de cacao, de olijf olie en de agave siroop in de
blender zodat er een chocolade saus ontstaat. Als het te stevig wordt
kun je altijd wat meer agave toevoegen (of naar smaak). Giet die
vervolgens over je taartje en garneer met frambozen.
Smakelijk eten!
Raspberry - Chocolate cake
3 cup walnuts (unsalted and raw)
1 cup medjool dates (remove the pit)
1 tablespoon coconut oil
250 ml raspberries (frozen or fresh)
2 tbs agave syrup
3 tbs extra vergine olive oil
1 tbsp cacao powder (unsweetened)
1 tbsp carobe powder (if you don’t like the flavour of carobe you can
use unsweetened cacao powder as well)
What you need:
A blender and a cooking ring
To start blend the walnuts, the coconut oil, the dates and the carobe
powder together.
Divide the mass in two and put the first half in the cooking ring, make
sure it is pressed in well, this will be your cake’s bottom.
Add the raspberries (save some for garnish). Repeat the process with
the cooking ring for the second half as well and put it on top of the
raspberry layer.
For your chocolate sauce you should blend the agave, the olive oil and
the cacao powder together, if it is too thick, add some more agave.
Poor it over your cake, decorate it with the remaining raspberries and
Catherine Newnam
Temps de préparation : 15 minutes
Temps de cuisson : 30 minutes
Ingrédients (pour 20 crêpes):
500 g de farine
8 oeufs
½ litre de lait
½ litre d’eau
60 g de beurre fondu
une pincée de sel
Si vous le voulez:
Quelques gouttes d’eau de fleurs d’oranger ou quelques gouttes de
Zeste d’orange ou de citron
Verser la farine dans un saladier et faire un puit au milieu. Ajouter les
oeufs, un à un. Ajouter l’huile et un peu de lait pour éviter les
grumeaux. Verser le reste du lait au fur et à mesure. Ajouter le sel et
le beurre, mélanger jusqu’à obtenir une pâte lisse. Ajouter les
ingrédients optionnels si désiré. Laisser reposer 1 heure.
Graisser une poêle et la faire chauffer à feu chaud. Verser juste assez
de pâte pour recouvir le fond de la poêle. Faire cuire la crêpe pendant
environ 2 minutes, jusqu’à ce que les bords deviennent dorés. Utiliser
une spatule pour retourner la crêpe et faire cuire l’autre côté.
C’est prêt! Bon appétit!
Vous pouvez garnir votre crêpe de confiture, marmelade, sucre et jus
de citron… ou, si vous voulez essayer les crêpes salées, vous pouvez
ajouter du jambon et du fromage, des poireaux cuits accompagnés de
bacon et de crème…
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Ingredients (for 20 crêpes):
4 cups all-purpose flour (500 gr)
8 eggs
2 cups milk (1/2 litre)
2 cups water (1/2 litre)
½ cup butter, melted (60 gr)
1 teaspoon salt
Optional flavouring:
A few drops of orange blossom water or a little rum
Orange or lemon zest
Put the flour in a mixing bowl. Make a well in the middle. Stir in the
eggs one by one. Add the oil and a little milk to keep the batter free
of lumps. Gradually stir in the rest of the milk. Add the salt and
butter, beat until smooth. Add flavouring as desired. Let rest for an
Heat a lightly oiled pan over medium high heat. Pour just enough
batter to coat the bottom of the pan. Cook the crêpe for about 2
minutes, until the bottom is light brown. Loosen with a spatula, turn
and cook the other side.
It’s ready! Bon appétit!
You can garnish your crêpe with jam, marmalade, sugar and lemon
juice… or, if you want to try savoury crêpes, ham and cheese, cooked
leeks, bacon and cream…
Evangelia Ntalossi
Ψήνουμε σε προθερμασμένο φούρνο
180 βαθμών Κελσίου για 50 λεπτά
περίπου. Υλικά για την κρέμα:
6 κούπες γάλα
1 1/2 κούπα αλεύρι
1 1/2 κούπα ζάχαρη
100 γραμμάρια βούτυρο φρέσκο
5 αυγά
Υλικά για το φύλλο:
330 γραμμάρια αλεύρι
3 κουταλιές σούπας ελαιόλαδο
3 κουταλιές γλυκού αλάτι
3 κουταλιές γλυκού ξίδι
Υπόλοιπα υλικά:
1/4 κούπας ελαιόλαδο
1/2 κούπας τριμμένα αμύγδαλα
1 κουταλιά γλυκού κανέλα σκόνη
3 κουταλιές σούπας ζάχαρη
Η κρέμα:
Ζεσταίνουμε το βούτυρο και προσθέτουμε κουταλιά κουταλιά το αλεύρι.
Ανακατεύουμε καλά σε σιγανή φωτιά. Προσθέτουμε και το ζεστό γάλα
και συνεχίζουμε το ανακάτεμα. Προσθέτουμε και τη ζάχαρη και
ανακατεύουμε μέχρι να γίνει η κρέμα παχύρευστη.
Αποσύρουμε από τη φωτιά και αφήνουμε να κρυώσει.
