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International Journal of Smart Computing and Information Technology
2020, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 43–46
Copyright © 2021 BOHR Publishers
The Importance of ICTs on Service Delivery at MTC, Namibia
Ndahafa Eline Namene and Nikodemus Angula
University of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia
Abstract. The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of information and communication technology on
service delivery in the Telecommunications industry. A descriptive survey research method was used as it helped
the researcher to determine how the use of ICTs can improve service delivery at MTC, Namibia.
Findings showed that variables of information and communication technology have positive effect on service
delivery. Therefore, the study concluded that training collectively with changes in corporate policies and support,
can result in better service delivery. It was recommended that employees have to acquire skills on how to use com-
puters and communication software in order to offer efficient services. It is vital for the Telecommunications sector
to foster digital opportunities by enhancing the use of ICTs to improve service delivery. Barriers to be overcome are
no longer only technological but also educational, cultural and linguistic in nature. With that in mind, neglecting to
invest sufficiently in human capacity may result in clientele dissatisfaction.
Keywords: Information Communication Technologies (ICTs), Service delivery, Training, Infrastructure.
1 Introduction
The use of ICTs paves way to significant organisational
improvement as well as competitive advantage (Bankole
et al., 2015). The digital platform is increasingly the cen-
tre stage for most businesses. Furthermore, ICTs have the
potential to improve the balance in economic and social
progress, increase growth of the economy and boost the
capacity to address societal challenges (Ogunleye et al.,
Customer service is a vital component of any busi-
ness and the quality of that service will either enhance or
degrade customer loyalty (Sanou, 2015). With the Namib-
ian economy in recession, customers have more alter-
natives than ever hence the business that proves to be
responsive to customer questions, complaints or other
needs can gain competitive advantage.
However, the importance of ICT to aid service delivery
in Namibia is not yet fully understood and to date there
is insufficient published research that looks at the impor-
tance of ICTs. In this regard, the objective of this study is to
investigate the importance of ICTs in addressing the needs
of customers.
2 Problem Statement
Over the years, technology changes can affect market
dynamics and the organisational response to the changes
and opportunities (Kabanda, 2014). Rapid developments
and advances in ICT, mainly led by the accelerated growth
of the internet, have revolutionized service design and
delivery and ultimately customer service (McKinsey, 2017).
McKinsey (2017) further implores that the goal of any busi-
ness in terms of its customer interactions is to generate
loyalty hence it is of paramount importance for organi-
sations to offer quality services and to be responsive to
customers. The emergence of new technologies should
pave way to the number of channels that allow interaction
with customers and maintenance of long-term profitable
relationships between both the customer and MTC (MTC,
2019). With increasing competition from Telecom, it has
become necessary for MTC to keep ahead of rivals by dif-
ferentiating itself from its competitors.
The researcher believes ICTs serve as an opportunity
to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage, in terms
of improving service delivery. In this regard, this study
investigated the importance of ICTs on the quality of
44 Ndahafa Eline Namene and Nikodemus Angula
service delivery in the Namibian mobile telecommunica-
tions sector.
3 Aims and Objectives
The aim of the study was to investigate the importance of
ICTs at MTC Namibia.
The objectives were:
(a) To investigate the importance of ICTs on service
delivery at the MTC, Namibia.
(b) To investigate how ICT innovations can improve cus-
tomer satisfaction at MTC, Namibia.
(c) To recommend strategies that will encourage the
effective use of ICTs to improve service delivery at
MTC, Namibia.
4 Research Methods
4.1 Descriptive Survery
This study employed a descriptive survey research method
which was quantitative, for the collection of information
from a pool of respondents. The selected research design
set the parameters of the research project and enabled the
researcher to address the research questions. Additionally,
the accuracy of the insights depended on the report gen-
erated from the survey responses. A descriptive survey
research method was more appealing to the researcher as it
determined how the use of ICTs can be vital in improving
service delivery at MTC.
