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 Kriya = Karma (action)
 Kala = Time
 It means it is the appropriate time for treatment
 Kriya or action refers to the measures taken in the form
of ausadha, ahara and viharaa with an aim to correct
the doshik disturbances. It is the narration in sequential
order of the abnormalities occurring in the doshas,
dushyas, agni and srotas and a good understanding of
Kriyakala is very important for early diagnosis,
prognosis and for adopting preventive and curative
 No disease is produced without the involvement
of vata, pitta and kapha. Hence aggravation of
doshas becomes the root cause of all
diseases.Symptoms such as pain burning
sensation ,and heaviness occur solely due to vata,
pitta, and kapha respectively. The treatment
required for any disease must correspond to the
dosha concerned.
 The concept of Kriyakala has been widely
described in two separate entities as ritu
Kriyakala and vyadhi kriyakala. Under ritu
kriyakala normal physiological variations of dosa
in respective season has been discussed and
accordingly certain measures are described .
Vyadhi kriya kala is the process of
understanding the pathogenesis of disease in
consecutive stages and also known as
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 Mainly 6 stages were described for the
successive manifestation of the disease i.e.
sacaya, prakopa prasara, sthana samsraya, vyakti
and bheda.
• SanchayaFirst stage
• PrakopaSecond stage
• PrasaraThird stage
• Sthana samsrayaFourth stage
• VyaktiFifth stage
• BhedyaSixth stage
ºÉƽþÊiÉ°ü{ÉÉ ´ÉÞÊrù¶SɪÉ&*
(S.Su.21/18) (Dalhana)
 If the accumulated doshas in respective seats.
It is the first stage of kriyakala.
|ÉlÉ¨É ÊGòªÉÉEòɱÉ& +ÉÁ& Eò¨ÉÉǴɺɮú&*
It is the early stage to plan the suitable
preventive measures.
Dosa is going to accumulate in their respective
seats and causes for accumulation of dosa has
been described elsewhere in the book.
Accumulated dosa manifests certain symptoms are
as follows.
Vata Sancaya Lakshana:
 Jadata (Stiffness) and fullness in abdomen.
Pitta sanchaya lakhsana:
 Pittanga (Yellowishness) of body parts
 Alpasantap (Mild increase) in body temperature.
Kapha sanchaya lakhsana:
 Gurutva (Heaviness) in whole body
 Glani (Lassitude)
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(S.Su.21/18) (Dalhana)
Accumulated dosha moving to other sites
than its main sites.
ÊuùiÉÒªÉ& ÊGòªÉÉEòÉ±É <ÊiÉ
(S.Su.21/27 Dalhana)
It is the second stage of kriyakala
Dosa is going to accumulate in their respective seats
and causes for accumulation of dosa has been
described elsewhere in the book. Accumulated
dosa manifests certain symptoms are as follows.
Vata prakopa laksana:
 Shoola (Pain) and movement of vata in maha srotas
Pitta prakopa laksana :
 Amla udgar (Sour eructations)
 Daha (Burning sensation) all over the body
 Ati trishna (Excessive thrist)
Kapha prakopa Laksana:
 Aruchi (Aversion to food)
 Lalasrava (Excessive salivation in mouth)
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Overflowing of dosa from their respective seats to
other places takes place like fermented materials
coming out after keeping mixture of yeast,water
and flour in a vessel for overnight.
 As a large accumulation of water and moves
haphazardly in various directions. In the same way
dosa also moves to different places with the help of
vayu either alone or in combinations are as follows
and it is of 15 types:
 Vata prasara
 Pitta prasara
 Kapha prasara
 Rakta prasara
 Vata pitta prasara
 Vata kapha prasara
 Pitta kapha prasara
 Vata rakta prasara
Pitta rakta prasara
Kapha rakta prasara
Vata pitta rakta prasara
Vata kapha rakta prasara
Pitta kapha rakta prasara
Vata pitta kapha prasara
Vata pitta kapha
rakta prasara
Vata prakopa laksana:
 Vata moves to different places other than its own
 Painful sensation in mahasrotas
Pitta prakopa laksana:
 Choshan shool (Sucking) type of pain
 Daha (Burning sensation) all over the body
 Emitting smoke from mouth
Kapha prasara laksana:
 Aruchi (Anorexia)
 Agnimandya (Indigestion)
 Vaman (Vomiting)
After heating thick
ghee (solid) it melts, it
is prakopa stage.