Χτυπάμε καλά τα αυγά και τα προσθέτουμε στην κρέμα ανακατεύοντας
Milk Pie (Galatopita)
Ingredients for creme:
1450 ml (about) milk
200 gr (about) flour
300 gr (about) sugar
5 eggs
100 gr fresh unsalted butter
Ingredients for the phyllo dough:
330 gr of flour
3 tbs of olive oil
3 ts of salt
1 ts of vinegar
Almost 120 ml cold water
Also you will need:
1/2 cup of chopped almonds
3 tbs of sugar
1 ts of cinnamon powder
Some more sugar
Some more olive oil
The creme:
Heat the butter and add a spoonful flour. Mix well over low
heat. Add the hot milk and continue stirring.
Add sugar and stir until the cream is thick. Remove from
heat and let it cool. Beat the eggs well and add to the cream
and stir well.
Το φύλλο:
Αλεύρι-ελαιόλαδο-αλάτι-ξίδι. Προσθέτουμε λίγο λίγο 1/2 περίπου κούπα
νερό παγωμένο. Ζυμώνουμε να έχουμε ένα μαλακό ζυμάρι, γι' αυτό
προσέχουμε το νερό.
Αφήνουμε να ξεκουραστεί.
Χωρίζουμε σε τρία μέρη κι ανοίγουμε τρία φύλλα λεπτά και
μεγαλύτερα του ταψιού.
Αναμειγνύουμε τα αμύγδαλα με τη ζάχαρη και την κανέλα σ' ένα πιάτο.
Λαδώνουμε το ταψί του φούρνου της ηλεκτρικής κουζίνας μας.
Τοποθετούμε το πρώτο φύλλο να περισσεύει απ' έξω και γύρω γύρω.
Το λαδώνουμε με πινέλο ή κουτάλι.
Ρίχνουμε λίγο από το μίγμα ζάχαρης-κανέλας-αμύγδαλων σ' όλο το
Τοποθετούμε από πάνω το δεύτερο φύλλο, λαδώνουμε, ραντίζουμε
Τοποθετούμε το τρίτο φύλλο και λαδώνουμε.
Ρίχνουμε την κρέμα στο ταψί.
Τα φύλλα που περισσεύουν έξω από το ταψί τα διπλώνουμε
στριφογυριστά να ακουμπήσουν εσωτερικά γύρω γύρω στο ταψί.
Λαδώνουμε την επιφάνεια των στριφογυριστών φύλλων.
Πασπαλίζουμε με λίγη ζάχαρη-κανέλα.
Στην επιφάνεια της κρέμας σκορπίζουμε 2-3 κουταλιές σούπας ζάχαρη.
The phyllo dough:
Flour-olive oil-salt-vinegar.
Slowly pour 1/2 cup of cold water. Make sure that the dough
is soft, so be careful not to have too much water (or the
dough will become really hard).
Let the dough rest, then divide into three parts. Roll out the
dough into three phyllo dough larger than the backing form.
Mix the almonds with the sugar and cinnamon in a bowl.
Grease the backing form.
Place the first sheet to excess outside and around the
corners of the backing form. Grease with brush or spoon.
Pour a little of the cinnamon-sugar -almonds mixture all over
the leaf.
Arrange over the second sheet, pour some more oil, sprinkle
Place the third sheet and grease. Pour the cream into the
backing form.
The phyllo dough that are left out of the baking form fold
them on the inside of the backing form.
Grease the surface of the phyllo dough. Sprinkle with a little
On the surface of the cream spill 2-3 tbs sugar.
Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for about 50
Inma VP
Tarta de Manzana
• 5 huevos.
• 1 kg. de manzanas o 4 manzanas
grandes, golden delicious
preferentemente, peros amarillos vamos
;) + 1 manzana extra para la
• 250 gr azúcar
• 1 cucharadita de azucar de vainilla (opcional).
• 50 gr piñones (opcional).
• Piel de un limón rayado (optional).
• 300 gr harina de trigo (equivale a 3 vasos del yogur danone).
• 125 cl aceite de oliva refinado (si mezclas la mitad de aceite de oliva y
aceite de girasol mejor). La medida del vaso de yogur es 125gr, con lo
cual sirve para medir el aceite ;) 1 vaso.
• 125 gr yogurt (1 yogur de limón o vainilla, o natural).
• 16 gr levdura (1 sobre de levadura Royal)
• Algo de margarina para untar en el molde y algo de harina para poner
sobre la mantequilla.
• Mermelada de melocotón para decorar.
1. Cortar en trocitos 1 kg de manzanas (sin piel ni corazón) y ponerlas
en un bol grande.
2. Añadir a las manzanas los huevos, los piñones, la piel de limon
rayada y el yogur.
3. Preparar un puré con todos esos ingredientes (batidora eléctrica).
4. Añadir en el siguiente orden: el azúcar, el azúcar de vainilla, la
harina, la levadura y el aceite de oliva. Puedes mover esto con varillas
o seguir con la batidora (como prefieras).
5. Poner el horno a 180 grados y calentarlo mientras pones margarina
sobre el molde (uno de cristal y 26 cm sería bueno). Después de la
mantequilla or margarina se recomienda poner algo de harina sobre el
(12 people can enjoy!)
· 5 eggs.
· 1 kg. Apples (golden delicious) + 1
extra apple for decoration.
· 250 gr sugar.
· 1 teaspoon of vainilla’s sugar.
· 50 gr pine nuts (optional).
· Grated 1 lemon rind (optional).
· 300 gr wheat flavour.
· 125 cl olive oil (if you mix 50% sunflower oil with 50% olive oil is much
· 125 gr yogurt (lemon or vanilla).
· 16 gr baking powder.