The unit of analysis chosen for this study was the MTC
head office in Windhoek, from which a group of 20 employ-
ees were selected to form part of the sample. The size of the
sample reflected the entire population.
Based on the population, the researcher collected data
from 11 employees out of the 20 questionnaires that were
emailed. Probability sampling was used for the employees
where everyone in the population had an equal chance of
getting selected.
4.2 Research Instrument
For analysis purposes, questions in the questionnaire were
grouped into the following logical groupings:
• Current state of ICTs aims to establish the current
status of ICT and to establish if basic technologies are
• Awareness of ICTs aims to establish the levels of
awareness of ICT and the knowledge economy by the
staff of MTC.
• Decision making process with regards to ICTs aims
to gain an understanding of the ICT decision making
process in service delivery.
• ICT Barriers aims to establish the barriers that pre-
vent the organisation from adopting or implement-
ing ICTs in their organisation.
4.3 Data Analysis
The data was entered, cleaned and analysed using the
Excel 2010 software. Excel enabled the researcher to organ-
ise collected data, analyse and create visual data represen-
tations. The data field work was by completed by recording
and identifying the variables of choice and categorical vari-
ables were presented for descriptive statistics. Descriptive
statistics was used to describe and summarise the data.
Results were presented in bar charts, pie charts as well as
tables and each questions were categorized into sections.
5 Literature Review
The literature review covers the evolving role of ICTs, The
use of ICT in service delivery and the modern role of cus-
5.1 The Evolving Role of ICTs
Amid the last two decades, the operation of versatile
telecommunications companies has been characterized by
a concern for service quality and ICTs within the confines
of the industry (Mpinganjira, 2014). ICTs and service deliv-
ery are vital weapons in the distribution of data (Sigholm,
Most companies consider ICTs a passage to benefit con-
veyance change, whereas others see it as a cost-effective
extension procedure (Mpinganjira, 2014). In spite of the dif-
ferent basic components, there is an agreement concerning
the significance of ICTs in addressing the needs of clients
(Mpinganjira, 2014). ICTs have paved the way to a world
that is more interconnected. Developing interconnectednes
has penetrated financial relations for instance trade, social
and political intuitive (Ponelis, 2014). Globalization and
digitalization have changed the way trade is done and
competes within the commercial centre.
This alter has brought about globalisation and digitalisa-
tion. This change has resulted in a new economy, known as
the knowledge economy and knowledge is the most impor-
tant asset in this economy. ICT is the foundation on which
the knowledge economy is based. Ponelis (2014) substan-
tiates the findings of Kabanda (2014) that reveal that ICTs
are the drivers of economic growth. It is expected that the
spread of ICTs in Africa will enhance Africa’s participation
in the knowledge economy.
5.2 The Use of ICT in Service Delivery
The utilization of ICTs according to Sigholm (2016) can be
a fundamental component of advancement and can act as
The Importance of ICTs on Service Delivery at MTC, Namibia 45
an enabler of improvement, for instance through the inter-
net and computer software. Additionally, new ICTs are
penetrating countries globally as more people are getting
connected (Sigholm, 2016).
Technological evolution in telecommunications sector
is greatly influenced by infrastructure innovation which
improves service delivery (Kabanda, 2014). Innovation in
terms of infrastructure involves both radical and evolu-
tionary shifts. Successful service organizations constantly
strive for higher levels of service delivery that will set them
apart from the rest. Heeks (2014) upholds that nowadays,
customers are increasingly sophisticated, educated, confi-
dent as well as well-informed hence outstanding customer
service should involve exceeding customer expectations.
Additionally, service excellence is a direct consequence
of paying attention to the customer’s needs (Kabanda,
2014). Most operators innovate without ever inventing
which greatly affects how technology change disseminates
in developing countries, without persuasive research and
development (Malkovsky, 2017).