On further heating of
melted ghee produces
froathing and reaches top
of the heating utensil or
comes out of utensil, it is
called prasara stage.
(S.Su.21/33) (Dalhana)
 Agitated doshas spreads to different places and struck
somewhere because of obstruction in srotas due to
abnormality in srotas is called sthanasamshraya.
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 In this particular stage of kriyakala premonitory signs
and symptoms of the disease are seen.
When there is a dosa-dusya sammurchana in different region
produces the following disease :
 Udara- Gulma, vidradhi, udara roga, agni vikara,
vibandha, anaha, visucika, atisara, pravahila, vilambika etc.
 Bastigata- Prameha, asmari, mutraghata, mutra dosa etc.
 Medhragata- Nirudhaprakasa, upadamsa, suka dosa etc.
 Gudagata- Bhagandara, arsa etc.
 Vrsanagata- Vrddhi disease manifests.
 Urdhvajatrugata- Manifests urdhvajatru gata vikara.
 Tvak disease - Ksudraroga, kustha, visarpa etc.
 Medagata- Granthi, apaci, arbuda, galaganda, alaji etc.
 Asthigata- Asthi vidradi.
 Padagata- Slipada, vatasonita, vatakantaka etc.
 Sarvangagata- Jvara, vatayadhi, prameha pandu roga, sosa
 The stage of appearance of clear cut symptoms of
the disease.
 Cardinal signs and symptoms of the disease are
expressed in this stage. For example-
 ºÉÆiÉÉ{É ±ÉIÉhÉÉä V´É®ú& - Increased temperature is observed
in jvara.
 ºÉ®úhɱÉIÉhÉÉä%ÊiɺÉÉ®ú& - Excessive passing of watery
stools is seen in atisara.
 {ÉÚ®úhɱÉIÉhɨÉÖnù®úʨÉÊiÉ – Abnormal enlargement of
abdomen is observed in udara roga.
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 In case of vranas they burst and become ulcers.
Certain disease attain chronicity i.e. jirna jvara,
pravrddha amavata etc.
 Dirghakalanubandha refers to two meaning i.e. –
In this stage specific signs and symptoms of the disease
manifests like vataja jvara laksana, pittaja jvara laksana
etc. and also it refers so chronicity of the disease. This
particular stage of manifestation is very difficult to
cure and it not treated at the earliest disease may
become may become incurable.
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Seasonal variation of dosa occurs in respective
seasons like accumulation of dosa, agitation of dosa
and alleviation of dosa takes place in subsequent
Vagbhata Describes Ritukriyakala along with dosa
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Increase of dosa in its own place and manifest dislike
for things which are responsible for accumulation
and like the opposite qualities of substances.
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(A.Hr.Su. 12/23)
Spreading of dosa to different place and manifests
symptoms of aggravated dosa like vata prakopa laksana.
Patient may feel ill health and disease may manifest if
not taken care at this stage it manifests premonitory sings
and symptoms of the disease or even attain chronicity.
Prasama or Sama:
º´ÉºlÉÉxɺiɺªÉ ºÉ¨ÉiÉÉ Ê´ÉEòÉ®úɺɨ¦É´É& ¶É¨É&*
Dosa attain normalcy in their respective seats and disease
will not manifest.
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(A.Hr.Su. 12/24-25)
Caya, prakopa and prasama of vata dosa occurs in
three seasons commencing with grisma.
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(A.Hr.Su. 12/28)
Caya, prakopa and prasama are the normal
physiological effects on the dosa due to seasons,
foods, nature etc. and there may not be caya,
prakopa and prasama may not occur in respective
 Treatment is easier if the disease is diagnosed in the
earlier stages
 When the doshas are controlled in the Sanchaya stage
of kriyakala, they cannot proceed further into the
consequent stages of Kriyakalas. However if the
doshas are ignored, they will proceedfurther, will be
more strong and deep rooted and there will resistance
to medications. So, by understanding kriyakalas,
treatment should be done in the earliest possible stage.