· Some butter or margarine + some little wheat flavour to cover the
baking tin.
· Peach marmalade (for decoration).
1. Chop 1 kg apples into little pieces (without skin and heart) and put
in a big bowl.
2. To those apples cut into pieces, add 5 eggs, pine nuts, grated lemon
rind, yogurt.
3. Prepare a puree with all of those ingredients with the electric
4. Then add in the following order and keep moving with a hand mixer:
sugar, vanilla sugar, wheat flavour, baking powder, olive oil.
5. Then put the oven at 180 degrees to warm it meanwhile you are
putting some butter (or margarine) over a baking tin / crystal (round)
about 26 cm. After the butter is recommended also to add some little
wheat flavour and cover it (throwing out the part not added to the
baking tin)
6. Añadir la masa al recipiente a hornear.
7. Cortar la manzana extra en la forma que ves en la foto y poner algo
azúcar sobre todas las manzanas.
8. Poner la masa en el horno, a nivel medio, y cocinar durante 60 ó 75
minutos. No abrir el horno hasta que pase como mínimo una hora.
9. Cuando termine, dejar enfriar al menos 15 minutos. Desmoldar y
sobre un plato.
10. Añadir la mermelada de melocotón. Si se deja en el frigorífico unas
horas mejor ;)
6. Add all the mixture to the baking tin.
7. Cut the extra apple in the way you can see in the picture over the
apple cake (heart shape). Then put some extra sugar over all the
apples at the top.
8. Get into the oven, in the middle level, and let it cook at 180 degrees
for 60 minutes (don’t open the oven until the final minutes if you want
to check how it is going ;)
9. When it is finished, let it out around 10 or 15 minutes to get it cold
and put over a dish.
10. Then add the peach marmalade as decoration.
Kati Schrödter
Zutaten Für Boden:
150g Zucker
2 Eier
750g Magerquark
Für Decke:
1 Päckchen Vanillepuddingpulver
3/8 l Milch (eher noch etwas weniger)
150g Zucker
150g Butter
4 Eier
Zubereitung Boden:
Alle Zutaten für den Boden vermengen und in eine gefettete Springform geben.
Decke: Aus der weniger als sonst üblichen Milch einen Pudding kochen.
Danach Zucker, Butter und zuletzt Eigelb unterrühren. Die Masse erkalten
Eine dünne Schicht auf den Quarkboden auftragen. Eiweiß steif schlagen, unter
die Puddingmasse geben und alles auf der Form verteilen (ist relativ flüssig).
Den Kuchen im vorgeheizten Ofen bei 180 Grad (Umluft) 10 min "anbacken" und
bei 150 Grad (Umluft) 45 min. fertigbacken.
Tipp: Für einen Blechkuchen muss die doppelte Menge verwendet werden.
Eierschecke delicacy from
Ingredients for the cake
150 g sugar
2 eggs
750g low fat curd cheese
For the cover:
1 bag vanilla pudding powder (500 gr)
3/8 litre milk (or a bit less)
150 g sugar
150 g butter
4 eggs.
Preparation: Mix all ingredients for the 'bottom' and put it in an oiled spring form.
Cover: with the milk, cook a pudding. Afterwards: mix together sugar, butter and
add then the egg yolks. Let the bulk cool down. Put a slight layer on top of the
curd cheese. Beat the egg whites until stiff, put them into the pudding and
distribute it on the form (it will be relatively liquid).
Bake the cake in a preheated oven (convection) at 180° Celsius for 10 minutes.
Then at 150° Celsius for another 45 minutes (convection).
Advice: For a sheet cake the amount of the ingredients must be double.
Marxe Urtega
Pastel de 3 leches
1 mezcla de pastel de vainilla, horneada como se indica en la caja.
Poner en un refractario rectangular de 13 por 9 pulgadas
Para la cobertura, mezcla en la licuadora
1 lata de leche evaporada
1 lata de leche condensada
1 cucharadita de vainilla
1 lata de crema de media crema (o 1/2 taza de crema para batir)
1 cucharadita de brandy (o al gusto)
Para terminar:
Crema batida, para cubrir el pastel
5 oz de coco dulce
Hornee el pastel como se indica en el paquete. Haga agujeros en el
pastel con un tenedor por todas partes. Vierta la mezcla de leches
sobre el pastel antes de enfriar. Deje que la mezcla absorba
completamente en el refrigerador.
Cubra con crema batida y espolvoree coco sobre la parte superior de
la torta.
3 leches (3 milk) cake
1 yellow cake mix baked as directed
To be poured in a 13 by 9-inch baking form (33 x 23 cm)
For topping mixture:
1 can evaporated milk (370 ml)
1 can sweetened condensed milk (300 ml)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 can half-cream cream (225 gr), (or 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream)
1 teaspoon of brandy (or to taste)
To finish:
Whipped cream, to cover cake
5 ounces (about 28 gr) sweetened coconut
Bake cake as directed in package. Poke holes in the cake with a fork
all over. Pour topping mixture over cake before cooling. Let mixture
absorb completely in refrigerator.
Cover with whipped cream or cool whip and sprinkle sweetened
coconut over top of cake.
Yvonne Hammond
Unites States of America
Normandy Crêpes
1 litre of warm milk
4 cups of pre-sifted flour or 2 cups
1 cup vegetable oil
6 eggs
2 Tablespoons of rum
2 Tablespoons of sugar
Mix thoroughly and chill for 1 hour before using.