5.3 The Modern Role of Customers
Integrating the customer has several advantages. Success-
ful service delivery is strongly correlated to customer
value-creating processes (Wiengarten et al., 2010). Accord-
ing to Hill et al. (2013) the value of products or services is
determined by the customers who use the services on a day
to day basis. They argue that in using the products or ser-
vices, the customer proactively completes the value chain
In this logic, the firm can only make value propositions
but the customer must determine value and engage in cre-
ating value. Moreover, companies must understand the
dynamics in which customers perceive value and then pro-
duce ICT products and services using these customer value
6 Features of the Analysis
The analysis of the survey resulted in a number of find-
ings. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded
that MTC as a leading mobile giant in Namibia they
need to invest more in the ICT infrastructure and training
workshops as this will improve customer engagement
and service delivery. Telecommunications Services are
now considered to be a basic necessity for all citizens
and promotion of ICTs entails the availability of telecom-
munications and broadcasting infrastructure. Moreover,
ICT innovation and organizational change are socially
embedded actions hence ICT positively affects customer
satisfaction. According to the results obtained, MTC is
in dire need of a strategic ICT plan or policy on deliver-
ing services to its stakeholders as this will pave way to
competitive advantage.
Figure 1. What do you think is the major challenge in estab-
lishing effective ICT infrastructure in the organization?
Source: Research Results, 2020.
6.1 Infrastructural Innovation
Kabanda (2014) emphasied that technological evolution
in the telecommunications sector is greatly influenced by
infrastructure innovation which improves service delivery.
Respondents agreed that the major challenge in having an
effective ICT infrastructure has to do with finances. Addi-
tionally, in relation to this study, 40% of the respondents
were of the opinion that technical challenges have a neg-
ative impact on how MTC as a whole utilises their ICT
infrastructure. In this regard, if an organisation does not
have sufficient funding they will most likely face chal-
lenges in implementing infrastructural innovation which
may improve service delivery and set them apart from
their competitors. In order for MTC to thrive in terms of
service delivery, it is of paramount importance for them to
be more innovative in terms of their infrastructure and this
will require adequate funding as well as radical and evolu-
tionary shifts.
6.2 Effective ICT Training Workshops
The study revealed that 60% of the respondents agreed
to have had regular ICT training at the MTC while 40%
disagreed with the latter. The general feeling among the
respondents of the study was that the ICT related training
undertaken by the company, had improved their customer
service delivery.
This was evidenced by 62.5% of the respondents agree-
ing that the training they had received was very useful to
them as well as to the organisation in improving service
delivery. However, 37.5% of the respondents upheld that
the training that they had received prior to this study was
not in any form useful or empowering. The findings were
related to findings of previous studies in Kenya, Mozam-
bique and Mauritius where most of the maintenance and
administration of the ICT systems and infrastructure was
done by the in-house ICT teams. The aforementioned stud-
ies revealed that ICT related training by the employees had
improved customer service delivery. However, training
46 Ndahafa Eline Namene and Nikodemus Angula
Very Useful
Figure 2. How do you rate the usefulness of your ICT train-
ing in the daily working procedures at your organization?
Source: Research Results, 2020.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Not Sure
Figure 3. Has the ICT investment helped reach customers
beyond your area so far (E-commerce website)?
Source: Research Results, 2020.
sessions need to be continuously customized to ensure
employee engagement as well as to equate implementation
and results on the ground. The impact of this is seen in the
purposes, outcomes, performance indicators, monitoring,
evaluation and implementation strategies that are set out
to improve service delivery.
6.3 Intergrating Customers
Heeks (2014) upholds that nowadays, customers are
increasingly sophisticated, educated, confident and well-
informed hence outstanding customer service should
involve exceeding customer expectations. Moreover, inte-
grating the customer has several advantages. Successful
service delivery is strongly correlated to customer value-
creating processes (Wiengarten et al., 2010). In relation
to the study, it is worth noting that 70% of the respon-
dents agreed that the ICT investment made by the MTC
has helped them reach other customers beyond their area.