 Knowledge about sachaya and achaya prakopa helps
in the selection of proper treatment procedure in the
prakopa stage of Kriyakala eg. Sodhana is the
treatment of choice for apathya nimittaja sachaya
prakopa but in case of achaya prakopa, shamana
treatment is recommended.
 To breakdown samprapti is called chikitsa, ie.
treatment and six kriyakalas are collectively known as
samprapti. So the sequence of kriyakalas should be
broken down by applying treatment in the earliest
possible stage.
 To attain success in treatment, it is essential to apply
proper measures in proper time starting from the
sanchaya stage ie. accumulation of doshas. Therefore
all the six stages of kriyakala require action by a
physician in the form of treatment. So, these six
stages are called six stages of action.
 It have correlation with pancha nidan i.e. like sancaya
prakopa, prasara with Hetu stage, Stanasanchaya with
purbarupa, vyakti and bheda with rupa & upashaya
and all six kriyakala with samprapti.
 It gives idea about the sadhya asadhyata or
prognosis of the disease.
 Kriyakala also helps in to find appropriate time for
doing syrgery for shastrasadhya disease.
 Kriyakala helps to make treatment plan for particular
 Timely intervention with appropriate aushadha,
pathya, vyayama (medicine, diet exercise) for the
same. Both the short term and long term
complications can be effectively managed and
prevented by breaking the vicious cycle of pathology
and there by entance the quality of the life of the
Imbalance in Tridosha (Tri means three and Dosha
means biological factors, i.e., Vata, Pitta and Kapha) can
be correlated with imbalance in the ratio of oxidant and
antioxidant molecules/radicals in the cells.
 The first stage of Shatkriyakala, called Sanchaya, may
represent the level of oxidative stress, which damages the
cell structure and its functions. Such phenomena may
induce somatic mutations and neoplastic transformation
in the cells.
 However, Prakopa stage has unusual cell proliferation
due to oxidative stress, which may have increased DNA
mutations or induced DNA damage and genome
 The stage of Prasara can be correlated with the cell
migration, as oxidative stress can augment tumor growth .
The concept of shatkriyakala is applicable for all
disorders,including diabetes,rheumatoid arthrithis,and
leprosy. However,its use in the diagnosis and treatment
of cancer in early stage can be more effective for
patients,on the other hand,in modern medical
science,the diagnosis of cancer is only possible at the
stage of manifestation or stage of complication,
resulting in challenging treatment programs. However,
a cancer can be diagnosed at many stages of
shatkriyakala , which may lead to more effective and
less complex lines of treatment.Various phases for
cancer daignosis and treatment are given below and
shown in figure:
Shad kriya kala
Disease outcome
Hypothetical model of shadkriyakala to assess cancer
Due to various factors the doshas in the body
undergo vitiation or morbid changes which initiate
the process of disease manifestation. It is clear
from the above description that various changes
involved in the disease manifestation process take
place in distinct steps. As the vague
symptomatologies are expressed in the early
stages of disease manifestation procedure, it is
necessary for the individual that he or she should
be aware of the changes occurring in the body. So
a good knowledge of the concept of Kriyakala is
very essential for early recognition of the disease
If the dearranged doshas are left unrecognized and
untreated, they will gain the strength for their
further development. The diseases manifested in a
particular stage of kriyakala may even precipitate
some other diseases in the name of
Nidanarthakara-rogas if left ignored.
 To conclude the topic following are the points that
derived from the compilation.
 The proper knowledge of shatkriyakala helps in
understanding the process of manifestation various
diseases as well as to diagnose the disease.
 The physician who diagnose a disease and treat
accurately according to shatkriyakala will be
become a successful practitioner.
 The knowledge of shatkriyakala is helpful for
knowing the sadhya asadhyata of disease and also
plays important role in treatment.