Get the pan really super hot, then put a little oil in the
pan and pour it out. You want to season the pan.
Then, put a ladle of batter in the pan and swirl it
around the pan so it is paper thin. It will cook fast, so
you have to do this quickly. Then make sure you have
powdered sugar ready to sprinkle between the crêpes.
My thanks for the co-operation and the wish and love to share go to:
Amanda Stoel. I am a single mother of two and healthy living is my
passion, I researched nutrition and lifestyles for the last five or six
years and eventually developed a way of eating, preparing food I am
convinced off are not only very tasty but also very healthy! I call them
my 'guilt free pleasures'. One of my favourite GFP is this
chocolate/raspberry cake. Not only is it delicious and fulfils your daily
chocolate needs, it adds to your health to boot! My country is The
Netherlands, city is Bussum and I am 38
Catherine Newnam. Originally from Chartres, France, now living in
San Diego, California, USA with my hubby Michael and baby son,
Jack. 36 years old (37 in August!), teacher. Chose that recipe because
it is a classic French recipe that everybody usually loves and it can be
accommodated in either a savoury or sweet way!
Evangelia Ntalossi/Hellas. Α happy wife of a loving husband. A mother
of three and a daughter in law. An educator. A traveller. A friend. A
lover of freedom. An environment worker. An organic food lover. A
cooking lover.
Inma VP. Seville, Spain, 41 years old. When we are sharing with
friends, I think the kitchen is one of the most wonderful places for
reaching our hearts, especially if it means baking a cake and sharing it
with people who you love This recipe was a little invention I made long
time ago meanwhile I was trying to learn following my curiosity. Hope
you will like it and enjoy it with your beloved ones!
Kati Schrödter. Together with my three kids I am living in Dresden, a
city in south-east Germany.
I am working as a network manager within the software industry.
Beyond my job I work as a lector, developing and correcting novel-
plots and I am getting involved with social and cultural projects.
"Eierschecke" is a typical cake from Saxony, my favourite one. I got
the recipe from my beloved godmother, who thought me how to bake
cakes. Meanwhile my "Eierschecke" has also become the favourite
cake of my kids.
As for me (Marxe Urtega), my husband and I are currently preparing
the launch of our company, Maxtia. We want to help companies and
people to teach, learn, inspire and be prosperous. I'm also writing a
book and preparing some courses on personal development.
At home, we loooove this cake. It's traditional in Mexico and really
easy to prepare. Our moms and grandmas used to prepare it on special
occasions (as it is super sweet).
Yvonne Marie Hammond. Born in Chicago, Illinois, USA. I'm an artist
who enjoys flowers, gardening, drawing and cooking!
The reason I chose this recipe is that it is a family favorite. My family
hosted a French exchange student, Christine Chavalier, the summer
when I was 12 years old. Her mother sent us this recipe for my mother.
I remember at the end of summer, Christine's father came to visit us.
He brought, for me, two dolls from Normandy-a man and woman
(which I still have) , and my brother received a set of very nice
puppets because we had a puppet theater. It was very memorable to
me and we've always made the crepes for special occasions- such as
Mother's Day in particular. So that's the story behind the crepes. We
usually serve them with a fruit compote inside with a dollop of
whipped cream on top.
Thanks for all friends!

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#Glocalbakeryfood (a dessert trip)

  • 2. Chi pensa di trovarsi di fronte ad una classico raccolta di ricette rimarrà deluso. Questa raccolta è molto di più, è un viaggio.
  • 3. Sono giunta all’idea di sviluppare questo progetto attraverso un cammino durato anni. Se ripenso al primissimo momento in cui tutto ha avuto inizio, posso affermare con certezza che il primo passo l’ho mosso nella mia infanzia. Devo ringraziare infinitamente mia madre e la sua passione per la cucina. È stata lei ad introdurmi amorevolmente ai segreti del mangiare italiano ed in particolare pugliese. In seguito, l’entrare sempre più spesso in contatto con culture diverse, ha sviluppato il mio interesse per altre “cucine”, per sapori nuovi e soprattutto autentici. Negli ultimi mesi le piacevoli chiacchierate “virtuali” con il mio amico newyorkese David L. Hawthorne, la cui moglie Dorothy era di origine italiana hanno apportato un nuovo sviluppo. Con David si è parlato della necessità di creare valore facilmente, un valore che si possa raggiungere mediante lo scambio di informazioni e che sia reso immediato attraverso l’uso delle moderne tecnologie. Si è così sviluppato il concetto di “GloCal Bakery”: ricette di origine globale riprodotte a livello locale con risultati ottimali. Un concetto molto importante per me che vivendo a Dresda (Germania), lontana dalla mia terra, sento spesso la mancanza dei sapori e degli odori di casa, a me così cari. Il mio destino è lo stesso di tante altre donne che vivono lontano dalla propria terra e che ritrovano nelle ricette il legame con le proprie origini. Questo libro è dedicato a tutte le donne che, come me, amano la buona cucina di casa, la diversità culturale o che vivono lontano da “casa”. Buon divertimento! Angela Incampo
  • 4. Anyone who thinks being in front of a classic recipe collection will be disappointed. This collection is much more, it is a journey.