However, 30% of the respondents emphasized that the
investment made on ICTs has not impacted their customers
in a positive way. In this case, there is need for improve-
ment to ensure that the organisation invests more in ICTs.
According to the figure above, 70% of the respondents
agreed that the ICT investment made by the organisation
has helped them to reach other customers beyond their
area whereas the rest of the respondents upheld that the
ICT investments has not impacted the customers in a posi-
tive way.
7 Conclusion
Based on the findings of the study, there is need to posi-
tion some customer feedback boxes at strategic positions
at each MTC branch so that this is used in conjunction
with the online facility. The feedback can be in the form
of suggestions, complaints as well as compliments and the
feedback need to be reviewed in conjunction with the spe-
cific department so that solid stakeholder relationships are
created and natured.
Additionally, there is need to champion ICT service
delivery and nurture skills as well as competencies in
Information Communication Technology. Moreover, criti-
cal considerations should be undertaken from time to time
in order to enhance the skills and knowledge in ICT within
the Telecommunications sector in Namibia.
Heeks, R. (2014). Future priorities for development informatics research
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Working Paper Series No. 57, Centre for Development Informat-
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Management, 16(2), 59–85.
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in Zimbabwe. Harare: Zimbabwe Open University.
Malkovsky, M. (2017). Abuse of Dominant Position in the ICT Sector: A
European Perspective. Master’s Thesis. Prague: Charles University.
McCombes, S. (2019). How to create a research design. Retrieved from
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The Importance of ICTs on Service Delivery at MTC, Namibia

  • 1. International Journal of Smart Computing and Information Technology 2020, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 43–46 Copyright © 2021 BOHR Publishers The Importance of ICTs on Service Delivery at MTC, Namibia Ndahafa Eline Namene and Nikodemus Angula University of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia E-mail:;; Abstract. The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of information and communication technology on service delivery in the Telecommunications industry. A descriptive survey research method was used as it helped the researcher to determine how the use of ICTs can improve service delivery at MTC, Namibia. Findings showed that variables of information and communication technology have positive effect on service delivery. Therefore, the study concluded that training collectively with changes in corporate policies and support, can result in better service delivery. It was recommended that employees have to acquire skills on how to use com- puters and communication software in order to offer efficient services. It is vital for the Telecommunications sector to foster digital opportunities by enhancing the use of ICTs to improve service delivery. Barriers to be overcome are no longer only technological but also educational, cultural and linguistic in nature. With that in mind, neglecting to invest sufficiently in human capacity may result in clientele dissatisfaction. Keywords: Information Communication Technologies (ICTs), Service delivery, Training, Infrastructure. 1 Introduction The use of ICTs paves way to significant organisational improvement as well as competitive advantage (Bankole et al., 2015). The digital platform is increasingly the cen- tre stage for most businesses. Furthermore, ICTs have the potential to improve the balance in economic and social progress, increase growth of the economy and boost the capacity to address societal challenges (Ogunleye et al., 2014). Customer service is a vital component of any busi- ness and the quality of that service will either enhance or degrade customer loyalty (Sanou, 2015). With the Namib- ian economy in recession, customers have more alter- natives than ever hence the business that proves to be responsive to customer questions, complaints or other needs can gain competitive advantage. However, the importance of ICT to aid service delivery in Namibia is not yet fully understood and to date there is insufficient published research that looks at the impor- tance of ICTs. In this regard, the objective of this study is to investigate the importance of ICTs in addressing the needs of customers. 