1. Sushruta Samhita with Dalhan Commentary
2. Astanga Hridaya
3. National Journal of Research in Ayurveda
Science topic- A Study of Shatkriyakala and

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  • 3. DERIVATION:  Kriya = Karma (action)  Kala = Time  It means it is the appropriate time for treatment  Kriya or action refers to the measures taken in the form of ausadha, ahara and viharaa with an aim to correct the doshik disturbances. It is the narration in sequential order of the abnormalities occurring in the doshas, dushyas, agni and srotas and a good understanding of Kriyakala is very important for early diagnosis, prognosis and for adopting preventive and curative measures
  • 4.  No disease is produced without the involvement of vata, pitta and kapha. Hence aggravation of doshas becomes the root cause of all diseases.Symptoms such as pain burning sensation ,and heaviness occur solely due to vata, pitta, and kapha respectively. The treatment required for any disease must correspond to the dosha concerned.  The concept of Kriyakala has been widely described in two separate entities as ritu Kriyakala and vyadhi kriyakala. Under ritu kriyakala normal physiological variations of dosa in respective season has been discussed and accordingly certain measures are described .
  • 6.
  • 7. Vyadhi kriya kala is the process of understanding the pathogenesis of disease in consecutive stages and also known as shatriyakala. “ ºÉÆSɪÉÆ SÉ |ÉEòÉä{ÉÆ SÉ |ɺɮÆú ºlÉÉxɺÉƸɪɨÉÂ* ´ªÉÉËHò ¦ÉänÆù SÉ ªÉÉä ´ÉäÊkÉ nùÉä¹ÉÉhÉÉÆ ºÉ ¦É´ÉäÎnÂù¦É¹ÉEÂò**” (S.Su.21/36)  Mainly 6 stages were described for the successive manifestation of the disease i.e. sacaya, prakopa prasara, sthana samsraya, vyakti and bheda.
  • 8. • SanchayaFirst stage • PrakopaSecond stage • PrasaraThird stage • Sthana samsrayaFourth stage • VyaktiFifth stage • BhedyaSixth stage
  • 9. ºÉƽþÊiÉ°ü{ÉÉ ´ÉÞÊrù¶SɪÉ&* (S.Su.21/18) (Dalhana)  If the accumulated doshas in respective seats. It is the first stage of kriyakala. |ÉlÉ¨É ÊGòªÉÉEòɱÉ& +ÉÁ& Eò¨ÉÉǴɺɮú&* (S.Su.21/16) It is the early stage to plan the suitable preventive measures.
  • 10. Dosa is going to accumulate in their respective seats and causes for accumulation of dosa has been described elsewhere in the book. Accumulated dosa manifests certain symptoms are as follows. Vata Sancaya Lakshana:  Jadata (Stiffness) and fullness in abdomen. Pitta sanchaya lakhsana:  Pittanga (Yellowishness) of body parts  Alpasantap (Mild increase) in body temperature. Kapha sanchaya lakhsana:  Gurutva (Heaviness) in whole body  Glani (Lassitude)
  • 11. ʴɱɪÉxÉ ¯û{ÉÉ ´ÉÞÊrù& |ÉEòÉä{É&* (S.Su.21/18) (Dalhana) Accumulated dosha moving to other sites than its main sites. ÊuùiÉÒªÉ& ÊGòªÉÉEòÉ±É <ÊiÉ ÊuùiÉÒªÉζSÉÊEòiºÉɴɺɮú&* (S.Su.21/27 Dalhana) It is the second stage of kriyakala
  • 12. Dosa is going to accumulate in their respective seats and causes for accumulation of dosa has been described elsewhere in the book. Accumulated dosa manifests certain symptoms are as follows. Vata prakopa laksana:  Shoola (Pain) and movement of vata in maha srotas Pitta prakopa laksana :  Amla udgar (Sour eructations)  Daha (Burning sensation) all over the body  Ati trishna (Excessive thrist) Kapha prakopa Laksana:  Aruchi (Aversion to food)  Lalasrava (Excessive salivation in mouth)
  • 13. +iÉ >ðv´ÉÆ ´ÉIªÉɨÉ& iÉä¹ÉɨÉäʦɮúÉiÉRÂóEòʴɶÉä¹Éè& |ÉEÖòÊ{ÉiÉÉxÉÉÆ ÊEòh´ÉÉänùEòÊ{ɹ]õ ºÉ¨É´ÉÉªÉ <´ÉÉäÊpùHòÉxÉÉÆ |ɺɮúÉä ¦É´ÉÊiÉ* (S.Su.21/28) Overflowing of dosa from their respective seats to other places takes place like fermented materials coming out after keeping mixture of yeast,water and flour in a vessel for overnight.