  • 5. I came to the idea of developing this project through a process that lasted many years. When I think back to the very first moment when it all started, I can certainly say that it all started in my childhood. I infinitely thank my mother and her passion for cooking. She is the one who lovingly introduced me to the secrets of the Italian food and in particular of Puglia. In the years to follow, due to a constant contact with different cultures, I developed my interest for other cooking, especially for new flavours and authentic taste. In the recent months, then, the pleasant “virtual” chats with my friend David L. Hawthorne from New York, whose wife Dorothy was of Italian origin has brought a new development. With David we talked about the need to create value easily, a value that can be achieved through the exchange of information and is made immediately available through the use of information technologies. So it grew into the concept of "GloCal Bakery" i.e. recipes sourced global, reproduced locally with optimal results. A very important part of the concept for me, due to living in Dresden (Germany) and away from my motherland, I often miss the tastes and the smells of home, so dear to me. My destiny is the same of so many women who live far away from their land and that find in recipes the connection to their origins. This book is dedicated to all women who, like me, love good home cooking, cultural diversity or live away from "home”. Enjoy it!! Angela Incampo
  • 7.
  • 8. Frambozen - Chocolade cake (ik maak gebruik van cups, die zijn 0,25L). Ingrediënten: 3 cup (walnoten (rauw en ongezouten) 1 cup medjool dadels (pit eruit halen!) 1 eetlepel kokosolie 250 ml frambozen (bevroren of vers) 2 eetlepels agave siroop 3 eetlepels extra vergine olijf olie 1 eetlepel cacao poeder (ongezoet) 1 eetlepel carobe poeder (wanneer je de smaak van carobe poeder niet bevalt kun je ook cacao poeder gebruiken) Nodig: Blender/mixer Kleine kookring (alleen voor het gemak, je kunt ook met de hand of andere vormen vorm geven) Om te beginnen, mix de walnoten, de dadels, de carobe poeder en de kokosolie. Verdeel ‘het deeg’ in tweeën. Doe de ene helft in de kookring en stamp stevig aan, haal de ring eraf en daar is je bodem. Doe er vervolgens flink wat frambozen op (houdt er alleen een paar over voor garnering). Herhaal het proces met de andere helft ‘deeg’ en zet die er boven op. Vervolgens doe je de cacao, de olijf olie en de agave siroop in de blender zodat er een chocolade saus ontstaat. Als het te stevig wordt kun je altijd wat meer agave toevoegen (of naar smaak). Giet die vervolgens over je taartje en garneer met frambozen. Smakelijk eten!
  • 9. Raspberry - Chocolate cake Ingredients: 3 cup walnuts (unsalted and raw) 1 cup medjool dates (remove the pit) 1 tablespoon coconut oil 250 ml raspberries (frozen or fresh) 2 tbs agave syrup 3 tbs extra vergine olive oil 1 tbsp cacao powder (unsweetened) 1 tbsp carobe powder (if you don’t like the flavour of carobe you can use unsweetened cacao powder as well) What you need: A blender and a cooking ring To start blend the walnuts, the coconut oil, the dates and the carobe powder together. Divide the mass in two and put the first half in the cooking ring, make sure it is pressed in well, this will be your cake’s bottom. Add the raspberries (save some for garnish). Repeat the process with the cooking ring for the second half as well and put it on top of the raspberry layer. For your chocolate sauce you should blend the agave, the olive oil and the cacao powder together, if it is too thick, add some more agave. Poor it over your cake, decorate it with the remaining raspberries and enjoy!
  • 11.
  • 12. Crêpes Temps de préparation : 15 minutes Temps de cuisson : 30 minutes Ingrédients (pour 20 crêpes): 500 g de farine 8 oeufs ½ litre de lait ½ litre d’eau 60 g de beurre fondu une pincée de sel Si vous le voulez: Quelques gouttes d’eau de fleurs d’oranger ou quelques gouttes de rhum Zeste d’orange ou de citron Recette Verser la farine dans un saladier et faire un puit au milieu. Ajouter les oeufs, un à un. Ajouter l’huile et un peu de lait pour éviter les grumeaux. Verser le reste du lait au fur et à mesure. Ajouter le sel et le beurre, mélanger jusqu’à obtenir une pâte lisse. Ajouter les ingrédients optionnels si désiré. Laisser reposer 1 heure. Graisser une poêle et la faire chauffer à feu chaud. Verser juste assez de pâte pour recouvir le fond de la poêle. Faire cuire la crêpe pendant environ 2 minutes, jusqu’à ce que les bords deviennent dorés. Utiliser une spatule pour retourner la crêpe et faire cuire l’autre côté. C’est prêt! Bon appétit! Vous pouvez garnir votre crêpe de confiture, marmelade, sucre et jus de citron… ou, si vous voulez essayer les crêpes salées, vous pouvez ajouter du jambon et du fromage, des poireaux cuits accompagnés de bacon et de crème…
  • 13. Crêpes Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes Ingredients (for 20 crêpes): 4 cups all-purpose flour (500 gr) 8 eggs 2 cups milk (1/2 litre) 2 cups water (1/2 litre) ½ cup butter, melted (60 gr) 1 teaspoon salt Optional flavouring: A few drops of orange blossom water or a little rum Orange or lemon zest Recipe Put the flour in a mixing bowl. Make a well in the middle. Stir in the eggs one by one. Add the oil and a little milk to keep the batter free of lumps. Gradually stir in the rest of the milk. Add the salt and butter, beat until smooth. Add flavouring as desired. Let rest for an hour. Heat a lightly oiled pan over medium high heat. Pour just enough batter to coat the bottom of the pan. Cook the crêpe for about 2 minutes, until the bottom is light brown. Loosen with a spatula, turn and cook the other side. It’s ready! Bon appétit! You can garnish your crêpe with jam, marmalade, sugar and lemon juice… or, if you want to try savoury crêpes, ham and cheese, cooked leeks, bacon and cream…
  • 15.