2 Problem Statement Over the years, technology changes can affect market dynamics and the organisational response to the changes and opportunities (Kabanda, 2014). Rapid developments and advances in ICT, mainly led by the accelerated growth of the internet, have revolutionized service design and delivery and ultimately customer service (McKinsey, 2017). McKinsey (2017) further implores that the goal of any busi- ness in terms of its customer interactions is to generate loyalty hence it is of paramount importance for organi- sations to offer quality services and to be responsive to customers. The emergence of new technologies should pave way to the number of channels that allow interaction with customers and maintenance of long-term profitable relationships between both the customer and MTC (MTC, 2019). With increasing competition from Telecom, it has become necessary for MTC to keep ahead of rivals by dif- ferentiating itself from its competitors. The researcher believes ICTs serve as an opportunity to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage, in terms of improving service delivery. In this regard, this study investigated the importance of ICTs on the quality of 43
  • 2. 44 Ndahafa Eline Namene and Nikodemus Angula service delivery in the Namibian mobile telecommunica- tions sector. 3 Aims and Objectives The aim of the study was to investigate the importance of ICTs at MTC Namibia. The objectives were: (a) To investigate the importance of ICTs on service delivery at the MTC, Namibia. (b) To investigate how ICT innovations can improve cus- tomer satisfaction at MTC, Namibia. (c) To recommend strategies that will encourage the effective use of ICTs to improve service delivery at MTC, Namibia. 4 Research Methods 4.1 Descriptive Survery This study employed a descriptive survey research method which was quantitative, for the collection of information from a pool of respondents. The selected research design set the parameters of the research project and enabled the researcher to address the research questions. Additionally, the accuracy of the insights depended on the report gen- erated from the survey responses. A descriptive survey research method was more appealing to the researcher as it determined how the use of ICTs can be vital in improving service delivery at MTC. The unit of analysis chosen for this study was the MTC head office in Windhoek, from which a group of 20 employ- ees were selected to form part of the sample. The size of the sample reflected the entire population. Based on the population, the researcher collected data from 11 employees out of the 20 questionnaires that were emailed. Probability sampling was used for the employees where everyone in the population had an equal chance of getting selected. 4.2 Research Instrument For analysis purposes, questions in the questionnaire were grouped into the following logical groupings: • Current state of ICTs aims to establish the current status of ICT and to establish if basic technologies are available. • Awareness of ICTs aims to establish the levels of awareness of ICT and the knowledge economy by the staff of MTC. • Decision making process with regards to ICTs aims to gain an understanding of the ICT decision making process in service delivery. • ICT Barriers aims to establish the barriers that pre- vent the organisation from adopting or implement- ing ICTs in their organisation. 4.3 Data Analysis The data was entered, cleaned and analysed using the Excel 2010 software. Excel enabled the researcher to organ- ise collected data, analyse and create visual data represen- tations. The data field work was by completed by recording and identifying the variables of choice and categorical vari- ables were presented for descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics was used to describe and summarise the data. Results were presented in bar charts, pie charts as well as tables and each questions were categorized into sections. 5 Literature Review The literature review covers the evolving role of ICTs, The use of ICT in service delivery and the modern role of cus- tomers. 5.1 The Evolving Role of ICTs Amid the last two decades, the operation of versatile telecommunications companies has been characterized by a concern for service quality and ICTs within the confines of the industry (Mpinganjira, 2014). ICTs and service deliv- ery are vital weapons in the distribution of data (Sigholm, 2016). Most companies consider ICTs a passage to benefit con- veyance change, whereas others see it as a cost-effective extension procedure (Mpinganjira, 2014). In spite of the dif- ferent basic components, there is an agreement concerning the significance of ICTs in addressing the needs of clients (Mpinganjira, 2014). ICTs have paved the way to a world that is more interconnected. Developing interconnectednes has penetrated financial relations for instance trade, social and political intuitive (Ponelis, 2014). Globalization and digitalization have changed the way trade is done and competes within the commercial centre. This alter has brought about globalisation and digitalisa- tion. This change has resulted in a new economy, known as the knowledge economy and knowledge is the most impor- tant asset in this economy. ICT is the foundation on which the knowledge economy is based. Ponelis (2014) substan- tiates the findings of Kabanda (2014) that reveal that ICTs are the drivers of economic growth. It is expected that the spread of ICTs in Africa will enhance Africa’s participation in the knowledge economy. 5.2 The Use of ICT in Service Delivery The utilization of ICTs according to Sigholm (2016) can be a fundamental component of advancement and can act as