  • 14.  As a large accumulation of water and moves haphazardly in various directions. In the same way dosa also moves to different places with the help of vayu either alone or in combinations are as follows and it is of 15 types:  Vata prasara  Pitta prasara  Kapha prasara  Rakta prasara  Vata pitta prasara  Vata kapha prasara  Pitta kapha prasara  Vata rakta prasara Pitta rakta prasara Kapha rakta prasara Vata pitta rakta prasara Vata kapha rakta prasara Pitta kapha rakta prasara Vata pitta kapha prasara Vata pitta kapha rakta prasara
  • 15. Vata prakopa laksana:  Vata moves to different places other than its own seats.  Painful sensation in mahasrotas Pitta prakopa laksana:  Choshan shool (Sucking) type of pain  Daha (Burning sensation) all over the body  Emitting smoke from mouth Kapha prasara laksana:  Aruchi (Anorexia)  Agnimandya (Indigestion)  Vaman (Vomiting)
  • 16. After heating thick ghee (solid) it melts, it is prakopa stage. On further heating of melted ghee produces froathing and reaches top of the heating utensil or comes out of utensil, it is called prasara stage.
  • 17. |ɺÉÞiÉÉxÉÉÆ {ÉÖxÉnùÉæ¹ÉÉhÉÉÆ »ÉÉäiÉÉä´ÉèMÉÖhªÉÉtjÉ ºÉRÂóMÉ& ºÉ ºlÉÉxɺÉÆIɪÉ&* (S.Su.21/33) (Dalhana)  Agitated doshas spreads to different places and struck somewhere because of obstruction in srotas due to abnormality in srotas is called sthanasamshraya. SÉiÉÖlÉÇ& ÊGòªÉÉEòÉ±É <ÊiÉ SÉiÉÖlÉÉÇζSÉÊEòiºÉɴɺÉÆ®ú& ÊSÉÊEòiºÉÉ SÉÉjÉ nùÉä¹ÉºªÉ nÚù¹ªÉºªÉ SÉäiªÉ֦ɪÉÉʸÉiÉÉ* (S.Su/21/33)  In this particular stage of kriyakala premonitory signs and symptoms of the disease are seen.
  • 18. When there is a dosa-dusya sammurchana in different region produces the following disease :  Udara- Gulma, vidradhi, udara roga, agni vikara, vibandha, anaha, visucika, atisara, pravahila, vilambika etc.  Bastigata- Prameha, asmari, mutraghata, mutra dosa etc.  Medhragata- Nirudhaprakasa, upadamsa, suka dosa etc.  Gudagata- Bhagandara, arsa etc.  Vrsanagata- Vrddhi disease manifests.  Urdhvajatrugata- Manifests urdhvajatru gata vikara.  Tvak disease - Ksudraroga, kustha, visarpa etc.  Medagata- Granthi, apaci, arbuda, galaganda, alaji etc.  Asthigata- Asthi vidradi.  Padagata- Slipada, vatasonita, vatakantaka etc.  Sarvangagata- Jvara, vatayadhi, prameha pandu roga, sosa etc.
  • 19.  The stage of appearance of clear cut symptoms of the disease.  Cardinal signs and symptoms of the disease are expressed in this stage. For example-  ºÉÆiÉÉ{É ±ÉIÉhÉÉä V´É®ú& - Increased temperature is observed in jvara.  ºÉ®úhɱÉIÉhÉÉä%ÊiɺÉÉ®ú& - Excessive passing of watery stools is seen in atisara.  {ÉÚ®úhɱÉIÉhɨÉÖnù®úʨÉÊiÉ – Abnormal enlargement of abdomen is observed in udara roga.