  • 16. Γαλατόπιτα Ψήνουμε σε προθερμασμένο φούρνο 180 βαθμών Κελσίου για 50 λεπτά περίπου. Υλικά για την κρέμα: 6 κούπες γάλα 1 1/2 κούπα αλεύρι 1 1/2 κούπα ζάχαρη 100 γραμμάρια βούτυρο φρέσκο 5 αυγά Υλικά για το φύλλο: 330 γραμμάρια αλεύρι 3 κουταλιές σούπας ελαιόλαδο 3 κουταλιές γλυκού αλάτι 3 κουταλιές γλυκού ξίδι Υπόλοιπα υλικά: 1/4 κούπας ελαιόλαδο 1/2 κούπας τριμμένα αμύγδαλα 1 κουταλιά γλυκού κανέλα σκόνη 3 κουταλιές σούπας ζάχαρη Η κρέμα: Ζεσταίνουμε το βούτυρο και προσθέτουμε κουταλιά κουταλιά το αλεύρι. Ανακατεύουμε καλά σε σιγανή φωτιά. Προσθέτουμε και το ζεστό γάλα και συνεχίζουμε το ανακάτεμα. Προσθέτουμε και τη ζάχαρη και ανακατεύουμε μέχρι να γίνει η κρέμα παχύρευστη. Αποσύρουμε από τη φωτιά και αφήνουμε να κρυώσει. Χτυπάμε καλά τα αυγά και τα προσθέτουμε στην κρέμα ανακατεύοντας καλά.
  • 17. Milk Pie (Galatopita) Ingredients for creme: 1450 ml (about) milk 200 gr (about) flour 300 gr (about) sugar 5 eggs 100 gr fresh unsalted butter Ingredients for the phyllo dough: 330 gr of flour 3 tbs of olive oil 3 ts of salt 1 ts of vinegar Almost 120 ml cold water Also you will need: 1/2 cup of chopped almonds 3 tbs of sugar 1 ts of cinnamon powder Some more sugar Some more olive oil The creme: Heat the butter and add a spoonful flour. Mix well over low heat. Add the hot milk and continue stirring. Add sugar and stir until the cream is thick. Remove from heat and let it cool. Beat the eggs well and add to the cream and stir well.
  • 18. Το φύλλο: Αλεύρι-ελαιόλαδο-αλάτι-ξίδι. Προσθέτουμε λίγο λίγο 1/2 περίπου κούπα νερό παγωμένο. Ζυμώνουμε να έχουμε ένα μαλακό ζυμάρι, γι' αυτό προσέχουμε το νερό. Αφήνουμε να ξεκουραστεί. Χωρίζουμε σε τρία μέρη κι ανοίγουμε τρία φύλλα λεπτά και μεγαλύτερα του ταψιού. Αναμειγνύουμε τα αμύγδαλα με τη ζάχαρη και την κανέλα σ' ένα πιάτο. Λαδώνουμε το ταψί του φούρνου της ηλεκτρικής κουζίνας μας. Τοποθετούμε το πρώτο φύλλο να περισσεύει απ' έξω και γύρω γύρω. Το λαδώνουμε με πινέλο ή κουτάλι. Ρίχνουμε λίγο από το μίγμα ζάχαρης-κανέλας-αμύγδαλων σ' όλο το φύλλο. Τοποθετούμε από πάνω το δεύτερο φύλλο, λαδώνουμε, ραντίζουμε ζάχαρη-κανέλα-αμύγδαλα. Τοποθετούμε το τρίτο φύλλο και λαδώνουμε. Ρίχνουμε την κρέμα στο ταψί. Τα φύλλα που περισσεύουν έξω από το ταψί τα διπλώνουμε στριφογυριστά να ακουμπήσουν εσωτερικά γύρω γύρω στο ταψί. Λαδώνουμε την επιφάνεια των στριφογυριστών φύλλων. Πασπαλίζουμε με λίγη ζάχαρη-κανέλα. Στην επιφάνεια της κρέμας σκορπίζουμε 2-3 κουταλιές σούπας ζάχαρη.
  • 19. The phyllo dough: Flour-olive oil-salt-vinegar. Slowly pour 1/2 cup of cold water. Make sure that the dough is soft, so be careful not to have too much water (or the dough will become really hard). Let the dough rest, then divide into three parts. Roll out the dough into three phyllo dough larger than the backing form. Mix the almonds with the sugar and cinnamon in a bowl. Grease the backing form. Place the first sheet to excess outside and around the corners of the backing form. Grease with brush or spoon. Pour a little of the cinnamon-sugar -almonds mixture all over the leaf. Arrange over the second sheet, pour some more oil, sprinkle cinnamon-sugar-almonds. Place the third sheet and grease. Pour the cream into the backing form. The phyllo dough that are left out of the baking form fold them on the inside of the backing form. Grease the surface of the phyllo dough. Sprinkle with a little sugar-cinnamon. On the surface of the cream spill 2-3 tbs sugar. Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for about 50 minutes.
  • 21.