  • 3. The Importance of ICTs on Service Delivery at MTC, Namibia 45 an enabler of improvement, for instance through the inter- net and computer software. Additionally, new ICTs are penetrating countries globally as more people are getting connected (Sigholm, 2016). Technological evolution in telecommunications sector is greatly influenced by infrastructure innovation which improves service delivery (Kabanda, 2014). Innovation in terms of infrastructure involves both radical and evolu- tionary shifts. Successful service organizations constantly strive for higher levels of service delivery that will set them apart from the rest. Heeks (2014) upholds that nowadays, customers are increasingly sophisticated, educated, confi- dent as well as well-informed hence outstanding customer service should involve exceeding customer expectations. Additionally, service excellence is a direct consequence of paying attention to the customer’s needs (Kabanda, 2014). Most operators innovate without ever inventing which greatly affects how technology change disseminates in developing countries, without persuasive research and development (Malkovsky, 2017). 5.3 The Modern Role of Customers Integrating the customer has several advantages. Success- ful service delivery is strongly correlated to customer value-creating processes (Wiengarten et al., 2010). Accord- ing to Hill et al. (2013) the value of products or services is determined by the customers who use the services on a day to day basis. They argue that in using the products or ser- vices, the customer proactively completes the value chain cycle. In this logic, the firm can only make value propositions but the customer must determine value and engage in cre- ating value. Moreover, companies must understand the dynamics in which customers perceive value and then pro- duce ICT products and services using these customer value propositions. 6 Features of the Analysis The analysis of the survey resulted in a number of find- ings. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that MTC as a leading mobile giant in Namibia they need to invest more in the ICT infrastructure and training workshops as this will improve customer engagement and service delivery. Telecommunications Services are now considered to be a basic necessity for all citizens and promotion of ICTs entails the availability of telecom- munications and broadcasting infrastructure. Moreover, ICT innovation and organizational change are socially embedded actions hence ICT positively affects customer satisfaction. According to the results obtained, MTC is in dire need of a strategic ICT plan or policy on deliver- ing services to its stakeholders as this will pave way to competitive advantage. 60% 40% Key Financial Technical Figure 1. What do you think is the major challenge in estab- lishing effective ICT infrastructure in the organization? Source: Research Results, 2020. 6.1 Infrastructural Innovation Kabanda (2014) emphasied that technological evolution in the telecommunications sector is greatly influenced by infrastructure innovation which improves service delivery. Respondents agreed that the major challenge in having an effective ICT infrastructure has to do with finances. Addi- tionally, in relation to this study, 40% of the respondents were of the opinion that technical challenges have a neg- ative impact on how MTC as a whole utilises their ICT infrastructure. In this regard, if an organisation does not have sufficient funding they will most likely face chal- lenges in implementing infrastructural innovation which may improve service delivery and set them apart from their competitors. In order for MTC to thrive in terms of service delivery, it is of paramount importance for them to be more innovative in terms of their infrastructure and this will require adequate funding as well as radical and evolu- tionary shifts. 6.2 Effective ICT Training Workshops The study revealed that 60% of the respondents agreed to have had regular ICT training at the MTC while 40% disagreed with the latter. The general feeling among the respondents of the study was that the ICT related training undertaken by the company, had improved their customer service delivery. This was evidenced by 62.5% of the respondents agree- ing that the training they had received was very useful to them as well as to the organisation in improving service delivery. However, 37.5% of the respondents upheld that the training that they had received prior to this study was not in any form useful or empowering. The findings were related to findings of previous studies in Kenya, Mozam- bique and Mauritius where most of the maintenance and administration of the ICT systems and infrastructure was done by the in-house ICT teams. The aforementioned stud- ies revealed that ICT related training by the employees had improved customer service delivery. However, training