  • 20. +iÉ >ðv´ÉǨÉäiÉä¹ÉɨɴÉnùÒhÉÉÇxÉÉÆ µÉhɦÉɴɨÉÉ{ÉzÉÉxÉÉÆ ¹É¹`ö& ÊGòªÉÉEòɱÉ& V´É®úÉÊiɺÉÉ®ú |ɦÉÞiÉÒxÉÉÆ SÉ nùÒvÉÇEòɱÉÉxÉÖ¤ÉxvÉ&* iÉjÉÉ |ÉÊiÉÊGòªÉ¨ÉÉhÉÉä%ºÉÉvªÉiÉɨÉÖ{ɪÉÉÎxiÉ* (S.Su.21/35)  In case of vranas they burst and become ulcers. Certain disease attain chronicity i.e. jirna jvara, pravrddha amavata etc.  Dirghakalanubandha refers to two meaning i.e. – In this stage specific signs and symptoms of the disease manifests like vataja jvara laksana, pittaja jvara laksana etc. and also it refers so chronicity of the disease. This particular stage of manifestation is very difficult to cure and it not treated at the earliest disease may become may become incurable.
  • 21.
  • 22. SɪÉ|ÉEòÉä{É|ɶɨÉÉ& Ê{ÉkÉÉnùÒxÉÉÆ ªÉlÉÉGò¨É¨ÉÂ* ¦É´ÉxiªÉäEèòEò¶É& ¹É]ÂõºÉÖ EòɱÉ乴ɧÉÉMɨÉÉÊnù¹ÉÖ** (S.Su.17/114) Seasonal variation of dosa occurs in respective seasons like accumulation of dosa, agitation of dosa and alleviation of dosa takes place in subsequent ritus. Vagbhata Describes Ritukriyakala along with dosa Caya: SɪÉÉä ´ÉÞÊrù& º´ÉvÉɨxªÉä´É |Énäù¹ÉÉä ´ÉÞÊrù ½äþiÉÖ¹ÉÖ Ê´É{É®úÒiÉ MÉÖhÉäSUôÉ SÉ* (A.Hr.Su.12/22) Increase of dosa in its own place and manifest dislike for things which are responsible for accumulation and like the opposite qualities of substances.
  • 23. Kopa: EòÉä{ɺiÉx¨ÉÉMÉÇMÉÉʨÉiÉÉ* ʱÉRÂóMÉÉxÉÉÆ nù¶ÉÇxÉÆ º´Éä¹Éɨɺ´ÉɺlÉÆ ®úÉäMɺɨ¦É´É&* (A.Hr.Su. 12/23) Spreading of dosa to different place and manifests symptoms of aggravated dosa like vata prakopa laksana. Patient may feel ill health and disease may manifest if not taken care at this stage it manifests premonitory sings and symptoms of the disease or even attain chronicity. Prasama or Sama: º´ÉºlÉÉxɺiɺªÉ ºÉ¨ÉiÉÉ Ê´ÉEòÉ®úɺɨ¦É´É& ¶É¨É&* (A.Hr.Su.12/23) Dosa attain normalcy in their respective seats and disease will not manifest.
  • 24. STAGES VATA DOSHA PITTA DOSHA KAPHA DOSHA CAYA GRISHMA VARSA SISIRA KOPA VARSA SARAD VASANTA PRASAMA SARAD HEMANTA GRISHMA SÉªÉ |ÉEòÉä{É |ɶɨÉÉ ´ÉɪÉÉäOÉÒ¹¨ÉÉÊnù¹ÉÖ ÊjɹÉÖ* ´É¹ÉÉÇÊnù¹ÉÖ iÉÖ Ê{ÉkɺªÉ ¶±É乨ÉhÉ& ʶÉʶɮúÉÊnù¹ÉÖ** (A.Hr.Su. 12/24-25) Caya, prakopa and prasama of vata dosa occurs in three seasons commencing with grisma.
  • 25. <ÊiÉ Eòɱɺ´É¦ÉÉ´ÉÉä%ªÉ¨ÉɽþÉ®úÉÊnù´É¶ÉÉi{ÉÖxÉ&* SɪÉÉnùÒxÉ ªÉÉÎxiÉ ºÉtÉä%Ê{É nùÉä¹ÉÉ& EòɱÉä%Ê{É ´ÉÉ xÉ iÉÖ* (A.Hr.Su. 12/28) Caya, prakopa and prasama are the normal physiological effects on the dosa due to seasons, foods, nature etc. and there may not be caya, prakopa and prasama may not occur in respective seasons.