  • 22. Tarta de Manzana INGREDIENTES: (PARA 12 PERSONAS!) • 5 huevos. • 1 kg. de manzanas o 4 manzanas grandes, golden delicious preferentemente, peros amarillos vamos ;) + 1 manzana extra para la decoración. • 250 gr azúcar • 1 cucharadita de azucar de vainilla (opcional). • 50 gr piñones (opcional). • Piel de un limón rayado (optional). • 300 gr harina de trigo (equivale a 3 vasos del yogur danone). • 125 cl aceite de oliva refinado (si mezclas la mitad de aceite de oliva y aceite de girasol mejor). La medida del vaso de yogur es 125gr, con lo cual sirve para medir el aceite ;) 1 vaso. • 125 gr yogurt (1 yogur de limón o vainilla, o natural). • 16 gr levdura (1 sobre de levadura Royal) • Algo de margarina para untar en el molde y algo de harina para poner sobre la mantequilla. • Mermelada de melocotón para decorar. PREPARACION: 1. Cortar en trocitos 1 kg de manzanas (sin piel ni corazón) y ponerlas en un bol grande. 2. Añadir a las manzanas los huevos, los piñones, la piel de limon rayada y el yogur. 3. Preparar un puré con todos esos ingredientes (batidora eléctrica). 4. Añadir en el siguiente orden: el azúcar, el azúcar de vainilla, la harina, la levadura y el aceite de oliva. Puedes mover esto con varillas o seguir con la batidora (como prefieras). 5. Poner el horno a 180 grados y calentarlo mientras pones margarina sobre el molde (uno de cristal y 26 cm sería bueno). Después de la mantequilla or margarina se recomienda poner algo de harina sobre el molde.
  • 23. Apple-pie INGREDIENTS: (12 people can enjoy!) · 5 eggs. · 1 kg. Apples (golden delicious) + 1 extra apple for decoration. · 250 gr sugar. · 1 teaspoon of vainilla’s sugar. · 50 gr pine nuts (optional). · Grated 1 lemon rind (optional). · 300 gr wheat flavour. · 125 cl olive oil (if you mix 50% sunflower oil with 50% olive oil is much better). · 125 gr yogurt (lemon or vanilla). · 16 gr baking powder. · Some butter or margarine + some little wheat flavour to cover the baking tin. · Peach marmalade (for decoration). PREPARATION: 1. Chop 1 kg apples into little pieces (without skin and heart) and put in a big bowl. 2. To those apples cut into pieces, add 5 eggs, pine nuts, grated lemon rind, yogurt. 3. Prepare a puree with all of those ingredients with the electric mixer. 4. Then add in the following order and keep moving with a hand mixer: sugar, vanilla sugar, wheat flavour, baking powder, olive oil. 5. Then put the oven at 180 degrees to warm it meanwhile you are putting some butter (or margarine) over a baking tin / crystal (round) about 26 cm. After the butter is recommended also to add some little wheat flavour and cover it (throwing out the part not added to the baking tin)
  • 24. 6. Añadir la masa al recipiente a hornear. 7. Cortar la manzana extra en la forma que ves en la foto y poner algo de azúcar sobre todas las manzanas. 8. Poner la masa en el horno, a nivel medio, y cocinar durante 60 ó 75 minutos. No abrir el horno hasta que pase como mínimo una hora. 9. Cuando termine, dejar enfriar al menos 15 minutos. Desmoldar y poner sobre un plato. 10. Añadir la mermelada de melocotón. Si se deja en el frigorífico unas horas mejor ;) 11. BON APETIT!!!
  • 25. 6. Add all the mixture to the baking tin. 7. Cut the extra apple in the way you can see in the picture over the apple cake (heart shape). Then put some extra sugar over all the apples at the top. 8. Get into the oven, in the middle level, and let it cook at 180 degrees for 60 minutes (don’t open the oven until the final minutes if you want to check how it is going ;) 9. When it is finished, let it out around 10 or 15 minutes to get it cold and put over a dish. 10. Then add the peach marmalade as decoration. 11.BON APETIT!!!
  • 27.
  • 28. Eierschecke Zutaten Für Boden: 150g Zucker 2 Eier 750g Magerquark Für Decke: 1 Päckchen Vanillepuddingpulver 3/8 l Milch (eher noch etwas weniger) 150g Zucker 150g Butter 4 Eier Zubereitung Boden: Alle Zutaten für den Boden vermengen und in eine gefettete Springform geben. Decke: Aus der weniger als sonst üblichen Milch einen Pudding kochen. Danach Zucker, Butter und zuletzt Eigelb unterrühren. Die Masse erkalten lassen. Eine dünne Schicht auf den Quarkboden auftragen. Eiweiß steif schlagen, unter die Puddingmasse geben und alles auf der Form verteilen (ist relativ flüssig). Den Kuchen im vorgeheizten Ofen bei 180 Grad (Umluft) 10 min "anbacken" und bei 150 Grad (Umluft) 45 min. fertigbacken. Tipp: Für einen Blechkuchen muss die doppelte Menge verwendet werden.
  • 29. Eierschecke delicacy from Saxony Ingredients for the cake Bottom: 150 g sugar 2 eggs 750g low fat curd cheese For the cover: 1 bag vanilla pudding powder (500 gr) 3/8 litre milk (or a bit less) 150 g sugar 150 g butter 4 eggs. Preparation: Mix all ingredients for the 'bottom' and put it in an oiled spring form. Cover: with the milk, cook a pudding. Afterwards: mix together sugar, butter and add then the egg yolks. Let the bulk cool down. Put a slight layer on top of the curd cheese. Beat the egg whites until stiff, put them into the pudding and distribute it on the form (it will be relatively liquid). Bake the cake in a preheated oven (convection) at 180° Celsius for 10 minutes. Then at 150° Celsius for another 45 minutes (convection). Advice: For a sheet cake the amount of the ingredients must be double.