  • 4. 46 Ndahafa Eline Namene and Nikodemus Angula 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 62.5 37.5 Key Very Useful Useful Figure 2. How do you rate the usefulness of your ICT train- ing in the daily working procedures at your organization? Source: Research Results, 2020. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Key Not Sure No Yes Figure 3. Has the ICT investment helped reach customers beyond your area so far (E-commerce website)? Source: Research Results, 2020. sessions need to be continuously customized to ensure employee engagement as well as to equate implementation and results on the ground. The impact of this is seen in the purposes, outcomes, performance indicators, monitoring, evaluation and implementation strategies that are set out to improve service delivery. 6.3 Intergrating Customers Heeks (2014) upholds that nowadays, customers are increasingly sophisticated, educated, confident and well- informed hence outstanding customer service should involve exceeding customer expectations. Moreover, inte- grating the customer has several advantages. Successful service delivery is strongly correlated to customer value- creating processes (Wiengarten et al., 2010). In relation to the study, it is worth noting that 70% of the respon- dents agreed that the ICT investment made by the MTC has helped them reach other customers beyond their area. However, 30% of the respondents emphasized that the investment made on ICTs has not impacted their customers in a positive way. In this case, there is need for improve- ment to ensure that the organisation invests more in ICTs. According to the figure above, 70% of the respondents agreed that the ICT investment made by the organisation has helped them to reach other customers beyond their area whereas the rest of the respondents upheld that the ICT investments has not impacted the customers in a posi- tive way. 7 Conclusion Based on the findings of the study, there is need to posi- tion some customer feedback boxes at strategic positions at each MTC branch so that this is used in conjunction with the online facility. The feedback can be in the form of suggestions, complaints as well as compliments and the feedback need to be reviewed in conjunction with the spe- cific department so that solid stakeholder relationships are created and natured. Additionally, there is need to champion ICT service delivery and nurture skills as well as competencies in Information Communication Technology. Moreover, criti- cal considerations should be undertaken from time to time in order to enhance the skills and knowledge in ICT within the Telecommunications sector in Namibia. References Heeks, R. (2014). Future priorities for development informatics research from the post-2015 development agenda. Development informatics Working Paper Series No. 57, Centre for Development Informat- ics, Institute for Development Policy and Management, Manchester: University of Manchester. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 16(2), 59–85. Hill, N., Brierley, J., & MacDougall, R. (2013). How to measure customer satisfaction. Burlington, VT, USA: Gower. Kabanda, G. (2014). The Impact of ICTs on Customer Service Excellence in Zimbabwe. Harare: Zimbabwe Open University. Malkovsky, M. (2017). Abuse of Dominant Position in the ICT Sector: A European Perspective. Master’s Thesis. Prague: Charles University. McCombes, S. (2019). How to create a research design. Retrieved from McKinsey, C. (2017). Customer experience: New capabilities, new audi- ences, and new opportunities. Seattle: McKinsey & Company Publi- cations. Mpinganjira, M. (2014). Delivering Citizen-Centric m-Government Ser- vices in Africa: Critical Success Factor. Africa Insight, Vol. 44(3) December 2014. Johannesburg: Africa Institute of South Africa. Ogunleye, O., Van Belle, J., & Fogwill, T. (2014). Mobile government implementation for government service delivery in developing countries: A South Africa context. The 2014 International Confer- ence on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government. Las Vegas, USA, 21–24 July 2014. Retrieved from Ponelis, S. (2014). ICT in Africa: Enabling a Better Life for All. Milwaukee: University of Wisconsin. Sanou, B. (2015). ICT Facts and Figures. Telecommunications Devel- opment Bureau, Zurich: International Telecommunications Union (ITU). Sigholm, J. (2016). The Role of Emerging Information and Communica- tions Technology. Wiengarten, F., Humphreys, P., Cao, G., Fynes, B., & McKittrick, A. (2010). Collaborative supply chain practices and performance: Exploring the key role of information quality. Supply Chain Management an International Journal, 463–473.