  • 26.  Treatment is easier if the disease is diagnosed in the earlier stages  When the doshas are controlled in the Sanchaya stage of kriyakala, they cannot proceed further into the consequent stages of Kriyakalas. However if the doshas are ignored, they will proceedfurther, will be more strong and deep rooted and there will resistance to medications. So, by understanding kriyakalas, treatment should be done in the earliest possible stage.  Knowledge about sachaya and achaya prakopa helps in the selection of proper treatment procedure in the prakopa stage of Kriyakala eg. Sodhana is the treatment of choice for apathya nimittaja sachaya prakopa but in case of achaya prakopa, shamana treatment is recommended.
  • 27.  To breakdown samprapti is called chikitsa, ie. treatment and six kriyakalas are collectively known as samprapti. So the sequence of kriyakalas should be broken down by applying treatment in the earliest possible stage.  To attain success in treatment, it is essential to apply proper measures in proper time starting from the sanchaya stage ie. accumulation of doshas. Therefore all the six stages of kriyakala require action by a physician in the form of treatment. So, these six stages are called six stages of action.  It have correlation with pancha nidan i.e. like sancaya prakopa, prasara with Hetu stage, Stanasanchaya with purbarupa, vyakti and bheda with rupa & upashaya and all six kriyakala with samprapti.
  • 28.  It gives idea about the sadhya asadhyata or prognosis of the disease.  Kriyakala also helps in to find appropriate time for doing syrgery for shastrasadhya disease.  Kriyakala helps to make treatment plan for particular stage.  Timely intervention with appropriate aushadha, pathya, vyayama (medicine, diet exercise) for the same. Both the short term and long term complications can be effectively managed and prevented by breaking the vicious cycle of pathology and there by entance the quality of the life of the patient.
  • 29. Imbalance in Tridosha (Tri means three and Dosha means biological factors, i.e., Vata, Pitta and Kapha) can be correlated with imbalance in the ratio of oxidant and antioxidant molecules/radicals in the cells.  The first stage of Shatkriyakala, called Sanchaya, may represent the level of oxidative stress, which damages the cell structure and its functions. Such phenomena may induce somatic mutations and neoplastic transformation in the cells.  However, Prakopa stage has unusual cell proliferation due to oxidative stress, which may have increased DNA mutations or induced DNA damage and genome instability.  The stage of Prasara can be correlated with the cell migration, as oxidative stress can augment tumor growth .
  • 30. The concept of shatkriyakala is applicable for all disorders,including diabetes,rheumatoid arthrithis,and leprosy. However,its use in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in early stage can be more effective for patients,on the other hand,in modern medical science,the diagnosis of cancer is only possible at the stage of manifestation or stage of complication, resulting in challenging treatment programs. However, a cancer can be diagnosed at many stages of shatkriyakala , which may lead to more effective and less complex lines of treatment.Various phases for cancer daignosis and treatment are given below and shown in figure:
  • 32. Due to various factors the doshas in the body undergo vitiation or morbid changes which initiate the process of disease manifestation. It is clear from the above description that various changes involved in the disease manifestation process take place in distinct steps. As the vague symptomatologies are expressed in the early stages of disease manifestation procedure, it is necessary for the individual that he or she should be aware of the changes occurring in the body. So a good knowledge of the concept of Kriyakala is very essential for early recognition of the disease procedure.
  • 33. If the dearranged doshas are left unrecognized and untreated, they will gain the strength for their further development. The diseases manifested in a particular stage of kriyakala may even precipitate some other diseases in the name of Nidanarthakara-rogas if left ignored.
  • 34.  To conclude the topic following are the points that derived from the compilation.  The proper knowledge of shatkriyakala helps in understanding the process of manifestation various diseases as well as to diagnose the disease.  The physician who diagnose a disease and treat accurately according to shatkriyakala will be become a successful practitioner.  The knowledge of shatkriyakala is helpful for knowing the sadhya asadhyata of disease and also plays important role in treatment.
  • 35. 1. Sushruta Samhita with Dalhan Commentary 2. Astanga Hridaya 3. National Journal of Research in Ayurveda Science topic- A Study of Shatkriyakala and Importance.