  • 31.
  • 32. Pastel de 3 leches Ingredientes 1 mezcla de pastel de vainilla, horneada como se indica en la caja. Poner en un refractario rectangular de 13 por 9 pulgadas Para la cobertura, mezcla en la licuadora 1 lata de leche evaporada 1 lata de leche condensada 1 cucharadita de vainilla 1 lata de crema de media crema (o 1/2 taza de crema para batir) 1 cucharadita de brandy (o al gusto) Para terminar: Crema batida, para cubrir el pastel 5 oz de coco dulce Instrucciones Hornee el pastel como se indica en el paquete. Haga agujeros en el pastel con un tenedor por todas partes. Vierta la mezcla de leches sobre el pastel antes de enfriar. Deje que la mezcla absorba completamente en el refrigerador. Cubra con crema batida y espolvoree coco sobre la parte superior de la torta.
  • 33. 3 leches (3 milk) cake Ingredients 1 yellow cake mix baked as directed To be poured in a 13 by 9-inch baking form (33 x 23 cm) For topping mixture: 1 can evaporated milk (370 ml) 1 can sweetened condensed milk (300 ml) 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 can half-cream cream (225 gr), (or 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream) 1 teaspoon of brandy (or to taste) To finish: Whipped cream, to cover cake 5 ounces (about 28 gr) sweetened coconut Directions Bake cake as directed in package. Poke holes in the cake with a fork all over. Pour topping mixture over cake before cooling. Let mixture absorb completely in refrigerator. Cover with whipped cream or cool whip and sprinkle sweetened coconut over top of cake.
  • 35.
  • 36. Normandy Crêpes 1 litre of warm milk 4 cups of pre-sifted flour or 2 cups unsifted 1 cup vegetable oil 6 eggs 2 Tablespoons of rum 2 Tablespoons of sugar Recipe Mix thoroughly and chill for 1 hour before using. Get the pan really super hot, then put a little oil in the pan and pour it out. You want to season the pan. Then, put a ladle of batter in the pan and swirl it around the pan so it is paper thin. It will cook fast, so you have to do this quickly. Then make sure you have powdered sugar ready to sprinkle between the crêpes.
  • 37. My thanks for the co-operation and the wish and love to share go to: Amanda Stoel. I am a single mother of two and healthy living is my passion, I researched nutrition and lifestyles for the last five or six years and eventually developed a way of eating, preparing food I am convinced off are not only very tasty but also very healthy! I call them my 'guilt free pleasures'. One of my favourite GFP is this chocolate/raspberry cake. Not only is it delicious and fulfils your daily chocolate needs, it adds to your health to boot! My country is The Netherlands, city is Bussum and I am 38 Catherine Newnam. Originally from Chartres, France, now living in San Diego, California, USA with my hubby Michael and baby son, Jack. 36 years old (37 in August!), teacher. Chose that recipe because it is a classic French recipe that everybody usually loves and it can be accommodated in either a savoury or sweet way! Evangelia Ntalossi/Hellas. Α happy wife of a loving husband. A mother of three and a daughter in law. An educator. A traveller. A friend. A lover of freedom. An environment worker. An organic food lover. A cooking lover. Inma VP. Seville, Spain, 41 years old. When we are sharing with friends, I think the kitchen is one of the most wonderful places for reaching our hearts, especially if it means baking a cake and sharing it with people who you love This recipe was a little invention I made long time ago meanwhile I was trying to learn following my curiosity. Hope you will like it and enjoy it with your beloved ones!
  • 38. Kati Schrödter. Together with my three kids I am living in Dresden, a city in south-east Germany. I am working as a network manager within the software industry. Beyond my job I work as a lector, developing and correcting novel- plots and I am getting involved with social and cultural projects. "Eierschecke" is a typical cake from Saxony, my favourite one. I got the recipe from my beloved godmother, who thought me how to bake cakes. Meanwhile my "Eierschecke" has also become the favourite cake of my kids. As for me (Marxe Urtega), my husband and I are currently preparing the launch of our company, Maxtia. We want to help companies and people to teach, learn, inspire and be prosperous. I'm also writing a book and preparing some courses on personal development. At home, we loooove this cake. It's traditional in Mexico and really easy to prepare. Our moms and grandmas used to prepare it on special occasions (as it is super sweet). Yvonne Marie Hammond. Born in Chicago, Illinois, USA. I'm an artist who enjoys flowers, gardening, drawing and cooking! The reason I chose this recipe is that it is a family favorite. My family hosted a French exchange student, Christine Chavalier, the summer when I was 12 years old. Her mother sent us this recipe for my mother. I remember at the end of summer, Christine's father came to visit us. He brought, for me, two dolls from Normandy-a man and woman (which I still have) , and my brother received a set of very nice puppets because we had a puppet theater. It was very memorable to me and we've always made the crepes for special occasions- such as Mother's Day in particular. So that's the story behind the crepes. We usually serve them with a fruit compote inside with a dollop of whipped cream on top. Thanks for all friends!